A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: luctantis

luctor participle pres part masc/fem acc pl conj1 are_vb

luctor participle pres part masc/fem/neut gen sg conj1 are_vb

luctor participle pres part masc/fem acc pl conj1 are_vb

luctor participle pres part masc/fem/neut gen sg conj1 are_vb

Number of occurrences in corpus: 3

£.VERGIL.Aeneid01 53 t. hic uasto rex Aeolus antro / Luctantis uentos tempestatesque sonoras
£.VERGIL.Georg02 357 m sub uomere et ipsa / Flectere luctantis inter uineta iuuencos; / Tum le
££.PRVD.Peristeph09 85 poena soluebat uirum. / Tandem luctantis miseratus ab aethere Christus