A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: obducere

obduco verb fut ind pass 2nd sg conj3

obduco verb pres imperat pass 2nd sg conj3

obduco verb pres ind pass 2nd sg conj3

obduco verb pres inf act conj3

obduco verb fut ind pass 2nd sg conj3

obduco verb pres imperat pass 2nd sg conj3

obduco verb pres ind pass 2nd sg conj3

obduco verb pres inf act conj3

Number of occurrences in corpus: 3

£.LVCAN.Phars09 648 i / Torporem insolitum mundoque obducere terram. / E caelo uolucres subi
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 59 , / Desine terga hominis plumis obducere; frustra / Fertur auis mulier ma
££.PRVD.Peristeph11 191 m, / Nec Pariis contenta aditus obducere saxis / Addidit ornando cl