A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: odore

odor noun masc abl sg or_oLris

odorus noun adverbial us_a_um

odorus noun neut voc sg us_a_um

odorus noun masc voc sg us_a_um

odor noun masc abl sg or_oLris

odorus noun adverbial us_a_um

odorus noun neut voc sg us_a_um

odorus noun masc voc sg us_a_um

Number of occurrences in corpus: 8

£.VERGIL.Aeneid07 480 bicit et noto naris contingit odore, / Vt ceruum ardentes agerent; q
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm02 211 t et suaui pulchrum perfundit odore. / Conciliat speciem nutantique
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.2 451 a purpurea, flos omnis staret odore / Nec marceret honos uiolae pal
££.PRVD.Cath10 172 rigida saxa / Liquido spargemus odore.
££.PRVD.Peristeph13 79 e tacta potens et mortifer ex odore flatus. / Adpositam memorant ar
££.PRVD.Psych 787 conuertens liquido oblectatur odore. / Sed tamen et niueis tradit de
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.1 192 igilantia lumina visu, / mortis odore adhunc remanente in naribus i
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.3 336 / hic frutice in vacuo delusus odore rotatur, / motibus arboreis sal