A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: perpetes

perpes noun masc/fem acc pl s_tis

perpes noun masc/fem nom/voc pl s_tis

per-peto verb fut ind act 2nd sg conj3

perpes noun masc/fem acc pl s_tis

perpes noun masc/fem nom/voc pl s_tis

per-peto verb fut ind act 2nd sg conj3

Number of occurrences in corpus: 2

BEDE.Hymn 6 35 e ascenderent, / Sedesque coelo perpetes / Inter tenerent angelos. / Hunc
BEDE.Hymn 9 92 identes laudibus / Tuis uacemus perpetes. / / # Hymni 10 / Praecessor almus