A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: proficiat

proficio verb pres subj act 3rd sg conj3_io

pro-facio verb pres subj act 3rd sg conj3_io comp_only

proficio verb pres subj act 3rd sg conj3_io

pro-facio verb pres subj act 3rd sg conj3_io comp_only

Number of occurrences in corpus: 3

ALCVIN.Carm 9 118 et artus, / Atque utinam melior proficiat meritis! / Quapropter potius ca
ALCVIN.Carm 85.3 8 miserere Christe, ut vita mea proficiat in te. / Miserere domine, deus
££.PRVD.Apoth 285 ficit. Absit ut umquam / Plenus proficiat qui non eget incremento. / Et d