A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: remiserit

remitto verb futperf ind act 3rd sg perfstem

remitto verb perf subj act 3rd sg perfstem

re-mitto verb futperf ind act 3rd sg perfstem

re-mitto verb perf subj act 3rd sg perfstem

remitto verb futperf ind act 3rd sg perfstem

remitto verb perf subj act 3rd sg perfstem

re-mitto verb futperf ind act 3rd sg perfstem

re-mitto verb perf subj act 3rd sg perfstem

Number of occurrences in corpus: 1

£.BOETH.Cons.Phil02.08 16 imperitans amor. / Hic si frena remiserit, / Quicquid nunc amat inuicem, / B