A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: rependo

repo verb gerundive neut abl sg conj3

repo verb gerundive masc abl sg conj3

repo verb gerundive neut dat sg conj3

repo verb gerundive masc dat sg conj3

rependo verb pres ind act 1st sg conj3

re-pendo verb pres ind act 1st sg conj3

repo verb gerundive neut abl sg conj3

repo verb gerundive masc abl sg conj3

repo verb gerundive neut dat sg conj3

repo verb gerundive masc dat sg conj3

rependo verb pres ind act 1st sg conj3

re-pendo verb pres ind act 1st sg conj3

Number of occurrences in corpus: 1

££.VEN.FORT.VSM.4 27 magna nimis modo debeo, parva rependo. / Carnutis interea genitam pa