A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: splendente

splendeo participle pres part masc/fem/neut abl sg conj2

splendeo participle pres part masc/fem/neut abl sg conj2

Number of occurrences in corpus: 5

N.Æthelwold.Intro.Trop G2q 3 ipem* / Inter apostolicos stola splendente ierarchos: *ut sit illi* / AĐE
WULFSTANC.BreuOmnSanct 329 mptum. / Hos inter claros radio splendente ministros, / Phoebi uicinum pan
WULFSTANC.Intro.Trop01 3 cipem / Inter apostolicos stola splendente ierarchos: ut sit illi / AĐELW
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 88 nitentes / Emicuere oculi mundo splendente sereni. / Ergo ubi nudatum pros
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.2 811 s ullis / Diluuio periere graui splendente sereno. / Omnibus ostendit domi