A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: adoperta

adopertum noun neut nom/voc/acc pl us_i

adoperio participle perf part pass neut nom/voc/acc pl pp4

adoperio participle perf part pass fem abl sg pp4

adoperio participle perf part pass fem nom/voc sg pp4

ad-operio participle perf part pass neut nom/voc/acc pl pp4

ad-operio participle perf part pass fem abl sg pp4

ad-operio participle perf part pass fem nom/voc sg pp4

ad-operto verb pres imperat act 2nd sg conj1 are_vb

adopertum noun neut nom/voc/acc pl us_i

adoperio participle perf part pass neut nom/voc/acc pl pp4

adoperio participle perf part pass fem abl sg pp4

adoperio participle perf part pass fem nom/voc sg pp4

ad-operio participle perf part pass neut nom/voc/acc pl pp4

ad-operio participle perf part pass fem abl sg pp4

ad-operio participle perf part pass fem nom/voc sg pp4

ad-operto verb pres imperat act 2nd sg conj1 are_vb

Number of occurrences in corpus: 4

£.LVCAN.Phars03 487 cesserunt ictibus arma. / Tunc adoperta leui procedit uinea terra, / Su
£.MART.CAP.Nupt9.911 123 it septa balantum / Sordentique adoperta / Pratis gaudet amictu. / Ac tunc
££.PROSP.Epigram070 7 uilius est pretium. / Ollectant adoperta etiam mysteria mentem: / Qui de
££.PRVD.Peristeph03 58 cuta diem meruit / Nec tenebris adoperta fuit, / Regna Canopica cum fuge