A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: compleueris

compleo verb futperf ind act 2nd sg evperf

compleo verb perf subj act 2nd sg evperf

con-pleo verb futperf ind act 2nd sg evperf comp_only

con-pleo verb perf subj act 2nd sg evperf comp_only

compleo verb futperf ind act 2nd sg evperf

compleo verb perf subj act 2nd sg evperf

con-pleo verb futperf ind act 2nd sg evperf comp_only

con-pleo verb perf subj act 2nd sg evperf comp_only

Number of occurrences in corpus: 2

££.ALC.AVIT.Carm06 5 amorem. / Nam quotiens sanctum compleueris ordine cursum / Alternos recine
££.PRVD.Peristeph11 249 as. / Sic, cum lacteolis caulas compleueris agnis, / Raptus et ipse sacro s