A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: delere

deleo verb pres imperat pass 2nd sg conj2

deleo verb pres ind pass 2nd sg conj2

deleo verb pres inf act conj2

deleo verb pres imperat pass 2nd sg conj2

deleo verb pres ind pass 2nd sg conj2

deleo verb pres inf act conj2

Number of occurrences in corpus: 8

N.Guthlac.Acrost 9 ide uiginti uos deprecor exiN / Delere u[t] dignetur debita reX / Viue
£.LVCAN.Phars03 360 properemus ad axem, / Massiliam delere uacat. Gaudete cohortes: / Obui
£.MART.CAP.Nupt6.704 10 uuios, freta, competa currens / †Delere uenti taedia? / Hanc ego credid
£.VERGIL.Aeneid09 248 ast, / Non tamen omnino Teucros delere paratis, / Cum talis animos iuu
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 243 permotus pectore fatur: / "Ius delere mihi mundi peccata nocentis / F
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept05.Deut 180 gat perenni. / Ac possit subito delere leto? / Hic te constituit, crea
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 696 bem. / "Temptauit Geticus nuper delere tyrannus / Italiam patrio uenie
££.PRVD.Hamart 500 as / Allofilus tua castra uelit delere tyrannus, / Tutus eris, nec te