A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: hausurum

haurio participle fut part act neut gen pl pp4 poetic

haurio participle fut part act masc gen pl pp4 poetic

haurio participle fut part act masc acc sg pp4

haurio participle fut part act neut nom sg pp4

haurio participle fut part act neut nom/voc/acc sg pp4

haurio participle fut part act neut gen pl pp4 poetic

haurio participle fut part act masc gen pl pp4 poetic

haurio participle fut part act masc acc sg pp4

haurio participle fut part act neut nom sg pp4

haurio participle fut part act neut nom/voc/acc sg pp4

Number of occurrences in corpus: 1

£.VERGIL.Aeneid04 383 pia numina possunt, / Supplicia hausurum scopulis et nomine Dido / Saepe