A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: manendo

maneo verb gerundive neut abl sg conj2

maneo verb gerundive masc abl sg conj2

maneo verb gerundive neut dat sg conj2

maneo verb gerundive masc dat sg conj2

maneo verb gerundive neut abl sg conj2

maneo verb gerundive masc abl sg conj2

maneo verb gerundive neut dat sg conj2

maneo verb gerundive masc dat sg conj2

Number of occurrences in corpus: 2

BEDE.Hymn 13 58 plendorque sole clarior / Coram manendo plurimum, / Quae palma uel quae
N.BibliothecaMag.Aenig LOR 7 1 t, infixus terrae stabilisque manendo. / / # LOR 7 / Scribitur octono sil