A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: nundina

nundinum noun neut nom/voc/acc pl us_i

nundinus noun neut nom/voc/acc pl us_a_um

nundinus noun fem abl sg us_a_um

nundinus noun fem nom/voc sg us_a_um

nundinum noun neut nom/voc/acc pl us_i

nundinus noun neut nom/voc/acc pl us_a_um

nundinus noun fem abl sg us_a_um

nundinus noun fem nom/voc sg us_a_um

Number of occurrences in corpus: 2

££.ALC.AVIT.Carm04 30 xuriaeque forum atque obsceni nundina mundi / Feruuerit, casto fas no
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.1 61 et algor / et noua mercandi fit nundina frigus et aestus, / unaque paup