A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: pascentur

pasco verb fut ind pass 3rd pl conj3

pascor verb fut ind pass 3rd pl conj3

pasco verb fut ind pass 3rd pl conj3

pascor verb fut ind pass 3rd pl conj3

Number of occurrences in corpus: 3

EVSEBIVS.Aenig 56 5 bo uenenum, / quin potius pulli pascentur carne colubri. / Aequora transc
£.VERGIL.Eclog01 59 rtur ab ulmo. / Ante leues ergo pascentur in aethere cerui / Et freta des
£.VERGIL.Eclog05 77 m piscis amabit, / Dumque thymo pascentur apes, dum rore cicadae, / Sempe