A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: pendente

pendeo participle pres part masc/fem/neut abl sg conj2

pendo participle pres part masc/fem/neut abl sg conj3

pendeo participle pres part masc/fem/neut abl sg conj2

pendo participle pres part masc/fem/neut abl sg conj3

Number of occurrences in corpus: 4

£.LVCAN.Phars06 218 rumpit / Affixam uellens oculo pendente sagittam / Intrepidus telumque
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch05 205 amque / Inter carnifices sancto pendente latrones / Par est poena trium,
££.PAVL.NOL.Carm16 188 escas / Angelica per inane manu pendente propheta / Misit ieiuno rabida
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.3 424 nqua per aethera tranat. / quem pendente uia nec in aerea pinna fatiga