A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: posthinc

Number of occurrences in corpus: 4

££.PRVD.Contr.Symm01 578 die medio non cernere solem. / Posthinc ad populum conuerte oculos. Q
££.PRVD.Peristeph04 161 umfos / Laus, Apodemi. / Quattuor posthinc superest uirorum / Nomen extoll
££.PRVD.Peristeph05 113 uum / Diuulsa membratim crepet. / "Posthinc hiulcis ictibus / Nudate costar
££.PRVD.Peristeph05 229 sim per artus figitur. / Aruina posthinc igneum / Impressa cauterem laui