A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: promiseris

promitto verb futperf ind act 2nd sg perfstem

promitto verb perf subj act 2nd sg perfstem

pro-mitto verb futperf ind act 2nd sg perfstem

pro-mitto verb perf subj act 2nd sg perfstem

promitto verb futperf ind act 2nd sg perfstem

promitto verb perf subj act 2nd sg perfstem

pro-mitto verb futperf ind act 2nd sg perfstem

pro-mitto verb perf subj act 2nd sg perfstem

Number of occurrences in corpus: 1

£.N.Dist.Cat25 1 / Quod praestare potes, ne bis promiseris ulli, / Ne sis uentosus, dum ui