A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: regentis

regens noun masc acc pl ens_entis

regens noun masc gen sg ens_entis

rego participle pres part masc/fem acc pl conj3

rego participle pres part masc/fem/neut gen sg conj3

regens noun masc acc pl ens_entis

regens noun masc gen sg ens_entis

rego participle pres part masc/fem acc pl conj3

rego participle pres part masc/fem/neut gen sg conj3

Number of occurrences in corpus: 3

BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Bes XX 21 d uotum gaudent proni frenare regentis. / Me quorum multos uitae per cu
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 442 d uotum gaudent proni frenare regentis. / Me quorum multos uitae per cu
£.LVCAN.Phars07 529 caput effusi calcauit membra regentis, / Omnis eques cessit campis, gl