A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: mundgrīpe

Number of occurrences in corpus: 5

Beowulf 380b anna mæġen-cræft || on his mund-grīpe / heaðu-rōf hæbbe. || Hine h
Beowulf 753a n sċēata%, || on elran menn / mund-grīpe māran. || Hē on mōde wear
Beowulf 965a īðan þōhte, / þæt hē for mund-grīpe% || mīnum sċolde / liċġan l
Beowulf 1534a ġ; || strenġe ġe·truwode, / mund-grīpe mæġenes. || Swā sċeall ma
Beowulf 1938a hræðe siþþan wæs / aefter mund-grīpe || mēċe ġe·þinġed, / þæ