A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: praelegit

praelego#2 verb pres ind act 3rd sg conj3

praelego#2 verb perf ind act 3rd sg perfstem

prae-lego#2 verb pres ind act 3rd sg conj3

prae-lego#2 verb perf ind act 3rd sg perfstem

praelego#2 verb pres ind act 3rd sg conj3

praelego#2 verb perf ind act 3rd sg perfstem

prae-lego#2 verb pres ind act 3rd sg conj3

prae-lego#2 verb perf ind act 3rd sg perfstem

Number of occurrences in corpus: 1

££.PAVL.NOL.Carm15 98 imagine mundi / Duraque Idumaei praelegit iura parentis, / In gladio uiue