A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ubertate

ubertas noun fem abl sg tas_tatis

uberto verb pres imperat act 2nd pl conj1 are_vb

uberto participle perf part pass neut voc sg pp4 are_vb

uberto participle perf part pass masc voc sg pp4 are_vb

ubertas noun fem abl sg tas_tatis

uberto verb pres imperat act 2nd pl conj1 are_vb

uberto participle perf part pass neut voc sg pp4 are_vb

uberto participle perf part pass masc voc sg pp4 are_vb

Number of occurrences in corpus: 1

££.VEN.FORT.VSM.4 58 or sumansque exaestuat unguen / ubertate nova vitrea sub cortice obort