A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: uelles

volo#1 verb imperf subj act 2nd sg irreg_pp1

vello verb fut ind act 2nd sg conj3

volo#1 verb imperf subj act 2nd sg irreg_pp1

vello verb fut ind act 2nd sg conj3

Number of occurrences in corpus: 4

£.LVCAN.Phars06 606 / Pronum erat, o iuuenis, quos uelles" inquit "in actus / Inuitos prae
£.VERGIL.Aeneid11 153 ssa parenti. / Cautius ut saeuo uelles te credere Marti! / Haud ignaru
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 960 dabas; fuit optio linqui / Quem uelles clamosa tibi, sed ab ore crue
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.2 195 aeniteas, si nunc resipiscere uelles, / praecipitare animas ut iam pe