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Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Book: Lapidge (1982a)
Referenced in:
facs : 7 - Cambridge, University Library, Ff. 4. 42 pl. I [fo. 2v] [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 476]
mss : 7 - Cambridge, University Library, Ff. 4. 42 108, 111-13 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 471, 475-8]
ed : 12 - Cambridge, University Library, Gg. 5. 35 104 [base text for Disticha Catonis I.1-3], 107 [base text for Prosper, Epigrammata, fol. 127r], 110-11 [base text for Iuvencus, Euangelia i.1-12, fol. 1v], 115 [base text for Commentum super Sedulium, i.1-5, from fol. 53v
mss : 12 - Cambridge, University Library, Gg. 5. 35 99, 103, 105, 108, 113-15, 127 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 455, 462, 466, 472, 479, 485, 498]
mss : 53 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 173, fols. 57-83 113 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 477-8]
ed : 87 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 304 109-10 [base text for Iuvencus, Euangelia I.1-12 (fols. 5v-6r)] [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 473-4]
mss : 87 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 304 108-9 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 470-4]
st : 87 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 304 108-9 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 470-8]
ed : 114 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 448 106 [base MS for one of Prosper’s Epigrammata with accompanying glosses] [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 468]
mss : 114 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 448 105 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 467]
st : 114 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 448 133 n. 52 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 469 n. 52]
ed : 120 - Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College 144/194 115 [base text for Remigius, Comm. super Sedulium, fo. 9r, coll. with no. 735] [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 482]
mss : 120 - Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College 144/194 104, 114, 131-2 n. 36 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 434 and n. 36, 481]
ed : 175 - Cambridge, Trinity College, B. 14. 3 (289) 118 [base MS for Epistula ad Florianum (lines 1-12), fol. 5r] [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 487]
facs : 175 - Cambridge, Trinity College, B. 14. 3 (289) 119 [fol. 5r] [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 488]
mss : 175 - Cambridge, Trinity College, B. 14. 3 (289) 116, 138 n. 101 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 484 and n. 101]
st : 175 - Cambridge, Trinity College, B. 14. 3 (289) 117-21, 138 n. 103 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 485-93 with n. 103]
mss : 182 - Cambridge, Trinity College, R. 9. 17 (819), fols. 1-48 103, 130 n. 28 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 461 and n. 28]
ed : 190 - Cambridge, Trinity College, O. 2. 31 (1135) 103-4 [base MS for Disticha Catonis I.i.1-3] 106 [base MS for Prosper, Epigr. praef.] [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 463-4, 467]
mss : 190 - Cambridge, Trinity College, O. 2. 31 (1135) 105-7 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 466-8]
mss : 253 - Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland, Advocates 18. 7. 7 114 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 479-80]
st : 253 - Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland, Advocates 18. 7. 7 137 n. 93 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 483 n. 93]
ed : 280 - London, British Library, Add. 11034 121 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 490] [base MS for Arator, Epist. ad Florianum (fol. 3r), with glosses]
mss : 280 - London, British Library, Add. 11034 117 n. 100 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 484 n. 100, 485]
mss : 365 - London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. vii, fols. 165-6 105, 133 n. 48 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 467 and n. 48]
mss : 389 - London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian D. vi, fols. 2-77 103 and n. 29 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 461 and n. 29]
ed : 415 - London, British Library, Harley 110 107 [text and glosses to Prosper, Epigr. ii, on fol. 3v] [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 469]
mss : 415 - London, British Library, Harley 110 105 and n. 45 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 466 and n. 45]
mss : 488 - London, British Library, Royal 15. A. v, fols. 30-85 117 and 139 n. 106 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 485 and n. 106]
mss : 489 - London, British Library, Royal 15. A. xvi 108 and n. 62, 109 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 471 and n. 62, 473]
st : 489 - London, British Library, Royal 15. A. xvi 108, 134 n. 62 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 290 n. 62]
mss : 491 - London, British Library, Royal 15. B. xix, fols. 1-35 113, 136 n. 80 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 479 and n. 80]
mss : 540 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Barlow 25 (S.C. 6463) 134 n. 64 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 472 n. 64]
mss : 652 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Lat. theol. c. 4 (S.C. 1926*) 114 and n. 82, 116 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 479 and n. 82, 482-3]
mss : 660 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson C. 570 (S.C. 12415) 116, 138 n. 102 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 485 and n. 102]
mss : 664 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson G. 57 (S.C. 14788) + G. 111 (S.C. 14836] 103 and nn. 32, 34 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 462 and nn. 32, 34]
mss : 735 - Salisbury, Cathedral Library, 134 114 and n. 88 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 480-1 and n. 88]
mss : 890 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 8092 114, 117, 120-1, 136-8 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 480, 485, 489-90, 516]
mss : 902.9 - Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, 2409 (with Paris, Bibliothèque de L’Arsenal 933, fols. 128-334) 108, 134-5 n. 65 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 472 n. 65]
mss : 903 - Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève 2410 (with Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal 903, fols. 1-52) 108 and n. 65, 114 and n. 85, 116 n. 93 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 472 and n. 65, 480 and n. 85, 483 n. 93]
mss : 919 - [Rome], Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. lat. 1671 101 and nn. 16, 18 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 458-9 and nn. 16, 18