Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Entry 389
- Number
- 389
- Shelfmark
- London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian D. vi, fols. 2-77
- Date
- x med. (or x2)
- Origin
- prob. Canterbury StA
- Provenance
- ibid.
- Prouerbia Salomonis°
- glosses on Prouerbia Salomonis
- Alcuin, De uirtutibus et uitiis°
- Verba seniorum
- BHL 6527] (= Vitas patrum, bk. V) XVIII. 9 (Life of St Macarius)
- Kentish Hymn**
- note on the Ages of the World*
- Kentish Psalm**
- Disticha Catonis (incomplete)
- texts from Mass of the Virgin
- verse antiphon for St Augustine of Canterbury
- Dialogue before the Cross (s. xi/xii)
- Latin terms of relationship°
- Dobbie (1942) lxxviii-lxxxiii
- Boas (1952) lxi
- T.A.M. Bishop (1954-8b) 327-8
- N.R. Ker (1957) no. 207
- R.S. Cox (1972) 3
- Rella (1977) 96 n. 20
- Rella (1980) 111, 131 n. 129
- Szarmach (1981b) 137
- Torkar (1981) 22-3
- Lapidge (1982a) 103 and n. 29 [repr. Lapidge (1996b) 461 and n. 29]
- Munk Olsen (1982—) I.70
- Carley (1986) 115
- Szarmach (1986a) 32
- P.L. Heyworth (1989) 13
- Keefer (1990b) 70-1
- Robinson—Stanley (1991) 25
- P. Jackson (1992) 123-4
- Kornexl (1993) xcvi
- Dumville (1994a) 140-1, 150 n. 100
- Gretsch (1999a) 82
- ASMMF IV (1996) 14-18 [no. 243
- Pulsiano]
- Crowley (2000) 141
- Szarmach (2002)
- Kalbhen (2003) 14-31
- Hartzell (2006) no. 145
- Hines (2007) 72-3
- Barker-Benfield (2008) I.lxi n. 28, 417, 424, 425, II.1402
- Kalbhen (2003) 25-6
- Szarmach (1986a) 33 [fol. 62v]
- Robinson—Stanley (1991) pls. 21.1-3 [fols. 68v-69v], 22.1-8 [fols. 70r-73v]
- ASMMF IV (1996) no. 243
- Kalbhen (2003) figs. 1-2 [fols. 5v, 20v]
- Zupitza (1877) [arts. a, b, f]
- Wright—Wülker (1884) I.55-88 [OE glosses to Prouerbia Salomonis and to Alcuin, De uirtutibus et uitiis]
- Sweet (1887/1978) 172-98 [OE glosses to Prouerbia Salomonis and Alcuin, De uirtutibus et uitiis]
- Dobbie (1942) 87-94 [Kentish Hymn
- Kentish Psalm]
- Boas (1952) [Disticha Catonis coll. as O]
- Kalbhen (2003) 117-61 [OE glosses to Prouerbia Salomonis and to Alcuin, De uirtutibus et uitiis
- Ages of the World]
- A. Campbell (1959) 8
- Rosier (1960a) 36
- Karl Brunner (1965) 10
- Hofstetter (1979) 172-5
- Wenisch (1979) 89, 328, 350
- Hofstetter (1987) 503
- Hofstetter (1988) 503
- Crowley (2000) 145
- Kalbhen (2003) 163-239
- C. Bishop (2007b) 82
- I.F. Williams (1905)
- Taxweiler (1906)
- Wallach (1955) 181-95
- Schüling (1961-3) 322
- Calder (1976) 230-1
- Brownrigg (1978) 239 n. 2
- Cross (1982) 81
- Tristram (1985) 31, 44, 85
- Liuzza (1988) 75
- P. Jackson (1992) 123-7 [Macarius]
- Gneuss (1993) 98
- Marsden (1994a) 105, 119, 124
- Marsden (1995) 48, 308-14, 362
- CSLMA II (1999) 155
- Kalbhen (2003)