Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Book: Lapidge (2009)
Referenced in:
- st: 319 - London, British Library, Cotton Cleopatra A. iii 305 [Aldhelm glosses from glossary (art. 3) quoted by Byrhtferth]
- ed: 344 - London, British Library, Cotton Nero E. i, vol. I, and vol. II, fols. 1-155 2-203 [base MS (= N) for Byrhtferth, Vita S. Oswaldi, including (pp. 92, 166-8) three acrostic poems by Abbo of Fleury: SK 11013, 15822, 10987], 206-303 [base MS (= N) for Byrhtferth, Vita S. Ecgwini]
- mss: 344 - London, British Library, Cotton Nero E. i, vol. I, and vol. II, fols. 1-155 xciii-xcix
- st: 526 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ashmole 328 (S.C. 6882 and 7420) xv-xliv
- st: 636 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Hatton 93 (S.C. 4081), fol. 42 (with Oxford, Bodleian Library, Hatton 30, offsets from pastedowns) lxxxvi, xcvi [liturgical calendar]