Magennis (2002)
139-208 [base MS for Paulus, Vita S. Mariae Aegyptiacae]
Pulsiano (2002a)
68-102 [base MS (= N) for Passio S. Pantaleonis, together with no. 754. 6]
Lapidge (2003a)
252-332 [Lantfred, Translatio S. Swithuni coll. as N], 783-7 [hymn by Wulfstan coll. as N]
Upchurch (2007)
114-70 [base MS (= N) for Passio SS. Iuliani et Basilissae]
Lapidge (2009)
2-203 [base MS (= N) for Byrhtferth, Vita S. Oswaldi, including (pp. 92, 166-8) three acrostic poems by Abbo of Fleury: SK 11013, 15822, 10987], 206-303 [base MS (= N) for Byrhtferth, Vita S. Ecgwini]