Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Book: Dumville (1993g)
Referenced in:
- facs: 3 - Cambridge, University Library, Ee. 2. 4 (with Oxford, Bodleian Library, lat. theol. c. 3 (S.C. 31382), ff. 1, 1*, 2) pl. II [fol. 121r]
- mss: 3 - Cambridge, University Library, Ee. 2. 4 (with Oxford, Bodleian Library, lat. theol. c. 3 (S.C. 31382), ff. 1, 1*, 2) 8, 97-8
- mss: 4 - Cambridge, University Library, Ff. 1. 23 59-63, 79-80, 83-4, 155
- mss: 8 - Cambridge, University Library, Ff. 4. 43 18 n. 53, 99, 101-3
- mss: 26 - Cambridge, University Library, Kk. 5. 32, fols. 49-76 79-85, 108 n. 128
- mss: 27 - Cambridge, University Library, Kk. 5. 34 145 n. 26
- mss: 35 - Cambridge, Clare College, s.n. (pastedowns) (with Cambridge, University Library, Syn. 6. 54. 7 (7095) [ptd bk]) 78-9 n. 360
- facs: 38 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 23, fols. 1-104 pls. VIII-IX [fols. 64r, 56v]
- mss: 38 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 23, fols. 1-104 105-6
- mss: 39 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 41 77 n. 350
- mss: 40 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 44 122 n. 57
- facs: 41 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 57 pl. XV [fols. 85r, 101v]
- mss: 41 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 57 8, 76, 136, 153-4
- mss: 44 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 140 (with Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 111, pp. 7-8, 55-6) 136 n. 106
- mss: 46 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 146 72-3
- facs: 59 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 190, pp. iii-xii, 1-294 pl. III [p. iii]
- mss: 59 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 190, pp. iii-xii, 1-294 52 n. 228, 55 n. 245
- mss: 65.5 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 201, pp. 8-160, 167-76 55 n. 245
- mss: 73 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 265 136-7
- mss: 77 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 272 (the ‘Achadeus Psalter’) 131 and n. 91
- mss: 81 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 279 48 and n. 211
- mss: 101 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 368 8 n. 4
- mss: 104 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 391 4 n. 15
- facs: 106 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 411 pls. X, XVI [fols. 15r, 140v]
- mss: 106 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 411 108 n. 127, 155 n. 90
- facs: 114 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 448 pl. IV [fol. 41r]
- mss: 114 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 448 56 n. 245
- mss: 116 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 473 (the ‘Winchester Troper’) 136
- mss: 120.6 - Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, 734/782a 131 n. 90, 139
- mss: 132 - Cambridge, Pembroke College, 41 78 n. 360
- mss: 133 - Cambridge, Pembroke College, 81 78 n. 360
- mss: 134 - Cambridge, Pembroke College, 83 78 n. 360
- mss: 135 - Cambridge, Pembroke College, 88 78 n. 360
- mss: 136 - Cambridge, Pembroke College, 91 78 n. 360
- mss: 138 - Cambridge, Pembroke College, 301 139-40
- mss: 155 - Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College, Δ. 5. 15 (100), pt. ii 65
- mss: 172 - Cambridge, Trinity College, B. 10. 4 (215) 116 n. 29, 139
- mss: 177 - Cambridge, Trinity College, B. 15. 34 (369) 139-40
- mss: 186 - Cambridge, Trinity College, R. 15. 32 (945) 136
- mss: 189 - Cambridge, Trinity College, O. 2. 30 (1134), fols. 129-72 98 n. 78
- mss: 258 - Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3507 100 n. 89
- mss: 259 - Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3548C 145 n. 23
- mss: 261 - Glasgow, University Library, Hunterian 431 (V. 5. 1), fols. 1-102 55 n. 245
- mss: 274 - Lincoln, Cathedral Library, 182 (C. 2. 8) [with 184, fol. 1] 102 and n. 101
- mss: 285 - London, British Library, Add. 24199, fols. 2-38 78 n. 360, 145 n. 25
- mss: 286 - London, British Library, Add. 28188 63
- mss: 290 - London, British Library, Add. 34890 (the ‘Grimbald Gospels’) 127, 139
- st: 291 - London, British Library, Add. 37517 (the ‘Bosworth Psalter’) 100, 148 n. 42
- mss: 296 - London, British Library, Add. 40074 98 n. 79
- mss: 301 - London, British Library, Add. 49598 (the ‘Benedictional of St Æthelwold’) 53, 145
- mss: 302 - London, British Library, Add. 57337 (the ‘Anderson Pontifical’) 60-1, 106-7 nn. 117-18
- st: 304 - London, British Library, Arundel 60 59-64 and nn.
- mss: 306 - London, British Library, Arundel 155, fols. 1-135 and 171-91 122-3, 139
- mss: 312 - London, British Library, Cotton Claudius A. i, fols. 5-36 16, 93, 142
- st: 314 - London, British Library, Cotton Claudius A. iii, fols. 31-86 and 106-50 65 n. 282
- mss: 323 - London, British Library, Cotton Cleopatra B. xiii, fols. 59-90 147 n. 39
- mss: 339 - London, British Library, Cotton Julius E. vii 78-9 and n. 360
- mss: 341 - London, British Library, Cotton Nero A. i, fols. 70-177 55, 149 n. 48
- mss: 344.5 - London, British Library, Cotton Nero E. i, vol. II, fols. 181-4 (with London, British Library, Add. 46204) [part of no. 293 since s. xi?] 56 and n. 246
- mss: 344 - London, British Library, Cotton Nero E. i, vol. I, and vol. II, fols. 1-155 48 n. 210, 68
- mss: 345 - London, British Library, Cotton Nero E. i, vol. II, fols. 185-6 56 and n. 246
- mss: 362 - London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. ii (with London, British Library, Cotton Claudius A. iii, fols. 2-7 and 9* + Faustina B. vi, vol. i, fols. 95 and 98-100) 92
- mss: 364 - London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. vi, fols. 1-35 (with London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. iii, fol. 178) 26 n. 84
- mss: 366 - London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. xiii (‘Hemming’s Cartulary’) 66-8
- mss: 368 - London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. xv, fols. 1-173 107-8 and n. 125
- mss: 372 - London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius B. iv, fols. 3-9, 19-86 114 n. 18
- mss: 378 - London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius C. vi (the ‘Tiberius Psalter’) 18, 136, 140
- mss: 379 - London, British Library, Cotton Titus A. iv 8 n., 11 n., 13 n., 23
- mss: 380 - London, British Library, Cotton Titus D. xxvi + xxvii 136
- mss: 381 - London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian A. i (the ‘Vespasian Psalter’) 122 n. 57, 130, 139
- dec: 382 - London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian A. viii, fols. 1-33 (the ‘New Minster Charter’) 140
- mss: 382 - London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian A. viii, fols. 1-33 (the ‘New Minster Charter’) 2, 53, 143, 145
- mss: 386 - London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian B. x, fols. 31-124 55
- mss: 394 - London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian, D. xv, fols. 102-21 55 n. 242, 149 n. 49
- mss: 396 - London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius A. vi 97 n. 74
- mss: 397 - London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius A. vii, fols. 1-112 63-5 and nn. 273-81
- mss: 413 - London, British Library, Harley 76 33-4 n. 117, 40 n. 165, 78 n. 360, 106 n. 116, 120 n. 52
- mss: 422 - London, British Library, Harley 603 (the ‘Harley Psalter’) 122 n. 57, 140
- mss: 425 - London, British Library, Harley 863, fols. 8-125 63
- mss: 427 - London, British Library, Harley 1117 108 n. 133, 109 and n. 140
- mss: 430 - London, British Library, Harley 2904 (the ‘Ramsey Psalter’) 59-63 and nn., 65 n. 279, 145 n. 23
- mss: 436 - London, British Library, Harley 3376 (with Oxford, Bodleian Library, Lat. misc. a. 3, fol. 49 and Lawrence, University of Kansas, Spencer Research Library, Pryce P2A: 1) 55 n. 242, 149 n. 49
- mss: 440 - London, British Library, Harley 5431, fols. 4-126 98 n. 78
- mss: 447 - London, British Library, Royal 1. D. ix 86 n. 4, 113 n. 12, 116-20 and nn., 122 and n. 58, 139-40 and n. 117
- mss: 449 - London, British Library, Royal 1. E. vii + viii 109-10, 146 and n. 32
- facs: 450 - London, British Library, Royal 2. A. xx pl. I [fol. 14v]
- mss: 450 - London, British Library, Royal 2. A. xx 76-7, 114 n. 14
- mss: 451 - London, British Library, Royal 2. B. v (the ‘Royal Psalter’) 14 and n. 23
- mss: 455 - London, British Library, Royal 4. A. xiv, fols. 1-106 14 n. 33
- mss: 459 - London, British Library, Royal 5. E. xiii 48
- mss: 470 - London, British Library, Royal 7. C. iv 108-10, 124 n. 67, 146 n. 32 ASMMF V (1997) 48-51 [no. 290
- mss: 474 - London, British Library, Royal 8. B. xi 54 and n. 238
- st: 475 - London, British Library, Royal 8. C. iii 151 n. 62
- mss: 478 - London, British Library, Royal 12. C. xxiii 93 n. 45
- mss: 482 - London, British Library, Royal 13. A. x, fols. 63-103 145 n. 26
- mss: 484 - London, British Library, Royal 13. A. xv 5 n. 16, 53-4 and n. 238, 76 n. 349
- mss: 487 - London, British Library, Royal 13. C. v 55-6 n. 245
- mss: 490 - London, British Library, Royal 15. A. xxxiii 48
- mss: 497 - London, British Library, Royal 15. C. x 54-5 n. 240, 56-7 n. 250, 76 n. 345
- mss: 500 - London, British Library, Stowe 944, fols. 6-61 136 and n. 105, 140
- mss: 501 - London, British Library, Loan 11 (the ‘Kidderminster Gospels’) 116, 139-40
- mss: 502 - London, College of Arms, Arundel 22, fols. 84-5 145
- mss: 511 - London, Lambeth Palace Library, 218, fols. 131-208 78 n. 360
- mss: 539 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Barlow 4 (S.C. 6416) 49
- mss: 555 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 163 (S.C. 2016), fols. 1-227, 250-1 118-19 and nn., 139
- mss: 557 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 218 (S.C. 2054) 141 n. 1
- mss: 565 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 311 (S.C. 2122) 55 and n. 241
- mss: 583 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 572 (S.C. 2026), fols. 1-50 97 n. 74, 142 n. 8
- mss: 585 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 579 (S.C. 2675) (the ‘Leofric Missal’) 94-6, 99, 102-3, 143-4
- mss: 590 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 708 (S.C. 2609) 103, 107 n. 125
- mss: 597 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 775 (S.C. 2558) 136
- mss: 617 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 296 (S.C. 21870) (the ‘Crowland Psalter’) 60 n. 265, 62 nn. 268 and 269, 64 n. 277, 136 n. 6
- mss: 628 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Hatton 30 (S.C. 4076) 3 n. 12
- mss: 629 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Hatton 42 (S.C. 4117) 3 n. 12, 49
- mss: 635 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Hatton 93 (S.C. 4081) 151 n. 62
- mss: 645.5 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Lat. bib. b. 1 (S.C. 30550), fols. 73-4 139, 140 n. 119
- mss: 652 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Lat. theol. c. 4 (S.C. 1926*) 54 and n. 239, 76 n. 349
- mss: 672 - Oxford, Corpus Christi College 197 19-35, 75-8 et passim
- mss: 707 - Salisbury, Cathedral Library, 38 149 n. 46
- mss: 740 - Salisbury, Cathedral Library, 150, fols. 1-151 153 n. 71, 156 n. 97
- mss: 759 - Winchester, Cathedral Library, 1 (with London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius D. iv, vol. II, fols. 158-66) 119 and nn.
- mss: 761 - Worcester, Cathedral Library, F. 48 73-5 and n. 133
- mss: 762 - Worcester, Cathedral Library, F. 91 49, 54-5
- mss: 766 - Worcester, Cathedral Library, Q. 8, fols. 164-71 [with Worcester, Cathedral Library, Add. 7, fols. 1-6] 54-5 and n. 240
- mss: 767 - Worcester, Cathedral Library, Q. 21 49 and n. 216
- mss: 768 - Worcester, Cathedral Library, Q. 28 49
- mss: 769 - Worcester, Cathedral Library, Q. 78 B 49
- mss: 774 - York, Minster Library, Add. 1, fols. 10-161 106 n. 116, 108 n. 129, 123, 140
- mss: 781 - Arras, Bibliothèque municipale [Médiathèque], 1029 (812) 147 n. 39
- mss: 794 - Bern, Burgerbibliothek, 671 111 and n. 103, 117 and n. 157, 120, 122
- mss: 796 - Besançon, Bibliothèque municipale, 14 145 n. 23
- mss: 808 - Brussels, Bibliothèque royale, 8558-63 (2498) 51-2, 142
- mss: 812 - Copenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek, G.K.S. 10 (2o) 75 n. 342, 116, 139 n. 5
- mss: 823 - El Escorial, Real Biblioteca de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, e. II. 1 54 n. 240, 55
- facs: 827 - Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. xvii. 20 pl. XII [folio not specified]
- mss: 827 - Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. xvii. 20 117-20, 139
- facs: 831 - Hannover, Kestner-Museum, W.M. XXIa, 36 pl. XIII [fol. 18r]
- mss: 831 - Hannover, Kestner-Museum, W.M. XXIa, 36 18, 120-4, 127-30, 139-40
- mss: 843 - St Petersburg, Russian National Library, O. v. XIV. 1 92-4, 142
- mss: 848.8 - Malibu, now Los Angeles, California, J. Paul Getty Museum, 9 58 n. 259
- mss: 864 - New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M 869 (the ‘Arenberg Gospels’) 106-7 and nn. 117 and 118, 124 n. 67
- mss: 867 - Orléans, Médiathèque, 127 (105) 58 n. 259, 79, 60 n. 265
- mss: 877 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 272 145
- mss: 879 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 943 100, 148
- facs: 880 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 987 pl. XIV [fol. 89r]
- mss: 880 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 987 53, 139, 145
- mss: 883 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 4210 8 n. 4
- mss: 886 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 6401 58, 140
- facs: 887 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 6401A pl. XI [fol. 10v (detail)]
- mss: 887 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 6401A 93 n. 49, 132 n. 91
- mss: 888 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 7299, fols. 3-12 59
- mss: 889 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 7585 102
- mss: 890.5 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 8431, fols. 21-48 93
- mss: 891 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 8824 12, 60-1, 64
- mss: 895 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 10062, fols. 162-3 109 and n. 130, 115 n. 23, 124 n. 67
- mss: 906 - Rheims, Bibliothèque municipale, 9 6 n. 20, 128 n. 85
- mss: 908 - [Rome], Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. lat. 3363 3 n. 9, 51, 97
- mss: 912 - [Rome], Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. lat. 12 33-4 and nn., 37, 41-3, 47-8, 60-2, 64 n. 277, 78 n. 360
- mss: 915 - [Rome], Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. lat. 489, fols. 61-124 9 n. 4, 98 n. 79, 99
- facs: 919 - [Rome], Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. lat. 1671 pls. VI-VII [fols. 2r, 216v (details)]
- mss: 919 - [Rome], Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. lat. 1671 69-75
- mss: 921 - Rouen, Bibliothèque municipale, 274 (Y. 6) (the ‘Sacramentary of Robert of Jumièges’) 116-18 and nn., 139
- facs: 922 - Rouen, Bibliothèque municipale, 368 (A. 27) (the ‘Lanalet Pontifical’) pl. V [fol. 183v (detail)]
- mss: 922 - Rouen, Bibliothèque municipale, 368 (A. 27) (the ‘Lanalet Pontifical’) 60-1, 145 n. 23
- mss: 923 - Rouen, Bibliothèque municipale, 369 (Y. 7) (the ‘Benedictional of Archbishop Robert’) 65 n. 281
- mss: 926 - Rouen, Bibliothèque municipale, 1385 (U. 107), fols. 20-6 8 n. 4, 55
- mss: 928 - St Gallen, Stadtbibliothek, Vadianische Sammlung, 337 84 n. 388, 147 n. 39
- mss: 939 - Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek, 32 (Script. eccl. 484), fols. 1-91 (the ‘Utrecht Psalter’) 105-6 and n. 116, 140