Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Entry 368
- Number
- 368
- Shelfmark
- London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. xv, fols. 1-173
- Date
- xi in.
- Origin
- prob. Canterbury CC
- Provenance
- [unknown]
- T.S. Smith (1696) 21
- Committee of Parliament Report (1732) 451
- Stubbs (1874) liii-liv
- Dümmler (1895) 9-11
- Hohler (1975) 74
- C. Brett (1991) 50-5, 57-8, 65-70
- Dumville (1993g) 107-8 and n. 125
- Lapidge (2003a) 220, 241-2 and nn.
- Bullough (2004) 81-101 et passim
- G. Mann (2004) 252, 255
- Vanderputten (2006) 219, 221, 225, 227-32, 235-6
- Winterbottom—Lapidge (2012) 151-3
- Haddan—Stubbs (1869-71) III.685-6 [letter of Ecgred]
- Stubbs (1874) 354-404 [archiepiscopal correspondence]
- Dümmler (1895) [Alcuin Letters coll. as A1]
- Chase (1975) [twenty-four letters of Alcuin coll. as A1]
- C. Brett (1991) 57-8 [letter of Breton pilgrim to K. Æthelstan]
- Lapidge (2003a) 220-1 [poem of .L. to Dunstan], 252-4 [letter of Lantfred]
- Vanderputten (2006) 237-44 [letters from Wido, Fulrad, Odbert coll. as A]
- Winterbottom—Lapidge (2012) 153-61 [base MS for two letters by B.]
- Levison (1946) 297-300
- Whitelock (1979) nos. 214, 230-1
- Chase (1975) 10
- Lapidge (1975a) 82, 88-9 [repr. Lapidge (1993a) 120, 126-7]
- R.M. Thomson (1982b) 2 n. 8, 7
- BCLL (1985) no. 902
- R.M. Thomson (1987) 129-30, 133, 141, 154-8
- Lapidge (1988c) 96-8 [repr. Lapidge (1993a) 190-2]
- CSLMA II (1999) 171-355 [Alcuin letters]
- Bullough (2004)
- Carley—Petitmengin (2004) 204-8
- G. Mann (2004) 242 n. 12, 250, 252, 254 n. 50, 257 n. 65, 266-7
- Vanderputten (2006) 219, 234
- R. McKitterick (2012) 328