London, British Library, Cotton Nero A. i, fols. 70-177
art. 30: Cross—Brown (1993c) [Abbo of Saint-Germain, Sermo de reconciliatione post penitentiam (= the Latin source of Wulfstan, Hom. XXXII, ed. Napier) coll. as N]; Cross—Hamer (1999) 66-113 [Wulfstan’s Canon Law Collection, Recension A, coll. as Y], 114-72 [base text (= Y) for Wulfstan’s Canon Law Collection, Recension B]
P. Wormald (1999)
7 n. 20, 164 [table 4.1], 198-203, 208 n. 178, 212 n. 199, 213-14 [table 4.4], 216 and n. 211, 217-18, 220, 223 n. 240, 292 [table 5.1], 309 n. 206, 458 n. 154