Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Entry 309
- Number
- 309
- Shelfmark
- London, British Library, Cotton Caligula A. xiv, fols. 1-36 (the ‘Cotton Troper’)
- Date
- xi3/4
- Origin
- prob. Winchester or Worcester
- Provenance
- Worcester
- Frere (1894b) xxx and n. 1
- Husmann (1964) 154-5
- N.R. Ker (1964) 35
- Hartzell (1975) 29-30
- Planchart (1977) I.43-50
- Backhouse et al. (1984b) no. 71
- Gneuss (1985) 105 [no. C.2]
- Teviotdale (1991)
- Teviotdale (1992a) 312-15
- Pfaff (1995a) 42-3 [Teviotdale]
- Hartzell (2006) no. 128
- R. Gameson (2012a) 60 and n. 205, 70 n. 240, 76 and n. 263
- Gullick (2012) 309 and n. 95
- Pfaff (2012) 455 and n. 19
- Rankin (2012) 500 and n. 81
- Homburger (1912)
- Rice (1952) 212
- Alexander (1970a) 164
- E. Temple (1976) no. 97
- F. Wormald (1984) 121
- Ohlgren (1986) no. 202
- Raw (1990) 35, 214
- R. Gameson (1991) 85 n. 128
- R. Gameson (1995b) 30-2, 74-6, 94-6, 101-2, 113, 141, 156 et passim
- Heslop (2007) 65-70
- R. Gameson (2012c) 272 and n. 71, 288 and n. 137
- Millar (1926) pls. 29(a)-(b) [fols. 18r, 20v]
- Kendrick (1949) pl. XXII [fols. 3v, 20v]
- Swarzenski (1954) figs. 152-3 [fols. 30v, 31r]
- E. Temple (1976) ills. 293-5 [fols. 22r, 26r, 31r]
- Backhouse et al. (1984b) pl. XXI [fol. 22r]
- F. Wormald (1984) ill. 120 [fol. 18r]
- M.P. Brown (1991) pl. 77 [fol. 20v]
- R. Gameson (1991) figs. 23-4 [fols. 3v, 25r]
- R. Gameson (1995b) pls. 21(a)—(b) [fols. 25r, 18r]
- Backhouse (1997) pl. 18 [fol. 22r]
- Pulsiano—Treharne (1998a) pl. 114 [fol. 33v]
- M.P. Brown (2007a) pls. 134-5 [fols. 20v, 22r]
- Heslop (2007) figs. 1 [fol. 26r (detail)], 2 [fol. 26v (detail)], 3(d) [fol. 25r (detail)], 4(b) [fol. 26r (detail)], 4(d) [fol. 26v (detail)]
- Panayotova (2007) pl. V [fol. 18r]
- R. Gameson (2012) pl. 10.11 [fol. 3v]
- Frere (1894b) 101-23 [tropes], 124 [list of sequences]
- Planchart (1977) II, passim [trope repertory as represented in this MS]
- Planchart (1977) I.50-5 [relationship between this MS and no. 597]
- Gneuss (1985) 104-5
- Teviotdale (1991)
- Teviotdale (1992a)
- Teviotdale (1992b)
- Jacobsson (1993)
- Corrêa (1996) 288 n.
- R. Gameson (1996a) 223
- Rankin (1996) 326-7
- Kruckenberg (1997) 161-84
- Teviotdale (1998) 219-26