Electronic Gneuss-Lapidge
Book: Rankin (2012)
Referenced in:
- mss: 12 - Cambridge, University Library, Gg. 5. 35 505 n. 113, 506 n. 117
- mss: 40 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 44 492
- mss: 56 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 183 486 and n. 15, 504
- mss: 70 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 223 505 n. 112
- mss: 72 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 260 506
- mss: 74 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 267 492 and n. 44
- mss: 76 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 270, fols. 2-173 501
- mss: 104 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 391 503 and n. 101
- mss: 111 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 422, pp. 27-570 (the ‘Red Book of Darley’) 503 and n. 102
- mss: 116 - Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 473 (the ‘Winchester Troper’) 488 and n. 20, 501
- mss: 132.3 - Cambridge, Pembroke College, 46, fols. A and B 487 and n. 17
- mss: 132.4 - Cambridge, Pembroke College, 46, fols. 82 and 83 497
- mss: 193 - Cambridge, Trinity College, O. 3. 7 (1179) 505 n. 111
- mss: 212 - Canterbury, Cathedral Library and Archives, Add. 128/52 492 and n. 42, 501 and n. 87
- mss: 214.3 - Dublin, Trinity College, 98 (B. 3. 6) 494 and n. 53
- mss: 216.3 - Dublin, Trinity College, 370a (D. 1. 25A) 502 and n. 96
- mss: 230 - Durham, Cathedral Library, B. II. 11 506
- mss: 246 - Durham, Cathedral Library, B. IV. 9 505 n. 112
- mss: 251 - Durham, University Library, Cosin V. v. 6 493 and n. 49, 497 and n. 68
- mss: 277 - Lincoln, Cathedral Library, 298C (with London, British Library, Harley 3405, fol. 4) 502 and n. 93
- mss: 301.5 - London, British Library, Add. 56488, fols. i-iii, 1-5 487 and n. 19, 503 and n. 98
- mss: 307.2 - London, British Library, Burney 277, fols. 69-72 (with London, BL, Stowe 1061, fol. 125) 492 and n. 46, 502 and n. 92
- mss: 309 - London, British Library, Cotton Caligula A. xiv, fols. 1-36 (the ‘Cotton Troper’) 500 and n. 81
- mss: 324 - London, British Library, Cotton Cleopatra C. viii, fols. 4-37 505 n. 112
- mss: 401 - London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius A. xix 489 and n. 29
- mss: 416 - London, British Library, Harley 110, fols. 1 and 56 500
- mss: 425 - London, British Library, Harley 863, fols. 8-125 503 and n. 100
- mss: 427 - London, British Library, Harley 1117 490, 504
- mss: 431 - London, British Library, Harley 2961 (the ‘Leofric Collectar’) 503 and n. 99
- mss: 456.2 - London, British Library, Royal 5. A. xii, fols. iii-vi 501 and n. 86
- mss: 457.6 - London, British Library, Royal 5. E. vii, fol. i 500, 501
- mss: 498 - London, British Library, Royal 17. C. xvii, fols. 2, 3 and 163-6 486-7, 503
- mss: 522 - London, Society of Antiquaries, 154* 489 and n. 27, 491
- mss: 524 - London, Westminster Abbey Library, 36, nos. 17-19 [with London, BL, Add. 62104; London, BL, Harley 5977, no. 59; Lincoln, Cathedral Library, V.5.11 (ptd book), flyleaves; Oxford, BodL, Lat. liturg. e. 38, fols. 7, 8, 13 and 14; and (possibly) London, BL, Add. 79528 + London, Private Collector, s.n.] 501 and n. 89
- mss: 533 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Auctarium F. 1. 15 (S.C. 2455), fols. 1-77 505
- mss: 537 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Auctarium F. 3. 6 (S.C. 2666) 505
- mss: 585 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 579 (S.C. 2675) (the ‘Leofric Missal’) 485 and n. 14, 490
- mss: 597 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 775 (S.C. 2558) 499-500
- mss: 649 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Lat. liturg. d. 3 (S.C. 31378), fols. 4-5 501 and n. 90
- mss: 666 - Oxford, Bodleian Library, Selden supra 36* (S.C. 3424*) (with London, British Library, Royal 12. F. xiv, fols. 1-2, 135, and Oxford, Bodleian Library, Selden supra 36, fols. 73-4] 502 and nn. 94, 95
- mss: 764 - Worcester, Cathedral Library, F. 173 488-9, 501
- mss: 777 - Arendal, Aust-Agder Arkivet (with Rygnestad, Archives of Ketil Rygnestad, no. 95 and Archives of Knut Rygnestad, no. 99) 491 and n. 38
- mss: 813 - Copenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek, G.K.S. 1588 (4o) 504 and n. 106
- mss: 823 - El Escorial, Real Biblioteca de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, e. II. 1 505 n. 111
- mss: 829 - Geneva (Cologny-Genève), Bibliotheca Bodmeriana, 175 [sold to a private collector in America in 2005] 505 and n. 109
- mss: 837 - Le Havre, Bibliothèque municipale, 330 501
- mss: 866.5 - New York, Public Library, 115 (the ‘Harkness Gospels’) 489 and n. 30
- mss: 871.5 - Oslo, Riksarkivet, Lat. fragm. 206, 1 and 209, 1-4, and 239, 6-7 501 n. 84
- mss: 872 - Oslo, Riksarkivet, Lat. fragm. 207, 1-4, and 208, 1-8 and 210, 1-3 (with Copenhagen, Rigsarkivet, M.H. 3084 and 3085) 501 n. 84
- mss: 874.6 - Oslo, Riksarkivet, Lat. fragm. 227, 1-23 501 n. 84
- mss: 875 - Oslo, Riksarkivet, Lat. fragm. 228, 1-21, and 4A 13611 501 n. 84
- mss: 879 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 943 490
- mss: 896 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 10575 (the ‘Egbert Pontifical’) 491 and n. 39, 494-5
- mss: 899 - Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 14380, fols. 1-65 505 n. 111
- mss: 908 - [Rome], Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. lat. 3363 505 n. 111
- mss: 913 - [Rome], Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. lat. 204 490-1
- mss: 922 - Rouen, Bibliothèque municipale, 368 (A. 27) (the ‘Lanalet Pontifical’) 491-2 and n. 40
- mss: 936.1 - Stockholm, Riksarkivet, Fr. 26449-26451 (with Göteborg, Universitetsbiblioteket, Friherre August Vilhelm Stierstedts Samling no. 3 (Fr. 25921)) 501 n. 84
- mss: 936.5 - Stockholm, Riksarkivet, Fr. 2427 501 n. 84
- mss: 937.1 - Stockholm, Kungliga Biblioteket, Isl. perg. 8o, no. 8 (paste-downs) 501 n. 84