CLASP Handlist
Frithegod of Canterbury and Brioude Breuiloquium uitae Wilfridi
- Author
- Frithegod of Canterbury and Brioude
- Title
- Breuiloquium uitae Wilfridi
- CLASP Abbreviation
- FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred
Literary Bibliography
- Michael Lapidge, 'A Frankish scholar in tenth-century England: Frithegod of Canterbury/Fredegaud of Brioude', Anglo-Saxon England, 17 (1988) 45-65
- Douglas C. YOUNG, 'Author's variants and interpretations in Frithegod', Archivum latinitatis medii aevi 25 (1955), p. 71-98
- Michael Lapidge, 'The hermeneutic style in tenth-century Anglo-Latin literature', Anglo-Saxon England 4 (1975), 67-111
- Michael Lapidge, 'Frithegodus Cantuariensis diac.', in La trasmissione dei testi latini del Medioevo, ed. P. Chiesa, L. Castaldi, vol. 1 (Florence: SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2004), pp. 134-45