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Frithegod of Canterbury and Brioude
Breuiloquium uitae Wilfridi
A. Campbell, Frithegodi Monachi Breuiloquium Vitae Beati Wilfredi et Wulfstani Cantoris Narratio Metrica de Sancto Swithuno (Zürich, 1950), pp. 4-62
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FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1. Inscius egregios aegris conatibus actus Inscius egregios aegris conatibus actus

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: cabBA, pat: DDSS
In my ignorance, I begin to describe with feeble efforts some outstanding deeds;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 2. Ordior; en mutilum quo fert fiducia sensum Ordior; en mutilum quo fert fiducia sensum

caesura pattern: ḗn | mŭtĭlū́m | quō fḗrt | fīdū́cĭă sḗnsum | 2m | 3m | 4m, sa: 4\2, ta: f, oa: fV, ha: Y
behold, to where does confidence bring a mind mutilated by disbelieving presumption?
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 3. Ausibus infidis? aderit sed calculus ignis, Ausibus infidis? aderit sed calculus ignis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaVbB, pat: DSDS
But the fiery coal will come, which is accustomed,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 4. Forcipe uatidicum solitus purgare labellum, Forcipe uatidicum solitus purgare labellum,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, oa: f, pat: DDDS
held by tongs, to cleanse the prophetic mouth,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 5. Cunctipotens opifex, archani pandulus index, Cunctipotens opifex, archani pandulus index,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pV, ta: V, pa: pV, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
All-powerful Creator, you who reveal openly that which is secret,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 6. Spiritus internis animans dulcoribus antra Spiritus internis animans dulcoribus antra

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
Spirit who animates the bitter recesses of my heart with internal delights,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 7. Cordis amara mei, ne quid displodat inepti Cordis amara mei, ne quid displodat inepti

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
so that the clinging tongue of a righteous man might not blurt out
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 8. Lingua tenax iusti, quo non feruente serenas Lingua tenax iusti, quo non feruente serenas

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, pat: DSSS
anything foolish. If you do not grant heat, Phoebus does not
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 9. Efficit haut Phoebus tedas aut Cinthia parcas. Efficit haut Phoebus tedas aut Cinthia parcas.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pa: fV, pat: DSSS
produce his bright torches, nor Cynthia her scanty ones.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 10. Saecla priora quidem, lubrico fantasmate lusa, Saecla priora quidem, lubrico fantasmate lusa,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: l, gl: AabBv, pat: DDDS
The earlier centuries, tricked by a deceitful illusion,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 11. Excoluere suos uano terrore tirannos, Excoluere suos uano terrore tirannos,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: tr, pa: tr, oa: r, ma: Y, gl: vabBA, pat: DDSS
worshipped their tyrants with vain terror,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 12. At postquam summi uoluit regnator Olimphi At postquam summi uoluit regnator Olimphi

fs: 3\3, ca: V, pat: SSDS
but after the ruler of highest Olympus wanted to visit
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 13. Virginis intactae thalamos inuisere gratis, Virginis intactae thalamos inuisere gratis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: fV, pa: ftV, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
freely the bedroom of an untouched virgin,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 14. Dissepsit uarios eliso principe lurcos, Dissepsit uarios eliso principe lurcos,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: l, oa: l, ma: Y, gl: VabBA, pat: SDSS
he shut away various demons (larvas), having crushed their chief,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 15. Perque crucis lignum legis soluit maledictum, Perque crucis lignum legis soluit maledictum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 2\4, pat: DSSS
and through the wood of his cross he unbound the curse of the law.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 16. Astriferas ubi glorificus recucurrit ad arces, Astriferas ubi glorificus recucurrit ad arces,

caesura pattern: 2m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: cV, ca: V, ta: V, pa: fVc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDD
Then he returned in glory to the starry citadels,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 17. Praesens ipse suis iugiter cultoribus Almum Praesens ipse suis iugiter cultoribus Almum

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAbBC, pat: SDDS
and, present there forever with his worshippers, he sent out
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 18. Nubibus e summis direxit splendide Flatum, Nubibus e summis direxit splendide Flatum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, pat: DSSS
in splendour the blessed Spirit from the highest clouds;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 19. Isque quater ternos ignita luce clientes Isque quater ternos ignita luce clientes

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: cV, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AabcCB, pat: DSSS
he filled his twelve servants with an ignited fire,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 20. Imbuit et dignis numerum successibus auxit. Imbuit et dignis numerum successibus auxit.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: s, ca: V, ta: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
and he increased their number through worthy triumphs.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 21. Huius inexhaustae praedulcia pocula uenae Huius inexhaustae praedulcia pocula uenae

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, pa: pV, ma: Y, gl: aabBA, pat: DSSD
Wilfrid, whose fame is higher than the mountains,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 22. Sensit Wilfridus fama super ardua notus: Sensit Vuilfridus fama super ardua notus:

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pa: fs, pat: SSSD
tasted the surpassingly sweet draughts from this inexhaustible stream.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 23. Est uotum nobis, si suppetat auctor herilis, Est uotum nobis, si suppetat auctor herilis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SSSD
It is my earnest wish, if the author of our Lord grants help,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 24. Nomen et elatas cuius depromere palmas. Nomen et elatas cuius depromere palmas.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: p, pa: pV, oa: p, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
to tell of his name and his uplifted palms.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 25. Huc ades, o formose, Dei per climata testis! Huc ades, o formose, Dei per climata testis!

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DSDS
Be present here, you exemplary witness of God throughout the regions of the earth!
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 26. Namque, fatebor enim, tua me pellexit honestis Namque, fatebor enim, tua me pellexit honestis

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: n, oa: n, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
For (I confess it) I have been captivated by your life,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 27. Scilicet indulcanda modis, odisque canoris, Scilicet indulcanda modis, odisque canoris,

caesura pattern: 3f | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: Vd, pa: Vd, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
which gleams in heaven, which is to be sweetened by honourable measures,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 28. Caelo uita micans, terris oratio praestans. Caelo uita micans, terris oratio praestans.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, pat: SDSS
by melodious songs, and also by your speech, which is excellent on earth.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 29. Ergo age deciduas precibus suppleto loquelas, Ergo age deciduas precibus suppleto loquelas,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: pc, pa: pVc, ma: Y, e: h, pat: DDDS
So come, answer my prayers and make up for my failing words;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 30. Affer praesidium, ne sit sub fasce ruendum. Affer praesidium, ne sit sub fasce ruendum.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: fV, ta: s, pa: fVs, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
offer assistance, so that I do not rush into the work under a burden.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 31. Tellus aequoreis circumgiratur ab undis Tellus aequoreis circumgiratur ab undis

caesura pattern: 3m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
The land is surrounded by watery waves: once it used to strive after
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 32. Multipetax olim scelerum, cultrixque deorum: Multipetax olim scelerum, cultrixque deorum:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, pat: DSDS
many crimes, and was the worshipper of the gods.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 33. Anglicus extruso colit hanc athleta Britanno. Anglicus extruso colit hanc athleta Britanno.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: tV, ta: V, pa: tV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abVCAB, pat: DSDS
The Briton has been expelled and the English champion cultivates
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 34. Huius in occiduis conuexi partibus orbis Huius in occiduis conuexi partibus orbis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abVBA, pat: DDSS
this land. In the western parts of this curved world,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 35. Naturae solitum Wilfridus pertulit ortum. Naturae solitum Vuilfridus pertulit ortum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: SDSS
Wilfrid experienced the customary natural origin.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 36. Anxia dum genitrix parit hunc conixa sub umbris, Anxia dum genitrix parit hunc conixa sub umbris,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
As his oppressed mother bore him and was struggling under the shadows,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 37. Flammiuomis lampas radiis praesaga futuri Flammiuomis lampas radiis praesaga futuri

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: f, ta: f, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
a lamp with flame-spewing rays shone forth from heaven, a portent of the future.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 38. Caelitus enituit. uicinia protinus omnis Caelitus enituit. uicinia protinus omnis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
Immediately the whole neighbourhood ran there together
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 39. Prepete concurrit nutanti pectore gressu, Prepete concurrit nutanti pectore gressu,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, ta: p, pa: pc, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: aVbBA, pat: DSSS
with swift steps and with trembling hearts,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 40. Ignis edax sotii subeat ne culmina tecti. Ignis edax sotii subeat ne culmina tecti.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ta: V, pa: sV, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
lest the consuming fire should enter the upper parts of their friend’s house.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 41. Herent immoti, nondum miracula Christi Herent immoti, nondum miracula Christi

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: m, pat: SSSS
They stopped, motionless, and did not yet understand
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 42. Amplexare cati, cum non stupuere cremari. Amplexare cati, cum non stupuere cremari.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: cV, ta: c, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
the miracles of the skilled Christ, since they were not surprised
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 43. "Est", aiunt, "pape, diuini- numinis omen!" "Est", aiunt, "pape, diuini- numinis omen!"

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
that a fire had broken out. “How astonishing!” they said,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 44. Interea taciti muliebri murmure discunt Interea taciti muliebri murmure discunt

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: m, pat: DDDS
“It is an omen of the divine power.” Meanwhile, the silent men found out
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 45. Fortunata uiri, quoniam nascentis imago Fortunata uiri, quoniam nascentis imago

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: c, pa: fc, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
good news from the whispers of the women, since the image of the baby
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 46. Tali promeruit donari forte sacello. Tali promeruit donari forte sacello.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: SDSS
being born perhaps deserved to be presented with such a shrine.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 47. Hac face letiferas pepulit puer iste tenebras Hac face letiferas pepulit puer iste tenebras

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pa: pf, gl: aAbVCcB, pat: DDDD
With that torch the boy cast the deadly darkness
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 48. Cordibus e multis, gliscens uirtutibus almis. Cordibus e multis, gliscens uirtutibus almis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AavBb, pat: DSSS
out of the hearts of many, growing in his blessed virtues.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 49. Iam quia mellito dulcescit nectare gutur, Iam quia mellito dulcescit nectare gutur,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DSSS
Now, because the throat is made sweet by honeyed nectar,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 50. Prosequar arguta iuuenem modulando cicuta. Prosequar arguta iuuenem modulando cicuta.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: c, pa: cV, ma: Y, pat: DSDD
I shall balance my discussion of the young man with sharp hemlock.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 51. Hic membris etenim compto glaucomate firmis, Hic membris etenim compto glaucomate firmis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: c, gl: AbBa, pat: SDSS
His limbs were strong, and his clothing(?) elegant;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 52. Aequeuos habitu studuit superare uenusto. Aequeuos habitu studuit superare uenusto.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: s, pat: SDDD
he sought to surpass his contemporaries through his graceful appearance.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 53. Nil puerile gerens, facundae munia linguae Nil puerile gerens, facundae munia linguae

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DDSS
He did nothing boyish, but instead, through the inspiration of God,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 54. Aspirante Deo gestis explebat apertis Aspirante Deo gestis explebat apertis

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: pV, ca: V, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: aABVb, pat: SDSS
he performed the functions of an eloquent tongue, and his deeds were manifest.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 55. At perfecta uirum postquam perfecerat aetas, At perfecta uirum postquam perfecerat aetas,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: pVf, ta: pf, pa: pVf, oa: fV, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
But after the mature age had brought him to maturity,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 56. Natales statuit functa genitrice penates Natales statuit functa genitrice penates

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: n, oa: n, ma: Y, gl: aVbBA, pat: SDSD
when his mother had died, he decided to leave his native home behind him
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 57. Linquere, et assiduis Domino famularier horis. Linquere, et assiduis Domino famularier horis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: l, pa: lV, oa: l, ma: Y, e: s, pat: DDDD
and to serve the Lord with every hour of his time.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 58. Quartum post decimum iamiam transegerat annum, Quartum post decimum iamiam transegerat annum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
When he had already completed his fourteenth year,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 59. Immitis furias malens uitare nouercae, Immitis furias malens uitare nouercae,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, pa: mf, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
he preferred to escape from the harsh furies of his stepmother,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 60. Cum sotiis cessit sueta comitate decoris Cum sotiis cessit sueta comitate decoris

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, pa: sc, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
and with his associates he departed with the accustomed company of glory,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 61. Armatus properans iuuenis, ceu nobile germen Armatus properans iuuenis, ceu nobile germen

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: SDDS
and the young man quickly took arms, as a noble offspring of a noble line,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 62. Nobilium, sed operta fides umbone latebat. Nobilium, sed operta fides umbone latebat.

caesura pattern: 2m | 2f | 3f | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, pat: DDDS
but his faith lay concealed behind the boss of his shield.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 63. Inde patris dextra pie commendatus auita, Inde patris dextra pie commendatus auita,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 4\3, ca: Vd, pa: pVd, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
Then, having received a pious commendation from the ancestral
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 64. Aulica perspicuis penetrauit pergama plantis, Aulica perspicuis penetrauit pergama plantis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: p, ca: p, ta: p, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: DDDS
right hand of his father, he entered the courtly citadel on his conspicuous feet.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 65. Insignis populi qua tempestate regebat Insignis populi qua tempestate regebat

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 4\3, sa: t, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: aAbBV, pat: SDSS
At that time the greatly renowned leader of an illustrious people,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 66. Dux praeclara nimis Aeonfled cognomine habenas: Dux praeclara nimis Aeonfled cognomine habenas:

ca: cn, pa: cn, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
Aeonfled, held the reins. Immediately, the blessed man,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 67. Huius magnificis actutum uultibus almus Huius magnificis actutum uultibus almus

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: fV, pa: fV, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
magnificent in appearance, was presented to her:
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 68. Offertur, multoque dehinc lepore beatur, Offertur, multoque dehinc lepore beatur,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
he was endowed with much charm,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 69. Acceptus cunctis fidei pollebat in actis. Acceptus cunctis fidei pollebat in actis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
and, welcomed by all, he flourished in the deeds of faith.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 70. Ac tum fortuitu memorandae Cudda senecte, Ac tum fortuitu memorandae Cudda senecte,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: SDDS
At that time it happened that Cudda, a man of remarkable old age,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 71. Vir probus ingenio, regum meritoque satelles, Vir probus ingenio, regum meritoque satelles,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: t, oa: t, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
upright in character, deservedly an attendant of kings,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 72. Lubrica caenosi postponens gaudia saecli, Lubrica caenosi postponens gaudia saecli,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: abvAB, pat: DSSS
was putting behind himself the slippery joys of this filthy age,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 73. Maluit augustae certamen inire palestrae, Maluit augustae certamen inire palestrae,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
preferring instead to enter the struggle of an august arena,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 74. Normalis sese dedans sub regmine uitae. Normalis sese dedans sub regmine uitae.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ta: s, pat: SSSS
and was submitting himself to the direction of a regulated life.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 75. Is iuuenem sacro suscepit amore docendum. Is iuuenem sacro suscepit amore docendum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ca: cV, ta: V, pa: sVc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: CAbVBa, pat: DSSD
With a holy love he took up the teaching of the young man.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 76. Exin tyro Dei fultus feruore fidei, Exin tyro Dei fultus feruore fidei,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, ca: fd, ta: f, pa: fd, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
Thereafter, the novice, sustained by the intensity of his faith in God,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 77. Vt uerus Samuhel seruabat iura magistri, Vt uerus Samuhel seruabat iura magistri,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
kept the rules of his teacher, just like honest Samuel,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 78. Fratribus equali cunctis subiectus amore. Fratribus equali cunctis subiectus amore.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbavB, pat: DSSS
and submitted to all the brothers with an equal love.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 79. Iam granis electam purgarat sarcina mentem, Iam granis electam purgarat sarcina mentem,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, oa: V, pat: DSSS
At that time a weighty burden had purified his choice mind,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 80. Excoctumque diu solito fraglamine pectus Excoctumque diu solito fraglamine pectus

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, gl: abBA, pat: SDDS
and his heart, having burned for a long time with a customary desire,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 81. Concipit internas Iesu spirante salebras. Concipit internas Iesu spirante salebras.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: s, pa: sVc, ma: Y, gl: VaBbA, pat: DSSS
conceived an internal roughness by the inspiration of Jesus.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 82. A uirtute uolens uirtutis in alta migrare, A uirtute uolens uirtutis in alta migrare,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: fV, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
Desiring to move from virtue to the heights of virtue,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 83. Romuleum statuit concurrere gratis ad altar, Romuleum statuit concurrere gratis ad altar,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pa: cV, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
he decided to run voluntarily to the altar of Romulus,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 84. Scilicet ut ueteris lustraret busta piacli, Scilicet ut ueteris lustraret busta piacli,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
evidently in order to visit the tomb of the ancient atoning sacrifice,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 85. Augmentumque suis quiret conquirere uotis. Augmentumque suis quiret conquirere uotis.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
and to be able to gain an increase by his prayers.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 86. Haec pia praefato narrauit sensa magistro. Haec pia praefato narrauit sensa magistro.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: aabVAB, pat: DSSS
He told his teacher, whom I mentioned earlier,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 87. Archades hinc ambo uoto statuere sub uno, Archades hinc ambo uoto statuere sub uno,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: sV, ca: V, ta: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBVb, pat: DSSD
of these pious intentions. Both Arcadians reached the same decision,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 88. Culmen apostolicum peteret, creperumque piaret. Culmen apostolicum peteret, creperumque piaret.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: pV, pa: pV, ma: Y, pat: DDDD
that he should seek the apostolic summit
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 89. Et regina quidem faustum conferre leuamen Et regina quidem faustum cofferre leuamen

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, ca: cf, ta: f, pa: cf, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
and expiate the doubtful. The aforementioned queen,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 90. Praetaxata uolens, regi mandata propinquo Praetaxata uolens, regi mandata propinquo

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: p, ca: p, ta: p, oa: p, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
wishing to bestow a favourable consolation, sent messages to a king,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 91. Dirigit, ac Domini placidum committit alumnum. Dirigit, ac Domini placidum committit alumnum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, pa: Vd, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
her relative, and entrusted to him the gentle disciple of the Lord.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 92. Erchumbertus erat, plebis qui sceptra tenebat. Erchumbertus erat, plebis qui sceptra tenebat.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: SDSS
The name of this man, who held the sceptre of the people, was Erchumbert.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 93. Hic sine fraude uirum coluit, sine peste refecit. Hic sine fraude uirum coluit, sine peste refecit.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, ta: f, pa: fs, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: DDDD
He honoured him without deceit and refreshed him without plague.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 94. Tandem triquadro postquam seruauerat anno, Tandem triquadro postquam seruauerat anno,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, pa: tc, oa: t, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
At last, after he had kept him for a tripartite year,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 95. Pluribus emisit sotiis fretum duce quodam, Pluribus emisit sotiis fretum duce quodam,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 2\2, pat: DSDS
he sent him out with some additional companions, led by a certain man
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 96. Barbaries Biscop Baducing quem inculta uocabat. Barbaries Biscop Baducing quem inculta uocabat.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d?, fs: 3\3?, sa: c, ca: c, ta: bc, pa: bc, oa: c, ma: Y, e: m, pat: DSDS
whom the uncultivated barbarians call Biscop Baducing.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 97. Prospera flabra uirum litus iecere sub aptum. Prospera flabra uirum litus iecere sub aptum.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pa: fV, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
Favourable breezes carried the man down to the right coast.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 98. Gallica rura petit, Lugduni culmina scandit. Gallica rura petit, Lugduni culmina scandit.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DDSS
He sought the Gallic fields and climbed the heights of Lyons.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 99. Mox iuga corripuit, comitum deliquia sensit: Mox iuga corripuit, comitum deliquia sensit:

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, pat: DDDS
Soon he took up the yoke and experienced the offence of his companions:
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 100. A duce deseritur, Christi tamen ore locatur. A duce deseritur, Christi tamen ore locatur.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: cV, pa: cVd, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
he was deserted by his guide, but was placed in the mouth of Christ.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 101. Tibia ueriloquo cecinit miracula plectro: Tibia ueriloquo cecinit miracula plectro:

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, gl: AbVaB, pat: DDDS
My pipe has sung of miracles with a truthful plectrum.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 102. Vis tamen innatae reticet haud mistica Musae, Vis tamen innatae reticet haud mistica Musae,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: m, pa: mt, oa: m, ma: Y, gl: AbVaB, pat: DSDS
However, the strength of the innate Muse, a strength without mystery,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 103. Pangere magnificas athletae nobilis odas. Pangere magnificas athletae nobilis odas.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, gl: vaBbA, pat: DDSS
refrains from making known the magnificent songs of the noble champion.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 104. Moenia praefatae praesul memorabilis urbis Moenia praefatae praesul memorabilis urbis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, sa: V, ca: m, pa: mVp, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CaBbA, pat: DSSD
The remarkable prelate of the aforementioned city, who was guarding the walls
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 105. Christicolamque gregem septis seruabat amoenis Christicolamque gregem septis seruabat amoenis

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: s, pa: sc, ma: Y, gl: aABVb, pat: DDSS
and the Christian flock with pleasant fences,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 106. Francorum Daluuinus adeps, qui sicuti furuas Francorum Daluuinus adeps, qui sicuti furuas

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, pa: fV, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
Dalvin, the cream of the Franks,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 107. Pallenti lichino depellit rite tenebras. Pallenti lichino depellit rite tenebras.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pa: lp, oa: p, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
was duly dispelling the dusky darkness with a pale torch.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 108. Postquam fama uolans pulsauit praesulis aures, Postquam fama uolans pulsauit praesulis aures,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, ta: p, pa: pf, oa: p, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
After a swift rumour had reached the ears of the prelate,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 109. Accit continuo, praebens solamina iusto, Accit continuo, praebens solamina iusto,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
he immediately invited the righteous man and offered him comfort.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 110. Excipit hospitio, dapibus fouet, oreque mulcet. Excipit hospitio, dapibus fouet, oreque mulcet.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDD
He welcomed him as a guest, warmed him with feasts,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 111. Praesensit quippe praecordia casta iuuentae, Praesensit quippe praecordia casta iuuentae,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, pa: pc, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SSSD
and soothed him with his words. He perceived quickly
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 112. Illustrisque uiri faciem perfecte micantem. Illustrisque uiri faciem perfecte micantem.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: f, ta: f, ma: Y, gl: aABb, pat: SDDS
the chaste heart of youth and the perfectly gleaming face of the illustrious man.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 113. "Heus," inquit, "hospes, mecum sis perpete sospes, "Heus," inquit, "hospes, mecum sis perpete sospes,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: p, ca: s, pa: sph, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
“See,” he said, “my guest, you can be safe with me forever, as long as you please,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 114. Dum iuuat, uberibus pro uotis utere glebis, Dum iuuat, uberibus pro uotis utere glebis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
and you will have the use of the fertile earth according to your wishes,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 115. Farris et excreti communis copia uini. Farris et excreti communis copia uini.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: fc, ta: c, pa: fVc, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
wheat and the abundance of the full-grown wine of the community.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 116. Si uero consueta placent conubia forte, Si uero consueta placent conubia forte,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: cf, pa: scf, oa: s, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
If perhaps a customary marriage is pleasing to you, do not put it off:
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 117. Ne differre pares: generosi sanguinis altam Ne differre pares: generosi sanguinis altam

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: SDDS
I am handing over to you a young woman, a relative of mine,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 118. Inmensis opibus cognatam trado puellam; Immensis opibus cognatam trado puellam;

sa: 2\3, ta: V, pa: V, ma: V, ha: Y, pat: aAbVB
exalted and of noble blood, with vast riches;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 119. Meque patrem tibimet, temet mihi dedico prolem." Meque patrem tibimet, temet mihi dedico prolem."

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: d, ca: p, ta: m, pa: pdmt, oa: m, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
I am dedicating myself to be a father to you, and you to be my offspring.”
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 120. Haec placidus heros expromserat ore iocundo. Haec placidus heros expromserat ore iocundo.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ta: V, pa: hpV, ma: Y, gl: CaAVBb, pat: DSSD
The gentle hero disclosed these things from his pleasant mouth.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 121. Tiro dehinc agilis, uoti non immemor, infit: Tiro dehinc agilis, uoti non immemor, infit:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: fV, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
Then the nimble novice, not forgetful of his vow, replied,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 122. "Ardent excoctis fibrarum omenta laternis "Ardent excoctis fibrarum omenta laternis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d?, fs: 3\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: m, pat: SSSS
“My internal organs burn in the inflamed recesses of my veins,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 123. Abdita, conceptis dum detrahor, optime, uotis. Abdita, conceptis dum detrahor, optime, uotis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: d, pa: cVd, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
as I am drawn away, excellent man, by the vows I have taken. Why did I seek out
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 124. Thetis cur tumidas Zephiro minitante saliuas Thetis cur tumidas Zephiro minitante saliuas

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: t, ta: t, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: CaBbA, pat: SDDD
the swelling sea-waters of Thetis and submit myself to the menaces of Zephyr?
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 125. Expetii? frustra me saeua Salatia pressit, Expetii? frustra me saeua Salatia pressit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: sp, pa: ps, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
In vain did cruel Salacia oppress me,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 126. Cosmica si spreto repetam contagia Christo. Cosmica si spreto repetam contagia Christo.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, pa: sc, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
if I reject Christ and seek again worldly contagion.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 127. Sedis apostolicae uiso primum cliothedro Sedis apostolicae uiso primum cliothedro

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 2\4, gl: AabB, pat: DDSS
When first I have seen the illustrious seat of the apostolic dwelling,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 128. Aeria merear si longule uescier aura, Aeria merear si longule uescier aura,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
if I should be counted worthy of feeding on the airy breezes for a little longer,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 129. Te, pater, ex animo soboles deuota, uidebo." Te, pater, ex animo soboles deuota, uidebo."

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: fd, pa: fVd, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
then I shall see you, my father, and shall willingly be your devoted child.”
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 130. His ita compactis, opibus pro uelle paratis, His ita compactis, opibus pro uelle paratis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: p, ta: p, pa: pV, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
When these things had been agreed, and when the resources had been prepared
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 131. Praesulis auxilio perrexit calle secundo. Praesulis auxilio perrexit calle secundo.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, ca: s, pa: pcs, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
according to his wishes, he set out on his road with the favourable help of the prelate.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 132. Quamuis informi Terpsicore paucula uersu Quamuis informi Terpsicore paucula uersu

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, ta: f, pa: fc, ma: Y, pat: SSSD
Although Terpsichore has mocked these few words I have set down
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 133. Luserit, ardet amor quo pluscula cara superstes Luserit, ardet amor quo pluscula cara superstes

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: pc, pa: pVc, oa: p, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
in misshapen verses, my love burns that it might survive to tell
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 134. Expediat, famulumque Dei super ethera tollat. Expediat, famulumque Dei super ethera tollat.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDD
several more precious truths and exalt the servant of God above the air.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 135. Namque iteris longos expleuit honeste meatus, Namque iteris longos expleuit honeste meatus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ca: nV, ta: V, pa: nV, oa: n, ma: Y, e: s, pat: DSSD
For he completed with honour the long courses of his journey
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 136. Optatamque diu Petri properauit in aulam, Optatamque diu Petri properauit in aulam,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
and hastened into the court of Peter, which he had yearned to see
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 137. Tripudians pandis calido sub pectore uenis. Tripudians pandis calido sub pectore uenis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, ta: p, ma: Y, gl: vabBA, pat: DSDS
for such a long time; the spreading veins beneath his warm chest were filled with joy.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 138. Praeterea Andreae germana cliaulia sancti Praeterea Andreae germana cliaulia sancti

caesura pattern: 2m? | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: AbBa, pat: DSSD
Moreover he entered the illustrious halls
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 139. Ingressus, dictu mirabile, poplite cosso, Ingressus, dictu mirabile, poplite cosso,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: SSSD
of Peter’s brother, Saint Andrew (marvellous to say!) and, on bended knee,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 140. T ingentes animos labiis patefecit apertis. T ingentes animos labiis patefecit apertis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: p, ca: V, ta: V, pa: pV, ma: Y, e: h, gl: CaABVb, pat: SDDD
revealed his great spirit as he opened his lips.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 141. A en ego commissis ueniam deposco piaclis," A en ego commissis ueniam deposco piaclis,"

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: p, ca: V, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, pat: DSDS
“Behold, I seek pardon for the sins I have committed,” he said,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 142. Inquit, a et excelsi testor per sceptra tonantis, Inquit, a et excelsi testor per sceptra tonantis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: t, ta: V, pa: tV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, pat: DSSS
“and I testify by the sceptre of the lofty Thunderer:
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 143. Solue meae precibus molimina tarda loquelae, Solue meae precibus molimina tarda loquelae,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: vaCBbA, pat: DDSD
loosen the slow labouring of my tongue through my prayers,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 144. Si quid habes fidei, pie doctor, apostole Christi." Si quid habes fidei, pie doctor, apostole Christi."

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: pc, pa: pc, ma: Y, pat: DDDD
if you have any faith, pious teacher, apostle of Christ.”
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 145. Haec mox explicuit, non setius edita sumpsit, Haec mox explicuit, non setius edita sumpsit,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: sV, pa: sV, oa: sV, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
Soon he finished unfolding these words, and without any delay he took hold
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 146. Ingenium fandi capiens pariterque legendi. Ingenium fandi capiens pariterque legendi.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: g, pat: DSDD
of that which he had asked, acquiring an equal talent in speaking and in reading.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 147. Anglicus indicio superest adhuc quoque clerus, Anglicus indicio superest adhuc quoque clerus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 2\2, sa: c, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
The English clergy survives even until the present day as proof of this,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 148. Diuinas pangens Latiis sermonibus odas. Diuinas pangens Latiis sermonibus odas.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, gl: avbBA, pat: SSDS
composing divine songs in the Latin language.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 149. Ille uaporatis afflatus haustibus erga Ille uaporatis afflatus haustibus erga

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: Abab, pat: DSSS
He, inspired by the vaporous breaths he had drawn,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 150. Auctorata uolans altaria, liba piarum Auctorata uolans altaria, liba piarum

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
flew to the hallowed altars and strove with extraordinary enthusiasm
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 151. Fundere iure precum studio satagebat inormi. Fundere iure precum studio satagebat inormi.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: sV, pa: sV, ma: Y, pat: DDDD
To pour out righteously the offering of pious prayers.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 152. Vnde sibi praeceptorem lucratus ad unguem, Vnde sibi praeceptorem lucratus ad unguem,

caesura pattern: 2m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: cV, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: cV, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
He gained a teacher entirely to himself, and he learned skilfully
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 153. Bis didicit bini pia dogmata docte fluenti, Bis didicit bini pia dogmata docte fluenti,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: d, ta: d, pa: bd, oa: d, ma: Y, pat: DSDD
the pious teachings of the fourfold stream,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 154. Ritus paschales, uarium lunaeque recursum, Ritus paschales, uarium lunaeque recursum,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: r, pat: SSDS
the Easter rituals, and the fluctuating cyclical motion of the moon;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 155. Ignarasque suis Latiatim sane rubricas. Ignarasque suis Latiatim sane rubricas.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: r, ca: s, pa: rs, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
indeed he even learned the liturgical rubrics of the Roman tradition,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 156. Nomen erat tanto Bonifacius huic pedagogo: Nomen erat tanto Bonifacius huic pedagogo:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\4, gl: AVbabB, pat: DSDD
which were then unknown to his people.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 157. Profuit iste uiro nimium, quem glorificandum Profuit iste uiro nimium, quem glorificandum

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\5, ca: fc, ta: f, pa: cf, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
The great teacher’s name was Boniface, who was very helpful to him;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 158. Sub sacris papae uenerabilis abdidit alis, Sub sacris papae uenerabilis abdidit alis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aBbVA, pat: SSDD
to honour him, Boniface hid him under the sacred wings of the venerable Pope,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 159. Exponens longos animi feruentis agones. Exponens longos animi feruentis agones.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, ca: V, ta: V, pa: fV, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
explaining to him the long struggles of his fervent soul.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 160. Quique fidem cernens, dextram praetendit, et ipsum Quique fidem cernens, dextram praetendit, et ipsum

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pa: cV, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
The Pope, on seeing his faith, extended his right hand
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 161. Liberius lata perfudit blande karita. Liberius lata perfudit blande karita.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: DSSS
and poured out on him freely a generous portion of pleasant grace.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 162. Fultus sic pretiis sanctorum ex artubus almis Fultus sic pretiis sanctorum ex artubus almis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d?, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: m, pat: SDSS
Strengthened in this way by the precious relics
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 163. Relliquiis, pernix reduces supramemorati Relliquiis, pernix reduces supramemorati

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\6, sa: r, ca: r, ta: r, oa: r, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
of the nourishing limbs of the saints, he quickly directed
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 164. Conuertit gressus cara ad habitacula patris. Conuertit gressus cara ad habitacula patris.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, e: s, pat: SSSD
his returning steps to the dear home of his father, mentioned above.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 165. Commode cuncta meat, Lugduni celsa subintrat. Commode cuncta meat, Lugduni celsa subintrat.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, ta: c, pa: cm, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
He travelled properly through all places and entered the heights of Lyon.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 166. Quid narrem lacrimas alterno fronte profusas? Quid narrem lacrimas alterno fronte profusas?

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: CVAbBa, pat: SDSS
Why should I tell of the tears that poured down the faces of each of them?
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 167. Gaudebant ambo, Wilfridus amore paterno, Gaudebant ambo, Vuilfridus amore paterno,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ca: V, pat: SSSD
They both rejoiced, Wilfrid in his father’s love,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 168. Nec minus ipse pater dilecto pignore uiso, Nec minus ipse pater dilecto pignore uiso,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, gl: aAbBv, pat: DDSS
and no less the father himself at the sight of his beloved son,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 169. Quemque prius animo maerens laxarat amaro Quemque prius animo maerens laxarat amaro

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: mV, pa: mV, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
and, as previously he had wept with bitterness of spirit as he had let him go,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 170. Permulcet, blandis dans basia casta lacertis. Permulcet, blandis dans basia casta lacertis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, pa: bc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: VaBbA, pat: SSSD
now he caressed him, giving him chaste kisses
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 171. Nunc singillatim modo miscent laeta uicissim. Nunc singillatim modo miscent laeta uicissim.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: SSDS
and holding him in his pleasant arms.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 172. Sero quidem rediit, uerum tria lustra peregit Sero quidem rediit, uerum tria lustra peregit

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pat: DDSD
Now, one after the other they exchange happy news.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 173. Hospite cum prisco, discens examine multo Hospite cum prisco, discens examine multo

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, gl: AavBb, pat: DSSS
He had returned late, but he spent three years with his old host, learning to examine
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 174. Abdita multimodae scrutarier antra sophiae. Abdita multimodae scrutarier antra sophiae.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: sV, pa: sVm, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: DDSD
with much consideration the secret recesses of wisdom, in all its diversity.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 175. Vrit amor iuuenem, nec tardat grata cupido, Vrit amor iuuenem, nec tardat grata cupido,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ta: V, pat: DDSS
Love inflamed the young man, and a pleasant desire did not slow him down,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 176. Occuluit quod tecta pio sinthemate uirtus Occuluit quod tecta pio sinthemate uirtus

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: t, pa: tc, oa: t, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
to reveal by a pious token that which concealed virtue hid.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 177. Prodere. nam crines summo de uertice passos Prodere. nam crines summo de uertice passos

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, pa: dp, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: vAbBa, pat: DSSS
For he shaved off the hair which spread out from the top of his head,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 178. Pontificis dextra primum titulante recidit, Pontificis dextra primum titulante recidit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, pat: DSSD
with the right hand of the bishop making the first cut,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 179. Optans uiuificae sustollere stigma coronae. Optans uiuificae sustollere stigma coronae.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, pa: fs, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
as he wished to take up the mark of a life-giving crown.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 180. Archipater gaudet haeredem nactus opimum, Archipater gaudet haeredem nactus opimum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: pV, pa: pV, ma: Y, gl: AVBab, pat: DSSS
The archbishop rejoiced to have obtained such an excellent heir, to whom,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 181. Cui queat eudoxas moriens committere caulas. Cui queat eudoxas moriens committere caulas.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: c, ca: cm, ta: c, pa: cm, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
when he died, he might be able to entrust the sheepfold which he had illumined
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 182. Arbiter ast rerum praesciuerat hunc aliorsum Arbiter ast rerum praesciuerat hunc aliorsum

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\4, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
so well. But the Judge of the world had planned beforehand that he would go
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 183. Vomere saluifico sulcare noualia Christo. Vomere saluifico sulcare noualia Christo.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: f, ta: f, pa: fs, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
in a different direction and would plough a fresh and untilled field, with Christ
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 184. Francorum tum forte scelus uastissima pestis Francorum tum forte scelus uastissima pestis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: ft, pa: ft, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
as his ploughshare of salvation. At that time it happened that a devastating plague
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 185. Augebat, Balthild reginae nomine pistrix: Augebat, Balthild reginae nomine pistrix:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: SSSS
was increasing the sin of the Franks: the name of the pulveriser was Queen Balthild.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 186. Olla uelut feruens Stigia fuligine tosta, Olla uelut feruens Stigia fuligine tosta,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: f, ta: f, ma: Y, gl: AvaBb, pat: DSDS
She, smouldering like the charred soot of Styx, was threatening
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 187. Instabat laceris agios laniare creagris. Instabat laceris agios laniare creagris.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: V, ca: lV, ta: V, pa: lV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDDD
to tear the saints to pieces with her lacerating flesh-hook.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 188. Non nostrum facinus metro discludere tantum. Non nostrum facinus metro discludere tantum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, pat: SDSS
It is not for me to disclose such a great crime in verse.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 189. Ecclesiae nouem uiolauerat ense patronos, Ecclesiae nouem uiolauerat ense patronos,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSDD
She violated nine bishops of the church with the sword.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 190. His licet exceptis, quos non capit ars numeralis. His licet exceptis, quos non capit ars numeralis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\4, sa: V, ca: nV, ta: cV, pa: cVn, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaCVBb, pat: DSSD
These can be omitted, whom the art of counting does not grasp.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 191. Horum praefatus sine casu criminis unus, Horum praefatus sine casu criminis unus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
One of them, who had committed no crime, was the aforementioned Dalvin,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 192. Daluuinus fuerat, uerbo, re, speque beatus, Daluuinus fuerat, uerbo, re, speque beatus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: DDSS
blessed in word, in deed, and in hope. The ruthless punisher
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 193. Quem fera multatrix lictoribus impietatis Quem fera multatrix lictoribus impietatis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 4\5, ca: tV, pa: tV, oa: t, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
condemned him to the executioners of impiety
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 194. Addixit saeuas mucronis pendere poenas. Addixit saeuas mucronis pendere poenas.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: p, oa: p, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
to pay the savage penalties of the sword.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 195. Hi mox arcessunt crudelia iura furentis Hi mox arcessunt crudelia iura furentis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SSSD
Soon they summon him, choosing to obey the cruel laws
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 196. Multiuolae Domini beluae quam iura tueri. Multiuolae Domini beluae quam iura tueri.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
of the raging, punishment-loving, beast of the Lord, rather than the true laws.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 197. Ergo petens diri praefixum scamma duelli, Ergo petens diri praefixum scamma duelli,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vd, pa: pVd, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: vabBA, pat: DSSS
Therefore, as he went to the appointed arena of the terrible conflict,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 198. Accepit socium, quem fecerat ante propinquum. Accepit socium, quem fecerat ante propinquum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: p, ca: V, pa: pVc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
he received a companion, the one whom he had earlier made his relative.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 199. Rennuit ipse tamen, huic ne foret exitus idem. Rennuit ipse tamen, huic ne foret exitus idem.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
Dalvin refused this, so that he might not meet the same fate.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 200. Sic pater aeternam sumpsit moriendo coronam, Sic pater aeternam sumpsit moriendo coronam,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
In this way the father obtained the eternal crown by dying,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 201. Filius et fortes uixit tolerando labores. Filius et fortes uixit tolerando labores.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ta: f, pat: DSSD
and the son lived by enduring intense trials.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 202. Cum merore graui condiuit funera cesi. Cum merore graui condiuit funera cesi.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
With great grief he embalmed the body of the slain man.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 203. Protinus ipse parans reddi natalibus oris, Protinus ipse parans reddi natalibus oris,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaVbB, pat: DDSS
Then straightaway he prepared to return to his native shores,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 204. Ceruleum rapidis sulcabat Nerea remis; Ceruleum rapidis sulcabat Nerea remis;

sa: 3\2, ta: r
and he ploughed blue Nereus with swift oars.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 205. Litora felici patuere salubria cursu. Litora felici patuere salubria cursu.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: l, oa: l, ma: Y, gl: AbVaB, pat: DSDD
The healthful coasts opened to him with a fortunate journey.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 206. Fasces imperii reges tum forte gemelli, Fasces imperii reges tum forte gemelli,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
At that time, it happened that two kings were holding the symbols of power:
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 207. Alhfridus imperitans una genitor simul Osuuiu, Alhfridus imperitans una genitor simul Osuuiu,

fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
Alhfrid was reigning together with his father Oswiu,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 208. Foedere consorti seruabant scitaque uulgi, Foedere consorti seruabant scitaque uulgi,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: fs, ta: s, pa: fs, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
and they were protecting the decrees of the people by a common treaty.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 209. Ardentes animis subdi caelestibus orgiis, Ardentes animis subdi caelestibus orgiis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
They were burning in their hearts to devote themselves to the heavenly mysteries,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 210. Nec potuit latebris abdi fax missa nefandis. Nec potuit latebris abdi fax missa nefandis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: nf, pa: nf, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
and the torch which had been given to them could not be concealed
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 211. Mox proceres inter rumusculus exiit aulae, Mox proceres inter rumusculus exiit aulae,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
in the wicked hiding-places. Soon after, a little rumour emerged among the nobles
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 212. Scilicet aduentasse uirum uirtute uigetum, Scilicet aduentasse uirum uirtute uigetum,

caesura pattern: 3f | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
of the court that a man strong in virtue had arrived, who was uttering
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 213. Optima clauigeris qui fatur dogmata caeli. Optima clauigeris qui fatur dogmata caeli.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: DDSS
the excellent teachings of heaven, which came from the bearers of the keys.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 214. Regalis sane subiit proscenia fundi: Regalis sane subiit proscenia fundi:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: s, ta: s, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
Then indeed he came to the entrance of the royal foundation
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 215. "Pax domui", tunc infit, "huic": carptimque loquelas "Pax domui", tunc infit, "huic": carptimque loquelas

caesura pattern: 2m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: t, pa: ct, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
and spoke thus, “Peace to this house”. In a selective manner he discoursed
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 216. Tractat euuangelicas, quas indice discere Christo Tractat euuangelicas, quas indice discere Christo

fs: 3\2, ca: c, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
on the evangelical utterances, which by Christ’s revelation he had been found
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 217. Promeruit, latae penetrans gimnasia Romae, Promeruit, latae penetrans gimnasia Romae,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, pat: DSDS
worthy to learn, when he had entered the schools of broad Rome,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 218. Quaeque sub argutis congesserat optima Gallis. Quaeque sub argutis congesserat optima Gallis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: gV, pa: gcV, oa: gV, ma: Y, gl: AbVaB, pat: DSSD
and on the things which he had collected among the shrewd Gauls.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 219. Attonitus stupidis princeps sermonibus ultro Attonitus stupidis princeps sermonibus ultro

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: sV, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abAB, pat: DDSS
The king, astonished by the stupendous words, spontaneously
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 220. Non puduit glauco telluri sternier ostro, Non puduit glauco telluri sternier ostro,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DSSS
was not ashamed to prostrate himself, in his purple, on the grey earth,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 221. Ore petens agii confestim se benedici. Ore petens agii coffestim se benedici.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\4, pat: DDSS
seeking immediately a blessing from the mouth of the saint.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 222. Expleuit. cum rege manens, sat multa benigno Expleuit. cum rege manens, sat multa benigno

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: m, pat: SSDS
He performed it. He stayed with the king, and he received
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 223. Optinuit merito pecuaria, praedia, census, Optinuit merito pecuaria, praedia, census,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, pat: DDDD
the kind reward of many herds of livestock, property,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 224. Atque monasterium uulgari nomine Hripis. Atque monasterium uulgari nomine Hripis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DDSS
wealth, and a monastery, whose common name was Ripon.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 225. Qui non aeratas instabat condere gazas, Qui non aeratas instabat condere gazas,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pa: cV, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
He did not seek to hide his treasures of bronze, but was lavish to all,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 226. Dapsilis ast cunctis, dedans ermenia uitae, Dapsilis ast cunctis, dedans ermenia uitae,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, pa: Vd, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
giving out the provisions (epimenia) of life,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 227. Pauperibus largas praebebat sedulus escas, Pauperibus largas praebebat sedulus escas,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DSSS
and he was diligent in offering generous portions of food to the poor,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 228. Exemplo pandens cogitet quid spiritus ardens. Exemplo pandens cogitet quid spiritus ardens.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
revealing by his example the intention of his ardent spirit. From now on,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 229. Materiem fandi dabit amodo gratia tanti. Materiem fandi dabit amodo gratia tanti.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DSDD
the grace of such a great man will provide the subject matter for my speech.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 230. Interea Boreae praesul defertur ab oris. Interea Boreae praesul defertur ab oris.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
During this time, a prelate was brought down from the north coast.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 231. Aegilbertus erat; doctrinae robore mactus Aegilbertus erat; doctrinae robore mactus

caesura pattern: | dōctrī́naē | rṓbŏrĕ mā́ctus | 2f | 3m | 4d, sa: 3\2
His name was Aegilbert. Blessed with the strength of his learning,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 232. Astabat ducibus, suadens quae mandat Iesus. Astabat ducibus, suadens quae mandat Iesus.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
he waited upon rulers, urging upon them what Jesus commanded.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 233. Is mox Wilfridi uitam meritumque notauit Is mox Vuilfridi uitam meritumque notauit

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: t, ca: m, pa: mt, oa: t, ma: Y, pat: SSSD
He soon took note of the life and outstanding merits of Wilfrid.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 234. Praecipuum. sermone ducis sententia fertur, Praecipuum. sermone ducis sententia fertur,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: s, pat: DSDS
The king expressed his opinion
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 235. Vtile personam gradibus donando beari Vtile personam gradibus donando beari

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
that it was advantageous for a person whom the marshy judgement
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 236. Diuinis, quam non hebetet censura palustris. Diuinis, quam non hebetet censura palustris.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: c, pat: SSDS
would not blunt to be blessed with the gift of the divine rank.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 237. Allegat presul, facilis uerum ille iuuentae Allegat presul, facilis uerum ille iuuentae

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: fV, ta: fV, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: m, pat: SSDS
The prelate suggested that he feared that, because of his youth,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 238. Excursus trepidat, ne forsan mobilis aetas Excursus trepidat, ne forsan mobilis aetas

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
he might easily be induced to run away, and that the unstable age
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 239. Praecipitem prauae retrahat per competa sectae. Praecipitem prauae retrahat per competa sectae.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pc, ta: p, pa: pc, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
might perhaps draw him headlong to the cross-roads of a perverse sect.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 240. Tandem colla iugo subdens delecta petito, Tandem colla iugo subdens delecta petito,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: dt, pa: dt, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: ABvab, pat: SDSS
At last Aegilbert placed the chosen neck under the yoke he had sought,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 241. Ordinis aptatur caelebs in honore secundi. Ordinis aptatur caelebs in honore secundi.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ca: c, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
and the celibate man was honoured by being added to the prosperous order.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 242. Tum magis atque magis fructu meliore grauescens, Tum magis atque magis fructu meliore grauescens,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: mVf, ta: m, pa: mVf, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
Then he became heavier and heavier with better fruit,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 243. Sufficiebat ouans cunctis documenta salutis. Sufficiebat ouans cunctis documenta salutis.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: s, pat: DDSD
and he was joyfully supplying everyone with the doctrines of salvation.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 244. Orta dehinc pestis geminum discludit in orbem Orta dehinc pestis geminum discludit in orbem

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vd, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAbVB, pat: DSDS
Then a plague arose and brought about a grievous division
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 245. Vnicolam uerae fidei sat morbide plebem. Vnicolam uerae fidei sat morbide plebem.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: abBVA, pat: DSDS
of the people of the true faith, who worshipped one God, into two worlds.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 246. Dumque tremunt bifido corruptae scismate partes, Dumque tremunt bifido corruptae scismate partes,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: VabAB, pat: DDSS
While the groups which had been broken apart in a two-pronged schism
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 247. Eoo coiere simul, gelida sed et Arcto, Eoo coiere simul, gelida sed et Arcto,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: sV, ta: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDDD
were shaking, they gathered in the icy north-east:
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 248. Scottica plebs, et Picta cohors, uulgusque Britannum. Scottica plebs, et Picta cohors, uulgusque Britannum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 3\3, oa: p, gl: aAbBCc, pat: DSDS
the Scottish people, the company of the Picts, and the British population.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 249. Hinc regale decus, ephoeborumque manipli, Hinc regale decus, ephoeborumque manipli,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m, fs: 5\3, pat: SDSS
Those present included the royal glory, some groups of young men,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 250. Turba senum, praesul uiolento deditus Euro. Turba senum, praesul uiolento deditus Euro.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: CDAbaB, pat: DSDS
a throng of old men, and a prelate devoted to the violent East wind.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 251. Stant acies dubio certatim fine retentae Stant acies dubio certatim fine retentae

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: VAbBa, pat: DDSS
The battle-lines stand, locked in a struggle with a doubtful end;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 252. Publica decliuae fiunt diuortia lunae. Publica decliuae fiunt diuortia lunae.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: fd, pa: fd, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: DSSS
a public split arises over the waning moon. Then the eloquent bishop Colman,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 253. Inde loquax positae Colmanus episcopus umbrae, Inde loquax positae Colmanus episcopus umbrae,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: pV, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abAaB, pat: DDSD
from the region where shadows fall, spoke first and put forward
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 254. Dat praecepta prior subito lapsura fragore. Dat praecepta prior subito lapsura fragore.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: s, pa: ps, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
precepts which were going to fall with a sudden crash:
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 255. "Nos seriem patriam, non friuola scripta tenemus, "Nos seriem patriam, non friuola scripta tenemus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: ns, ta: n, pa: ns, oa: n, ma: Y, gl: aAbBV, pat: DDSD
“We hold to an ancestral principle, to writings which are indeed not trifling,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 256. Discipulo eusebii Policarpo dante Iohannis. Discipulo eusebii Policarpo dante Iohannis.

caesura pattern: 2m? | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vd, pa: Vd, oa: d, ma: Y, e: h, gl: AbAvB, pat: DDDS
which have been given by Polycarp the disciple of pious John. For he established
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 257. Ille etenim bis septenae sub tempore Phoebe, Ille etenim bis septenae sub tempore Phoebe,

caesura pattern: 2m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, e: s, pat: DSSS
that we should celebrate holy Easter on the fourteenth day of Phoebe;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 258. Sanctum praefixit nobis fore Pascha colendum: Sanctum praefixit nobis fore Pascha colendum:

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: p, pa: pf, oa: p, ma: Y, pat: SSSD
and if anyone disagrees, he has said something wicked.” He spoke
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 259. Atque nefas dixit, si quis contraria sentit." Atque nefas dixit, si quis contraria sentit."

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: sc, pa: sc, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
in a learned manner, describing the traditional custom, inasmuch as
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 260. Docte quidem morem narrans depromsit auitum, Docte quidem morem narrans depromsit auitum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: d, pat: DSSS
he was recollecting the ceremonies of a bygone life.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 261. Vtpote preteritae recolens coragia zoe, Vtpote preteritae recolens coragia zoe,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: rc, pa: prc, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
But not with equal balances
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 262. Sed non aequatis appendit lancibus aequi Sed non aequatis appendit lancibus aequi

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
did he weigh the testaments of the God of equity,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 263. Testamenta Dei, ueris aequata chilindris. Testamenta Dei, ueris aequata chilindris.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, pat: SDSS
testaments which are made equal with true weights.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 264. Condoluere patres, caeco quia numine fratres Condoluere patres, caeco quia numine fratres

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ta: c, pat: DDSD
The fathers mourned together, because with a blind authority
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 265. Nituntur ualidis tabularia menda tueri Nituntur ualidis tabularia menda tueri

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: t, pat: SDDD
the brothers were striving to guard false accounts with strong bolts,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 266. Obicibus, faciles nec cedunt posse refelli. Obicibus, faciles nec cedunt posse refelli.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, pat: DDSS
and they could not easily be refuted.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 267. Heroum iussu cliuosi tramitis atque Heroum iussu cliuosi tramitis atque

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pat: SSSS
On the order of heroes, Wilfrid, a sower of the word clever in his art,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 268. Anfractus lubricae prudenter deuia sectae Anfractus lubricae prudenter deuia sectae

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, pat: SDSS
was chosen to dispel with wisdom the twists in an uneven path
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 269. Wilfridus legitur spermologus arte sagaci Vuilfridus legitur spermologus arte sagaci

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, pa: ls, ma: Y, gl: AVaBb, pat: SDSD
and the deviations of the erroneous sect;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 270. Pellere, nota peregrinae cui famina glossae. Pellere, nota peregrinae cui famina glossae.

caesura pattern: 2f | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: vabAB, pat: DDSS
the speech of a foreign tongue was known to him.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 271. Hinc dubios inter cuneos orator adorsus: Hinc dubios inter cuneos orator adorsus:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aABb, pat: DSDS
The orator began his address amid a doubtful crowd:
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 272. "Ter centum memini ter senos atque gerontas, "Ter centum memini ter senos atque gerontas,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: SDSS
“I remember that three hundred old men and elders collectively put together
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 273. Limpida collectim Niceae exempla tulisse. Limpida collectim Niceae exempla tulisse.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d?, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: l, ta: l, pa: Vl, oa: l, ma: Y, e: h, pat: DSSS
a clear pattern three times at Nicaea. If they would examine these matters, soon every
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 274. Quae si perspiciant, mox eluctabitur omnis Quae si perspiciant, mox eluctabitur omnis

caesura pattern: 3m, fs: 5\2, sa: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
itch of carelessness, which has been introduced by the grim serpent, will be overcome.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 275. Desidiae scabies, toruis illata chelidris. Desidiae scabies, toruis illata chelidris.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: l, pa: ls, oa: l, ma: Y, gl: aAbvB, pat: DDSS
Three times the old men measured the positions of the cycle,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 276. Metarunt etenim ter seni themata cicli Metarunt etenim ter seni themata cicli

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: t, pat: SDSS
that the cyclical motion returns to itself in a joined unity.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 277. In sese refluos iuncto monade recursus. In sese refluos iuncto monade recursus.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: r, pa: sVr, ma: Y, gl: CabBA, pat: SDSS
This is binding, but the people, lacking in the truth, ignore it:
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 278. Hic tenet: ignorat sed hunc gens indiga ueri, Hic tenet: ignorat sed hunc gens indiga ueri,

fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: hV, oa: hV, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
they are purblind through an ocular inflammation
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 279. Caecutiens lippis quid differt discere ocellis." Caecutiens lippis quid differt discere ocellis."

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\3, ca: dc, ta: c, pa: dc, oa: dc, ma: Y, e: s, pat: DSSS
on an issue where it matters to learn through one’s eyes.”
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 280. Dixerat, effertur legionum ualde fauore. Dixerat, effertur legionum ualde fauore.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
Thus he spoke, and he was greatly exalted by the favour of the legions of listeners.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 281. Addit preterea plano sermone profatus: Addit preterea plano sermone profatus:

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: p, ta: p, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
Moreover, he added the following words, speaking in plain language:
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 282. "Haec immota manent cunctos oracula soles. "Haec immota manent cunctos oracula soles.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, pa: mV, ma: Y, gl: aaVbAB, pat: SDSS
“These pronouncements remain unchanged for all time.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 283. Stirps quaecumque uolet fixos obuertere fines, Stirps quaecumque uolet fixos obuertere fines,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, pa: fc, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
Whoever, in coming generations, wants to overturn these fixed boundaries,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 284. Tartara flammiferis sudibus sub acerba rotetur." Tartara flammiferis sudibus sub acerba rotetur."

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ca: t, pa: fts, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: AbBaV, pat: DDDD
will be rotated on fiery stakes in bitter Tartarus.”
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 285. Quo dicto siluit; princeps canique sequaces Quo dicto siluit; princeps canique sequaces

caesura pattern: | prīncḗps | cānī́quĕ sĕquā́ces | 2m | 3m | 4m, sa: 3\3, ca: c, ta: sc, pa: c, oa: sc, ma: c, ha: Y
Having said this, he was silent.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 286. Frigida conuulsis uexabant pectora pugnis. Frigida conuulsis uexabant pectora pugnis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: p, ta: f, pa: pf, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: DSSS
The leader and his grey-haired supporters
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 287. Soluitur in tenerum confestim contio luctum. Soluitur in tenerum coffestim contio luctum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pat: DDSS
were beating their cold breasts with battered fists.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 288. Dulcia post modicum rex mitis protulit ora: Dulcia post modicum rex mitis protulit ora:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, pa: mp, oa: p, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
The assembly immediately dissolved into tender grief.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 289. "Condecet eniti poenis Acherontis adusti "Condecet eniti poenis Acherontis adusti

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
After a little while, the gentle king spoke these sweet words: “It is fitting to strive
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 290. Exemptas iustis mentes miscere suadelis. Exemptas iustis mentes miscere suadelis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: m, ta: V, pa: mV, ma: Y, gl: abAvB, pat: SSSS
to use righteous means of persuasion to remove minds from the punishments
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 291. Dicite, quaeso, patres, nouo feruore calentes, Dicite, quaeso, patres, nouo feruore calentes,

caesura pattern: 3f | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, ca: c, pa: fc, ma: Y, gl: vAbBa, pat: DSDS
of scorched Acheron and to combine them with ours. Tell us, I ask you, fathers,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 292. Numquid Olimpiaca Petro quis maior in aula, Numquid Olimpiaca Petro quis maior in aula,

fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cV, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
who are hot with intellectual fervour: surely there is no-one in the Olympian court
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 293. Quem nos et prisci dudum legere tiranni? Quem nos et prisci dudum legere tiranni?

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, pat: SSSS
greater than Peter, whom we and the kings of old have read for a long time?
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 294. An Columchilla, quo plebs infausta superbit?" An Columchilla, quo plebs infausta superbit?"

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: pV, pa: pVc, oa: p, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
What about Columba, in whom the unfortunate people prides itself?”
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 295. Synodus elata respondit uoce beata: Synodus elata respondit uoce beata:

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: sV, oa: sV, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
The synod responded by raising a happy cry:
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 296. "Petrus ab altithrono donatus desmate Iesu "Petrus ab altithrono donatus desmate Iesu

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: Vd, ta: V, pa: Vd, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
“Peter was given the power of binding by Jesus, who is enthroned on high.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 297. Dissicit ignauae torquentia lora senectae, Dissicit ignauae torquentia lora senectae,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: ns, pa: ns, ma: Y, gl: VabBA, pat: DSSD
He loosens the twisting reins of slothful old age.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 298. Suscipit Elisiis iustum spiramina zetis, Suscipit Elisiis iustum spiramina zetis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: s, ca: s, ta: s, pa: sV, oa: s, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
Justly he took up the breath of the Elysian chambers,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 299. Vtpote caelestes retinens pro munere claues." Vtpote caelestes retinens pro munere claues."

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pa: pc, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
holding as his duty the power of the heavenly keys.”
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 300. "Hunc," inquit, "plebes, hanc amplexemur et omnes, "Hunc," inquit, "plebes, hanc amplexemur et omnes,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: hpV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
“Let all of us,” the king said, “embrace him, him, you peoples,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 301. Ne non uitalis pandatur regia templi." Ne non uitalis pandatur regia templi."

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: SSSS
lest the palace of the life-giving temple not be opened to us.”
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 302. Rex ait, et uicti cesserunt improbe Picti, Rex ait, et uicti cesserunt improbe Picti,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: p, ca: V, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
Thus the king spoke, and the defeated Picts departed in their wickedness;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 303. Colmanusque suas inglorius abicit arces, Colmanusque suas inglorius abicit arces,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbaVB, pat: SDSD
Colman left his citadel in an inglorious fashion,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 304. Malens Ausonias uictus dissoluere leges. Malens Ausonias uictus dissoluere leges.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, gl: abAvB, pat: SDSS
preferring, after he had been defeated, to break the Ausonian laws.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 305. Auxit rorigeri per quem micat Astrea caeli, Auxit rorigeri per quem micat Astrea caeli,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cV, pa: cV, oa: cV, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
Astraea of the dew-bearing sky increased in him the appearance of the victor:
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 306. Victoris specimen, quem iam transuexerat Alpem. Victoris specimen, quem iam transuexerat Alpem.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: fV, pa: fV, oa: fV, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
it was she who shone through him, who had carried him across the Alps.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 307. Nam postquam dicto sedes uiduata patrono, Nam postquam dicto sedes uiduata patrono,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: p, pat: SSSD
For after the see had lost its aforementioned patron,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 308. Consulto regis, necnon hortamine plebis, Consulto regis, necnon hortamine plebis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, pat: SSSS
on the resolution of the king,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 309. Lactea suspensis qui praebeat ubera mandris, Lactea suspensis qui praebeat ubera mandris,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: abVAB, pat: DSSD
and with the encouragement of the people,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 310. Wilfridum patria creuerunt uoce legendum, Vuilfridum patria creuerunt uoce legendum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, pat: SDSS
they decided that Wilfrid should be chosen as the one who would offer
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 311. Lilia suppressis et norit comere lappis. Lilia suppressis et norit comere lappis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: l, oa: l, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
the milky breast to the dependent sheep; he knew how to suppress
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 312. Territus ipse quidem uiridis pro tempore suci, Territus ipse quidem uiridis pro tempore suci,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: t, oa: t, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
the weeds and adorn the lilies. He was over-awed for the time of the green sap,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 313. Mille monens animo, Balearica tela nefandi Mille monens animo, Balearica tela nefandi

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: DDDD
moving a thousand things in his mind: the shafts sent
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 314. Hostis, et ignotas egrotis sensibus auras. Hostis, et ignotas egrotis sensibus auras.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CabBA, pat: DSSS
from the sling of the wicked enemy, and the breezes unknown to sick minds.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 315. Sed ne blasphemae ruat in praerupta cauernae, Sed ne blasphemae ruat in praerupta cauernae,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: fr, pa: fr, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
But, in order that he might not rush over the precipice of a blasphemous cave
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 316. Aut uitet sceleris madidas lustrare lacunas, Aut uitet sceleris madidas lustrare lacunas,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: l, pat: SDDS
or avoid purifying the moist hollows of crime, he undertook with humility
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 317. Suscepit humilis quid fors iubet imperialis. Suscepit humilis quid fors iubet imperialis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\5, sa: V, pa: cV, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
what ruling chance commanded. Therefore accustomed sweat
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 318. Ergo manet solitus succincto sudor alumno, Ergo manet solitus succincto sudor alumno,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: sV, pa: sV, ma: Y, gl: VabAB, pat: DDSS
poured from the disciple, who was girt up for action, and the summit,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 319. Emicuit quamuis genialis flamine uertex. Emicuit quamuis genialis flamine uertex.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
however ingenious he was, stood out conspicuously through the Spirit.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 320. Conuenere dies graduum, quibus ardua moles Conuenere dies graduum, quibus ardua moles

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: SDDD
Those of rank gathered on the day
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 321. Excipienda uiro. tunc fatur regibus ultro: Excipienda uiro. tunc fatur regibus ultro:

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
when the man was due to take up the heavy burden.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 322. "Inconcussa, duces, uestri sententia, quaeso, "Inconcussa, duces, uestri sententia, quaeso,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
Then of his own accord he addressed the kings:
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 323. Si fortunatis agitat mea docmata fatis, Si fortunatis agitat mea docmata fatis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, gl: aVbBA, pat: SSDD
“I ask, if your unshaken decision stirs up my teaching through a fortunate fate:
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 324. Primum praeteriti fas est meminisse laboris. Primum praeteriti fas est meminisse laboris.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, pat: SDSD
first it is right to remember the labour of the past.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 325. Nam superest recidiua lues dum lisque ueterna, Nam superest recidiua lues dum lisque ueterna,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: l, pat: DDDS
For while the recurring plague and the ancient quarrel remains,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 326. Monstris haud patiar maculatis colla beari. Monstris haud patiar maculatis colla beari.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: SDDS
may I not allow my neck to be blessed with polluted displays.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 327. Gallica non paucis pauit me glarea aristis, Gallica non paucis pauit me glarea aristis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\3, ca: g, pa: gp, oa: g, ma: Y, e: s, gl: abVAB, pat: DSSS
The Gallic gravel, with its abundant wheat, does not frighten me,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 328. Hesperiumque decus laribus seruatur in illis. Hesperiumque decus laribus seruatur in illis.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, gl: aABVb, pat: DDDS
and the Hesperian glory is guarded in those churches.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 329. Illac commissi properans sandalia iuris Illac commissi properans sandalia iuris

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
I shall hurry there and
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 330. Accipiam, pontus ni forte repagula nostris Accipiam, pontus ni forte repagula nostris

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: p, pat: DSSD
accept the episcopal shoes of the just authority committed to them, unless by chance
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 331. Classibus opponat, ualido turbone coactus." Classibus opponat, ualido turbone coactus."

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: cV, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
the sea should put an obstacle in the way of my fleet, driven by a powerful storm.”
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 332. Indulgent proceres, magnates, necne calones. Indulgent proceres, magnates, necne calones.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: n, pat: SDSS
The nobles, the lords, and even the servants permitted this.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 333. Mox rebus gestis ornatur regia classis, Mox rebus gestis ornatur regia classis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: r, gl: AaVbB, pat: SSSS
Soon after, a royal fleet was prepared for this exploit,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 334. Caelicolae sotias laeta exceptura phalanges. Caelicolae sotias laeta exceptura phalanges.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m?, fs: 4\3, ca: lc, ta: c, pa: lc, ma: Y, e: s, gl: aCBbA, pat: DDSS
happy to receive the allied squadrons of the Heaven-dweller.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 335. Nauita felicis defixit stigmata claui, Nauita felicis defixit stigmata claui,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, oa: f, gl: abVAB, pat: DSSS
A sailor made fast the symbols on the happy helm,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 336. Multiplices nectens malo trutinante rudentes. Multiplices nectens malo trutinante rudentes.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: n, pa: nm, ma: Y, gl: avBbA, pat: DSSD
fastening the many-layered ropes, with the mast balancing them.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 337. Soluitur, et laxis fastigia spumea uerrunt Soluitur, et laxis fastigia spumea uerrunt

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: fs, pa: fs, oa: s, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
The ship was released, and, with the cables relaxed,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 338. Otius antemnis pelagi, nec inepta capessunt Otius antemnis pelagi, nec inepta capessunt

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4f, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: pV, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSDD
they quickly swept over the foamy crests of the sea and reached the right shore.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 339. Litora, gratanti subeunt et pectore portum. Litora, gratanti subeunt et pectore portum.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: p, pa: pV, oa: p, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
They entered the harbour with happy hearts.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 340. Interea placidi patuit legatio nautae. Interea placidi patuit legatio nautae.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, pat: DDDS
Meanwhile, the delegation of a gentle sailor appeared.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 341. Pontifices coeunt alacres, ut nota uoluntas Pontifices coeunt alacres, ut nota uoluntas

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, pa: fV, ma: Y, gl: AVabB, pat: DDDS
Bishops eagerly gathered when knowledge of the group’s intention
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 342. In conuenticulis assumitur immaculatis, In conuenticulis assumitur immaculatis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 4\5, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
reached their unstained assemblies,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 343. Pertonuitque tubis aedes pretiosa beatis. Pertonuitque tubis aedes pretiosa beatis.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: V, ca: pV, ta: V, pa: tVp, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VABba, pat: DDSD
and the precious hall resounded with blessed trumpets.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 344. Stat duodena cohors multis stipata columnis; Stat duodena cohors multis stipata columnis;

sa: 3\3, ta: sc, oa: sdc, ha: Y, pat: VaAbvB
A twelvefold company stood there, surrounded by many columns.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 345. Exultant iubilo miscentes organa sistro, Exultant iubilo miscentes organa sistro,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
They exulted, mixing the organs with the joyful horn,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 346. Mistica ueriloquo traduntur et arma ministro. Mistica ueriloquo traduntur et arma ministro.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: mV, pa: mV, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: DDSD
and mystical arms were placed upon the truthful minister.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 347. Occiput effuso gratis pinguescit oliuo, Occiput effuso gratis pinguescit oliuo,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: gV, pa: gV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
The back of his head was enriched with olive oil, poured out freely,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 348. Candiduli primum renitent ornacula lini, Candiduli primum renitent ornacula lini,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: n, pat: DSDS
and for the first time the adornments of white linen gleamed upon him;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 349. Aurifluae rutilant serrano murice zonae, Aurifluae rutilant serrano murice zonae,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, gl: aVbBA, pat: DDSS
his golden belt glittered with Tyrian purple,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 350. Comuntur roseo candentia podere colla, Comuntur roseo candentia podere colla,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: VabAB, pat: SDSD
and his shining neck was adorned with a rose-coloured robe.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 351. Gemmata uehitur archontum more curuli, Gemmata uehitur archontum more curuli,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: SDSS
He was carried in a jewelled throne in the manner of rulers,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 352. Induit ormiscum; subiit hoc scemate templum. Induit ormiscum; subiit hoc scemate templum.

caesura pattern: | sŭbĭī́t | hōc | scḗmătĕ tḗmplum. | 3m | 4m | 4d, sa: 3\2, ta: s, pa: V, oa: sV, ma: V, ha: Y
and he put on the ornament. In this apparel he entered the temple.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 353. Postquam signa tulit multo radiata metallo, Postquam signa tulit multo radiata metallo,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: tm, pa: tm, ma: Y, gl: AVbaB, pat: SDSD
After he had carried symbols streaked with much metal,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 354. Astitit encharis, et libamina consecrat aris. Astitit encharis, et libamina consecrat aris.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: sVc, ta: V, pa: sVc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
he stood there graciously, and he consecrated libations on the altar.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 355. Omnibus expletis remeat, nauemque subintrat. Omnibus expletis remeat, nauemque subintrat.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
When these things had been completed, he returned and boarded the ship.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 356. Sed quia felices temptatio comprobat omnes Sed quia felices temptatio comprobat omnes

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pat: DSSD
But, because all those who are happy are put to the test by temptation,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 357. Indiuisa comes, dum tensis alta pererrant Indiuisa comes, dum tensis alta pererrant

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
the inseparable companion of happiness, while they were travelling over the marble
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 358. Marmora, Psalmigraphi recolentes orgia, uelis, Marmora, Psalmigraphi recolentes orgia, uelis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DDDS
surface of the deep with taut sails, celebrating again the mysteries of the Psalmist,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 359. Ecce repentinis pontus fundo tenus undis Ecce repentinis pontus fundo tenus undis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 2\2, ca: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
behold, the waves suddenly rose up and the sea began to roar from its very depths,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 360. Infremuit, casus agitans artemo minaces Infremuit, casus agitans artemo minaces

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
stirring up menacing disasters against the mast;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 361. Longe sub ignotis minitat labentia ripis Longe sub ignotis minitat labentia ripis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: l, pat: DSDS
it threatened that the crew, slipping far away to unknown shores,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 362. Agmina dira pati uicinae impendia mortis. Agmina dira pati uicinae impendia mortis.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d?, fs: 4\2, ca: pV, pa: pV, ma: Y, e: h, gl: AavbaB, pat: DDSS
would suffer the impending horrors of an imminent death.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 363. Incumbunt remis, uexatur languida puppis. Incumbunt remis, uexatur languida puppis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: SSSS
They pressed upon the oars; the sluggish stern was harassed.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 364. Cruribus ipse pater naualia procubus arma Cruribus ipse pater naualia procubus arma

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pVc, pa: pVc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
The father himself was strengthening the arms of the sailors
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 365. Confirmat positis, intentans lumina caelis. Coffirmat positis, intentans lumina caelis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
by laying his legs on the ground and prostrating himself,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 366. Ecce sub infausti contraria litora portus Ecce sub infausti contraria litora portus

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, oa: V, pat: DSSD
fixing his eyes on the heavens. Behold, when they were brought to the hostile coast
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 367. Gens effera suis casum spectabat in armis, Gens effera suis casum spectabat in armis,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: sV, ma: Y, gl: AabCVB, pat: SDSS
of an unfortunate harbour, a savage race saw that their fate was in their arms,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 368. Praedari fragilem captiua plebe carinam. Praedari fragilem captiua plebe carinam.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: pc, pa: pc, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: vabBA, pat: SDSS
and sought to plunder the vulnerable keel and to take the people captive.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 369. Quos pater intuitus, humili sermone precatus, Quos pater intuitus, humili sermone precatus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: pc, pa: pc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: CAvbBa, pat: DDDS
The father looked at them, and beseeched them with humble speech,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 370. "Naufragium seruatis," ait, "sed sponte mearum "Naufragium seruatis," ait, "sed sponte mearum

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: sV, ta: s, pa: sV, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
saying, “Keep the wreck, but I shall voluntarily give great gifts to you
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 371. Grandia contribuam, resipiscite, munera rerum. Grandia contribuam, resipiscite, munera rerum.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: r, pat: DDDD
from my own possessions. Come back to your senses.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 372. Nos equidem grauis afflictat uiolentia ponti, Nos equidem grauis afflictat uiolentia ponti,

caesura pattern: 2m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: f, pa: fV, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
The violence of the dreadful sea afflicts us indeed,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 373. Sed uelox aderit fateor, miseratio Christi." Sed uelox aderit fateor, miseratio Christi."

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, pat: SDDD
but I declare that the swift mercy of Christ shall come soon.”
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 374. Stans uolucres augur solitus seruare sinistras, Stans uolucres augur solitus seruare sinistras,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: s, ca: sf, ta: s, pa: sf, ma: Y, gl: vABbva, pat: DSDS
The augur, standing there, was accustomed to observe birds on the left,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 375. Despumat tumidis oracula saeua labellis. Despumat tumidis oracula saeua labellis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, gl: VaBbA, pat: SDSD
and foamed forth cruel oracles from his swollen lips.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 376. Eumenides, Furias uocitat sub murmure, Parcas. Eumenides, Furias uocitat sub murmure, Parcas.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: m, pa: mf, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
He invoked in a whisper the Eumenides, the Furies, the Parcae.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 377. Manibus infernis, ut fortis mandat Erinis, Manibus infernis, ut fortis mandat Erinis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: mV, ta: V, pa: mVf, oa: m, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
It was expedient for blood to be shed and for the dear people
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 378. Expedit ammisso plebs cara cruore litari: Expedit ammisso plebs cara cruore litari:

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ca: cV, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VaBbAv, pat: DSSD
to be made an offering to the infernal spirits, as strong Erinys commanded.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 379. Hoc ait, et properans bellum ferale perurget. Hoc ait, et properans bellum ferale perurget.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: pV, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
He spoke thus, and he spurred them on enthusiastically to deadly battle.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 380. Praesul item sanctas tendens ad sidera palmas, Praesul item sanctas tendens ad sidera palmas,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: ps, ta: s, pa: pVs, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: AbaCB, pat: DSSS
The prelate likewise, stretching out his holy palms to the stars,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 381. Inuocat auxilium diuinitus affore magnum. Inuocat auxilium diuinitus affore magnum.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: fV, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
asked that God would give them great help.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 382. Haec inter tereti iuuenis scutale lapillo Haec inter tereti iuuenis scutale lapillo

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: t, pa: tV, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
While these things were happening, a young man fitted out a sling
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 383. Ornat, et infandi torquens per inania uatis Ornat, et infandi torquens per inania uatis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: fV, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
with a small smooth stone and, whirling it around, cast it through the air;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 384. Figens sincipiti traiecit in antra cerebri, Figens sincipiti traiecit in antra cerebri,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: cV, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
it struck the forehead of the unspeakable prophet and entered the cavities of his brain.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 385. Corruit utque uafer, clamoribus estuat aether. Corruit utque uafer, clamoribus estuat aether.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
As the cunning man fell to the ground, the sky seethed with shouts.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 386. Cana dehinc recolit pastor miracula Dauid. Cana dehinc recolit pastor miracula Dauid.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: rd, pa: rdc, ma: Y, gl: aVBAB, pat: DDSS
Later the shepherd remembered the old miracles of David.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 387. Incubat ipse magis, auertitur impia pestis. Incubat ipse magis, auertitur impia pestis.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: p, ca: V, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
He applied himself more vigorously, and the awful disaster was averted.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 388. Conclamant acies truculento Marte ruentes, Conclamant acies truculento Marte ruentes,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: VAbBa, pat: SDDS
The battle-lines gave out a shout and rushed forward in a fierce struggle,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 389. Vocibus infestis concursant agmina regis. Vocibus infestis concursant agmina regis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: fVc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
and the king’s forces ran together with hostile cries.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 390. Quid plura? quotiens crudelia bella lacessunt, Quid plura? quotiens crudelia bella lacessunt,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
What more can I say? As often as they stirred up cruel battle,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 391. Excipiunt ictus Iesu uigilante cruentos. Excipiunt ictus Iesu uigilante cruentos.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: cV, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VABba, pat: DSSD
they received bloody blows, with Jesus keeping watch.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 392. Vnde quater uicti remeant, uictorque sereno Vnde quater uicti remeant, uictorque sereno

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: f, pat: DSDS
Therefore they turned back, defeated, four times,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 393. Euehitur pelago, frustratus remige quino, Euehitur pelago, frustratus remige quino,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DDSS
and the victor was carried away by a calm sea, deprived of five rowers.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 394. Optatumque tenent repetito limite portum. Optatumque tenent repetito limite portum.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, gl: aVbBA, pat: SDDS
They returned to their original course and reached the intended harbour.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 395. Hi quoque quos pridem regalis contio uictos Hi quoque quos pridem regalis contio uictos

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AbBa, pat: DSSS
They whom the royal assembly had defeated and expelled
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 396. Expulerat, fraude tantum potuere mereri. Expulerat, fraude tantum potuere mereri.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: pV, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
were able to regain through deceit what they had lost.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 397. Gallica detentus ponto dum rura uagatus Gallica detentus ponto dum rura uagatus

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: g, pa: dg, oa: g, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
While he, having wandered over the Gallic fields,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 398. Temperiem lente speraret adesse iocundam, Temperiem lente speraret adesse iocundam,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ta: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
was detained at sea, becalmed and waiting for favourable weather,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 399. Mutauit malefida locum defectio regis. Mutauit malefida locum defectio regis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: f, pa: mf, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
an unfaithful failure of the king changed the situation.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 400. Constituunt etenim peruerso kanone Coeddam, Constituunt etenim peruerso kanone Coeddam,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
For they decided by a perverse canon that Coedda,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 401. Moribus acclinem, doctrine robore fortem, Moribus acclinem, doctrine robore fortem,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DSSS
a man inclined to good morals and strong in sound doctrine,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 402. Praesulis eximii seruare cubilia: sicque Praesulis eximii seruare cubilia: sicque

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: s, ta: s, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
would guard the bed of the excellent prelate. In this way they boldly stole
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 403. Audacter uiuo sponsam rapuere marito. Audacter uiuo sponsam rapuere marito.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: r, ca: V, pa: rV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SSSD
the bride from her husband while he was still alive. The crowd which came to meet
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 404. Obuia turba patri luctu quatiente reuelat, Obuia turba patri luctu quatiente reuelat,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: fV, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aACBbV, pat: DDSD
the father trembled with grief as they revealed these events to him,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 405. Diuertitque humulis sub nota mapalia Hripis. Diuertitque humulis sub nota mapalia Hripis.

caesura pattern: 2f? | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: h, e: s, gl: VabBA, pat: SDSD
and in humility he turned aside to the familiar huts at Ripon.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 406. Vsque adeon potuit quisquam nescire moueri? Vsque adeon potuit quisquam nescire moueri?

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, pa: cV, e: s, pat: DDSS
Is there anyone who does not know how to be moved by this?
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 407. Non hunc subreptae tanto discrimine sedes, Non hunc subreptae tanto discrimine sedes,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: s, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: CabBA, pat: SSSS
The see, snatched from him at such a critical moment,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 408. Non illum sumpti multo luctamine fasces, Non illum sumpti multo luctamine fasces,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, gl: CabBA, pat: SSSS
did not terrify him, nor did the symbols of power, taken in a great struggle,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 409. Aut labor, aut tumidi conterruit ira profundi. Aut labor, aut tumidi conterruit ira profundi.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, pa: tV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
nor did the toil, nor the anger of the swollen deep.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 410. Spe meliore manet latebris contectus in illis. Spe meliore manet latebris contectus in illis.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pa: mV, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
He remained concealed in that hiding-place, with a better hope.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 411. Sepe licet proprias uetetur pascere ouillas, Sepe licet proprias uetetur pascere ouillas,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\3, ca: pf, pa: pf, ma: Y, e: s, pat: DDSS
Although he was often prevented from feeding his own sheep, no rest
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 412. Nulla datur requies, uicino urgente colono. Nulla datur requies, uicino urgente colono.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d?, fs: 3\3, ca: c, e: h, gl: aVAbvB, pat: DDSS
was given to him, because a neighbouring settler was putting pressure upon him.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 413. Queritur a ducibus, quorum Vulfarius unus, Queritur a ducibus, quorum Vulfarius unus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: f, ca: V, pa: fVc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
He was sought by rulers, of whom one was Wulfar,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 414. Nobilibus pollens per Mercica regna triumphis; Nobilibus pollens per Mercica regna triumphis;

sa: 2\3, pat: avbBA
a man powerful throughout the kingdoms of Mercia because of his famous victories;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 415. Vix potuit fato pastorem efferre locello. Vix potuit fato pastorem efferre locello.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d?, fs: 3\3, ca: f, ta: f, oa: f, ma: Y, e: m, pat: DSSS
he was scarcely able to bring the shepherd out of his little place,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 416. Qui postquam meruit tanto doctore potiri, Qui postquam meruit tanto doctore potiri,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: t, ca: pt, ta: t, pa: tpc, oa: tc, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
which was named above. After he deservedly acquired such a great teacher,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 417. Affectu coluit, terris et honore ditauit. Affectu coluit, terris et honore ditauit.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ca: t, pa: tV, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
he honoured him with his affection, and he enriched him with lands and honour.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 418. Ekbertus uero, quem Cantia rura timebant, Ekbertus uero, quem Cantia rura timebant,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: SSSD
Moreover, Ekbert, whom the fields of Kent feared,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 419. Dum pastore caret, flexo rogitamine poscit, Dum pastore caret, flexo rogitamine poscit,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: p, pat: SDSD
while he lacked a shepherd, asked on bended knee
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 420. Ordinet ut sacros decreto more ministros. Ordinet ut sacros decreto more ministros.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: m, pa: mV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VabBA, pat: DSSS
that he would ordain some sacred ministers in the decreed manner.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 421. His ita digestis, natales prospere fines His ita digestis, natales prospere fines

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DSSS
When these things had been dealt with, he returned in prosperity
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 422. Asseculis fultus repetit fastu sine multis. Asseculis fultus repetit fastu sine multis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 2\2, ca: fs, pa: fs, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
and supported by many attendants, but without pride, to his native borders.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 423. Plures instituit normali tramite cellas; Plures instituit normali tramite cellas;

sa: 3\2, pat: aVbBA
He set up very many cells of monks, which were to follow the regular path;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 424. Vitam priuato seruare monebat asilo. Vitam priuato seruare monebat asilo.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ca: s, pat: SSSD
he warned them to guard their lives in a private sanctuary.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 425. Se quoque continuis ter ducti solibus anni Se quoque continuis ter ducti solibus anni

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, pa: sct, oa: s, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
In addition, for the continuous period of three years he girded himself
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 426. Accinxit solitis fidei pugnacibus armis: Accinxit solitis fidei pugnacibus armis:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
with the accustomed fighting weapons of the faith,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 427. Nec cessit duri spolians capitolia furis. Nec cessit duri spolians capitolia furis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: c, pat: SSDD
and he did not cease to plunder the citadel of the harsh thief.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 428. Emensis igitur praedicti temporis annis, Emensis igitur praedicti temporis annis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abBA, pat: SDSS
Therefore, after the aforementioned number of years had been measured out,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 429. Mittitur Ausoniis pastorum praesul ab oris Mittitur Ausoniis pastorum praesul ab oris

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: pV, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
a prelate of the shepherds was sent from the Ausonian shores,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 430. Cultor iustitiae Theodorus ac pietatis. Cultor iustitiae Theodorus ac pietatis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 1\4, ca: tV, pa: tV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
Theodore, a cultivator of justice and piety. When he discovered that a righteous man
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 431. Comperit ut iustum collata sede reuulsum, Comperit ut iustum collata sede reuulsum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: VabBA, pat: DSSS
had been uprooted from a see which had been granted to him, he shared in
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 432. In commune dolet uiolatae foedera legis. In commune dolet uiolatae foedera legis.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, pat: SDDS
the common grief at the agreement of a law, which had then been broken.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 433. Mox foribus raptis Coeddam dimouit, et apte Mox foribus raptis Coeddam dimouit, et apte

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: m, pa: mV, oa: m, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
Soon after he removed Coedda from the doors he had seized, and he fittingly
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 434. Praefecit sedi longum pastore uacanti. Praefecit sedi longum pastore uacanti.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: fp, pa: pf, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
installed him as shepherd in a see which had been vacant for a long time;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 435. Wilfridumque suis redimiuit protinus aulis. Vuilfridumque suis redimiuit protinus aulis.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: SDDS
then straightaway he surrounded Wilfrid with his own courts. Thus, having waited
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 436. Sic patiens meruit collato iure pacisci. Sic patiens meruit collato iure pacisci.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: pc, pa: pc, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
patiently, he deservedly obtained what was agreed, and his right was granted to him.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 437. Redditus ergo suis, instabat promptius illis. Redditus ergo suis, instabat promptius illis.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pV, ta: V, pa: pVs, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
Accordingly, restored to his own flock, he devoted himself more eagerly to them.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 438. Ecclesiae uero fundamina cassa uetustae, Ecclesiae uero fundamina cassa uetustae,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: fc, ta: f, pa: fc, ma: Y, gl: Abba, pat: DSSD
The foundations of the ancient church were hollow, and pigeons were damaging
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 439. Culmina dissuto uiolabant trabe palumbes. Culmina dissuto uiolabant trabe palumbes.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: DSDS
the rafters, which had become unconnected from each other.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 440. Humida contrito stillabant assere tecta; Humida contrito stillabant assere tecta;

sa: 3\2, ta: t, pat: abVBA
The timbers had worn out, and moisture was dripping from the ceiling.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 441. Liuida nudato suggrundia pariete passa Liuida nudato suggrundia pariete passa

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: p, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: abABv, pat: DSSD
The walls were denuded, and the dark eaves lay open,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 442. Imbricibus nullis: pluuiae quacumque uagantur, Imbricibus nullis: pluuiae quacumque uagantur,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, pat: DSDS
with no gutters in place. Wherever the rainwater flowed,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 443. Pendula discissis fluitant laquearia tignis, Pendula discissis fluitant laquearia tignis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, gl: abVAB, pat: DSDD
it ran down between the separated beams in the precarious roof.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 444. Fornice marcebant kataractae dilapidato. Fornice marcebant kataractae dilapidato.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 4\5, pat: DSDS
The windows in the ruined arch were wasting away.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 445. His ita contuitis, exhorruit; ilicet alti His ita contuitis, exhorruit; ilicet alti

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: hV, oa: hV, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
When he had seen the state of the building, he was aghast. At once
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 446. Viribus ingenii reparare peribula templi Viribus ingenii reparare peribula templi

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: pr, pa: pr, ma: Y, pat: DDDD
the stone-masons, tired and sweating profusely, applied themselves, with their
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 447. Incumbunt fessi uasto sudore latomi, Incumbunt fessi uasto sudore latomi,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, gl: VabBA, pat: SSSS
considerable natural strength, to repairing the enclosed areas of the high temple;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 448. Nec minus approperant opicizi emblemata proni, Nec minus approperant opicizi emblemata proni,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d?, fs: 4\2, ca: pV, ta: V, pa: pV, ma: Y, e: h, pat: DDDS
no less diligently did the barbarian workmen, lying on the ground, work on the mosaic
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 449. Arcus incultos hialino claudere uelo. Arcus incultos hialino claudere uelo.

fs: 3\2, ca: c, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AabvB, pat: SSDS
pavements. He ordered them to enclose the unkept arches with a glassy screen,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 450. Pondus et informes Athlantes ferre priores Pondus et informes Athlantes ferre priores

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: pVf, ta: V, pa: pVf, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
and that the pillars, formerly shapeless, should bear some weight.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 451. Iussit, et expletum: limphis perfunditur absis, Iussit, et expletum: limphis perfunditur absis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: pV, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
This was all done: water was poured on the apse,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 452. Albanturque suis lustrata altaria peplis. Albanturque suis lustrata altaria peplis.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d?, fs: 4\2, ca: V, e: s, gl: VabBA, pat: SDSS
and the purified altars were made white with their coverings.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 453. Exin glorifico persoluit munia Christo. Exin glorifico persoluit munia Christo.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: SDSS
Then he performed his duties for Christ, who confers glory.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 454. Crescit summa uiri, crescit dilectio sancti, Crescit summa uiri, crescit dilectio sancti,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: s, pa: cs, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: VaBVAb, pat: SDSS
A supreme love grew in the holy man, it grew,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 455. Virtutum genitrix, almorum florida nutrix; Virtutum genitrix, almorum florida nutrix;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
the flourishing nurse and mother of nourishing virtues.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 456. Non igitur coeptum dissoluit dexia uotum, Non igitur coeptum dissoluit dexia uotum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: d, pat: DSSS
Hence the right hand did not annul the vow he had made,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 457. Pichria neue tulit, seu dissologia rupit. Pichria neue tulit, seu dissologia rupit.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m, fs: 5\2, ca: s, pat: DDSS
nor did bitterness take hold of it, nor did double talk break it.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 458. Theosopho spirans animo cognata sinergus Theosopho spirans animo cognata sinergus

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: n, ca: s, ta: s, pa: ns, oa: n, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
The Spirit, a co-worker with his mind, which was rich in divine wisdom, inspired him
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 459. Oppida diffuso Hripis amplificare colurno, Oppida diffuso Hripis amplificare colurno,

caesura pattern: 3m, fs: 5\3, sa: c, ca: fV, pa: fVc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSDD
to aggrandise the neighbouring town of Ripon, with its extensive hazel thickets.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 460. Illic planata decusatim uomere terra, Illic planata decusatim uomere terra,

fs: 3\2, pat: SSDS
The earth there was levelled in the shape of a cross with a ploughshare,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 461. Simmetriis perpendiculo perfecte libratis Simmetriis perpendiculo perfecte libratis

caesura pattern: 2m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: p, ta: p, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
and he built a church, with its measurements perfectly balanced with a plumb-line,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 462. Ecclesiam statuit, thalamum Christoque dicauit. Ecclesiam statuit, thalamum Christoque dicauit.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: ct, ta: c, pa: ct, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
and dedicated it as a bed-chamber for Christ.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 463. Tandem post paucas ornatis rebus imeras Tandem post paucas ornatis rebus imeras

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: pV, ma: Y, gl: abBA, pat: SSSS
At last, after a few days and with everything prepared,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 464. Conuenere duces, necnon basileia pubes, Conuenere duces, necnon basileia pubes,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, pat: SDSD
the leaders gathered, and some of the royal youth,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 465. Tristatae, comites, uulgi promiscua strages. Tristatae, comites, uulgi promiscua strages.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, pat: SDSS
high-ranking courtiers, ministers, and a diverse mass of the common people.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 466. Ecclesiae proceres aedem pro more beantes Ecclesiae proceres aedem pro more beantes

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, pa: pVc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
The dignitaries of the church blessed the shrine in the customary manner
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 467. Ornarunt altare Petri sub honore canori. Ornarunt altare Petri sub honore canori.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4f, fs: 3\3, sa: n, pa: nV, oa: n, ma: Y, pat: SSDD
and adorned the altar with the honour of the melodious Peter.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 468. Stans in cancellis dat cunctis sperma salutis, Stans in cancellis dat cunctis sperma salutis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: s, ca: s, ta: s, pa: sc, oa: sc, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
Standing in the chancel, he gave the seed of salvation to all,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 469. Regibus edixit, repetitaque rura recepit. Regibus edixit, repetitaque rura recepit.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: r, ca: r, ta: r, oa: r, ma: Y, pat: DSDD
he addressed kings, and he received fields which he had sought to recover.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 470. Verbo necne cibo triduo turbam satiauit. Verbo necne cibo triduo turbam satiauit.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 2\4, ca: t, pat: SDDS
He satisfied the crowd with word and food for three days.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 471. Optima quaeque dedit libens exenia miris Optima quaeque dedit libens exenia miris

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, pat: DDSS
He gave generously the best gifts, embellished in remarkable ways:
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 472. Deflorata modis: capsacibus atque gemellis Deflorata modis: capsacibus atque gemellis

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: m, pat: SDSD
a book, bound with twin covers and written in gold letters,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 473. Codex aurato conseptus grammate scriptus, Codex aurato conseptus grammate scriptus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, pa: cs, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: AbvBa, pat: SSSS
which was enhanced, and which contained
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 474. Auctus euuangelicum seruans in corpore textum. Auctus euuangelicum seruans in corpore textum.

fs: 3\2, ta: V, pat: DDSS
the text of the gospels in its body.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 475. Cumque benigniouolo persolueret omnia corde, Cumque benigniouolo persolueret omnia corde,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
When he was completing all these things with a benevolent heart,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 476. Inflatur nullo Iesu moderamine tipho. Inflatur nullo Iesu moderamine tipho.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, gl: VaBbA, pat: SSSD
by Jesus’ moderation he did not become swollen with pride.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 477. Quapropter merita donatus digne chorea Quapropter merita donatus digne chorea

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: dc, pa: dc, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
Therefore he flourished, worthily endowed with a deserved choir,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 478. Floruit, ut quondam Moisi sub tempore lampas, Floruit, ut quondam Moisi sub tempore lampas,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DSDS
as once did the torch in the time of Moses,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 479. Pandens aeternae callem patriamque quietis, Pandens aeternae callem patriamque quietis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: V, ca: pVc, ta: V, pa: pVc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SSSD
revealing the path and the homeland of eternal rest,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 480. Atque domos sibimet superae regionis amicas. Atque domos sibimet superae regionis amicas.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: V, ca: mV, ta: V, pa: mVs, oa: mV, ma: Y, gl: AbBa, pat: DDDD
and the houses in the upper region, which were friendly to him.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 481. Quid? loquar an sileam? uerbi da Christe, lucernam. Quid? loquar an sileam? uerbi da Christe, lucernam.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, ca: cl, ta: c, pa: cVl, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
What then? Shall I speak or shall I be silent?
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 482. Exiguum dixi, liceat iam rumpere longas Exiguum dixi, liceat iam rumpere longas

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: l, pa: Vl, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
Grant the lamp of the word, Christ. I have said a little;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 483. Inscitia cogente moras, ne lingua pudorem Inscitia cogente moras, ne lingua pudorem

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: DSDS
now let me be allowed to break the long delays imposed by my ignorance,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 484. Praesumtrix tulerit. neque enim modo sufficit ulla Praesumtrix tulerit. neque enim modo sufficit ulla

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: sV, pa: sV, ma: Y, e: s, pat: SDDD
so that my presumptuous tongue might not bring shame. For no tongue would suffice
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 485. Virtutum pelagus percurrere rite tuarum, Virtutum pelagus percurrere rite tuarum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: SDSD
to run properly through the sea of your virtues,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 486. Quas meruere tui per te complere coloni. Quas meruere tui per te complere coloni.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: pc, ta: c, pa: tpc, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
which your labourers deserved to perform through your enabling.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 487. E numero quorum Wilfridus marchio summus, E numero quorum Vuilfridus marchio summus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DSSS
Of their number Wilfrid was the highest lord: he was a shepherd,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 488. Nobiliter superae ducens per pascua uitae Nobiliter superae ducens per pascua uitae

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, pat: DDSS
nobly leading his flock through the pastures of the life from above,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 489. Pastor alebat oues: ut propulit eminus hostes, Pastor alebat oues: ut propulit eminus hostes,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: pV, pa: pV, oa: p, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
and feeding his sheep. As he warded off enemies from afar,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 490. Monstrabat liquidis saluandos tinguere limphis Monstrabat liquidis saluandos tinguere limphis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: l, pat: SDSS
he showed that he would baptize those who were being saved
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 491. In Patris et Nati, necnon et Flaminis Almi In Patris et Nati, necnon et Flaminis Almi

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: nV, pa: nV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
with liquid water in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 492. Nomine chrismales adhibens pater ipse fluores, Nomine chrismales adhibens pater ipse fluores,

fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CavBbA, pat: DSDS
as a father applying the anointing fluid, who was in the middle,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 493. Quem populi pulchra medium cinxere corona. Quem populi pulchra medium cinxere corona.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, pa: pc, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
surrounded by the people in a beautiful circle.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 494. Ecce per effusas denso tamen agmine turmas Ecce per effusas denso tamen agmine turmas

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: tV, ta: V, pa: tV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abBA, pat: DSSD
Behold, amid the hordes, spread out in a dense throng,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 495. Plena metu mulier, defunctae funera prolis, Plena metu mulier, defunctae funera prolis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pf, pa: pmf, oa: pf, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
a woman, full of fear, shunning the bier,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 496. Sandapilam fugiens, fessis ostentat in ulnis. Sandapilam fugiens, fessis ostentat in ulnis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: sV, ta: V, pa: fVs, oa: s, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
showed in her weary arms the corpse of her dead child.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 497. Stat turbis immixta; fides terrorque gementem Stat turbis immixta; fides terrorque gementem

caesura pattern: | fĭdḗs | tērrṓrquĕ gĕmḗntem | 2m | 3f | 4m, sa: 3\3, ta: tm, oa: tm, ma: m, ha: Y
She stood there, mixed in among the crowds;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 498. Afflictant tacitis circum praecordia flagris. Afflictant tacitis circum praecordia flagris.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: fc, pa: fc, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
she groaned as faith and terror afflicted her heart with silent whips.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 499. Tum pater accessit, mox pallida conspicit ora. Tum pater accessit, mox pallida conspicit ora.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cV, pa: pVc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
Then the father approached, and soon he noticed her pale face.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 500. Obstipuit, haesitque loco; temeraria latrix, Obstipuit, haesitque loco; temeraria latrix,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: l, pat: DSDD
He was stunned and stopped where he was. The brazen mother
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 501. Pronior incubuit, luctum singultibus auxit. Pronior incubuit, luctum singultibus auxit.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
laid herself prostrate on the ground and increased her grief with sobbing.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 502. "O pater, elatam noli deponere dextram. "O pater, elatam noli deponere dextram.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: d, ca: p, pa: pVd, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
“Father, do not lower the right hand which you have raised.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 503. Orbatam nato matrem cur despicis uno? Orbatam nato matrem cur despicis uno?

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aBAVb, pat: SSSS
Why do you despise a mother bereft of her only son?
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 504. En qui confirmas Christum fore cunctipotentem, En qui coffirmas Christum fore cunctipotentem,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\5, ca: pfc, ta: c, pa: pfc, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SSSD
See, you who affirm that Christ will be all-powerful, complete my faith
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 505. Imple fidem gestis, miserae da pignus alumnae." Imple fidem gestis, miserae da pignus alumnae."

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: pV, pa: pV, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
with your deeds and give a pledge to your wretched foster-daughter.”
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 506. Ingeminat querulas instanti murmure uoces; Ingeminat querulas instanti murmure uoces;

sa: 3\2, pat: VabBA
She redoubled her grieving cries with an insistent complaint.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 507. Contio concurrit gemitu collecta misellae; Contio concurrit gemitu collecta misellae;

sa: 3\3, ta: c, pa: c, ma: c, ha: Y
The crowd came rushing together, gathered by the grief of the poor woman,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 508. Fit plangor grandis. tandem compassus herilis Fit plangor grandis. tandem compassus herilis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: p, gl: VAaBb, pat: SSSS
and a great lamentation arose. At last, filled with compassion,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 509. Praesul agit tacitas sancto sub pectore grates, Praesul agit tacitas sancto sub pectore grates,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, ta: s, pa: ps, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: CVabBA, pat: DDSS
the lordly prelate gave silent thanks in his holy breast,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 510. Perfida quod nouit Iesum rogitare caterua. Perfida quod nouit Iesum rogitare caterua.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: t, ca: c, pa: tc, oa: t, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
because the faithless multitude knew to entreat Jesus,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 511. Moxque solo fixus claros in corde meatus Moxque solo fixus claros in corde meatus

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: cVm, pa: cVm, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
and soon, immoveable in his heart alone, he unsealed the clear courses;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 512. Tunc reserat, faciem lacrimis et corcula palmis Tunc reserat, faciem lacrimis et corcula palmis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DDDS
he brought forth tears on his face and beat his breast with his hands,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 513. Afficit, Adonaique pio clamore citauit. Afficit, Adonaique pio clamore citauit.

caesura pattern: 3f | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
and he summoned up the pious shout “Adonai”.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 514. Consurgens autem praesensit adesse salutem, Consurgens autem praesensit adesse salutem,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: sV, ta: sV, pa: sV, ma: Y, pat: SSSD
Then rising up, he sensed that salvation was at hand
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 515. Timpora cumque manu palpasset frigida, functus Timpora cumque manu palpasset frigida, functus

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: f, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
and, when he had touched the child’s cold temples with his hand,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 516. Cesariem mouit, uitali redditus aurae. Cesariem mouit, uitali redditus aurae.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DSSS
the dead boy moved his head, with the breath of life restored.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 517. Vulgus inexpletas confusis uocibus odas, Vulgus inexpletas coffusis uocibus odas,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: fV, ta: fV, pa: fV, oa: fV, ma: Y, gl: CabBA, pat: DSSS
When these things had been accomplished, the crowd sang out incomplete songs,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 518. Haec ubi sunt patrata, dedit: puer ilico sacris Haec ubi sunt patrata, dedit: puer ilico sacris

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: sV, pa: pVs, oa: s, ma: Y, pat: DSDD
with their voices mixed up with each other’s.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 519. Baptizatur aquis, miserae dans gaudia matri. Baptizatur aquis, miserae dans gaudia matri.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: m, pat: SDDS
At once the boy was baptised with sacred water, giving joy to his wretched mother.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 520. Protinus acceptum secum portauit alendum, Protinus acceptum secum portauit alendum,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: pV, pa: pVc, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
She received him back straightaway and carried him with her to feed him.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 521. Iussa patri post septenos ut redderet annos, Iussa patri post septenos ut redderet annos,

caesura pattern: 2m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
She was ordered to return him to the father after seven years,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 522. Ast cogente fero contempsit dicta marito, Ast cogente fero contempsit dicta marito,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: SDSS
but compelled by her fierce husband, she disdained this command
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 523. Exsul ad externos fugiens cum prole Britannos. Exsul ad externos fugiens cum prole Britannos.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: t, ta: V, pa: tV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbaCB, pat: DSDS
and fled as an exile with her son to the foreign Britons.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 524. Nec multum latuit: post haec non sponte reduxit Nec multum latuit: post haec non sponte reduxit

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: SDSS
He did not remain hidden for long: after these things,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 525. Praefectus puerum quidam patris in dominatum. Praefectus puerum quidam patris in dominatum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\4, ta: p, pat: SDSD
a certain official brought the boy back, against the will of his mother,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 526. Exin diuinis illum famulatibus addit. Exin diuinis illum famulatibus addit.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SSSD
under the authority of the father. Then he added him to the life of divine service.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 527. Pluribus exemplo puer isdem profuit almo. Pluribus exemplo puer isdem profuit almo.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pV, ta: pV, pa: pV, oa: pV, ma: Y, gl: aBCAVb, pat: DSDS
This boy served as a gracious example to many.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 528. Tunc fax emicuit, quae inter crepitacula fulsit. Tunc fax emicuit, quae inter crepitacula fulsit.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: tcf, pa: fVct, oa: t, ma: Y, e: h, pat: SDSD
At that time the torch flashed forth its light and shone amid the din.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 529. Anglum tum gemina fulgebat lampade regnum. Anglum tum gemina fulgebat lampade regnum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: abVBA, pat: SDSS
In those days the English kingdom shone with twin lamps.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 530. Pontifices regis consulto digna gerebant, Pontifices regis consulto digna gerebant,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: r, pat: DSSS
The bishops were performing worthy deeds with the support of the king,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 531. Rex quoque praesulibus latria seruibat honora. Rex quoque praesulibus latria seruibat honora.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: s, pat: DDDS
and the king also was offering honourable service to the prelates.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 532. Summa quies plebi legalia iura tenenti; Summa quies plebi legalia iura tenenti;

sa: 2\3, pat: aACbBc
The people enjoyed the greatest peace and obeyed the just laws; the barns,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 533. Frugiferis grauida gaudebant horrea glebis, Frugiferis grauida gaudebant horrea glebis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: g, ta: g, pa: fg, ma: Y, gl: abVBA, pat: DDSS
made heavy by the fruitful earth, rejoiced;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 534. Epibatae faciles ausu spreuere latrones, Epibatae faciles ausu spreuere latrones,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: f, pa: fV, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
the lay people could easily dare to scorn the threat of robbers;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 535. Classica dira silent, nec formidatur egestas, Classica dira silent, nec formidatur egestas,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m, fs: 4\3, ca: d, oa: d, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
the terrible trumpets of war were silent, there was no dread of poverty,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 536. Promicat ecclesia pacato foedere nexa. Promicat ecclesia pacato foedere nexa.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: VAbBa, pat: DDSS
and the church shone forth, joined together by a treaty of reconciliation.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 537. Loetifer inuidit, conamina mille reclusit, Loetifer inuidit, conamina mille reclusit,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, pa: fc, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
The deadly one was envious and unveiled a thousand schemes
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 538. Rumperet ut sanctam peruerso schismate pacem. Rumperet ut sanctam peruerso schismate pacem.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: sp, pa: sp, ma: Y, gl: VabBA, pat: DSSS
to try to break the holy peace with a perverse schism.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 539. Aggeribus crassis nisa est gens Picta rebellis, Aggeribus crassis nisa est gens Picta rebellis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: DSSS
The rebellious race of the Picts strove to set up huge earthworks,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 540. Anglorum solitas iam tunc non ferre catenas. Anglorum solitas iam tunc non ferre catenas.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: t, pa: tV, oa: t, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
not wanting to bear any longer the chains of the English,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 541. Egfridus imperii largas retinebat habenas. Egfridus imperii largas retinebat habenas.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
to which they had become accustomed. Egfrid held the broad reins of rule.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 542. Coniunx alma uiro Edildrid, famosa uirago, Coniunx alma uiro Edildrid, famosa uirago,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m? | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, ca: f, ta: fV, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, pat: SDSS
(His gracious wife was Edildrid, a famous virago,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 543. Addita coniugio uixit castissima uirgo. Addita coniugio uixit castissima uirgo.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: fc, pa: fVc, ma: Y, gl: aAVbB, pat: DDSS
who lived as a most chaste virgin even after her wedding.)
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 544. Princeps ergo lenes animo flammante cohortes Princeps ergo lenes animo flammante cohortes

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, gl: CaBbA, pat: SDDS
Therefore, the leader led out his troops, few in number but fiery in spirit,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 545. Admouet, indomitoque reos mucrone trucidat. Ammouet, indomitoque reos mucrone trucidat.

caesura pattern: 3f | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: m, pa: cVm, oa: cV, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
and he slaughtered the defenders with an indomitable sword.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 546. Exclusere duos caesis ex hostibus amnes, Exclusere duos caesis ex hostibus amnes,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VabBA, pat: SDSS
They blocked up two rivers with the slain of the enemy,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 547. Manubiis farti regis uenere manipli, Manubiis farti regis uenere manipli,

fs: 3\3, sa: n, ca: fm, pa: mnf, oa: n, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
and the king’s squadrons returned, overloaded with booty.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 548. Dant stragem late, redeunt in colla catenae: Dant stragem late, redeunt in colla catenae:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, pa: cV, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
They laid waste a wide area, and the chains were again placed on their necks.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 549. Perfruitur magno rex uictor longe triumpho. Perfruitur magno rex uictor longe triumpho.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: VaBBA, pat: DSSS
The victorious king delighted in his great triumph for a long time.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 550. Non armis etenim raro cum milite uicit, Non armis etenim raro cum milite uicit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: SDSS
It was not by arms that he conquered, for his soldiers were few,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 551. Sed uirtute Dei, meritis et praesulis almi, Sed uirtute Dei, meritis et praesulis almi,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: sV, pa: sV, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
but by the virtue of God and by the merits of the blessed prelate, and he overcame
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 552. Obtinuit gentes uacuo turgore minaces. Obtinuit gentes uacuo turgore minaces.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: gt, pa: gt, ma: Y, gl: VAbBa, pat: DSDS
peoples who had threatened with an empty pride. No less numerous were the hordes
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 553. Nec minus innumeras, dum Mercica regna tumerent, Nec minus innumeras, dum Mercica regna tumerent,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: m, ta: m, pa: nm, oa: m, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
of the Mercian kingdoms, which were at that time swelling with pride;
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 554. Cuspide confossas strauit rex iste cateruas. Cuspide coffossas strauit rex iste cateruas.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: CaVBba, pat: DSSS
but the same king laid them low, pierced by the point of the spear.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 555. Quorum dux cessit fugiens, aeuoque sequenti Quorum dux cessit fugiens, aeuoque sequenti

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: fcs, ta: c, pa: fcs, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: CAVaBb, pat: SSDS
Their leader withdrew and fled, and in a later time
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 556. Addidit Arctois borealia sceptra triumphis, Addidit Arctois borealia sceptra triumphis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VabBA, pat: DSDD
he added northern sceptres to his Arctic triumphs,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 557. Fultus magnifico Wilfridi plane rogatu. Fultus magnifico Vuilfridi plane rogatu.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ta: f, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
evidently strengthened by the noble prayers of Wilfrid.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 558. Virtus ergo uiri nullo sudore remitti, Virtus ergo uiri nullo sudore remitti,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, gl: CAbBa, pat: SDSS
Therefore the man’s virtue did not relax any of its sweat, nor, through pride
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 559. Neue supercilio subrectis nisibus extra Neue supercilio subrectis nisibus extra

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: n, pa: ns, oa: n, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
in his upright exertions, could it be led away from its true zeal for justice.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 560. Iustitiae uerum diduci quibat oestrum. Iustitiae uerum diduci quibat oestrum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
He travelled with an earnest mind
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 561. Sane per ignotas instanter mente pererrans, Sane per ignotas instanter mente pererrans,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: pV, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
even among nations ignorant of the divine seed,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 562. Diuinae gentes sationis tempore passim Diuinae gentes sationis tempore passim

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: SSDS
extending his journey everywhere at that time,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 563. Dilatans, exercitium non segne gerebat. Dilatans, exercitium non segne gerebat.

caesura pattern: 2m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: SSDS
and he was not slothful in the performance of his work.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 564. Excubiis pernox gaudens instare secretis, Excubiis pernox gaudens instare secretis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: s, ca: cV, pa: sVc, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
He rejoiced to devote himself to private night-long vigils,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 565. Corpus perspicuis castum purgabat in undis, Corpus perspicuis castum purgabat in undis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pa: pVc, ma: Y, gl: AbaVB, pat: SDSS
washing his chaste body in transparent water,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 566. Ingeniti feruore laris ne corruat ustum. Ingeniti feruore laris ne corruat ustum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
so that he might not fall into the fire through the ardour of an innate passion.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 567. Non ardor Phoebi, non algida tempora brumae Non ardor Phoebi, non algida tempora brumae

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pa: nV, pat: SSSD
Neither the heat of Phoebus nor the cold times in the middle of winter
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 568. Dulcia conceptae rupere uolumina curae, Dulcia conceptae rupere uolumina curae,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: abvAB, pat: DSSD
broke the sweet patterns of this concern which he had developed until,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 569. Donec apostolicis iamiam defessa senectus Donec apostolicis iamiam defessa senectus

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: ds, ta: V, pa: sVd, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
by apostolic command, his already tired old age
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 570. Praeceptis tanto meruit squalore resolui. Praeceptis tanto meruit squalore resolui.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: s, pat: SSDS
was deservedly released from such great filthiness.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 571. Nec solus poti sciphum consumere riui Nec solus poti sciphum consumere riui

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: s, ta: s, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
Not once did he decide that it was right for him to drink a whole cup of water.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 572. Fas fore decreuit: ieiunia laeta luebat, Fas fore decreuit: ieiunia laeta luebat,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: l, ca: V, pa: fVl, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
He endured happy fasts, and, running ahead,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 573. Subiectosque uiam praecurrens duxit in artam. Subiectosque uiam praecurrens duxit in artam.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
he led his subjects into the narrow way.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 574. Conflua turba ducum soboles conferre sub ipsum Cofflua turba ducum soboles cofferre sub ipsum

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, ca: fs, pa: fcs, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
A gathered crowd of leaders
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 575. Gaudebat, mirata piam morum probitatem, Gaudebat, mirata piam morum probitatem,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 2\4, ca: pm, pa: mp, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
marvelled at the pious integrity of his habits and were glad to place their offspring
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 576. Seu seruire Deo, seu nosse palatia iusto. Seu seruire Deo, seu nosse palatia iusto.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ta: s, pat: SDSD
under him, either to serve God or to be able to experience palaces with justice.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 577. Haec quoque falsiloquis praebebant iurgia linguis, Haec quoque falsiloquis praebebant iurgia linguis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: l, gl: abVAB, pat: DDSS
These things led to abuse from false tongues,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 578. Ast athleta Dei contectus uellere pacis, Ast athleta Dei contectus uellere pacis,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: SDSS
but God’s champion was protected by the coat of peace,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 579. Obsequium mitis odiis suffibat acerbis. Obsequium mitis odiis suffibat acerbis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: sV, ta: V, pa: sV, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
and he produced the gentle incense of obedience in response to this bitter hatred.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 580. Preterea templum caesis instaurat arenis, Preterea templum caesis instaurat arenis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, pat: DSSS
Moreover, he established a temple after the land had been hewn out in preparation.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 581. Circumdans caecis sinuato fornice criptis, Circumdans caecis sinuato fornice criptis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: vabBA, pat: SSDS
He surrounded it with dark crypts, built in the curved foundations,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 582. Lenibus obductas pingens flauoribus aulas. Lenibus obductas pingens flauoribus aulas.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: f, ca: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abvAB, pat: DSSS
and painted the halls, which were overlaid with soft golden colours.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 583. Mox recolit tardae collata iuuamina linguae, Mox recolit tardae collata iuuamina linguae,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, pat: DSSD
Soon he performed again the assistance of a slow tongue,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 584. Andreaeque pii uocitamen contulit arae. Andreaeque pii uocitamen contulit arae.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
and he conferred upon the altar the name of pious Andrew.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 585. Inuida mortiferi non defuit aura chelidri. Inuida mortiferi non defuit aura chelidri.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: f, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: DDSD
The envious breath of the deadly serpent was not absent.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 586. Trullissant etenim muri dum futilis alta, Trullissant etenim muri dum futilis alta,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pat: SDSS
While they were plastering the heights of the fragile wall,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 587. Corruit in preceps colliso corpore frater. Corruit in preceps colliso corpore frater.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: VabBA, pat: DSSS
a brother fell down headfirst, and his body crashed to the ground.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 588. Cruscula gressutos non norunt soluere tractus, Cruscula gressutos non norunt soluere tractus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DSSS
His little legs did not know how to allow his feet to move,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 589. Elisisque tori marcescunt horride fibris. Elisisque tori marcescunt horride fibris.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: SDSS
and, after his inner parts had received a terrible blow, his muscles withered.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 590. Vltima cum timidae traheret suspiria uitae, Vltima cum timidae traheret suspiria uitae,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: s, pa: ts, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: DDDS
As he was drawing out the last breaths of his fearful life,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 591. Concurrunt tristes ad haec funebria plebes. Concurrunt tristes ad haec funebria plebes.

fs: 4\2, gl: VabBA, pat: SSSS
the sad people were running to make preparations for his funeral.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 592. Praescia mens patris statim cognouit in antris. Praescia mens patris statim cognouit in antris.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pa: pVs, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
The prescient father understood immediately in the hollows of his mind.
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 593. Extimplo lacrimis puro de pectore fusis, Extimplo lacrimis puro