Number of occurrences in corpus: 18
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 23 | d to Roman rulers, / who held | authority | throughout the world, / so tha |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 506 | virtues, / leaving the earthly | authority | to Oswiu, his brother. / Meanwh |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 3 1 | e. / / # / When Pepin, the famous | authority, | saw that the church of Christ |
ALDHELM.CarmEcc 4.3 6 | he sea, engaged him / by divine | authority, | as he was crossing the waters |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1335 | nvey, / able to buttress by his | authority | the sanctuary’s teetering c |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1932 | e who was famous in his royal | authority, | / strove to obtain noble Agnes |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2717 | , proudly to rule. / For lethal | authority | used to thrive through envy, / |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 80 | ashamed by the sight of such | authority, | / and they glorify God, Who se |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 440 | ys subject to orders,; / under | authority | it devoutly serves a father. |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 641 | hurch for two years / with the | authority | of a bishop, and had watered |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 893 | earnestly entreat you, by the | authority | of the Thunderer, / that you h |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 264 | ogether, because with a blind | authority | / the brothers were striving to |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 330 | e episcopal shoes of the just | authority | committed to them, unless by |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 526 | ill of his mother, / under the | authority | of the father. Then he added |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 770 | be confirmed by the apostolic | authority, | / so that this poison might no |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 794 | whom you supported / with your | authority.” | “Did I do wrong, by any cha |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1107 | was victorious, / and the good | authority | of the excellent prelate shon |
N.MiraculaNyniae 479 | all evils he stood out as an | authority | to be feared. / No did he deser |