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Versus de patribus, regibus et sanctis Euboricensis ecclesiae
P. Godman, Alcuin: The Bishops, Kings, and Saints of York (Oxford, 1982)
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ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 1. Christe deus, summi uirtus, sapientia patris, Christe deus, summi uirtus, sapientia patris,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, pat: DSSD
Christ God, strength, wisdom of the highest Father,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 2. uita, salus, hominum factor, renouator, amator, uita, salus, hominum factor, renouator, amator,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: V, ca: f, ta: f, pa: Vf, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
life, salvation, creator, redeemer, lover of mankind,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 3. unica lingua dei, donorum tu dator alme; unica lingua dei, donorum tu dator alme;

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\2, ca: dV, ta: d, pa: Vd, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aACDBBb, pat: DDSS
sole voice of God, you, kindly giver of gifts,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 4. munera da mentis, fragili da uerba poetae, munera da mentis, fragili da uerba poetae,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, pa: mdf, ma: Y, gl: DVCbVAB, pat: DSDS
give the grants of mind, give words to a feeble poet,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 5. irrorans stolidum uiuaci flumine pectus, irrorans stolidum uiuaci flumine pectus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, pat: SDSS
moistening a simple heart with the waters of life
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 6. ut mea lingua queat de te tua dicere dona: ut mea lingua queat de te tua dicere dona:

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: d, ca: d, ta: d, pa: dt, oa: d, ma: Y, gl: aAVCbvB, pat: DDSD
so that my tongue may through you speak of your gifts;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 7. te sine nulla ualet dignum quid dicere lingua. te sine nulla ualet dignum quid dicere lingua.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: d, pat: DDSS
without you no tongue can speak of anything worthy.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 8. Vos quoque suppliciter ciues contestor Olympi, Vos quoque suppliciter ciues contestor Olympi,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ta: c, pat: DDSS
Citizens of Olympus, you too I call to witness in humble entreaty,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 9. o sancti, populus fortis, gens diua tonantis. o sancti, populus fortis, gens diua tonantis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: SDSS
O saints, mighty people, divine race of the Thunderer,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 10. Victrices aquilas caeli qui fertis in arcem, Victrices aquilas caeli qui fertis in arcem,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: Vf, ta: V, pa: fVc, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: aABCVD, pat: SDSS
who bear victorious eagle-standards into the citadel of heaven,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 11. aethereo regi regalia dona ferentes, aethereo regi regalia dona ferentes,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: r, ta: r, ma: Y, gl: aAbBv, pat: DSSD
bearing royal gifts to the ethereal King,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 12. qui uestri causa sacratum sponte cruorem qui uestri causa sacratum sponte cruorem

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: sc, ta: c, pa: sc, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
who for your sake, willingly shed his sacred blood
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 13. fuderat in terris, ut uos saluaret ab umbris, fuderat in terris, ut uos saluaret ab umbris,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: fV, ta: fV, pa: fV, oa: fV, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
on earth to save you from the shadows and
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 14. inque deique patris secum deduceret aulam; inque deique patris secum deduceret aulam;

sa: 4\2, ca: d, ta: Vd, pa: d, oa: cVd, ma: V, ha: Y
lead you with him into the hall of God the Father.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 15. mecum ferte pedes, uestris componite carmen mecum ferte pedes, uestris componite carmen

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: c, ca: cp, ta: c, pa: cfp, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
Walk with me, compose this poem
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 16. hoc precibus: patriae quoniam mens dicere laudes, hoc precibus: patriae quoniam mens dicere laudes,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DDDS
with your prayers, since my mind hastens to utter praise of my homeland
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 17. et ueteres cunas properat proferre parumper et ueteres cunas properat proferre parumper

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, sa: p, ca: f, ta: p, pa: pf, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
and for a short time to proclaim the ancient cradle
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 18. Euboricae gratis praeclarae uersibus urbis. Euboricae gratis praeclarae uersibus urbis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abaBA, pat: DSSS
of the famous city of York in appreciative verse!
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 19. Hanc Romana manus muris et turribus altam Hanc Romana manus muris et turribus altam

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: mV, ma: Y, gl: abBCDA, pat: SDSS
A Roman hand first founded her, lofty in walls and towers,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 20. fundauit primo, comites sociosque laborum fundauit primo, comites sociosque laborum

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, pat: SSDD
appointing only native Britons
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 21. indigenas tantum gentes adhibendo Britannas - indigenas tantum gentes adhibendo Britannas -

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: b, ca: t, pa: Vgbt, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
as comrades and companions in their labours,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 22. nam tunc Romanos fecunda Britannia reges nam tunc Romanos fecunda Britannia reges

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: tr, pa: tr, oa: r, ma: Y, gl: abBA, pat: SSSD
for then fertile Britain rightly bowed to Roman rulers,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 23. sustinuit merito, mundi qui sceptra regebant - sustinuit merito, mundi qui sceptra regebant -

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, pa: sm, oa: s, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
who held authority throughout the world,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 24. ut foret emporium terrae commune marisque, ut foret emporium terrae commune marisque,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: m, pa: Vm, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VABaC, pat: DDSS
so that she would be a common marketplace by land and sea,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 25. et fieret ducibus secura potentia regni, et fieret ducibus secura potentia regni,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, gl: VAbBC, pat: DDSD
and would become a secure jurisdiction for its leaders,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 26. et decus imperii terrorque hostilibus armis: et decus imperii terrorque hostilibus armis:

caesura pattern: 3m, fs: 4\2, ca: Vt, ta: V, pa: Vt, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: DCBaA, pat: DDSS
and an ornament of the empire, and a terror for enemy arms;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 27. esset ab extremo uenientibus hospita portu esset ab extremo uenientibus hospita portu

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VavBA, pat: DSDD
that she would be a haven for ships coming on the ocean
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 28. nauibus oceano, longo sua prora remulco nauibus oceano, longo sua prora remulco

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: r, pat: DDSD
from the furthest ports, where the hastening sailor, weary from the sea,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 29. nauita qua properans ut sistat ab aequore fessus. nauita qua properans ut sistat ab aequore fessus.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
might secure his ship with its long rope.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 30. Hanc piscosa suis undis interluit Usa, Hanc piscosa suis undis interluit Vsa,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, gl: CabBVA, pat: SDSS
Thee fish-laden Ouse washes her with its waters,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 31. florigeros ripis praetendens undique campos. florigeros ripis praetendens undique campos.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: aBvA, pat: DSSS
stretching out flower-bearing fields all along its banks,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 32. Collibus et siluis tellus hinc inde decora, Collibus et siluis tellus hinc inde decora,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vc, pa: Vc, oa: Vc, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
the countryside all around is gorgeous with hills and woods,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 33. nobilibusque locis habitatio pulchra, salubris, nobilibusque locis habitatio pulchra, salubris,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: l, gl: aABbb, pat: DDDD
a beautiful, healthy habitation, in a noble location
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 34. fertilitate sui multos habitura colonos. fertilitate sui multos habitura colonos.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, gl: AcbvB, pat: DDSD
ready to bring many settlers to its richness.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 35. Quo uariis populis et regnis undique lecti Quo uariis populis et regnis undique lecti

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, gl: aABv, pat: DDSS
And to there the chosen come from diverse peoples and realms all over,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 36. spe lucri ueniunt, quaerentes diuite terra spe lucri ueniunt, quaerentes diuite terra

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: ABVvcC, pat: SDSS
in hope of benefit, seeking riches from a rich land,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 37. diuitas, sedem sibimet, lucrumque laremque. diuitas, sedem sibimet, lucrumque laremque.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: l, pat: SSDS
a place to settle for themselves, benefit, and a home.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 38. Hinc Romana manus turbatis undique sceptris Hinc Romana manus turbatis undique sceptris

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: aAbB, pat: SDSS
After the Roman band with their empire rocked on all sides,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 39. postquam secessit, cupiens depellere saeuos postquam secessit, cupiens depellere saeuos

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: ps, ta: c, pa: pcs, oa: ps, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
departed from here, intent on driving out savage foes
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 40. hostes, Hesperiae regnum sedemque tueri, hostes, Hesperiae regnum sedemque tueri,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, oa: h, pat: SDSS
and to defend the realm and homeland of Hesperia [Italy],
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 41. urbis tunc tenuit sceptrum gens pigra Britonum. urbis tunc tenuit sceptrum gens pigra Britonum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: t, ta: t, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: AVBCcD, pat: SDSS
the lazy race of Britons then held control of the city.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 42. Quae fere continuis Pictorum pressa duellis, Quae fere continuis Pictorum pressa duellis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: p, pa: pc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: abCaB, pat: DDSS
Crushed by almost continuous battles with the Picts,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 43. seruitii pondus tandem uastata subiuit, seruitii pondus tandem uastata subiuit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: ts, pa: ts, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
devastated, she underwent at last the burden of servitude,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 44. nec ualuit propriis patriam defendere scutis, nec ualuit propriis patriam defendere scutis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: f, pa: pf, ma: Y, gl: VaBvA, pat: DDDS
nor could she defend the homeland with her own shields
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 45. uel libertatem gladiis reuocare paternam. uel libertatem gladiis reuocare paternam.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, gl: ABva, pat: SSDD
or summon back their forefathers’ liberty with swords.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 46. Est antiqua, potens bellis et corpore praestans, Est antiqua, potens bellis et corpore praestans,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, ta: V, pa: Vp, ma: Y, gl: VavBCv, pat: SDSS
There is an ancient race, powerful in war, outstanding in physique,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 47. Germaniae populos gens inter et extera regna, Germaniae populos gens inter et extera regna,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: gV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
between the peoples of Germany and foreign realms,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 48. duritiam propter dicti cognomine Saxi. duritiam propter dicti cognomine Saxi.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, gl: AvCB, pat: DSSS
and they are called ‘rock’ [Saxi] by name because of their hardness.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 49. Hanc placuit ducibus regni conducere donis, Hanc placuit ducibus regni conducere donis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: d, ca: d, ta: d, oa: d, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
It seemed good to the realm’s leaders to induce this race with gifts
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 50. ut foret auxilio patriae pauor hostibus atque. ut foret auxilio patriae pauor hostibus atque.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDD
so that they would help the homeland and bring terror to their foes.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 51. Ore fauet uulgus clamoso mobile statim, Ore fauet uulgus clamoso mobile statim,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: AVBab, pat: DSSS
The fickle mob immediately agreed
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 52. et bona collaudat patrum consulta suorum. et bona collaudat patrum consulta suorum.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: s, ca: cs, pa: cVs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AVBab, pat: DSSS
with loud shouting and approved of their elders’ decrees.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 53. Atria gazarum rumpunt regalia, genti Atria gazarum rumpunt regalia, genti

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: g, ca: rg, ta: g, pa: rg, oa: g, ma: Y, gl: ABVaC, pat: DSSS
They broke open the royal households, and prepared
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 54. mittere dona parant ignotae, quo magis illa mittere dona parant ignotae, quo magis illa

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\2, ca: mV, pa: mV, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
to send gifts to an unknown race, with which to achieve
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 55. annuat, ut placitae feriant sibi foedera pacis. annuat, ut placitae feriant sibi foedera pacis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: fp, pa: pfV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VaVBA, pat: DDDD
to striking a pact of agreed-on peace.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 56. Ast indigna uident tantis exenia uotis. Ast indigna uident tantis exenia uotis.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: Vf, ta: V, pa: Vf, ma: Y, gl: aVbAB, pat: SDSS
But they saw that their payments were unwarranted by such great hopes.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 57. Legatos exire iubent, uada salsa carinis Legatos exire iubent, uada salsa carinis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ta: V, pat: SSDD
They order messengers to set out at this point to plough
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 58. iam sulcare citis; dulci formidine uota iam sulcare citis; dulci formidine uota

caesura pattern: | dūlcī́ | fōrmī́dĭnĕ vṓta | 2f | 3m | 4m, sa: 4\2, ca: f
the salty straits in swift ships. In soft terror, they double their promises
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 59. ingeminant lacrimis, quoniam sic ipse monebat ingeminant lacrimis, quoniam sic ipse monebat

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
with tears, seeing that it was the very love of freedom that urged them
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 60. libertatis amor, patriae spes ac redimendae. libertatis amor, patriae spes ac redimendae.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\4, ca: V, gl: ABCDc, pat: SDDS
and the hope of ransoming their homeland.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 61. Quid iam plura canam? properans exercitus, ecce Quid iam plura canam? properans exercitus, ecce

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cVp, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
Why should I now sing more? Behold: a hastening army,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 62. uenerat undosi uectus trans aequora ponti, uenerat undosi uectus trans aequora ponti,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VavBA, pat: DSSS
came, carried over the billows of the wavy sea,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 63. subsidium sociis referens, hostemque nefandum subsidium sociis referens, hostemque nefandum

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: f, ta: s, pa: sf, ma: Y, gl: ABvCc, pat: DDDS
bringing aid to its allies, driving out the wicked foe,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 64. expulit et uicit multis per bella triumphis, expulit et uicit multis per bella triumphis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VVaBA, pat: DSSS
won many victories in battle,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 65. donec Picto ferox timido simul agmine fugit, donec Picto ferox timido simul agmine fugit,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, gl: AbaBV, pat: SDDD
until the savage Pict in fearful array fled likewise,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 66. contentus propriis sese defendere in oris. contentus propriis sese defendere in oris.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, e: s, gl: abAvB, pat: SDSS
happy to defend themselves on their own shores.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 67. Haec inter maiora dari stipendia poscit Haec inter maiora dari stipendia poscit

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: p, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: avAV, pat: SSDS
Meanwhile, the foreign warriors demanded that they were given
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 68. externus sibimet miles; haec causa duelli externus sibimet miles; haec causa duelli

caesura pattern: | hǣc | cā́usă dŭḗlli | 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4d, sa: 2\3, ta: V, oa: mV, ma: V, ha: Y, pat: aAbBC
more pay: that was the cause of conflict
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 69. in sociam fuerat gentem conuertere ferrum, in sociam fuerat gentem conuertere ferrum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: aVAvB, pat: DDSS
that turned the sword against an allied race
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 70. et segnem populum patrio depellere regno. et segnem populum patrio depellere regno.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: p, ta: p, ma: Y, gl: aAbvB, pat: SDDS
and drove out a sluggish people from its ancestral realm.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 71. Hoc pietate dei uisum, quod gens scelerata Hoc pietate dei uisum, quod gens scelerata

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\4, ca: c, pat: DDSS
Through God’s goodness it appeared that the corrupted race
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 72. ob sua de terris patrum peccata periret, ob sua de terris patrum peccata periret,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: p, ca: p, ta: p, ma: Y, gl: aBCAV, pat: DSSS
should vanish from the lands of their fathers on account of their sins
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 73. intraretque suas populus felicior urbes, intraretque suas populus felicior urbes,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VaBbA, pat: SDDS
and that a more fortunate people should enter their cities,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 74. qui seruaturus domini praecepta fuisset. qui seruaturus domini praecepta fuisset.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: c, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
one that would keep the Lord’s commands.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 75. Quod fuit affatim factum, donante tonante, Quod fuit affatim factum, donante tonante,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: tn, ta: f, pa: nft, oa: n, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
That amply came about: as the Thunderer granted,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 76. iam noua dum crebris uiguerunt sceptra triumphis, iam noua dum crebris uiguerunt sceptra triumphis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: DSDS
and now a new power arose through repeated victories
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 77. et reges ex se iam coepit habere potentes et reges ex se iam coepit habere potentes

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ta: V, gl: Avva, pat: SSSD
and now God’s coming race began to produce
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 78. gens uentura dei. Rexit tunc temporis almus gens uentura dei. Rexit tunc temporis almus

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: t, gl: AaCVBD, pat: SDSS
mighty kings of their own. At that time holy Gregory,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 79. Gregorius praesul, toto uenerabilis orbi, Gregorius praesul, toto uenerabilis orbi,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, sa: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AabaB, pat: DSSD
a man revered by the whole world,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 80. ecclesiae sedem Romanae maximus, atque ecclesiae sedem Romanae maximus, atque

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: Abac, pat: DSSS
ruled the see of the church of Rome as supreme bishop,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 81. agrorum Christi cultor deuotus ubique, agrorum Christi cultor deuotus ubique,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, pa: Vc, ma: Y, gl: ACBb, pat: SSSS
and as a devoted cultivator of Christ’s fields everywhere
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 82. plurima perpetuae dispersit semina uitae. plurima perpetuae dispersit semina uitae.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, ta: p, pa: ps, oa: ps, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: DDSS
he scattered very many seeds of life everlasting.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 83. Vomere nec solum Latios confregerat agros, Vomere nec solum Latios coffregerat agros,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: f, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: vbVB, pat: DSDS
He not only broke up the fields of Latium,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 84. sed bonus atque pius peregrini cultor agelli, sed bonus atque pius peregrini cultor agelli,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: Vp, ma: Y, gl: aabAB, pat: DDDS
but as a fine and pious cultivator of foreign plots of land,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 85. oceani tumidos ultra sulcauit aratro oceani tumidos ultra sulcauit aratro

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, ta: V, pat: DDSS
beyond the billowing waves of the ocean,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 86. pectora diuini fluctus gentilia uerbi, pectora diuini fluctus gentilia uerbi,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 4\2, ca: f, pat: DSSS
he furrowed heathen hearts with the plough of the divine word,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 87. arida mellifluis perfundens arua fluentis: arida mellifluis perfundens arua fluentis:

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: Vf, ta: Vf, pa: Vf, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abvAv, pat: DDSS
drenching dry meadows with honey-flowing streams,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 88. de quibus aequorei potus hausere Britanni de quibus aequorei potus hausere Britanni

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, pat: DDSS
with which the sea-girt Britons, drained their draughts
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 89. iam sibi perpetuae Christo donante salutis. iam sibi perpetuae Christo donante salutis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, gl: aBbA, pat: DDSS
of everlasting salvation which Christ granted.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 90. Eduin interea ueterum de germine regum, Eduin interea ueterum de germine regum,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, oa: V, pat: DDDS
Meanwhile Edwin, from a line of ancient kings,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 91. Euborica genitus, dominus per cuncta futurus, Euborica genitus, dominus per cuncta futurus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: aABCb, pat: DDDS
born in York, and a future lord over all,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 92. pulsus in exilium fugit puer inuida regna. pulsus in exilium fugit puer inuida regna.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: Vf, ta: V, pa: pVf, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aCVAbB, pat: DDSD
was driven into exile as a boy and fled hostile realms.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 93. Oroma gentilis qua uiderat ipse supernum, Oroma gentilis qua uiderat ipse supernum,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
There, while a heathen, he himself saw a vision from above
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 94. nocte soporata, solus dum tempore quodam, nocte soporata, solus dum tempore quodam,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: AacBb, pat: DSSS
in the sleep-filled night. While at a certain time he was alone,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 95. anxia corda gerens curis, loca congrua adiuit, anxia corda gerens curis, loca congrua adiuit,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: cgV, ta: cV, pa: gcV, oa: Vc, ma: Y, gl: s, pat: DDSD
with a heart burdened with cares, he came to a suitable spot,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 96. et tacitus sedit sublustri lumine lunae: et tacitus sedit sublustri lumine lunae:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: l, ca: l, ta: l, pa: sl, oa: l, ma: Y, gl: aVbBC, pat: DSSS
and sat silently under feeble moon-light.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 97. uir stetit ignotus habitu uultuque repente uir stetit ignotus habitu uultuque repente

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: f, gl: AVaBC, pat: DSDS
Suddenly there stood before the young man’s eyes a man,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 98. ante oculos iuuenis, uerbisque adfatur amicis: ante oculos iuuenis, uerbisque affatur amicis:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: Vf, ta: V, pa: Vf, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
unfamiliar in dress and face, who spoke to him in friendly words:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 99. ‘Quae te dura coquit, iuuenum fortissime, cura? ‘Quae te dura coquit, iuuenum fortissime, cura?

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: tc, ta: c, pa: tc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: aBaVCDA, pat: SDDS
What harsh care enflames you, bravest of young men?
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 100. Rex deus aeternus, caeli qui sydera fecit, Rex deus aeternus, caeli qui sydera fecit,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: AAaBaCV, pat: DSSS
God the everlasting king, who made the heaven’s stars,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 101. quae tu pulchra uides, solatia dat tibi certa. quae tu pulchra uides, solatia dat tibi certa.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\2, ca: ct, pa: ct, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: ABaVCVDc, pat: SDSD
that you see in their beauty, grants you certain solace.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 102. Ecce tuam uitam quaerenti seruat ab hoste; Ecce tuam uitam quaerenti seruat ab hoste;

sa: 1\2, ta: V, pat: aAbVB
Behold, he keeps your life from the enemy seeking it,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 103. insuper imperium latum tibi terminat undis. insuper imperium latum tibi terminat undis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: tV, ta: V, pa: Vt, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBVC, pat: DDSD
and in addition sets a limit on your broad dominium by the waves:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 104. Rex deus ille tibi totum sit semper in aeuum’. Rex deus ille tibi totum sit semper in aeuum’.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: sV, ta: V, pa: sVt, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AAaCbVB, pat: DDSS
let him be your God and king always and forever!
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 105. Imponensque suo capiti pro foedere dextram: Imponensque suo capiti pro foedere dextram:

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: vaABC, pat: SDDS
Placing a right hand on [Edwin’s] head as a pledge, said:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 106. ‘Haec tibi’, dixit, ‘erunt nostri signacula pacti’. ‘Haec tibi’, dixit, ‘erunt nostri signacula pacti’.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: n, gl: ABVVcAC, pat: DDSS
‘Let this be a sign of our bond.’
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 107. Nuntius his dictis subito discessit ab illo, Nuntius his dictis subito discessit ab illo,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pa: Vd, ma: Y, gl: AbBVC, pat: DSDS
Once this had been said, the messenger suddenly left him.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 108. cui uigor affatim uenas decurrit in omnes, cui uigor affatim uenas decurrit in omnes,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: cV, ta: fV, pa: fVc, oa: cV, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
Strength amply coursed throughout his veins
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 109. pulsa procul fugiens et desperatio fibras pulsa procul fugiens et desperatio fibras

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 5\2, ca: f, pa: pf, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
and despair, driven far away, fled and abandoned his innards.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 110. liquerat. Euentus uenientis dicta probauit liquerat. Euentus uenientis dicta probauit

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: DSDS
The outcome proved the coming stranger’s words:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 111. hospitis: occubuit statim rex ense nefando hospitis: occubuit statim rex ense nefando

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
for the king, who was hostile to [Edwin’s] kingdom
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 112. inuidus imperii uitae simul illius atque. inuidus imperii uitae simul illius atque.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vf, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
and likewise his life, was soon laid low by wicked sword.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 113. Tunc iuuenis rediens intrauit amabilis urbes Tunc iuuenis rediens intrauit amabilis urbes

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vt, oa: tV, ma: Y, gl: AaVaB, pat: DDSD
Then the beloved young man returned and entered again
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 114. iam patrias, populi procerumque fauore receptus. iam patrias, populi procerumque fauore receptus.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, sa: f, ta: p, pa: fp, ma: Y, pat: DDDD
his ancestral cities, received with favour by the people and the nobles.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 115. Qui mox accipiens sceptri regalis honorem, Qui mox accipiens sceptri regalis honorem,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, gl: AvBbC, pat: SDSS
He soon accepted the honour of royal rule,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 116. quaesiuit propriae genti bona, largus in omnes; quaesiuit propriae genti bona, largus in omnes;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pat: SDSD
he sought benefits for his own people; generous to all,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 117. nec per sceptra ferox, sed de pietate benignus, nec per sceptra ferox, sed de pietate benignus,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: n, pa: pns, oa: n, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
not savage in power, but kind in piety,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 118. factus amor populi, patriae pater, et decus aulae; factus amor populi, patriae pater, et decus aulae;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: Vp, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDD
he became the people’s beloved, father of the homeland, the glory of the hall.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 119. assiduis superans hostilia castra triumphis, assiduis superans hostilia castra triumphis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: Vs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: avbBA, pat: DDSD
Conquering enemy strongholds in constant victories,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 120. imperioque suo gentes superaddidit omnes, imperioque suo gentes superaddidit omnes,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBVb, pat: DDSD
he added to his own empire all the peoples
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 121. finibus atque plagis qua tenditur insula longe. finibus atque plagis qua tenditur insula longe.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
That are spread widely in this island in its borders and territories.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 122. Iamque iugum regis prona ceruice subibant Iamque iugum regis prona ceruice subibant

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ACbBV, pat: DSSS
And now with bended neck there came under his kingly yoke
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 123. Saxonum populus, Pictus, Scotusque, Britannus. Saxonum populus, Pictus, Scotusque, Britannus.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: t, pa: tps, oa: t, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
the people of the Saxons, the Picts, the Irish, and the British.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 124. Interea placida regni dum pace tribunal Interea placida regni dum pace tribunal

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: p, pat: DDSS
Meanwhile, with wars subdued on all sides, and in the serene peace of his realm,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 125. rexerat armipotens, sopitis undique bellis, rexerat armipotens, sopitis undique bellis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VabB, pat: DDSS
the man strong in arms ruled the judgement-seat,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 126. iustitiae ualidis populos frenabat habenis, iustitiae ualidis populos frenabat habenis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, pat: DDDS
curbing his peoples with the strong reins of justice.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 127. nec rapit arma furor, legum sub pondere pressus, nec rapit arma furor, legum sub pondere pressus,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: p, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: VABCDa, pat: DDSS
Crushed under the weight of the law, wrath does not take up arms,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 128. ultrices timuit capitis quia quisque secures, ultrices timuit capitis quia quisque secures,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SDDD
since everyone feared vengeful axes on their heads,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 129. prouida ni toto seruaret pectore scita, prouida ni toto seruaret pectore scita,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: ps, pa: ps, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: abVBA, pat: DSSS
unless they wholeheartedly kept the provident decrees
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 130. quae posuit populis rector seruanda subactis. quae posuit populis rector seruanda subactis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: s, pa: sp, ma: Y, gl: AVBCab, pat: DDSS
which the ruler placed on his subject peoples to keep.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 131. Accipit uxorem australi de parte fidelem, Accipit uxorem australi de parte fidelem,

caesura pattern: 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: m, gl: VAbBA, pat: DSSS
[Edwin] took a faithful wife from the southern part of the country,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 132. moribus egregiam patrumque ab origine claram, moribus egregiam patrumque ab origine claram,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: V, ta: V, e: s, pat: DDSD
one outstanding in character and renowned for ancestral descent,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 133. omnibus ac sanctae fidei uirtutuibus almam. omnibus ac sanctae fidei uirtutuibus almam.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abBAC, pat: DSDS
blessed with all the virtues of the holy faith.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 134. Cui datur antistes uitae seruator honestae, Cui datur antistes uitae seruator honestae,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: f, gl: AVBCDc, pat: DSSS
A priest was given to her, a keeper of a decent life,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 135. nomine Paulinus, ciuis clarissimus urbis nomine Paulinus, ciuis clarissimus urbis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
Paulinus by name, a most renowned citizen of the city of Rome
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 136. Romanae, magno meritorum fretus honore, Romanae, magno meritorum fretus honore,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: caBDA, pat: SSDS
strengthened by the great glory of his merits.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 137. qui fuit ore simul uerax et pectore prudens, qui fuit ore simul uerax et pectore prudens,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: p, pa: pVf, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: AVBaCa, pat: DDSS
He was likewise truthful in words and prudent in thought,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 138. iustitiae cultor, uerus pietatis amator, iustitiae cultor, uerus pietatis amator,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
a cultivator of justice, a true lover of piety,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 139. catholicus doctor, caelestia dona ministrans catholicus doctor, caelestia dona ministrans

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: d, pa: cd, ma: Y, gl: aAbBv, pat: DSSD
a catholic teacher, bestowing heavenly gifts
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 140. gentibus aequoreis; solis ceu lucifer ortum gentibus aequoreis; solis ceu lucifer ortum

caesura pattern: | sōlī́s | cēu | lū́cĭfĕr ṓrtum | 3m | 4m | 4d, sa: 3\2, ta: V, ma: V, ha: Y
upon the sea-girt peoples. Like the morning Star,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 141. praecurrens tetras tenebrarum discutit umbras, praecurrens tetras tenebrarum discutit umbras,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pa: tc, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
hastening before the rising of the sun, dispelling the gloomy shadows of darkness,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 142. atque diem monstrat mundo uenisse serenum: atque diem monstrat mundo uenisse serenum:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, gl: AVBva, pat: DSSS
and demonstrates to the world that bright day had come,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 143. sic pater ille pius diuino lumine uerbi sic pater ille pius diuino lumine uerbi

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: AaabBC, pat: DDSS
in this way that holy father, by the divine light of the word,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 144. expulit humanis tetricas de cordibus umbras. expulit humanis tetricas de cordibus umbras.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VabAB, pat: DSDS
drove the gloomy shadows from human hearts.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 145. Quique die quadam constanti pectore regem Quique die quadam constanti pectore regem

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ta: c, gl: CAabBD, pat: DSSS
On a certain day, approaching the king with a constant heart,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 146. aggressus retulit signum, quod diximus olim aggressus retulit signum, quod diximus olim

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aVBbV, pat: SDSS
he recalled the sign that we said he once saw
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 147. nocte subobscura iuuenem uidisse paternis nocte subobscura iuuenem uidisse paternis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, pat: DSDS
in the dim night, as a young man driven from the borders of his homeland,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 148. finibus expulsum, posuitque in uertice dextram. finibus expulsum, posuitque in uertice dextram.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, pa: pVf, oa: f, ma: Y, e: s, pat: DSDS
and . [Paulinus] placed his right hand on the top of his head.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 149. Territus agnoscens praedictae signa salutis Territus agnoscens praedictae signa salutis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: s, gl: avbCB, pat: DSSS
The king, terrified, recognised the signs of his predicted salvation,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 150. rex, solio supplex statim descendit ab alto, rex, solio supplex statim descendit ab alto,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: s, ta: s, pa: Vs, ma: Y, gl: ABaVb, pat: DSSS
immediately came down from his high throne,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 151. et ruit ante pedes uenerandi antistitis, atque: et ruit ante pedes uenerandi antistitis, atque:

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, pat: DDDS
and in supplication fell at the feet of the revered priest, and:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 152. ‘Omnia nunc faciam’, dixit, ‘quaecunque spopondi, ‘Omnia nunc faciam’, dixit, ‘quaecunque spopondi,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, pa: cp, ma: Y, gl: AVVab, pat: DDSS
‘Now’, he said, ‘I shall fulfil everything I have promised
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 153. atque deum caeli credens uenerabor ubique, atque deum caeli credens uenerabor ubique,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
and as a believer I shall venerate God in heaven in every way
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 154. qui mihi concessit uitam regnique coronam; qui mihi concessit uitam regnique coronam;

sa: 3\3, ca: r, ta: c, pa: c, oa: cr, ma: c, ha: Y
who granted me life and the crown of the realm.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 155. namque erit ille mihi solus deus omne per aeuum. namque erit ille mihi solus deus omne per aeuum.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: VaaAbB, pat: DDSD
For he will be my only God for all time!
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 156. Sed modo dic nobis, sit qualiter ille colendus’? Sed modo dic nobis, sit qualiter ille colendus’?

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, pa: sc, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
But now tell me how He ought to be worshipped?’
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 157. cui prompto gaudens respondit episcopus ore: cui prompto gaudens respondit episcopus ore:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: p, ta: p, pa: Vp, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: CbaVAB, pat: SSSD
Joyously The bishop, rejoicing, answered him with a ready word:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 158. ‘Foeda procul fugiat primum cultura deorum, ‘Foeda procul fugiat primum cultura deorum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, pa: pf, pat: DDSS
‘First let the foul worship of gods be driven far away,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 159. nec pecorum sanguis falsis plus fumet in aris, nec pecorum sanguis falsis plus fumet in aris,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: f, pa: pVf, ma: Y, gl: CBaVA, pat: DSSS
and do not let the blood of beasts smoke any more on false altars,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 160. nec calidis omen fibris perquirat aruspex, nec calidis omen fibris perquirat aruspex,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: cV, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: aBAVC, pat: DSSS
and do not the soothsayer seek out an omen in the warm entrails,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 161. nec cantus uolucrum seruet canissimus augur; nec cantus uolucrum seruet canissimus augur;

sa: 4\2, ca: V, ma: V, ha: Y, pat: ABVcC
and do not let the most aged augur observe the songs of birds:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 162. omnia sternantur fundo simulacra deorum’. omnia sternantur fundo simulacra deorum’.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: V, pa: Vs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aVBAC, pat: DSSD
but let all images of the gods be cast down to the ground!
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 163. Hinc pius antistes fidei mysteria coepit Hinc pius antistes fidei mysteria coepit

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, gl: aABCV, pat: DSDS
Then the pious bishop began steadfastly to bear witness
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 164. testificare palam constanter in ordine cunctis, testificare palam constanter in ordine cunctis,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: Vc, pa: Vc, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
to the mysteries of the faith openly in sequence to all,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 165. donec ipse fidem concepit pectore toto donec ipse fidem concepit pectore toto

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: ACVBb, pat: SDSS
until the pious king embraced the faith wholeheartedly
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 166. rex pius, et populo persuasit credere Christum. rex pius, et populo persuasit credere Christum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: c, ta: p, pa: pc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AaBVvC, pat: DDSS
and persuaded the people to believe in Christ.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 167. Ecce sacerdotum Coefi tunc temporis auctor Ecce sacerdotum Coefi tunc temporis auctor

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: tV, pa: tV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
Behold, at that time Coifi was the chief priest
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 168. errorumque caput fuerat, cui rex ait: ‘Eia errorumque caput fuerat, cui rex ait: ‘Eia

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
and the fountainhead of error. To him the king said: ‘Listen,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 169. arripe tela tibi prius inconsueta, sacerdos, arripe tela tibi prius inconsueta, sacerdos,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m, fs: 4\3, sa: s, ca: c, pa: sVct, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VAbaB, pat: DDDS
priest, snatch up weapons you have not been used to,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 170. et iaculo celsum primus tu pollue fanum! et iaculo celsum primus tu pollue fanum!

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, pa: Vp, ma: Y, gl: CabBvA, pat: DSSS
and you be the first to defile the lofty shrine with a spear!
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 171. qui feras scelerum doctor, nunc esto salutis’. qui feras scelerum doctor, nunc esto salutis’.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, pat: SDSS
Once you were a teacher of sins: now be one of salvation!
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 172. Annuit his dictis senior, paucisque respondit: Annuit his dictis senior, paucisque respondit:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: p, ca: s, pa: ps, ma: Y, gl: VaABCV, pat: DSDS
The senior one assented to these words, and replied with a few words of his own:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 173. ‘Hactenus incerto mea stamine uita pependit, ‘Hactenus incerto mea stamine uita pependit,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: p, gl: abABV, pat: DSDD
‘Thus far my life has hung by an uncertain thread,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 174. obruit et dubiis animum caligo tenebris; obruit et dubiis animum caligo tenebris;

sa: 3\3, pa: V, ma: V, ha: Y, pat: VABCa
and darkness has cloaked my spirit with shades of doubt;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 175. exhinc certa sequar, cupiens agnoscere uerum exhinc certa sequar, cupiens agnoscere uerum

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, pa: Vc, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
from now on I shall follow what is certain, longing to know
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 176. aeternumque deum, uel si sit uita futura; aeternumque deum, uel si sit uita futura;

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, pa: sf, ma: Y, gl: aAVBb, pat: SDSS
the true and eternal God, and whether there is a life to come,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 177. an tormenta malis, maneant an praemia iustis’. an tormenta malis, maneant an praemia iustis’.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vm, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
and torments for the wicked and rewards for the just.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 178. His rapuit dextra dictis hastile minaci, His rapuit dextra dictis hastile minaci,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, pa: hd, gl: aVCABb, pat: DSSS
After these words, he snatched up a spear with a threatening right hand,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 179. atque marem conscendit equum non more sueto, atque marem conscendit equum non more sueto,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: mVs, ta: V, pa: mVs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aVABb, pat: DSDS
and, against tradition, he mounted a stallion
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 180. cui per colla iubae uolitant, tumet ardua ceruix; cui per colla iubae uolitant, tumet ardua ceruix;

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: Vc, ta: c, pa: Vc, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SDDD
whose mane flew round its collar as its erect neck swelled.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 181. pectore sublato uelox fodit ungula terram, pectore sublato uelox fodit ungula terram,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: AabVBC, pat: DSSD
With chest puffed up, its swift hoof dug the ground;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 182. impatiensque morae quatiebat morsibus aurum. impatiensque morae quatiebat morsibus aurum.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: mV, pa: mV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
as, impatient of delay, it chafed a golden bit.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 183. Terribilis qualis curuo fit Parthus in arcu, Terribilis qualis curuo fit Parthus in arcu,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: DSSS
Just like the fearsome Parthian seems with bow curved:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 184. uel si longa leues uibrat hastilia Maurus, uel si longa leues uibrat hastilia Maurus,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pa: fVl, ma: Y, e: s, gl: abVAB, pat: SDSS
or the nimble Moor sends long darts spinning,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 185. talis et ipse petit iaculo fastigia fani. talis et ipse petit iaculo fastigia fani.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: f, ca: t, ta: V, pa: ftV, oa: t, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
so did he aim a spear at the top of the temple.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 186. O nimium tanti felix audacia facti! O nimium tanti felix audacia facti!

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: f, pa: Vf, ma: Y, gl: abBA, pat: DSSS
What blessed boldness in so great a deed!
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 187. polluit ante alios, quas ipse sacrauerat aras. polluit ante alios, quas ipse sacrauerat aras.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: VAbCVB, pat: DDSD
He defiled before the rest the very altars he had consecrated himself.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 188. Plena fides patuit, nec adhuc in fonte lauatus, Plena fides patuit, nec adhuc in fonte lauatus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 3f + 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, pa: pVf, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
Full faith was made clear, and even though he was not yet bathed in the font,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 189. expleuit uirtutis opus pietate fideli. expleuit uirtutis opus pietate fideli.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: f, pa: pVf, ma: Y, pat: SSDD
he fulfilled a virtuous deed with faithful piety.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 190. Turba salutiferum sequitur mox tota magistrum; Turba salutiferum sequitur mox tota magistrum;

sa: 2\3, ta: tm, oa: tms, ma: t, ha: Y, pat: AbVaB
Soon the whole crowd followed that teacher bringing salvation;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 191. uiribus unanimis sternunt caeduntque sacellum: uiribus unanimis sternunt caeduntque sacellum:

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: s, pa: sc, ma: Y, gl: AaVVB, pat: DDSS
single-minded in strength they flattened and demolished the shrine.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 192. tunc erecta ruit fani structura profani, tunc erecta ruit fani structura profani,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: tf, pa: frt, oa: t, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
Then the structure raised up as a wicked temple
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 193. funditus in cineres etiam distructa fatiscit. funditus in cineres etiam distructa fatiscit.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: t, ca: f, pa: ftV, oa: t, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
destroyed and collapsed entirely into ashes.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 194. Adfuit interea tempus paschale per orbem, Affuit interea tempus paschale per orbem,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, ca: pV, ta: V, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
Meanwhile, Easter-time was at hand throughout the world,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 195. quo rex cum populo statuit baptisma subire, quo rex cum populo statuit baptisma subire,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: b, ca: s, pa: cbs, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
when the king decided to be baptised along with his people
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 196. Euboricae celsis etiam sub moenibus urbis; Euboricae celsis etiam sub moenibus urbis;

fs: 4d, sa: 3\2, ta: V, pa: V, ma: V, ha: Y, pat: abBA
also under the lofty walls of the city of York; there, in the little church
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 197. in qua tecta Deo iussit cito parua locari, in qua tecta Deo iussit cito parua locari,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, ta: Vc, pa: Vc, ma: Y, h: H, pat: SDSD
which he had quickly ordered to be placed there for God,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 198. sumeret ut sub eis sacram baptismatis undam. sumeret ut sub eis sacram baptismatis undam.

caesura pattern: 2m | 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, ta: sV, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VabAB, pat: DDSS
so that he might receive the sacred water of baptism therein.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 199. Dum festiua dies inluxit temporis almi, Dum festiua dies illuxit temporis almi,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: Vd, ma: Y, gl: aAVBb, pat: SDSS
When the festive dawned of that hallowed season,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 200. cum natis ducibusque simul, cum plebe sequenti, cum natis ducibusque simul, cum plebe sequenti,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: cs, ta: c, pa: cs, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
accompanied by his children and nobles likewise, and with the people in tow,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 201. undecimo regni Christo sacratus in anno est undecimo regni Christo sacratus in anno est

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: Vc, ta: V, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
in the eleventh year of his reign, Edwin was consecrated to Christ
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 202. fonte salutifero, praefatae in moenibus urbis, fonte salutifero, praefatae in moenibus urbis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: f, pa: Vf, oa: f, ma: Y, e: h, gl: AabCB, pat: DDSS
in the font of salvation, within the walls of that aforementioned city,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 203. cuius abhinc culmen sublimius extulit ille, cuius abhinc culmen sublimius extulit ille,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
whose heights he then raised still more sublimely,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 204. metropolimque sui statuit consistere regni. metropolimque sui statuit consistere regni.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: s, ta: s, ma: Y, gl: AbVvB, pat: DDDS
when he decided to establish it as the metropolis of his realm.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 205. Sic quoque Gregorius praesul decreuerat olim; Sic quoque Gregorius praesul decreuerat olim;

sa: 4\2, ta: c, oa: sc, ma: s, ha: Y
So too had Pope Gregory once decreed,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 206. semina dum uitae Romana misit ab arce semina dum uitae Romana misit ab arce

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pat: DSSS
when he sent the seeds of life from the citadel of Rome
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 207. gentibus Anglorum, confestim praecipit urbem gentibus Anglorum, coffestim praecipit urbem

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cV, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
to the English peoples. He immediately commanded that this city
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 208. hanc caput ecclesiis et culmen honoris haberi, hanc caput ecclesiis et culmen honoris haberi,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, sa: h, ca: h, ta: hc, pa: Vhc, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
should be reckoned the head and the prime place of honour for the church,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 209. pallia pontificesque in ea uestire sacratos. pallia pontificesque in ea uestire sacratos.

caesura pattern: 3f | 4m, fs: 3\3, pa: pVf, e: s, pat: DDDS
and that archbishops be dressed in robes and consecrated there.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 210. Sic pius antistis primum Paulinus habebat, Sic pius antistis primum Paulinus habebat,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ta: p, pat: DSSS
Thereafter, holy Paulinus become the first Archbishop
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 211. qui domini legem meditans in nocte dieque, qui domini legem meditans in nocte dieque,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vd, pa: Vd, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
and he pondered God’s law both night and day;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 212. sedulus in populos sparsit praecepta salutis, sedulus in populos sparsit praecepta salutis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: s, ta: s, pa: sp, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
as he diligently spread among the people the teachings of salvation,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 213. plurima quapropter conuertit millia Christo; plurima quapropter conuertit millia Christo;

sa: 3\2, ta: c, pa: c, ma: c, ha: Y, pat: aVAB
by which he converted very many thousands to Christ.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 214. et fidei flammis uirtutis et igne coruscans, et fidei flammis uirtutis et igne coruscans,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: Vf, pa: Vf, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
Shining with the flames of faith and the fire of virtue
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 215. frigora bis ternis borealia depulit annis, frigora bis ternis borealia depulit annis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: abAVB, pat: DSDD
For six years he drove away the coldness of the North.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 216. rex quibus egregius regnauerat Edwinus idem, rex quibus egregius regnauerat Eduuinus idem,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vr, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ABaVAa, pat: DDSD
During these years, the same outstanding King Edwin reigned,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 217. disposuitque suas iusto moderamine leges, disposuitque suas iusto moderamine leges,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: Vm, pa: Vm, ma: Y, gl: VabBA, pat: DDSD
and dispensed his own laws with just moderation.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 218. inlicitans seruare fidem donisque minisque, illicitans seruare fidem donisque minisque,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: n, oa: n, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
He enticed folk to keep the faith with gifts and threats,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 219. ecclesiasque suis fundauit in urbibus amplas. ecclesiasque suis fundauit in urbibus amplas.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbVBA, pat: DDSD
and established extensive churches in his cities.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 220. Ex quibus Euboricae, solidis suffulta columnis, Ex quibus Euboricae, solidis suffulta columnis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: c, pa: sVc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
Among them of the noble one in York, supported on solid columns,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 221. nobilis illa manet celso speciosa decore, nobilis illa manet celso speciosa decore,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: Vc, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAVbaB, pat: DDSD
stands spectacularly with a lofty beauty, splendid.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 222. qua statione sacra fuit ille lauatus in unda, qua statione sacra fuit ille lauatus in unda,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4f, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: fV, ta: V, pa: fVs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAcVBbC, pat: DDDD
In that location Edwin was baptised with holy water,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 223. quamque diu uixit, Christi praecepta tenebat. quamque diu uixit, Christi praecepta tenebat.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
and for as long as he lived, he kept Christ’s teachings.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 224. Illi quapropter clemens meliora parabat Illi quapropter clemens meliora parabat

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: V, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SSSD
For that reason merciful God prepared to hand over to him
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 225. tradere regna deus, luci sociata perenni; tradere regna deus, luci sociata perenni;

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: V, ca: r, pa: rVd, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: vACBab, pat: DDSD
still better realms, ones united to eternal light;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 226. nam sibi praescriptae mortis dum uenerat hora, nam sibi praescriptae mortis dum uenerat hora,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DSSS
for when his appointed hour of death arrived,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 227. belliger occubuit subito socialibus armis. belliger occubuit subito socialibus armis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aVbB, pat: DDDD
the warrior was suddenly laid low by the weapons of his companions.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 228. O res caeca nimis terreno fidere regno, O res caeca nimis terreno fidere regno,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: r, gl: AabvB, pat: SDSS
Oh, what a blind thing it is to have too much faith in an earthly realm,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 229. quod praeceps fortuna rotat, fatisque malignis quod praeceps fortuna rotat, fatisque malignis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 3\3, oa: c, gl: CaAVBb, pat: SSDS
which headlong fortune spins around, and is changed by wicked fates,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 230. uertitur, et uariis semper motatur in horis. uertitur, et uariis semper motatur in horis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, ca: V, pa: fV, ma: Y, gl: VaVA, pat: DDSS
always moving with every hour!
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 231. Ecce decem et septem postquam regnauerat annis, Ecce decem et septem postquam regnauerat annis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: m, pat: DSSS
Behold: after he had ruled for seventeen years,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 232. Eduinus occubuit regum clarissimus ille, Eduinus occubuit regum clarissimus ille,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: rV, ta: V, pa: cVr, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AVBaa, pat: DDSS
Edwin, that most splendid of Kings, was laid low,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 233. post quem non habuit praeclara Britannia talem. post quem non habuit praeclara Britannia talem.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, sa: t, pa: tcp, oa: t, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
and splendid Britain has not had such a ruler since.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 234. Hoc tamen omnipotens fieri non passus inultum est, Hoc tamen omnipotens fieri non passus inultum est,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 4\1, ca: nVt, pa: pVnt, ma: Y, e: m, pat: DDDS
However, the Almighty did not allow this to pass unavenged,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 235. sed dedit Osuualdum regis regnare nepotem. sed dedit Osuualdum regis regnare nepotem.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: n, pa: rn, ma: Y, gl: VABva, pat: DSSS
but granted that Oswald, the king’s nephew should rule.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 236. Qui subito ueniens externis exul ab oris, Qui subito ueniens externis exul ab oris,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: vaBA, pat: DDSS
He can suddenly from where he was in exile on foreign shores,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 237. firmiter inuictae fidei confisus in armis, firmiter inuictae fidei coffisus in armis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: fV, ta: fV, pa: fV, oa: fV, ma: Y, gl: aABC, pat: DSDS
putting firm confidence in the weapons of invincible Faith,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 238. agmina parua trahit properans et pergit in hostem, agmina parua trahit properans et pergit in hostem,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, ca: pV, ta: Vp, pa: pV, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: AaVvVB, pat: DDDS
he hastened to assembled a small army and advanced on the foe
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 239. uastantem patriam ferro flammisque cremantem uastantem patriam ferro flammisque cremantem

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: m, ta: f, pa: mf, oa: m, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
that was ravaging the homeland with iron and burning it with fire,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 240. millibus innumeris, spoliis nimiumque superbum. millibus innumeris, spoliis nimiumque superbum.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: Vs, pa: smVn, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDD
in countless thousands, excessively proud in spoils.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 241. Sed pius Osuualdus numero non territus ullo, Sed pius Osuualdus numero non territus ullo,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: Vn, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aABab, pat: DSDS
But holy Oswald was not terrified by any number,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 242. alloquitur propriam constanti pectore turmam: alloquitur propriam constanti pectore turmam:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, gl: VabBA, pat: DDSS
and with unwavering heart he addressed his own troops:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 243. ‘O quibus est semper bellorum uiuida uirtus, ‘O quibus est semper bellorum uiuida uirtus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: f, pa: fV, oa: fV, ma: Y, gl: BVCaA, pat: DSSS
‘O you, who have vigorous might in battle,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 244. nunc, precor, inuictas animis adsumite uires, nunc, precor, inuictas animis assumite uires,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: f, ta: V, pa: fV, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
now, I pray, assume invincible powers in your hearts;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 245. auxiliumque dei cunctis praestantius armis auxiliumque dei cunctis praestantius armis

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ACbaB, pat: DDSS
with prayers and a pious heart ask for God’s help,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 246. poscit corde pio precibus, prosternite uestros poscit corde pio precibus, prosternite uestros

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: p, ta: p, ma: Y, gl: VAaBvc, pat: SDDS
which is finer than any weapon. Prostrate your faces
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 247. uultus ante crucem, quam uertice montis in isto uultus ante crucem, quam uertice montis in isto

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: fVc, oa: fV, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
before the cross that I have set up on that mountain-top,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 248. erexi, rutilat Christi quae clara trophaeo, erexi, rutilat Christi quae clara trophaeo,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, ta: c, pa: rc, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
which shines bright as Christ’s victory-sign,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 249. quae quoque nunc nobis praestabit ab hoste triumphum’. quae quoque nunc nobis praestabit ab hoste triumphum’.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: cVn, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
and which will now bring us a fine triumph over the foe.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 250. Tunc clamor populi fertur super astra precantis, Tunc clamor populi fertur super astra precantis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: pc, pa: pc, ma: Y, gl: ABVCb, pat: SDSD
Then the clamour of the people at prayer was carried beyond the stars,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 251. et cruce sic coram dominumque deumque potentem et cruce sic coram dominumque deumque potentem

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ca: V, pa: dVc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSDD
and in front of the cross, the whole army worshipped
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 252. poplitibus flexis exercitus omnis adorat. poplitibus flexis exercitus omnis adorat.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBbV, pat: DSSD
the mighty Lord God on bended knees.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 253. His etiam gestis promptus processit in hostem, His etiam gestis promptus processit in hostem,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, ca: Vh, pa: hpV, oa: h, ma: Y, gl: AabVC, pat: DSSS
Indeed, once this was done, they immediately marched against the enemy,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 254. caedibus inrumpens hostilia castra cruentis. caedibus irrumpens hostilia castra cruentis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, ca: cV, ta: c, pa: cV, oa: cV, ma: Y, gl: AvbBa, pat: DSSD
bursting in on the enemy camp with bloody slaughter.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 255. Ut leo cum catulis crudelis ouilia uastat, Vt leo cum catulis crudelis ouilia uastat,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, sa: f, ta: c, pa: fVc, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: ABbCV, pat: DDSD
Just as the cruel lion, along with its cubs, devastates the sheepfolds,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 256. et pecus omne ferus mactat manditque trahitque: et pecus omne ferus mactat manditque trahitque:

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, pa: Vm, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AabVVV, pat: DDSS
wildly slaughtering, devouring, and snatching the flock,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 257. haud secus Osuualdus rex strauit ubique phalanges haud secus Osuualdus rex strauit ubique phalanges

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, pa: Vs, pat: DSSD
so no differently did King Oswald lay low the barbarian hordes everywhere.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 258. barbaricas uictor gradiens per tela, per hostes, barbaricas uictor gradiens per tela, per hostes,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, ca: p, pat: DSDS
Advancing in triumph through the darts, through the foe,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 259. caedit et inculcat, fugientesque atterit alas. caedit et inculcat, fugientesque atterit alas.

caesura pattern: 3m, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: VVaVA, pat: DSDS
he cut down and trampled, he ground down the fleeing flanks.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 260. Praeuenit Osuualdi sternendo exercitus hostes, Praeuenit Osuualdi sternendo exercitus hostes,

caesura pattern: 3m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, pat: DSSS
Oswald’s army overcame and laid low the foe,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 261. sanguineos campis riuos post terga relinquens, sanguineos campis riuos post terga relinquens,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: r, gl: aBACv, pat: DSSS
leaving behind bloody streams on the battlefield
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 262. donec ipse luens cecidit Cadwala nefandus donec ipse luens cecidit Caduuala nefandus

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: c, gl: avVAa, pat: SDDS
until the wicked Cadwallon himself paid the penalty for his treachery
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 263. perfidiae poenas, moriens in strage suorum, perfidiae poenas, moriens in strage suorum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: s, ca: V, pa: pVs, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
and fell, dying in the massacre of his own men,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 264. claraque magnifico cessit uictoria regi. claraque magnifico cessit uictoria regi.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, pa: cf, gl: abVAB, pat: DDSS
as he yielded a brilliant victory to that magnificent king.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 265. Hostibus occisis regnum sanctissimus Osuuald Hostibus occisis regnum sanctissimus Osuuald

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaCbB, pat: DSSS
After his enemies were killed, the most holy Oswald entered his realm,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 266. ingreditur, heros ueterum condignus auorum: ingreditur, heros ueterum condignus auorum:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: Vf, pa: Vf, ma: Y, gl: VAbaB, pat: DSDS
a hero well-deserving of his ancient ancestors:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 267. uir uirtute potens, patriae tutator, amator, uir uirtute potens, patriae tutator, amator,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: t, pa: ftp, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
a man mighty in virtue, a guardian and lover of the homeland,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 268. moribus egregius, Christi mandata secutus, moribus egregius, Christi mandata secutus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: c, pa: mc, ma: Y, gl: AaBCv, pat: DDSS
outstanding in manner, he followed Christ’s commands;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 269. pauperibus largus, parcus sibi, diues in omnes, pauperibus largus, parcus sibi, diues in omnes,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pa: pV, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
generous to the poor, stinting to himself, munificent to everyone,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 270. iudiciis uerax, animi pietate benignus, iudiciis uerax, animi pietate benignus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, pat: DSDD
true in judgements, kindly in piety of spirit,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 271. excelsus meritis, submissus mente sed ipsa. excelsus meritis, submissus mente sed ipsa.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, ca: mVs, ta: m, pa: mVs, oa: Vm, ma: Y, gl: aBdCc, pat: SDSS
pre-eminent in merits but subdued in his very mind,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 272. Hostibus horribilis cunctis iocundus amicis, Hostibus horribilis cunctis iocundus amicis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: c, pa: chV, oa: h, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
terrible to his enemies but cheerful to all his friends,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 273. ut bello indomitus, sic pacta in pace fidelis. ut bello indomitus, sic pacta in pace fidelis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: dp, ta: V, pa: dVp, oa: pV, ma: Y, e: hh, gl: CabBd, pat: SDSS
as undaunted in war as he was faithful once peace was agreed.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 274. Inualuit postquam sceptris et culmine regni, Inualuit postquam sceptris et culmine regni,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pa: Vc, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
After he strengthened his position in power and at the head of the realm,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 275. extruit ecclesias donisque exornat opimis, extruit ecclesias donisque exornat opimis,

caesura pattern: 3m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: VABVb, pat: DDSS
he built churches and decked them out with splendid gifts,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 276. uasa ministeriis praestans pretiosa sacratis. uasa ministeriis praestans pretiosa sacratis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: s, pa: ps, ma: Y, gl: ABvab, pat: DDSD
providing precious vessels for the sacred services.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 277. Argento, gemmis aras uestiuit et auro, Argento, gemmis aras uestiuit et auro,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
He arrayed the altars with silver, gems, and gold,,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 278. serica parietibus tendens uelamina sacris; serica parietibus tendens uelamina sacris;

sa: 4\2, ta: s, ma: s, ha: Y, pat: aBvAb
spreading on the holy walls silken coverings
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 279. auri blateolis pulchre distincta coruscis, auri blateolis pulchre distincta coruscis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, pat: SDSS
beautifully distinguished by shining gold leaf ;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 280. sanctaque suspendit uarias per tecta lucernas, sanctaque suspendit uarias per tecta lucernas,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pa: ps, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: aVbAB, pat: DSDS
and he suspended various lanterns throughout the holy buildings,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 281. esset ut in templis caeli stellantis imago, esset ut in templis caeli stellantis imago,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
so that the image of the starry sky was in the temples,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 282. christicolasque greges duxit deuotus in illas, christicolasque greges duxit deuotus in illas,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pa: dVc, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
and, devoutly led into them flocks of Christians
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 283. ut fierent domino laudes sine fine canentum. ut fierent domino laudes sine fine canentum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, pat: DDSD
so that there might be endless praises of those singing to the Lord .
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 284. O pietas, o celsa fides! nam quicquid habebat, O pietas, o celsa fides! nam quicquid habebat,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, pa: cV, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
O piety, o lofty faith! For he scattered whatever he owned,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 285. prodigus in domini gazarum sparsit honorem; prodigus in domini gazarum sparsit honorem;

sa: 2\3
being lavish with his treasures, in honour of the Lord.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 286. quapropter titulis uirtutum claruit, atque quapropter titulis uirtutum claruit, atque

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
As a result he shone with the marks of virtues,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 287. signorum celebri fama est uulgatus ubique, signorum celebri fama est uulgatus ubique,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, ca: V, pa: fV, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
and became well-known through the celebrated fame of his miracles,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 288. quae modo per mundum cartis inscripta leguntur: quae modo per mundum cartis inscripta leguntur:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: c, ta: c, pa: mc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: ABCaV, pat: DSSS
which are now written down and read throughout the world.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 289. quorum pauca libet lyrico nunc tangere plectro, quorum pauca libet lyrico nunc tangere plectro,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, pa: lp, oa: p, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
and now it is good to touch on a few of them in a lyric measure,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 290. et partes cantus calamo currente referre. et partes cantus calamo currente referre.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: r, ta: c, pa: rc, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
and mention elements of them with the dashing pen of song.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 291. Tempore nam quodam praesul sanctissimus Aedan Tempore nam quodam praesul sanctissimus Aedan

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: t, pa: st, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: AaBbB, pat: DSSS
For at a certain time the most holy bishop Aidan
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 292. cum rege et populo paschalia festa peregit; cum rege et populo paschalia festa peregit;

sa: 2\3, ta: pV, pa: p, oa: Vp, ma: V, ha: Y, h: h, pat: CBaAV
celebrated the Easter festivities with the king and his people;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 293. eius rex monitis nam omni seruiuit in actu. eius rex monitis nam omni seruiuit in actu.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: m, pat: SDSS
for the king followed his advice in every deed.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 294. Plurima per plateas inopum tunc turba iacebat, Plurima per plateas inopum tunc turba iacebat,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: tV, ta: pV, pa: tVp, oa: p, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
A very great crowd of beggars was then lying throughout the streets,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 295. a rege stipem rogitans clamore frequenti. a rege stipem rogitans clamore frequenti.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: c, pa: rc, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
pestering the king for alms with frequent crise.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 296. Ingrediens recubat iam et rex simul atque sacerdos, Ingrediens recubat iam et rex simul atque sacerdos,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: sVc, ta: V, pa: sVcr, oa: V, ma: Y, e: m, pat: DDSD
Both the king and the bishop likewise went inside, and as they sat down
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 297. argentique pius pensantem plurima discum argentique pius pensantem plurima discum

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, ta: p, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
pious [Oswald] directed that a silver dish of very great weight
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 298. pondera cum dapibus statim direxit egenis. pondera cum dapibus statim direxit egenis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, gl: ABVb, pat: DDSS
along with the food upon it should straightaway be given to the poor.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 299. Vidit ut hoc praesul, dextram comprendit et infit: Vidit ut hoc praesul, dextram comprendit et infit:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: pVf, ta: V, pa: pVf, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
When the bishop saw this, he took [Oswald’s] right hand and said,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 300. ‘Incorrupta, precor, maneat manus ista per aeuum!’ ‘Incorrupta, precor, maneat manus ista per aeuum!’

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: Vp, ta: V, pa: mVp, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aVAaB, pat: SDDD
‘May this hand, I pray, remain incorrupt for ever!
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 301. quod fuit et factum; sancto nam rege perempto, quod fuit et factum; sancto nam rege perempto,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: r, ca: V, pa: rVf, oa: rV, ma: Y, gl: AVabBv, pat: DSSS
And indeed that came to pass: for after that holy king was killed,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 302. gentili gladio praecisam a corpore dextram gentili gladio praecisam a corpore dextram

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pa: gc, oa: c, ma: Y, e: m, gl: aAbCB, pat: SDSS
they hung on a stake his right hand, cut from his body by a pagan sword,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 303. stipite suspendunt; ueniens rex illius haeres, stipite suspendunt; ueniens rex illius haeres,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, oa: s, pat: DSDS
upon a stake. King Oswiu, his brother, and heir, came
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 304. oswi germanus germani et sanguinis ultor, osuui germanus germani et sanguinis ultor,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vg, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, pat: SSSS
as the avenger of his brother’s blood came,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 305. arripuit dextram, Bebbamque ferebat in urbem, arripuit dextram, Bebbamque ferebat in urbem,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: Vr, ta: V, pa: Vr, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
snatched that right hand and carried it into the stronghold of Bamburgh
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 306. argenti condens loculo sub culmine templi, argenti condens loculo sub culmine templi,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pat: SSDS
placing it in a casket of silver beneath the roof of the temple,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 307. quod prius ipse deo statuit sub nomine Petri. quod prius ipse deo statuit sub nomine Petri.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, pa: ps, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
which he himself had previously dedicated to God in Peter’s name.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 308. Hactenus integram fore signo est ungula crescens, Hactenus integram fore signo est ungula crescens,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
To this day its nails grow, as a sign that it would be incorrupt,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 309. flexilis et neruus, uiridis caro, forma uenusta. flexilis et neruus, uiridis caro, forma uenusta.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, ca: nf, ta: f, pa: nf, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: DSDD
with supple sinews, fresh flesh, and fine form.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 310. Cuius quanta fides fuerat uel uis meritorum, Cuius quanta fides fuerat uel uis meritorum,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\4, ca: f, ta: f, pa: fc, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
How great was [Oswald’s] faith and the power of his merits
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 311. post mortem nituit magis ac magis undique signis. post mortem nituit magis ac magis undique signis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: m, pa: Vm, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDDD
shone after his death more and more through his miracles everywhere
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 312. Namque ubi pro patria pugnans a gente peremptus Namque ubi pro patria pugnans a gente peremptus

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: pV, ta: pV, pa: pV, ma: Y, e: s, gl: AvBv, pat: DDSS
for many miracles came about through the salvific dust
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 313. pagana cecidit, fiunt de puluere multa pagana cecidit, fiunt de puluere multa

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, oa: p, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
from the spot where fell killed by a pagan people,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 314. signa salutifero. Quidam nam forte uiator signa salutifero. Quidam nam forte uiator

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, pa: sf, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
fighting for his homeland. For by chance a certain traveller
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 315. egit iter iuxta fuerat qua scamma duelli, egit iter iuxta fuerat qua scamma duelli,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: cV, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
passed close by the place where the arena of battle had been;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 316. cuius equus subito totis lassescere membris cuius equus subito totis lassescere membris

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: s, gl: BCavA, pat: DDSS
and his horse suddenly began to grow weak in every limb,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 317. coeperat et frendens ore spumare cruento, coeperat et frendens ore spumare cruento,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: cV, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VvAva, pat: DSSS
and to gnash its teeth and foam with a bloody mouth, and,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 318. atque ruens campo uolui moriturus in illo. atque ruens campo uolui moriturus in illo.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
falling down it rolled around in that field, about to die.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 319. Inque locum uersans uenit, qua rex pius Osuuald Inque locum uersans uenit, qua rex pius Osuuald

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\2, ca: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
In its writhing it came to the place where once
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 320. occubuit quondam, tunc statim corpore sano occubuit quondam, tunc statim corpore sano

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cs, ta: c, pa: cs, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: VAa, pat: DSSS
pious King Oswald had been killed. Then it suddenly rose up,,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 321. exsurgens auide carpebat amoena uirecta. exsurgens auide carpebat amoena uirecta.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ta: V, gl: vVaA, pat: SDSD
entirely healed, and greedily began to crop the sweet greenery.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 322. Intellexit eques quicquam praestantius illo Intellexit eques quicquam praestantius illo

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
Its rider recognized that there was something rather special
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 323. esse loco; titulum ponens equitabat ab inde esse loco; titulum ponens equitabat ab inde

caesura pattern: | tĭtŭlū́m | pōnḗns | ĕquĭtā́băt ăb ī́nde | 2m | 3m | 4m, sa: 1\2, ca: V, ta: tV, pa: V, oa: tV, ma: V, ha: Y
about the spot, and, placing a marker on it he rode off,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 324. hospitium ueniens quo tenderat. Ecce puella hospitium ueniens quo tenderat. Ecce puella

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
coming to the inn where he was heading. Behold, a girl was lying there,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 325. tabida paralysis gelido languore iacebat, tabida paralysis gelido languore iacebat,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, pa: lV, ma: Y, gl: aAbBV, pat: DDDS
languishing in a chilly sickness of paralysis,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 326. ultima congeminans miserae suspiria uitae; ultima congeminans miserae suspiria uitae;

sa: 4\2, ca: s, pat: avbAB
redoubling the last laboured breaths of her wretched life.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 327. cumque domus neptim patris turbata gemebat, cumque domus neptim patris turbata gemebat,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, pat: DSSS
While her father’s distressed household was lamenting the young girl,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 328. suggerit hospes eam duci quo forte caballus suggerit hospes eam duci quo forte caballus

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, pat: DDSS
the guest suggested that she be brought to where the horse
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 329. sanatus fuerat; carroque imposta puella sanatus fuerat; carroque imposta puella

caesura pattern: | cārrṓque‿īmpṓstă pŭḗlla | 2m | 3m, sa: 3\3, ca: p, ta: V, oa: pV, ha: Y, h: s, pat: vVAbB
had chanced to be cured. The girl was put on a wagon
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 330. ducitur, ut iussit monstrans loca sancta uiator, ducitur, ut iussit monstrans loca sancta uiator,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VVvAaB, pat: DSSD
and was brought, as the traveller commanded, while he pointed out
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 331. et sita corpus humi paulum dormiuit ibidem, et sita corpus humi paulum dormiuit ibidem,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
the holy place, and her body was set on the ground. She slept
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 332. euigilansque suam persensit adesse salutem. euigilansque suam persensit adesse salutem.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: Vs, ta: sV, pa: Vs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: vaVvA, pat: DDSD
in that place for a bit and, when she woke, she realised she had been cured.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 333. Inde petiuit aquam, faciem sibi lauit, et ipsos Inde petiuit aquam, faciem sibi lauit, et ipsos

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDD
Then she found some water, washed her face,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 334. composuit crines, caput et uelamine texit, composuit crines, caput et uelamine texit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ta: c, pat: DSDS
arranged her hair, covered her head with a veil
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 335. ductoresque suos alacris deinde secuta est. ductoresque suos alacris deinde secuta est.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: Vs, ta: V, pa: sVd, ma: Y, gl: AabbV, pat: SDDS
and then swiftly followed those who had brought her.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 336. Alter iter faciens praefatae per loca pugnae, Alter iter faciens praefatae per loca pugnae,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\2, sa: p, ca: p, ta: p, pa: pVf, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: AavbCB, pat: DDSS
Another man, making his way through the site of the aforementioned battle,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 337. ecce loci spatium campo iocundius omni ecce loci spatium campo iocundius omni

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: Vc, ta: V, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CABab, pat: DDSS
behold, he saw a particular plot of land that was more pleasant
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 338. unius inspexit, uiridique uenustius herba. unius inspexit, uiridique uenustius herba.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, pa: Vf, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSDD
and more lush with green grass than the whole field.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 339. Haec reputat secum: ‘Cecidit uir sanctior istic, Haec reputat secum: ‘Cecidit uir sanctior istic,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, pa: sc, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
He pondered to himself: ‘A rather saintly man fell in this place,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 340. arbitror, idcirco prodest haec terra saluti’. arbitror, idcirco prodest haec terra saluti’.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
I reckon, and so this earth is useful for healing.’
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 341. Atque ligans panno tulerat de puluere secum, Atque ligans panno tulerat de puluere secum,

fs: 3\2, ca: p, pat: DSDS
He bound up some dust in a piece of cloth and took it with him.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 342. uenit et ad quandam lassescens uespere uillam. uenit et ad quandam lassescens uespere uillam.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, pa: fV, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
Growing weary, he came to a certain village at evening,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 343. Plebs epulare casam uillae tunc uenit in unam, Plebs epulare casam uillae tunc uenit in unam,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: fV, ta: V, pa: fV, ma: Y, gl: AvBCVb, pat: DDSS
where the folk had then come to feast in house in the village.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 344. qua quoque susceptus ueniens intrauerat hospes, qua quoque susceptus ueniens intrauerat hospes,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ta: c, gl: aaVA, pat: DSDS
When the visitor entered he was also received as a guest,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 345. pulueris ac pannum posta suspendit in alta. pulueris ac pannum posta suspendit in alta.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: Vp, ta: pV, pa: pV, oa: Vp, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
and he hung the cloth with the dust on a high beam.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 346. Contigit ut subito flammis uoltantibus altum Contigit ut subito flammis uoltantibus altum

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: tV, pa: ftV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VAaB, pat: DDSS
It happened that a voracious fire suddenly snatched at
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 347. ignis edax culmen raperet, nec uiribus ullis ignis edax culmen raperet, nec uiribus ullis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaCVBb, pat: DSDS
the high roof with flickering flames. Nor by any effort,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 348. extingui ualuit, donec incendia totam extingui ualuit, donec incendia totam

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, pat: SDSS
could it be put out until the blaze consumed
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 349. consumpsere domum, nimium res mira sed acta est. consumpsere domum, nimium res mira sed acta est.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: s, pa: Vs, ma: Y, gl: vABbbV, pat: SDDS
the whole house. But then an exceedingly wondrous thing occurred.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 350. Puluere sacratam postam timet igneus ardor Puluere sacratam postam timet igneus ardor

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CbBVaA, pat: DSSD
The fiery heat flinched from touching the post made sacred by the dust,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 351. tangere, sed penitus flammis intacta remansit. tangere, sed penitus flammis intacta remansit.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: t, oa: t, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
but remained entirely untouched by flames.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 352. Qua uirtute quidem uisa stupor omnibus ingens Qua uirtute quidem uisa stupor omnibus ingens

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, pa: fVc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAvBcb, pat: SDSD
When indeed this miracle was seen, great amazement
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 353. incubuit statim; tunc cognouere, quod ille incubuit statim; tunc cognouere, quod ille

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 1\2, ca: cV, ta: c, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
immediately overcame everyone. Then they recognized
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 354. puluis erat sacro regis cum sanguine mixtus puluis erat sacro regis cum sanguine mixtus

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, gl: AVbCBa, pat: DSSS
that the dust had been mixed with King Oswald’s sacred blood of,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 355. Osuualdi, multis fuerat qui causa salutis. Osuualdi, multis fuerat qui causa salutis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, pat: SSDS
which had been a cause of salvation for many.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 356. Claruit his signis postquam locus iste peractis, Claruit his signis postquam locus iste peractis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: p, pa: pVc, oa: Vc, ma: Y, gl: VaABba, pat: DSSD
After the place became famed when these miracles had been performed,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 357. ecclesiis Christi iocunda et reddita pax est, ecclesiis Christi iocunda et reddita pax est,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\1, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cV, ma: Y, e: s, gl: BCaaAV, pat: DSSS
and sweet peace was restored to Christ’s churches,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 358. regis Edelredi regina Osthfrida fidelis, regis Edelredi regina Osthfrida fidelis,

caesura pattern: 3m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, pa: fVr, ma: Y, e: s, gl: aAbBb, pat: DSSS
faithful Osthryth, King Æthelred’s queen,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 359. quae fuit Osuualdi sancti iam filia fratris, quae fuit Osuualdi sancti iam filia fratris,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, pa: Vf, ma: Y, gl: aVBbAC, pat: DSSS
who was moreover the daughter of holy Oswald’s brother,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 360. curauit sancti sacris inducere tectis curauit sancti sacris inducere tectis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, gl: CabvB, pat: SSSS
took care to bring the remains of her holy paternal uncle
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 361. relliquias patrui dignoque recondere honore. relliquias patrui dignoque recondere honore.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\3, gl: AbvB, pat: DDSD
into the sacred building and re-inter them with proper honour.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 362. Ossibus allatis stupuit miracula late Ossibus allatis stupuit miracula late

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 4\2, ca: lV, ta: V, pa: Vl, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaVB, pat: DSDS
After the bones of the saint were translated,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 363. accola Lindissae, cernens super illa columnam accola Lindissae, cernens super illa columnam

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: cVl, ta: c, pa: cVl, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
every inhabitant of Lindsey was amazed far and wide at miracles,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 364. ossa uiri sancti summi ad fastigia caeli ossa uiri sancti summi ad fastigia caeli

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, pa: fVs, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: CAabDB, pat: DSSS
seeing above those bones of the holy man a column of ethereal light
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 365. luminis aetherei tota fulgescere nocte; luminis aetherei tota fulgescere nocte;

sa: 4\2, pat: ACbvB
shining up to the heights of highest heaven the whole night
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 366. maior relliquias qua tunc aulea tegebat. maior relliquias qua tunc aulea tegebat.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: lt, pa: lt, ma: Y, gl: aBbAV, pat: SDSS
where a rather large curtain was covering the relics.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 367. Nam priscis odiis assumere primitus ossa Nam priscis odiis assumere primitus ossa

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pV, ta: V, pa: pV, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
For out of ancient hatred savage locals at first refused
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 368. inque monasterium saeui deferre negantes. inque monasterium saeui deferre negantes.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, pat: DDSS
to take up the bones and bring them into the monastery,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 369. Nocte manere foras illa fecere coloni; Nocte manere foras illa fecere coloni;

sa: 3\3, ca: c, oa: fc, ha: Y, pat: AvBaVC
but had made them remain outside during the night.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 370. sed dum diuini uiderunt luminis ignem, sed dum diuini uiderunt luminis ignem,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: SSSS
But when they saw the fire of the divine light,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 371. quae prius abnuerant, secum retinere rogabant; quae prius abnuerant, secum retinere rogabant;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: r, ca: n, pa: cnr, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
they asked to keep what they had previously refused,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 372. maneque sarcofago condentes lota parato, maneque sarcofago condentes lota parato,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: AvBa, pat: DDSS
and during the next morning, before entrusting the washed bones to the tomb
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 373. ecclesiae tulerant magno sub culmen honore, ecclesiae tulerant magno sub culmen honore,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, gl: AVbCB, pat: DDSS
prepared they bore them with great honour under the roof of the church,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 374. diuitias terris curantes condere uiuas. diuitias terris curantes condere uiuas.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, gl: Abvva, pat: DSSS
taking care to entrust their living wealth to the earth.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 375. In quo multa loco fiunt nunc usque patroni In quo multa loco fiunt nunc usque patroni

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
There, right up to now, through the merit of so great a patron
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 376. ob meritum tanti in languentes dona salutis, ob meritum tanti in languentes dona salutis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: l, pa: Vl, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: BavCA, pat: DSSS
many gifts of healing occur for the sick,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 377. sanctae si fidei uirtus comitatur eosdem. sanctae si fidei uirtus comitatur eosdem.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: V, pa: fsV, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: aABVC, pat: SDSD
if the virtue of holy faith accompanies the same.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 378. E quibus hoc unum properanti tangere plectro E quibus hoc unum properanti tangere plectro

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, pa: Vp, ma: Y, gl: CAabvB, pat: DSDS
It suffices then to touch on one of them in hastening measure,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 379. sufficit, ut credas deuotus cetera, lector. sufficit, ut credas deuotus cetera, lector.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pa: fc, ma: Y, gl: VVaBA, pat: DSSS
so that you, reader, may devoutly believe the rest.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 380. Febre puer quidam iacuit per tempora longa, Febre puer quidam iacuit per tempora longa,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: AaVBb, pat: DSDS
A certain boy lay ill with fever for a long time,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 381. coenobio languens citius moriturus in illo; coenobio languens citius moriturus in illo;

sa: 1\2, ca: V, oa: cV, ha: Y, pat: AbBa
in that monastery languishing still more swiftly and about to die.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 382. ecce die quadam miser ad loca sancta sepulcri ecce die quadam miser ad loca sancta sepulcri

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4dd, fs: 2\3, sa: s, pa: Vs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AabCcD, pat: DSDD
Behold, one day, the wretch was brought to the holy place of burial,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 383. ducitur, Osuualdi meritis ne tangeret illum ducitur, Osuualdi meritis ne tangeret illum

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
so that through Oswald’s merits the grievous fever might not touch him,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 384. febris acerba, fides nam percipit omne quod orat. febris acerba, fides nam percipit omne quod orat.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\2, sa: V, ca: Vc, ta: V, pa: fVc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBVcCV, pat: DDSD
for faith receives everything it asks.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 385. Credidit ut languens, citus ad sua tecta cucurrit, Credidit ut languens, citus ad sua tecta cucurrit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, pa: cV, oa: cV, ma: Y, gl: VvaAV, pat: DSDD
As soon as the sick boy believed, he ran swiftly back home,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 386. corpore sanato properans et pectore laeto, corpore sanato properans et pectore laeto,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, gl: AavBb , pat: DSDS
hastening with healed body and happy heart,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 387. morbida nec audet plus illum tangere febris. morbida nec audet plus illum tangere febris.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DSSS
nor did the deadly fever dare to touch him further.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 388. Postea rex felix ornauerat Offa sepulcrum Postea rex felix ornauerat Offa sepulcrum

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vp, pa: Vp, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: AaVAB, pat: DSSD
Afterwards, blessed king Offa adorned the tomb
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 389. argento, gemmis, auro, multoque decore, argento, gemmis, auro, multoque decore,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, pat: SSSS
with silver, gems, gold, and much display,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 390. ut decus et specimen tumbae per saecla maneret, ut decus et specimen tumbae per saecla maneret,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
so that it would remain through the centuries a beautiful manifestation of a tomb,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 391. praemia pro modico sumpturus magna labore. praemia pro modico sumpturus magna labore.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: m, pa: pm, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: AbvaB, pat: DDSS
and he would win great rewards for his modest effort.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 392. Nec non terra micat caelestibus inclyta signis, Nec non terra micat caelestibus inclyta signis,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pa: nc, ma: Y, gl: AVbaB, pat: SDSD
Indeed, there shines forth famed with celestial miracles the earth
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 393. corporis, ut dixi, quae sancti lota lauacro est, corporis, ut dixi, quae sancti lota lauacro est,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: l, ca: V, pa: cVl, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
that was washed when the saint’s body was bathed,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 394. sumpsit et effectum uincendi tela maligni sumpsit et effectum uincendi tela maligni

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pa: Vf, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
took on the power of deflecting the devil’s darts
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 395. daemonis et sanos uexatis reddere sensus. daemonis et sanos uexatis reddere sensus.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: ds, pa: ds, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
and of restoring sane sense to those afflicted.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 396. Abatissa quidem quaedam loca sancta uidere Abatissa quidem quaedam loca sancta uidere

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: AabBbv, pat: SDSD
Indeed, a certain abbess came to see the holy place
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 397. aduenit, sese et meritis committere sancti, aduenit, sese et meritis committere sancti,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: ms, pa: sVm, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, pat: SSDS
and to entrust herself to the saint’s merits,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 398. iamque domum rediens tulerat de puluere terrae, iamque domum rediens tulerat de puluere terrae,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: t, pa: tVd, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
and on returning home, she had taken with her some dust from the earth
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 399. ablutis sacram quae ex ossibus hauserat undam. ablutis sacram quae ex ossibus hauserat undam.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: abAVB, pat: SSSD
which had drained the sacred water from the washed bones.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 400. Tempore transacto ueniebat hospes ad illam, Tempore transacto ueniebat hospes ad illam,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: tV, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: AaVBC, pat: DSDS
After some time had passed, there came to her a guest,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 401. daemone qui fuerat nocturnis saepius horis daemone qui fuerat nocturnis saepius horis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: ABVcC, pat: DDSS
a man who was quite often accustomed to being tormented
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 402. uexari solitus: clamoribus ecce repente uexari solitus: clamoribus ecce repente

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 2\3, pat: SDSD
by a demon at night time. Behold: suddenly he began to roar,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 403. coeperat horrendis frendens loca lata replere, coeperat horrendis frendens loca lata replere,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: l, gl: VavBbv, pat: DSSD
filling the broad lands with horrible screams,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 404. morsibus et furens semet lacerare nefandis. morsibus et furens semet lacerare nefandis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: Vf, pa: mVf, oa: Vm, ma: Y, gl: AvBva, pat: DSSD
raging and tearing himself with unspeakable bites.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 405. Et cum nullus eum potuit constringere uinclis, Et cum nullus eum potuit constringere uinclis,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, pa: cV, pat: SDDS
And when no one could constrain him with chains
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 406. uel miseri saeuos flagris compescere motus, uel miseri saeuos flagris compescere motus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: m, pa: mf, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
or contain the wretch’s wild movements by beating,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 407. haec abbatissae quidam narrare cucurrit. haec abbatissae quidam narrare cucurrit.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
someone ran to describe it to the abbess.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 408. Illa uidens miseros motus uocesque furentis, Illa uidens miseros motus uocesque furentis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, pa: mf, ma: Y, gl: AvbvBC, pat: DDSS
She, perceiving the wretched movements and cries of the raging man,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 409. iusserat adferri sacro cum puluere capsam; iusserat afferri sacro cum puluere capsam;

sa: 3\2, ta: c, oa: Vc, ma: V, ha: Y, pat: VvaAB
ordered the box with holy dust to be fetched.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 410. et cum uirgo ferens ueniebat et atria tecti et cum uirgo ferens ueniebat et atria tecti

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: fV, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaVBC, pat: SDDD
And when a virgin came carrying it and entered the porch
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 411. intraret, subito tacuit furiosus et omnes intraret, subito tacuit furiosus et omnes

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDDD
of the building, the man in a rage was suddenly silent and ceased
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 412. composuit motus, somno quasi membra dedisset, composuit motus, somno quasi membra dedisset,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: d, ca: m, pa: dmc, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
all movements, as if he were settling his limbs in sleep,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 413. quisque rei adstantes spectabant exitus esset. quisque rei asstantes spectabant exitus esset.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, pat: DSSS
and the bystanders looked to see what would be the outcome.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 414. Post horae spatium uexatus et ipse resedit, Post horae spatium uexatus et ipse resedit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vs, pa: Vs, ma: Y, gl: CBaAV, pat: SDSD
After the space of an hour, the tormented man sat up again himself,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 415. suspirans grauiter: ‘Sanus sum sensibus, inquit, suspirans grauiter: ‘Sanus sum sensibus, inquit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, ta: s, oa: s, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
breathing heavily and saying: ‘I am healed, restored to my senses,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 416. ‘Redditus, et uacuas fugit uagus hostis in auras’. ‘Redditus, et uacuas fugit uagus hostis in auras’.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: fV, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: vaVbBA, pat: DDSD
and the wayward demon has fled into empty air.’
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 417. Mirantur cuncti stupidis hinc inde loquelis, Mirantur cuncti stupidis hinc inde loquelis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, gl: VAbB, pat: SSDS
All were amazed with stunned speech here and there
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 418. incolumem subito cernentes corpore toto, incolumem subito cernentes corpore toto,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, ta: c, ma: Y, gl: AvBb, pat: DDSS
suddenly seeing him fully recovered,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 419. ossibus et neruis nec non et mente uigentem; ossibus et neruis nec non et mente uigentem;

fs: 4d, sa: 2\3, pa: Vn, oa: Vn, ma: V, ha: Y
flourishing in bones and nerves, and especially in his mind.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 420. inquirunt subitae causam mirando salutis, inquirunt subitae causam mirando salutis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: s, pa: sc, ma: Y, gl: VaBvA, pat: SDSS
Amazed, they wanted to know the reason for his sudden salvation.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 421. qui respondit ouans: ‘Ut uenit uirgo locellum qui respondit ouans: ‘Vt uenit uirgo locellum

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: fc, pa: fVc, oa: fc, ma: Y, gl: AVaVBC, pat: SDSS
He replied gladly: ‘When the virgin came bearing
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 422. portans et pedibus tetigit haec atria, statim portans et pedibus tetigit haec atria, statim

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: Vt, pa: tVp, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: vAVbB, pat: SDDS
that casket and touched this porch with her feet, straightaway the demons
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 423. discessere procul, qui me torquere solebant discessere procul, qui me torquere solebant

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: c, ta: c, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
who were accustomed to torment me withdrew far off,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 424. daemones, ut fugiunt ueniente luce tenebrae’. daemones, ut fugiunt ueniente luce tenebrae’.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: AVbBC, pat: DDDS
as the shadows flee with the coming of day.’
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 425. Cui portanda data est secum pars pulueris almi, Cui portanda data est secum pars pulueris almi,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pV, ta: p, pa: pVc, oa: Vc, ma: Y, gl: CaaVABb, pat: SDSS
He was given a portion of that holy dust to bear away with him
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 426. ac post talis ei fuerant uexatio numquam. ac post talis ei fuerant uexatio numquam.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
and afterwards such torment never afflicted him again.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 427. Te quoque sancta, potens, uirtutibus inclyta multis Te quoque sancta, potens, uirtutibus inclyta multis

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, gl: CavBAb, pat: DDSD
You too shall I sing, holy, powerful, venerable cross,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 428. crux ueneranda canam, nequeam si promere dignos crux ueneranda canam, nequeam si promere dignos

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ta: c, pat: DDDS
famed for many miracles, even if I am unable to utter verses worthy
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 429. laude tua uersus. Reparasti perdita pridem, laude tua uersus. Reparasti perdita pridem,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: p, ca: p, ta: p, oa: p, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
of your praise. You restored what was formerly lost;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 430. nunc iterum per te cedit uictoria regi nunc iterum per te cedit uictoria regi

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: t, oa: t, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
now through you victory was again granted to King Oswald,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 431. Osuualdi, ut quondam paucae cecinere Camoenae. Osuualdi, ut quondam paucae cecinere Camoenae.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: AbVB, pat: SSSD
as once my few verses have sung.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 432. Exin mirificis fulsit tua gloria signis; Exin mirificis fulsit tua gloria signis;

sa: 3\2, oa: Vf, pat: aVbBA
From then on your glory shone in marvellous miracles,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 433. ad te tota fide famosa Britannia currit, ad te tota fide famosa Britannia currit,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: t, ta: t, pa: tf, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: CbBaAV, pat: SDSD
and the whole of Britain, famed for her faith, ran to you,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 434. quaerere pro uariis sibimet medicamina morbis, quaerere pro uariis sibimet medicamina morbis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, sa: m, ca: cm, ta: m, pa: mc, oa: cm, ma: Y, gl: vaBA, pat: DDDD
seeking cures for their various ailments,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 435. et spes ad te etiam uenientem fallere nescit; et spes ad te etiam uenientem fallere nescit;

sa: 3\2, ta: f, pa: V, oa: fV, ha: Y, h: h, gl: H, pat: BAavV
and hope cannot fail anyone who comes to you,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 436. namque salutis opes redeuntes saepe reportant. namque salutis opes redeuntes saepe reportant.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: sr, pa: sVr, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
for they often return recovering the strength of health.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 437. Non ego ruricula possum percurrere plectro Non ego ruricula possum percurrere plectro

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: p, ca: p, ta: p, pa: pc, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
I, being a rustic, cannot run through in verse
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 438. omnia, multoties quae per te signa geruntur, omnia, multoties quae per te signa geruntur,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: DDSS
all the miracles which have performed many times through you
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 439. et pecora atque homines, etiam iuuenesque senesque. et pecora atque homines, etiam iuuenesque senesque.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: n, ta: V, pa: Vn, oa: Vn, ma: Y, e: ss, pat: DDDD
for both beasts and men, and likewise young and old.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 440. Denique praecisae de te ducuntur ubique Denique praecisae de te ducuntur ubique

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: c, ta: d, pa: dc, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
Moreover small bits are cut from you on every side,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 441. particulae, per quas fiunt pia dona salutis. particulae, per quas fiunt pia dona salutis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ta: p, pa: pc, ma: Y, gl: AaVbBC, pat: DSSD
and through them holy gifts of healing occur.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 442. Suffficit e cunctis hoc solum dicere signum. Suffficit e cunctis hoc solum dicere signum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, ta: s, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: VAbbvB, pat: DSSS
Out of all of them it is enough to describe this single sign.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 443. Frater erat quidam casu confractus acerbo, Frater erat quidam casu coffractus acerbo,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: fVc, ta: c, pa: fVc, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: AVaBab, pat: DSSS
There was a certain brother who had suffered a fracture in a terrible accident
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 444. infractique dolens penitus gemit ossa lacerti, infractique dolens penitus gemit ossa lacerti,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDDD
and was groaning, in deep pain from his fractured arm;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 445. cumque dolor nimius succreuerat et tumor ardens, cumque dolor nimius succreuerat et tumor ardens,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\2, sa: V, pa: Vc, oa: cV, ma: Y, gl: AaVBb, pat: DDSD
and when the excessive pain grew as the swelling burned,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 446. pectoris ingeminat lacrimans suspiria fessi; pectoris ingeminat lacrimans suspiria fessi;

sa: 4\2, ca: s, pat: AVvBa
he wept, with repeated sighs from his weary heart.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 447. de cruce cui quidam ueteres iam uespere muscos de cruce cui quidam ueteres iam uespere muscos

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, ta: c, pa: fc, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
Then, that evening, someone brought him ancient moss
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 448. attulit, in gremium sibimet quos proicit aeger: attulit, in gremium sibimet quos proicit aeger:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
from the cross, which the sick man tossed into his lap:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 449. cumque iret cubitum oblitus deponere muscum, cumque iret cubitum ollitus deponere muscum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 4m, fs: 4\2, pa: cV, e: sm, pat: SDSS
and when he went to bed he forgot to remove the moss.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 450. nescius in gremio somno praeuentus habebat. nescius in gremio somno praeuentus habebat.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, gl: abBAV, pat: DDSS
Kept from sleep, he held it in his lap without noticing.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 451. Euigilans medio morbosus tempore noctis, Euigilans medio morbosus tempore noctis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: vabAC, pat: DDSS
Lying awake and ailing in the middle of the night-time
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 452. ecce aliquid gelidi lateri sibi sensit adessse, ecce aliquid gelidi lateri sibi sensit adessse,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: Vs, ta: V, pa: Vs, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: AbBVv, pat: DDDD
behold, he felt that some coldness had come close his side
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 453. admotaque manu sanum se forte fuisse ammotaque manu sanum se forte fuisse

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, ca: V, pa: mVfs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAbBv, pat: SDSS
and, moving his hand there, he found that by chance
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 454. reperit, atque nihil fractura sensit ab illa. reperit, atque nihil fractura sensit ab illa.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VaVA, pat: DDSS
he was healed, and that he felt nothing from the fracture.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 455. Inclyta fama uiri nec solum iure Britannos Inclyta fama uiri nec solum iure Britannos

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: Vf, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aABCD, pat: DDSS
The man’s renowned fame not only rightly lit up
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 456. inlustrat populos, trans insuper aequora ponti illustrat populos, trans insuper aequora ponti

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: Vp, ta: V, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
the peoples of Britain but in addition spreads its rays
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 457. aspersit radios, quibus et Germania fulsit: aspersit radios, quibus et Germania fulsit:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, oa: V, pat: SDDS
across the expanse of the ocean, and Germany shone with them
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 458. e quibus et quaedam populosa Hibernia sensit. e quibus et quaedam populosa Hibernia sensit.

fs: 4\2, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: BaaAV, pat: DSDD
and populous Ireland also felt some of them.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 459. Sed nobis signum uero inter multa relatu Sed nobis signum uero inter multa relatu

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, e: h, pat: SSSS
But indeed it seems best to us to relate in telling this one
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 460. hoc narrare placet; dirae nam tempore pestis, hoc narrare placet; dirae nam tempore pestis,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, pa: pn, ma: Y, gl: AvVbCB, pat: SDSS
miracle of many: for at the time when a terrible plague
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 461. aequoreos populos lata quae clade peremit, aequoreos populos lata quae clade peremit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: pVc, pa: pVc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAbcBV, pat: DDSS
was ravaging with widespread damage the peoples who dwelt by the sea,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 462. Scotorum genere scholasticus, acer in arte, Scotorum genere scholasticus, acer in arte,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ta: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CBAaD, pat: SDSD
a scholar of the Irish race, shrewd in learning,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 463. hoc fuerat morbo patria percussus in illa, hoc fuerat morbo patria percussus in illa,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pa: pV, ma: Y, gl: aVABvb, pat: DSDS
was struck down in his homeland by this illness.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 464. liborum studio doctus, sed nulla futurae liborum studio doctus, sed nulla futurae

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: SDSS
Although learned in the study of books, the wretch
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 465. cura fuit misero uitae, sibi cumque uideret cura fuit misero uitae, sibi cumque uideret

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: cf, ta: f, pa: cf, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
took no care about the life to come. When he saw that
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 466. mortis adesse diem, magno trepidare timore mortis adesse diem, magno trepidare timore

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: t, ca: dm, ta: m, pa: mVtd, oa: m, ma: Y, gl: CvAbvB, pat: DDSD
the day of his death had come, he began to be anxious with great dread
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 467. coeperat ob merita scelerum, ne ad tartara dira coeperat ob merita scelerum, ne ad tartara dira

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, e: h, pat: DDDS
about what his sins deserved, and that after death
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 468. mortuus inferni raperetur, uoce gementi mortuus inferni raperetur, uoce gementi

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: mf, pa: mf, oa: m, ma: Y, gl: cBVAa, pat: DSDS
he would be dragged into the dreadful depths of hell, and in a groaning voice
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 469. alloquitur socium: ‘Frater, mihi mortis amarae alloquitur socium: ‘Frater, mihi mortis amarae

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: m, ca: Vm, ta: m, pa: Vm, oa: m, ma: Y, gl: VCABb, pat: DDSD
he said to a fellow-monk: Brother, the moment of bitter death
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 470. articulus properat, citiusque ad tartara ducar articulus properat, citiusque ad tartara ducar

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, e: s, pat: DDDS
hastens on me and I shall very soon be brought
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 471. perpetuae mortis, quia iam non tempore paruo perpetuae mortis, quia iam non tempore paruo

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: aABb, pat: DSDS
to the depths of perpetual death, since now for no small time
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 472. criminibus tantum penitus seruire solebam. criminibus tantum penitus seruire solebam.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: s, pat: DSDS
I have been accustomed only to serve sins utterly.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 473. Pro dolor! haec propter noui feralia flammis Pro dolor! haec propter noui feralia flammis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: f, pa: pf, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
Alas! because of them I know that the deadly depths
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 474. Tartara parta mihi. Totis mihi sensibus est hinc, Tartara parta mihi. Totis mihi sensibus est hinc,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\1, pa: tm, gl: AaBcBCV, pat: DDSD
await me with flames. My every resolve from now on
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 475. si uelit omnipotens misero concedere uitam, si uelit omnipotens misero concedere uitam,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: c, ca: f, pa: fc, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
is that if the Almighty were willing to grant me life in my wretchedness,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 476. uiribus annisis mores mutare malignos. uiribus annisis mores mutare malignos.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: m, ca: m, ta: m, ma: Y, gl: AaBvb, pat: DSSS
I shall, exerting all my strength, change my wicked ways .
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 477. Nec tamen esse mei meriti scio uiuere tantum, Nec tamen esse mei meriti scio uiuere tantum,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: t, pa: tm, ma: Y, pat: DDDD
I know, moreover, that I shall not live long through my own merit,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 478. ni mihi concedat uitae modo munus amatae ni mihi concedat uitae modo munus amatae

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: m, ca: m, ta: m, pa: mc, oa: m, ma: Y, gl: VABa, pat: DSSD
unless the grace of merciful Christ, should now grant me
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 479. sanctorum meritis miserantis gratia Christi. sanctorum meritis miserantis gratia Christi.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: SDDS
the gift of beloved life through the merits of the saints .
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 480. Audiui quondam celebri rumore referri Audiui quondam celebri rumore referri

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: r, pa: rc, ma: Y, gl: VaAv, pat: SSDS
I once heard in widely current rumour
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 481. Osuualdi regis laudes uirtutibus amplas. Osuualdi regis laudes uirtutibus amplas.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBCb, pat: SSSS
extensive praise of the virtues of king Oswald.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 482. Tu quia de genere es Saxonum collega natus, Tu quia de genere es Saxonum collega natus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pat: DDSS
Since you too were born a fellow member of the Saxon race,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 483. forsan habes eius quicquam modo relliquiarum’? forsan habes eius quicquam modo relliquiarum’?

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\5, ca: V, pa: cV, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
perhaps you now have some relic of him?’
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 484. cui socius statim fidam profatur in aurem: cui socius statim fidam profatur in aurem:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: f, pa: fVs, ma: Y, gl: AbVB, pat: DSSS
His fellow-monk immediately spoke into his trusting ear:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 485. ‘Pars inuenta sacri est mecum de stipite ligni, ‘Pars inuenta sacri est mecum de stipite ligni,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, pa: Vs, ma: Y, gl: AaaVbB, pat: SDSS
‘I have a fragment of holy wood found from the stake
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 486. infixum fuerat caput occisi illius in quo: infixum fuerat caput occisi illius in quo:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 1\1, sa: V, ca: Vc, ta: Vc, pa: fVc, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: aVAbBC, pat: SDDS
to which the head of that slaughtered man was fixed,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 487. et si firma tenes fidei tu pectora credens, et si firma tenes fidei tu pectora credens,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pa: tf, gl: aVCBAb, pat: SDDS
and if, maintaining belief, you keep a heart firm in faith,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 488. per tanti pietas meritum diuina patroni per tanti pietas meritum diuina patroni

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: tp, ta: p, pa: pt, ma: Y, gl: aBCbA, pat: SDDS
divine piety, through the merit of so great a patron,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 489. huius adhuc uitae donat tibi tempora longa; huius adhuc uitae donat tibi tempora longa;

fs: 4d, sa: 3\2, ta: t, oa: th, ma: h, ha: Y, pat: aAVBb
will perhaps grant you a long span in this life,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 490. insuper aeternae praestabit gaudia forsan’. insuper aeternae praestabit gaudia forsan’.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pa: Vs, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
and in addition the joys of the eternal one.’
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 491. Nec mora quin toto dixit se credere corde. Nec mora quin toto dixit se credere corde.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
Without delay, then, he said that he wholeheartedly believed.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 492. Tum benedixit aquam socius, partemque sacrati Tum benedixit aquam socius, partemque sacrati

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: ts, pa: ts, oa: t, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
Then his fellow-monk blessed some water, and put in
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 493. roboris inmittens aegro dedit atque bibendam. roboris immittens aegro dedit atque bibendam.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: b, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vb, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
the fragment of the sacred wood, and gave it to the sick man to drink.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 494. Qui mox conualuit, mortique ereptus ab illa est. Qui mox conualuit, mortique ereptus ab illa est.

caesura pattern: 3m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cVm, oa: c, ma: Y, e: s, gl: aVBabV, pat: SDSS
He soon recovered, and was snatched by it from death.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 495. Exhinc incolumis multo iam tempore uixit, Exhinc incolumis multo iam tempore uixit,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abBV, pat: SDSS
So from then on he lived a healthy life for a long time,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 496. ad dominumque suam uitam conuerterat omnem, ad dominumque suam uitam conuerterat omnem,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: fV, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbBVb, pat: DDSS
and turned his whole life to the Lord,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 497. magnificasque deo laudes referebat ubique, magnificasque deo laudes referebat ubique,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: r, pa: rf, ma: Y, gl: aBAV, pat: DDSD
and everywhere offered splendid praises to God
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 498. et domini famulum magno celebrabat honore. et domini famulum magno celebrabat honore.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, gl: ACbVB, pat: DDSD
and celebrated the lord’s servant with great .
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 499. Sanctus ter ternis Osuuald feliciter annis Sanctus ter ternis Osuuald feliciter annis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, pa: tV, ma: Y, gl: abAB, pat: SSSS
Saint Oswald ruled the reins of the realm blessedly for thrice three years
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 500. imperio postquam regnorum rexit habenas imperio postquam regnorum rexit habenas

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: r, pat: DSSS
by his governance, and afterwards (for famous Britain
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 501. ipse, quas retinet famosa Britannia gentes ipse, quas retinet famosa Britannia gentes

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: t, gl: CaVbBA, pat: SDSD
contains races divided by language
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 502. diuisis linguis, populis per nomina patrum: diuisis linguis, populis per nomina patrum:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, ta: p, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
and by people according to their ancestors’ names),
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 503. atque annos postquam ter denos uixit et octo, atque annos postquam ter denos uixit et octo,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, pat: SSSS
after he had lived for thirty-eight years, he consecrated
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 504. Augustas sacra Nonas iam morte dicauit, Augustas sacra Nonas iam morte dicauit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: abABV, pat: SSSS
August the fifth by his holy death,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 505. ascendit meritis caelestia regna coruscis, ascendit meritis caelestia regna coruscis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: r, ca: c, ta: c, pa: cr, oa: r, ma: Y, gl: VAbBa, pat: SDSD
ascending to the celestial realms through his shining virtues,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 506. Osui germano terrestria sceptra relinquens. Osui germano terrestria sceptra relinquens.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: aAbBv, pat: SSSD
leaving the earthly authority to Oswiu, his brother.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 507. Interea obtinuit multo iam sceptra labore Interea obtinuit multo iam sceptra labore

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: VbAB, pat: DDSS
Meanwhile, at the beginning, and as the new leader of his own people,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 508. principio, propriae rector nouus Osui gentis: principio, propriae rector nouus Osui gentis:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: aBbaA, pat: DDSD
Oswiu, hold on to the throne through great effort,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 509. impugnatus enim fuerat hinc inde uicissim, impugnatus enim fuerat hinc inde uicissim,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vf, ta: V, pa: Vf, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
for time and again he was attacked from here and there
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 510. saepius externis praedantibus undique fines. saepius externis praedantibus undique fines.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
too often by foreigners ravaging his borders on all sides.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 511. Insuper a propriis perpessus bella propinquis, Insuper a propriis perpessus bella propinquis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: p, ta: p, pa: Vp, oa: pV, ma: Y, gl: avBA, pat: DDSS
In addition, he endured conflicts with his own relatives,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 512. qui crudele manu lacerabant uiscera regni, qui crudele manu lacerabant uiscera regni,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: AbBVCD, pat: SDDS
who with a cruel hand tore at the innards of his realm,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 513. cognato implentes sceleratas sanguine dextras: cognato implentes sceleratas sanguine dextras:

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, e: h, gl: avbAB, pat: SSDS
covering wicked right hands with the blood of kin,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 514. nec metuunt patrias gentilia castra per urbes nec metuunt patrias gentilia castra per urbes

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, ca: p, gl: VabBA, pat: DDSD
and not hesitating to bring pagan troops into the cities of their homeland,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 515. inuidia cogente fera deducere, uel sic inuidia cogente fera deducere, uel sic

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 1\1, sa: d, ca: f, ta: f, pa: fd, ma: Y, gl: Aaav, pat: DSDS
driven on by wild envy, and in this way
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 516. uiribus externis conantes sternere regem. uiribus externis conantes sternere regem.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: t, gl: AavvB, pat: DSSS
trying to overthrow the king through foreign force.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 517. Cui fuit ante alios primis infestus ab annis Cui fuit ante alios primis infestus ab annis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: fV, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: VabaB, pat: DDSS
Before the rest, from his earliest years, to him a hateful enemy
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 518. hostis rex Pendan, fortis uirtute doloque, hostis rex Pendan, fortis uirtute doloque,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: f, gl: aAaaBC, pat: SSSS
was King Penda, powerful in strength and cunning,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 519. occisor fratris, regni et uastator acerbus; occisor fratris, regni et uastator acerbus;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: Vc, ta: V, pa: fVc, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, pat: SSSS
the killer of his brother and a savage ravager of the realm.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 520. qui ter dena sibi conduxit millia bello, qui ter dena sibi conduxit millia bello,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pa: cd, oa: d, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
[Penda] brought thirty thousand against him in battle,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 521. ter denosque duces totidem deducere turmas ter denosque duces totidem deducere turmas

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: d, ca: dt, ta: td, pa: dt, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: aAbvB, pat: SDDS
and appointed thirty leaders whose skill in arms was proven,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 522. disposuit, quorum certus fuit usus in armis. disposuit, quorum certus fuit usus in armis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VBaVAC, pat: DSSD
to lead the same number of divisions .
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 523. Hac uastare manu ueniensque euertere regnum, Hac uastare manu ueniensque euertere regnum,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m, fs: 4\2, ca: f, ta: f, ma: Y, e: s, gl: avAvvB, pat: SDDS
And coming with this force to lay waste and overturn the realm,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 524. moenia destruxit, homines mucrone premit. moenia destruxit, homines mucrone premit.

fs: 3\3, pat: DSDS
he destroyed walls and put folk to the sword.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 525. Imbribus exundans torrens ceu montibus altis, Imbribus exundans torrens ceu montibus altis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AvvBb, pat: DSSS
Just as a torrent, swollen with storms from the high mountains,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 526. sternit agros segetesque rapit siluasque recidit: sternit agros segetesque rapit siluasque recidit:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 3m, fs: 3\3, ca: r, ta: s, pa: rs, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
flattens the fields, destroys the crops, strikes down the woods,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 527. sic dux ipse ferox deuastans omnia pressit, sic dux ipse ferox deuastans omnia pressit,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: dVf, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaavBV, pat: SDSS
so that cruel chieftain himself ravaged and crushed all,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 528. dans simul in pessum pueros iuuenesque senesque. dans simul in pessum pueros iuuenesque senesque.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: n, ca: s, pa: pVns, oa: n, ma: Y, pat: DSDD
giving over to destruction children and youths, and the old alike.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 529. Nullus eum sexus uel nulla retraxerat aetas Nullus eum sexus uel nulla retraxerat aetas

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: V, pa: Vn, oa: n, ma: Y, gl: aCAbVB, pat: DSSD
Neither sex nor age brought him back
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 530. ad pietatis opus, nullo quia iure pepercit. ad pietatis opus, nullo quia iure pepercit.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: p, ca: Vp, ta: pV, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
to the duty of piety; he spared no law.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 531. Sed rector, cui cura fuit defendere gentem, Sed rector, cui cura fuit defendere gentem,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: f, pa: fc, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
But the ruler [Oswiu], whose care it was to defend his people,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 532. seque suosque simul Christi tutarier armis, seque suosque simul Christi tutarier armis,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: t, ta: s, pa: ts, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
and to protect himself and his followers with the weapons of Christ,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 533. legit et ipse uiros fortes, atque agmina tanta legit et ipse uiros fortes, atque agmina tanta

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vf, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: VCAaBb, pat: DDSS
himself chose mighty men and readily advanced
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 534. uenerat haud trepido contra rex pectore promptus uenerat haud trepido contra rex pectore promptus

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: p, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: VaBAb, pat: DDSS
against such a great army with an unflinching heart
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 535. milite cum raro, primo sed numen Olympi milite cum raro, primo sed numen Olympi

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: DSSS
but with limited company, and he first of all invoked
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 536. fletibus et uotis constanti corde poposcit. fletibus et uotis constanti corde poposcit.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: p, ca: c, pa: pfc, ma: Y, gl: AabBV, pat: DSSS
the Godhead of Olympus with tears, and prayers, and a constant heart.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 537. His actis etiam hostiles ut uidit ubique His actis etiam hostiles ut uidit ubique

caesura pattern: 2m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, pa: hV, oa: h, ma: Y, e: m, gl: AaBV, pat: SDSS
When this was done, he saw on all sides
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 538. innumeras acies latis discurrere campis, innumeras acies latis discurrere campis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: c, pa: Vc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: aAbvB, pat: DDSS
their still hostile battle-lines racing across the broad plains
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 539. has contra opposuit paruum licet impiger agmen, has contra opposuit paruum licet impiger agmen,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: Vp, ta: pV, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, pat: SDSD
Against these he placed his small but energetic army,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 540. millia trina ciens tantum, sed prompta duello. millia trina ciens tantum, sed prompta duello.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: DDSS
summoning only three thousand, though they were ready for the fight.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 541. Nec mora quin mediis se immiserat hostibus audax. Nec mora quin mediis se immiserat hostibus audax.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: m, pa: mV, ma: Y, e: h, gl: AbVBa, pat: DDSD
Without delay, he boldly dived into the enemy’s midst,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 542. Proturbans acies Christi testudine fretus. Proturbans acies Christi testudine fretus.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: t, ca: t, ta: t, ma: Y, gl: aBCDA, pat: SDSS
relying on Christ’s protection, routing their battle-lines.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 543. Mox timor inpactas populorum dispulit alas, Mox timor impactas populorum dispulit alas,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pV, ta: p, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbCVB, pat: DSDS
Soon fear scattered the attacked flanks of those peoples
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 544. qui pugnae immemores, armis telisque relictis qui pugnae immemores, armis telisque relictis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: l, pa: Vl, oa: l, ma: Y, e: h, gl: ACaBBb, pat: SDSS
who, forgetting battle, abandoned all its weapons and darts,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 545. tuta fugae petiere loca et sua signa reuellunt. tuta fugae petiere loca et sua signa reuellunt.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: sf, pa: sf, ma: Y, e: s, gl: aBvAcCV, pat: DDDD
they grabbed up their standards, and sought safety in flight.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 546. Palantum cuneos uictor rex caedit ubique, Palantum cuneos uictor rex caedit ubique,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, gl: CAbBV, pat: SDSS
The victorious king cut down the ranks of stragglers on all sides,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 547. horrisona increpitans fugientes uoce phalangas. horrisona increpitans fugientes uoce phalangas.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, ma: Y, e: h, gl: avbAB, pat: DDDS
reproaching the fleeing formations with dreadful shouting.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 548. Arma cruore natant, mutantur sanguine fontes; Arma cruore natant, mutantur sanguine fontes;

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: ABVVCD, pat: DDSS
Weapons ran with gore, springs were exchanged with blood,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 549. fugit et ipse simul, tanta uix clade coactus, fugit et ipse simul, tanta uix clade coactus,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, ca: V, ta: V, pa: fVc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VAbBa, pat: DDSS
and likewise their leader Penda himself, unwillingly fled, compelled
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 550. dux Pendan, cernens caedes stragesque suorum; dux Pendan, cernens caedes stragesque suorum;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: s, pa: sc, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
by so great a disaster, seeing the carnage and slaughter of his men.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 551. nec tamen eualuit fugiens euadere mortem, nec tamen eualuit fugiens euadere mortem,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: f, ta: f, pa: Vf, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
Nevertheless, he could not escape death by fleeing,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 552. sed gladio cecidit uictrici occisus et ille. sed gladio cecidit uictrici occisus et ille.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: Vc, ta: V, pa: Vc, ma: Y, e: h, gl: AVabB, pat: DDSS
but he fell under the victor’s sword and was killed.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 553. Curritur ad praedam passim, et laus digna tonanti Curritur ad praedam passim, et laus digna tonanti

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: m, gl: VABbv, pat: DSSS
Everywhere, men ran after booty, and worthy praise was rendered
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 554. redditur aeterno, semper qui liberat omnes redditur aeterno, semper qui liberat omnes

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
to the eternal Thunderer, who always mercifully
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 555. in se sperantes clemens et saluat ubique. in se sperantes clemens et saluat ubique.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, ta: s, pa: Vs, oa: s, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
delivers and preserves everywhere those who place their hope in him.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 556. Hoc erat, hoc etiam multis satis utile bellum; Hoc erat, hoc etiam multis satis utile bellum;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: hV, oa: h, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
This, this was indeed a conflict that proved quite beneficial for many,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 557. namque suam gentem rex hostibus eruit acris, namque suam gentem rex hostibus eruit acris,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: r, pa: Vr, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
for the king freed his people from a cruel enemy
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 558. Merciorum fidei sceptris et subdidit almis, Merciorum fidei sceptris et subdidit almis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: Vs, pa: Vs, ma: Y, gl: CBAVa, pat: DDSS
and placed the Mercians under the blessed sway of the faith
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 559. sacrato faciens baptismatis amne lauari. sacrato faciens baptismatis amne lauari.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, gl: avBAv, pat: SDSD
having them bathed in the sacred river of baptism.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 560. Perque illum, donante deo, ditatur uterque Perque illum, donante deo, ditatur uterque

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: t, ca: V, ta: d, pa: dVt, oa: t, ma: Y, e: s, gl: AbBV, pat: SSDS
Through him, as God granted, both peoples were enriched
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 561. magnifico populus caelestis munere doni: magnifico populus caelestis munere doni:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: m, oa: m, ma: Y, gl: aBbAC, pat: DDSS
by the magnificent gift of a celestial grant:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 562. ille haeres patriae factus, hic ciuis Olympi. ille haeres patriae factus, hic ciuis Olympi.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: Vh, ma: Y, e: s, pat: SDSS
one became its homeland’s heir, the other a citizen of Olympus.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 563. Ambo gentiles gemino micuere triumpho, Ambo gentiles gemino micuere triumpho,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vg, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAbVB, pat: SSDD
Both peoples glittered in twin triumph,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 564. daemonis ille iugo, terreno hic hoste solutus. daemonis ille iugo, terreno hic hoste solutus.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: h, pa: Vh, ma: Y, e: h, gl: CABdDv, pat: DDSS
one was freed from the Devil’s yoke, the other from an earthly foe.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 565. Plurima continuis domuit post regna triumphis Plurima continuis domuit post regna triumphis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: t, pa: pt, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: DDDS
Oswiu subdued very many realms with uninterrupted victories,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 566. Osuui, nobiliter patrias et rexit habenas, Osuui, nobiliter patrias et rexit habenas,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: AbVB, pat: DDDS
nobly governing his homeland domain
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 567. aequoreasque sibi gentes hinc inde subegit; aequoreasque sibi gentes hinc inde subegit;

fs: 4d, sa: 2\3, ca: V, ta: Vs, pa: V, oa: sV, ma: V, ha: Y, pat: aAV
and subjugating under him the peoples dwelling by the sea here and there,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 568. has terrore premens, illas mucrone coercens, has terrore premens, illas mucrone coercens,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: V, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: ABvCDv, pat: SDSS
crushing some with terror, forcing others with the sword,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 569. uictrices aquilas per regna ferebat ubique. uictrices aquilas per regna ferebat ubique.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ca: rV, pa: fVr, oa: r, ma: Y, gl: aABV, pat: SDSD
he bore his victorious standards of everywhere throughout the realms.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 570. Legibus ille etiam fuerat iustissimus aequis, Legibus ille etiam fuerat iustissimus aequis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: ABVba, pat: DDDS
He was also most just with impartial laws,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 571. inuictus bellis nec non in pace fidelis, inuictus bellis nec non in pace fidelis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, pa: fVn, ma: Y, gl: aBCa, pat: SSSS
invincible in battle and also dependable in peace,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 572. donorum largus miseris, pius, omnibus aequus. donorum largus miseris, pius, omnibus aequus.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CaBaDa, pat: SSDD
generous in gifts to the needy, kindly, and fair to all.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 573. Imperium retinens septenos nam quater annos, Imperium retinens septenos nam quater annos,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AvbB, pat: DDSS
For holding on to his power for twenty-eight years,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 574. compositis rebus felix in pace quieuit, compositis rebus felix in pace quieuit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: pVc, pa: pVc, ma: Y, gl: aAbCV, pat: DSSS
he died blessed by peace and with everything in order,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 575. Egfredo tradens proprio diademata nato, Egfredo tradens proprio diademata nato,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, sa: d, ca: d, ta: d, oa: d, ma: Y, gl: AvaBa, pat: SSDD
handing the crown over to Ecgfrith his son,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 576. Egfredo moriens regalia sceptra relinquens, Egfredo moriens regalia sceptra relinquens,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: r, gl: AvbBv, pat: SDSD
and, by dying, leaving the royal sceptre to Ecgfrith.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 577. Tempore nam micuit Uuilfridus episcopus illo, Tempore nam micuit Vuilfridus episcopus illo,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, sa: V, gl: AVBba, pat: DDSD
For at that time there shone forth Bishop Wilfrid
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 578. uirtutum meritis longe lateque per orbem, uirtutum meritis longe lateque per orbem,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: p, pa: pV, ma: Y, gl: AaVBb, pat: DDSS
in the merits of virtues far and wide throughout the world,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 579. quem deus omnipotens infudit luce superna, quem deus omnipotens infudit luce superna,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: tV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CbAVB, pat: SDSS
whom Almighty God, had filled with heavenly light,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 580. errorum tetricas terris ut pelleret umbras, errorum tetricas terris ut pelleret umbras,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: l, ta: p, pa: lp, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: AbaB, pat: DDSS
so that he might drive out the gloomy shadows of error from the land
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 581. per loca perpetuae quapropter multa salutis per loca perpetuae quapropter multa salutis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DDSS
on account of which, throughout many places of perpetual salvation,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 582. gentibus et populis doctrinae lumina sparsit. gentibus et populis doctrinae lumina sparsit.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: s, ca: s, ta: s, pa: Vs, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
he spread the light of teaching to nations and peoples through many places.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 583. Illius australis studio Saxonia Christum Illius australis studio Saxonia Christum

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, pa: fc, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: VaVaB, pat: DSSS
By his zeal, the South Saxons came to believe in Christ,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 584. credidit, et claro perfusa est lampade uitae. credidit, et claro perfusa est lampade uitae.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: m, gl: ABCc, pat: SDDS
and were filled with the shining light of life.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 585. Nec solum populos animae de morte maligna Nec solum populos animae de morte maligna

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aABVb, pat: SSSS
Not only did that bishop deliver those peoples
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 586. illos antistes doctrinis eruit almis, illos antistes doctrinis eruit almis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ta: s, pa: sV, oa: s, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
from the wicked death of the soul by his holy teachings
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 587. sed nece de praesente simul saluauit eosdem. sed nece de praesente simul saluauit eosdem.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\2, ca: tV, pa: tV, ma: Y, gl: AbaCB, pat: DDSS
but he likewise saved them present damnation.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 588. Tempore contiguis illo nam sub tribus annis Tempore contiguis illo nam sub tribus annis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: rV, ta: V, pa: rVn, oa: nV, ma: Y, gl: ACbVB, pat: SSDS
For at that time, for three consecutive years,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 589. non ros, non imber sitientes inrigat agros; non ros, non imber sitientes irrigat agros;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, ca: tV, pa: tV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: DDSS
neither dew nor rain watered the parched fields
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 590. arida flammigeris tabescit terra sub astris, arida flammigeris tabescit terra sub astris,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, pat: SDDD
and the dry earth withered beneath the flaming stars,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 591. et uictum pariter hominique feraeque negabat. et uictum pariter hominique feraeque negabat.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, ca: V, pa: cV, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
and denied food to man and beast alike.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 592. Atque famem sequitur morientum cladis aceruus, Atque famem sequitur morientum cladis aceruus,

fs: 4d, sa: 3\2, ta: r, pat: aVABb
And a disastrous pile of the dying followed the famine,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 593. praecipitesque ruunt multi de rupibus altis; praecipitesque ruunt multi de rupibus altis;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: s, ca: sV, ta: sV, pa: sV, oa: Vs, ma: Y, gl: AbAVB, pat: DDSS
and many dashed headlong from high cliffs,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 594. ast alii rapidis sese mersere sub undis, ast alii rapidis sese mersere sub undis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\4, ca: cV, ta: c, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VabBA, pat: DDSD
while others drowned themselves beneath the dashing waves,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 595. ut sibi praeriperet longum cita mors cruciatum. ut sibi praeriperet longum cita mors cruciatum.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: cV, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAaBVb, pat: SDSS
so that a swift death might deliver them from lengthy torment.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 596. Ipsa namque die, qua gens susceperat illa, Ipsa namque die, qua gens susceperat illa,

fs: 4\2, ca: V, pa: bV, ma: Y, gl: AbaCD, pat: SSDS
For on that very day on which that people, steeped
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 597. doctrinis imbuta sacris, baptismatis undam, doctrinis imbuta sacris, baptismatis undam,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vs, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: VCBAa, pat: SDSD
in sacred teaching, received the water of baptism,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 598. descendit pluuia, et telluribus aura serena, descendit pluuia, et telluribus aura serena,

sa: 5\2, ta: V, pa: V, ma: V, ha: Y, pat: AVBcC
a breeze with a calm shower settled on the earth,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 599. et terrae rediit specimen uiridantibus aruis; et terrae rediit specimen uiridantibus aruis;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: m, pa: Vm, ma: Y, e: s, gl: aCBVA, pat: DSSS
and restored beauty to the land as the fields grew green,:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 600. florigero campi montesque ornantur amictu: florigero campi montesque ornantur amictu:

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aBbVA, pat: DDSD
the meadows and the mountains were decked in a flowering garment.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 601. frugifer agricolis laetantibus inditur annus, frugifer agricolis laetantibus inditur annus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, ta: c, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
A fruitful year was provided to rejoicing farmers,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 602. inque deum carnes cunctorum cordaque uiuum inque deum carnes cunctorum cordaque uiuum

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SSDD
and the bodies and hearts of everyone exulted
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 603. exultauerunt, cecinit sicut antea Dauid, exultauerunt, cecinit sicut antea Dauid,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: avBA, pat: DSDS
in the living God, just as David sang before,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 604. certius aeternis inhiantes pectore donis, certius aeternis inhiantes pectore donis,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, ca: p, pa: sp, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
being more firmly eager at heart for eternal gifts,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 605. quo sumpsere prius sibimet terrena per illum. quo sumpsere prius sibimet terrena per illum.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: V, ca: r, pa: pVcr, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
since they had previously taken earthly things from him.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 606. Hic quoque compulsus Romam properabat adire, Hic quoque compulsus Romam properabat adire,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: fV, ta: fV, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
This man [Wilfrid] he was also compelled to hasten to Rome,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 607. sed prius est uentis Fresonum uectus in oras, sed prius est uentis Fresonum uectus in oras,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cm, pa: cVm, oa: m, ma: Y, e: s, pat: DDSS
but first he was carried by the winds to Frisian shores,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 608. atque ibi mox populi conuertit millia Christo, atque ibi mox populi conuertit millia Christo,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: d, pa: dp, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: abvAB, pat: DDSS
and there he soon converted thousands of the people to Christ
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 609. plurima perpetuae demonstrans dona salutis. plurima perpetuae demonstrans dona salutis.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: s, pa: ps, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: BVaAV, pat: SDSD
showing very many gifts of perpetual salvation.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 610. Et quocunque pedem mouit, pia semina seuit, Et quocunque pedem mouit, pia semina seuit,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: rp, ta: p, pa: pr, oa: rp, ma: Y, gl: AvaBb, pat: DSSD
And wherever he set foot, he sowed pious seeds,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 611. pectora pefundens arentia rore superno, pectora pefundens arentia rore superno,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 3\2, ta: c, pa: Vc, ma: Y, gl: AbVaB, pat: DSSD
watering their parched hearts with heavenly dew,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 612. inclyta caelesti compleuit et horrea fructu, inclyta caelesti compleuit et horrea fructu,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: lV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAbVB, pat: DSSS
he filled their celebrated barns with celestial crops,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 613. et celebri fama lato laudatur in orbe. et celebri fama lato laudatur in orbe.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: pc, pa: pVc, ma: Y, gl: abBVvA, pat: DDSS
and he was praised in broadly current fame throughout the wide world.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 614. Dum pius illud iter gestit complere sacerdos, Dum pius illud iter gestit complere sacerdos,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: V, pa: pVc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: Vava, pat: DDSS
While that pious bishop was eager to complete that journey,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 615. ecce repente fuit morbo perculsus acerbo, ecce repente fuit morbo perculsus acerbo,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: d, pa: cd, ma: Y, gl: AabvB, pat: DSDS
behold, he was suddenly struck by a harsh ailment,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 616. perque dies multos ualido crescente dolore perque dies multos ualido crescente dolore

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cf, ta: f, pa: fVc, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: VabBA, pat: DSSS
and for many days and as the pain grew strong,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 617. uenit ad extremum confecto corpore finem- uenit ad extremum coffecto corpore finem-

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pa: bs, gl: aABCb, pat: SDSD
he came with an exhausted body towards his final end.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 618. bis binosque dies sensu sine corporis omni bis binosque dies sensu sine corporis omni

sa: 4\2, ca: sV, ta: V, pa: V, oa: Vs, ma: V, ha: Y, h: s
For four days he lay without any feeling in his body,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 619. exanimis iacuit paene et spiraminis exsors; exanimis iacuit paene et spiraminis exsors;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: AvBvC, pat: DSDS
half dead and almost bereft of breath,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 620. uoce carens, membrisque stupens, in pectore tantum uoce carens, membrisque stupens, in pectore tantum

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: s, ca: f, ta: f, pa: sf, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: DDSS
unable to speak, with frozen limbs benumbed,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 621. frigida uix tenui duxit suspiria flatu. frigida uix tenui duxit suspiria flatu.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: DDSS
he scarcely brought forth chilly sighs with feeble grasps.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 622. Discipuli socii stabant hinc inde gementes, Discipuli socii stabant hinc inde gementes,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, gl: vaBbA, pat: SDSD
His pupils and companions stood here and there, groaning
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 623. lugentesque sui funus lacrimabile patris. lugentesque sui funus lacrimabile patris.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vs, ta: s, pa: Vs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBbV, pat: DSDD
and grieving for the lamentable death of their father.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 624. Ecce, die quinta subito pater ipse resedit, Ecce, die quinta subito pater ipse resedit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: sV, ta: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: vABVV, pat: DDDS
Behold, on the fifth day, their father himself suddenly sat up,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 625. atque leuans oculos, socios conspexit et infit: atque leuans oculos, socios conspexit et infit:

caesura pattern: 3m, fs: 4\3, sa: d, pa: Vd, ma: Y, e: m, gl: AVbavB, pat: DSSS
and lifting up his eyes, he saw his companions, and spoke:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 626. ‘Quid iuuat atroci tantum indulgere dolori? ‘Quid iuuat atroci tantum indulgere dolori?

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: BVaVvA, pat: SDDS
‘How does it help to indulge so much in savage grief?
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 627. cui uult, omnipotens poterit mitescere iudex, cui uult, omnipotens poterit mitescere iudex,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: fV, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: abAvB, pat: SDSS
The almighty judge can take pity upon whomever he wishes
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 628. extremamque nouum uitam conuertere in ortum. extremamque nouum uitam conuertere in ortum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, gl: abAVC, pat: DSSS
and can change the last moment of life into a new beginning.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 629. Namque suum clemens legatum misit ab astris, Namque suum clemens legatum misit ab astris,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: c, pa: cn, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AVbaB, pat: DDDS
For he mercifully sent a messenger from the stars
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 630. qui steterat niueo nimium praeclarus amictu, qui steterat niueo nimium praeclarus amictu,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: aVBA, pat: DDSS
who stood before me, shining in excessively snow-white garb,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 631. et mihi flammigero praedixit talia uultu: et mihi flammigero praedixit talia uultu:

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: mV, ta: mV, pa: mV, oa: m, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
with a fiery face, and predicted the following:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 632. ‘Me pius altithronus Michaelem misit Olympo, ‘Me pius altithronus Michaelem misit Olympo,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 5\2, sa: V, gl: vABVb, pat: DSSS
‘The high-throned one sent me, Michael, from Olympus
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 633. dicere quod morbo nunc confortaberis isto, dicere quod morbo nunc coffortaberis isto,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: m, ta: m, pa: pm, ma: Y, gl: abBAB, pat: DSSD
to say that you will now be healed of this illness
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 634. pro meritis sanctae matris precibusque Mariae, pro meritis sanctae matris precibusque Mariae,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, e: m, pat: DDDS
through the merits and prayers of holy mother Mary,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 635. quae gemitis, lacrimas, sociorum et uota tuorum quae gemitis, lacrimas, sociorum et uota tuorum

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: ABbVa, pat: DDSS
who has listened with open ears to your companions’
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 636. auribus e solio caelesti audiuit apertis, auribus e solio caelesti audiuit apertis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, pat: SDSD
groans, tears, and prayers from her celestial throne,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 637. deposcens tibimet uitam simul atque salutem. deposcens tibimet uitam simul atque salutem.

sa: 1\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: V, ma: V, ha: Y, pat: vavbA
as she intercedes for your life and likewise your salvation.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 638. Esto tamen quarto ueniente paratus in anno; Esto tamen quarto ueniente paratus in anno;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\1, ca: tf, ta: Vt, pa: tfV, ma: Y, e: s, gl: aAVBv, pat: DDDS
However, be prepared in four years:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 639. ipse ego tunc iterum ueniam te uisere, nam tu ipse ego tunc iterum ueniam te uisere, nam tu

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: tV, oa: tV, ma: Y, gl: AaBVC, pat: DSDD
I myself shall then come again to visit you, for you will die
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 640. tempore tranquillo patriae morieris in oris’. tempore tranquillo patriae morieris in oris’.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, pa: ms, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
at a peaceful time on the shores of your homeland.’
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 641. Angelicos sequitur monitus mox uita salusque, Angelicos sequitur monitus mox uita salusque,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: pVn, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SSSD
Life and health soon followed the angelic prophecies,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 642. nec non expletos post quatuor exitus annos nec non expletos post quatuor exitus annos

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, pa: pVs, ma: Y, gl: AaVBv, pat: DDSS
and, after four years had been finished,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 643. praesulis egregii praedicto est fine secutus. praesulis egregii praedicto est fine secutus.

caesura pattern: 3m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vc, ma: Y, e: h, pat: DDSS
the death of the outstanding bishop followed, at the predicted end .
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 644. Sic et in ecclesia, quam Petri erexit honore, Sic et in ecclesia, quam Petri erexit honore,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: p, ca: p, ta: p, pa: Vp, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: VaaBa, pat: SDSS
So too he was placed in the church that he had built
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 645. Hripensi est positus, felix in pace sepultus. Hripensi est positus, felix in pace sepultus.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pa: fV, ma: Y, gl: ABaVb, pat: DDSS
in honour of St Peter at Ripon, and buried blessedly in peace.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 646. Vir quoque temporibus sanctus fulgebat in illis, Vir quoque temporibus sanctus fulgebat in illis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, ta: V, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: aBbCA, pat: DSDS
There was also a holy man shining at that time:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 647. angelicam Cuthbertus agens in corpore uitam, angelicam Cuthbertus agens in corpore uitam,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: sVp, ta: V, pa: pVs, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
Cuthbert, who led an angelic life in his body.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 648. qui fuit a puero signis insignis apertis, qui fuit a puero signis insignis apertis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, pa: sm, gl: ABVb, pat: DDSS
From boyhood he was distinguished by clear distinctions:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 649. moribus et meritis statim succreuit honestis, moribus et meritis statim succreuit honestis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pa: Vm, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: vAbBa, pat: DDSS
he quickly grew in worthy manners and merits.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 650. atque manens monachus primaeuo tempore clarus, atque manens monachus primaeuo tempore clarus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, gl: AaVBb, pat: DDDS
He maintained himself right from the start of his time as a famous monk,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 651. doctor apostolicus fuit hinc et presbyter almus, doctor apostolicus fuit hinc et presbyter almus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: fr, ta: f, pa: rVf, ma: Y, gl: AbvaB, pat: DDSS
and then became an apostolic teacher and a holy priest,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 652. et loca fructiferis replens inculta uirectis, et loca fructiferis replens inculta uirectis,

sa: 2\3, pat: AabBV
and filling uncultivated places with fruitful greenery,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 653. fontibus aeternis sitientia prata rigabat; fontibus aeternis sitientia prata rigabat;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: c, pa: fc, ma: Y, e: h, gl: abvAB, pat: SSSS
he watered the thirsty fields with eternal fountains;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 654. diuina et cunctos formans uirtute sequaces, diuina et cunctos formans uirtute sequaces,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, gl: AaBV, pat: DDDS
and instructing all his followers in divine virtue;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 655. dogmatis aetherei radios spargebat ubique, dogmatis aetherei radios spargebat ubique,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: vACBb, pat: DDSS
he spread the rays of ethereal teaching everywhere,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 656. discutiens tenebras errorum luce serena. discutiens tenebras errorum luce serena.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, oa: V, gl: VABacC, pat: DDSS
dispersing the shades of error with serene light.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 657. Est locus Oceano dictus cognomine Farne, Est locus Oceano dictus cognomine Farne,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vf, oa: Vf, ma: Y, gl: ABaCDa, pat: DDSD
There is a place in the ocean called by the name of Farne,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 658. insula fontis inops, et frugis et arboris expers; insula fontis inops, et frugis et arboris expers;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: Vp, ta: V, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aVbCBb, pat: DDSS
an island poor in water, devoid of crops and trees.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 659. hanc petit intrepidus Christi bellator opimus, hanc petit intrepidus Christi bellator opimus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: avvA, pat: SSDS
Christ’s splendid warrior sought out this place fearlessly,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 660. contemplatiuos cupiens et carpere flores, contemplatiuos cupiens et carpere flores,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: s, ca: s, ta: s, ma: Y, gl: ABbavV, pat: DSSS
and wishing to gather the flowers of contemplation,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 661. ipse deo soli solus seruire sategit, ipse deo soli solus seruire sategit,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: m, ta: m, ma: Y, gl: aABVb, pat: SDSS
he strove himself alone to serve the one God ,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 662. ne mundanus honor mentem mutaret alacrem. ne mundanus honor mentem mutaret alacrem.

sa: 3\2, pat: AabBV
so that worldly glory might not change his ready mind.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 663. Hic heremita sacer non paruo tempore uixit; Hic heremita sacer non paruo tempore uixit;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: fV, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbaB, pat: DDSS
He lived there as a holy hermit for no little time.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 664. saepius angelicis felix affatibus usus, saepius angelicis felix affatibus usus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: t, pa: ftm, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: DDSS
He was quite blessed to have the benefit of angelic communication often,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 665. toxica mortiferi uincebat tela draconis. toxica mortiferi uincebat tela draconis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: Vt, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AabB, pat: DSSD
and defeated the poisonous darts of the deadly dragon.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 666. Attamen abstractus multis rogitantibus inde, Attamen abstractus multis rogitantibus inde,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, ta: s, ma: Y, gl: VavA, pat: SSSS
However, at the beseeching of many he was dragged away from there,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 667. tandem consensit secretam linquere sedem, tandem consensit secretam linquere sedem,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: pV, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
and at last agreed to leave his secluded retreat;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 668. pontificisque gradum, populis et rege coactus, pontificisque gradum, populis et rege coactus,

sa: 4\2, ca: V, pa: c, oa: Vc, ma: V, ha: Y, pat: VaAB
compelled by the people and the king he eventually took on
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 669. quandoque suscepit cunctis orantibus illum; quandoque suscepit cunctis orantibus illum;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pat: DSSS
the rank of bishop, as everyone prayed that he would,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 670. nobiliter binis digne quem rexit in annis, nobiliter binis digne quem rexit in annis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: avBAv, pat: DSDS
and he worthily discharging it nobly for two years,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 671. plurima conquirens animarum lucra tonanti, plurima conquirens animarum lucra tonanti,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, ca: V, pa: fVs, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: aVA, pat: DSDS
winning very many gains in souls for the Thunderer,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 672. et bene commissum sibimet seruauit ouile, et bene commissum sibimet seruauit ouile,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBVC, pat: DDSS
he kept good guard over the fold committed to him,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 673. ne lupus insidians Christi deroderet agnos. ne lupus insidians Christi deroderet agnos.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, gl: aBVA, pat: SSSS
so that the prowling wolf should not gnaw away at the lambs of Christ.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 674. Sed mox mundani culmen uitauit honoris Sed mox mundani culmen uitauit honoris

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, pa: sVc, ma: Y, gl: AabCB, pat: DDDS
But soon he avoided the heights of worldly glory
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 675. ipse, petens iterum soliti secreta cubilis ipse, petens iterum soliti secreta cubilis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vs, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: aVBA, pat: DSSD
seeking again for himself the seclusion of his accustomed den,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 676. atque ibi praesentis spectauerat ultima uitae, atque ibi praesentis spectauerat ultima uitae,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pat: DDSS
and there he saw out the end of the present life.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 677. quaeque dei famuli sacrata est insula morte. quaeque dei famuli sacrata est insula morte.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, pa: cn, ma: Y, gl: AaVBb, pat: DDSS
That island has been sanctified by the death of God’s servant,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 678. Nam locus ille nitet signis hucusque coruscis, Nam locus ille nitet signis hucusque coruscis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: c, pa: Vc, ma: Y, gl: CavBA, pat: SDSS
for that place shines to this day with brilliant signs,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 679. ex quo pontificis linquens ergastula carnis ex quo pontificis linquens ergastula carnis

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: pV, ta: s, pa: pVs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbaVBC, pat: DDSD
since the time when, the bishop’s spirit, abandoning the prison of the flesh,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 680. spiritus alta petens scandit super astra polorum. spiritus alta petens scandit super astra polorum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: r, pa: nr, oa: r, ma: Y, gl: aVBA, pat: SSSS
sought the heights and ascended above the stars of heaven.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 681. Nec non et claris fiunt miracula rebus, Nec non et claris fiunt miracula rebus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, gl: CAbVaBb, pat: DSSS
Likewise, miracles happen to have been performed
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 682. facta loco sacrum pausat quo corpus humatum, facta loco sacrum pausat quo corpus humatum,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, ta: c, ma: Y, gl: CaVbAB, pat: SDSD
along with brilliant deeds at the place where his holy body rests buried.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 683. cuius tota fuit caelestibus inclyta signis cuius tota fuit caelestibus inclyta signis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, oa: V, gl: CBaAD, pat: DSSS
His whole life, from the time of his birth right up to
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 684. usque diem mortis primaeuo tempore uita. usque diem mortis primaeuo tempore uita.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: aAbBb, pat: DSSS
the day of his death, was famed for celestial signs.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 685. Omnia quae dudum praeclarus Beda sacerdos Omnia quae dudum praeclarus Beda sacerdos

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: m, pa: pms, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
Bede, that very brilliant priest and teacher, once wrote
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 686. prosaice primum scripsit sermone magister, prosaice primum scripsit sermone magister,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, gl: aVBA, pat: SDDS
about them all, first in the language of prose
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 687. et post heroico cecinit miracula uersu, et post heroico cecinit miracula uersu,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, pa: mc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: aABbV, pat: DDDD
and afterwards sang of the miracles in heroic verse:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 688. qualiter angelicos monitus medicina secuta est, qualiter angelicos monitus medicina secuta est,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pa: tc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AbVBa, pat: DDSS
how a cure followed on angelic advice
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 689. dum tumor in tenero succreuit corpore feruens, dum tumor in tenero succreuit corpore feruens,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cp, ta: p, pa: pVc, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, pat: DDSS
when a burning swelling grew in his frail body;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 690. aut quomodo ipse puer uentis per caerula puppes aut quomodo ipse puer uentis per caerula puppes

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: Vc, ta: V, pa: Vc, oa: Vc, ma: Y, gl: aBVCA, pat: SDDD
or how, when himself a boy, he called back by his prayers from the sea
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 691. iactatas precibus reuocabat ab aequore quinas, iactatas precibus reuocabat ab aequore quinas,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vf, ta: V, pa: Vf, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
five boats buffeted by wind on the waves;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 692. qualiter aut animam ferri super astra uidebat qualiter aut animam ferri super astra uidebat

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pV, pa: pV, oa: pV, ma: Y, gl: aAbVB, pat: DSDS
or how he saw the soul of bishop Aidan borne
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 693. praesulis Aedani, teneros dum pasceret agnos. praesulis Aedani, teneros dum pasceret agnos.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, ta: c, pa: fc, ma: Y, gl: AbBv, pat: DDSS
beyond the stars while he tended the frail lambs which were grazing;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 694. Caelicolam quomodo terreno pane fouere Caelicolam quomodo terreno pane fouere

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pa: cV, ma: Y, e: s, pat: DDSS
how when he desired to comfort one dwelling in heaven
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 695. dum cuperet, meruit caelestes sumere ab illo. dum cuperet, meruit caelestes sumere ab illo.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
with earthly bread, he rightly deserved to take the celestial kind from him;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 696. Ut beluae gelidum uillo flatuque fouebant, Vt beluae gelidum uillo flatuque fouebant,

sa: 3\3, ca: c, pa: c, ha: Y, pat: aABCV
how beasts comforted him when he was frozen with their fur and breath
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 697. cernentem fratrem morbo culpaque relaxat; cernentem fratrem morbo culpaque relaxat;

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
how he released from illness and sin a monk who was observing;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 698. utque precando famem proiectus ab aequore nautis utque precando famem proiectus ab aequore nautis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ca: Vs, ta: V, pa: Vs, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
how, by his prayers, when cast up by the sea, he averted
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 699. abstulit, et certum praedixit adesse serenum. abstulit, et certum praedixit adesse serenum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, ta: V, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: AbBv, pat: DDSS
the sailors’ hunger and predicted the coming of certain calm ;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 700. Aut quomodo ex aquila delato pisce cibandum Aut quomodo ex aquila delato pisce cibandum

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 2\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: sV, pa: sV, ma: Y, gl: ABbVV, pat: DDSD
or how he predicted that he and a companion
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 701. se sociumque suum praedixit, et est ita factum. se sociumque suum praedixit, et est ita factum.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: aVBA, pat: DSSD
would eat a fish fetched by an eagle, and so it turned out;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 702. Aut quomodo ardentes auertit ab aedibus ignes, Aut quomodo ardentes auertit ab aedibus ignes,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, ta: c, pa: Vc, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
or how, he turned back burning fires from some buildings
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 703. incumbens precibus iuuenum quos dextra nequibat. incumbens precibus iuuenum quos dextra nequibat.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
by falling down in prayer, when the right hands of young men could not manage;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 704. Daemoniaca quidem uel qualiter uxor ab illo Daemoniaca quidem uel qualiter uxor ab illo

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, sa: V, pa: sV, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
or how a married woman possessed by a demon was cured by him
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 705. sit sanata, prius quam tecta rogantis inisset. sit sanata, prius quam tecta rogantis inisset.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: m, pa: dm, ma: Y, gl: ABCa, pat: DDSS
before he entered her house, as asked to by her husband;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 706. Daemones aut quomodo sanctus de Farne malignos Daemones aut quomodo sanctus de Farne malignos

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: DSDD
or how that saint drove out wicked demons from Farne,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 707. expulerit, iuxta faciens sibi tecta manendi, expulerit, iuxta faciens sibi tecta manendi,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: l, pa: Vl, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: abVAB, pat: SDSS
making a place for himself nearby to stay;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 708. ex sicco ut liquidam produxit cespite lympham, ex sicco ut liquidam produxit cespite lympham,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: pVs, ta: p, pa: pVs, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, pat: SSSD
how he brought flowing water from the dry soil,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 709. quae ad uotum patris praestabat in ore saporem. quae ad uotum patris praestabat in ore saporem.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
which in answer to his prayer, provided that father’s essence;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 710. Qualiter ipse sibi messem seuisset in agro, Qualiter ipse sibi messem seuisset in agro,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vf, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
how he sowed a crop for himself in the field,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 711. et uolucres uerbo tantum pepulisset ab illa. et uolucres uerbo tantum pepulisset ab illa.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: s, ca: s, ta: s, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
and drove the birds away with only a word;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 712. Ut mare cum beluis sancto seruire solebat, Vt mare cum beluis sancto seruire solebat,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vf, pa: pVfd, ma: Y, gl: abVBA, pat: DDSD
how the sea as well as beasts used to obey the saint;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 713. plurima uerdidico praedixit et ore futura, plurima uerdidico praedixit et ore futura,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vd, ta: d, pa: sVd, oa: d, ma: Y, e: s, pat: SDSD
and he predicted very many future things with a truthful mouth
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 714. de se deque aliis, quae praescius ante uidebat. de se deque aliis, quae praescius ante uidebat.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: c, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
about himself and others, just as he had presciently foreseen,;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 715. Qualiter uxori comitis, cui miserat undam Qualiter uxori comitis, cui miserat undam

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: ps, ta: s, pa: ps, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: cVbBA, pat: SDSS
how he restored to health a gesith’s wife,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 716. sacram, restituit depulsa peste salutem. sacram, restituit depulsa peste salutem.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, pa: sVc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
on whom he placed holy water, after he had driven out the plague.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 717. Chrismate sic quandam sanauerat ipse perunctam Chrismate sic quandam sanauerat ipse perunctam

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ca: lV, pa: lV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDDD
In this way, he cured a certain girl he anointed himself
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 718. a morbo lateris capitisque dolore puellam. a morbo lateris capitisque dolore puellam.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vd, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: avAB, pat: DDSS
with chrism, from an ailment in the side and an ache in the head;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 719. Ut benedictus item delatus panis ab illo Vt benedictus item delatus panis ab illo

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aABVb, pat: SSSS
how, likewise, bread blessed and brought by him
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 720. inmissis lymphis quendam sanauerat aegrum. immissis lymphis quendam sanauerat aegrum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, ca: V, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaB, pat: DDDS
cured a certain sick man when mixed with water;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 721. Qualiter aut iuuenem moriturum forte uiator Qualiter aut iuuenem moriturum forte uiator

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: rV, oa: rV, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
or how when as a traveller he happened to find a young man
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 722. repperit, orando cui reddidit ipse salutem. repperit, orando cui reddidit ipse salutem.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: t, pa: tVp, oa: Vt, ma: Y, gl: aABvC, pat: DDSS
about to die he restored him to health by praying himself for him;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 723. Ut pius atque pater, morbo uastante Britannos, Vt pius atque pater, morbo uastante Britannos,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ca: dm, pa: md, ma: Y, pat: SSSD
or how that holy father, when a sickness was ravaging Britain,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 724. praedixit matri natique domusque salutem. praedixit matri natique domusque salutem.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
he predicted to a mother safety for her son and household
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 725. Qualiter aut animam pastoris ab arbore lapsi Qualiter aut animam pastoris ab arbore lapsi

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, pa: fVc, ma: Y, gl: aBAvV, pat: DSSS
or how he saw companies of angels bearing up to heaven
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 726. angelicos caelo coetus inferre uideret, angelicos caelo coetus inferre uideret,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: m, gl: avVBA, pat: DSSD
the soul of a shepherd who had fallen from a tree;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 727. atque suum aegrotans curauerat ipse ministrum, atque suum aegrotans curauerat ipse ministrum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, ta: f, ma: Y, gl: aAVBCb, pat: DSDS
and how, even though sick himself, he had cured
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 728. profluuii uentris fuerat qui tabe grauatus. profluuii uentris fuerat qui tabe grauatus.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: cV, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: cV, ma: Y, gl: aCBA, pat: DDSS
one of his attendants who was afflicted with the wasting of loose bowels;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 729. Qualiter undecimo post mortem corpus in anno Qualiter undecimo post mortem corpus in anno

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, gl: aVbBA, pat: SDSS
or how, in the eleventh year after his death,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 730. integrum fuerat tota cum ueste repertum. integrum fuerat tota cum ueste repertum.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: aABVC, pat: DDSS
his body was found whole with all its robes;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 731. Daemoniacus humo, supra quem funditur unda, Daemoniacus humo, supra quem funditur unda,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: VaBCVA, pat: SSSS
how someone possessed by a demon was cured by the earth
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 732. sanatur, sacros patris quae lauerat artus. sanatur, sacros patris quae lauerat artus.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cV, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abBAv, pat: DSSD
on which had been poured the water that had washed the father’s holy limbs;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 733. Aegra trahens quidam suspiria qualiter orans Aegra trahens quidam suspiria qualiter orans

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CBAVa, pat: DDSS
how a certain man breathing out sick sighs
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 734. illius ad tumulum morbo sanatus ab illo est. illius ad tumulum morbo sanatus ab illo est.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: aBvCb, pat: DDSS
and praying at his tomb was cured of that illness;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 735. Languidus utque oculis tangens oraria uatis, Languidus utque oculis tangens oraria uatis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ta: V, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
and how a man with an eye-ailment touched the prophet’s stole,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 736. illius ex uisu dolor et caligo recessit. illius ex uisu dolor et caligo recessit.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: CBaAD, pat: DDDS
and the pain and darkness of his sight went away.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 737. Calciamenta patris resoluto corpore quidam Calciamenta patris resoluto corpore quidam

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VaVA, pat: DSSS
A certain man with a limp body put on the father’s shoes
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 738. induit, et sanis perrexit gressibus inde. induit, et sanis perrexit gressibus inde.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 1\1, ca: c, ta: c, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
and walked away with healthy steps.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 739. Qualiter infirmi curentur tegmine, sub quo Qualiter infirmi curentur tegmine, sub quo

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: r, pa: rs, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
How invalids are cured by the covering beneath which
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 740. spiritus astra petit sancti terrena relinquens. spiritus astra petit sancti terrena relinquens.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ta: t, pat: DDSD
the saint’s spirit abandoned earthly things and made for the stars.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 741. Haec breuiter tetigi, ne tota tacere uiderer Haec breuiter tetigi, ne tota tacere uiderer

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, gl: AbvBa, pat: DSSS
I have briefly touched on these things, so as not to seem wholly silent
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 742. inclyta rurali perstringens carmine gesta, inclyta rurali perstringens carmine gesta,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ta: c, gl: AVbB, pat: DDSS
mentioning his well-known deeds in rustic song;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 743. haec quoniam cecinit plenis cum uersibus olim haec quoniam cecinit plenis cum uersibus olim

sa: 3\3, ca: m, pat: abABA
since Bede, the very brilliant master, sang of them
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 744. praeclarus nitido Beda sermone magister; praeclarus nitido Beda sermone magister;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pa: pn, gl: VabBA, pat: SSSD
in expansive verses in splendid style.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 745. ni praeuenisset nostras prius ipse camoenas, ni praeuenisset nostras prius ipse camoenas,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ta: V, gl: Vaava, pat: DDSS
If that pious man had not anticipated my poetry,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 746. inciperem lyricas omnes extendere fibras. inciperem lyricas omnes extendere fibras.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: n, ca: n, ta: n, pa: np, oa: n, ma: Y, gl: AaCBb, pat: SDSS
I should begin to pluck every lyric string,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 747. Non Pana rogitans, Phoebi nec numen inane, Non Pana rogitans, Phoebi nec numen inane,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, pa: cts, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: abABV, pat: DSSD
neither invoking Pan nor the empty godhead of Phoebus,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 748. sed tua cum toto suffragia corde precarer, sed tua cum toto suffragia corde precarer,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: aVA, pat: DDSS
but I should pray with all my heart for your assistance,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 749. ut mihi rorifluam donares, Christe, loquelam, ut mihi rorifluam donares, Christe, loquelam,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: p, ca: p, ta: p, ma: Y, gl: abAB, pat: SDSS
Christ, so that you might grant me speech flowing like dew
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 750. ad narranda pii digne praeconia patris. ad narranda pii digne praeconia patris.

fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAB, pat: DSSS
worthily to proclaim the praises of that pious father.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 751. Belliger Egfridus postquam hinc inde triumphos Belliger Egfridus postquam hinc inde triumphos

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: VBVAb, pat: DSDS
After the warrior Ecgfrith had won victories here and there,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 752. gesserat, et gentes domuit sub marte feroces, gesserat, et gentes domuit sub marte feroces,

caesura pattern: 2m | 4d, fs: 3\2, oa: V, e: m, gl: VaABa, pat: SSSS
and subdued fierce peoples in war,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 753. accepit sponsam Adiltrudam nomine dictam, accepit sponsam Adiltrudam nomine dictam,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 2\3, ca: r, gl: abcCA, pat: DDSS
he took a wife called by the name of Æthelthryth,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 754. nobilium genitam regali stirpe parentum, nobilium genitam regali stirpe parentum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: m, ca: n, pa: mnc, oa: n, ma: Y, gl: abABV, pat: DSSS
who was born of noble parents and from royal stock,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 755. nobilior longe casta quae mente manebat. nobilior longe casta quae mente manebat.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VABab, pat: DDDS
who became far nobler by remaining with chaste mind.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 756. Nam licet illa foret thalamo coniuncta superbo, Nam licet illa foret thalamo coniuncta superbo,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: p, ca: pVs, ta: p, pa: pVs, ma: Y, gl: abAB, pat: DSDS
For although she would be joined to a proud marriage-bed,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 757. regia bissenos pariter iam sponsa per annos, regia bissenos pariter iam sponsa per annos,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, ca: pV, pa: tVp, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aVAB, pat: DDSS
and likewise was royally wedded for twelve years,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 758. intemerata tamen permansit uirgo per aeuum, intemerata tamen permansit uirgo per aeuum,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: c, ta: V, pa: Vc, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
she nevertheless remained undefiled throughout her lifetime,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 759. inter iura thori uincens incendia carnis. inter iura thori uincens incendia carnis.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbBCDd, pat: DDSD
conquering the fires of the flesh in the rites of marriage.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 760. Virginis alma fides, regis patientia mira! Virginis alma fides, regis patientia mira!

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 3f | 4f, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDD
How blessed her faith, how wondrous the king’s patience!
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 761. uincitur hic precibus, sed amore tonantis et illa; uincitur hic precibus, sed amore tonantis et illa;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aaBvA, pat: DDSS
He was conquered by her prayers, but she too by love of the Thunderer!
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 762. ambo sacris fidei feruentes ignibus intus, ambo sacris fidei feruentes ignibus intus,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: c, ca: cV, ta: c, pa: cV, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: vABb, pat: SDSS
Both of them, burning inside with holy fires of faith,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 763. permansere simul coniux cum coniuge casti. permansere simul coniux cum coniuge casti.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cf, ta: f, pa: cf, oa: c, ma: Y, e: s, gl: aVvBA, pat: SDSS
remained together chastely as husband and wife.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 764. Quamque integra foret uiuens in corpore uirgo, Quamque integra foret uiuens in corpore uirgo,

sa: 4\3, ca: p, ta: p, pa: p, ma: p, ha: Y, pat: ACBVb
How much she lived as an untouched virgin in her body
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 765. post mortem dominus signis patefecit apertis; post mortem dominus signis patefecit apertis;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, ca: V, gl: AbaB, pat: DSDD
the Lord revealed by clear signs after her death.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 766. nam caro sex denos etiam tumulata per annos, nam caro sex denos etiam tumulata per annos,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: r, ta: c, pa: cr, ma: Y, gl: AbBaV, pat: SDSS
For indeed sixty years after her flesh had been buried
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 767. incorrupta quidem tota cum ueste reperta est. incorrupta quidem tota cum ueste reperta est.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, pa: fV, ma: Y, gl: AVaBaa, pat: DDSS
it was found uncorrupted, and with all clothes intact.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 768. Corpus erat uegetum neruis et flexile totum, Corpus erat uegetum neruis et flexile totum,

sa: 2\3, pat: AbVaB
Her whole body had life, and was supple in sinew;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 769. et facies rutilo fulgebat sancta decore; et facies rutilo fulgebat sancta decore;

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: Vm, pa: Vm, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
her holy face was shining with ruddy charm,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 770. et quod iure magis multum mirabile dictu est, et quod iure magis multum mirabile dictu est,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: ACaBD, pat: DSSS
and, what is rightly much more amazing to say,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 771. ante dies mortis binos in corpore uulnus, ante dies mortis binos in corpore uulnus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: m, pa: cm, ma: Y, gl: AVbvB, pat: DSDS
a wound which a doctor, compelled by excessive concern,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 772. quod medicus fecit nimio cogente timore, quod medicus fecit nimio cogente timore,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, gl: VbavA, pat: SSDD
had made two days before her death
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 773. apparet sanum, tenuissima uisa cicatrix, apparet sanum, tenuissima uisa cicatrix,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: t, ca: t, ta: t, pa: ftV, oa: Vt, ma: Y, gl: AvaB, pat: DSDS
appeared healed, and there was visible just a very delicate scar
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 774. ulceris obtendens ueteris uestigia tantum. ulceris obtendens ueteris uestigia tantum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: fV, pa: fV, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: AbVCB, pat: DSSS
covering the traces of an old tumour.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 775. Vestis item, sacros qua texit uirginis artus, Vestis item, sacros qua texit uirginis artus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, ta: V, pa: Vs, oa: Vs, ma: Y, e: h, gl: VabA, pat: DSSS
Also, the clothes that covered the virgin’s sacred limbs
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 776. expulit atrocem de obsessis saepe chelydrum. expulit atrocem de obsessis saepe chelydrum.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pa: nt, gl: AaVcBb, pat: SDDS
often drove out the foul snake from those possessed.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 777. Nec non tumba prior, tenuit quae uirginis almae Nec non tumba prior, tenuit quae uirginis almae

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ta: s, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: aBCAv, pat: SDSS
Likewise, the original tomb, which had held the sacrosanct limbs
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 778. sacrosancta sinu sub terris membra recepta, sacrosancta sinu sub terris membra recepta,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: VabCA, pat: DSSS
of that holy virgin in its underground embrace,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 779. extiterat multis optatae causa salutis, extiterat multis optatae causa salutis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: aAVBC, pat: SDSD
became known to many as a source of longed-for healing,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 780. atque aegris oculis praestauerat ipsa medelam. atque aegris oculis praestauerat ipsa medelam.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vp, ta: V, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aabBA, pat: DDSS
and itself offered a cure for diseased eyes.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 781. Istius ergo sacrae praedictus Beda puellae Istius ergo sacrae praedictus Beda puellae

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, gl: BVaAC, pat: SSSS
The aforementioned Bede made a hymn in splendid verse
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 782. in laudem fecit praeclaris uersibus hymnum, in laudem fecit praeclaris uersibus hymnum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: p, ta: p, ma: Y, gl: VaBbA, pat: SDSS
in praise of that holy girl,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 783. quapropter tetigi parcis haec pauca libellis, quapropter tetigi parcis haec pauca libellis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: f, pa: fp, ma: Y, gl: vaBA, pat: DDDS
and so I have only touched briefly on these things in sparing words,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 784. utpote commemorans ueteris prouerbia dicti: utpote commemorans ueteris prouerbia dicti:

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: fV, ta: f, pa: fV, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
recalling the words of the old proverb:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 785. ‘Tu ne forte feras in siluam ligna, uiator’. ‘Tu ne forte feras in siluam ligna, uiator’.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, pa: fc, pat: DDSD
‘Traveller, do not happen to carry wood into the forest.’
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 786. Tunc quoque forte fuit quiddam memorabile gestum, Tunc quoque forte fuit quiddam memorabile gestum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VavAB, pat: DSSD
Then too a memorable event happened to have occurred
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 787. aestimo quod multis prodesse legentibus ista, aestimo quod multis prodesse legentibus ista,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: DSDS
which I reckon will be useful to many readers,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 788. si tamen haec quisquam reputabit digna legendo. si tamen haec quisquam reputabit digna legendo.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aBAVAC, pat: SSSD
if indeed anyone should consider these lines worth reading.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 789. Extinctus regis frater fuit Aelfwine bello, Extinctus regis frater fuit Aelfuuine bello,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AavB, pat: SDSS
The king’s brother Ælfwine was killed in battle,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 790. in quo miles item quidam prostratus in armis in quo miles item quidam prostratus in armis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aVbBa, pat: DDSS
and in it a certain noble warrior [thegn], also laid low
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 791. nobilis occubuit, crudeli strage peremptus, nobilis occubuit, crudeli strage peremptus,

fs: 4d, sa: 2\3, ta: c, oa: cVd, ha: Y, pat: cAVBb
by weapons, fell slain in cruel slaughter.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 792. exanimisque diem duxit cum nocte sequenti; exanimisque diem duxit cum nocte sequenti;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbCcB, pat: DSDD
and spent a day lifeless, as well as the following night.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 793. qui tamen, extinctos anima redeunte per artus, qui tamen, extinctos anima redeunte per artus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: bVCaAv, pat: DSSS
However, after the soul returned to his extinct limbs
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 794. redditus est uitae, et sumpta uirtute ualescens, redditus est uitae, et sumpta uirtute ualescens,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: vaAB, pat: DDDD
he was restored to life, and grew strong with restored strength,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 795. atque ligans sibimet refluentia uulnera, festo atque ligans sibimet refluentia uulnera, festo

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: cV, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
and, binding up his bleeding wounds himself, he began
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 796. coepit abire gradu, sed captus ab hostibus atque coepit abire gradu, sed captus ab hostibus atque

sa: 2\3, ta: cr, pa: c, oa: cVr, ha: Y, pat: AaVBv
to set off with weary step but was captured by the enemy
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 797. ad comitem quendam reflexo est calle reductus; ad comitem quendam reflexo est calle reductus;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, ca: cV, ta: c, pa: sVc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
and led back by winding way to a certain nobleman [gesith].
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 798. cui comes instituit de se narrare, quis esset. cui comes instituit de se narrare, quis esset.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: t, ca: ts, ta: t, pa: ts, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: AVbCBv, pat: DDSS
The gesith ordered him to explain who he was.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 799. Ille tamen metuit clara se stirpe fateri Ille tamen metuit clara se stirpe fateri

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: pV, ma: Y, e: m, gl: AvBVbb, pat: DSSS
But he was afraid to confess that he was born from famous stock,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 800. progenitum, dicens: ‘Pauper sum et rusticus unus, progenitum, dicens: ‘Pauper sum et rusticus unus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aVAb, pat: DSSS
saying: I am a poor man, and a peasant,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 801. atque maritali uiuebam iure ligatus’. atque maritali uiuebam iure ligatus’.

sa: 3\3, ta: c, pa: c, ha: Y, pat: BAavV
and I lived bound by the law of marriage.’
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 802. Quem comes accipiens primo curare sategit; Quem comes accipiens primo curare sategit;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
The gesith took him in, and took care that he was cared for,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 803. ne tamen aufugeret, uinciri iussit, at ille ne tamen aufugeret, uinciri iussit, at ille

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, pa: nc, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
but he ordered him to be bound so that he should not escape.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 804. uinciri nunquam potuit, nam cuncta resolui uinciri nunquam potuit, nam cuncta resolui

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: ms, ta: s, pa: sm, ma: Y, gl: abBV, pat: DDSS
But he could never be bound, for all the bonds
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 805. uincula sponte sua mirando more solebant. uincula sponte sua mirando more solebant.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: h, oa: h, ma: Y, gl: AVbBC, pat: SSDS
were accustomed to come loose of their own accord in an amazing way.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 806. Haec dum cernebant stupefactis mentibus hostes, Haec dum cernebant stupefactis mentibus hostes,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: Aaavv, pat: DDSS
While the enemy observed this with baffled minds,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 807. artibus ex magicis seu scriptis esse putantes, artibus ex magicis seu scriptis esse putantes,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: f, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: VabBA, pat: DSSD
thinking that it came about through magic arts and writings,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 808. saepius addebant priscis noua uincula uinclis. saepius addebant priscis noua uincula uinclis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: Vc, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaVB, pat: DSSS
quite often they added fresh bonds to the old bonds.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 809. Hoc comes ammirans secrete conuocat illum, Hoc comes ammirans secrete conuocat illum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: cV, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, pat: SSSS
The gesith, astonished by this, summoned him in secret,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 810. et cur non posset uinciri, inquirit ab illo, et cur non posset uinciri, inquirit ab illo,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aVA, pat: DDDS
and asked him why he could not be bound,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 811. an prius aut magicas didicisset forsitan artes? an prius aut magicas didicisset forsitan artes?

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vt, pa: nVts, oa: t, ma: Y, e: h, gl: vAaBV, pat: DDSD
or whether perhaps he had learned magic arts.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 812. nosse nihil studiis se ex talibus ille fatetur: nosse nihil studiis se ex talibus ille fatetur:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VAbBV, pat: DSSS
He confessed that he knew nothing of such teachings,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 813. ‘Est mihi sed frater deuoti pectoris’, inquit, ‘Est mihi sed frater deuoti pectoris’, inquit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: sc, ta: c, pa: cs, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
and said: ‘But I have a brother with a devout heart,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 814. ‘Quem scio quod Christo pro me sollemnia cantat ‘Quem scio quod Christo pro me sollemnia cantat

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: p, pa: mVp, oa: mV, ma: Y, gl: BAVva, pat: SDSD
and I know that he sings the rites of the Mass to Christ for me,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 815. missarum, quoniam meme putat esse peremptum. missarum, quoniam meme putat esse peremptum.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, ta: V, pa: Vf, oa: fV, ma: Y, e: s, gl: AbBV, pat: SDSD
since he thinks that I have been killed.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 816. Et si forte animam nunc altera uita teneret, Et si forte animam nunc altera uita teneret,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CBAav, pat: DDSS
And if by chance another life was holding my soul,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 817. illius illa preces propter missasque frequentes illius illa preces propter missasque frequentes

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: f, pa: fV, ma: Y, e: s, gl: vAVa, pat: DDSS
because of his prayers and frequent masses, it would be free,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 818. libera, credo foret, poenasque euaderet omnes’. libera, credo foret, poenasque euaderet omnes’.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: cVr, pa: cVr, ma: Y, gl: VABCb, pat: SDSS
I believe, and would escape all punishments.’
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 819. Tunc cognouit eum responsis ille receptis Tunc cognouit eum responsis ille receptis

sa: 2\3, ta: p, oa: dp, ha: Y, pat: AbcBC
Then the leader [gesith], after he had received his replies,,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 820. dux fore praeclara genitum de stirpe parentum; dux fore praeclara genitum de stirpe parentum;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vc, pa: fVcs, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
recognized that he was born from parents of famous stock,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 821. et quamuis sibimet uisus sit iure necandus, et quamuis sibimet uisus sit iure necandus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
and, although it seemed to him that he should rightly be killed,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 822. eripit hunc morti, cuidam sed uendidit illum, eripit hunc morti, cuidam sed uendidit illum,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: ct, ta: c, pa: tc, oa: tc, ma: Y, gl: AVCbvB, pat: DDSS
he saved him from death, and sold him to someone,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 823. qui quoque temptat eum diris uincire catenis, qui quoque temptat eum diris uincire catenis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: VaAb, pat: DDSS
and he too tried to bind him with cruel chains.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 824. nec potuit, quoniam praedicto more solutus, nec potuit, quoniam praedicto more solutus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: AbVCB, pat: DDDS
But he could not, for he was set loose in the aforementioned manner,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 825. liber ab impositis remanebat corpore uinclis. liber ab impositis remanebat corpore uinclis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: hV, ta: s, pa: hVs, oa: h, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
and in his body he remained free of the bonds that were put upon it.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 826. Saepius haec equidem sed praestitit hora diei Saepius haec equidem sed praestitit hora diei

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: DSSS
Indeed, this happened most often at the third hour of the day,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 827. tertia, qua frater missarum dona solebat tertia, qua frater missarum dona solebat

caesura pattern: | dŏmĭnū́s | dūm | tā́lĭă cḗrnit | 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4d, sa: 3\2, ta: c, oa: cd, ma: c, ha: Y, h: s, pat: AvaBcV
when his brother was accustomed habit to offer up the gifts of the mass
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 828. corde offere pio; dominus dum talia cernit corde offere pio; dominus dum talia cernit

caesura pattern: 3m | 3f | 4m, fs: 2\4, sa: s, ca: md, pa: smd, oa: m, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
with a pious heart. When his master saw such wondrous things,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 829. mira, facultatem dat ei sese redimendi. mira, facultatem dat ei sese redimendi.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: rVd, ta: V, pa: rVd, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaVBCa, pat: DDDS
he gave him the chance to ransom himself.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 830. Liber et ille redit pretii sub iure redemptus, Liber et ille redit pretii sub iure redemptus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
Then, freed, and legally ransomed for a fee, he returned
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 831. atque domum repetens narrauerat omnia fratri, atque domum repetens narrauerat omnia fratri,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, e: s, gl: aAVBC, pat: DSSS
to seek his home again and told it all to his brother,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 832. sed referente illo cognouit tempora frater sed referente illo cognouit tempora frater

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\4, sa: r, ca: srf, ta: r, pa: srf, ma: Y, gl: abBcCV, pat: DSDS
but as he was speaking his brother realised that those times
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 833. illa, quibus uinclis resolutum se referebat, illa, quibus uinclis resolutum se referebat,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: s, pa: sV, ma: Y, gl: AavBA, pat: DDDS
when he told of being set free from his bonds
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 834. haec eadem fieri, quibus et sollemnia semper haec eadem fieri, quibus et sollemnia semper

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 2\4, sa: s, ca: c, pa: sc, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
turned out to be the same as those at which
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 835. missarum celebrasse deo sese recolebat. missarum celebrasse deo sese recolebat.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: fV, ta: f, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
he remembered that always used to celebrate the rites of the Mass to God.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 836. Praefuit Egfridus regno feliciter annis Praefuit Egfridus regno feliciter annis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, pa: cf, ma: Y, gl: avbB, pat: SDSD
For fifteen years Ecgfrith ruled the realm blessedly
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 837. ter quinis, faciens uictricia bella, quousque ter quinis, faciens uictricia bella, quousque

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBCb, pat: DSDS
waging victorious wars right up until, with savage intent,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 838. agminibus missis animo trans aequora saeuo, agminibus missis animo trans aequora saeuo,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, ma: Y, gl: vACBb, pat: DSSS
after sending troops across the sea, he ordered them
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 839. praecipiens gentes Scotorum caede cruenta praecipiens gentes Scotorum caede cruenta

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: vaBA, pat: SDSS
to devastate with cruel slaughter the innocent peoples of the Irish,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 840. uastare innocuas, Anglis et semper amicas, uastare innocuas, Anglis et semper amicas,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, gl: BAaC, pat: SDSS
who had always been friendly to the English.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 841. mox aduersus eum Pictis bellantibus, ipse mox aduersus eum Pictis bellantibus, ipse

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: cV, ta: c, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VabBC, pat: DSDS
Soon, after the Picts waged war against him,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 842. occubuit uictus misera cum clade suorum, occubuit uictus misera cum clade suorum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, pa: fV, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
and he fell, conquered amidst a wretched slaughter of his followers,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 843. imperii linquens Aldfrido regmina fratri, imperii linquens Aldfrido regmina fratri,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ta: V, pa: sV, ma: Y, gl: AbVBaC, pat: SDDS
leaving the control of governance to his brother Aldfrith,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 844. qui sacris fuerat studiis imbutus ab annis qui sacris fuerat studiis imbutus ab annis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: s, ca: f, pa: sf, ma: Y, gl: AabBC, pat: SSDS
who was imbued in sacred studies from the earliest years
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 845. aetatis primae, ualido sermone sophista, aetatis primae, ualido sermone sophista,

caesura pattern: 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vg, ta: V, pa: Vg, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: aBaAA, pat: DDSD
of his life, a scholar with mighty eloquence,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 846. acer et ingenio, idem rex simul atque magister. acer et ingenio, idem rex simul atque magister.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, pa: fc, ma: Y, gl: VAbBB, pat: DDDS
piercing in intellect: equally a king and likewise a teacher.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 847. Praefuit ecclesiae uenerandus Bosa sacerdos, Praefuit ecclesiae uenerandus Bosa sacerdos,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: t, gl: aBACb, pat: SDDS
At the head of the church was the venerable bishop Bosa,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 848. condignis gradui meritis tunc temporis alto condignis gradui meritis tunc temporis alto

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, gl: AAAAaa, pat: DSSD
with merits of equal worth to the high rank of the time then,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 849. uir, monachus, praesul, doctor moderatus, honestus, uir, monachus, praesul, doctor moderatus, honestus,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, gl: CabDAB, pat: SDSS
an honourable man, a monk, a bishop, a restrained teacher,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 850. quem diuina sacris uirtutum gratia sertis quem diuina sacris uirtutum gratia sertis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: f, gl: VaVvA, pat: DSSS
whom divine grace had adorned with sacred garlands of virtues,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 851. compserat et multis fecit fulgescere donis. compserat et multis fecit fulgescere donis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pa: pc, gl: aVAb, pat: DSSS
and made resplendent with many gifts.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 852. Plurima quapropter congessit lucra tonanti, Plurima quapropter congessit lucra tonanti,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, ca: V, pa: Vm, oa: m, ma: Y, gl: AbvaB, pat: DSSS
And for that reason he piled up very many treasures for the Thunderer,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 853. retia mundanas inmittens sacra per undas, retia mundanas immittens sacra per undas,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: aCABV, pat: DSSS
casting his holy nets through the waves of the world,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 854. aequoreas Christo praedas ad littora traxit. aequoreas Christo praedas ad littora traxit.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: p, ca: s, pa: spf, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: ABaaCc, pat: DDSD
and he trawled to the shore prizes from that sea for Christ.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 855. Vir sine fraude bonus, diues pietate superna, Vir sine fraude bonus, diues pietate superna,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: fV, pa: dVf, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: BCVAa, pat: DDSS
A good and guileless man, rich in heavenly piety,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 856. inque domo domini fulsit ceu lucifer ardens. inque domo domini fulsit ceu lucifer ardens.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aACBVD, pat: DDSD
he shone in the house of the Lord like the blazing morning star.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 857. Hic pater ecclesiae cultum decorauit, et illam Hic pater ecclesiae cultum decorauit, et illam

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
This father beautified the adornment of the church
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 858. moribus a plebis penitus secernit, et uni moribus a plebis penitus secernit, et uni

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ta: s, pa: ds, ma: Y, gl: vAVbB, pat: SDDD
and separated it from the manners of the common people,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 859. deseruire deo statuit simul omnibus horis, deseruire deo statuit simul omnibus horis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: AbVaB, pat: DDDS
and decreed that they should serve the one God together at every hour:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 860. ut lyra continuo resonaret mystica plectro, ut lyra continuo resonaret mystica plectro,

sa: 3\2, ta: V, oa: Vd, ma: V, ha: Y, pat: aBvCA
that the mystical lyre should resound in continuous plucking,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 861. aethereas domini decantans laudibus odas; aethereas domini decantans laudibus odas;

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: s, gl: AabVB, pat: SDDS
that the human voice, forever singing ethereal hymns in praise
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 862. uox humana quidem superum pulsaret Olympum, uox humana quidem superum pulsaret Olympum,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: avbAB, pat: DSSS
to the Lord, should also beat upon the heights of Olympus:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 863. omnia dispensans alternis tempora causis, omnia dispensans alternis tempora causis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: s, pa: ns, oa: n, ma: Y, gl: AVBb, pat: DDSS
administering every hour with alternating duties:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 864. lectio nunc fieret, sed nunc oratio sacra, lectio nunc fieret, sed nunc oratio sacra,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
which would now be a reading, but now a sacred prayer.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 865. quisque dei laudes praeferret corporis usu. quisque dei laudes praeferret corporis usu.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: c, pat: DSSD
Whoever preferred to proclaim the Lord’s praise by using the body
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 866. Iusserat hunc raptim complere negotia carnis, Iusserat hunc raptim complere negotia carnis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: Vs, ta: V, pa: Vs, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
he commanded them to fulfil their physical needs is haste:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 867. omnibus et fieret paruus sopor, esca sub actu; omnibus et fieret paruus sopor, esca sub actu;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: f, pa: nf, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
so that there should be brief sleep for all and food in a flash,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 868. non teras uictusque, domus, nummismata, uestes, non teras uictusque, domus, nummismata, uestes,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, gl: AaVB, pat: SDDS
nor should anyone claim lands, sustenance, houses,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 869. nec quicquam proprium sibimet iam uindicet ullus, nec quicquam proprium sibimet iam uindicet ullus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: sc, pa: cs, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: abVA, pat: DSDS
money, clothes, or anything as their own,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 870. omnia sed cunctis fierent communia semper. omnia sed cunctis fierent communia semper.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\2, pat: SDSS
but that everything should always be shared amongst all.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 871. Qui terrena sibi, caelorum uel petit haeres, Qui terrena sibi, caelorum uel petit haeres,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: c, ta: c, ma: Y, gl: ABCVaD, pat: DSDS
†and that the one that as an heir of heaven possess earthly
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 872. gaudia, qui cunctis fieret communia regni. gaudia, qui cunctis fieret communia regni.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: h, oa: h, ma: Y, gl: aAAbBC, pat: DSSS
joys, should hope to share those common to all in that realm.†
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 873. hic pius antistes magnis uirtutibus huius hic pius antistes magnis uirtutibus huius

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ta: p, gl: VaBA, pat: SSSS
After that pious bishop, with his mighty virtues,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 874. impleuit postquam praesentis tempora uitae, impleuit postquam praesentis tempora uitae,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: lV, ta: V, pa: lV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VabA, pat: DDSS
had completed his time in this current life,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 875. transit in aetheream laetus feliciter aulam. transit in aetheream laetus feliciter aulam.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ABavb, pat: DDDD
he gladly passed blessedly into the ethereal hall.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 876. Visio temporibus memorabilis acta sub isdem, Visio temporibus memorabilis acta sub isdem,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 3f | 4m4d, fs: 3\2, sa: c, ca: s, ta: sV, pa: sV, oa: Vc, ma: Y, gl: VaVAB, pat: DSDS
At the same time there occurred a memorable vision
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 877. ut reor in nostro sic erit si carmine scripta, ut reor in nostro sic erit si carmine scripta,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: m, gl: VabAB, pat: DSSS
that I believe if it is inscribed in this song
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 878. proderit aeterna multis de morte uocandis. proderit aeterna multis de morte uocandis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: pV, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: VABva, pat: DDDS
will help to call back many from eternal death.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 879. Posset ut ergo animas uitiis sanare peremptas, Posset ut ergo animas uitiis sanare peremptas,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: aVBA, pat: DDSS
For so that he might heal souls destroyed by sins,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 880. mortuus ecce diu surrexit corpore quidam, mortuus ecce diu surrexit corpore quidam,

fs: 2\3, ca: f, pa: mf, ma: Y, gl: aAVBaV, pat: DSDS
behold, a certain long-dead man rose up in the flesh
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 881. multaque quae uidit memoratu digna ferebat, multaque quae uidit memoratu digna ferebat,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, pa: Vc, ma: Y, gl: aVBA, pat: DSSS
and told of many things he had seen that were worth remembering,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 882. e quibus hic nostris addemus pauca camoenis. e quibus hic nostris addemus pauca camoenis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: pm, pa: mVp, ma: Y, e: h, gl: AabBC, pat: DDSS
a few of which I shall add to my poem here.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 883. Ergo domum propriam communi in plebe maritus, Ergo domum propriam communi in plebe maritus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: r, pa: rV, ma: Y, gl: aVbBA, pat: DSSD
For he was a married man of the common people, and had ordered
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 884. atque suam rexit iusto moderamine uitam, atque suam rexit iusto moderamine uitam,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, ca: V, ta: cV, pa: cV, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AaVBCb, pat: SDSS
his own home and his life with righteous moderation.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 885. qui post tactus erat morbo iam carnis acerbo, qui post tactus erat morbo iam carnis acerbo,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: d, pa: cd, ma: Y, gl: AabvB, pat: DSDS
Later he was afflicted with a terrible disease of the flesh,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 886. perque dies multos ualido crescente dolore, perque dies multos ualido crescente dolore,

sa: 3\2, pat: AabBV
and for many days his pain grew strongly.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 887. infirmus recubans extrema pericula duxit; infirmus recubans extrema pericula duxit;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: t, gl: abBC, pat: DSSS
He lay ill, he was brought to his last vulnerability
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 888. mortuus ac tandem primo sub tempore noctis, mortuus ac tandem primo sub tempore noctis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: rp, ta: V, pa: prV, oa: Vp, ma: Y, gl: AbvBV, pat: DSSS
and at last he died during the first watch of night
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 889. eius in extrema respirans parte reuixit, eius in extrema respirans parte reuixit,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: sV, oa: Vp, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
and at its last part, he breathed and came back to life,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 890. atque resurgendo cunctos simul inde fugauit atque resurgendo cunctos simul inde fugauit

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, ca: sV, ta: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CAvBb, pat: DDDS
and as he rose up again, he put to flight all those
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 891. funeris exsequias peragentes nocte sub ipsa. funeris exsequias peragentes nocte sub ipsa.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, ta: V, pa: sV, ma: Y, gl: BaAaV, pat: DDSD
who were conducting his funeral-rites that very night.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 892. Plus sed amore uigens coniux ibi sola remansit, Plus sed amore uigens coniux ibi sola remansit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: m, ca: r, pa: rVm, ma: Y, gl: AavBC, pat: DDDS
But his wife alone remained there, being made stronger by love
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 893. quam nimium pauidam rediens a morte maritus quam nimium pauidam rediens a morte maritus

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, sa: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VvaA, pat: DSDD
and her husband, returning from death, began to encourage
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 894. coeperat hortari, reliquis fugientibus illinc: coeperat hortari, reliquis fugientibus illinc:

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: mV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaVBV, pat: DDDS
her excessive fear, while the rest were running from the place:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 895. ‘Quae mihi fida satis remanes ex omnibus’, inquit, ‘Quae mihi fida satis remanes ex omnibus’, inquit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: c, pa: mnc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AVBVaA, pat: DDSS
‘Out of everyone, you remain utterly faithful to me,’ he said,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 896. ‘Te rogo, ne metuas nunc me, dulcissima coniux. ‘Te rogo, ne metuas nunc me, dulcissima coniux.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: m, pa: mVf, oa: m, ma: Y, e: hh, gl: VVAb, pat: DSSS
‘don’t fear me now, I beg, sweetest wife.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 897. Viuo equidem, uere surrexi a morte remissus, Viuo equidem, uere surrexi a morte remissus,

sa: 2\3, ta: sV, pa: V, oa: sV, ha: Y, h: h, pat: aAaV
I am indeed alive; I have truly risen returned from the dead.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 898. sed mihi longe aliter nunc altera uita sequenda est; sed mihi longe aliter nunc altera uita sequenda est;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: n, pa: mn, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
But now I have to follow a far different life
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 899. gaudia uel luxus meme damnare necesse est’. gaudia uel luxus meme damnare necesse est’.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: mV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ABbCa, pat: DDSD
and I must renounce pleasures and indulgence.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 900. Nec mora diuitiis mox omnibus ille relictis, Nec mora diuitiis mox omnibus ille relictis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: ABcVDc, pat: DDSS
Without delay, and at once having abandoned all riches
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 901. iura monasterii deuoto est corde secutus, iura monasterii deuoto est corde secutus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pa: Vd, e: s, gl: aVAB, pat: DSDS
and he followed monastic law with a devout heart,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 902. atque ibi tam duro domuit sub pondere corpus, atque ibi tam duro domuit sub pondere corpus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: c, pa: fVc, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, pat: DSSS
and there he subdued his flesh with so great a burden
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 903. ut facile ex uita possent cognoscere cuncti, ut facile ex uita possent cognoscere cuncti,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, pa: cd, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AavBV, pat: SDSS
that from his life everyone could easily see
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 904. quae uel quanta prius ductus de corpore creuit. quae uel quanta prius ductus de corpore creuit.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: AaBVvV, pat: SDSS
what and how much he had seen when he had been led from the body.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 905. Isto namque modo quae uidit ferre solebat. Isto namque modo quae uidit ferre solebat.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cd, pa: dVc, ma: Y, gl: aVACBV, pat: DDSS
He used to describe what he had seen in this way:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 906. ‘Splendidus’, inquit, ‘erat , qui me de corpore duxit, ‘Splendidus’, inquit, ‘erat , qui me de corpore duxit,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: aBcA, pat: SSSS
‘Dazzling’, he said, ‘was the one who led me from the body,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 907. et contra aestiuum solis processimus ortum, et contra aestiuum solis processimus ortum,

fs: 2\3, ca: Vf, ta: f, pa: Vf, oa: f, ma: Y, e: h, gl: aAVa, pat: SSSD
and we travelled towards the rising of the summer sun,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 908. quo ad latam uallem deuenimus atque profundam, quo ad latam uallem deuenimus atque profundam,

caesura pattern: 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, ta: V, pa: Vf, oa: V, ma: Y, e: m, gl: BCaVDA, pat: DSSD
to where we came to a valley that was both wide and deep,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 909. cuius in oblongum extensa est sine fine uorago, cuius in ollongum extensa est sine fine uorago,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, ma: Y, gl: ABbCcV, pat: DSSS
along the length of which there stretched a boundless abyss,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 910. quae latus horrendum flammis feruentibus urit, quae latus horrendum flammis feruentibus urit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: g, pa: Vg, ma: Y, e: s, gl: AVbBa, pat: DDDS
one side burned horribly with raging flames
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 911. atque aliud habuit glaciali grandine plenum. atque aliud habuit glaciali grandine plenum.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: Vh, pa: Vh, oa: h, ma: Y, h: H, pat: DDDS
and the other was full of frozen hail.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 912. Haec animabus erat hominum hinc inde repleta, Haec animabus erat hominum hinc inde repleta,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: fcn, pa: fVcn, oa: cf, ma: Y, gl: AaBvV, pat: DSSS
It was filled here and there with the souls of men,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 913. quae nimis exustae dum flammas ferre nequibant, quae nimis exustae dum flammas ferre nequibant,

fs: 4d, sa: 1\5, ta: m, pa: m, ha: Y, pat: AbaV
who, when they were excessively burned and could not bear the flames,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 914. frigoris in medium miserae mox prosiliebant; frigoris in medium miserae mox prosiliebant;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: r, ca: rc, ta: rc, pa: cr, oa: c, ma: Y, e: s, pat: DDDD
would soon wretchedly leap into the midst of the cold;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 915. cumque ibi nec poterant requiem reperire, uicissim cumque ibi nec poterant requiem reperire, uicissim

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: fV, pa: fV, ma: Y, gl: abVA, pat: DSDD
and when they could find no respite even, they were in turn
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 916. flammiuomum flentes iterum ferebantur in ignem. flammiuomum flentes iterum ferebantur in ignem.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, ca: c, ta: c, pa: mc, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
borne back again, weeping, into the flame-spewing fire.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 917. Haec cernens mecum meditabar, forte quod esset Haec cernens mecum meditabar, forte quod esset

caesura pattern: 3m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: sV, ta: V, pa: sV, ma: Y, e: ss, gl: AaAvV, pat: SSSS
Seeing this, I pondered that it perhaps might be
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 918. poena infernalis, quam saepe audire solebam. poena infernalis, quam saepe audire solebam.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: d, pa: dVm, oa: d, ma: Y, gl: AaBbCV, pat: DDDS
the punishment of Hell, of which I used to hear often.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 919. Ductor et ille mihi meditanti talia dixit: Ductor et ille mihi meditanti talia dixit:

fs: 3\3, ca: h, ta: V, pa: Vh, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
But even while I was pondering this that guide said to me as follows:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 920. ‘Non, ut ipse putas, isthic infernus habetur’. ‘Non, ut ipse putas, isthic infernus habetur’.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: AVbBV, pat: SDDS
‘This place is not, as you think yourself, were Hell is.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 921. Cumque haec aspicerem, pauidum me duxit in ante. Cumque haec aspicerem, pauidum me duxit in ante.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: VABbv, pat: DSDD
And as I gazed, he led me in ahead in terror.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 922. Tunc subito uidi tenebris loca cuncta repleri, Tunc subito uidi tenebris loca cuncta repleri,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: aAbBC, pat: SSSS
Then, suddenly, I saw that every place was filled with darkness,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 923. intrantesque illas densatae noctis imago intrantesque illas densatae noctis imago

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, e: s, pat: SDSS
and as we entered it, the appearance of thickest night
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 924. nos circa incubuit, nec quicquam cernere praeter nos circa incubuit, nec quicquam cernere praeter

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: t, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: ACVBb, pat: SDDS
fell around us, and I could see nothing
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 925. ductoris speciem potui uestesque nitentes. ductoris speciem potui uestesque nitentes.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, ca: V, ta: sV, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: vbBC, pat: SSSS
beyond the outline of my guide and his shining garments.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 926. Et sic ingressi sola sub nocte per umbras, Et sic ingressi sola sub nocte per umbras,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: t, ca: f, pa: ft, ma: Y, gl: Abb, pat: DDSS
And as we entered in this way through the shadows under the lonely night,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 927. ecce repente globi flammarum ualde tetrarum ecce repente globi flammarum ualde tetrarum

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: r, ca: s, ta: s, pa: rs, oa: s, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
behold: balls of very black flame suddenly rose up
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 928. sicuti de puteo surgunt iterumque residunt. sicuti de puteo surgunt iterumque residunt.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: s, gl: VAaV, pat: DDSS
as if from a pit, and then sank back again.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 929. Tunc aberat subito ductor solusque remansi, Tunc aberat subito ductor solusque remansi,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: t, gl: avbbA, pat: DDDD
Then my guide went away without warning, and I remained there alone
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 930. in mediis positus trepidus stupidusque tenebris. in mediis positus trepidus stupidusque tenebris.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 2\3, ca: fVc, pa: fVc, oa: c, ma: Y, e: s, pat: DSDS
standing terrified and amazed in the midst of the darkness .
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 931. Cumque globi flammae peterent alta, atque uicissim, Cumque globi flammae peterent alta, atque uicissim,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAVBC, pat: DSDS
As the balls of flame climbed high and in turn,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 932. motibus alternis repetebant ima barathri, motibus alternis repetebant ima barathri,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: aBAVv, pat: DSSD
in a second movement, fell back again to the bottom of the abyss,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 933. omnia flammarum fastigia cerno repleri omnia flammarum fastigia cerno repleri

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, ca: m, pa: mf, ma: Y, gl: ABaCDE, pat: DDDS
I saw that the tip of every flame was filled
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 934. spiritibus hominum miseris, qui more fauillae spiritibus hominum miseris, qui more fauillae

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, ta: c, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
with the wretched spirits of men who, like sparks,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 935. cum flammis pariter scandebant atque cadebant, cum flammis pariter scandebant atque cadebant,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: aABbV, pat: DSSD
ascended and likewise fell back with the flames,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 936. sed nimius foetor late loca cuncta replebat. sed nimius foetor late loca cuncta replebat.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: AbVB, pat: DSSD
and an extensive stench widely filled every place.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 937. Longius haec cernens circumstetit undique terror, Longius haec cernens circumstetit undique terror,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, pa: fc, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
As I looked at this for rather a long time, and terror surrounded me on all sides,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 938. utpote quid facerem, possem quo uertere gressum, utpote quid facerem, possem quo uertere gressum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: fm, pa: mVf, oa: fV, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
unaware of what I should do, or where I should turn my step,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 939. inscius, aut misero qui finis forte maneret. inscius, aut misero qui finis forte maneret.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: t, pa: ts, oa: t, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
or what end might perhaps await me in my wretchedness.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 940. Audio tum subito sonitum post terga gementum, Audio tum subito sonitum post terga gementum,

fs: 4d, sa: 2\3, ca: c, ta: c, pa: c, oa: nc, ma: c, ha: Y, pat: AbBC
Then suddenly I heard behind me the sound of moaning,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 941. nec non ceu uulgi capto super hoste cachinnum; nec non ceu uulgi capto super hoste cachinnum;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, gl: AVBVb, pat: DDSS
just like the cackle of the crowd at a captured enemy,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 942. qui prope dum ueniunt, hostes agnosco malignos, qui prope dum ueniunt, hostes agnosco malignos,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ta: V, gl: ABbCc, pat: SDDS
and as they came near I recognised the wicked enemies
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 943. ad poenas animas ululantes quinque trahentes, ad poenas animas ululantes quinque trahentes,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: cV, pa: cV, oa: cV, ma: Y, gl: BaVCA, pat: DDSS
dragging five wailing souls towards punishment
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 944. cum quibus in medii descendunt ima barathri. cum quibus in medii descendunt ima barathri.

fs: 3\3, ca: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, pat: DDSS
with whom they descended to the bottom of the abyss.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 945. Flammiuomo e puteo quidam deinde maligni Flammiuomo e puteo quidam deinde maligni

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AVBb, pat: DSDS
Then from the flame-spewing pit some wicked demons
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 946. daemones ascendunt, oculis flammantibus atque daemones ascendunt, oculis flammantibus atque

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: AVbCB, pat: SDDS
ascended and with flaming eyes surrounded me,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 947. me circumsteterant, putidum de naribus ignem me circumsteterant, putidum de naribus ignem

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: m, ca: n, pa: nVm, oa: n, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
breathing stinking fire from their nostrils
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 948. oreque spirantes ignitis, meque minantur oreque spirantes ignitis, meque minantur

caesura pattern: | nēc mḗ | cōntī́ngĕrĕ tā́ntum | 3m | 4m, sa: 4\2, ca: t, ma: t, ha: Y, pat: vABvb
and mouths and threatened to grab me
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 949. prendere forcipibus; nec me contingere tantum prendere forcipibus; nec me contingere tantum

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: f, pat: DSSS
with fiery tongs. They could not even touch me then,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 950. iam poterant, quamuis multum terrere ualerent. iam poterant, quamuis multum terrere ualerent.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4f | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: cV, ta: cV, pa: cVt, ma: Y, gl: AaBCa, pat: DSDD
although they had the power to frighten me greatly.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 951. Tunc ego conclusus tenebris et ab hoste coactus, Tunc ego conclusus tenebris et ab hoste coactus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, pa: fVcs, oa: c, ma: Y, e: h, pat: SDDS
Then, enclosed in darkness and beset upon by the enemy,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 952. circumspexi oculis, aliquid si forte ueniret circumspexi oculis, aliquid si forte ueniret

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: cV, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AVBb, pat: DSSD
I cast my eyes about to see if some help
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 953. auxilii, quo iam saluarer ab hoste cruento. auxilii, quo iam saluarer ab hoste cruento.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, ca: tp, ta: t, pa: tp, oa: t, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
might come to save me from a cruel enemy.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 954. Tunc mihi post tergum fulsit quasi stella per umbras, Tunc mihi post tergum fulsit quasi stella per umbras,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, gl: AvvVB, pat: DSDD
Then, behind me something shone like a star in the shadows,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 955. quae magis accrescens properansque fugauerat hostes. quae magis accrescens properansque fugauerat hostes.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: AVaavB, pat: DDDS
increasing greatly and hastening, that put the enemies to flight.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 956. Dux erat ille meus ueniens cum luce repente, Dux erat ille meus ueniens cum luce repente,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vf, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ACVBb, pat: DSSS
It was my guide, coming suddenly with light,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 957. cuius in aduentu fugerunt daemones atri. cuius in aduentu fugerunt daemones atri.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, gl: VAbCB, pat: SDSS
and at his coming the black demons fled.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 958. Hinc conuertit iter brumalem solis ad ortum, Hinc conuertit iter brumalem solis ad ortum,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: nV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: CabAVB, pat: SSDS
From there he turned our path towards the winter rising of the sun,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 959. noctique ereptum nitidas me duxit in auras. noctique ereptum nitidas me duxit in auras.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: ABVb, pat: DSDS
and led me, snatched from night, into the bright air.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 960. Ante ubi nos murus subito comparuit ingens, Ante ubi nos murus subito comparuit ingens,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, ca: V, ta: s, pa: fVs, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
There, ahead of us, a huge wall suddenly appeared,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 961. qui sine fine sui sic uisus longus et altus, qui sine fine sui sic uisus longus et altus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: tV, ta: V, pa: tV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: DSDS
and it seemed so long and high, with no end to it,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 962. nullus ut extenso uideretur terminus illi. nullus ut extenso uideretur terminus illi.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: c, ca: sc, ta: c, pa: sc, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
that there seemed no limit to its extent.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 963. Sed prope dum uenimus, quo, quali nescio certe Sed prope dum uenimus, quo, quali nescio certe

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: CAVaBD, pat: DDSS
But as we drew near, I do not quite clearly know how
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 964. ordine, nos fuimus stantes in culmine muri. ordine, nos fuimus stantes in culmine muri.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: Vc, ta: V, pa: Vc, oa: cV, ma: Y, e: s, gl: Avaa, pat: DDSS
or in what way, we were standing on the top of the wall.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 965. Ecce ibi campus erat magnus pulcherrimus atque. Ecce ibi campus erat magnus pulcherrimus atque.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, gl: abVaBA, pat: SDSS
Behold, there was a plain, vast, and very beautiful.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 966. Cuius tantus erat fragrantis nidor odoris, Cuius tantus erat fragrantis nidor odoris,

sa: 4\2, ta: V, pa: V, oa: Vm, ma: V, ha: Y, pat: AaVa
So great was the perfume of the fragrant odour,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 967. a me foetorem mox ut depelleret omnem; a me foetorem mox ut depelleret omnem;

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AabVB, pat: SDSD
that it soon drove from me every stench,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 968. et lux tanta sacrum perfuderat undique campum, et lux tanta sacrum perfuderat undique campum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
and such a light spread over the sacred plain on all sides
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 969. uinceret ut lucem solis simul atque diei. uinceret ut lucem solis simul atque diei.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: h, pa: hVl, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAbvV, pat: SDSD
that it surpassed sunlight and daylight likewise.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 970. In his ergo locis laetas habitare uidebam In his ergo locis laetas habitare uidebam

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ca: t, pa: ts, ma: Y, gl: CABvb, pat: SSSD
So I saw that in this place happy bands
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 971. sanctorum turmas, sedesque tenere beatas. sanctorum turmas, sedesque tenere beatas.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cVm, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: ABbVV, pat: DDSD
of saints lived and dwelt in blessed abodes.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 972. Haec ego conspiciens mecum meditabar, an essent Haec ego conspiciens mecum meditabar, an essent

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: p, gl: AaCbvB, pat: DDSS
Gazing on them I pondered whether these were
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 973. regna superna poli cunctis promissa beatis. regna superna poli cunctis promissa beatis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: f, pa: fV, ma: Y, gl: ABbVCV, pat: DSSS
the lofty realms of heaven promised to all the blessed.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 974. Haec mihi uoluenti respondit ductor et infit: Haec mihi uoluenti respondit ductor et infit:

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: p, pa: pVs, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
As I was considering this my guide and said :
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 975. ‘Non, sicut ipse putas, isthic sunt regna polorum’. ‘Non, sicut ipse putas, isthic sunt regna polorum’.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pa: Vm, gl: VabBA, pat: DDSD
‘There places are not, as you think yourself, the realms of heaven.’
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 976. Fulget in ante nouae maior mihi gratia lucis, Fulget in ante nouae maior mihi gratia lucis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, gl: CaVBAb, pat: DDSS
Before me there gleamed a greater grace of fresh light,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 977. quae nimio superat lucem fulgore priorem, quae nimio superat lucem fulgore priorem,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, sa: V, ca: Vf, ta: V, pa: fVt, ma: Y, gl: AaaV, pat: SDSD
which so outshone the previous one with excessive brightness,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 978. nam tunc illa prior uere tenuissima uisa est. nam tunc illa prior uere tenuissima uisa est.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: c, ta: c, pa: cV, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: ABVa, pat: DSDS
for then that previous one seemed very faint indeed.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 979. Vox quoque cantantum resonat dulcissima ibidem, Vox quoque cantantum resonat dulcissima ibidem,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: V, ca: fV, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: CVaBA, pat: SDSS
The very sweet voice of singers also resounded there,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 980. et cum luce fuit miri flagrantia odoris, et cum luce fuit miri flagrantia odoris,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: p, ca: pV, ta: pV, pa: pV, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: BAaaV, pat: DDSD
and with the light there was a fragrance of a marvellous odour,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 981. ut mihi propter eam paruissima prima putata est. ut mihi propter eam paruissima prima putata est.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 3\3, sa: r, pat: SSSS
so that by comparison the first seemed very slight.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 982. Quo nos dum laetus sperarem intrare, repente Quo nos dum laetus sperarem intrare, repente

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: s, ta: s, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: VaaABV, pat: DDSS
I gladly hoped that we would enter in, but suddenly
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 983. substitit ipse meus ductor gressumque retorquet. substitit ipse meus ductor gressumque retorquet.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: ABBCVV, pat: DSSD
my guide himself halted, and retraced his step,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 984. Meque uia, per quam nos uenimus, inde reduxit, Meque uia, per quam nos uenimus, inde reduxit,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: p, ca: V, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: vABba, pat: SDSD
and then led me back along the path by which we had come,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 985. intrantesque iterum campi loca pulchra prioris, intrantesque iterum campi loca pulchra prioris,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: fc, pa: fcs, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: aAVVV, pat: DSSS
and as we entered again the beautiful place of the previous plain field,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 986. omnia quae uidi, si scirem forte, requirit. omnia quae uidi, si scirem forte, requirit.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: d, pa: sVd, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, pat: DSSS
he asked me whether by chance I understood all that I had seen.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 987. ‘Nescio’ cui dixi, statimque haec addidit ille: ‘Nescio’ cui dixi, statimque haec addidit ille:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, ta: f, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: VABCa, pat: SSSS
‘I do not,’ I told him, and he immediately added the following:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 988. ‘Vidisti uallem flammis et frigore plenam, ‘Vidisti uallem flammis et frigore plenam,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: p, ta: V, pa: pVc, ma: Y, gl: CABVb, pat: SDSS
‘You have seen a valley filled with flames and ice,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 989. in qua nunc animae poenis purgantur acerbis, in qua nunc animae poenis purgantur acerbis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pr, ta: V, pa: prV, ma: Y, e: h, gl: VaBA, pat: DDSS
in which souls are now purged by bitter punishments,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 990. ac redeunt iterum purgatae ad praemia uitae. ac redeunt iterum purgatae ad praemia uitae.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: abAVB, pat: SDDS
and they return again purged, to life’s rewards.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 991. At uero puteus putidum qui eructuat ignem, At uero puteus putidum qui eructuat ignem,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: cV, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
But indeed the pit which belches forth stinking fire
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 992. est os inferni, ruerit nam quisquis in illum est os inferni, ruerit nam quisquis in illum

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: fs, pa: fs, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
is the mouth of hell, and whoever happens to fall into it
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 993. forte semel, nunquam post haec saluabitur inde. forte semel, nunquam post haec saluabitur inde.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: Vf, ta: V, pa: Vf, oa: Vf, ma: Y, gl: aaAAVbB, pat: DDSD
once can never afterwards be saved from that place.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 994. Floriger iste locus, quem possidet alba iuuentus, Floriger iste locus, quem possidet alba iuuentus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: cr, ta: c, pa: cVr, ma: Y, gl: AAVbB, pat: DSSS
That flower-filled place, which white-clad young folk occupy,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 995. est requies in qua spectant caelestia regna, est requies in qua spectant caelestia regna,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\1, ca: c, ta: c, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
is a place of rest, where those who have done good,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 996. qui bona gesserunt, quamuis ex parte minus quam qui bona gesserunt, quamuis ex parte minus quam

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: pVfc, pa: fVcp, ma: Y, gl: VaABbV, pat: DDSS
although in that regard less than holy faith demands,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 997. postulat alma fides. Nam qui perfectus ubique est, postulat alma fides. Nam qui perfectus ubique est,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
gaze on the celestial realms. For whoever is perfect in all respects
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 998. ut moritur statim caeli penetrabit in aulam, ut moritur statim caeli penetrabit in aulam,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: fV, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VCBaA, pat: DSSD
as soon as they die will enter into the hall of heaven,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 999. pertinet ad cuius uicinia fulgidus ille pertinet ad cuius uicinia fulgidus ille

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: ACabcB, pat: DDSD
in the vicinity of which there is a place shining with excessive light,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1000. luce locus nimia, miri quoque plenus odoris, luce locus nimia, miri quoque plenus odoris,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 1\4, ca: s, pa: cs, ma: Y, gl: CBaAV, pat: SSSD
also full of marvellous fragrance, from where
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1001. de quo cantantum suauissima uox resonabat. de quo cantantum suauissima uox resonabat.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: Vc, pa: Vc, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
the sweetest voice of singers was resounding.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1002. Tu quia nunc iterum debes assumere corpus, Tu quia nunc iterum debes assumere corpus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: f, pa: Vf, oa: f, ma: Y, e: s, gl: AbvB, pat: DSDS
Since now you have once again to take on the body
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1003. atque homines inter moritura uiuere uita, atque homines inter moritura uiuere uita,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: f, ca: V, pa: fVc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: VVaABC, pat: DDSS
and to live a life among men that will end in death,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1004. corrige, quaeso, tuos mores et uerba uel actus, corrige, quaeso, tuos mores et uerba uel actus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: t, pa: tV, ma: Y, e: s, gl: abaVAB, pat: DSDS
correct, I beg, your character, words, and deeds,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1005. ut tua in his sancta reputetur mansio turmis’. ut tua in his sancta reputetur mansio turmis’.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, ca: sc, ta: c, pa: sc, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
so that your holy dwelling may among these bands.”
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1006. Haec ubi dicebat, quomodo sed scire nequiui, Haec ubi dicebat, quomodo sed scire nequiui,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: abABV, pat: SDSS
When he had spoken, and how could not understand,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1007. indutum proprio statim me corpore uidi’. indutum proprio statim me corpore uidi’.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: n, pa: ng, oa: n, ma: Y, gl: AcBbbC, pat: SSDS
I suddenly saw that I was clothed in my own body.’
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1008. Nec gens clarorum genetrix haec nostra uirorum, Nec gens clarorum genetrix haec nostra uirorum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: t, pa: ts, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
Nor did this people of ours, the mother of famous men,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1009. quos genuit soli sibimet tunc ipsa tenebat, quos genuit soli sibimet tunc ipsa tenebat,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, pa: fc, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: avBA, pat: SDSS
did not herself keep for herself alone those she bore,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1010. intra forte sui concludens uiscera regni, intra forte sui concludens uiscera regni,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: Vm, ta: V, pa: Vm, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
nor did she happen to hold them within the confines of her own realm,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1011. sed procul ex illis multos trans aequora misit, sed procul ex illis multos trans aequora misit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: AaVBC, pat: DDSS
but sent many of them far aways across the seas,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1012. gentibus ut reliquis praeferrent semina uitae. gentibus ut reliquis praeferrent semina uitae.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: c, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CAVaBa, pat: DDSS
so that they might bring the seeds of life to other peoples.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1013. E quibus ille fuit, dictus cognomine sanctus, E quibus ille fuit, dictus cognomine sanctus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VAbCB, pat: DSSS
One of them was that man called by the name of
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1014. egberet antistes, primis aetatis in annis egberet antistes, primis aetatis in annis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\2, ca: cl, pa: plc, ma: Y, gl: AVBCcD, pat: DDDS
holy bishop Ecgbert who had left his homeland
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1015. qui liquerat patriam patriae caelestis amore, qui liquerat patriam patriae caelestis amore,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pa: pV, gl: avBAC, pat: DDSS
in the earliest years of his life, for love of his celestial homeland
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1016. et peregrina petens Scotis iam maxima uitae et peregrina petens Scotis iam maxima uitae

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: SDSS
and, seeking foreign places, then indeed gave the Irish the greatest examples
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1017. tunc exempla dabat doctrinae lampade fulgens, tunc exempla dabat doctrinae lampade fulgens,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, pa: Vc, oa: Vc, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
of how to live; shining with the torch of teaching,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1018. actibus instituens, uerbis quoscunque docebat. actibus instituens, uerbis quoscunque docebat.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, ta: s, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
and instructing whomever he taught by words and deeds.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1019. Pauperibus largus, sibimet sed semper egenus, Pauperibus largus, sibimet sed semper egenus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abVCB, pat: DDSD
Generous to the poor, but always stinting to himself,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1020. sic bonus egregiae duxit moderamina uitae, sic bonus egregiae duxit moderamina uitae,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: c, gl: ACbBv, pat: DSSD
the fine man led an outstanding life of moderation
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1021. usque diem mortis clara pietate coruscans. usque diem mortis clara pietate coruscans.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: mV, pa: mV, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
sparkling with brilliant piety right up to the day of his death.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1022. Cui fuerat socius meritis et moribus aptus, Cui fuerat socius meritis et moribus aptus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: cV, ta: cV, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ABaaC, pat: DDSS
He had a companion fitting in merits and manners
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1023. et comes exilii Wibert praeclarus in omni et comes exilii Vuibert praeclarus in omni

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pa: sV, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
and a colleague in exile, Wihtberht, utterly famed
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1024. religione satis, sed post diuisus ab illo religione satis, sed post diuisus ab illo

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: st, pa: st, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: abABV, pat: DSSS
in all aspects of religion, but afterwards he parted from [Egbert]
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1025. theoricam solus uitam districtus agebat. theoricam solus uitam districtus agebat.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: Vs, pa: sV, ma: Y, gl: aABVC, pat: DSDS
to lead a segregated contemplative life alone.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1026. Inde suae gentis monachis construxit ouile Inde suae gentis monachis construxit ouile

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: mV, ta: V, pa: mV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
Then he built an outstanding sheepfold for the monks of his race,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1027. egregium, uitae meritis et moribus illud egregium, uitae meritis et moribus illud

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: vACba, pat: SDSD
and adorned it with the merits and manners of his life.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1028. exornans ouibus Christi studiosus alendis, exornans ouibus Christi studiosus alendis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CbaAB, pat: DSSS
Studiously feeding the sheep of Christ,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1029. ipse per angustam quas recto tramite callem ipse per angustam quas recto tramite callem

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pa: Vd, gl: VabCA, pat: DSSS
he led them devoutly, on a narrow route by a straight path,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1030. duxit ad aeterni deuotus pascua regni. duxit ad aeterni deuotus pascua regni.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pa: cV, pat: DSSS
to the pastures of the eternal realm.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1031. Claruit idcirco signis, et more prophetae, Claruit idcirco signis, et more prophetae,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, pa: mf, gl: aAbVB, pat: DDSS
In this way he was famed for his miracles and, in the manner of a prophet,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1032. multa futura uidens mansit praeclarus ubique: multa futura uidens mansit praeclarus ubique:

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: aVBA, pat: DSDS
he saw many things to come, remaining famous everywhere,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1033. postea caelestis penetrauit gaudia uitae. postea caelestis penetrauit gaudia uitae.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ABaCc, pat: DDSS
and afterwards entered the joys of celestial life.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1034. Ast alii ratibus uecti trans aequor eoum, Ast alii ratibus uecti trans aequor eoum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, pa: ps, ma: Y, gl: avABC, pat: SDDS
But others were carried in ships across the eastern sea
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1035. paganum petiere solum, qua uerba salutis paganum petiere solum, qua uerba salutis

caesura pattern: 3m | 3f | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, pa: sV, ma: Y, gl: vVaAb, pat: DSDD
in quest of pagan soil, where they tried to spread
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1036. spargere temptabant in agrestia corda serendo. spargere temptabant in agrestia corda serendo.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VaAAa, pat: DDSD
the words of salvation by sowing them in barbarous hearts.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1037. Ut fuit egregius Wilbrordus episcopus ille, Vt fuit egregius Vuilbrordus episcopus ille,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pa: pc, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
One was that excellent bishop Willibrord,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1038. plurima qui populi Fresonum millia Christo plurima qui populi Fresonum millia Christo

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: l, oa: l, ma: Y, gl: ABVb, pat: SDDS
who had won very many thousands of the Frisian people
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1039. lucratus monitis fuerat caelestibus, atque lucratus monitis fuerat caelestibus, atque

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, gl: aAbVB, pat: DDSS
for Christ through celestial instruction
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1040. pontificale decus multis ornauit in annis, pontificale decus multis ornauit in annis,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: cV, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: ABaV, pat: DDSS
and adorned his episcopal office over many years,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1041. ecclesiasque deo plures construxit ibidem, ecclesiasque deo plures construxit ibidem,

fs: 4m, sa: 3\3
in that place he built more churches for God
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1042. presbyteros in eis statuens uerbique ministros; presbyteros in eis statuens uerbique ministros;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vp, ta: V, pa: pVf, oa: Vp, ma: Y, gl: AvBCV, pat: DDSS
and established in them priests and ministers of the Word,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1043. omnia perficiens felix in pace quieuit. omnia perficiens felix in pace quieuit.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: Vc, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CAVBa, pat: DDDS
and after completing all this, he passed away blessedly in peace.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1044. Illius ecce duo fuerant exempla secuti Illius ecce duo fuerant exempla secuti

caesura pattern: 2m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, ma: Y, e: h, gl: AbcBC, pat: DDSS
Behold: two priests followed his example,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1045. presbyteri, nimio accensi feruore fidei, presbyteri, nimio accensi feruore fidei,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ca: V, gl: AaBbv, pat: DSSD
burning with excessive ardour for the faith,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1046. nominis unius Heuualdus uterque uocatus. nominis unius Heuualdus uterque uocatus.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4f | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAaBCc, pat: DSSD
and both of them were called by the one name of Hewald.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1047. Par opus ambobus uitae, sed et exitus unus. Par opus ambobus uitae, sed et exitus unus.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, pa: Vs, oa: Vs, ma: Y, gl: aABbcCD, pat: DDSD
Their was an equal mission in life for both; moreover they also had the same death.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1048. Albus hic, ille niger, distantia sola capillis; Albus hic, ille niger, distantia sola capillis;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ABVaC, pat: DSDD
One was fair, the other dark, their only difference being in their hair;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1049. at niger in libris fuerat studiosior albo. at niger in libris fuerat studiosior albo.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: p, ca: p, ta: p, ma: Y, e: h, gl: aBcvC, pat: SSSS
but the dark one was more studious in books
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1050. Ergo hi Saxonum paganae compita plebis Ergo hi Saxonum paganae compita plebis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 4\2, ca: Vc, ta: Vc, pa: Vc, oa: c, ma: Y, e: h, gl: VABvV, pat: SDSS
than the fair. They enter the crossing-places of the pagan folk
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1051. intrabant, aliquos si Christo adquirere possent; intrabant, aliquos si Christo adquirere possent;

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: fd, pa: fd, ma: Y, h: H, gl: aBAC, pat: SDSD
of the Saxons, to try to win some of them for Christ.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1052. sed dum forte nouos mores habitusque fidei sed dum forte nouos mores habitusque fidei

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: mVn, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VAVBb, pat: SDDS
But when the wretches recognized the new manners and customs of the faith,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1053. agnoscunt miseri, metuunt ne funditus omnis agnoscunt miseri, metuunt ne funditus omnis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: cV, ta: c, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VaBA, pat: DDDS
and they were afraid that the worship of their ancient gods
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1054. iam caderet citius ueterum cultura deorum. iam caderet citius ueterum cultura deorum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, gl: AabBV, pat: DSSS
might quite quickly collapse completely.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1055. Hos subito raptos crudeli morte necarunt: Hos subito raptos crudeli morte necarunt:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\2, sa: c, ca: V, pa: cVm, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AVBb, pat: SDSS
They suddenly grabbed them and killed them with a cruel death:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1056. album sed trucidant statim mucrone cruento, album sed trucidant statim mucrone cruento,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, gl: aVbAB, pat: DSSS
for they straightaway cut down the fair one with a bloody sword
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1057. longa sed exquirunt duro tormenta nigello, longa sed exquirunt duro tormenta nigello,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
but practiced lengthy tortures on the resolute dark one,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1058. atque peremptorum Rheni sub fluminis undas atque peremptorum Rheni sub fluminis undas

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: mV, pa: cVm, ma: Y, gl: AVABb, pat: DDSS
and threw the bodies of the dead into the waters
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1059. corpora proiciunt, quae sed mox ordine miro corpora proiciunt, quae sed mox ordine miro

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, ta: f, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
of the River Rhine. However, they soon were carried
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1060. contra praeualidos ferebantur fluminis ictus, contra praeualidos ferebantur fluminis ictus,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, ta: V, pa: sV, ma: Y, e: s, gl: abBAV, pat: DDDS
in a marvellous manner against that river’s very strong current,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1061. millia et usque suos socios undena natabant. millia et usque suos socios undena natabant.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: aAVBC, pat: SDDS
and they floated eleven miles right back to their companions.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1062. Ast quocunque loco ueniebant corpora nocte, Ast quocunque loco ueniebant corpora nocte,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: r, gl: aBACV, pat: DSDD
But in whatever place the bodies reached at night,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1063. maximus hinc lucis radius super astra refulsit, maximus hinc lucis radius super astra refulsit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vc, ta: c, pa: Vc, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
the greatest ray of light shone there beyond the stars,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1064. lumen et hoc illi, qui sanctos ante necabant, lumen et hoc illi, qui sanctos ante necabant,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, pa: Vs, gl: VavA, pat: DSSS
and it was this light that those who had killed the holy men
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1065. aspiciunt omni semper fulgescere nocte. aspiciunt omni semper fulgescere nocte.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ABCDaV, pat: DSDS
saw, always shining every night.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1066. Alter ab his noctu sociorum uisus at uni est, Alter ab his noctu sociorum uisus at uni est,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 4\3, sa: rp, pa: prc, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
One of these men appeared at night to one of their companions,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1067. ‘Corpora’, cui dixit, ‘statim reperire potestis ‘Corpora’, cui dixit, ‘statim reperire potestis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: Vd, pa: Vd, oa: d, ma: Y, e: s, pat: DSSD
and said: ‘You can find our bodies immediately,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1068. nostra, ubi de caelis lucem radiare uidetis’. nostra, ubi de caelis lucem radiare uidetis’.

sa: 2\3, ca: f, ta: f, pa: f, oa: ft, ma: f, ha: Y, pat: ABbaV
where you see the light radiating from the heavens.’
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1069. Visio tunc socios talis nec illa fefellit; Visio tunc socios talis nec illa fefellit;

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: s, ta: s, pa: Vs, ma: Y, gl: ABVab, pat: DDSS
Nor did such a vision as that deceive their companions,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1070. corpora namque locis sic sunt inuenta sub isdem, corpora namque locis sic sunt inuenta sub isdem,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: d, gl: AabVB, pat: DDSS
for the bodies were found then in the same places
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1071. martyribusque piis digno conduntur honore. martyribusque piis digno conduntur honore.

fs: 2\3, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: hsh, gl: AAbBA, pat: DDSS
and were buried with the honour due to holy martyrs.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1072. At alii atque praefata ex gente ministri At alii atque praefata ex gente ministri

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, gl: CVbBA, pat: SDSS
Yet other servants of the Word from that aforementioned people
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1073. sermonis fuerant illis in partibus orbis. sermonis fuerant illis in partibus orbis.

fs: 3\3, ca: cs, pa: sVc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
came into those parts of the world.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1074. E quibus egregii Suidbert Viraque sacerdos E quibus egregii Suidbert Viraque sacerdos

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AVaBCD, pat: DSDS
Among them were the outstanding Swithberht and the priest Wira,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1075. temporibus fulsere suis, qui culmine clari temporibus fulsere suis, qui culmine clari

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, pa: fc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: CVaBAB, pat: SDSS
who shone in their own time, and who were famed
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1076. uirtutum fuerant, nostro quos carmine cunctos uirtutum fuerant, nostro quos carmine cunctos

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ta: n, oa: n, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
for the height virtues. I cannot mention
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1077. tangere non libuit. Nunc namque reuertere Musam tangere non libuit. Nunc namque reuertere Musam

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaVV, pat: DDSD
all those people in my poem, for now my Muse ought to return
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1078. urbis ad Euboricae fas est, procul inde recessit, urbis ad Euboricae fas est, procul inde recessit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, sa: r, pa: rs, ma: Y, gl: AaBVC, pat: DSDD
to the archbishops of the city of York, for she has wandered far,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1079. pontifices summos, seriemque relinquere regum, pontifices summos, seriemque relinquere regum,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: SSDS
and abandon the sequence of kings
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1080. qui post Aldfridum uariarunt tempora regni, qui post Aldfridum uariarunt tempora regni,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vf, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ACbB, pat: DSSD
who continued the days of the realm after Aldfrith,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1081. imperio functum denis simul atque nouenis imperio functum denis simul atque nouenis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, pa: Vp, oa: Vp, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
who, after fulfilling governance for a cycle
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1082. orbibus annorum, qui post sub tempore pacis orbibus annorum, qui post sub tempore pacis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: sV, pa: pVs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aCbBV, pat: DDSS
of nineteen years, passed away in a time of peace
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1083. appositus patribus suprema sorte quieuit. appositus patribus suprema sorte quieuit.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: AbBa, pat: DSSD
and was laid to final rest beside his fathers.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1084. Interea Bosa felicia regna petente, Interea Bosa felicia regna petente,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: cVr, ta: cV, pa: cVr, oa: Vc, ma: Y, gl: VBCaA, pat: DDDS
Meanwhile, when Bosa went off to the blessed realms,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1085. accipit ecclesiae regimen clarissimus ille accipit ecclesiae regimen clarissimus ille

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: mV, pa: mfV, ma: Y, gl: ABCDEA, pat: DDDS
John took over the control of the church,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1086. uir pietate, fide, meritis et mente Iohannes, uir pietate, fide, meritis et mente Iohannes,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pf, ta: p, pa: pf, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: aAbCB, pat: DDSS
a man most famed for piety, faith, merits, and intellect,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1087. pontificalis apex, priscorum formula patrum, pontificalis apex, priscorum formula patrum,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: p, pa: pf, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: CBvAa, pat: DSSS
a lofty pontiff, the model of the ancient fathers,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1088. flumina doctrinae fundens e pectore puro, flumina doctrinae fundens e pectore puro,

sa: 2\3, ma: V, pat: BCaAV
pouring from a pure heart streams of learning,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1089. e quibus intente uiuacia prata rigauit; e quibus intente uiuacia prata rigauit;

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: c, gl: CBDAVa, pat: SDSD
with which he watered living meadows with diligence .
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1090. quem uirtutis honor signis comitatur apertis, quem uirtutis honor signis comitatur apertis,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: m, ca: c, pa: mc, ma: Y, gl: CbVavA, pat: SDSD
The honour of virtue accompanied him with clear signs,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1091. quorum pauca libet nostris memorare camenis. quorum pauca libet nostris memorare camenis.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pa: pV, gl: AaaBbV, pat: DDSD
a few of which I am pleased to recall in our verse.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1092. Dum pater ipse pius ieiunia sancta gerebat, Dum pater ipse pius ieiunia sancta gerebat,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, gl: aABVCb, pat: DDDD
While that pious father was conducting a holy fast
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1093. paruula septa uiris repetit comitatus honestis, paruula septa uiris repetit comitatus honestis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ta: V, gl: VaBvA, pat: DDDS
in company with worthy men, he sought out a small enclosure
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1094. posset ut aethereos animo decerpere flores, posset ut aethereos animo decerpere flores,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: p, pa: dp, ma: Y, gl: AbCvB, pat: DDDS
so that he could to gather ethereal flowers in the spirit the
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1095. et domino propriae decimas persoluere uitae, et domino propriae decimas persoluere uitae,

fs: 4\3, sa: p, ca: V, pa: pVc, ma: Y, gl: BACVa, pat: SDSD
and pay tithes to the Lord for his own life,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1096. e quis diuitias caelo reperiret opimas. e quis diuitias caelo reperiret opimas.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: vaAB, pat: SDSS
from which to pile up abundant riches in heaven.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1097. Intrans ergo locum districtis usibus aptum, Intrans ergo locum districtis usibus aptum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: c, ca: p, ta: p, pa: pVc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AVbBv, pat: DSSD
So, when he came upon a place suitable for disciplined conduct,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1098. tunc inopes iussit per proxima compita quaeri, tunc inopes iussit per proxima compita quaeri,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: Vf, pa: pVf, oa: p, ma: Y, e: m, gl: ABaVb, pat: SDSS
he then ordered a search to be made for destitute folk in the closest crossing-places,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1099. per se pauperibus uictum ut deferret egenis. per se pauperibus uictum ut deferret egenis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: aAaVB, pat: SDSS
so that he might himself offer food to the needy poor.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1100. Tunc aeger iuuenis mutusque adducitur illi, Tunc aeger iuuenis mutusque adducitur illi,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, pa: pc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: vAbVCB, pat: DSDS
Then there was brought to him a sick and mute young man,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1101. promere qui nullis poterat iam uerba loquelis, promere qui nullis poterat iam uerba loquelis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, gl: ABaVCb, pat: DDDS
who was then unable to utter words in any speech,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1102. cui caput horribili fuerat scabrigine tectum, cui caput horribili fuerat scabrigine tectum,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: m, pa: mc, ma: Y, gl: AbBCV, pat: SDDS
whose head was covered by horrible scabs,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1103. et pro crine cutis maculis uestita remansit. et pro crine cutis maculis uestita remansit.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: g, ca: cVg, pa: cVg, oa: g, ma: Y, gl: CaABVc, pat: DSDS
the skin stood coated with sores instead of hair.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1104. Huic pius antistes casulam congessit egeno, Huic pius antistes casulam congessit egeno,

sa: 2\3, ca: V, ta: sV, pa: sV, oa: sVc, ma: V, ha: Y, pat: CVBaAb
The pious bishop had a small hut built for this needy man,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1105. in qua susciperet stipem miser ille suetam; in qua susciperet stipem miser ille suetam;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: tV, pa: tV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AabBC, pat: DSSS
in which that that wretch might receive his customary rations,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1106. postque dies septem transacti temporis illum postque dies septem transacti temporis illum

caesura pattern: 3m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: VvavA, pat: DSSS
and after the space of seven days had passed, he ordered him
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1107. iusserat adduci, mutamque ostendere linguam; iusserat adduci, mutamque ostendere linguam;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: s, pa: cs, ma: Y, gl: CAVavB, pat: DSSS
brought out to show his mute tongue.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1108. cui crucis impressit sanctae signando figuram, cui crucis impressit sanctae signando figuram,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, gl: aVvA, pat: DDSS
On it he made the sign of the holy cross,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1109. atque diu tacitam iussit proferre loquelam. atque diu tacitam iussit proferre loquelam.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: pc, ta: c, pa: pc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: ABCDa, pat: SDSS
and ordered it, long silent, to utter speech.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1110. Qui dicto citius patris praecepta secutus, Qui dicto citius patris praecepta secutus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, gl: AvabBV, pat: DSDD
No sooner was it said than he followed the father’s command:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1111. ore loquens prompto taciturna silentia rupit, ore loquens prompto taciturna silentia rupit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: m, pa: mVp, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aVaABa, pat: SDSS
and speaking with a ready mouth, he broke his taciturn silence,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1112. et pleno est penitus mutus sermone locutus, et pleno est penitus mutus sermone locutus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, gl: AaBb, pat: DSDS
and the utterly mute man spoke with effusive speech.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1113. atque die tota pariter cum nocte sequenti atque die tota pariter cum nocte sequenti

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: fc, pa: fc, ma: Y, gl: VvavA, pat: SDDS
For the whole day and the following night likewise,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1114. non cessauit ouans uarias proferre loquelas, non cessauit ouans uarias proferre loquelas,

sa: 3\2, ta: c, oa: cs, ma: c, ha: Y, pat: aAbvB
rejoicing, he did not cease to utter varied speech,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1115. atque suae mentis secretas pandere causas; atque suae mentis secretas pandere causas;

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, pa: fVc, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: ABaV, pat: SDDS
and to reveal the hidden thoughts of his mind.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1116. et cum uoce cutis pariter iam sana reuersa est, et cum uoce cutis pariter iam sana reuersa est,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, ca: cr, ta: c, pa: cr, oa: r, ma: Y, gl: VabBA, pat: SDSS
And along with his voice his skin was now restored to health
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1117. reddunturque noui crispato crine capilli, reddunturque noui crispato crine capilli,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: p, gl: aAvaB, pat: SDSS
and new hair returned to his curly head,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1118. pulcherque est iuuenis factus, promptusque loquela. pulcherque est iuuenis factus, promptusque loquela.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: s, pa: sV, ma: Y, gl: AabBV, pat: DDSS
and he became a handsome young man, ready of speech,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1119. Sicque domum propriam gaudens sanatus adibat. Sicque domum propriam gaudens sanatus adibat.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, e: s, gl: vaVaA, pat: DDSS
and so, joyfully cured, he returned to his own home.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1120. Nec meminisse aliud taedet laudabile signum. Nec meminisse aliud taedet laudabile signum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: t, gl: VAbBC, pat: SSDS
Nor it is tedious to recall another praiseworthy sign.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1121. Dum lustrat pastor uigili tutamine mandras, Dum lustrat pastor uigili tutamine mandras,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, ta: f, ma: Y, gl: aVAvB, pat: SSDS
When that shepherd was roaming the folds in his watchful care,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1122. sanctarum uenit famularum uisere cellam, sanctarum uenit famularum uisere cellam,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: cd, ta: c, pa: cd, ma: Y, gl: CBVAa, pat: SDDS
he came to visit a community of holy maidservants,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1123. de quarum numero recubat uirguncula quaedam, de quarum numero recubat uirguncula quaedam,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: Vc, ta: c, pa: Vc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: ABcVaC, pat: SSDS
one of whose number, a certain young virgin, lay ill.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1124. uena cui nuper medio est incisa lacerto, uena cui nuper medio est incisa lacerto,

sa: 3\3, ta: sm, oa: mVs, ma: V, ha: Y, pat: AVbvB
A vein had recently been cut in the middle of her upper arm;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1125. et manus obstipuit nimio crassante tumore; et manus obstipuit nimio crassante tumore;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VaA, pat: DSDD
and her hand grew numb as the excessive swelling puffed up,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1126. ergo uidebatur citius moritura puella. ergo uidebatur citius moritura puella.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: s, ta: s, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
and so it seemed that the girl would die quite quickly.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1127. Hanc sed restituit domini uirtute saluti Hanc sed restituit domini uirtute saluti

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, e: s, gl: AaABCv, pat: SSSS
But the holy bishop restored her to health through the power of the Lord.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1128. antistes sanctus, qui tecta, a matre rogatus, antistes sanctus, qui tecta, a matre rogatus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, e: s, pat: DSDS
He entered the virgin’s home when her mother asked him,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1129. uirginis intrabat recubamque ex more salutat, uirginis intrabat recubamque ex more salutat,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AvBVb, pat: DSDD
and greeted her as usual while she lay there,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1130. atque preces fundens manui benedixerat aegrae. atque preces fundens manui benedixerat aegrae.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ca: V, pa: Vf, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VaAB, pat: DSDD
and, pouring forth prayers, he blessed her sick hand.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1131. Inualuit statim fugiente dolore puella, Inualuit statim fugiente dolore puella,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: t, pa: mt, gl: AabBc, pat: DSSS
After the pain fled, the girl straightaway grew well,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1132. inque modum mirum toto de corpore tota inque modum mirum toto de corpore tota

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: p, ca: s, pa: csp, oa: pc, ma: Y, gl: aBVAC, pat: DDSS
and, in a marvellous manner, the whole pestilence left
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1133. cum redeunte foras secessit praesule pestis. cum redeunte foras secessit praesule pestis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: Vp, pa: Vp, oa: p, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
her whole body as the bishop went back outside.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1134. Protinus altithrono magnis erepta perclis, Protinus altithrono magnis erepta perclis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, ca: f, gl: AVCbaB, pat: DSSS
From then on, snatched from great dangers, the virgin,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1135. uirgo canit laudes multos uictura per annos. uirgo canit laudes multos uictura per annos.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: Vs, ta: Vs, ma: Y, gl: AbaVCB, pat: DDSD
who would live for many years, sang praises to the high-throned one.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1136. Huic aliud simili successit in ordine signum. Huic aliud simili successit in ordine signum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AavBC, pat: DSDS
Another miracle occurred in a similar way to this one.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1137. Ecce comes quidam uenerandum iure Iohannem Ecce comes quidam uenerandum iure Iohannem

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, ta: c, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
Behold: a certain nobleman [gesith] summoned the rightly revered John
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1138. aduocat, ecclesiae domino qui tecta dicaret, aduocat, ecclesiae domino qui tecta dicaret,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AVCbaB, pat: DSSS
so that he might dedicate a church building to the Lord.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1139. uxor erat cuius multis infirma diebus, uxor erat cuius multis infirma diebus,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: d, gl: avAvB, pat: SDSS
His wife had been ill for many days,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1140. quadraginta iacens noctes depressa dolore, quadraginta iacens noctes depressa dolore,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, pat: DDSD
lying afflicted with pain for forty nights,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1141. algida, nec ualuit sese releuare cubili; algida, nec ualuit sese releuare cubili;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: p, gl: aCbBVA, pat: DDSS
cold, and unable to rise up from the bed.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1142. lurida cui gelidus pallor praetexerat ora, lurida cui gelidus pallor praetexerat ora,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: fV, pa: fV, ma: Y, gl: AabVB, pat: DSDS
A chilly pallor covered her pale face,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1143. naribus alternis tenuis uix flabat anhelus. naribus alternis tenuis uix flabat anhelus.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CaAbVB, pat: DSDS
from her nostrils in turn there scarcely came faint breath.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1144. Huic pius antistes benedictam miserat undam, Huic pius antistes benedictam miserat undam,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: cV, ta: c, pa: cV, oa: cV, ma: Y, gl: CABVa, pat: DDDS
The pious bishop had sent blessed water,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1145. qua prius ecclesiam domino sacrauerat illam, qua prius ecclesiam domino sacrauerat illam,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3f | 4d, fs: 3\2, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: m, gl: VBaAV, pat: SDDD
with which he had previously consecrated that church to the Lord,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1146. ut potaret eam atque dolentia membra liniret. ut potaret eam atque dolentia membra liniret.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SSDD
so that she should drink it and anoint her aching limbs.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1147. Quod dum fecisset, sequitur medicina per artus, Quod dum fecisset, sequitur medicina per artus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, ca: Vs, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
When she had done this, the medicine coursed through her joints
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1148. atque salutifero morbi periere sub haustu, atque salutifero morbi periere sub haustu,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, pa: fVc, ma: Y, gl: VaBbA, pat: DSSS
and her sickness disappeared with the healing draft.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1149. uenit et optatae uirtus concessa salutis, uenit et optatae uirtus concessa salutis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, ta: s, pa: Vs, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: VABb, pat: DSSS
The power of hoped-for health was granted
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1150. surgit et e strato statim tunc femina sospes, surgit et e strato statim tunc femina sospes,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbBa, pat: DSDS
and then the woman straightaway rose up from the bed, unscathed,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1151. atque sacerdoti renouatis uiribus almo atque sacerdoti renouatis uiribus almo

caesura pattern: 3m, fs: 3\3, ca: p, ta: p, oa: p, ma: Y, e: s, gl: AVBaV, pat: DSSS
and with renewed strength, she bore a cup
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1152. pocula deportat, cunctisque impigra ministrat, pocula deportat, cunctisque impigra ministrat,

caesura pattern: 2f | m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cV, pa: cVd, ma: Y, gl: VAaBC, pat: DDDS
to the blessed priest, and assiduously minsters to all
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1153. reddidit atque deo proprio cum coniuge grates. reddidit atque deo proprio cum coniuge grates.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pa: Vc, ma: Y, gl: ACabBD, pat: DDSS
and, with her husband, she rendered thanks to God.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1154. At comes hunc alius diuerso tempore scisci At comes hunc alius diuerso tempore scisci

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: dc, ta: d, pa: dVc, ma: Y, gl: VABCa, pat: DDDS
At a different time another nobleman [gesith] had him [John] summoned
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1155. fecit ad ecclesiam domini de more dicandam, fecit ad ecclesiam domini de more dicandam,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: p, gl: CBaAb, pat: SDSS
to dedicate a church of the Lord, as usual.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1156. cuius forte puer mortali peste subactus, cuius forte puer mortali peste subactus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: m, ta: m, pa: mV, oa: m, ma: Y, gl: AbCBV, pat: DSSS
A boy of his happened to have been struck down by a deadly pestilence
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1157. mortuus ex omni membrorum parte remansit, mortuus ex omni membrorum parte remansit,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, pa: fc, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: AcBbV, pat: DSSD
and remained at the point of death in every area of his limbs,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1158. spiritus excepto quod pectora fessa mouebat, spiritus excepto quod pectora fessa mouebat,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: s, ca: f, ta: f, pa: fs, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: abvAB, pat: DDDS
except that breath still moved his weary breast,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1159. frigida uix tenui geminans suspiria flatu. frigida uix tenui geminans suspiria flatu.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: c, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CBDAaV, pat: DDSD
scarcely repeating chilly sighs with a faint gasp.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1160. Funeris exsequias cui tunc comes ipse parabat, Funeris exsequias cui tunc comes ipse parabat,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, pa: Vc, ma: Y, gl: AVCBbb, pat: DSSS
The nobleman [gesith] was then preparing his funeral rites
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1161. et loculus iuxta stabat, quo corpus humandum et loculus iuxta stabat, quo corpus humandum

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: n, ca: m, pa: mnf, oa: n, ma: Y, gl: VBAaV, pat: DSDS
and a coffin stood nearby in which his body would soon be buried
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1162. mox fuerat, uitae quoniam spes nulla manebat. mox fuerat, uitae quoniam spes nulla manebat.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, oa: p, gl: BvAaV, pat: SDDS
since there was no hope of life.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1163. Pro quo pontificem lacrimans dux ipse rogabat, Pro quo pontificem lacrimans dux ipse rogabat,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: dp, pa: dp, ma: Y, gl: Vava, pat: SSDD
The noble himself, weeping for him, asked the bishop
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1164. ut dignaretur puero benedicere presso, ut dignaretur puero benedicere presso,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: f, pa: pf, oa: f, ma: Y, h: H, pat: DDSS
that he deign to bless the afflicted boy
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1165. atque preces domino pro huius fundere uita. atque preces domino pro huius fundere uita.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: n, gl: aAVBV, pat: SDDS
and to pour forth prayers to the Lord for his life.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1166. Nec quod plena fides rogitabat, iure negabat Nec quod plena fides rogitabat, iure negabat

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: fV, pa: fVs, oa: fV, ma: Y, gl: AaaVB, pat: DSSS
Nor did the pious and merciful man rightly refuse what full faith
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1167. uir pius et clemens, statim sed uisitat aegrum, uir pius et clemens, statim sed uisitat aegrum,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ta: V, pat: DDDS
entreated, but he immediately visited the sick boy,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1168. et benedixit eum, rediens ex more salutat: et benedixit eum, rediens ex more salutat:

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: r, ca: fr, ta: r, pa: rf, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
and blessed him, and, on returning greeted him as usual,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1169. ‘Mox reualesce puer’, dicens, ‘uiresque resume’. ‘Mox reualesce puer’, dicens, ‘uiresque resume’.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 3m, fs: 3\3, sa: d, ca: ps, ta: p, pa: psd, oa: d, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
saying: ‘Be well soon, boy, and get your strength back.’
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1170. Post haec cum praesul uel dux prandere sedebant, Post haec cum praesul uel dux prandere sedebant,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, pa: spf, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: VAaBv, pat: DSDD
Afterwards, when the a bishop and the noble were sitting down to eat,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1171. postulat infirmus sitiens sibi pocula ferri, postulat infirmus sitiens sibi pocula ferri,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, gl: BAavV, pat: DSSS
the sick lad, being thirsty, asked for a cup to be fetched,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1172. cui dominus gaudens quod iam potare ualeret, cui dominus gaudens quod iam potare ualeret,

caesura pattern: 2, | 3, | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: m, oa: m, ma: Y, e: m, gl: ABaCV, pat: DSDS
and his lord, delighted that he could now drink,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1173. mox calicem uini benedictum a praesule misit. mox calicem uini benedictum a praesule misit.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: sV, ta: sV, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
he soon sent a goblet of wine blessed by the bishop.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1174. Ut bibit hunc, statim sanus surrexit et ibat, Vt bibit hunc, statim sanus surrexit et ibat,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vd, ta: Vd, pa: Vd, oa: d, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
When he drank it, [the boy] rose up healthy straightaway, and began to walk,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1175. intrauitque domum quo dux et praesul edebant, intrauitque domum quo dux et praesul edebant,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, pa: fV, oa: f, ma: Y, e: ss, pat: SDSS
and entered the house where the noble and bishop were eating,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1176. cumque illis bibere et uesci se uelle profatur: cumque illis bibere et uesci se uelle profatur:

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: lV, pa: lV, ma: Y, gl: VVaAbB, pat: DDSS
and said that he wanted to drink and eat with them.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1177. potat editque sedens laetus laetantibus illis, potat editque sedens laetus laetantibus illis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: BaVCA, pat: SSSS
He sat down, rejoicing at their rejoicing, and drank and ate
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1178. post haec et multis uiuebat sospes in annis. post haec et multis uiuebat sospes in annis.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cV, ta: Vc, pa: pVc, oa: Vc, ma: Y, gl: ABCdc, pat: DDSS
and afterwards he lived in health for many years.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1179. At quoque praesul iter per quamdam cursibus aptam At quoque praesul iter per quamdam cursibus aptam

sa: 2\3, ta: c, pa: c, ma: c, ha: Y
Yet again, the bishop was taking a trip on horseback
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1180. planiciem campi cum clero gessit equester; planiciem campi cum clero gessit equester;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: c, ca: cV, ta: cV, pa: cV, ma: Y, e: s, pat: DSSS
with his clergy over a certain level field fit for racing.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1181. tunc iuuenes ardent cursu contendere equorum, tunc iuuenes ardent cursu contendere equorum,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, sa: V, ca: sV, ta: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAVB, pat: DSDD
Then the young men were keen to contend in a horse-race
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1182. sed pius antistes uetuit specialiter unum sed pius antistes uetuit specialiter unum

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: sVn, ta: s, pa: sVn, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: ABCVb, pat: DSSS
but the pious bishop specifically prohibited one of
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1183. ex sociis, ludo ne se misceret inani. ex sociis, ludo ne se misceret inani.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, pat: DSDD
the companions to take part in idle sport.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1184. Ille tamen contra uetitum petulanter habenas Ille tamen contra uetitum petulanter habenas

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: VAvbVB, pat: DSDS
But he, despite the prohibition, insolently put his faith in his hose
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1185. soluit equo fidens, mediumque erumpit in aequor; soluit equo fidens, mediumque erumpit in aequor;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vc, ta: c, pa: dVc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abbB, pat: DSSD
and gave it free rein, and burst out into the middle of the plain.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1186. ergo cauum quoddam dum feruidus ille caballus ergo cauum quoddam dum feruidus ille caballus

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\2, gl: VaBAb, pat: DDDS
So then when his hot-headed stallion leapt over a certain ditch,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1187. transilit, et ualido iuuenis conamine lapsus transilit, et ualido iuuenis conamine lapsus

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 3\3, ca: cV, ta: c, pa: Vc, ma: Y, e: s, gl: CVAbB, pat: DDSS
and at the mighty effort the young man slipped and fell on a rock,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1188. in lapidem cecidit, qui forte aequalis harenae in lapidem cecidit, qui forte aequalis harenae

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, gl: aBVAv, pat: DSDS
which happened to lie hidden in the middle of the plain,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1189. in medio campi latuit sub cespite tectus - in medio campi latuit sub cespite tectus -

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaVBvb, pat: DDSS
level with the sand and covered under the turf.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1190. nec lapis alter erat campo repertus in illo - nec lapis alter erat campo repertus in illo -

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: cV, ta: c, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: CABDvd, pat: DDSS
There was no other stone to be found in that plain.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1191. huic caput atque manum casu conlisit acerbo, huic caput atque manum casu collisit acerbo,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
He struck his head and hand in a terrible fall,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1192. uerticis et soluit iuncturas, atque cerebro uerticis et soluit iuncturas, atque cerebro

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: caVAb, pat: SSDS
splitting the seams of his head and battering his brain.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1193. quassato, cunctis iacuit iam sensibus expers, quassato, cunctis iacuit iam sensibus expers,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vm, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aVBCb, pat: DDSD
Then he lay utterly senseless,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1194. et moribundus erat motu sine corporis ullo. et moribundus erat motu sine corporis ullo.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: aVAB, pat: DDSD
and he was about to die, with his body motionless.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1195. Septima nempe fuit tunc circiter hora diei, Septima nempe fuit tunc circiter hora diei,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: Vd, ta: V, pa: sVd, ma: Y, gl: aBAVa, pat: DDDS
Then it was indeed about the seventh hour of the day,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1196. semianimisque domum sociis defertur ab ipsis. semianimisque domum sociis defertur ab ipsis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, pa: pVs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aBVCA, pat: DDSS
and he was carried home half-alive by his companions.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1197. At uigil in precibus perstabat nocte sacerdos: At uigil in precibus perstabat nocte sacerdos:

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, ta: f, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
But the priest stayed awake all night in prayer,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1198. uenit ad infirmum primo sed mane reuersus, uenit ad infirmum primo sed mane reuersus,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aABVC, pat: DDDD
and returned to see the sick man early in the morning.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1199. impositaque manu capiti benedixit eundem, impositaque manu capiti benedixit eundem,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pa: pVc, ma: Y, e: s, gl: AbvBV, pat: SDSS
He placed his hand on his head, and blessed him,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1200. atque illum proprio compellans nomine clamat. atque illum proprio compellans nomine clamat.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: sV, pa: sV, oa: sV, ma: Y, gl: aAVB, pat: DDSS
and called out a greeting to him by his own name.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1201. Ergo graui ueluti de somno surgeret ille, Ergo graui ueluti de somno surgeret ille,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: pV, pa: pV, ma: Y, gl: vABVb, pat: SDSS
So then the man rose up as if from a heavy sleep
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1202. recludens oculos patri respondit amato, recludens oculos patri respondit amato,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, ta: c, pa: cf, ma: Y, gl: VaA, pat: DDDS
and, opening his eyes, he replied to the beloved father.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1203. conualuitque cito recreatis uiribus, atque conualuitque cito recreatis uiribus, atque

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: p, ta: c, pa: pVc, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: VaABv, pat: DDSS
He soon recovered and regained his strength,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1204. cras equitauit ouans caro cum praesule pergens. cras equitauit ouans caro cum praesule pergens.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vh, ta: V, pa: hfV, ma: Y, e: ss, gl: aAVVCB, pat: DDSS
and the following day rode away, rejoicing and travelling, with the dear bishop.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1205. Multa alia, ut referunt, hic fecit signa Iohannes, Multa alia, ut referunt, hic fecit signa Iohannes,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: DDDS
This John, they say, performed many other signs
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1206. quae modo non libuit breuitatis iure referri. quae modo non libuit breuitatis iure referri.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: VAVCBb, pat: DSDS
which now by reason of brevity it does not suit to say now.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1207. Diximus hic tantum, posuit quae Beda magister, Diximus hic tantum, posuit quae Beda magister,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4f, fs: 4\2, sa: Vr, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vr, oa: r, ma: Y, gl: aAvBb, pat: DDSD
Here, we have only told what Bede the master set down
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1208. indubitante fide texens ab origine prima indubitante fide texens ab origine prima

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: g, pa: gV, ma: Y, e: h, gl: aBCA, pat: DSSS
when weaving from their very beginnings with unhesitating faith
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1209. historico Anglorum gentes et gesta relatu. historico Anglorum gentes et gesta relatu.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: pV, ta: p, pa: pVc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: VaAa, pat: DSSD
in a historical account the English peoples and their deeds.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1210. Consenuit postquam praefatus episcopus ille, Consenuit postquam praefatus episcopus ille,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, pat: DSSS
After that aforementioned bishop grew old
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1211. tunc alio uiuens sedem concessit honoris, tunc alio uiuens sedem concessit honoris,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: AbBV, pat: DDSS
then, while still living, he yielded the seat of honour to another,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1212. atque monasterium deuoto corde petiuit, atque monasterium deuoto corde petiuit,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: c, pa: dVc, ma: Y, gl: aBAV, pat: SDSS
and sought out a monastery with devout heart,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1213. condignamque deo uitam compleuit ibidem. condignamque deo uitam compleuit ibidem.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: r, ta: t, pa: tr, ma: Y, gl: Abav, pat: DSSD
and in that place he ended a life befitting God,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1214. Iuraque tunc tandem terrae peregrina relinquens Iuraque tunc tandem terrae peregrina relinquens

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: VAbavB, pat: DDSS
and, then at least abandoning his obligations in exile on earth,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1215. est patriae proprius caelesti redditus haeres. est patriae proprius caelesti redditus haeres.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaVBC, pat: DDSS
he returned, as its proper heir, to the celestial homeland.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1216. Presbyter egregius successit iure Iohanni Presbyter egregius successit iure Iohanni

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ACBcb, pat: SSSS
An outstanding priest duly succeeded John,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1217. Uuilfridus, haeres patri dignissimus almo, Vuilfridus, haeres patri dignissimus almo,

sa: 1\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: V, oa: fV, ma: V, ha: Y, pat: AaCVAA
a most worthy heir to that holy father, Wilfrid,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1218. qui prius Euboricae fuerat uicedomnus et abbas; qui prius Euboricae fuerat uicedomnus et abbas;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: aBAC, pat: DSDS
who had been previously bishop’s deputy and abbot at York.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1219. postea sed magno meritorum culmine fretus, postea sed magno meritorum culmine fretus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, gl: AabVC, pat: DSSS
But afterwards, supported by the great eminence of his merits,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1220. pontificis summi condignus sumsit honorem, pontificis summi condignus sumsit honorem,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: mV, ta: V, pa: mV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VACBb, pat: SDDS
he deservedly assumed the highest rank of bishop,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1221. ornauitque gradum meritis et moribus almis. ornauitque gradum meritis et moribus almis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 4\3, ca: n, oa: n, ma: Y, e: h, gl: aBcAB, pat: DDSS
and adorned the position by his merits and holy manners.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1222. Plurima nam titulis sanctae ornamenta uenustis Plurima nam titulis sanctae ornamenta uenustis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: cd, ta: c, pa: Vdc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VCbADB, pat: DDDS
For he added very many ornaments with beautiful inscriptions
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1223. addidit ecclesiae, rutilo qui uasa decore addidit ecclesiae, rutilo qui uasa decore

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aBACb, pat: DDSD
to the holy church; he made silver vessels with gleaming decor
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1224. apta ministeriis argentea iure sacratis apta ministeriis argentea iure sacratis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vc, ma: Y, gl: VaBAC, pat: DSDS
rightly fitting for the holy services,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1225. fecit, et argenti laminis altare crucesque fecit, et argenti laminis altare crucesque

caesura pattern: 3m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, e: s, pat: DSSS
and covered the altars and crosses with gilded plates of silver:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1226. texerat auratis; nolensque abscondere gazas, texerat auratis; nolensque abscondere gazas,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m, fs: 3\3, ca: Vp, ta: p, pa: Vp, oa: p, ma: Y, e: h, gl: aACbVB, pat: SDSS
and not wishing to hide treasure,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1227. prudens praesul eas diuino impendit honori. prudens praesul eas diuino impendit honori.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CabvAB, pat: DDDS
the wise bishop rendered it to divine honour.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1228. Haec pius Euborica faciens antistes in urbe, Haec pius Euborica faciens antistes in urbe,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBVb, pat: DDSS
While the pious bishop was doing these things in the city of York,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1229. ecclesias alias donis ornauit opimis, ecclesias alias donis ornauit opimis,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, gl: aAbCBV, pat: DDSS
he adorned other churches with rich gifts,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1230. nec minus ille pio curam de corde gerebat, nec minus ille pio curam de corde gerebat,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: p, pa: pc, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
nor did he take less care in his pious heart
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1231. multiplicare greges, domini praecepta secutus, multiplicare greges, domini praecepta secutus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, gl: AvBb, pat: SDSS
to multiply his flock, following the Lord’s precepts,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1232. doctrinae monitis exemplis atque coruscis. doctrinae monitis exemplis atque coruscis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pat: SDSS
by the urging of his teaching and his shining examples.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1233. Hos mentis dapibus, illos sed carnis alebat: Hos mentis dapibus, illos sed carnis alebat:

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
To some he gave nourishment for the mind, to others for the flesh,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1234. hos fouet aethereis, illos carnalibus auget, hos fouet aethereis, illos carnalibus auget,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pat: DDSS
some he fed by ethereal, others by fleshly means.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1235. ore manuque simul, donorum largus utrisque, ore manuque simul, donorum largus utrisque,

sa: 5\2, ca: r, ta: r, pa: r, oa: rp, ma: r, ha: Y, pat: DCabBA
He was generous in word and likewise in deed, and in the gifts of both,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1236. rem pietatis agens duplici moderamine rector; rem pietatis agens duplici moderamine rector;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: baaaa, pat: DSDD
a leader performing the matter of piety in a twofold manner
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1237. omnibus acceptus, uenerandus, honestus, amatus. omnibus acceptus, uenerandus, honestus, amatus.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: pVc, pa: pVc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAbVB, pat: DDSS
welcomed, revered, honoured, and beloved by all.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1238. At sua facta bonus postquam compleuerat ille At sua facta bonus postquam compleuerat ille

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: sp, pa: pVs, ma: Y, gl: ACBbV, pat: DDDD
But after that good shepherd had completed his deeds
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1239. pastor in ecclesiis, specialia septa petiuit, pastor in ecclesiis, specialia septa petiuit,

fs: 4d, sa: 2\3, ta: c, ma: c, ha: Y, pat: avAbBV
in the church, he sought out a place of retreat apart,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1240. quo seruire deo tota iam mente uacaret; quo seruire deo tota iam mente uacaret;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: aBCA, pat: SSSD
where he might then empty his whole mind to serve God,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1241. contemplatiuae seseque per omnia uitae contemplatiuae seseque per omnia uitae

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, gl: vBaAVa, pat: SDSD
and, giving himself utterly to the contemplative life,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1242. dans, mundi uarias curasque reliquit inanes. dans, mundi uarias curasque reliquit inanes.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: aVAB, pat: SSDS
he abandoned the various and empty cares of the world.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1243. Et quamuis ipso resideret corpore terris, Et quamuis ipso resideret corpore terris,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ca: mV, ta: V, pa: mV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbBVC, pat: DSSD
And although stayed on earth in his body,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1244. attamen ex omni iam mente manebat Olympo, attamen ex omni iam mente manebat Olympo,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pf, ta: p, pa: pf, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: AabCB, pat: DSSS
nonetheless he then remained in his whole heart in Olympus,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1245. peruigil exspectans caelestis praemia uitae, peruigil exspectans caelestis praemia uitae,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: p, pa: pc, ma: Y, gl: AcaBvb, pat: DSSS
awaiting ever-vigilant the rewards of celestial life.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1246. tempore quae certo, uita praesente peracta, tempore quae certo, uita praesente peracta,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VaBvA, pat: DDSS
These he attained at a fixed time, one his present life was over,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1247. sumserat angelicis caelo transuectus in ulnis. sumserat angelicis caelo transuectus in ulnis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, ta: p, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
and he was carried over to heaven in angelic arms.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1248. Hic pastoralis posuit dum pondera curae, Hic pastoralis posuit dum pondera curae,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vt, pa: Vt, oa: Vt, ma: Y, gl: VAbCB, pat: DSDS
When he set aside the burden of pastoral care,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1249. tradidit Ecgberto uenerandae iura cathedrae, tradidit Ecgberto uenerandae iura cathedrae,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\2, sa: s, ca: sc, ta: s, pa: sfc, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
he handed over the governance of his venerable see to Egbert,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1250. quem sibi pontificem fecit succedere summum. quem sibi pontificem fecit succedere summum.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbBa, pat: DSSS
whom he had succeed him as the highest bishop.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1251. Hic fuit Ecgbertus regali stirpe creatus, Hic fuit Ecgbertus regali stirpe creatus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: r, gl: abBA, pat: DSSS
This Egbert was derived from royal stock,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1252. nobilium coram saeclo radice parentum, nobilium coram saeclo radice parentum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: c, gl: Abcb, pat: DSDS
from a lineage of noble parents in the eyes of the world,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1253. sed domino coram meritis praeclarior almis. sed domino coram meritis praeclarior almis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, gl: ADCBaVb, pat: DSDS
but more splendid through holy merits in the eyes of the Lord;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1254. Diues opum terrae, miseris quas spargit egenis, Diues opum terrae, miseris quas spargit egenis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cV, pa: cVd, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
rich in earthly wealth he scattered it among the needy poor,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1255. ditior ut fieret, caelo dum colligit illas. ditior ut fieret, caelo dum colligit illas.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: ABCaV, pat: SDSS
so that he might become richer by piling it up in heaven.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1256. Qui curas inopum deuotus semper agebat, Qui curas inopum deuotus semper agebat,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: AvbBC, pat: DDSS
He was always devoutly exercised over the cares of destitute,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1257. pauperibus tribuens deuoto pectore gazas, pauperibus tribuens deuoto pectore gazas,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: c, pat: SSDS
distributing treasures to the poor with devout heart,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1258. quas terris perdens, sibimet condebat Olympo. quas terris perdens, sibimet condebat Olympo.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: crV, ta: V, pa: crV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VABb, pat: DDSS
and what lost on earth, he stored up for himself in Olympus.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1259. Hic erat ecclesiae rector clarissimus atque Hic erat ecclesiae rector clarissimus atque

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aABab], pat: DSDD
He was a most famous ruler of the church
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1260. egregius doctor, populo uenerabilis omni, egregius doctor, populo uenerabilis omni,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbCb, pat: DSSS
and an outstanding teacher, venerated by all the people,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1261. moribus electus, iustus affabilis atque moribus electus, iustus affabilis atque

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vfs, ta: V, pa: sfV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abaa, pat: DSSD
select in his manners, just, affable, and
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1262. efferus in prauos, mitis simul atque seuerus. efferus in prauos, mitis simul atque seuerus.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: d, pa: df, ma: Y, gl: aVABC, pat: SSDS
savage to the wicked, both gentle and likewise severe.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1263. Sacris diuisit uicibus noctesque diesque, Sacris diuisit uicibus noctesque diesque,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: pVs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbBa, pat: DDDS
He divided the nights and days in sacred turns,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1264. impiger assidue spatiosis noctibus orans, impiger assidue spatiosis noctibus orans,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, gl: AvBbC, pat: SDSD
praying unceasingly and assiduously through the long nights,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1265. missarum celebrans sollemnia sancta diebus, missarum celebrans sollemnia sancta diebus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 4\3, ca: Vm, pa: dVm, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: CBaAV, pat: DDSS
celebrating the holy solemnities of the mass in the days,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1266. inque dei domibus multa ornamenta parauit. inque dei domibus multa ornamenta parauit.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
he prepared many ornaments in the houses of God.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1267. Illas argento, gemmis uestiuit et auro, Illas argento, gemmis uestiuit et auro,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, pa: sfp, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: avbAB, pat: DSDS
He dressed them with silver, gems, and gold,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1268. serica suspendens peregrinis uela figuris, serica suspendens peregrinis uela figuris,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, gl: VaBCA, pat: SDSD
hanging silken coverings with foreign figures,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1269. sacrauitque probos altaribus ipse ministros, sacrauitque probos altaribus ipse ministros,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, pa: fc, ma: Y, gl: AaVCBD, pat: DDDS
and he himself consecrated righteous ministers for the altars
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1270. ordinibus uariis celebrent qui festa tonantis, ordinibus uariis celebrent qui festa tonantis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, e: s, pat: SDSS
to celebrate the feast-days of the Thunderer in their varied orders.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1271. Dauidisque alios fecit concinnere canna, Dauidisque alios fecit concinnere canna,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: ACVbBD, pat: DDDS
He had others sing with David’s reed
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1272. qui domino resonent modulatis uocibus hymnos. qui domino resonent modulatis uocibus hymnos.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: Vt, ta: V, pa: Vt, ma: Y, gl: BAacvC, pat: SDDS
to sound out hymns to the Lord in modulated voices.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1273. Cuius frater idem Tyrio nutritus in ostro, Cuius frater idem Tyrio nutritus in ostro,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: gs, pa: gs, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: VACbB, pat: DSSS
Likewise his brother, Eadberht, also born in the Tyrian purple,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1274. sumserat Aedbertus gentis regalia sceptra. sumserat Aedbertus gentis regalia sceptra.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: c, gl: AVbCB, pat: SSDS
assumed the royal rule of the people,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1275. Qui dilatauit proprii confinia regni, Qui dilatauit proprii coffinia regni,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, gl: avBA, pat: DSDS
and he expanded the borders of his own realm,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1276. saepius hostiles subigens terrore phalangas. saepius hostiles subigens terrore phalangas.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: f, pa: tf, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: AbVaB, pat: DSDS
very often crushing enemy ranks through terror.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1277. Tempora tunc huius fuerant felicia gentis, Tempora tunc huius fuerant felicia gentis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vr, ta: c, pa: rVc, oa: cV, ma: Y, gl: CADbBV, pat: SSSS
The times then were blessed for this people,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1278. quam rex et praesul concordi iure regebant, quam rex et praesul concordi iure regebant,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: r, ta: V, pa: Vr, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: ABCcDE, pat: SDSD
rightly ruled over in harmony by king and bishop:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1279. hic iura ecclesiae, rex ille negotia regni. hic iura ecclesiae, rex ille negotia regni.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pa: hV, h: H, gl: BCVAa, pat: DDDS
one the rule of the church, the king the business of the realm.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1280. Hic ab apostolico humeris fert pallia missa, Hic ab apostolico humeris fert pallia missa,

sa: 5\2, ca: d, pat: AVCbDB
The one bore on his shoulders the pallium sent by the pope,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1281. ille leuat capiti ueterum diademata patrum; ille leuat capiti ueterum diademata patrum;

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: hV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aABbCcDd, pat: DDSD
the other raised up on his head the crown of his ancient ancestors.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1282. fortis hic, ille pius; hic strenuus, ille benignus, fortis hic, ille pius; hic strenuus, ille benignus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: aAvB, pat: SSSS
One was mighty, the other pious; one vigorous, the other kind;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1283. germanae pacis seruantes iura uicissim, germanae pacis seruantes iura uicissim,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vf, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: Abbv, pat: DSSS
mutually maintaining the undertakings of brotherly peace;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1284. ex alio frater felix adiutus uterque. ex alio frater felix adiutus uterque.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cV, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: VAbB, pat: DDSS
each brother was happily helped by the other.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1285. Rexit hic ecclesiam triginta et quatuor annis, Rexit hic ecclesiam triginta et quatuor annis,

sa: 2\3, ta: s, oa: sVt, ma: s, ha: Y, h: s, pat: ABVbCD
One ruled the church for thirty-four years,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1286. ille annis tenuit ter septem sceptra parentum; ille annis tenuit ter septem sceptra parentum;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: p, pa: Vp, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: AaCBv, pat: SSDS
the other kept the kingdom of his ancestors for twenty-one years;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1287. ambo felices meritis in pace sepulti. ambo felices meritis in pace sepulti.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, ta: p, ma: Y, gl: AabBb, pat: DSSS
both, blessed by merits, were buried in peace.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1288. Temporibus primis praefati praesulis huius, Temporibus primis praefati praesulis huius,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\2, gl: AaBCA, pat: DDDS
In the early days of this aforementioned bishop [Egbert],
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1289. presbyter eximius meritis, cognomine Beda, presbyter eximius meritis, cognomine Beda,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: AvVbCB, pat: DSSS
a priest outstanding in merits by the name of Bede,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1290. astra petens clausit praesentis lumina uitae. astra petens clausit praesentis lumina uitae.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, gl: ABCaV, pat: SDSS
and, closing his eyes on the present life he sought out the stars.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1291. Qui mox a puero libris intentus adhaesit, Qui mox a puero libris intentus adhaesit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, ta: s, ma: Y, gl: aBVAb, pat: SDSS
From his early boyhood he focused intensely on books,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1292. et toto studiis seruiuit pectore sacris. et toto studiis seruiuit pectore sacris.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: cp, pa: cp, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
and attended to sacred studies with his whole heart.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1293. Utpote septennem quem fecit cura parentum Vtpote septennem quem fecit cura parentum

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ABCav, pat: DDSS
When he was seven, the care of his parents had him enter
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1294. arcta monasterii Giruensis claustra subire, arcta monasterii Giruensis claustra subire,

sa: 3\2, ta: pVf, pa: c, oa: fVcp, ma: p, ha: Y, pat: BaAVa
the confined cloisters of the monastery of Jarrow,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1295. cui iam praeclarus Ceolfridus praefuit abbas; cui iam praeclarus Ceolfridus praefuit abbas;

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: d, pa: pcd, ma: Y, gl: AbvCaD, pat: DDSS
where the much-famed Ceolfrith presided as abbot.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1296. qui peregrina petens Christi deductus amore, qui peregrina petens Christi deductus amore,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: aVAbCB, pat: DSSS
Led by love of Christ, he sought out a pilgrimage
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1297. mortuus est exsul Linguanae in finibus urbis, mortuus est exsul Linguanae in finibus urbis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: abBAV, pat: DSSD
and died in exile within the borders of the city of Langres,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1298. atque ibi condigno felix tumulatus honore est. atque ibi condigno felix tumulatus honore est.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: p, pa: pc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: CBVAab, pat: SDSD
and there that blessed man was buried with fitting honour.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1299. Cuius corpus erat post tempora multa repertum Cuius corpus erat post tempora multa repertum

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, pat: SDDS
After a long time his body was found to be
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1300. integrum penitus, patriamque exinde reductum. integrum penitus, patriamque exinde reductum.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: Abba, pat: DDSS
utterly uncorrupted, and was brought back from there to his homeland.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1301. Ergo monasterio Beda enutritus in illo, Ergo monasterio Beda enutritus in illo,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VabBA, pat: SDSS
Then Bede was brought up in that monastery,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1302. ornauit teneros praeclaris moribus annos. ornauit teneros praeclaris moribus annos.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: s, ca: s, ta: s, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: vaAv, pat: DDDS
and he adorned his tender years with much-famed manners.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1303. Discere namque sagax iuuenis seu scribere semper Discere namque sagax iuuenis seu scribere semper

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: aVbBa, pat: DSSS
For as a wise young man, he always keenly devoted himself
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1304. feruidus instabat, non segni mente laborans; feruidus instabat, non segni mente laborans;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vf, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: vaBA, pat: SDSS
to learning or writing, working with energetic intent,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1305. et sic proficiens, est factus iure magister. et sic proficiens, est factus iure magister.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: p, ta: p, pa: pc, oa: pc, ma: Y, gl: abAB, pat: DSSD
and in this way he progressed so that he rightly became a teacher.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1306. Plurima quapropter praeclarus opuscula doctor Plurima quapropter praeclarus opuscula doctor

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: s, ta: V, pa: Vs, oa: Vs, ma: Y, gl: VvaAB, pat: DSSD
Whereupon his much-famed scholar produced very many works,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1307. edidit, explanans obscura uolumina sanctae edidit, explanans obscura uolumina sanctae

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: SSSS
explaining the obscure volumes of sacred Scripture,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1308. scripturae, nec non metrorum condidit artem; scripturae, nec non metrorum condidit artem;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, gl: AbBC, pat: DDSD
and he also described the art of metre.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1309. de quoque temporibus mira ratione uolumen, de quoque temporibus mira ratione uolumen,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: tl, pa: tl, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
He also wrote with marvellous precision a volume on time,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1310. quod tenet astrorum cursus, loca, tempora, leges, quod tenet astrorum cursus, loca, tempora, leges,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: s, gl: VabBA, pat: DDSS
which contained the courses, places, times, and laws of the stars,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1311. scripsit, et historicos claro sermone libellos; scripsit, et historicos claro sermone libellos;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cp, ta: c, pa: cfp, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: DDDD
as well as historical books in brilliant speech;,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1312. plurima uersifico cecinit quoque carmina plectro. plurima uersifico cecinit quoque carmina plectro.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: f, ta: f, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
and he also sang very many poems in versified style.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1313. Actu, mente, fide ueterum uestigia patrum, Actu, mente, fide ueterum uestigia patrum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, ca: s, pa: dcs, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
In deed, in mind, in faith, he followed the footsteps of the ancient fathers,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1314. semper dum uixit, directo est calle secutus. semper dum uixit, directo est calle secutus.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pa: fc, gl: aBbVA, pat: SDSD
on a direct path as long as he lived.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1315. Huius uita quidem qualis fuit ante magistri, Huius uita quidem qualis fuit ante magistri,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: ps, pa: pVs, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
Indeed, the quality of this teacher’s life was made plain
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1316. claro post obitum signo est patefacta salutis. claro post obitum signo est patefacta salutis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cV, ta: V, pa: Vdc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aABVb, pat: DSSS
by a clear sign of healing after his death:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1317. Aeger enim quidam patris dum cingitur almi Aeger enim quidam patris dum cingitur almi

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
for when a certain sick man was surrounded by relics of the holy father
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1318. relliquiis, penitus peste est sanatus ab illa. relliquiis, penitus peste est sanatus ab illa.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, pa: pt, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: AbvAB, pat: DDSS
he was utterly cured from his sickness.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1319. Te quoque Pierio tangentes, Balthere, plectro, Te quoque Pierio tangentes, Balthere, plectro,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AABcCb, pat: DDSS
Touching also on you in Pierian style, holy Balthere,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1320. et tibi, sancte, locum nostris in uersibus istum et tibi, sancte, locum nostris in uersibus istum

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: t, pa: pt, ma: Y, gl: vVaBAV, pat: SDDS
we seek to signal this place for you
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1321. signantes petimus, placida tu mente teneto, signantes petimus, placida tu mente teneto,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: c, pa: npc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AbCDB, pat: DSDS
in our verse; with a calm mind, now guard
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1322. et rege nunc nostram pelagi per caerula cymbam et rege nunc nostram pelagi per caerula cymbam

fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vm, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CBaA, pat: SDDS
and guide our craft through the ocean’s billows,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1323. inter monstra maris, scopulosas inter ut undas, inter monstra maris, scopulosas inter ut undas,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: t, ca: V, ta: p, pa: tVp, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: Vavva, pat: SSSS
among the monsters of the sea and the mountainous waves,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1324. ut possit portum portans attingere tutum. ut possit portum portans attingere tutum.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vd, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VAbaB, pat: DSSD
so that, fully laden, it may reach safe harbour.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1325. Est locus undoso circumdatus undique ponto, Est locus undoso circumdatus undique ponto,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, oa: r, gl: AabBc, pat: DSSS
There is a place surrounded on all sides by the wavy sea,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1326. rupibus horrendis praerupto et margine septus, rupibus horrendis praerupto et margine septus,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pa: Vc, ma: Y, e: h, gl: AbaBC, pat: SDSS
hedged in by bristling crags and steep confines,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1327. in quo bellipotens terreno in corpore miles in quo bellipotens terreno in corpore miles

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: aVBA, pat: DDSS
where the battle-mighty warrior, while in his earthly body,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1328. saepius aerias uincebat Balthere turmas, saepius aerias uincebat Balthere turmas,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, pa: mf, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: DDDS
Balthere, quite often conquered the aerial hosts,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1329. quae sibi multimodis uariabant bella figuris. quae sibi multimodis uariabant bella figuris.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, pa: ct, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AabBV, pat: DDSD
that brought many battles upon him in manifold forms.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1330. Qui tamen intrepidus hostilia castra relisit, Qui tamen intrepidus hostilia castra relisit,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
Yet he fearlessly repulsed the enemy camps
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1331. tela malignorum, semper crucis arma beatus tela malignorum, semper crucis arma beatus

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, gl: AaBCD, pat: DSDS
and the darts of the wicked, always opposing them as a blessed warrior
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1332. belliger opponens, galeam scutumque fidei. belliger opponens, galeam scutumque fidei.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pa: cd, oa: d, ma: Y, gl: AaaabBa, pat: DDSS
with the weapons of the Cross, the helmet, and the shield of faith.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1333. Vir pius ille quidem quodam dum tempore solus Vir pius ille quidem quodam dum tempore solus

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: c, pat: DDDS
Indeed, that pious man at a certain time was alone
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1334. incubuit precibus, meditans caelestia tantum, incubuit precibus, meditans caelestia tantum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ta: s, gl: aAB, pat: DDDD
and intent on his prayers, meditating only upon celestial things,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1335. horribilem subito strepitum simul atque fragorem horribilem subito strepitum simul atque fragorem

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, pat: SDSS
when suddenly he heard a horrible clamour and shouting
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1336. audiuit, ueluti uulgi erumpentis in hostes. audiuit, ueluti uulgi erumpentis in hostes.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: CabAB, pat: DDSS
like that of a multitude bursting upon an enemy.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1337. Tunc anima ex superis cuiusdam nubibus eius Tunc anima ex superis cuiusdam nubibus eius

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: t, gl: AVbvB, pat: DDDD
Then there fell at his feet from the clouds above
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1338. ante pedes cecidit, nimio tremefacta timore; ante pedes cecidit, nimio tremefacta timore;

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m, fs: 3\3, ca: cV, pa: cVm, oa: c, ma: Y, e: h, gl: CAabBV, pat: SDSS
a certain man’s soul, which trembled with excessive fear.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1339. quam mox turba minax ingenti horrore secuta est quam mox turba minax ingenti horrore secuta est

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: cf, pa: cf, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: abAvC, pat: DDSS
There soon followed, threatening with great horror, a throng
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1340. cum uariis miseram poenis torquere uolentum. cum uariis miseram poenis torquere uolentum.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: Vp, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaabBC, pat: DDDS
of those wanting to torture the wretch with various punishments.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1341. At pater ille pius placidis amplexibus illam At pater ille pius placidis amplexibus illam

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, pat: DDSS
But that pious father snatched it to his bosom
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1342. arripuit gremio, statimque inquirit ab illa, arripuit gremio, statimque inquirit ab illa,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\1, sa: c, ca: c, ta: cf, pa: cf, oa: c, ma: Y, e: h, pat: SDDS
with a gentle embrace and immediately asked it
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1343. quae esset, cur fugeret, faceret uel quae mala? Cui tunc quae esset, cur fugeret, faceret uel quae mala? Cui tunc

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: m, ca: l, pa: mls, ma: Y, gl: VAVBb, pat: SSDS
what it was, why it fled, and what wrong it had done. To him
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1344. respondit: "Leuita fui, sed mente maligna respondit: "Leuita fui, sed mente maligna

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, e: s, gl: abCVA, pat: DSDS
it replied: I was once a deacon but with wicked intent
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1345. feminea amplexus manibus sum pectora tantum, feminea amplexus manibus sum pectora tantum,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: fc, ta: V, pa: fVc, oa: V, ma: Y, e: m, pat: SDSS
I only embraced in my arms a woman’s breasts, .
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1346. et culpam erubui uiuens in carne fateri. et culpam erubui uiuens in carne fateri.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: Vc, pa: Vc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: abBA, pat: SDSS
and while I lived in the flesh I was ashamed to confess my guilt.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1347. Nunc idcirco feri duris incursibus hostes Nunc idcirco feri duris incursibus hostes

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: tc, pa: tmc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: aABvV, pat: SDSS
So now indeed wild enemies pursue me with harsh attacks
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1348. per triginta dies meme torquere sequuntur per triginta dies meme torquere sequuntur

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: sc, pa: cns, oa: n, ma: Y, gl: aVaV, pat: SDSS
for thirty days, to torment me.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1349. nec captata fui, sed nec secura remansi." nec captata fui, sed nec secura remansi."

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vt, ma: Y, gl: VAbCB, pat: SDSS
I have not been captured, but neither have I remained free from care.’
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1350. tunc terrebat eum clamans ex hostibus unus: tunc terrebat eum clamans ex hostibus unus:

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: nV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, pat: DDSD
Then one of the enemies began to terrify him, crying out:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1351. "Non hodie effugies, nec si tenearis in ulnis "Non hodie effugies, nec si tenearis in ulnis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: p, ca: p, ta: p, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: AbVCB, pat: SDDS
‘You will not escape today, not even if you are held in the arms
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1352. Petri, sed meritas patieris, pessime, poenas." Petri, sed meritas patieris, pessime, poenas."

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\2, ca: p, pa: Vp, ma: Y, gl: AaBC, pat: DSSS
of [Saint] Peter. But, worst one, you will suffer the punishment you deserve.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1353. sanctus at irascens Petri conuicia propter, sanctus at irascens Petri conuicia propter,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: mV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
However, the holy one grew angry at the insult to Peter,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1354. haec ait: "Ecce minor meritis sum centies illo haec ait: "Ecce minor meritis sum centies illo

caesura pattern: | sēd dḗ | pĭĕtā́tĕ tŏnā́ntis | 3m | 4m, sa: 4\3, ca: t, ta: p, oa: pt, ha: Y, h: s, pat: AaBv
and said as follows: ‘Behold: I am hundred times less worthy
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1355. principe apostolico; sed de pietate tonantis principe apostolico; sed de pietate tonantis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: t, ta: t, ma: Y, gl: vVAbB, pat: SSDS
than that apostolic prince, but trusting in the piety
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1356. confidens dico tibi, trux et saeue tyranne: coffidens dico tibi, trux et saeue tyranne:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\2, sa: t, oa: t, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
of the Thunderer I say to you, you savage and cruel tyrant,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1357. non hodie portabis eam sub tartara tecum". non hodie portabis eam sub tartara tecum".

caesura pattern: 4f | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: tVp, pa: tVp, oa: tV, ma: Y, gl: aABV, pat: DSDS
you shall not carry [this soul] down to hell with you today!’
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1358. Tunc pius interuentor humo prosternitur, atque Tunc pius interuentor humo prosternitur, atque

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, gl: BCAVa, pat: DDSS
Then the pious mediator threw himself on the ground
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1359. cum lacrimis domino pro culpa supplicat illa. cum lacrimis domino pro culpa supplicat illa.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, pa: ps, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: aABVvb, pat: DDSS
and tearfully made supplication to the Lord for that guilt,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1360. Nec prius ille preces desistit fundere sacras, Nec prius ille preces desistit fundere sacras,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: fVc, pa: fVc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: abAvVB, pat: DDSS
nor did that man cease pouring forth holy prayers,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1361. quam propiis animam ferri uidisset ocellis quam propiis animam ferri uidisset ocellis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aBCA, pat: DDSD
before he saw with his own eyes that the soul
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1362. altius angelicas caeli super astra per ulnas. altius angelicas caeli super astra per ulnas.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 4\2, ca: sVc, pa: sVc, ma: Y, e: s, gl: aBbA, pat: DDSS
was borne rather high over the stars of heaven in angelic arms.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1363. Par quoque iam ueteri signumque aequabile signo Par quoque iam ueteri signumque aequabile signo

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: c, pa: pc, gl: aAaVBC, pat: SDSS
Christ’s mercy also brought about then
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1364. hoc de patre pio gessit clementia Christi. hoc de patre pio gessit clementia Christi.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: c, ca: V, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aBVA, pat: DDSS
through this pious father a sign similar to an ancient sign.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1365. Nam uelut aequoreas Petrus calcauerat undas Nam uelut aequoreas Petrus calcauerat undas

caesura pattern: | grădĭḗns | nām | tḗmpŏrĕ quṓdam | 3m | 4m | 4d, sa: 3\2, pat: AVvBb
For just as Peter trod the watery waves,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1366. sic huic euenit; gradiens nam tempore quodam sic huic euenit; gradiens nam tempore quodam

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pa: rVc, oa: r, ma: Y, gl: AabBC, pat: DSSS
so did it turn out for him. For at a certain time, while walking
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1367. rupis in excelsae praerupto margine, casu rupis in excelsae praerupto margine, casu

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VVAba, pat: DDSD
along the steep edge of a lofty cliff,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1368. contigit ut caderet: sed fluctibus ille marinis contigit ut caderet: sed fluctibus ille marinis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ta: s, gl: cVaBA, pat: SDSD
it happened that he took a fall. But he was buoyed up by the sea-billows
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1369. suffultus, graditur siccis super aequora plantis, suffultus, graditur siccis super aequora plantis,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vs, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
and walked over the water with dry feet,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1370. et ceu rura soli premeret, sic ambulat undis et ceu rura soli premeret, sic ambulat undis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AVBa, pat: DDSD
and as if he were treading a field of soil, he wandered then in that way on the waves
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1371. iam, nisi quod leuius susceperat unda ruentem, iam, nisi quod leuius susceperat unda ruentem,

caesura pattern: 2f | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vcd, ta: c, pa: Vcd, oa: Vd, ma: Y, e: m, gl: CaBVAb, pat: SDSS
except that the wave received him more gently as he crashed
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1372. quam si dura uirum accepissent arua cadentem. quam si dura uirum accepissent arua cadentem.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: lV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
than the harsh ground would have received a falling man.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1373. Dum ruit, unda fluit, casus ne laederet illum: Dum ruit, unda fluit, casus ne laederet illum:

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: Vm, ta: V, pa: mV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
When he crashed, the wave flowed so that the fall should not harm him:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1374. gressibus arua manent, illum ne mergeret aequor. gressibus arua manent, illum ne mergeret aequor.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: t, pa: Vt, oa: Vt, ma: Y, gl: VAaBC, pat: DDDS
the ground sustained his steps so that the sea should not drown him
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1375. Ambulat ergo freto solido, ceu tramite terrae, Ambulat ergo freto solido, ceu tramite terrae,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vf, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aVBA, pat: DDSD
so he wandered on a solid strait, as if on a path of earth,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1376. donec ad undiuagam peruenerat ipse carinam. donec ad undiuagam peruenerat ipse carinam.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: VbBA, pat: SSSS
until he reached a boat drifting on the waves,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1377. Quam mox adscendit securo calle pedester: Quam mox asscendit securo calle pedester:

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: h, pa: nh, oa: h, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
into which he soon climbed after a safe journey on foot.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1378. non in ueste liquor, non soccis haeserat humor. non in ueste liquor, non soccis haeserat humor.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: dc, pa: cnd, oa: dc, ma: Y, gl: AVDVbBC, pat: SDSD
No liquid stuck to his clothes, no moisture to his socks:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1379. Quod natura negat, hoc dat tua dextera, Christe, Quod natura negat, hoc dat tua dextera, Christe,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pVf, ta: V, pa: pVf, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbBCVaD, pat: DSDS
what nature denies, your right hand, Christ, supplies;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1380. unda tuo iussu pelagi fit peruia iustis, unda tuo iussu pelagi fit peruia iustis,

sa: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, pa: V, oa: fV, ma: V, ha: Y
at your command, the wave of the sea becomes passable by the just;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1381. terra sed econtra uindex fit gurges iniquis; terra sed econtra uindex fit gurges iniquis;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vs, pa: fVds, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, pat: SDSD
the earth by contrast becomes a vengeful whirlpool for the wicked,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1382. suffert ista humiles, dum deuorat illa superbos. suffert ista humiles, dum deuorat illa superbos.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: BVACc, pat: SDSS
the one bears up the humble while the other swallows the proud.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1383. Nunc te sed petimus deuoti, Balthere sancte, Nunc te sed petimus deuoti, Balthere sancte,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbVCB, pat: DDSD
But now, holy Balthere, we devoutly ask you
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1384. ut sicut unda tuum portabat ab aequore corpus, ut sicut unda tuum portabat ab aequore corpus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: AavBb, pat: SDDS
that, just as the wave carried your body out of the sea,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1385. te sanum penitus reuehens ad litora nota: te sanum penitus reuehens ad litora nota:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: f, ca: V, pa: fV, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: AbBvC, pat: DSDS
bearing you back utterly safe to familiar shores,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1386. sic precibus nostras animas euadere fluctus sic precibus nostras animas euadere fluctus

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 3\3, e: s, pat: SDSS
so through prayers you may make our souls escape
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1387. mundanos facias, portumque intrare salutis. mundanos facias, portumque intrare salutis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VabBA, pat: DDDD
worldly billows and enter the harbour of salvation.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1388. Claruit his etiam uenerabilis Echa diebus, Claruit his etiam uenerabilis Echa diebus,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: sc, ca: sc, ta: sc, pa: sVc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AaBCv, pat: DDDS
In those days there also shone Echa, a venerable
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1389. anachoreta sacer, eremi secreta secutus, anachoreta sacer, eremi secreta secutus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: avBCA, pat: SDSD
and holy hermit, who pursued in the seclusion of the wilderness,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1390. terrenos fugiens iam corpore castus honores, terrenos fugiens iam corpore castus honores,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: aAbVv, pat: SDSS
staying chaste in his body, fleeing worldly honours,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1391. ut cum rege deo caelestes posset habere. ut cum rege deo caelestes posset habere.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: fV, pa: fV, ma: Y, gl: aBAvv, pat: DSSS
so that he might have celestial ones with God the king.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1392. Angelicam terris uitam deuotus agendo, Angelicam terris uitam deuotus agendo,

fs: 2\3, ca: mf, pa: mfp, oa: m, ma: Y, gl: abVBA, pat: DSSS
By devoutly leading an angelic life on earth
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1393. multa prophetali praedixit mente futura: multa prophetali praedixit mente futura:

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: SDSS
he predicted many things to come with a prophetic mind.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1394. de quo plura uetat narrari Musa recurrens de quo plura uetat narrari Musa recurrens

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: g, pa: Vg, oa: g, ma: Y, e: s, gl: DCaBA, pat: DSDS
My muse forbids me to tell more about him, as she hurries back
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1395. carminis ad finem, propriique ad gesta magistri, carminis ad finem, propriique ad gesta magistri,

caesura pattern: 3m, fs: 4\2, sa: s, ca: V, pa: Vs, oa: s, ma: Y, e: h, gl: CBaDA, pat: SSDS
to the end of the poem, and the deeds of my own teacher,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1396. qui post Ecgbertum uenerandae insignia sedis qui post Ecgbertum uenerandae insignia sedis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: VaABa, pat: SDSS
a wise man known by the name of Ælberht,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1397. suscepit sapiens Aelbertus nomine dictus. suscepit sapiens Aelbertus nomine dictus.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vb, ta: V, pa: Vb, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: Aaaaaa, pat: DSSD
who took over the office of that venerable see after Egbert.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1398. Vir bonus et iustus, largus, pius atque benignus, Vir bonus et iustus, largus, pius atque benignus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: c, pa: cf, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: aABBB, pat: DDSS
He was a good and just man, generous, pious, and kind,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1399. catholicae fidei fautor, praeceptor, amator; catholicae fidei fautor, praeceptor, amator;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: Vd, pa: Vd, ma: Y, gl: ABBBB, pat: DSSS
a supporter, teacher, lover of the Catholic faith,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1400. ecclesiae rector, doctor, defensor, alumnus, ecclesiae rector, doctor, defensor, alumnus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: l, pat: DSSD
a leader, teacher, defender, and disciple of the church,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1401. iustitiae cultor, legis tuba, praeco salutis, iustitiae cultor, legis tuba, praeco salutis,

caesura pattern: 3f | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: sV, ta: V, pa: sV, ma: Y, e: m, pat: DSDS
a cultivator of justice, a trumpet of the law, a herald of salvation,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1402. spes inopum, orphanisque pater, solator egentum, spes inopum, orphanisque pater, solator egentum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: r, pa: br, ma: Y, gl: aBaCaD, pat: DSDS
a hope for the poor, father to orphans, comforter of the needy,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1403. trux rigidis, blandusque bonis, durusque superbis: trux rigidis, blandusque bonis, durusque superbis:

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: fV, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aBaC, pat: DSDD
harsh to the unbending, pleasing to the good, severe to the proud,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1404. fortis in aduersis, humilis fuit inque secundis, fortis in aduersis, humilis fuit inque secundis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: sV, ta: s, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbCbbD, pat: DSDS
strong in misfortune, he was also humble in success,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1405. mente sagax, non ore loquax, sed strenuus actu. mente sagax, non ore loquax, sed strenuus actu.

fs: 2\3, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: CaVbAB, pat: SSSD
astute in intellect, no loquacious in speech, but energetic in action;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1406. Cui quantum creuit cumulati culmen honoris, Cui quantum creuit cumulati culmen honoris,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: ts, ta: s, pa: ts, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: AbCBV, pat: SDSD
the more the height of his accumulated honour grew,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1407. tantum mens humili sese pietate subegit. tantum mens humili sese pietate subegit.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, ta: p, pa: pf, ma: Y, gl: AavB, pat: SDSS
the more his mind lowered itself with humble piety.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1408. De quo uersifico paulo plus pergere gressu, De quo uersifico paulo plus pergere gressu,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: cV, pa: cV, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DSDD
May it please you, I ask, young men of York, to proceed with me
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1409. Euboricae mecum libeat tibi, quaeso, iuuentus, Euboricae mecum libeat tibi, quaeso, iuuentus,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: aVvA, pat: DDSS
a little further on this versified path,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1410. hic quia saepe tuos perfudit nectare sensus, hic quia saepe tuos perfudit nectare sensus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: abvAB, pat: DSSS
for he often steeped your senses in nectar,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1411. mellifluo dulces eructans pectore succos. mellifluo dulces eructans pectore succos.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: c, ca: pc, ta: c, pa: pc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: CaBbA, pat: SSDS
gushing out sweet sap from his honey-flowing heart.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1412. Quem mox a primis ratio pulcherrima cunis Quem mox a primis ratio pulcherrima cunis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pa: rV, ma: Y, gl: VAbVB, pat: DSSD
From his very earliest youth reason, the most beautiful of things,,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1413. corripuit rerum summamque uehebat in arcem corripuit rerum summamque uehebat in arcem

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: s, pat: SSSS
captivated him and carried him to the highest summit
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1414. doctrinae, pandens illi secreta sophiae. doctrinae, pandens illi secreta sophiae.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VaAb, pat: DDSD
of learning, revealing to him the secrets of wisdom.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1415. Hic fuit ergo satis claris genitoribus ortus, Hic fuit ergo satis claris genitoribus ortus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CBAVa, pat: SSDS
For he was sprung from very distinguished parents
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1416. ex quorum cura studiis mox traditur almis, ex quorum cura studiis mox traditur almis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbVB, pat: DDDD
and through their care he was soon handed over to sacred studies,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1417. atque monasterio puerilibus inditur annis, atque monasterio puerilibus inditur annis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbaVB, pat: DDSD
and when he was a boy, he was placed in a monastery,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1418. sensibus ut fragilis sacris adolesceret aetas. sensibus ut fragilis sacris adolesceret aetas.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: p, ta: p, ma: Y, gl: AbVBbC, pat: DSDS
so that his tender years might mature in spiritual sense.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1419. De puero nec cassa fuit spes tanta parentum. De puero nec cassa fuit spes tanta parentum.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, pa: Vc, oa: Vc, ma: Y, gl: AaVB, pat: DDSS
Nor were such great hopes of his parents for the boy in vain.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1420. Iam puer egregius crescebat corpore quantum, Iam puer egregius crescebat corpore quantum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\5, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
For as much as that outstanding boy grew up in his body,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1421. ingenio tantum librorum proficiebat. ingenio tantum librorum proficiebat.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: sm, pa: mVs, ma: Y, gl: avABb, pat: DSSS
he progressed as much in his learning of books.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1422. Sic meritis crescens annis et mente sagaci, Sic meritis crescens annis et mente sagaci,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AabVBa, pat: SDSS
So he grew in merits, in years, and in wise mind,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1423. iam leuita sacer condigno est ordine factus. iam leuita sacer condigno est ordine factus.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: h, gl: abBVA, pat: DSDS
and became a holy deacon in the appropriate sequence.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1424. Hunc bene dum felix adolescens gessit honorem, Hunc bene dum felix adolescens gessit honorem,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: s, pa: sV, ma: Y, gl: ACBVb, pat: DDDS
While an adolescent he happily performed this office well,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1425. iura sacerdotii iuuenis suscepit honestus, iura sacerdotii iuuenis suscepit honestus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cV, ta: c, pa: cV, oa: cV, ma: Y, gl: VABCVb, pat: DDDS
and as a respectable young man the undertook the vows of the priesthood,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1426. cresceret ut gradibus, meritis qui creuerat almis. cresceret ut gradibus, meritis qui creuerat almis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vs, pa: pVs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aaAA, pat: DSSD
so that he grew in rank, as he grew in holy merits.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1427. Tunc pius et prudens doctor simul atque sacerdos, Tunc pius et prudens doctor simul atque sacerdos,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: cV, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: BAaaV, pat: DDSS
Then, as a pious and wise teacher and likewise priest,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1428. pontificique comes Ecgbert coniunctus adhaesit, pontificique comes Ecgbert coniunctus adhaesit,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: p, ca: V, pa: pVc, ma: Y, gl: BbVAc, pat: DDDS
he attached himself as a close companion to bishop Egbert,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1429. cui quoque sanguineo fuerat iam iure propinquus. cui quoque sanguineo fuerat iam iure propinquus.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 4\2, ca: Vc, ta: c, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: BAVa, pat: SSSS
to whom he was indeed also related by the rule of blood,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1430. A quo defensor clero decernitur omni, A quo defensor clero decernitur omni,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aVAB, pat: DDSD
and by whom he was marked him as a defender of the whole clergy,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1431. et simul Euborica praefertur in urbe magister. et simul Euborica praefertur in urbe magister.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: fV, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: CdaAB, pat: DSDD
and likewise promoted as a teacher in the city of York.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1432. Ille ubi diuersis sitientia corda fluentis Ille ubi diuersis sitientia corda fluentis

sa: 2\3, ca: r, h: h, pat: AbCBV
There he watered thirsty hearts with diverse streams
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1433. doctrinae et uario studiorum rore rigabat; doctrinae et uario studiorum rore rigabat;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: g, oa: g, ma: Y, gl: vaAB, pat: SDDS
of learning and the diverse dew of study:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1434. his dans grammaticae rationis gnauiter artes, his dans grammaticae rationis gnauiter artes,

sa: 5\2, ca: l, ta: rVf, pa: V, oa: rVf, ma: V, ha: Y, h: h, pat: BavCA
diligently granting to some the art of grammatical rule
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1435. illis rhetoricae infundens refluamina linguae; illis rhetoricae infundens refluamina linguae;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: BaVAv, pat: SDSS
and pouring upon others a backflow of rhetorical speech.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1436. illos iuridica curauit cote polire, illos iuridica curauit cote polire,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, pa: cV, oa: cV, ma: Y, gl: BaVvA, pat: SDDS
He took care to polish some with the whetstone of lawful speaking,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1437. illos Aonio docuit concinnere cantu, illos Aonio docuit concinnere cantu,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: c, ca: cs, pa: sVc, oa: c, ma: Y, e: s, gl: AvBva, pat: DDDD
he taught some to sing in Aonian song,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1438. Castalida instituens alios resonare cicuta, Castalida instituens alios resonare cicuta,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: p, ca: p, ta: p, pa: Vp, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: ACbvB, pat: DSDS
instructing others to sound forth the Castalian pipe,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1439. et iuga Parnassi lyricis percurrere plantis. et iuga Parnassi lyricis percurrere plantis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pa: fV, gl: AVbvB, pat: DSSS
and run over the peaks of Parnassus with lyric steps.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1440. Ast alios fecit praefatus nosse magister Ast alios fecit praefatus nosse magister

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: l, pat: DSSS
Yet others the aforementioned teacher caused to understand
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1441. harmoniam caeli, solis lunaeque labores, harmoniam caeli, solis lunaeque labores,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: s, ca: s, ta: s, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: aCAvBb, pat: DSSD
the harmony of heaven, the labours of sun and moon,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1442. quinque poli zonas, errantia sidera septem, quinque poli zonas, errantia sidera septem,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: Abcc, pat: SSSD
the five zones of the sky, the seven wandering celestial bodies,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1443. astrorum leges, ortus simul atque recessus, astrorum leges, ortus simul atque recessus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: t, ca: m, pa: mt, ma: Y, gl: aACBD, pat: DSDS
the laws of the stars, their rising and setting likewise,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1444. aerios motus pelagi terraeque tremorem, aerios motus pelagi terraeque tremorem,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: f, pat: SDDD
the movements of the air, the quaking of ocean and earth,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1445. naturas hominum, pecudum, uolucrumque ferarum, naturas hominum, pecudum, uolucrumque ferarum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, ma: Y, gl: aBAcC, pat: SDDD
the natures of men and cattle, of birds and wild beasts,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1446. diuersas numeri species uariasque figuras, diuersas numeri species uariasque figuras,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: aVBbA, pat: SDSD
the diverse forms and varied shapes of numbers.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1447. paschalique dedit sollemnia certa recursu, paschalique dedit sollemnia certa recursu,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: ms, pa: ms, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: AvBa, pat: DSSS
He established defined celebrations for the Easter period,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1448. maxima scripturae pandens mysteria sacrae, maxima scripturae pandens mysteria sacrae,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: fV, pa: fV, ma: Y, gl: aaAVB, pat: DDSD
revealing the very great mysteries of holy Scripture, for he made plain
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1449. nam rudis et ueteris legis patefecit abyssum. nam rudis et ueteris legis patefecit abyssum.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ta: V, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBV, pat: DDDS
the depths of the Fresh and Ancient Law [Old and New Testaments].
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1450. Indolis egregiae iuuenes quoscumque uidebat, Indolis egregiae iuuenes quoscumque uidebat,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, pat: DSDS
Whatever young men he saw of outstanding ability,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1451. hos sibi coniunxit, docuit, nutriuit, amauit; hos sibi coniunxit, docuit, nutriuit, amauit;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ta: p, gl: CaAB, pat: SSSD
he brought them to him, taught them, nurtured them, and loved them.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1452. quapropter plures per sacra uolumina doctor quapropter plures per sacra uolumina doctor

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, pa: Vd, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AVbBa, pat: DDSS
For that reason this teacher had several students whom he trained
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1453. discipulos habuit, diuersis artibus auctos. discipulos habuit, diuersis artibus auctos.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: t, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: abBA, pat: DSDS
in various arts through sacred volumes.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1454. Non semel externas peregrino tramite terras Non semel externas peregrino tramite terras

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: d, ca: dV, ta: V, pa: Vd, ma: Y, gl: VaBaC, pat: DDDS
More than once he happily travelled on the pilgrim route
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1455. iam peragrauit ouans, sophiae deductus amore: iam peragrauit ouans, sophiae deductus amore:

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\4, sa: s, ca: s, ta: s, oa: s, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
to foreign lands, drawn by love of wisdom:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1456. si quid forte noui librorum seu studiorum, si quid forte noui librorum seu studiorum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: rV, pa: rVc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: VAVa, pat: SSSD
in the hope that he might happen to find in those lands
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1457. quod secum ferret, terris reperiret in illis. quod secum ferret, terris reperiret in illis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: f, pa: fV, ma: Y, gl: aVbA, pat: DDSS
something new in books and studies to bring back with him.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1458. Hic quoque Romuleam uenit deuotus ad urbem, Hic quoque Romuleam uenit deuotus ad urbem,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: lVd, ma: Y, gl: ABDCcv, pat: DDSD
He also came devoutly to the city of Rome,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1459. diues amore dei, late loca sancta peragrans. diues amore dei, late loca sancta peragrans.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vr, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
rich in the love of God, travelling widely to sacred places.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1460. Inde domum rediens, a regibus atque tribunis Inde domum rediens, a regibus atque tribunis

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, pa: Vs, ma: Y, gl: AaaV, pat: DDSS
Returning home from there, the best of teachers was
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1461. doctor honorifice summus susceptus ubique est, doctor honorifice summus susceptus ubique est,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: r, gl: BaAvV, pat: DSSD
received everywhere by kings and men of rank,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1462. utpote quem magni reges retinere uolebant, utpote quem magni reges retinere uolebant,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: r, ca: r, ta: r, oa: r, ma: Y, gl: BaAbcCV, pat: DDSS
to the extent that mighty kings wished to keep him with them
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1463. qui sua rura fluens diuino rore rigaret. qui sua rura fluens diuino rore rigaret.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, pa: fps, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: baAB, pat: DDSD
so that, dripping with divine dew, he might water their fields.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1464. Ad sibi sed properans praefinita facta magister, Ad sibi sed properans praefinita facta magister,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: d, ca: dp, ta: dp, pa: dp, oa: d, ma: Y, gl: aABvV, pat: SDDS
But hastening to the tasks that had been set out for him, as God had ordained,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1465. dispensante deo patriae prodesse redibat. dispensante deo patriae prodesse redibat.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, ca: V, pa: pV, ma: Y, gl: aVbA, pat: DSDS
the teacher returned to be of use to his homeland.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1466. Nam proprias postquam fuerat delatus in oras, Nam proprias postquam fuerat delatus in oras,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pa: pcs, ma: Y, gl: abvA, pat: SSSS
For after he had been brought back to his native shores,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1467. mox pastoralem compulsus sumere curam, mox pastoralem compulsus sumere curam,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: s, gl: VaBbA, pat: DSDD
he was soon compelled to take on pastoral care,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1468. efficitur summus populo rogitante sacerdos, efficitur summus populo rogitante sacerdos,

caesura pattern: 2f | 2m | 3m, fs: 5\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: BaAVa, pat: DDDD
and was made archbishop at the insistence of the people.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1469. officiumque suis meritis decorauerat almis, officiumque suis meritis decorauerat almis,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: Vp, ta: V, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: BaAaV, pat: DDSD
He adorned his office of rank by his holy merits,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1470. ordinis atque bonus pastorque repertus ubique est. ordinis atque bonus pastorque repertus ubique est.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: VbaB, pat: DSSS
and was found to be a good shepherd in every way,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1471. Namque tuebatur diuinum cautus ouile, Namque tuebatur diuinum cautus ouile,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: lV, ta: V, pa: lV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: aABCVD, pat: SDSS
for he providently kept watch over the divine sheepfold,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1472. ulla ex parte lupus Christi ne laederet agnos, ulla ex parte lupus Christi ne laederet agnos,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, pa: ps, ma: Y, gl: CDaVBA, pat: DSSS
so that the wolf might not harm the lambs of Christ from any direction,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1473. ille quibus sacri praestabat pabula uerbi, ille quibus sacri praestabat pabula uerbi,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: fV, ta: V, pa: fV, ma: Y, gl: BCAVa, pat: DDSS
and he provided them with the nourishment of the sacred Word,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1474. ne sitis atque fames ullo uexaret acerbo. ne sitis atque fames ullo uexaret acerbo.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: f, ca: d, pa: fVd, oa: d, ma: Y, e: s, gl: CaABD, pat: DSDS
so that thirst and hunger should not afflict them with any pang .
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1475. De gregeque errantes eremi per deuia uastae De gregeque errantes eremi per deuia uastae

sa: 4\3, ta: Vh, oa: Vh, ha: Y
Those wandering from the flock through the inaccessible desert waste
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1476. ad domini caulas humeris reuehebat amicis; ad domini caulas humeris reuehebat amicis;

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: s, gl: vvaAv, pat: SDDS
he brought back on friendly shoulders to the Lord’s fold,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1477. nolentesque sequi placido sermone uocantem, nolentesque sequi placido sermone uocantem,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
and those unwilling to follow him as he uttered gentle speech
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1478. insequitur iuris terroribus atque flagellis. insequitur iuris terroribus atque flagellis.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, pat: SDSS
he pursued with the terrors and scourges of the law.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1479. Nec regi aut ducibus iustus parcebat iniquis. Nec regi aut ducibus iustus parcebat iniquis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: p, pa: pc, oa: p, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
Nor, being just, that bishop did he spare the king or wicked nobles,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1480. Sed neque decreuit curarum pondera propter, Sed neque decreuit curarum pondera propter,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: BvAaC, pat: SSSD
but even on account of the weight of his cares
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1481. scripturas feruens industria prisca legendi: scripturas feruens industria prisca legendi:

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vs, pa: Vs, ma: Y, gl: vcbBdD, pat: DDSD
his former burning zeal for reading Scripture did not slacken.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1482. factus utrumque, sagax doctor pius atque sacerdos; factus utrumque, sagax doctor pius atque sacerdos;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
For he became both things: a wise teacher and a pious priest,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1483. sensibus hos augens, illos et moribus ornans. sensibus hos augens, illos et moribus ornans.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: AabBC, pat: DDSS
increasing the understanding of some, refining others’ manners.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1484. Nec pater adueniens in tantum culmen honoris, Nec pater adueniens in tantum culmen honoris,

sa: 4\2, ta: V, oa: fV, ma: V, ha: Y, pat: CAbVB
Nor when the father advanced to such a height of honour,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1485. uestibus atque cibis ueterem mutauerat usum; uestibus atque cibis ueterem mutauerat usum;

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, pa: nf, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
did he change his former habit of dress or food;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1486. deliciosa nimis fugiens, nec uilia ualde deliciosa nimis fugiens, nec uilia ualde

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: m, gl: aVbBa, pat: SDDD
though he shunned the excessively sumptuous, he did not strive greatly
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1487. sectatus fuerat, medio moderamine gaudens. sectatus fuerat, medio moderamine gaudens.

caesura pattern: 3m, fs: 4\3, ca: V, pa: mV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: aBA, pat: DDDS
for the cheap, rejoicing in middling moderation.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1488. Nec minus interea uario ornamenta decore Nec minus interea uario ornamenta decore

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
Nonetheless meanwhile he added ornaments with varied embellishment
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1489. addidit ecclesiis, fidei feruore repletus. addidit ecclesiis, fidei feruore repletus.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: bV, pa: bV, ma: Y, e: s, pat: DDSS
to the churches, being full of the fervour of faith.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1490. Namque ubi bellipotens sumsit baptismatis undam Namque ubi bellipotens sumsit baptismatis undam

fs: 3\2, ca: Vs, pa: Vs, oa: Vs, ma: Y, gl: AaBcVC, pat: SSSS
For in the place where Edwin, the battle-mighty king,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1491. Eduuin rex, praesul grandem construxerat aram, Eduuin rex, praesul grandem construxerat aram,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, pat: DSSD
received the water of baptism, the bishop built a great altar
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1492. texit et argento, gemmis simul undique et auro, texit et argento, gemmis simul undique et auro,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pa: Vs, gl: VAbCB, pat: DDSS
and covered it with silver, jewels, and likewise gold everywhere,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1493. atque dicauit eam sancti sub nomine Pauli atque dicauit eam sancti sub nomine Pauli

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: dm, pa: dm, oa: d, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
and dedicated it in the name of Saint Paul,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1494. doctoris mundi, nimium quem doctor amabat. doctoris mundi, nimium quem doctor amabat.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: s, ca: sV, ta: s, pa: sV, ma: Y, gl: aABVb, pat: SDSS
the teacher of the world, whom the teacher loved very much.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1495. Hoc altare farum supra suspenderat altum, Hoc altare farum supra suspenderat altum,

sa: 2\3, ca: f, oa: ft, ma: f, ha: Y, pat: AVBCccb
Above this altar he hung a high candelabrum,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1496. qui tenet ordinibus tria grandia uasa nouenis; qui tenet ordinibus tria grandia uasa nouenis;

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: m, pat: SDSS
which held three great vessels, with nine tiers.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1497. et sublime crucis uexillum erexit ad aram, et sublime crucis uexillum erexit ad aram,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: t, ta: t, ma: Y, gl: bVaA, pat: SSDS
And at the altar he erected the lofty standard of the cross
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1498. et totum texit pretiosis ualde metallis. et totum texit pretiosis ualde metallis.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: ms, pa: ms, ma: Y, gl: AabBv, pat: DDSS
and he covered it entirely with very precious metals.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1499. Omnia magna satis, pulchro molimine structa, Omnia magna satis, pulchro molimine structa,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pm, pa: pm, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: AaVBb, pat: SDSS
Everything was very large, and built with a beautiful design,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1500. argentique meri compensant pondera multa. argentique meri compensant pondera multa.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: fV, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, pat: SDSS
corresponding to many pounds of pure silver.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1501. Ast altare aliud fecit, uestiuit et illud Ast altare aliud fecit, uestiuit et illud

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vp, ta: p, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AabB, pat: SSDS
But he built another altar and decked it out
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1502. argento puro, pretiosis atque lapillis: argento puro, pretiosis atque lapillis:

caesura pattern: 2f | 3f | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: c, pat: DDDD
with unalloyed silver and precious stones,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1503. martyribusque crucique simul dedicauerat ipsum. martyribusque crucique simul dedicauerat ipsum.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pV, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: Vp, ma: Y, gl: VabBA, pat: DSSS
he dedicated it to the martyrs and likewise to the Cross.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1504. Iussit ut obrizo non parui ponderis auro Iussit ut obrizo non parui ponderis auro

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: fc, pa: fc, ma: Y, gl: AaVABC, pat: SSDS
He ordered that rather a large ampulla be made in refined gold
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1505. ampulla maior fieret, qua uina sacerdos ampulla maior fieret, qua uina sacerdos

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: sc, pa: sc, ma: Y, gl: VABbv, pat: DDSD
of no small weight, from which the priest
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1506. funderet in calicem, sollemnia sacra celebrans. funderet in calicem, sollemnia sacra celebrans.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: t, ca: V, pa: tV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aBbAC, pat: DDSS
celebrating sacred mass could pour wine into the chalice.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1507. Ast noua basilicae mirae structura diebus Ast noua basilicae mirae structura diebus

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ca: pVc, ta: V, pa: pVsc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AaVvvv, pat: DDSD
During the time of his bishopric the new construction of a marvellous basilica
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1508. praesulis huius erat iam coepta, peracta, sacrata. praesulis huius erat iam coepta, peracta, sacrata.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: s, gl: cbBavA, pat: DDDS
was already begun, completed, and consecrated.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1509. Haec nimis alta domus solidis suffulta columnis, Haec nimis alta domus solidis suffulta columnis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, pa: sVc, oa: sV, ma: Y, gl: aAVbB, pat: DSSS
This exceedingly lofty building, supported by solid columns,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1510. suppositae quae stant curuatis arcubus, intus suppositae quae stant curuatis arcubus, intus

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VaAB, pat: DDDD
which stand placed under curving arches, shone
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1511. emicat egregiis laquearibus atque fenestris, emicat egregiis laquearibus atque fenestris,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: c, pa: pc, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: aBVab, pat: DDSS
inside with outstanding panelled ceilings and windows.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1512. pulchraque porticibus fulget circumdata multis, pulchraque porticibus fulget circumdata multis,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: tl, pa: tl, oa: l, ma: Y, gl: abvAB, pat: DSDS
It gleams beautifully surrounded by many porticoes
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1513. plurima diuersis retinens solaria tectis, plurima diuersis retinens solaria tectis,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, pa: tV, ma: Y, gl: CaVbBA, pat: SDDS
containing very many upper stories with different ceilings,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1514. quae triginta tenet uariis ornatibus aras. quae triginta tenet uariis ornatibus aras.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: dt, ta: d, pa: dt, ma: Y, gl: caACBb, pat: DDSS
and has thirty altars with different ornamentation.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1515. Hoc duo discipuli templum doctore iubente Hoc duo discipuli templum doctore iubente

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VABa, pat: DSSD
On their teacher’s orders this church was built
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1516. aedificauerunt Eanbaldus et Alcuinus, ambo aedificauerunt Eanbaldus et Alcuinus, ambo

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: d, pa: cd, ma: Y, gl: aCbBA, pat: SDSS
by two students, Eanbald and Alcuin, both
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1517. concordes operi deuota mente studentes. concordes operi deuota mente studentes.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pst, pa: pst, ma: Y, gl: abBcCA, pat: DDDS
harmoniously focussing on the task with devoted intent.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1518. Hoc tamen ipse pater socio cum praesule templum, Hoc tamen ipse pater socio cum praesule templum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: cVd, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaAVbC, pat: DDSD
However, alongside his associate bishop, the father himself
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1519. ante die decima quam clauderet ultima uitae ante die decima quam clauderet ultima uitae

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: s, ca: s, ta: s, ma: Y, gl: CbAVa, pat: DSDS
dedicated this church to Holy Wisdom before the tenth day
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1520. lumina praesentis, sophiae sacrauerat almae. lumina praesentis, sophiae sacrauerat almae.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBb, pat: DSSD
on which he closed his eyes for the last time on this present life.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1521. Ergo ministrator clarissimus ordine sacro, Ergo ministrator clarissimus ordine sacro,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: p, ta: p, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: AaBaC, pat: SSDS
So this most famous servant of sacred rank,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1522. praesul perfectus meritis plenusque dierum, praesul perfectus meritis plenusque dierum,

caesura pattern: 3f | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: l, ca: Vl, ta: l, pa: Vl, oa: l, ma: Y, gl: VAbaB, pat: DSSS
a bishop faultless in merits and full of days,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1523. tradidit Eanbaldo dilecto laetus alumno tradidit Eanbaldo dilecto laetus alumno

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: sp, pa: sp, ma: Y, gl: aABV, pat: DDDS
gladly handed on the episcopal honour to his beloved protégé
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1524. pontificale decus, sibimet secreta petiuit pontificale decus, sibimet secreta petiuit

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, ca: sc, ta: s, pa: fsc, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
Eanbald, and sought out a place of retreat apart,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1525. septa, deo soli quo iam seruire uacaret. septa, deo soli quo iam seruire uacaret.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VAbCB, pat: DDSD
where he might then give himself over to the service of God alone.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1526. Tradidit ast alio caras super omnia gazas Tradidit ast alio caras super omnia gazas

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pat: SSSS
But he handed on the treasures of his books, those he loved above all,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1527. librorum nato, patri qui semper adhaesit, librorum nato, patri qui semper adhaesit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: s, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
to his other son, who always attached himself to his father,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1528. doctrinae sitiens haurire fluenta suetus: doctrinae sitiens haurire fluenta suetus:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: n, ca: c, ta: c, pa: cn, oa: n, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
and who was accustomed to thirst to drain the draughts of learning.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1529. cuius si curas proprim cognoscere nomen, cuius si curas proprim cognoscere nomen,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, ta: s, pa: ps, ma: Y, gl: AabBV, pat: DSSD
If you care to know the personal name of this man
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1530. fronte sua statim praesentia carmina prodent. fronte sua statim praesentia carmina prodent.

caesura pattern: ī́lli | 2f | 3m | 4d, sa: 3\2, ta: V, oa: Vdf, ma: f, ha: Y, pat: aVBaAC
the present poem will reveal it in its opening.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1531. His diuisit opes diuersis sortibus; illi His diuisit opes diuersis sortibus; illi

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: tr, pa: tr, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
He divided his wealth in these different allocations; to the one,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1532. ecclesiae regimen, thesauros, rura, talenta: ecclesiae regimen, thesauros, rura, talenta:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: s, ta: s, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
the governance of the church, treasure, land, and money,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1533. huic sophiae specimen, studium sedemque, librosque, huic sophiae specimen, studium sedemque, librosque,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: c, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
and to the other pursuit of learning, his study and set of books,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1534. undique quos clarus collegerat ante magister, undique quos clarus collegerat ante magister,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cg, pa: Vcg, ma: Y, gl: avbBA, pat: DSSS
which that famous teacher had collected everywhere,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1535. egregias condens uno sub culmine gazas. egregias condens uno sub culmine gazas.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: f, ta: f, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VaBA, pat: SDDS
storing these outstanding treasures under one roof.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1536. Illic inuenies ueterum uestigia patrum, Illic inuenies ueterum uestigia patrum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: AVbCB, pat: DSDS
There you will find the inheritance of the ancient fathers:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1537. quidquid habet pro se Latio Romanus in orbe, quidquid habet pro se Latio Romanus in orbe,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: l, ca: c, ta: c, pa: cl, oa: cl, ma: Y, gl: ABVaC, pat: DSSS
all the Roman owned in the Latin world,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1538. Graecia uel quidquid transmisit clara Latinis, Graecia uel quidquid transmisit clara Latinis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: p, gl: aACVBb, pat: DSDD
or whatever famous Greece transmitted to the Latins,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1539. Hebraicus uel quod populus bibit imbre superno, Hebraicus uel quod populus bibit imbre superno,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: l, pa: lfc, oa: l, ma: Y, gl: AbCBV, pat: DDSS
or what the Hebrew people drank in from the heavenly shower,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1540. Africa lucifluo uel quidquid lumine sparsit. Africa lucifluo uel quidquid lumine sparsit.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: h, pa: hc, ma: Y, gl: ABbAVC, pat: DDSD
or whatever Africa has spread in bright-streaming light:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1541. Quod pater Hieronymus, quod sensit Hilarius atque Quod pater Hieronymus, quod sensit Hilarius atque

fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBb, pat: DSDS
what father Jerome believed and Hilary,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1542. Ambrosius praesul, simul Augustinus, et ipse Ambrosius praesul, simul Augustinus, et ipse

caesura pattern: 3m | 3f | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aACBVb, pat: DDDD
bishop Ambrose, likewise Augustine, and
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1543. sanctus Athanasius, quod Orosius edit auitus: sanctus Athanasius, quod Orosius edit auitus:

sa: 2\3, pat: BAaVCc
Saint Athanasius himself, what shrewd Orosius produced,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1544. quidquid Gregorius summus docet et Leo papa; quidquid Gregorius summus docet et Leo papa;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, ta: c, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
whatever the most high Gregory taught and Pope Leo,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1545. Basilius quidquid, Fulgentius atque coruscant. Basilius quidquid, Fulgentius atque coruscant.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cV, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
whatever Basil and Fulgentius caused to shine,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1546. Cassiodorus item, Chrysostomus atque Iohannes. Cassiodorus item, Chrysostomus atque Iohannes.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ta: c, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: CBVCAA, pat: DSDS
Cassiodorus too, and John Chrysostom;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1547. Quidquid et Althelmus docuit, quid Beda magister, Quidquid et Althelmus docuit, quid Beda magister,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, sa: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SSSD
whatever Aldhelm taught, or Bede the master,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1548. quae Victorinus scripsere Boetius atque, quae Victorinus scripsere Boetius atque,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, gl: AaBCd, pat: DDSS
what Victorinus and Boethius wrote,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1549. historici ueteres, Pompeius, Plinius, ipse historici ueteres, Pompeius, Plinius, ipse

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aABBb, pat: DDSD
and the ancient historians Pompey and Pliny,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1550. acer Aristoteles, rhetor quoque Tullius ingens. acer Aristoteles, rhetor quoque Tullius ingens.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: f, ta: c, pa: fVc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AABVcC, pat: DDSD
astute Aristotle himself and Tully [Cicero] the mighty rhetorician;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1551. Qui quoque Sedulius, uel quid canit ipse Iuuencus, Qui quoque Sedulius, uel quid canit ipse Iuuencus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: pV, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
whatever also Sedulius, or Juvencus himself sings;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1552. Alcimus et Clemens, Prosper, Paulinus. Arator, Alcimus et Clemens, Prosper, Paulinus. Arator,

caesura pattern: 33m | 4m, fs: 4\2, pa: fc, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
Alcimus Avitus and Prudentius, Prosper of Aquitaine, Paulinus of Nola, Arator,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1553. quid Fortunatus, uel quid Lactantius edunt. quid Fortunatus, uel quid Lactantius edunt.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: c, pa: cV, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
whatever Fortunatus or Lactantius produced,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1554. Quae Maro Virgilius, Statius, Lucanus et auctor, Quae Maro Virgilius, Statius, Lucanus et auctor,

sa: 3\3, ca: s, ta: g, oa: sg, ma: g, ha: Y, pat: AaCVB
or Vergil, Statius, or the poet Lucan;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1555. artis grammaticae uel quid scripsere magistri; artis grammaticae uel quid scripsere magistri;

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\5, ca: p, pat: DDSS
or what the masters of grammatical art wrote;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1556. quid Probus atque Focas, Donatus Priscianusue, quid Probus atque Focas, Donatus Priscianusue,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\5, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
what Probus and Focas, Donatus and Priscian,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1557. Seruius, Eucticius, Pompeius, Comminianus. Seruius, Eucticius, Pompeius, Comminianus.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VaAB, pat: DDSS
Servius, Eutyches, Pompeius and Cominianus.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1558. Inuenies alios perplures, lector, ibidem Inuenies alios perplures, lector, ibidem

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: m, ca: sg, ta: V, pa: mVgs, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: aBCDA, pat: DDSS
You will find there many others, reader,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1559. egregios studiis, arte et sermone magistros, egregios studiis, arte et sermone magistros,

sa: 4\2, ta: sl, oa: cls, ma: sl, ha: Y, pat: aBcVAC
teachers outstanding in learning, skill, and style,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1560. plurima qui claro scripsere uolumina sensu; plurima qui claro scripsere uolumina sensu;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cs, ta: s, pa: cs, oa: s, ma: Y, e: h, gl: ACbBv, pat: DSSS
who wrote very many volumes with clear meaning.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1561. nomina sed quorum praesenti in carmine scribi nomina sed quorum praesenti in carmine scribi

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pV, pa: pV, oa: pV, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
But for their names to be inscribed in the present poem
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1562. longius est uisum, quam plectri postulet usus. longius est uisum, quam plectri postulet usus.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, pa: sp, ma: Y, gl: AavbBc, pat: DDSD
seemed longer than poetic custom requires.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1563. His ita dispositis complens sua tempora summus His ita dispositis complens sua tempora summus

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: mVt, ta: V, pa: mVt, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBaD, pat: SSDS
After his affairs had been arranged in this way the archbishop
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1564. antistes, totus meritis maturus et annis, antistes, totus meritis maturus et annis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBcC, pat: SSSD
came to the end of his life, filled with merits, and mature in years.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1565. post annos binos, menses simul atque quaternos, post annos binos, menses simul atque quaternos,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\2, ca: psc, ta: s, pa: psc, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: abBAV, pat: SDSS
Two years and four months likewise
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1566. ex quo septa sacer praesul secreta petiuit, ex quo septa sacer praesul secreta petiuit,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: p, pat: DSSD
after he sought out a place of retreat apart,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1567. discipulis coram pastor, patriarcha, magister, discipulis coram pastor, patriarcha, magister,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: Vl, ta: V, pa: Vl, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VaBA, pat: DDSS
in the presence of his pupils, this shepherd, patriarch, and teacher
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1568. transit ad aetheream laetus feliciter aulam. transit ad aetheream laetus feliciter aulam.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, oa: h, gl: aaCbBA, pat: DDDD
passed gladly and blessedly into the ethereal hall.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1569. Hanc tamen, hanc citius lugubris, mea fistula, partem, Hanc tamen, hanc citius lugubris, mea fistula, partem,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DDDS
But abandon quite quickly this, this part,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1570. desere, ne pereas lacrimarum gurgite mersa; desere, ne pereas lacrimarum gurgite mersa;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, pa: pc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: VABb, pat: DSSS
my mournful poetic voice, lest you perish, drowned in an eddy of tears,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1571. dum properas portum uelis hucusque secundis, dum properas portum uelis hucusque secundis,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: stm, pa: mst, ma: Y, gl: vVaA, pat: DDSS
as you hasten to harbour, with a following wind in your sails up to now.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1572. quid memorare studes nobis maestissima fata? quid memorare studes nobis maestissima fata?

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, e: hs, gl: ACBba, pat: DDSS
Why you are you keen to remind of outcomes that were very sad for us,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1573. cum subito ante oculos cunctis mors inuida nostros cum subito ante oculos cunctis mors inuida nostros

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: s, gl: AbVaB, pat: DSSD
when in our sight Death, who is the enemy of all,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1574. lumina supremo clausit ueneranda sopore lumina supremo clausit ueneranda sopore

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: AabBB, pat: DSSD
suddenly closed in final sleep the venerable eyes
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1575. pontificis summi, nostri patris atque magistri. pontificis summi, nostri patris atque magistri.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vn, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAaB, pat: SSDS
of that archbishop, our father and teacher?
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1576. O nobis, o nigra dies! o clara sed ille! O nobis, o nigra dies! o clara sed ille!

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pat: DDSS
What a black day that was for us, but what a bright one for him!
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1577. nos sine patre dies orphanos ille reliquit, nos sine patre dies orphanos ille reliquit,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, ca: f, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: ABbCv, pat: DDSD
That day left us as fatherless orphans,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1578. fletibus, exilio duroque labore grauatos. fletibus, exilio duroque labore grauatos.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: p, ca: pr, ta: p, pa: prV, oa: r, ma: Y, gl: VABCc, pat: DSDS
weighed down with tears, exile, and harsh difficulty,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1579. Reddidit ast illum patriae patrique superno, Reddidit ast illum patriae patrique superno,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, sa: l, gl: ABbCv, pat: DDSD
but it rendered him to his homeland and father above,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1580. fletibus, exilio duroque labore solutum, fletibus, exilio duroque labore solutum,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: Vc, ta: Vc, pa: Vc, oa: Vc, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
freed from tears, exile, and harsh difficulty.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1581. iam cui Christus amor, potus, cibus, omnia Christus, iam cui Christus amor, potus, cibus, omnia Christus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: fl, ta: f, pa: fls, oa: lf, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
Christ was his love, his drink and food, Christ his everything;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1582. uita, fides, sensus, spes, lux, uia gloria, uirtus. uita, fides, sensus, spes, lux, uia gloria, uirtus.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cVd, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: AbCVB, pat: DSSS
life, faith, understanding, hope, light, path, glory, virtue.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1583. Qui decimo et quarto summi dormiuit in anno Qui decimo et quarto summi dormiuit in anno

caesura pattern: 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, ta: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: AabBC, pat: DSSS
He fell asleep in the fourteenth year after he attained
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1584. ordinis accepti, octauo sub sole Nouembris, ordinis accepti, octauo sub sole Nouembris,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, ca: Vg, pa: dVg, ma: Y, gl: aaAbVB, pat: DDSS
the highest office, on the eighth day of November,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1585. dum grauis illa dies sexta fulgebat in hora. dum grauis illa dies sexta fulgebat in hora.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: c, ca: cV, ta: cV, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CbaVA, pat: DDSS
while that dreadful day shone in the sixth hour.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1586. Eius ad exsequias magnum concurrerat agmen, Eius ad exsequias magnum concurrerat agmen,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: n, ca: s, pa: snp, oa: n, ma: Y, pat: SSDD
A mighty gathering came together for his funeral,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1587. cum clero praesul, populus, iuuenesque senesque, cum clero praesul, populus, iuuenesque senesque,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
the bishop alongside the clergy, the people, young and old,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1588. patris honorifice curantes condere corpus. patris honorifice curantes condere corpus.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AABCcb, pat: DSSS
taking care to bury honourably their father’s body.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1589. O pater, o pastor, uitae spes maxima nostrae: O pater, o pastor, uitae spes maxima nostrae:

caesura pattern: 2n | 3n | 4f | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: DBVaAC, pat: DSSD
O father, O shepherd, greatest hope of our life,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1590. te sine nos ferimur turbata per aequora mundi, te sine nos ferimur turbata per aequora mundi,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: f, pa: dVf, ma: Y, gl: AavbVB, pat: DSDS
without you we are battered on the stormy waters of the world,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1591. te duce deserti uariis inuoluimur undis, te duce deserti uariis inuoluimur undis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: abVvB, pat: SSDS
without you as leader we are bereft and tossed by countless waves,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1592. incerti qualem mereamur tangere portum. incerti qualem mereamur tangere portum.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pa: scd, ma: Y, gl: ACVbB, pat: SDSS
uncertain as to what kind of harbour we deserve to reach.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1593. Dum sol noxque sibi cedunt, dum quatuor annus Dum sol noxque sibi cedunt, dum quatuor annus

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pa: fd, pat: DDSS
While sun and night yield to each other, while the year is divided
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1594. diuiditur uicibus, crescunt dum germina terris; diuiditur uicibus, crescunt dum germina terris;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DSSS
into four parts, while grass grows on the earth,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1595. sidera dum lucent, trudit dum nubila uentus, sidera dum lucent, trudit dum nubila uentus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: n, gl: ABbCV, pat: DSDS
while stars shine, while wind scatters clouds,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1596. semper honos nomenque tuum, laudesque manebunt. semper honos nomenque tuum, laudesque manebunt.

fs: 2\3, ca: ft, pa: ft, ma: Y, gl: AVbCBC, pat: DDSS
your honour, fame, and praises will always remain!
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1597. Hic ego dum uolui certo te fine, Thalia, Hic ego dum uolui certo te fine, Thalia,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: cV, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: vAbVCB, pat: DSSS
While I wanted to end you here with a clear finish, my muse [Thalia]
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1598. claudere, res nostris occurrit gesta diebus: claudere, res nostris occurrit gesta diebus:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 2\2, ca: cf, pa: pfc, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: aVbcCB, pat: DSSD
an event that took place in our own time occurred to me.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1599. fessa licet paucos quapropter adhuc cane uersus, fessa licet paucos quapropter adhuc cane uersus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: cp, pa: pc, ma: Y, gl: aABV, pat: DDSS
On which account, although tired, still sing a few verses
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1600. atque mei pueri causam succinge parumper, atque mei pueri causam succinge parumper,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: ct, ta: c, pa: ct, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: BaAAVv, pat: DSSS
and touch briefly on what happened when I was a boy,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1601. cui quoque praesentem testem me contigit esse. cui quoque praesentem testem me contigit esse.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VaAaB, pat: DSDS
and which I also happened to be present to witness myself.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1602. Ergo fuit quidam iuuenis nutritus in urbe Ergo fuit quidam iuuenis nutritus in urbe

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: caBaD, pat: DSDS
So there was a certain young man raised in the city of York,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1603. Euborica, simplex animo, sed feruidus actu, Euborica, simplex animo, sed feruidus actu,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: abVbCB, pat: DSDS
simple in spirit, but passionate to act,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1604. quique meae rexit puerilis tempora uitae quique meae rexit puerilis tempora uitae

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, ta: cs, pa: sc, oa: cs, ma: Y, gl: CabABD, pat: DSSS
who influenced the time of my life as a boy with his advice.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1605. consilio, solus quadam qui nocte suetis consilio, solus quadam qui nocte suetis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
One night he was alone persisting with his customary prayers,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1606. insistit precibus Christi genitricis in aula. insistit precibus Christi genitricis in aula.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBVb, pat: SDDS
in the chapel of the mother of Christ.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1607. Tunc lux alma domum subito repleuerat illam, Tunc lux alma domum subito repleuerat illam,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: fV, ta: f, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: BVCAa, pat: SDSS
Then a blessed light suddenly filled that building
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1608. et cum luce simul uenit uir uestibus albis, et cum luce simul uenit uir uestibus albis,

fs: 3\3, ca: s, ta: s, ma: Y, gl: ACBab, pat: DSSS
and along with the light there came a man in white clothing,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1609. fulgidus adspectu, statu sublimis honesto, fulgidus asspectu, statu sublimis honesto,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, gl: CBaAb, pat: SDDS
shining of face and splendid, with handsome bearing.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1610. et blandis iuuenem nimio terrore cadentem et blandis iuuenem nimio terrore cadentem

caesura pattern: 3m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: Vl, pa: Vl, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: VABVb, pat: DDSS
And he raised up with gentle words the young man who had fallen down
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1611. eleuat alloquiis, librumque ostendit apertum. eleuat alloquiis, librumque ostendit apertum.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: c, ca: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: VBCVAa, pat: DDSS
with excessive terror and he showed him an open book.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1612. Perlegit hunc iuuenis, dixit cui codice clauso Perlegit hunc iuuenis, dixit cui codice clauso

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAvBV, pat: DDDS
The young man read it and, after he closed the book, that bright-white one
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1613. candidus ille: ‘Sciens iterum maiora uidebis’. candidus ille: ‘Sciens iterum maiora uidebis’.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: h, oa: h, ma: Y, gl: AabVB, pat: SDDS
said to him: ‘Since you know, you will see greater things again.’
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1614. His dictis subito nitidus disparuit hospes. His dictis subito nitidus disparuit hospes.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: abBA, pat: DDSS
After having said this, the shining visitor suddenly disappeared,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1615. Hinc quoque post aliquos non longo tempore menses Hinc quoque post aliquos non longo tempore menses

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: p, ca: pV, ta: p, pa: pVc, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: VAbBC, pat: DDSS
and not long after this, some months later,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1616. percutitur iuuenis currenti peste per artus, percutitur iuuenis currenti peste per artus,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: Vd, ma: Y, gl: abBV, pat: SDDS
the young man was stricken by a pestilence running through his limbs.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1617. aegrotusque diu dubia sub morte iacebat, aegrotusque diu dubia sub morte iacebat,

sa: 3\2, ta: V, ma: V, ha: Y, pat: avbAB
He was sick for a long time, and lay with death in the balance,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1618. angustis retrahens perituram naribus auram; angustis retrahens perituram naribus auram;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: Vm, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: avBAC, pat: DDDS
drawing failing breath from restricted nostrils.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1619. inque meis recubans manibus, tunc spiritus eius inque meis recubans manibus, tunc spiritus eius

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\2, ca: rV, pa: rV, ma: Y, gl: VbAVa, pat: SDSD
As he rested in my arms, his spirit was then suddenly
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1620. est raptus subito, corpusque remansit inane. est raptus subito, corpusque remansit inane.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: m, pa: mVs, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
snatched away, and his empty body remained.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1621. Post spatium rediens iterum sed membra mouebat, Post spatium rediens iterum sed membra mouebat,

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: Vd, pa: cVd, oa: Vd, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
But after a space, he returned, and moved his limbs again,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1622. et mihi narrabat, quidam quod duxerit illum et mihi narrabat, quidam quod duxerit illum

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, ca: V, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: AaBVb, pat: DDSD
and told me that someone had led him,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1623. ad loca pulchra nimis, multos ubi uidit ouantes, ad loca pulchra nimis, multos ubi uidit ouantes,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, ta: s, pa: ns, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
to an exceedingly beautiful place where he saw many rejoicing,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1624. ignotos notosque simul, sed maxime sanctae ignotos notosque simul, sed maxime sanctae

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: Vl, ta: V, pa: Vl, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAbVB, pat: DDSS
unknown and known likewise;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1625. illius ecclesiae laetos agnouit alumnos. illius ecclesiae laetos agnouit alumnos.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: p, pa: pVc, ma: Y, gl: AVbBC, pat: SDDS
but he especially recognised the glad members of that holy church.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1626. Qui mox suscipiunt placidis amplexibus illum, Qui mox suscipiunt placidis amplexibus illum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, pat: SDSD
They soon took him up in gentle embraces,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1627. et secum penitus semper retinere uolebant, et secum penitus semper retinere uolebant,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: cd, ta: c, pa: cd, oa: d, ma: Y, gl: ACbBV], pat: DDSS
and wanted to keep him with them utterly and always,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1628. sed cito ductor eum conuerso calle reduxit sed cito ductor eum conuerso calle reduxit

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAvBC, pat: DSSS
but his guide quickly led him along the return path
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1629. ad proprium corpus, dicens quod ‘solis ad ortum ad proprium corpus, dicens quod ‘solis ad ortum

caesura pattern: | dē | frā́trĭbŭs ā́lter | 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 4d, sa: 3\2, ta: V, pa: V, ma: V, ha: Y
to his own body, saying that: ‘At sunrise
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1630. iam melius habiturus eris; de fratribus alter iam melius habiturus eris; de fratribus alter

caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, pat: DDDS
you will already feel better, but another of the brothers
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1631. sed hodie moriturus erit, cuiusque paratam sed hodie moriturus erit, cuiusque paratam

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, ca: fs, ta: f, pa: fs, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
will die today and you have seen his dwelling-place
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1632. uidisti sedem’. Iuuenem nec sermo fefellit. uidisti sedem’. Iuuenem nec sermo fefellit.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pa: cV, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
prepared.’ Nor did those words fail the young man.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1633. Nam cito conualuit, dum sol rutilabat ad ortum; Nam cito conualuit, dum sol rutilabat ad ortum;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: mV, pa: mV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaVbB, pat: DDDS
For he quickly recovered, when the sun grew red at its rising,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1634. ante diem medium fuerat sed mortuus alter. ante diem medium fuerat sed mortuus alter.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: tV, ta: V, pa: tVp, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAbBc, pat: DDSS
but before midday another man had died.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1635. Ille tamen iuuenis paruum post tempus eodem Ille tamen iuuenis paruum post tempus eodem

caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: p, ta: p, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: CVbAB, pat: SDDS
However, after a short time in the same year
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1636. anno percutitur populantis peste doloris, anno percutitur populantis peste doloris,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: mV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: Ava, pat: DSSS
that young man was struck down by the pestilence of ravaging illness,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1637. atque mihi statim morbo praedixit in illo: atque mihi statim morbo praedixit in illo:

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: l, ca: cl, ta: cl, pa: cl, oa: cl, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
and at once in that illness he predicted to me:
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1638. ‘Hac lue iam moriar, cito carnis claustra relinquam’. ‘Hac lue iam moriar, cito carnis claustra relinquam’.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: VAaB, pat: DSDS
‘I shall now die of this sickness, and I shall abandon the confines of the flesh.’
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1639. Nec secus euenit, quoniam uis magna doloris Nec secus euenit, quoniam uis magna doloris

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: d, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vd, ma: Y, gl: VaBVA, pat: DSDS
Nor did it turn out otherwise, since the great force of pain grew,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1640. creuit, et extremam iuuenem deduxit in horam. creuit, et extremam iuuenem deduxit in horam.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: t, gl: AbaCvB, pat: DDDS
and brought the young man to his final hour.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1641. Qui tenui moriens animam traducere flatu Qui tenui moriens animam traducere flatu

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: fV, ta: f, pa: fV, ma: Y, gl: VVaBA, pat: SDDS
While he was dying and began to convey his soul with feeble breath,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1642. dum coepit, fuerat uigilans e fratribus unus, dum coepit, fuerat uigilans e fratribus unus,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: c, ta: fV, pa: fVc, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: AaaVaBb, pat: DSSS
one of the brothers who had been keeping watch,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1643. uir probus et uerax, uidit qui culmine ab alto uir probus et uerax, uidit qui culmine ab alto

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, ta: f, pa: fs, ma: Y, gl: vABCa, pat: SDDS
an honest and truthful man, saw from the lofty heights
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1644. descendisse uirum facie seu ueste coruscum, descendisse uirum facie seu ueste coruscum,

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: mV, ta: V, pa: mV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: vaAvB, pat: DDSD
a man descending, radiant of face and dress,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1645. et posuisse suum mox os morientis ad ora, et posuisse suum mox os morientis ad ora,

sa: 2\3, ta: bmc, oa: bmc, ma: b, ha: Y
and he soon placed his mouth on the mouth of the dying man,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1646. blandius amplexus manibus quoque membra cubantis; blandius amplexus manibus quoque membra cubantis;

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: c, oa: c, ma: Y, e: s, gl: aBaCD, pat: SDSS
and rather pleasantly embraced in his arms the limbs of the one lying there;
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1647. regressusque animam soluens de carcere carnis regressusque animam soluens de carcere carnis

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: Vfs, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
returning to free the soul from the prison of the flesh,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1648. euexit uolitans secum super astra polorum. euexit uolitans secum super astra polorum.

caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: r, pa: cr, ma: Y, gl: aBbbcAC, pat: DDDS
he carried it away, flying above the stars in the sky.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1649. Haec ego nauta rudis teneris congesta carinis, Haec ego nauta rudis teneris congesta carinis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ta: p, pa: pf, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: CBAav, pat: DSSD
I, an inexperienced sailor, steering through the ocean’s waves
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1650. per pelagi fluctus et per uada caeca gubernans, per pelagi fluctus et per uada caeca gubernans,

sa: 2\3, ta: V, pa: V, ma: V, ha: Y, h: h
and dark channels, have rightly brought cargo packed
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1651. Euboricae ad portum commercia iure reduxi; Euboricae ad portum commercia iure reduxi;

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, pa: Vp, ma: Y, gl: AbBVb, pat: DDDS
in a vulnerable ship back to the harbour at York,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1652. utpote quae proprium sibi me nutriuit alumnum, utpote quae proprium sibi me nutriuit alumnum,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VaA, pat: DSSD
who fostered me as her own protégé,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1653. imbuit et primis utcumque uerenter ab annis. imbuit et primis utcumque uerenter ab annis.

caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pV, pa: pVc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: CAbB, pat: SSDS
and reverently raised me from my earliest years,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1654. Haec idcirco cui propriis de patribus atque Haec idcirco cui propriis de patribus atque

fs: 3\2, sa: c, ca: sr, ta: r, pa: scr, oa: scr, ma: Y, gl: AabBV, pat: DSSD
and therefore it is for her that I have written
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1655. regibus et sanctis ruralia carmina scripsi. regibus et sanctis ruralia carmina scripsi.

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: aAVABb, pat: DSDS
these crude verses concerning her own bishops, kings, and saints.
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1656. Hos pariter sanctos, tetigi quos uersibus istis, Hos pariter sanctos, tetigi quos uersibus istis,

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: VaBCA, pat: DSSS
Likewise it is to those saints, whom I have touched on in these verses,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1657. deprecor ut nostram mundi de gurgite cymbam deprecor ut nostram mundi de gurgite cymbam

caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: b, ca: p, pa: pb, oa: b, ma: Y, pat: SSDD
that I pray to steer our vessel by their merits and prayers
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1658. ad portum uitae meritis precibusque gubernent. ad portum uitae meritis precibusque gubernent.

from the whirlpool of the world to the harbour of life.