A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: eastern

Number of occurrences in corpus: 6

A.3.4 114 easily observe the course on eastern paths / when the sky’s taper
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1034 e carried in ships across the eastern sea / in quest of pagan soil,
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg prohemium 15 omew flies triumphant through eastern realms, / and, famed, tames by
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 868 s brightly more precious than eastern gems. / This third successor
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1015 ho had been killed. Soon, the eastern shepherd wrote / that the bless
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1100 the famous / statements of the eastern judgement, and my sculpted mi