A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry


The Phoenix
Old English
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The Phoenix

Phoen 1. hæbbe ic gefrugnen || ðætte is feor heonan Hæbbe ġe·frugnen || þætte is feorr heonan
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 2C2c xxx$|~x
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 xxx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: Vs || aa

hs: f, aa: Q
I have heard that far from here in the regions of the East
Phoen 2. eastdælum on || æðelast londa ēast-dǣlum inn || æðelost landa,
Bliss Scansion: 300 Ssx|$ || 2A1a ~+x|Sx
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | / || N/A ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Np || ANg

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
is the noblest of lands, famed among men.
Phoen 3. firum gefræge || nis se foldan sceat fīrum ġe·frǣġe. || Nis foldan sċēat
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NtA || NgN

hs: f, ia: f, aa: D, da: D
That expanse of earth is not accessible
Phoen 4. ofer middangeard || mongum gefere ofer middan-ġeard || maniĝum ġe·fēre
Bliss Scansion: d5b xxSxs || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || AA

hs: m, las: f, ia: m, aa: 1
to many leaders of nations across the world,
Phoen 5. folcagendra || ac he afyrred is folc-āĝendra, || ac ā·fierred is
Bliss Scansion: 1D1 S|Sxx || 3B1c xxxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: D1 / | / \ x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: S/Ssx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NC || sV

hs: f, las: f, lab: f, ia: f, xa: fVfV, aa: Q, acp: 1D1
but it has been placed far away
Phoen 6. ðurh meotudes meaht || manfremmendum þurh metodes meaht || mān-fremmendum.
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a x~+x|S || 1D1 S|Sxx
Sievers Scansion: B1 x ~+ | x / || D1 / | / \ x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || S/Ssx

Syntax: NgN || NC

hs: m, lab: f, ia: m, aa: D, da: D, bcp: 1D1
from evil-doers through the might of God.
Phoen 7. wlitig is se wong eall || wynnum geblissad Wlitiġ is wang eall, || wynnum ġe·blissod
Bliss Scansion: 1A2b ~+|xxSs || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A2b ~+ xx | / \ || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AvN || Nts

hs: w, aa: D
That whole plain is beautiful, blessed with joys,
Phoen 8. mid ðam fægrestum || foldan stencum mid þām fæġerostum || foldan stencum.
Bliss Scansion: d1b xxSxx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: dA || NgN

hs: f, aa: 2
and with the fairest perfumes of the earth.
Phoen 9. ænlic is ðæt iglond || æðele se wyrhta Ǣnliċ is þæt īeġ-land, || æðele wyrhta,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*2 Sx|xxSs || 1A*1a ~+x|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A2b / xxx | / \ || N/A ~+ xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AvN || AN

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
That island is peerless, noble its maker,
Phoen 10. modig meahtum spedig || se ða moldan gesette mōdiġ, meahtum spēdiġ, || þā moldan ġe·sette.
Bliss Scansion: 2A1(2A1a) Sx|Sx|Sx || a1b(1A*1a) xxSx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: HA1 / x | / x | / x || 0 xx / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx//Sx/Sx || xx//Sx/Sx

Syntax: AA || NV

hs: m, aa: D, da: D
great-hearted and abundant in powers,
Phoen 11. ðær bið oft open || eadgum togeanes Þǣr biþ oft open || ēadĝum tō·ġēanes
Bliss Scansion: 2C2b xxS|~x || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aA || Aa

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
the one who established that ground.
Phoen 12. onhliden hleoðra wyn || heofonrices duru on·hliden hlēoðra wynn, || heofon-rīċes duru.
Bliss Scansion: N/A x~+|Sxs || 300 ~+sx|~+
Sievers Scansion: D4 x ~+ | / x \ || N/A ~+ \ x | ~+
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || Ssx/S

Syntax: sN || NgN

hs: h, ac: hl, aca: hl, aa: D, da: D
There heaven’s portal is often open,
Phoen 13. ðæt is wynsum wong || wealdas grene Þæt is wynsum wang, || wealdas grēne,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || NA

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
the joy of voices released to the blessed.
Phoen 14. rume under roderum || ne mæg ðær ren ne snaw rūme under rodorum. || Ne mæġ ðǣr reġn snāw,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sx|xx~+x || 2B1a xxxS|xS
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | ~+ x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: AP || NcN

hs: r, aa: D, da: D
That is a joyful plain, green forests,
Phoen 15. ne forstes fnæst || ne fyres blæst ne forstes fnǣst%, || ne fȳres blǣst,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|S || 3B1a xSx|S
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || 0 x / | x /
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Sxs

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 56, recto, Manuscript line: 7, Change by: scribe. Reading maintained: fnæst Original reading: fnæst Translitteratio: f/s

Syntax: NgN || NgN

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
spacious under the heavens.
Phoen 16. ne hægles hryre || ne hrimes dryre ne hæġles hryre, || ne hrīmes dryre,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|~+ || 3B1a xSx|~+
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x ~+ || 0 x / | x ~+
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: NgN || NgN

hs: h, ac: hr, aa: D, da: D
There neither rain nor snow, nor the breath of frost,
Phoen 17. ne sunnan hætu || ne sincaldu ne sunnan hǣtu, || ne sīn-ċealdu,
Bliss Scansion: a1a(2A1a) xSx|Sx || d2a xSsx
Sievers Scansion: A1 x / x | / x || 0 x / | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NgN || NC

hs: s, lab: s, aa: 1, da: D
not the blast of fire, nor the dropping of hail,
Phoen 18. ne wearm weder || ne winterscur ne wearm weder, || ne winter-sċūr
Bliss Scansion: 2C2a xS|~x || N/A xSxs
Sievers Scansion: C3 x / | ~ x || 0 x / | x /
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || x/Sxs

Syntax: AN || NC

hs: w, ca: w, law: sc, lab: sc, aa: D, da: D
nor the falling of rime, nor the heat of the sun,
Phoen 19. wihte gewyrdan || ac se wong seomað wihte ġe·wyrdan, || ac wang seomaþ
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2C2b xxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: aI || NV

hs: w, ca: w, law: s, aa: D, da: D
nor continual cold, nor warm weather,
Phoen 20. eadig ond onsund || is ðæt æðele lond ēadiġ and ansund. || Is þæt æðele land
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 3B1b xx~+x|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx ~+ | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || x/Sxs

Syntax: AcA || AN

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
nor a winter shower, can cause any harm,
Phoen 21. blostmum geblowen || beorgas ðær ne muntas blōstmum ġe·blōwen. || Beorĝas ðǣr ne muntas
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 1A*1b Sx|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || N/A / xxx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Nts || NcN

hs: b, ac: bl, aca: bl, aa: D, da: D
but the plain remains, blessed and unharmed.
Phoen 22. steape ne stondað || ne stanclifu stēape ne standaþ, || ne stān-clifu
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || d3a xS~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 x / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AV || NC

hs: st, aa: D, da: D
That noble land blooms with flowers.
Phoen 23. heah hlifiað || swa her mid us hēah hlifiaþ, || swā hēr mid ūs,
Bliss Scansion: 1D1 S|Sxx || 2B1a xS|xS
Sievers Scansion: D2 / | / ~ x || 0 x / | x /
Russom Scansion: S/Sxx || x/Sxs

Syntax: AV || aP

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
There stand there no mountains nor steep hills,
Phoen 24. ne dene ne dalu || ne dunscrafu ne dene ne dalu || ne dūn-sċrafu,
Bliss Scansion: N/A x~+|x~+ || d3a xS~x
Sievers Scansion: B1 x ~+ | x ~+ || 0 x / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Ssx

Syntax: NcN || NC

hs: d, aa: D, da: D
nor do rocky cliffs tower high, as here among us,
Phoen 25. hlæwas ne hlincas || ne ðær hleonað oo hlǣwas ne hlincas, || ne ðǣr hlinaþ ā
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 3B1b xx~x|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx ~ | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NcN || Va

hs: h, ac: hl, aca: hl, acb: hl, las: V, aa: D, da: D
no dales or valleys or ravines, no hillocks or dunes,
Phoen 26. unsmeðes wiht || ac se æðela feld unsmēðes wiht, || ac æðela feld
Bliss Scansion: 3 E1 Sxx|S || 3B1b xx~+x|S
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | / || 0 xx ~+ | x /
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || x/Sxs

Syntax: AgN || AN

hs: V, las: V, aa: 1
nor there does there ever incline a trace of roughness,
Phoen 27. wridað under wolcnum || wynnum geblowen wrīdaþ under wolcnum, || wynnum ġe·blōwen.
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sx|xxSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: VP || Nts

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
but that noble field blossoms under the clouds blooming with joys.
Phoen 28. is ðæt torhte lond || twelfum herra Is þæt torhte land || twelfum hīerra,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || AA

hs: t, aa: X
That bright land and region is twelve fathoms higher,
Phoen 29. folde fæðmrimes || swa us gefreogum gleawe folde fæðm-rīmes, || swā ūs ġe·frēoĝum glēawe
Bliss Scansion: 1D*3 Sx|Ssx || d2c xxx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D*1 / x | / \ x || 0 xxx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NNg || NtA

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
as those clever in learning, wise ones in their wisdom,
Phoen 30. witgan ðurh wisdom || on gewritum cyðað wītĝan þurh wīsdōm || on ġe·writum cȳðaþ,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || x/Ssx

Syntax: NP || PV

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
tell us in their writings,
Phoen 31. ðonne ænig ðara beorga || ðe her beorhte mid us þonne ǣniġ þāra beorĝa || þe hēr beorhte mid ūs
Bliss Scansion: a1f xxxxxxSx || 3B*1c xxSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxxx / x || 0 xx / | xx /
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || x/Sxxs

Syntax: ANg || AP

hs: b, aa: Q
than any of the gleaming mountains
Phoen 32. hea hlifiað || under heofontunglum hēa hlifiaþ || under heofon-tunglum.
Bliss Scansion: 1D1 S|Sxx || d2b xx~+sx
Sievers Scansion: D2 / | / ~ x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Sxx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: AV || NC

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
that here among us tower high under the stars of heaven.
Phoen 33. smylte is se sigewong || sunbearo lixeð Smylte is siġe-wang; || sun-bearo lixeþ,
Bliss Scansion: N/A Sx|xx~+s || 2A3a S~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A2b / xxx | ~+ \ || N/A / ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || Ss/Sx

Syntax: AvN || NV

hs: s, aa: D, da: D
That victory-plain is calm, the sun-grove gleams,
Phoen 34. wuduholt wynlic || wæstmas ne dreosað wudu-holt wynliċ. || Wæstmas ne drēosaþ,
Bliss Scansion: 2A3a ~+s|Sx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A2a ~+ \ | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Ss/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NA || NV

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
the joyful wood, fruits do not fall, bright crops,
Phoen 35. beorhte blede || ac ða beamas a beorhte blǣde, || ac þā bēamas ā
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: AN || Na

hs: b, lab: b, aa: D, da: D
but those trees stand ever green,
Phoen 36. grene stondað || swa him god bibead grēne standaþ, || swā him god be·bēad.
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 2B1b xx$|xS
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 x / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: AV || NV

hs: g, lab: b, aa: 1
just as God commanded them.
Phoen 37. wintres ond sumeres || wudu bið gelice Wintres and sumeres || wudu biþ ġe·līċe
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|x~+x || 1A1b ~+|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | ~+ x || N/A ~+ xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NcN || Nva

hs: w, aa: 1
Winter and summer alike,
Phoen 38. bledum gehongen || næfre brosniað blǣdum ġe·hangen; || nǣfre brosniaþ
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || d1b xxSxx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Sxx

Syntax: Nts || aV

hs: b, aa: Q
the wood is hung with crops;
Phoen 39. leaf under lyfte || ne him lig sceðeð leaf under lyfte, || ne him līeġ sċieðeþ
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b S|xxSx || 2C2b xxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sxx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NP || NV

hs: l, aa: D, da: D
never a leaf withers under the sky,
Phoen 40. æfre to ealdre || ærðon edwenden ǣfre ealdre, || ær·þon ed-wenden
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || d1b xxSxx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: aP || NC

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
nor does fire ever at all harm them,
Phoen 41. worulde geweorðe || swa iu wætres ðrym weorolde ġe·weorðe. || Swā ġō wæteres þrymm
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a ~+x|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ xx | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NV || NgN

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
before a change comes on the world.
Phoen 42. ealne middangeard || mereflod ðeahte ealne middan-ġeard || mere-flōd þeahte,
Bliss Scansion: d5b xxSxs || 2A3a ~+s|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A ~+ \ | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sxs || Ss/Sx

Syntax: AN || NV

hs: m, aa: 2
Just as long ago the power of water,
Phoen 43. eorðan ymbhwyrft || ða se æðela wong eorðan ymb-hwyrft, || þā æðela wang,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 3B1b xx~+x|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx ~+ | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || x/Sxs

Syntax: NgN || AN

hs: V, ca: V, aa: D, da: D
a sea-flood covered the whole world,
Phoen 44. æghwæs onsund || wið yðfare ǣġhwæs ansund, || wiþ ȳþ-fare
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || d3a xS~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 x / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || x/Ssx

Syntax: NgA || NC

hs: V, ca: V, aa: D, da: D
the earth’s expanse, that noble plain was entirely unharmed
Phoen 45. gehealden stod || hreora wæga ġe·healden stōd || hrēora wǣġa,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|S || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: sV || AN

hs: h, aa: 1
against the watery onslaught of the cruel waves;
Phoen 46. eadig unwemme || ðurh est godes ēadiġ, unwemme, || þurh ēst godes;
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sxx || 2C2a xS|~x
Sievers Scansion: D*1 / x | / \ x || 0 x / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AA || NNg

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
it stood kept blessed and sullied by the grace of God,
Phoen 47. bideð swa geblowen || bæles cyme bīdeþ swā ġe·blōwen || bǣles cyme,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sx|xxSx || 3B1a xSx|~+
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | / x || 0 x / | x ~+
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: Vs || NgN

hs: b, aa: D, da: D
and abides so blooming till the coming of flame,
Phoen 48. dryhtnes domes || ðonne deaðræced dryhtnes dōmes, || þonne dēað-reċed,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || d3b xxS~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: NgN || NC

hs: d, aa: D, da: D
the Lord’s judgement ,when the death-beds,
Phoen 49. hæleða heolstorcofan || onhliden weorðað hæleþa heolstor-cofan, || on·hliden weorðaþ.
Bliss Scansion: 1D*3 ~+x|Ssx || 2C1a x~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D*2 ~+ x | / ~ x || 0 x ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NgN || sV

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
the dark vaults of men come to be opened.
Phoen 50. nis ðær on ðam londe || laðgeniðla Nis ðǣr on þām lande || lāþ-ġe·nīðla,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aP || NC

hs: l, law: n, aa: 2, bcp: 1A1
There is not there in that land any hateful foe:
Phoen 51. ne wop ne wracu || weatacen nan ne wōp ne wracu, || wēa-tācen nan,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xS|x~+ || 300 Ssx|S
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x ~+ || N/A / \ x | /
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Ssx/S

Syntax: NcN || NA

hs: w, law: n, aa: D, da: D
neither weeping nor grief, no token of woe,
Phoen 52. yldu ne yrmðu || ne se enga deað ieldu ne iermþu || ne enga dēaþ,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NcN || AN

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
old age or grimness, nor narrow death,
Phoen 53. ne lifes lyre || ne laðes cyme ne līfes lyre, || ne lāðes cyme,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|~+ || 3B1a xSx|~+
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x ~+ || 0 x / | x ~+
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: NgN || AgN

hs: l, aa: D, da: D
nor loss of life, nor coming of hatred,
Phoen 54. ne synn ne sacu || ne sarwracu ne synn ne sacu || ne sār-wracu,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xS|x~+ || d3a xS~x
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x ~+ || 0 x / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Ssx

Syntax: NcN || NC

hs: s, las: w, lab: s, ia: s, aa: D, da: D
nor sin nor strife, nor sorrowful grief,
Phoen 55. ne wædle gewin || ne welan onsyn ne wǣdle ġe·winn, || ne welan ansīen,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xSx|x$ || 2C1a x~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B2 x / | xx / || 0 x ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || x/Ssx

Syntax: NgN || NgN

hs: w, las: w, lab: s, ia: w, aa: D, da: D
nor the struggle of poverty nor the want of wealth,
Phoen 56. ne sorg ne slæp || ne swar leger ne sorh ne slǣp || ne swǣr leġer,
Bliss Scansion: 2B1a xS|xS || 2C2a xS|~x
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || 0 x / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Ssx

Syntax: NcN || AN

hs: s, ia: s, aa: D, da: D
nor sorrow nor sleep, nor chronic disease,
Phoen 57. ne wintergeweorp || ne wedra gebregd ne winter-ġe·weorp, || ne wedera ġe·breġd,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xSxs || 2B1a xSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || 0 x / | xx /
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || x/Sxxs

Syntax: NC || NgN

hs: w, ia: w, aa: D, da: D
nor winter-squalls nor the flurry of storms
Phoen 58. hreoh under heofonum || ne se hearda forst hrēoh under heofonum, || ne hearda forst,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b S|xx~+x || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | ~+ x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sxx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: AP || AN

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
harsh under the heavens, nor does the hard frost,
Phoen 59. caldum cylegicelum || cnyseð ænigne ċealdum ċiele-ġiċelum, || cnyseþ ǣniġne.
Bliss Scansion: N/A Sx|~+~+x || 1D1 ~+|Sxx
Sievers Scansion: D*1 / x | ~+ ~+ x || N/A ~+ | / \ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || S/Ssx

Syntax: AN || VA

hs: c, aa: D, da: D
with cold chill icicles batter anyone;
Phoen 60. ðær ne hægl ne hrim || hreosað to foldan Þǣr ne hæġl ne hrīm || hrēosaþ foldan,
Bliss Scansion: 2B1b xxS|xS || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx / | x / || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NcN || VP

hs: h, ac: hr, law: f, aa: D
there, neither hail nor rime drops to the ground,
Phoen 61. ne windig wolcen || ne ðær wæter fealleð ne windiġ wolcen, || ne ðǣr wæter fealleþ,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|S || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Ssx

Syntax: AN || NV

hs: w, law: f, aa: D, da: D
nor windy cloud, nor does water fall there,
Phoen 62. lyfte gebysgad || ac ðær lagustreamas lyfte ġe·bisiĝod, || ac ðǣr laĝu-strēamas,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || d2b xx~+sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 x ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NtA || NC

hs: l, law: st, aa: 1
stirred by the breeze, but there water-streams,
Phoen 63. wundrum wrætlice || wyllan onspringað wundrum wrætlīċe, || willan on·springaþ
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sxx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: D*1 / x | / \ x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NtA || NV

hs: w, law: sp, aa: D, da: D
wondrously adorned well from springs in beautiful rivulets.
Phoen 64. fægrum flodwylmum || foldan leccað fæġerum flōd-wielmum%. || Foldan leċċaþ
Bliss Scansion: 1D*3 Sx|Ssx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D*1 / x | / \ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 56, verso, Manuscript line: 16-17, Change by: editor, Metathesis: l/o. Reading emended: flodwylmum Original reading: fold wyl mum

Syntax: AN || NV

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
Delightful trickles water the land from the midst of the wood,
Phoen 65. wæter wynsumu || of ðæs wuda midle wæter wynsumu || of þæs wuda middle;
Bliss Scansion: 1D1 ~+|Sxx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D2 ~+ | / ~ x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Ssx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NA || NgN

hs: w, las: m, aa: D, da: D
every month bursts forth, sea-cold from the soil’s turf,
Phoen 66. ða monða gehwam || of ðære moldan tyrf þā mōnþa ġe·hwǣm || of ðǣre moldan turf
Bliss Scansion: 2B1a xSx|xS || 3B1c xxxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: B2 x / | xx / || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: NgN || NgN

hs: m, las: m, aa: 1
and passes through entire grove in powerful spurts.
Phoen 67. brimcald brecað || bearo ealne geondfarað brim-ċeald brecaþ, || bearu ealne ġeond·faraþ,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1 Ss|~x || N/A ~+|Sxx~+
Sievers Scansion: A2a / \ | ~ x || N/A ~+ | / xx ~+
Russom Scansion: Ss/Sx || Ssx/S

Syntax: AV || NAV

hs: b, ac: br, aca: br, acc: br, lab: b, aa: D, da: D
It is the bidding of the prince that twelve times
Phoen 68. ðragum ðrymlice || is ðæt ðeodnes gebod þrāĝum þrymlīċe. || Is þæt þēodnes ġe·bod,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sxx || 3B*1b xxSx|x$
Sievers Scansion: D*1 / x | / \ x || 0 x / | xx /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || x/Sxxs

Syntax: Nta || NgN

hs: þ, ac: þr, aca: þr, lab: b, aa: D, da: D
the joy of watery-floods should eddy
Phoen 69. ðætte twelf siðum || ðæt tirfæste þætte twelf sīðum || þæt tīrfæste
Bliss Scansion: 2C1b xxS|Sx || d2a xSsx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || 0 x / | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ssx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AN || AC

hs: t, aa: 1
through that glorious land. Those groves are hung with crops,
Phoen 70. lond geondlace || lagufloda wynn land ġeond·lāce || laĝu-flōda wynn.
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 3 E2 ~+sx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || N/A ~+ \ x | /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Ssx/S

Syntax: NV || NgN

hs: l, aa: D, da: D
beautiful fruits. There never fail there at all,
Phoen 71. sindon ða bearwas || bledum gehongne Sindon þā bearwas || blǣdum ġe·hangne%,
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on B line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 56, verso, Manuscript line: 22, Change by: scribe. Reading maintained: gehongne Original reading: gehongẹne

Syntax: VN || Nts

hs: b, aa: 2
the wood’s adornments, holy under the heavens,
Phoen 72. wlitigum wæstmum || ðær no waniað o wlitiĝum wæstmum, || ðǣr waniaþ% ā,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a ~+x|Sx || 3B1b xx~+x|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ x | / x || 0 xx ~+ | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Error or emendation on B line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 56, verso, Manuscript line: 22, Change by: editor. Reading emended: waniað Original reading: wuniað Translitteratio: a/u

Syntax: AN || Va

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
nor do there fall there fallow blossoms,
Phoen 73. halge under heofonum || holtes frætwe hālġe under heofonum, || holtes frætwe.
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sx|xx~+x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | ~+ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AP || NgN

hs: h, las: f, aa: D, da: D
the beauty of the forest-trees, but there marvelously
Phoen 74. ne feallað ðær on foldan || fealwe blostman Ne feallaþ ðǣr on foldan || fealwe blōstman,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xSx|xxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 x / xxx | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: VP || AN

hs: f, las: f, aa: D, da: D
the continually laden branches on those trees,
Phoen 75. wudubeama wlite || ac ðær wrætlice wudu-bēama wlite, || ac ðǣr wrætlīċe
Bliss Scansion: 300 ~+sx|~+ || d1b xxSxx
Sievers Scansion: E ~+ \ x | ~+ || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || x/Ssx

Syntax: NgN || aa

hs: w, aa: Q, da: D
with ever-new vegetation
Phoen 76. on ðam treowum symle || telgan gehladene on þām trēowum simle || telĝan ġe·hladene,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|Sx || 1A*1a Sx|x~+x
Sievers Scansion: hA1 xx / x | / x || N/A / xx | ~+ x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Pa || Ns

hs: t, lab: t, aa: 1
for all time on the grassy plain
Phoen 77. ofett edniwe || in ealle tid ofett ed-nīewe, || on ealle tīd
Bliss Scansion: 1D1 ~+|Sxx || 3B1a xSx|S
Sievers Scansion: D1 ~+ | / \ x || 0 x / | x /
Russom Scansion: S/Ssx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NA || AN

hs: V, lab: t, aa: D, da: D
stand green, fairly adorned,
Phoen 78. on ðam græswonge || grene stondað on þām græs-wange || grēne standaþ,
Bliss Scansion: d2b xxSsx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || AV

hs: g, ac: gr, aa: 1
through the powers of the Holy one, the brightest of groves.
Phoen 79. gehroden hyhtlice || haliges meahtum ġe·hroden hyhtlīċe || hālġes meahtum,
Bliss Scansion: 1D1 x~+|Sxx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D*1 x ~+ | / \ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: sa || AgN

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
Nor does the wood become marred in appearance.
Phoen 80. beorhtast bearwa || no gebrocen weorðeð beorhtost bearwa. || No ġe·brocen weorðeþ
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: ANg || sV

hs: b, aa: D, da: D
There a holy perfume remains
Phoen 81. holt on hiwe || ðær se halga stenc holt on hīewe, || ðǣr hālĝa stenċ
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NP || AN

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
throughout the joyous land.
Phoen 82. wunað geond wynlond || ðæt onwended ne bið wunaþ ġond wynn-land; || þæt on·wended ne biþ
Bliss Scansion: 1A2a ~+|xSs || 3B*1b xxSx|x$
Sievers Scansion: A2b ~+ x | / \ || 0 xx / | xx /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || x/Sxxs

Syntax: VP || sV

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
That will never be changed at all until the wise one
Phoen 83. æfre to ealdre || ærðon endige ǣfre ealdre, || ær·þon endie
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || d1b xxSxx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Sxx

Syntax: aP || aV

hs: V, aa: Q, da: D
who at the beginning created
Phoen 84. frod fyrngeweorc || se hit on frymðe gescop frōd fyrn-ġe·weorc || hit on frymþe ġe·sċōp.
Bliss Scansion: 1D4 S|Sxs || 3B*1c xxxSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: D4 / | / x \ || 0 xxx / | xx /
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || x/Sxxs

Syntax: AN || PV

hs: f, ac: fr, acc: fr, lab: f, aa: D, da: D
this ancient work brings it to an end.
Phoen 85. ðone wudu weardað || wundrum fæger Þone wudu weardaþ || wundrum fǣġer
Bliss Scansion: 2C1b xx~+|Sx || 2A1b Sx|~x
Sievers Scansion: C2 xx ~+ | / x || N/A / x | ~ x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NV || NtA

hs: w, las: f, lab: f, aa: D, da: D
A bird wondrous fair, strong in feathers,
Phoen 86. fugel feðrum strong || se is fenix haten fuĝol feðerum strang, || is fenix hāten.
Bliss Scansion: 1D5 ~+|Sxs || 3B1b xxSx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D4 ~+ | / x \ || 0 xx / x | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || p

Syntax: NA || Ns

hs: f, las: f, law: h, aa: D, da: D
inhabits that wood; it is called the phoenix.
Phoen 87. ðær se anhaga || eard bihealdeð Þǣr ān-haĝa || eard be·healdeþ,
Bliss Scansion: d3b xxS~x || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || NV

hs: V, law: h, xa: VhVh, aa: Q
There that unique creature keeps its dwelling-place,
Phoen 88. deormod drohtað || næfre him deað sceðeð dēor-mōd drohtaþ; || nǣfre him dēaþ sċieðeþ
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Ss|Sx || 2C2c xxxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: A2a / \ | / x || 0 xxx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Ss/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AN || NV

hs: d, law: sc, aa: D, da: D
the bold one its abode;
Phoen 89. on ðam willwonge || ðenden woruld stondeð on þām will-wange, || þenden weorold standeþ.
Bliss Scansion: d2b xxSsx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: NC || NV

hs: w, law: st, aa: D, da: D
death never harms him in that joyful plain,
Phoen 90. se sceal ðære sunnan || sið behealdan sċeall ðǣre sunnan || sīþ be·healdan
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: dN || NI

hs: s, aa: D
as long as the world lasts.
Phoen 91. ond ongean cuman || godes condelle and on·ġēan cuman || godes candelle,
Bliss Scansion: 2C2b xxS|~x || 1D1 ~+|Sxx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A ~+ | / \ x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || p

Syntax: pI || NgN

hs: g, ca: g, xa: gcgc, aa: Q
He shall behold the course of the sun,
Phoen 92. glædum gimme || georne bewitigan glǣdum ġimme, || ġeorne be·witian,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1 ~x|Sx || 1A*1a Sx|x~+x
Sievers Scansion: N/A ~ x | / x || N/A / xx | ~+ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || aI

hs: g, ca: g, aa: D, da: D
and to come to face God’s candle, that bright gem,
Phoen 93. hwonne up cyme || æðelast tungla hwonne up cyme || æðelost tungla
Bliss Scansion: 2C2b xx$|~x || 2A1a ~+x|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aV || ANg

hs: V, ca: V, aa: 1
eagerly to witness when the noblest of stars comes up,
Phoen 94. ofer yðmere || estan lixan ofer ȳþ-mere || ēstan līexan,
Bliss Scansion: d3b xxS~x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || aI

hs: V, ca: V, aa: D
shining from the east over the waves of the sea,
Phoen 95. fæder fyrngeweorc || frætwum blican fæder fyrnġeweorc || frætwum blīcan,
Bliss Scansion: 1D5 ~+|Sxs || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D4 ~+ | / x \ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || NI

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
the ancient work of the father, gleaming with ornaments,
Phoen 96. torht tacen godes || tungol beoð ahyded torht tācen godes. || Tungol bēoþ ā·hȳded,
Bliss Scansion: 1D3 S|S~x || 1A*1b Sx|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: D2 / | / ~ x || N/A / xxx | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NNg || Nvs

hs: t, aa: 1, da: D
the bright token of God. The stars are hidden,
Phoen 97. gewiten under waðeman || westdælas on ġe·witen under waðuman || west-dǣlas inn,
Bliss Scansion: N/A x~+|xx~+x || 300 Ssx|$
Sievers Scansion: A1 x ~+ xx | ~+ x || N/A / \ x | /
Russom Scansion: Sxx/Sx || Ssx/S

Syntax: sP || Np

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
vanished under the waves in the regions of the west,
Phoen 98. bideglad on dægred || ond seo deorce niht be·dīeglod on dæġ-red || and sēo deorce niht
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a xSx|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A2b x / xx | / \ || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || x/Sxs

Syntax: sP || AN

hs: d, aa: 2, da: D
hidden in the dawning,
Phoen 99. won gewiteð || ðonne waðum strong wann ġe·wīteþ; || þonne wāðum strang
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a $|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Sxs

Syntax: NV || NtA

hs: w, law: st, aa: D, da: D
and the dark night has blackly vanished.
Phoen 100. fugel feðrum wlonc || on firgenstream fuĝol feðerum wlanc || on firġen-strēam
Bliss Scansion: 1D5 ~+|Sxs || N/A xSxs
Sievers Scansion: D4 ~+ | / x \ || 0 x / | x /
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: NA || NC

hs: f, law: st, aa: D, da: D
Then, strong in flight,
Phoen 101. under lyft ofer lagu || locað georne under lyft, ofer laĝu || locaþ ġeorne,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xxS|xx~+ || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx / | xx ~+ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sxxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: PP || Va

hs: l, law: g, aa: D, da: D
the bird proud in its feathers,
Phoen 102. hwonne up cyme || eastan glidan hwonne up cyme || ēastan glīdan
Bliss Scansion: 2C2b xx$|~x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aV || aI

hs: V, law: g, aa: 1
looks eagerly to the ocean-stream,
Phoen 103. ofer sidne || swegles leoma ofer sīdne% || sweġles lēoma.
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 57, recto, Manuscript line: 20, Change by: editor. Reading emended: sidne Original reading: siðne Translitteratio: d/ð

Syntax: AN || NgN

hs: s, lab: s, aa: D, da: D
across the waters under the sky,
Phoen 104. swa se æðela fugel || æt ðam æspringe Swā æðela fuĝol || æt þām ǣ-springe
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xx~+x|~+ || d2b xxSsx
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx ~+ | x ~+ || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Ssx

Syntax: AN || NC

hs: V, law: sp, lab: sp, aa: 1
for when heaven’s gleam will come gliding up
Phoen 105. wlitigfæst wunað || wyllestreamas wlitiġfæst wunaþ || wielle-strēamas,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1b ~+x|~x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A2a ~+ \ | ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Ss/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AV || NC

hs: w, law: st, aa: D, da: D, bcp: 2A1
from the east over the broad sea;
Phoen 106. ðær se tireadga || twelf siðum hine ðǣr tīr-ēadĝa || twelf sīðum hine
Bliss Scansion: d2b xxSsx || N/A S|Sx~+
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A / | / x ~+
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Ssx/S

Syntax: AC || ANi

hs: t, aa: 1
just so that noble bird, firm in beauty,
Phoen 107. bibaðað in ðam burnan || ær ðæs beacnes cyme be·baðaþ on þām burnan || ǣr þæs bēacnes cyme,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b x~+|xxSx || 3B1b xxSx|~+
Sievers Scansion: A1 x ~+ xx | / x || 0 xx / | x ~+
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: VP || NgN

hs: b, aa: D, da: D
inhabits the welling streams at that watery spring.
Phoen 108. sweglcondelle || ond symle swa oft sweġel-candelle% || and simle swā oft
Bliss Scansion: 1D1 S|Sxx || 2B1a xSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: D1 / | / \ x || 0 x / | xx /
Russom Scansion: p || x/Sxxs

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 57, verso, Manuscript line: 1, Change by: scribe. Reading maintained: sweglcondelle Original reading: sweglcondelle

Syntax: NC || aa

hs: s, lab: s, aa: 1, acp: 1D1
There the glory-blessed creature bathes himself twelve times
Phoen 109. of ðam wilsuman || wyllgespryngum of þām wilsuman || wiell-ġe·spryngum
Bliss Scansion: d1b xxSxx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: dA || NC

hs: w, lab: spw, aa: 2, da: D, bcp: 1A1
in the stream before the coming of that beacon,
Phoen 110. brimcald beorgeð || æt baða gehwylcum brim-ċeald beorĝeþ || æt baða ġe·hwelcum.
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Ss|Sx || 1A1a x~+|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A2a / \ | / x || 0 x ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: Ss/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AV || NgA

hs: b, lab: hw, aa: D, da: D
the sky-candle, and just as often sips at every bathing
Phoen 111. siððan hine sylfne || æfter sundplegan Siþþan hine selfne || aefter sund-pleĝan
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || d3b xxS~x
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: aA || NC

hs: s, aa: D
the sea-cold water from the splendid well-springs.
Phoen 112. heahmod hefeð || on heanne beam hēah-mōd hefeþ || on hēanne bēam,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1 Ss|~x || 3B1a xSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A2a / \ | ~ x || 0 x / | x /
Russom Scansion: Ss/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: AV || AN

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
Then after playing in the water,
Phoen 113. ðonan yðast mæg || on eastwegum þonan īeðost mæġ || on ēast-weĝum
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|$ || d3a xS~x
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || 0 x / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sxs || x/Ssx

Syntax: aV || NC

hs: V, aa: 1
with soaring heart he rises to a high tree,
Phoen 114. sið bihealdan || hwonne swegles tapur sīþ be·healdan, || hwonne sweġles tapor
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|~+
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x ~+
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Sxs

Syntax: NI || NgN

hs: s, aa: 1
from where he can most easily observe the course on eastern paths
Phoen 115. ofer holmðræce || hædre blice ofer holm-þræce% || hādre blīce,
Bliss Scansion: d3b xxS~x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 57, verso, Manuscript line: 6, Change by: editor. Reading emended: holmþræce Original reading: holmwræce Translitteratio: þ/ƿ

Syntax: NC || aV

hs: h, aa: 1
when the sky’s taper, the lamp of light,
Phoen 116. leohtes leoma || lond beoð gefrætwad lēohtes lēoma. || Land bēoþ ġe·frætwod,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 1A1b S|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || Nvs

hs: l, aa: D, da: D
brightly shines over the surge of the sea.
Phoen 117. woruld gewlitegad || siððan wuldres gim weorold ġe·wliteĝod, || siþþan wuldres ġimm
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a ~+|x~+x || 3B1b xxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ x | ~+ x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Sxs

Syntax: Ns || NgN

hs: w, las: g, aa: D, da: D
The lands are adorned, the world made fair,
Phoen 118. ofer geofones gong || grund gescineð ofer ġeofenes gang || grund ġe·sċīeneþ
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xx~+x|S || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx ~+ | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || NV

hs: g, las: g, aa: D, da: D
after the gem of glory lights up the ground across the surface of the ocean,
Phoen 119. geond middangeard || mærost tungla ġond middan-ġeard, || mǣrost tungla.
Bliss Scansion: N/A xSxs || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || ANg

hs: m, aa: 1
throughout the world, the most magnificent of stars.
Phoen 120. sona swa seo sunne || sealte streamas Sōna swā sēo sunne || sealte strēamas
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aN || AN

hs: s, aa: D
As soon as the sun towers
Phoen 121. hea oferhlifað || swa se haswa fugel hēa ofer·hlīfaþ, || swā haswa fuĝol
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b S|xxSx || 3B1b xxSx|~+
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | x ~+
Russom Scansion: Sxx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: AV || AN

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
high over the salty streams,
Phoen 122. beorht of ðæs bearwes || beame gewiteð beorht of þæs bearwes || bēame ġe·wīteþ,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b S|xxSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AP || NV

hs: b, aa: D, da: D
the pale bird, bright, departs from the tree of the grove,
Phoen 123. fareð feðrum snell || flyhte on lyfte fareþ feðerum snell || flyhte on lyfte,
Bliss Scansion: 1D5 ~+|Sxs || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: D4 ~+ | / x \ || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NtA || NP

hs: f, aa: 1, da: D
passes swift in feathers, flying in the air,
Phoen 124. swinsað ond singeð || swegle togeanes swinsaþ and singeþ || sweġle tō·ġēanes%.
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on B line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 57, verso, Manuscript line: 12, Change by: editor. Reading emended: togeanes Original reading: to heanes Translitteratio: g/h

Syntax: VcV || Na

hs: s, ac: sw, aa: D, da: D
whistles and sings up the sky.
Phoen 125. ðonne bið swa fæger || fugles gebæru Þonne biþ swā fǣġer || fuĝoles ġe·bǣru,
Bliss Scansion: e1c xxx~x || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx ~ x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aA || NgN

hs: f, las: b, aa: 2
Then the bird’s bearing is so fair,
Phoen 126. onbryrded breostsefa || blissum hremig on·bryrded brēost-sefa, || blissum hrēmiġ%;
Bliss Scansion: N/A xSx|S~+ || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D*2 x / x | / ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on B line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 57, verso, Manuscript line: 13, Change by: editor. Reading emended: hremig Original reading: remig

Syntax: sN || NtA

hs: b, ac: br, aca: br, las: b, aa: D, da: D
so inspired its heart, exulting in bliss;
Phoen 127. wrixleð woðcræfte || wundorlicor wrixleþ wōþ-cræfte || wundorlīcor
Bliss Scansion: 1D*3 Sx|Ssx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D*1 / x | / \ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || aU

hs: w, aa: 1, da: D, bcp: 2A1
he modulates his song-craft
Phoen 128. beorhtan reorde || ðonne æfre byre monnes beorhtan reorde, || þonne ǣfre byre mannes
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 2C1d xxxx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xxxx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: AN || NNg

hs: b, aa: 1
more wondrously, his bright voice,
Phoen 129. hyrde under heofonum || siððan heahcyning hīerde under heofonum, || siþþan hēah-cyning,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sx|xx~+x || d3b xxS~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | ~+ x || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: NP || NC

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
than any son of man ever heard under the heavens,
Phoen 130. wuldres wyrhta || woruld staðelode wuldres wyrhta, || weorold staðolode,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 1D1 ~+|~+xx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || N/A ~+ | ~+ ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || S/Sxx

Syntax: NgN || NV

hs: w, law: st, aa: D, da: D
since the high king, the creator of glory,
Phoen 131. heofon ond eorðan || bið ðæs hleoðres sweg heofon and eorðan. || Biþ þæs hlēoðres swēġ
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a ~+|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NcN || NgN

hs: h, las: s, law: s, aa: 1
established the world, heaven and earth.
Phoen 132. eallum songcræftum || swetra ond wlitigra eallum sang-cræftum || swētra and wlitiġra
Bliss Scansion: d2b xxSsx || 1A*1a Sx|x~+x
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A / xx | ~+ x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || AcA

hs: s, las: sw, law: w, aa: 2
The sound of that song is sweeter and more lovely
Phoen 133. ond wynsumra || wrenca gehwylcum and wynsumra% || wrenca ġe·hwelcum.
Bliss Scansion: d1a xSxx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C1 x / | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 57, verso, Manuscript line: 17, Change by: scribe, editor. Reading emended: wynsumra Original reading: w^y^insumra

Syntax: AC || NgA

hs: w, las: w, law: hw, aa: 1
and more joyous than any melody;
Phoen 134. ne magon ðam breahtme || byman ne hornas Ne maĝon þām breahtme || bīeman ne hornas,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: VN || NcN

hs: b, las: h, law: h, aa: 2
no trumpets nor horns nor sound of harp,
Phoen 135. ne hearpan hlyn || ne hæleða stefn ne hearpan hlynn, || ne hæleþa stefn
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|$ || 3B1a x~+x|S
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || 0 x ~+ | x /
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: NgN || NgN

hs: h, las: h, aa: D, da: D
nor voice of any man on earth,
Phoen 136. ænges on eorðan || ne organan ǣnġes on eorðan, || ne organan,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || d1a xSxx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 x / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || p

Syntax: AP || NC

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
nor the music of an organ’s melody,
Phoen 137. sweghleoðres geswin || ne swanes feðre swēġ-hleoþres% ġe·swinn, || ne swanes feðere,
Bliss Scansion: 3E*1 Ssx|xS || 2C1a x~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: E / \ xx | / || 0 x ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || x/Ssx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 57, verso, Manuscript line: 20, Change by: editor. Reading emended: sweghleoþres Original reading: sweg leoþres

Syntax: NgN || NgN

hs: s, ac: sw, aca: sw, acb: sw, lab: s, aa: D, da: D
nor swan’s feather, nor any of the joys
Phoen 138. ne ænig ðara dreama || ðe dryhten gescop ne ǣniġ þāra drēama || þe drihten ġe·sċōp
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 2B1a xSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || 0 x / | xx /
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || x/Sxxs

Syntax: ANg || NV

hs: d, ac: dr, lab: sc, aa: 2
which the Lord created for man
Phoen 139. gumum to gliwe || in ðas geomran woruld gumum glēowe || on þās ġōmran weorold.
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a ~+|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|~+
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ x | / x || 0 x / | x ~+
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NP || AN

hs: g, aa: D, da: D
in this miserable world match that reverberation.
Phoen 140. singeð swa ond swinsað || sælum geblissad Singeþ swā and swinsaþ || sǣlum ġe·blissod,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sx|xxSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: VcV || Nts

hs: s, ca: s, aa: D, da: D
So he sings and whistles, blissfully happy,
Phoen 141. oððæt seo sunne || on suðrodor oþ·þæt sēo sunne || on sūð-rodor
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || d3a xS~x
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || 0 x / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: dV || NC

hs: s, ca: s, aa: D
until the sun has sunk into the southern sky;
Phoen 142. sæged weorðeð || ðonne swiað he sǣġed weorðeþ. || Þonne swīĝaþ
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Sxs

Syntax: sV || Vi

hs: s, ca: s, las: h, aa: 1
then he falls silent and takes to listening,
Phoen 143. ond hlyst gefeð || heafde onbrygdeð and hlyst ġe·fēþ, || heafde on·brygdeþ,
Bliss Scansion: 2B1a xS|xS || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NV || NV

hs: h, las: h, aa: 1
moves its head, bold, wise in thought,
Phoen 144. ðrist ðonces gleaw || ond ðriwa ascæceð þrīst, þances glēaw || and þrīwa ā·sċæceþ
Bliss Scansion: 1D4 S|Sxs || N/A x~+|x~+
Sievers Scansion: D4 / | / x \ || 0 x ~+ | x ~+
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: AA || aV

hs: þ, ac: þr, law: sc, aa: D, da: D
and thrice shakes his feathers swift in flight;
Phoen 145. feðre flyhthwate || fugol bið geswiged feðere flyht-hwate; || fuĝol biþ ġe·swīġed.
Bliss Scansion: 1D*3 Sx|S~x || 1A1b ~+|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: D*2 / x | / ~ x || N/A ~+ xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NA || Nvs

hs: f, law: s, aa: D, da: D
the bird is quieted. Continually,
Phoen 146. symle he twelf siðum || tida gemearcað Simle twelf sīðum || tīda ġe·mearcaþ
Bliss Scansion: 2C1c xxxS|Sx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xxx / | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || NV

hs: t, aa: 1
twelve times, he marks off the hours,
Phoen 147. dæges ond nihtes || swa gedemed is dæġes and nihtes. || Swā ġe·dēmed is
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a ~+|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NcN || sV

hs: d, aa: 1
day and night. So it is ordained
Phoen 148. bearwes bigengan || ðæt he ðær brucan mot bearwes be·genġan%, || þæt ðǣr brūcan mōt
Bliss Scansion: 1D*3 Sx|Ssx || 3B1c xxxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: D*1 / x | / \ x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || x/Sxs

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 58, recto, Manuscript line: 5, Change by: editor. Reading emended: bigengan Original reading: bigenga

Syntax: NgN || IV

hs: b, aa: D, da: D
for the inhabitant of the grove that he may be permitted
Phoen 149. wonges mid willum || ond welan neotan wanges mid willum || and welan nēotan,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2C1a x~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 x ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NP || NI

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
to make use of the plain as he wishes,
Phoen 150. lifes ond lissa || londes frætwa līfes and lissa, || landes frætwa,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NcN || NgN

hs: l, lab: l, aa: D, da: D
and enjoy wealth, life, and happiness,
Phoen 151. oððæt he ðusende || ðisses lifes oþ·þæt þūsende || þisses līfes,
Bliss Scansion: d1c xxxSxx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xxx / | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: iN || dN

hs: þ, lab: l, aa: 2
the land’s plenty, until the guardian of the wood-grove
Phoen 152. wudubearwes weard || wintra gebideð wudu-bearwes weard, || wintra ġe·bīdeþ.
Bliss Scansion: 3 E2 ~+sx|S || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: E ~+ \ x | / || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || NV

hs: w, xa: wbwwb, aa: D, da: D
has passed a thousand years of this life.
Phoen 153. ðonne bið gehefgad || haswigfeðra Þonne biþ ġe·hefiĝod || haswiġ-feðera,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: avs || AC

hs: h, aa: 2, bcp: 2A1
Then the pale-feathered one,
Phoen 154. gomol gearum frod || grene eorðan gamol, ġēarum frōd, || grēne% eorðan
Bliss Scansion: 1D5 ~+|Sxs || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D4 ~+ | / x \ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on B line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 58, recto, Manuscript line: 9, Change by: editor. Reading emended: grene Original reading: rene

Syntax: AA || AN

hs: g, aa: D, da: D
old, experienced in years, will be weighed down.
Phoen 155. aflyhð fugla wyn || foldan geblowene ā·fliehþ, fuĝla wynn%, || foldan ġe·blōwne,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xS|Sxs || N/A Sx|xSxx
Sievers Scansion: D4 x / | / x \ || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 58, recto, Manuscript line: 9-10, Change by: editor. Reading supplied: wyn Original reading: not in MS

Syntax: NgN || Ns

hs: f, aa: 1, da: D
The joy of birds flies from the green earth,
Phoen 156. ond ðonne geseceð || side rice and þonne ġe·sēċeþ || sīde% rīċe
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on B line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 58, recto, Manuscript line: 10, Change by: scribe. Reading maintained: side Original reading: side Translitteratio: d/ð

Syntax: aV || AN

hs: s, aa: 2
the blooming land, and seeks a broad kingdom of earth,
Phoen 157. middangeardes || ðær no men bugað middan-ġeardes, || ðǣr nā% menn% būĝaþ
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 2C1b xx$|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | +
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Error or emendation on B line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 58, recto, Manuscript line: 11, Change by: scribe. Reading maintained: no men Original reading: no men Translitteratio: a/e

Syntax: NC || NV

hs: m, aa: 1, acp: 2A1
where no men dwell, a land and homeland.
Phoen 158. eard ond eðel || ðær he ealdordom eard and ēðel. || Þǣr ealdor-dōm
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || d5b xxSxs
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NcN || NC

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
There, pre-eminent, he take dominion
Phoen 159. onfehð foremihtig || ofer fugla cynn on·fēhð fore-mehtiġ || ofer fuĝla cynn,
Bliss Scansion: 1D2 xS|~+sx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: D1 x / | ~+ \ x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: S/Ssx || xx/Sxs

Syntax: AC || NgN

hs: f, aa: 1, da: D
over the family of birds, exalted among his kind,
Phoen 160. geðungen on ðeode || ond ðrage mid him ġe·þungen on þēode || and þraĝe mid him
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a xSx|xSx || N/A xSx|x$
Sievers Scansion: A1 x / xx | / x || 0 x / | xx /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxxs

Syntax: sP || NP

hs: þ, aa: D, da: D
and for a while inhabits the wasteland with them.
Phoen 161. westen weardað || ðonne waðum strong wēsten weardaþ. || Þonne wāðum strang
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Sxs

Syntax: NV || NtA

hs: w, ca: w, aa: D, da: D
Then, strong in flight, he heads west,
Phoen 162. west gewiteð || wintrum gebysgad west ġe·wīteþ || wintrum ġe·bisiĝod
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aV || Nts

hs: w, ca: w, aa: D, da: D
afflicted with years, flying swift-feathered.
Phoen 163. fleogan feðrum snel || fuglas ðringað flēoĝan feðerum snell. || Fuĝlas þringaþ
Bliss Scansion: 1D*5 Sx|Sxs || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D*4 / x | / x \ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: IA || NV

hs: f, aa: 1, da: D
Birds throng round about the noble one;
Phoen 164. utan ymbe æðelne || æghwylc wille ūtan ymbe æðelne; || ǣġhwelċ wille
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sx|xx~+x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | ~+ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aP || AV

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
each will be thegn and servant to that famous prince,
Phoen 165. wesan ðegn ond ðeow || ðeodne mærum wesan þeġn and þēow || þēodne mǣrum,
Bliss Scansion: 2B1b xxS|xS || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NcN || NA

hs: þ, aa: D, da: D
until they seek the land of the Syrians,
Phoen 166. oððæt hy gesecað || syrwara lond oþ·þæt hīe ġe·sēċaþ || Sier-wara land
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 3 E1 Sxx|S
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / ~ x | /
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || p

Syntax: iV || NgN

hs: s, aa: 2
in the greatest of hosts. There the pure bird
Phoen 167. corðra mæste || him se clæna ðær corðra mǣste. || Him clǣna ðǣr
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NgA || Aa

hs: c, aa: 1
suddenly escapes them,
Phoen 168. oðscufeð scearplice || ðæt he in scade weardað oþ·sċūfeþ sċearplīċe, || þæt on sċade weardaþ,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xSx|Sxx || d2c xxx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D*1 x / x | / \ x || 0 xxx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || x/Ssx

Syntax: Va || PV

hs: sc, las: w, lab: sc, aa: D, da: D
so that he goes to live in shadow
Phoen 169. on wudubearwe || weste stowe on wudu-bearwe, || weste stōwe,
Bliss Scansion: d2a x~+sx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C2 x ~+ | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || AN

hs: w, las: w, lab: st, aa: 1
in a wooded grove, a desolate place,
Phoen 170. biholene ond bihydde || hæleða monegum be·holene and be·hȳde || hæleþa maniĝum.
Bliss Scansion: N/A x~+x|xxSx || 2A1a ~+x|~+x
Sievers Scansion: A1 x ~+ xxx | / x || N/A ~+ x | ~+ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on B line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 58, recto, Manuscript line: 19, Change by: scribe. Reading maintained: monegum Original reading: monegum

Syntax: scs || NgA

hs: h, ca: h, aa: D, da: D
hidden and concealed from multitudes of men.
Phoen 171. ðær he heanne beam || on holtwuda Þǣr hēanne bēam || on holt-wuda%
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || d3a xS~x
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || 0 x / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Ssx

Error or emendation on B line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 58, recto, Manuscript line: 20, Change by: scribe. Reading maintained: holtwuda Original reading: holtwuda Translitteratio: a/u

Syntax: AN || NC

hs: h, ca: h, las: w, aa: 1
There he inhabits and keeps to
Phoen 172. wunað ond weardað || wyrtum fæstne wunaþ and weardaþ, || wyrtum fæstne
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a ~+|xSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ x | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: VcV || NtA

hs: w, las: w, aa: D, da: D
a lofty tree in the forest,
Phoen 173. under heofunhrofe || ðone hatað men under heofon-hrōfe%, || þone hātaþ menn
Bliss Scansion: d2b xx~+sx || 3B1b xxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: C2 xx ~+ | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: xx/Ssx || xx/Sxs

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 58, recto, Manuscript line: 22, Change by: editor. Reading emended: heofunhrofe Original reading: heofum hrofe Translitteratio: m/n

Syntax: NC || VN

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
secure in roots under heaven’s roof,
Phoen 174. fenix on foldan || of ðæs fugles noman Fenix on foldan, || of þæs fuĝoles naman.
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a ~+|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|~+
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | x ~+
Russom Scansion: p || x/Sxs

Syntax: AP || NgN

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
[a tree] that men call ‘phoenix’ after the name of the bird.
Phoen 175. hafað ðam treowe forgiefen || tirmeahtig cyning Hafaþ þām trēowe for·ġiefen || tīr-mehtiġ cyning,
Bliss Scansion: 3B*1c xxxSx|x~+ || 300 Ssx|~+
Sievers Scansion: B2 xxx / | xx ~+ || N/A / \ x | ~+
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || Ssx/S

Syntax: Nts || AN

hs: t, aa: 1
The king glorious in might, the lord of mankind,
Phoen 176. meotud moncynnes || mine gefræge metod mann-cynnes, || mīne ġe·frǣġe,
Bliss Scansion: 1D2 ~+|Ssx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: D1 ~+ | / \ x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NNg || AN

hs: m, aa: D, da: D
has granted to that tree, as I have heard tell,
Phoen 177. ðæt se ana is || ealra beama þæt ana is || ealra bēama
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|$ || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AV || AN

hs: V, ca: V, aa: D, da: D
that it alone is the brightest blooming
Phoen 178. on eorðwege || uplædendra on eorð-weġe || up-lǣdendra
Bliss Scansion: d3a xS~x || 1D1 S|Sxx
Sievers Scansion: C3 x / | ~ x || D1 / | / \ x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || S/Ssx

Syntax: NC || AC

hs: V, ca: V, aa: 1, bcp: 1D1
of all trees spreading
Phoen 179. beorhtast geblowen || ne mæg him bitres wiht beorhtost ġe·blōwen; || ne mæġ him biteres wiht
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 3B1c xxxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: as || AgN

hs: b, aa: D, da: D
upwards on earth. Nor can any bitter thing
Phoen 180. scyldum sceððan || ac gescylded a sċieldum sċieþþan, || ac ġe·sċielded ā
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NI || sa

hs: sc, lab: sc, aa: D, da: D
harm it wickedly, but it dwells for ever shielded
Phoen 181. wunað ungewyrded || ðenden woruld stondeð wunaþ un-ġe·wyrded, || þenden weorold standeþ.
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b ~+|xxSx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ xx | / x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sxx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: Vs || NV

hs: w, ca: w, lab: st, aa: D, da: D
and unharmed, while the world lasts.
Phoen 182. ðonne wind ligeð || weder bið fæger Þonne wind liġeþ, || weder biþ fǣġer,
Bliss Scansion: 2C2b xxS|~x || N/A ~+|x~x
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A ~+ x | ~ x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NV || NvA

hs: w, ca: w, aa: 1
When the wind dies down and the weather is fair,
Phoen 183. hluttor heofones gim || halig scineð hlūtor heofones ġimm || hāliġ sċīeneþ,
Bliss Scansion: 1D*5 Sx|~+xs || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D*4 / x | ~+ x \ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || AV

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
the clear gem of heaven shines holy,
Phoen 184. beoð wolcen towegen || wætra ðryðe bēoþ wolcen tō·weġen, || wætera þrȳðe
Bliss Scansion: 3B*1a xSx|x~+ || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B2 x / | xx ~+ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Ns || NgN

hs: w, lab: w, aa: D, da: D
the clouds are swept away,
Phoen 185. stille stondað || bið storma gehwylc stille standaþ, || biþ storma ġe·hwelċ
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 2B1a xSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 x / | xx /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxxs

Syntax: aV || NgA

hs: st, lab: hw, aa: D, da: D
the forces of the waters stand still,
Phoen 186. aswefed under swegle || suðan bliceð ā·swefed under sweġle, || sūðan blīceþ
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b x~+|xxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 x ~+ xx | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sxx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: sP || aV

hs: s, ac: sw, aca: sw, aa: D, da: D
every storm is calmed under the sky,
Phoen 187. wedercondel wearm || weorodum lyhteð weder-candel wearm, || weorodum līehteþ,
Bliss Scansion: 3 E2 ~+sx|S || 2A1a ~+x|Sx
Sievers Scansion: E ~+ \ x | / || N/A ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NA || NV

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
there gleams from the south the warm weather-candle,
Phoen 188. ðonne on ðam telgum || timbran onginneð þonne on þām telĝum || timbran on·ġinneþ,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aP || IV

hs: t, aa: 2
sheds light on the bands of people,
Phoen 189. nest gearwian || bið him neod micel nest ġearwian. || Biþ him nīed miċel
Bliss Scansion: 1D1 S|Sxx || 2C2b xxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: D2 / | / ~ x || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: S/Sxx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NI || NA

hs: n, law: m, aa: 1
then he begins to build in the branches,
Phoen 190. ðæt he ða yldu || ofestum mote þæt þā ieldu || ofstum mōte
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || 2A1a ~+x|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || N/A ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: iN || NV

hs: V, law: m, aa: 2
make ready the nest. A great need is upon him
Phoen 191. ðurh gewittes wylm || wendan to life þurh ġe·wittes wielm || wendan līfe,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || IP

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
through a surge of awareness that he may swiftly
Phoen 192. feorg geong onfon || ðonne feor ond neah feorh ġung on·fōn. || Þonne feorr and nēah
Bliss Scansion: 2E2a Ss|xS || 2B1b xx$|xS
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | / || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || xx/Sxs

Syntax: NI || aca

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
turn that old age into life,
Phoen 193. ða swetestan || somnað ond gædrað þā swētostan || samnaþ and gadraþ
Bliss Scansion: d1a xSxx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C1 x / | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: dN || VcV

hs: s, aa: 2
take on a young spirit. Then far and near
Phoen 194. wyrta wynsume || ond wudubleda wyrta wynsume || and wudu-blēda
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sxx || d2a x~+sx
Sievers Scansion: D*2 / x | / ~ x || 0 x ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NA || NC

hs: w, lab: w, aa: D, da: D
he gathers and collects lovely herbs
Phoen 195. to ðam eardstede || æðelstenca gehwone þām eard-stede, || æðel-stenċa ġe·hwone,
Bliss Scansion: d3b xxS~x || 3E*2 ~+sx|x~+
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A ~+ \ xx | ~+
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Ssx/S

Syntax: NC || NgN

hs: V, lab: hw, aa: 1
and forest fruits to the dwelling-place,
Phoen 196. wyrta wynsumra || ðe wuldorcyning wyrta wynsumra, || þe wuldor-cyning,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sxx || d3a xS~x
Sievers Scansion: D*1 / x | / \ x || 0 x / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NA || NC

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
every one of those noble perfumes,
Phoen 197. fæder frymða gehwæs || ofer foldan gescop fæder frymþa ġe·hwæs%, || ofer foldan ġe·sċōp
Bliss Scansion: N/A ~+|Sxxs || 3B*1c xxSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: D4 ~+ | / xx \ || 0 xx / | xx /
Russom Scansion: S/Sxxs || xx/Sxxs

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 58, verso, Manuscript line: 15, Change by: editor. Reading emended: gehwæs Original reading: gewæs

Syntax: NNg || PV

hs: f, aa: 1, da: D
lovely herbs, that the king of glory,
Phoen 198. to indryhtum || ælda cynne inn-dryhtum || ielda cynne,
Bliss Scansion: d2a xSsx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C1 x / | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || NgN

hs: V, aa: 1
the father of every beginning created over the land
Phoen 199. swetes under swegle || ðær he sylf biereð swētes under sweġle. || Þǣr self bireþ
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sx|xxSx || 2C2b xxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | / x || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AP || AV

hs: s, ac: sw, aca: sw, aa: D, da: D
for the honour of the race of men, sweetness under the sky.
Phoen 200. in ðæt treow innan || torhte frætwe on þæt trēow innan || torhte frætwe;
Bliss Scansion: 2C1b xxS|Sx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Pa || AN

hs: t, aa: 1
There he himself carries the bright trappings
Phoen 201. ðær se wilda fugel || in ðam westenne ðǣr wilda fuĝol || on þām wēstenne
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|~+ || d1b xxSxx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x ~+ || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Ssx

Syntax: AN || dN

hs: w, aa: Q
inside that tree, where the wild bird
Phoen 202. ofer heanne beam || hus getimbreð ofer hēanne bēam || hūs ġe·timbreþ,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || NV

hs: h, aa: 1
builds a house in the wasteland
Phoen 203. wlitig ond wynsum || ond gewicað ðær wlitiġ and wynsum || and ġe·wīcaþ ðǣr
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a ~+|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: AcA || Va

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
above the lofty tree, beautiful and lovely,
Phoen 204. sylf in ðam solere || ond ymbseteð utan self on þām solore || and ymb·seteþ ūtan
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b S|xx~+x || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | ~+ x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: p || x/Ssx

Syntax: AP || Va

hs: s, aa: D, da: D
and himself dwells there in the sunny room,
Phoen 205. in ðam leafsceade || lic ond feðre on þām leaf-sċade || līċ and feðere
Bliss Scansion: d2b xxSsx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || NcN

hs: l, aa: 1
and in that leafy shade surrounds himself,
Phoen 206. on healfa gehware || halgum stencum on healfa ġe·hwǣre || hālĝum stencum
Bliss Scansion: 2B1a xSx|xS || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B2 x / | xx / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: ? || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || AN

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
body and feathers, on every side
Phoen 207. ond ðam æðelestum || eorðan bledum and þām æðelostum || eorðan blǣdum.
Bliss Scansion: d1b xx~+xx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C2 xx ~+ | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || NgN

hs: V, aa: 2
with sacred perfumes, and the noblest of the earth’s harvest.
Phoen 208. siteð siðes fus || ðonne swegles gim Siteþ sīðes fūs. || Þonne sweġles ġimm
Bliss Scansion: 1D5 ~+|Sxs || 3B1b xxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: D4 ~+ | / x \ || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || xx/Sxs

Syntax: NgA || NgN

hs: s, ca: s, aa: 1, da: D
He sits, eager for the journey. When the gem of the sky,
Phoen 209. on sumeres tid || sunne hatost on sumores tīd, || sunne hātost,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a x~+x|S || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 x ~+ | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || NA

hs: s, ca: s, aa: 1
in the summertime, the sun shines hottest over the shadows,
Phoen 210. ofer sceadu scineð || ond gesceapu dreogeð ofer sċadu sċīeneþ || and ġe·sċæpu drēoĝeþ,
Bliss Scansion: 2C1b xx~+|Sx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C2 xx ~+ | / x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ssx || x/Ssx

Syntax: PV || NV

hs: sc, aa: D, da: D
and fulfils its destiny, surveys the world,
Phoen 211. woruld geondwliteð || ðonne weorðeð his weorold ġeond·wlīteþ, || þonne weorðeþ his
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a ~+|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Sxs

Syntax: NV || VA

hs: w, las: h, aa: D, da: D
then his house becomes heated through the clearness of the sky.
Phoen 212. hus onhæted || ðurh hador swegl hūs on·hǣted || þurh hādor sweġel.
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 3B1a xSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 x / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: Ns || AN

hs: h, las: h, law: s, aa: D, da: D
The herbs grow warm; the chosen dwelling steams
Phoen 213. wyrta wearmiað || willsele stymeð Wyrta wearmiaþ, || will-sele stīemeþ
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sxx || 2A3a S~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D*2 / x | / ~ x || N/A / ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sxx || Ss/Sx

Syntax: NV || NV

hs: w, law: st, aa: D, da: D
with sweet odours; then in the heat through the fire’s grasp,
Phoen 214. swetum swæccum || ðonne on swole byrneð swēotum swæccum, || þonne on swole byrneþ
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || d2c xxx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xxx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AN || PV

hs: s, ac: sw, aca: sw, acb: sw, aa: D, da: D
the bird burns along with his nest.
Phoen 215. ðurh fyres feng || fugel mid neste þurh fȳres fēng || fuĝol mid neste.
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|S || 1A1a ~+|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || N/A ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || NP

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
The pyre is kindled; then flame enfolds
Phoen 216. bæl bið onæled || ðonne brond ðeceð Bǣl biþ on·ǣled. || Þonne brand þeċeþ
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b S|xxSx || 2C2b xxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: Nvs || NV

hs: b, aa: 1
the house of the disheartened creature, fiercely hastens,
Phoen 217. heorodreorges hus || hreoh onetteð heoru-dreorĝes% hūs, || hrēoh ōnetteþ,
Bliss Scansion: 3 E2 ~+sx|S || 1D1 S|Sxx
Sievers Scansion: E ~+ \ x | / || D1 / | / \ x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || S/Ssx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 59, recto, Manuscript line: 5, Change by: editor. Reading emended: heorodreorges Original reading: heore dreorges Translitteratio: e/o

Syntax: AgN || AV

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
pale fire devours and the phoenix burns,
Phoen 218. fealo lig feormað || ond fenix byrneð fealu līeġ feormaþ || and fenix byrneþ,
Bliss Scansion: 2A3a ~+s|Sx || a1a(2A1a) xSx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A2a ~+ \ | / x || 0 x / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Ss/Sx || p

Syntax: ANV || AV

hs: f, ca: f, aa: 1, da: D
wise in ancient years; then the flame consumes
Phoen 219. fyrngearum frod || ðonne fyr ðigeð fyrn-ġēarum frōd. || Þonne fȳr þiġeþ
Bliss Scansion: 300 Ssx|S || 2C2b xxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | / || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || xx/Ssx

Syntax: NtA || NV

hs: f, ca: f, aa: D, da: D
the fleeting body; life is leaving,
Phoen 220. lænne lichoman || lif bið on siðe lǣnne līċ-haman; || līf biþ on sīðe,
Bliss Scansion: 1D*3 Sx|S~x || 1A1b S|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: D*2 / x | / ~ x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || NvP

hs: l, aa: D, da: D
the soul-hoard of the fey one,
Phoen 221. fæges feorhhord || ðonne flæsc ond ban fǣġes feorh-hord, || þonne flǣsċ and bān
Bliss Scansion: 2A2 Sx|Ss || 2B1b xxS|xS
Sievers Scansion: A2b / x | / \ || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || xx/Sxs

Syntax: AgN || NcN

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
when the pyre-flame razes
Phoen 222. adleg æleð || hwæðre him eft cymeð ād-līeġ ǣleþ. || Hwæðere him eft cymeþ
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Ss|Sx || 2C2c xxxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: A2a / \ | / x || 0 xxx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Ss/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NV || aV

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
flesh and bone. Yet after an appropriate space
Phoen 223. æfter fyrstmearce || feorh edniwe aefter frist-mearce || feorh ed-nīewe,
Bliss Scansion: d2b xxSsx || 1D1 S|Sxx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || D1 / | / \ x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ssx || S/Ssx

Syntax: NC || NA

hs: f, las: V, aa: 1
there returns to him a soul renewed,
Phoen 224. siððan ða yslan || eft onginnað siþþan þā yslan || eft on·ġinnaþ
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aN || aV

hs: V, las: V, law: g, aa: 2
after the ashes begin again to knit together,
Phoen 225. æfter ligðræce || lucan togædre aefter līeġ-þræce || lūcan tō·gædere,
Bliss Scansion: d3b xxS~x || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || Ia

hs: l, law: g, aa: 1
after the plundering flame, congealed to a ball.
Phoen 226. geclungne to cleowenne || ðonne clæne bið ġe·clungne clīewenne. || Þonne clǣne biþ
Bliss Scansion: N/A xSx|xSxx || 3B1b xxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: A1 x / xx | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || xx/Sxs

Syntax: sP || AV

hs: c, ac: cl, aca: cl, acb: cl, las: b, aa: D, da: D
Then that brightest of nests is pure,
Phoen 227. beorhtast nesta || bæle forgrunden beorhtost nesta, || bǣle for·grunden
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: ANg || Nts

hs: b, las: b, aa: 1
purged by the pyre, the dwelling-place of the valiant one.
Phoen 228. heaðorofes hof || hra bið acolad heaðu-rōfes hof; || hrā biþ ā·cōlad,
Bliss Scansion: 300 ~+sx|$ || 1A1b S|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: E ~+ \ x | / || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AgN || Nvs

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
The corpse grows cold, the broken vessel of bone,
Phoen 229. banfæt gebrocen || ond se bryne sweðrað bān-fæt ġe·brocen || and bryne sweðraþ.
Bliss Scansion: 2E2a Ss|x~+ || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | ~+ || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || x/Ssx

Syntax: Ns || NV

hs: b, ac: br, aa: D, da: D
and burning subsides. Then from that pyre
Phoen 230. ðonne of ðam ade || æples gelicnes Þonne of þām āde || æpples ġe·līċness
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aP || NgN

hs: V, ca: V, aa: 2
the image of an apple is found again in the ashes,
Phoen 231. on ðære ascan bið || eft gemeted on ðǣre ascan biþ || eft ġe·mēted,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1c xxxSx|$ || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xxx / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: PV || as

hs: V, ca: V, aa: 1
from which there grows a worm wondrous fair,
Phoen 232. of ðam weaxeð wyrm || wundrum fæger of þām weaxeþ wyrm, || wundrum fǣġer,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 2A1b Sx|~x
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / x | ~ x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: VN || NtA

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
as though it had hatched from an egg,
Phoen 233. swylce he of ægerum || ut alæde swelċe of ǣĝrum || ūt ā·lǣde,
Bliss Scansion: d1d xxxxSxx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xxxx / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: iP || aV

hs: V, aa: 1
shining from the shell. Then he grows in the shadows,
Phoen 234. scir of scylle || ðonne on sceade weaxeð sċīr of sċielle. || Þonne on sċæde weaxeþ,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || d2c xxx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xxx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AP || PV

hs: sc, aa: D, da: D
so that he is at first like an eagle’s nestling,
Phoen 235. ðæt he ærest bið || swylce earnes brid þæt ǣrest biþ || swelċe earnes bridd,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|$ || 3B1b xxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || xx/Sxs

Syntax: aV || NgN

hs: V, xa: VbVb, aa: Q
the fair makings of a bird;
Phoen 236. fæger fugeltimber || ðonne furðor gin fǣġer fuĝol-timber; || þonne furður ġīen
Bliss Scansion: 1D2 ~+|~+sx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: D1 ~+ | ~+ \ x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || xx/Sxs

Syntax: AN || aa

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
then further yet it burgeons in joys,
Phoen 237. wridað on wynnum || ðæt he bið wæstmum gelic wrīdaþ on wynnum, || þæt biþ wæstmum ġe·līċ
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 3B*1c xxxSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xxx / | xx /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxxs

Syntax: VP || NtA

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
so that it is in growth like an old eagle ,
Phoen 238. ealdum earne || and æfter ðon ealdum earne || and aefter þon
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 3B1a xSx|$
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 x / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: AN || ad

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
and then after that, adorned with feathers
Phoen 239. feðrum gefrætwad || swylc he æt frymðe wæs feðerum ġe·frætwod, || swylc æt frymþe wæs,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 3B1c xxxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Error or emendation on B line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 59, recto, Manuscript line: 19, Change by: scribe. Reading maintained: frymðe Original reading: frymðe

Syntax: Nts || PV

hs: f, ac: fr, law: w, aa: D, da: D
just as he was in the beginning,
Phoen 240. beorht geblowen || ðonne bræd weorðeð beorht ġe·blōwen. || Þonne bræġd weorðeþ%
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 2C1b xxS|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Error or emendation on B line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 59, recto, Manuscript line: 20, Change by: scribe. Reading maintained: weoþeð Original reading: weoþeð Translitteratio: a/e

Syntax: As || NV

hs: b, law: w, aa: D, da: D
brightly blossoming. Then the flesh
Phoen 241. eal edniwe || eft acenned eall ed-nīewe || eft ā·cenned,
Bliss Scansion: N/A $|Ssx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: D1 / | / \ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AA || as

hs: V, lab: V, aa: D, da: D
becomes born again, entirely renewed,
Phoen 242. synnum asundrad || sumes onlice synnum ā·sundrod, || sumes anlīċe
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 1D1 ~+|Sxx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || N/A ~+ | / \ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: Nts || Aa

hs: s, lab: V, aa: D, da: D
sundered from sins. Just as when someone
Phoen 243. swa mon to ondleofne || eorðan wæstmas swā man andlēofne || eorðan wæstmas%
Bliss Scansion: d2c xxxSsx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xxx / | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on B line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 59, recto, Manuscript line: 22, Change by: editor. Reading emended: wæstmas Original reading: wæsmas

Syntax: NC || NgN

hs: V, aa: 1
brings home the fruits of the earth
Phoen 244. on hærfeste || ham gelædeð on hærfeste || hām ġe·lǣdeþ,
Bliss Scansion: d1a xSxx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C1 x / | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || aV

hs: h, aa: 1
at harvest, the lovely crop,
Phoen 245. wiste wynsume || ær wintres cyme wiste wynsume, || ǣr wintres cyme,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sxx || 3B1a xSx|~+
Sievers Scansion: D*2 / x | / ~ x || 0 x / | x ~+
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NA || NgN

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
before the coming of winter at reaping-time,
Phoen 246. on rypes timan || ðy læs hi renes scur on ripes tīman, || þȳ læs hīe reġnes sċūr
Bliss Scansion: 2C1a x~+|Sx || 3B1c xxxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: C2 x ~+ | / x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NgN || NgN

hs: r, aa: 1
lest a shower of rain should damage them under the clouds;
Phoen 247. awyrde under wolcnum || ðær hi wraðe metað ā·wierde under wolcnum; || ðǣr hīe wraðe mētaþ,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xSx|xxSx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 x / xxx | / x || 0 x ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: VP || NV

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
they find sustenance there, take provision,
Phoen 248. fodorðege gefean || ðonne forst ond snaw fōdor-þeġe ġe·fēan%, || þonne forst and snāw
Bliss Scansion: 3E*3 S~x|xS || 2B1b xxS|xS
Sievers Scansion: E / ~ xx | / || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || xx/Sxs

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 59, verso, Manuscript line: 2-3, Change by: editor. Reading emended: gefean Original reading: ge feon Translitteratio: a/o

Syntax: NgN || NcN

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
when frost and snow cover the earth with overbearing force,
Phoen 249. mid ofermægne || eorðan ðeccað mid ofer-mæġene || eorðan þeċċaþ
Bliss Scansion: d2a x~+sx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C2 x ~+ | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || NV

hs: V, aa: 1
with winter-clothing; from those fruits
Phoen 250. wintergewædum || of ðam wæstmum sceal winter-ġe·wǣdum. || Of þām wæstmum sċeall
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sxx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NC || PV

hs: w, aa: D, da: D, acp: 1A1
the prosperity of men shall arise again,
Phoen 251. eorla eadwela || eft alædan eorla ēad-wela% || eft ā·lǣdan
Bliss Scansion: 1D*3 Sx|S~x || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: D*2 / x | / ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 59, verso, Manuscript line: 4, Change by: editor. Reading emended: eadwela Original reading: ead welan

Syntax: NgN || aI

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
through the nature of corn,
Phoen 252. ðurh cornes gecynd || ðe ær clæne bið þurh cornes ġe·cynd, || þe ǣr clǣne biþ
Bliss Scansion: 2B1a xSx|xS || 3B1b xxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: B2 x / | xx / || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: NgN || AV

hs: c, aa: D, da: D
which is first sown as a pure seed,
Phoen 253. sæd onsawen || ðonne sunnan glæm sǣd on·sāwen. || Þonne sunnan glǣm
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Sxs

Syntax: Ns || NgN

hs: s, aa: D, da: D
and then the ray of the sun,
Phoen 254. on lenctenne || lifes tacen on lenctenne, || līfes tācen,
Bliss Scansion: d1a xSxx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C1 x / | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || NgN

hs: l, aa: 1
life’s token, at lent
Phoen 255. weceð woruldgestreon || ðæt ða wæstmas beoð weceþ weorold-ġe·strēon, || þæt þā wæstmas bēoþ
Bliss Scansion: N/A ~+|~+xs || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: D4 ~+ | ~+ x \ || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: NC || NV

hs: w, aa: 1, da: D
brings forth the worldly treasure,
Phoen 256. ðurh agne gecynd || eft acende þurh āĝne ġe·cynd || eft ā·cende,
Bliss Scansion: 2B1a xSx|xS || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B2 x / | xx / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || aV

hs: V, aa: Q
so that those fruits are born again through their own nature,
Phoen 257. foldan frætwe || swa se fugel weorðeð foldan frætwe. || Swā fuĝol weorðeþ,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 x ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NgN || NV

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
the earth’s adornments;
Phoen 258. gomel æfter gearum || geong edniwe gamol aefter ġēarum, || ġung ed-nīewe,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b ~+|xxSx || 1D1 S|Sxx
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ xx | / x || D1 / | / \ x
Russom Scansion: Sxx/Sx || S/Ssx

Syntax: AP || AA

hs: g, aa: D, da: D
just so the bird, old according to years,
Phoen 259. flæsce bifongen || no he foddor ðigeð flǣsċe be·fangen. || No fōdor þiġeþ,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|~+
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | x ~+
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: Nts || NV

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
becomes renewed young,
Phoen 260. mete on moldan || nemne meledeawes mete on moldan, || nemne mele-dēawes
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a ~+|xSx || d2b xx~+sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ x | / x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: NP || NC

hs: m, las: d, aa: D, da: D
enclosed in flesh. He eats no food,
Phoen 261. dæl gebyrge || se dreoseð oft dæl ġe·byrĝe, || drēoseþ oft
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 3B1a xSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 x / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NV || Va

hs: d, las: d, aa: 1
sustenance on the earth, unless he tastes a portion
Phoen 262. æt middre nihte || bi ðon se modga his æt middre nihte; || be þon mōdĝa his
Bliss Scansion: a1a(2A1a) xSx|Sx || 3B1c xxxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: A1 x / x | / x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: AN || PA

hs: m, aa: 1
of the honey-dew that often drops at mid-night:
Phoen 263. feorh afedeð || oððæt fyrngesetu feorh ā·fēdeþ, || oþ·þæt fyrn-ġe·setu,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || d4b xxSx~+
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x ~+
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Sxs

Syntax: NV || NC

hs: f, law: s, aa: D, da: D
with that the brave one nourishes
Phoen 264. agenne eard || eft geseceð āĝenne eard, || eft ġe·sēċeþ.
Bliss Scansion: 3 E1 Sxx|S || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || aV

hs: V, law: s, aa: D, da: D
his life until he seeks again
Phoen 265. ðonne bið aweaxen || wyrtum in gemonge Þonne biþ ā·weaxen || wyrtum on ġe·maniġe
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 1A*1b Sx|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / xxx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: avs || NP

hs: w, aa: 2
his ancient settlements, a land of his own.
Phoen 266. fugel feðrum deal || feorh bið niwe fuĝol feðerum deall. || feorh biþ nīewe,
Bliss Scansion: 1D5 ~+|Sxs || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: D4 ~+ | / x \ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NA || NvA

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
Then the bird proud in feathers is grown up
Phoen 267. geong geofona ful || ðonne he of greote his ġung, ġeofona full, || þonne of grēote his
Bliss Scansion: 300 S~+x|S || 3B1d xxxxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: D4 / | ~+ x \ || 0 xxxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: AA || NA

hs: g, aa: 1, da: D
among the herbs; his life is renewed,
Phoen 268. lic leoðucræftig || ðæt ær lig fornom līċ liðu-cræftiġ, || þæt ǣr līeġ for·nam,
Bliss Scansion: 1D2 S|~+sx || 2B1b xxS|x$
Sievers Scansion: D2 / | ~+ \ x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: S/Ssx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NA || NV

hs: l, aa: D, da: D
young, full of gifts. Then from the dust
Phoen 269. somnað swoles lafe || searwum gegædrað samnaþ, swoles lāfe, || searwum ġe·ġadraþ
Bliss Scansion: 1D*2 Sx|~+sx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: D*1 / x | ~+ \ x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || NV

hs: s, aa: 1, da: D
the limb-strong one gathers his body,
Phoen 270. ban gebrosnad || æfter bælðræce bān ġe·brosnod, || aefter bǣl-þræċe,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || d3b xxS~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: Ns || NC

hs: b, ca: b, aa: D, da: D
that the fire had taken off, from the remnants of the flame,
Phoen 271. ond ðonne gebringeð || ban ond yslan and þonne ġe·brinġeþ || bān and yslan,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aV || NcN

hs: b, ca: b, las: V, aa: 2
collects with cunning the bones broken after the surging flame,
Phoen 272. ades lafe || eft ætsomne ādes lāfe, || eft æt·samne,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || aa

hs: V, las: V, aa: 1
and then brings the bones and cinders,
Phoen 273. ond ðonne ðæt wælreaf || wyrtum biteldeð and þonne þæt wæl-rēaf || wyrtum be·teldeþ,
Bliss Scansion: a2d xxxxSs || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / \ || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ss || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aN || NV

hs: w, aa: 2
the remnants of the pyre back together, and then, fairly adorned,
Phoen 274. fægre gefrætwed || ðonne afysed bið fæġere ġe·frætwod. || þonne ā·fȳsed biþ
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 3B1c xxxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: as || sV

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
covers that slaughter-plunder with herbs. Then he is eager to be away,
Phoen 275. agenne eard || eft to secan āĝenne eard || eft sēċan.
Bliss Scansion: 3 E1 Sxx|S || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || aI

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
to seek again his own home.
Phoen 276. ðonne fotum ymbfehð || fyres lafe Þonne fōtum ymb·fēhð || fȳres lāfe,
Bliss Scansion: 3B*1c xxSx|xS || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx / | xx / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sxxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NV || NgN

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
Then he grasps in his feet the fire’s remains,
Phoen 277. clam biclyppeð || ond his cyððu eft clamm be·clyppeþ || and his cȳþþu eft,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a $|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NV || Na

hs: c, ac: cl, aca: cl, aa: D, da: D
clasps it in his claws,
Phoen 278. sunbeorht gesetu || seceð on wynnum sun-beorht ġe·setu, || sēċeþ on wynnum,
Bliss Scansion: 2E2a Ss|x~+ || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | ~+ || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || VP

hs: s, aa: D, da: D
and seeks again in joy his familiar place,
Phoen 279. eadig eðellond || eall bið geniwad ēadiġ ēðel-land. || Eall biþ ġe·nīewod
Bliss Scansion: 1D*5 Sx|Sxs || 1A1b S|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: D*4 / x | / x \ || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || Avs

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
his sun-bright establishment, his blessed native land.
Phoen 280. feorh ond feðerhoma || swa he æt frymðe wæs feorh and feðer-hama, || swā æt frymþe wæs,
Bliss Scansion: N/A S|xS~x || 3B1c xxxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: D*2 / x | / ~ x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || x/Sxs

Syntax: NcN || PV

hs: f, law: w, aa: D, da: D
All is renewed, his life and feather-cloak,
Phoen 281. ða hine ærest god || on ðone æðelan wong þā hine ǣrest god || on þone æðelan wang
Bliss Scansion: 3B1c xxxSx|$ || 3B1c xxx~+x|S
Sievers Scansion: B1 xxx / | x / || 0 xxx ~+ | x /
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: aN || AN

hs: V, law: w, aa: 1
just as he was at the beginning,
Phoen 282. sigorfæst sette || he his sylfes ðær siĝorfæst sette. || his selfes ðǣr
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a ~+x|Sx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Ss/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: AV || Aa

hs: s, aa: D, da: D
when God, firm in victory,
Phoen 283. ban gebringeð || ða ær brondes wylm bān ġe·brinġeþ, || þā ǣr brandes wielm
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NV || NgN

hs: b, ac: br, ca: b, aa: D, da: D
first set him up on that noble plain.
Phoen 284. on beorhstede || bæle forðylmde on beorh-stede || bǣle for·þylmde,
Bliss Scansion: d3a xS~x || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C3 x / | ~ x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || NV

hs: b, ca: b, ia: b, aa: 1
He brings there his own bones, which the surge of flame
Phoen 285. ascan to eacan || ðonne eal geador asċan ēacan. || Þonne eall ġe·ador
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2C2b xx$|~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: NP || Aa

hs: V, lab: V, ia: V, aa: D, da: D
had engulfed with fire upon the pyre on the mound,
Phoen 286. bebyrgeð beaducræftig || ban ond yslan be·byrġeþ beadu-cræftiġ || bān and yslan
Bliss Scansion: 1D*2 xSx|~+sx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C2 x / x | ~+ \ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AC || NcN

hs: b, las: V, lab: V, ia: b, aa: 1, da: D
for an increase of ashes. Then the battle-skilled one
Phoen 287. on ðam ealonde || bið him edniwe on þām êa-lande. || Bið him ed·nīwe
Bliss Scansion: d2b xxSsx || d1b xxSxx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NC || AC

hs: V, las: V, ia: V, aa: 1
buries bones and cinders all together on that island.
Phoen 288. ðære sunnan segn || ðonne swegles leoht ðǣre sunnan seġn%, || þonne swēġles lēoht,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: xx/Sxs || xx/Sxs

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 60, recto, Manuscript line: 6, Change by: editor. Reading emended: segn Original reading: þegn Translitteratio: s/þ

Syntax: NgN || NgN

hs: s, lab: s, aa: D, da: D
The light of the sky is renewed for him,
Phoen 289. gimma gladost || ofer garsecg up ġimma gladost, || ofer gārseċġ up,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1b Sx|~x || 3B1b xxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: N/A / x | ~ x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Sxs

Syntax: NgA || Pa

hs: g, las: V, lab: s, aa: D, da: D
the sun’s thegn, gladdest of gems, up over the ocean,
Phoen 290. æðeltungla wyn || eastan lixeð æþel-tungla wynn, || ēastan lixeþ.
Bliss Scansion: 300 ~+sx|$ || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: E ~+ \ x | / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || aV

hs: V, las: V, aa: 1
the joy of noble stars gleams from the east.
Phoen 291. is se fugel fæger || forweard hiwe Is fuĝol fǣġer || for-weard hīewe,
Bliss Scansion: 2C2b xxS|~x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Ss/Sx

Syntax: NA || aA

hs: f, lab: f, aa: D, da: D
That bird is fair of hue at the front,
Phoen 292. bleobrygdum fag || ymb ða breost foran blēo-bryġdum fāh || ymb þā brēost foran.
Bliss Scansion: 300 Ssx|S || 2C2b xxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | / || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || x/Ssx

Syntax: NtA || Pa

hs: b, lab: f, xa: bfbf, aa: Q
tinted with various colours at the front of his chest.
Phoen 293. is him ðæt heafod || hindan grene Is him þæt hēafod || hindan grēne,
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: iN || aA

hs: h, aa: D
His head is green behind,
Phoen 294. wrætlice wrixled || wurman geblonden wrætlīċe wrixled% || wurman ġe·blanden.
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sxx|Sx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: ? || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 60, recto, Manuscript line: 10, Change by: editor. Reading emended: wrixled Original reading: wrixleð Translitteratio: d/ð

Syntax: as || Nts

hs: w, ac: wr, aca: wr, acc: wr, aa: D, da: D
wondrously variegated, blended with purple.
Phoen 295. ðonne is se finta || fægre gedæled Þonne is finta || fæġere ġe·dǣled,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: avN || as

hs: f, aa: 2
Then is the tail beautifully dappled,
Phoen 296. sum brun sum basu || sum blacum splottum sum brūn, sum basu, || sum blacum splottum
Bliss Scansion: N/A xS|x~+ || 2C1a x~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x ~+ || 0 x ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || ?

Syntax: AA || AN

hs: b, aa: D, da: D
amazingly displayed:
Phoen 297. searolice beseted || sindon ða fiðru searulīċe be·seted. || Sindon þā fiðeru
Bliss Scansion: N/A ~+xx|x~+ || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: E ~+ \ xx | ~+ || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sx/Sx

Syntax: as || VN

hs: s, aa: D, da: D
part dusky, part crimson,
Phoen 298. hwit hindanweard || ond se hals grene hwīt hindanweard || and heals grēne
Bliss Scansion: 1D1 S|Sxx || 2C1b xxS|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D4 / | / x \ || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || x/Ssx

Syntax: AA || NA

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
part black spots. The feathers are white at the tip,
Phoen 299. nioðoweard ond ufeweard || ond ðæt nebb lixeð neoðanweard and ufanweard || and þæt nebb lixeþ
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a ~+x|x~+x || 2C1b xxS|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ xx | ~+ x || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: Ss/Ss || x/Ssx

Syntax: AA || NV

hs: n, aa: 1
and the throat is green, downward and upward,
Phoen 300. swa glæs oððe gim || geaflas scyne swā glæs oþþe ġimm, || ġeaflas sċīene
Bliss Scansion: N/A x$|xx$ || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: 0 x / | xx / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NcN || NA

hs: g, aa: D, da: D
and the beak gleams, like glass or a gem,
Phoen 301. innan ond utan || is seo eaggebyrd innan and ūtan. || Is sēo ēag-ġe·byrd
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || d5b xxSxs
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 x / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: aca || NC

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
its jaws brilliant, inside and out. The cast of his eye
Phoen 302. stearc ond hiwe || stane gelicast stearc and hīewe || stāne ġe·līcost,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AcA || NtA

hs: st, aa: 1
is piercing and most like a stone in appearance,
Phoen 303. gladum gimme || ðonne in goldfate glādum ġimme, || þonne on gold-fæte
Bliss Scansion: 2A1 ~x|Sx || d3c xxxS~x
Sievers Scansion: N/A ~ x | / x || 0 xxx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AN || NC

hs: g, aa: D, da: D
a lovely gem, when by the skill of smiths
Phoen 304. smiða orðoncum || biseted weorðeð smiða orþancum || be·seted weorðeþ.
Bliss Scansion: 1D1 ~+|Sxx || 2C1a x~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D1 ~+ | / \ x || 0 x ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Ssx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NgN || sV

hs: s, ca: s, aa: 1
it is set in a golden vessel.
Phoen 305. is ymb ðone sweoran || swylce sunnan hring Is ymb þone swēoran, || swelċe sunnan hrinġ,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || xx/Sxs

Syntax: VP || NgN

hs: s, ca: s, aa: 2
Around the throat, like a ring of sunlight,
Phoen 306. beaga beorhtast || brogden feðrum bēaĝa beorhtost || broĝden% feðerum.
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on B line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 60, recto, Manuscript line: 17, Change by: editor. Reading emended: brogden Original reading: bregden Translitteratio: a/e

Syntax: NgA || sNt

hs: b, law: f, aa: D, da: D
the brightest of circlets is woven in feathers.
Phoen 307. wrætlic is seo womb neoðan || wundrum fæger Wrætliċ is sēo wamb niðan, || wundrum fǣġer,
Bliss Scansion: N/A Sx|xxS~+ || 2A1b Sx|~x
Sievers Scansion: HC3 / xx | x / | ~ x || N/A / x | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AvNa || NtA

hs: w, law: f, aa: D, da: D
The belly is wondrous below, amazingly fair,
Phoen 308. scir ond scyne || is se scyld ufan sċīr and sċīene. || Is sċield ufan
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 2C2b xxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AcA || Na

hs: sc, ia: sc, aa: D, da: D
bright and beautiful; the crest above
Phoen 309. frætwum gefeged || ofer ðæs fugles bæc frætwum ġe·fēġed || ofer þæs fuĝoles bæc.
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 3B1c xxxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: Nts || NgN

hs: f, law: b, ia: f, aa: D, da: D
is skillfully put together over the bird’s back.
Phoen 310. sindon ða scancan || scyllum biweaxen Sindon þā sċancan || sċiellum be·weaxen,
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: VN || Nts

hs: sc, law: b, ia: sc, aa: 2
The thighs and pale feet
Phoen 311. fealwe fotas || se fugel is on hiwe fealwe fōtas. || fuĝol is on hīewe
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 1A1b x~+|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 x ~+ xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || NvP

hs: f, ia: f, aa: D, da: D
are covered in scales. The bird is peerless
Phoen 312. æghwæs ænlic || onlicost pean ǣġhwæs ǣnliċ, || anlicost pāwan,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 3 E1 Sxx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || N/A / \ x | /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NgA || ANt

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
in colour, most like a peacock,
Phoen 313. wynnum geweaxen || ðæs gewritu secgað wynnum ġe·weaxen, || þæs ġe·writu seċġaþ.
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: Nts || NV

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
delightfully grown, that writings describe.
Phoen 314. nis he hinderweard || ne hygegælsa Nis hinderweard, || ne hyġe-ġǣlsa,
Bliss Scansion: d1b xxSxx || d2a x~+sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || 0 x ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Ssx

Syntax: iA || AC

hs: h, aa: D
He is not slothful nor light-minded,
Phoen 315. swar ne swongor || swa sume fuglas swǣr ne swangor, || swā sume fuĝolas,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 2C1a x~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 x ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AcA || AN

hs: s, ac: sw, aca: sw, law: f, aa: D, da: D
heavy or sluggish like some birds,
Phoen 316. ða ðe late ðurh lyft || lacað fiðrum þā þe late þurh lyft || lācaþ fiðerum,
Bliss Scansion: 2B1b xx~+|xS || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx ~+ | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aP || VN

hs: l, law: f, lab: l, aa: D, da: D
that flap lazily through the air,
Phoen 317. ac he is snel ond swift || ond swiðe leoht ac is snell and swift || and swīðe lēoht,
Bliss Scansion: 2B1c xxx$|xS || 3B1a xSx|S
Sievers Scansion: B1 xxx / | x / || 0 x / | x /
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: AcA || aA

hs: s, ac: sw, lab: l, aa: D, da: D
but he is quick and swift and very light,
Phoen 318. wlitig ond wynsum || wuldre gemearcad wlitiġ and wynsum, || wuldre ġe·mearcod.
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a ~+|xSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ x | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AcA || Nts

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
beautiful and fair, wonderfully marked;
Phoen 319. ece is se æðeling || se ðe him ðæt ead gefeð Ēċe is æðeling || þe him þæt ēad ġe·fēþ.
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sx|xx~+x || 2C2a xxxxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | ~+ x || 0 xxxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AvN || NV

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
that prince is eternal who grants him that bounty.
Phoen 320. ðonne he gewiteð || wongas secan þonne ġe·wīteþ || wangas sēċan,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: iV || NI

hs: w, aa: 2
When he sets out seek the plains,
Phoen 321. his ealdne eard || of ðisse eðeltyrf his ealdne eard, || of þisse ēðel-turf.
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|S || d5c xxxSxs
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: AN || NC

hs: V, lab: V, aa: D, da: D
his old home away from this ancestral turf,
Phoen 322. swa se fugel fleogeð || folcum oðeaweð Swā fuĝol flēoġeþ, || folcum oþ·īeweþ
Bliss Scansion: 2C1b xx~+|Sx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C2 xx ~+ | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NV || NV

hs: f, lab: V, aa: D, da: D
as the bird flies, reveals himself to nations,
Phoen 323. mongum monna || geond middangeard maniĝum manna || ġond middan-ġeard,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || N/A xSxs
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 x / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NNg || NC

hs: m, aa: D, da: D
to many men throughout the world,
Phoen 324. ðonne somniað || suðan ond norðan þonne samniaþ% || sūðan and norðan,
Bliss Scansion: d1b xxSxx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sxx || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 60, verso, Manuscript line: 6, Change by: editor. Reading emended: somniað Original reading: somnað

Syntax: aV || aca

hs: s, aa: 2
then they gather from south and north,
Phoen 325. eastan ond westan || eoredciestum ēastan% and westan, || ēorod-cystum,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 60, verso, Manuscript line: 6, Change by: scribe. Reading maintained: eastan Original reading: eastan

Syntax: aca || NC

hs: V, aa: 1, bcp: 2A1
from east and west, in droves;
Phoen 326. farað feorran ond nean || folca ðryðum faraþ feorran and nēan || folca þrȳðum
Bliss Scansion: N/A ~+|Sxxs || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D4 ~+ | / xx \ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Sxxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aca || NgN

hs: f, aa: 1, da: D
from far and near in throngs of people,
Phoen 327. ðær hi sceawiað || scyppendes giefe ðǣr hīe sċēawiaþ% || sċieppendes ġiefe
Bliss Scansion: d1b xxSxx || 30 Sxx|~+
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A / \ x | ~+
Russom Scansion: x/Sxx || Ssx/S

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 60, verso, Manuscript line: 8, Change by: scribe. Reading maintained: sceawiaþ Original reading: sceawiaþ Translitteratio: n/þ

Syntax: iV || NgN

hs: sc, lab: sc, aa: 2
where they gaze upon the Creator’s gifts,
Phoen 328. fægre on ðam fugle || swa him æt fruman sette fæġere on þām fuĝole, || swā him æt fruman sette
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sx|xxSx || d2c xxx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | / x || 0 xxx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AP || PV

hs: f, las: s, lab: s, aa: D, da: D
fair on that bird, just as at the beginning
Phoen 329. sigora soðcyning || sellicran gecynd siĝora sōþ-cyning || seldlicran ġe·cynd,
Bliss Scansion: 1D*3 ~+x|S~x || 3E*1 Sxx|xS
Sievers Scansion: D*2 ~+ x | / ~ x || N/A / \ xx | /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || Ssx/S

Syntax: NgN || AN

hs: s, las: s, law: c, xa: sscsc, aa: D, da: D
the true king of victories established for him
Phoen 330. frætwe fægerran || ofer fugla cyn frætwe fæġerran% || ofer fuĝla cynn.
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|~+x || 3B1b xxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: D*4 / x | ~+ x \ || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Sxs

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 60, verso, Manuscript line: 10, Change by: editor. Reading emended: fægerran Original reading: fægran

Syntax: NA || NgN

hs: f, law: c, aa: D, da: D
a more marvelous nature,
Phoen 331. ðonne wundriað || weras ofer eorðan Þonne wundriaþ || weras ofer eorðan
Bliss Scansion: d1b xxSxx || 1A1b ~+|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A ~+ xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sxx || Sxx/Sx

Syntax: aV || NP

hs: w, ca: w, aa: 2
fairer adornments beyond bird-kind.
Phoen 332. wlite ond wæstma || ond gewritum cyðað wlite and wæstma || and ġe·writum% cȳðaþ,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a ~+|xSx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ x | / x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Error or emendation on B line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 60, verso, Manuscript line: 11, Change by: editor. Reading emended: gewritum Original reading: gewritu

Syntax: NcN || NV

hs: w, ca: w, aa: D, da: D
Then men over the earth marvel at his beauty and attainments,
Phoen 333. mundum mearciað || on marmstane mundum mearciaþ || on marm-stāne%
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sxx || d2a xSsx
Sievers Scansion: D*2 / x | / ~ x || 0 x / | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sxx || x/Ssx

Error or emendation on B line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 60, verso, Manuscript line: 12, Change by: scribe. Reading maintained: marmstane Original reading: mẹarm stane

Syntax: NV || NC

hs: m, aa: D, da: D
and their writings reveal it and carve it with hands in marble,
Phoen 334. hwonne se dæg ond seo tid || dryhtum geeawe hwonne dæġ and sēo tīd || dryhtum ġe·īewe
Bliss Scansion: 2B2c xxx$|xxS || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B2 xxx / | xx / || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NcN || NV

hs: d, aa: 1, da: D
when the day and the hour reveal to the troops
Phoen 335. frætwe flyhthwates || ðonne fugla cynn frætwe flyht-hwates. || þonne fuĝla cynn
Bliss Scansion: 1D*3 Sx|S~x || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: D*2 / x | / ~ x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || xx/Sxs

Syntax: NAg || NgN

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
the adornments of the one swift in flight. Then the species of birds
Phoen 336. on healfa gehwone || heapum ðringað on healfa ġe·hwone% || hēapum þringaþ,
Bliss Scansion: 3B*1a xSx|x~+ || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B2 x / | xx ~+ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 60, verso, Manuscript line: 14, Change by: editor. Reading emended: gehwone Original reading: gehwore Translitteratio: n/r

Syntax: NgN || NV

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
throng in flocks on either side,
Phoen 337. sigað sidwegum || songe lofiað sīĝaþ sīd-weĝum, || sange lofiaþ,
Bliss Scansion: 1D*3 Sx|S~x || 2A1a Sx|~+x
Sievers Scansion: D*2 / x | / ~ x || N/A / x | ~+ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || NV

hs: s, aa: 1, da: D
press in from distant places, praise in song,
Phoen 338. mærað modigne || meaglum reordum mǣraþ mōdiġne || mēaglum reordum,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sxx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D*1 / x | / \ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: VA || AN

hs: m, aa: D, da: D
celebrate the bold one with powerful voices,
Phoen 339. ond swa ðone halgan || hringe beteldað and swā þone hālĝan || hringe be·teldaþ
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aA || NV

hs: h, aa: 2
and so surround the holy creature in a ring
Phoen 340. flyhte on lyfte || fenix bið on middum flyhte on lyfte; || fenix biþ on middum,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 1A1b ~+|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || N/A / xxx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || p

Syntax: NP || AvP

hs: f, aa: 1
in flight in the air; the phoenix is in the midst,
Phoen 341. ðreatum biðrungen || ðeoda wlitað þrēatum be·þrungen. || Þēoda wlītaþ,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Nts || NV

hs: þ, ac: þr, aca: þr, las: w, aa: D, da: D
hemmed in by crowds. The nations look on,
Phoen 342. wundrum wafiað || hu seo wilgedryht wundrum wāfiaþ%, || sēo will-ġe·dryht
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|~+x || d5b xxSxs
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | ~+ x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sxx || x/Sxs

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 60, verso, Manuscript line: 17, Change by: editor. Reading emended: wafiað Original reading: wefiað Translitteratio: a/e

Syntax: NV || NC

hs: w, ca: w, las: w, aa: D, da: D
gaze in amazement at how that happy band
Phoen 343. wildne weorðiað || worn æfter oðrum wildne weorðiaþ, || worn aefter ōðrum,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sxx || 1A1b S|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: D*2 / x | / ~ x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sxx || Sxx/Sx

Syntax: AV || NP

hs: w, ca: w, aa: D, da: D
pay homage to the wild one, one group after another,
Phoen 344. cræftum cyðað || ond for cyning mærað cræftum cȳðaþ || and for cyning mǣraþ
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NV || PV

hs: c, aa: D, da: D
proclaim with skill and announce as their king their beloved leader,
Phoen 345. leofne leodfruman || lædað mid wynnum lēofne lēod-fruman, || lǣdaþ mid wynnum
Bliss Scansion: 1D*3 Sx|S~x || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: D*2 / x | / ~ x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || VP

hs: l, aa: D, da: D
escort joyfully the noble one to his home,
Phoen 346. æðelne to earde || oððæt se anhoga æðelne earde, || oþ·þæt ān-hoĝa
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a ~+x|xSx || d3c xxxS~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ xx | / x || 0 xxx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AP || NC

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
until the peerless on flies off swift in wings,
Phoen 347. oðfleogeð feðrum snel || ðæt him gefylgan ne mæg oþ·flēoġeþ, feðerum snell, || þæt him ġe·fylĝan ne mæġ
Bliss Scansion: N/A xSx|Sxs || 3B*1c xxxSx|x$
Sievers Scansion: D*4 x / x | / x \ || 0 xxx / | xx /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sxs || x/Sxxs

Syntax: NtA || IV

hs: f, aa: 1, da: D
so that the band of rejoicing ones cannot follow him,
Phoen 348. drymendra gedryht || ðonne duguða wyn drȳmendra ġe·dryht, || þonne duĝuþa wynn
Bliss Scansion: 3E*1 Sxx|xS || 3B1b xx~+x|$
Sievers Scansion: E / \ xx | / || 0 xx ~+ | x /
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || xx/Sxs

Syntax: AgN || NgN

hs: d, ac: dr, aca: dr, aa: D, da: D
when the delight of hosts seeks his homeland
Phoen 349. of ðisse eorðan tyrf || eðel seceð of þisse eorðan turf || ēðel sēċeþ.
Bliss Scansion: 3B1c xxxSx|S || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xxx / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || NV

hs: V, las: s, aa: 1
away from the turf of this earth.
Phoen 350. swa se gesæliga || æfter swylthwile Swā ġe·sǣlĝa || aefter swylt-hwīle
Bliss Scansion: d1c xxxSxx || d2b xxSsx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xxx / | ~ x || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: aA || NC

hs: s, las: s, aa: D
So, after the time of death, the blessed one
Phoen 351. his ealdcyððe || eft geneosað his eald-cȳþþe || eft ġe·nēosaþ,
Bliss Scansion: d2a xSsx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C1 x / | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || aV

hs: V, aa: 1
again visits his ancestral home,
Phoen 352. fægre foldan || fugelas cyrrað fæġere foldan. || Fuĝolas ċierraþ
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 2A1a ~+x|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || N/A ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || NV

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
his fair land. Birds, sad at heart,
Phoen 353. from ðam guðfrecan || geomormode fram þām gūþ-frecan || ġōmor-mōde
Bliss Scansion: d3b xxS~x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || NC

hs: g, aa: 1, bcp: 2A1
turn from that warlike creature
Phoen 354. eft to earde || ðonne se æðeling bið eft earde. || Þonne æðeling biþ
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 3B1c xxx~+x|$
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xxx ~+ | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: aP || NV

hs: V, lab: V, aa: D, da: D
back to their homes. Then the prince
Phoen 355. giong in geardum || god ana wat ġung on ġeardum. || God ana wāt,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 1D4 $|Sxs
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || N/A / \ x | /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Ssx/S

Syntax: AP || NAV

hs: g, lab: V, aa: D, da: D
is young in his court. God alone,
Phoen 356. cyning ælmihtig || hu his gecynde bið cyning æl-mehtiġ, || his ġe·cynde biþ,
Bliss Scansion: 1D2 ~+|Ssx || 3B1c xxxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: D1 ~+ | / \ x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: S/Ssx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NA || NV

hs: c, aa: 1
the almighty king, knows what its gender is,
Phoen 357. wifhades ðe weres || ðæt ne wat ænig wīfhādes þe weres; || þæt ne wāt ǣniġ
Bliss Scansion: N/A Sxx|x~+ || 2C1b xxS|Sx
Sievers Scansion: E / \ xx | ~+ || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || x/Ssx

Syntax: NcN || VA

hs: w, law: V, aa: D, da: D
male or female; none of mankind
Phoen 358. monna cynnes || butan meotod ana manna cynnes, || būtan metod ana,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: NgN || NA

hs: m, law: V, aa: 1
knows, except the lord alone,
Phoen 359. hu ða wisan sind || wundorlice þā wīsan sind || wundorlīċe,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NV || aU

hs: w, aa: 1, bcp: 2A1
how wondrous are the circumstances,
Phoen 360. fæger fyrngesceap || ymb ðæs fugles gebyrd fǣġer fyrn-ġe·sċēap, || ymb þæs fuĝoles ġe·byrd.
Bliss Scansion: 1D5 ~+|Sxs || 3B*1c xxSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: D4 ~+ | / x \ || 0 xx / | xx /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sxs || x/Sxxs

Syntax: AN || NgN

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
the fair ancient decree, surrounding the bird’s birth.
Phoen 361. ðær se eadga mot || eardes neotan Þǣr ēadĝa mōt || eardes nēotan,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AV || NI

hs: V, aa: 1
Then the blessed creature is allowed to enjoy his home,
Phoen 362. wyllestreama || wuduholtum in wielle-strēama || wudu-holtum inn,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 300 ~+sx|$
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || N/A ~+ \ x | /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Ssx/S

Syntax: NC || Np

hs: w, ca: w, aa: 1, acp: 2A1
the welling streams in the woodlands,
Phoen 363. wunian in wonge || oððæt wintra bið wunian on wange, || oþ·þæt wintra biþ
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a ~+x|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ xx | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Sxs

Syntax: IP || NV

hs: w, ca: w, lab: w, aa: D, da: D
to dwell on the plain until a thousand years
Phoen 364. ðusend urnen || ðonne him weorðeð þūsend urnen. || Þonne him weorðeþ
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Ns || aV

hs: þ, lab: wþ, aa: 1
have passed. Then there comes
Phoen 365. ende lifes || hine ad ðeceð ende līfes; || hine ād þeċeþ
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 2C2b xxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: NNg || NV

hs: V, ca: V, lab: þ, aa: 1
the end of his life; the pyre covers him
Phoen 366. ðurh æledfyr || hwæðre eft cymeð þurh ǣled-fȳr. || Hwæðere eft cymeþ
Bliss Scansion: N/A xSxs || 2C2b xxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || xx/Ssx

Syntax: NC || aV

hs: V, ca: V, aa: 1
with its burning flame. Yet, wondrously awoken,
Phoen 367. aweaht wrætlice || wundrum to life ā·weaht wrætlīċe || wundrum līfe.
Bliss Scansion: 1D1 xS|Sxx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: D1 x / | / \ x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: sa || NP

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
he comes back amazingly to life.
Phoen 368. forðon he drusende || deað ne bisorgað For·þon drūsende || dēaþ ne be·sorĝaþ,
Bliss Scansion: d1c xxxSxx || 1A1b S|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xxx / | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: iA || NV

hs: d, las: s, aa: 2
Therefore he does not mope and grieve for death,
Phoen 369. sare swyltcwale || ðe him symle wat sāre swylt-cwale, || þe him simle wāt
Bliss Scansion: 1D*3 Sx|S~x || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: D*2 / x | / ~ x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || x/Sxs

Syntax: AN || aV

hs: s, las: s, aa: D, da: D
the sorrowful agony of demise,
Phoen 370. æfter ligðræce || lif edniwe aefter līeġ-þræce || līf ed-nīewe,
Bliss Scansion: d3b xxS~x || 1D1 S|Sxx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || D1 / | / \ x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ssx || S/Ssx

Syntax: NC || NA

hs: l, lab: l, aa: 1
since he always knows that life will be renewed
Phoen 371. feorh æfter fylle || ðonne fromlice feorh aefter fylle%, || þonne framlīċe
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b S|xxSx || d1b xxSxx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: Sxx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 61, recto, Manuscript line: 13, Change by: scribe, editor. Reading emended: fylle Original reading: f^y^ille

Syntax: NP || aa

hs: f, lab: l, aa: Q, da: D
after the plundering flame, life after death,
Phoen 372. ðurh briddes had || gebreadad weorðeð þurh briddes hād || ġe·bredod weorðeþ
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|S || a1a(2A1a) xSx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || 0 x / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Ssx

Syntax: NgN || sV

hs: b, ac: br, law: w, aa: 1
when he is restored in bird-form again from the ashes,
Phoen 373. eft of ascan || edgeong weseð eft of ascan, || ed-ġung weseþ
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 2A1 Ss|~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || A2a / \ | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Ss/Sx

Syntax: aP || AV

hs: V, law: w, aa: D, da: D
becomes rejuvenated under the protection
Phoen 374. under swegles hleo || bið him self gehwæðer under sweġles hleo. || Biþ him self ġe·hwæðer
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 2B1b xxS|x~+
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || 0 xx / | x ~+
Russom Scansion: xx/Sxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: NgN || AA

hs: s, ca: s, law: hw, xa: shsh, aa: Q
of the sky. Yet he is himself
Phoen 375. sunu ond swæs fæder || ond symle eac sunu and swǣs fæder || and simle ēac
Bliss Scansion: N/A ~+|xS~x || 3B1a xSx|S
Sievers Scansion: D*2 ~+ x | / ~ x || 0 x / | x /
Russom Scansion: S/Ssx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NcN || aa

hs: s, ca: s, las: V, aa: D, da: D
both son and loving father, and likewise also
Phoen 376. eft yrfeweard || ealdre lafe eft ierfe-weard || ealdre lāfe.
Bliss Scansion: 1D4 S|Sxs || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D4 / | / x \ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aN || AN

hs: V, las: V, aa: D, da: D
the heir again of the ancient inheritance.
Phoen 377. forgeaf him se meahta || moncynnes fruma For·ġeaf him meahta || mann-cynnes fruma
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 300 Ssx|~+
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / \ x | ~+
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Ssx/S

Syntax: iA || NgN

hs: m, aa: 2
The mighty lord of mankind granted him
Phoen 378. ðæt he swa wrætlice || weorðan sceolde þæt swā wrætlīċe || weorðan sċolde
Bliss Scansion: d1c xxxSxx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xxx / | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aa || IV

hs: w, aa: 2
that he should become so wondrously again
Phoen 379. eft ðæt ilce || ðæt he ær ðon wæs eft þæt īlce || þæt ǣr þon wæs,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 2B1b xxS|x$
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: aA || aV

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
the same creature that he was before,
Phoen 380. feðrum bifongen || ðeah hine fyr nime feðerum be·fangen, || þēah hine fȳr nime.
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2C2c xxxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xxx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: Nts || NV

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
wrapped in feathers, though flame should take him.
Phoen 381. swa ðæt ece lif || eadigra gehwylc Swā þæt ēċe līf || ēadiġra ġe·hwelċ
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 3E*1 Sxx|xS
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / \ xx | /
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Ssx/S

Syntax: AN || AgA

hs: V, aa: 1
So each of the blessed chooses for himself
Phoen 382. æfter sarwræce || sylf geceoseð aefter sār-wræce || self ġe·ċēoseþ
Bliss Scansion: d3b xxS~x || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || AV

hs: s, aa: 1
that eternal life after sorrowful exile,
Phoen 383. ðurh deorcne deað || ðæt he dryhtnes mot þurh deorcne dēaþ, || þæt dryhtnes mōt
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|S || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: AN || NV

hs: d, aa: D, da: D
through dark death, so that he afterwards
Phoen 384. æfter geardagum || geofona neotan aefter ġār-daĝum || ġeofona nēotan
Bliss Scansion: d3b xxS~x || 2A1a ~+x|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || NI

hs: g, aa: 1
may be permitted in later days to enjoy
Phoen 385. on sindreamum || ond siððan a on sīn-drēamum || and siþþan ā
Bliss Scansion: d2a xSsx || 3B1a xSx|S
Sievers Scansion: C1 x / | / x || 0 x / | x /
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NC || aa

hs: s, aa: 1
the gifts of the lord in perpetual bliss,
Phoen 386. wunian in wuldre || weorca to leane wunian on wuldre% || weorca lēane.
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a ~+x|xSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ xx | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 61, verso, Manuscript line: 1, Change by: editor. Reading emended: wuldre Original reading: worulde

Syntax: IP || NP

hs: w, law: l, aa: D, da: D
and ever afterwards dwell in the world [or ‘glory’?]
Phoen 387. ðisses fugles gecynd || fela gelices Þisses fuĝoles ġe·cynd || fela ġe·līċes
Bliss Scansion: 3B*1c xxSx|xS || 1A1a ~+|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx / | xx / || N/A ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sxxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || fNg

hs: f, law: l, aa: 1
as a reward for their deeds.
Phoen 388. bi ðam gecornum || cristes ðegnum be þām ġe·cornum || Crīstes þeġnum
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || p

Syntax: ds || NgN

hs: c, aa: Q
The nature of this bird points to a great similarity
Phoen 389. beacnað in burgum || hu hi beorhtne gefean bēacnaþ on burgum, || hīe beorhtne ġe·fēan
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 3B*1c xxSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | xx /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxxs

Syntax: VP || AN

hs: b, las: f, aa: D, da: D
with those elect thegns of Christ in the dwelling-places,
Phoen 390. ðurh fæder fultum || on ðas frecnan tid þurh fæder fultum || on þās frēcnan tīd
Bliss Scansion: 2C1a x~+|Sx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: C2 x ~+ | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NgN || AN

hs: f, las: f, aa: D, da: D
how they maintain under the heavens a shining joy
Phoen 391. healdað under heofonum || ond him heanne blæd healdaþ under heofonum || and him hēanne blǣd
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sx|xx~+x || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | ~+ x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: VP || AN

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
with the support of the father in these dangerous times
Phoen 392. in ðam uplican || eðle gestrynað on þām upplican || ēðle ġe·strīenaþ.
Bliss Scansion: d1b xxSxx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: dA || NV

hs: V, ca: V, lab: V, aa: 2
lay up for themselves a lofty prosperity in the homeland above.
Phoen 393. habbað we geascad || ðæt se ælmihtiga Habbaþ we ġe·ascod% || þæt æl-mihtĝa
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || d2b xxSsx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || x/Ssx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 61, verso, Manuscript line: 5, Change by: scribe. Reading maintained: geascad Original reading: geascad Translitteratio: d/ð

Syntax: Vs || AC

hs: V, ca: V, lab: V, aa: 2
We have learned that the almighty
Phoen 394. worhte wer ond wif || ðurh his wundra sped worhte wer and wīf || þurh his wundra spēd,
Bliss Scansion: 2B1b xx$|xS || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: xx/Sxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: NcN || NgN

hs: w, law: sp, aa: D, da: D
created man and woman through the abundance of his miracles,
Phoen 395. ond hi ða gesette || on ðone selestan and hīe þā ġe·sette || on þone sēlostan
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || d1c xxxSxx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 xxx / | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: dV || dA

hs: s, law: s, aa: Q
and then set them up in the best region of the earth,
Phoen 396. foldan sceata || ðone fira bearn foldan sċēata%, || þone fīra bearn
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Sxs

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 61, verso, Manuscript line: 7, Change by: editor. Reading emended: sceata Original reading: sceates Translitteratio: a/es

Syntax: NgN || NgN

hs: f, aa: 1
which the children of men call paradise,
Phoen 397. nemnað neorxnawong || ðær him nænges wæs nemnaþ neorxna-wang, || ðǣr him nǣnġes wæs
Bliss Scansion: 1D*5 Sx|Sxs || 3B1b xxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: D*4 / x | / x \ || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: NC || AV

hs: n, law: w, xa: nnwnw, aa: Q, da: D
where there was no lack of bounty,
Phoen 398. eades onsyn || ðenden eces word ēades ansīen, || þenden ēċes word,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || xx/Sxs

Syntax: NgN || AgN

hs: V, law: w, aa: D, da: D
for as long as they were willing to keep the word of the eternal one,
Phoen 399. halges hleoðorcwide || healdan woldan hālġes hlēoðor-cwide, || healdan woldon
Bliss Scansion: 1D*3 Sx|S~x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D*2 / x | / ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AgN || IV

hs: h, law: w, aa: D, da: D
the command of the holy one in that fresh joy.
Phoen 400. on ðam niwan gefean || ðær him nið gescod on þām nīewan ġe·fēan. || Þǣr him nīþ ġe·sċōd,
Bliss Scansion: 3B*1c xxSx|xS || 2B1b xxS|xS
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx / | xx / || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: AN || NV

hs: n, aa: 1
There malice afflicted them, the spite of the ancient enemy,
Phoen 401. ealdfeondes æfest || se him æt gebead eald-fēondes æfst, || him ǣt ġe·bēad,
Bliss Scansion: 300 Ssx|~+ || 2B1b xxS|xS
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | ~+ || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || x/Sxs

Syntax: NgN || NV

hs: V, las: b, ia: V, aa: D, da: D
who offered them food, the fruit of the tree,
Phoen 402. beames blede || ðæt hi bu ðegun bēames blǣde, || þæt hīe þǣĝon
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 2C1b xxS|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NgN || AV

hs: b, las: b, ia: b, aa: D, da: D
so that through evil counsel they both tasted the apple,
Phoen 403. æppel unrædum || ofer est godes æppel unrǣdum || ofer ēst godes,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sxx || 2C2b xxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: D*1 / x | / \ x || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: NNt || NNg

hs: V, ia: V, aa: D, da: D
savoured the forbidden thing against God’s behest;
Phoen 404. byrgdon forbodene || ðær him bitter wearð bierġdon for·bodene. || Þǣr him bitter wearþ
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|x~+x || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | ~+ x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: Vs || AV

hs: b, ia: b, aa: D, da: D
there was for them bitter sorrow after that eating,
Phoen 405. yrmðu æfter æte || ond hyra eaferum swa iermþu aefter ǣte || and hira eaforum swā,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sx|xxSx || 3B1c xxx~+x|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | / x || 0 xxx ~+ | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NP || Na

hs: V, las: s, ia: V, aa: D, da: D
and likewise for their offspring,
Phoen 406. sarlic symbel || sunum ond dohtrum sārliċ simble || sunum and dohtrum.
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 1A1a ~+|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || N/A ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: Ss/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || NcN

hs: s, las: s, aa: D, da: D
a painful feast for their suns and daughters.
Phoen 407. wurdon teonlice || toðas idge Wurdon% tēonlīċe || tōðas īdġe
Bliss Scansion: d1b xxSxx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 61, verso, Manuscript line: 14, Change by: scribe, editor. Reading emended: Wurdon Original reading: w^v^ordon

Syntax: Va || NA

hs: t, law: V, aa: 2
Their busy teeth were grievously repaid for their sin;
Phoen 408. ageald æfter gylte || hæfdon godes yrre ā·ġeald aefter ġylte. || Hæfdon godes ierre,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b xS|xxSx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 x / xx | / x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sxx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: VP || NgA

hs: g, law: V, aa: D, da: D
they had God’s wrath, a bitter painful sorrow,
Phoen 409. bittre bealosorge || ðæs ða byre siððan bitere bealu-sorĝe. || Þæs þā byre siþþan
Bliss Scansion: 1D*2 Sx|~+sx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D*1 / x | ~+ \ x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AN || Na

hs: b, xa: bbsbs, aa: D, da: D
and ever since their children have paid for it with pain,
Phoen 410. gyrne onguldon || ðe hi ðæt gyfl ðegun gryne on·guldon, || þe hīe þæt ġiefl þǣĝon
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2C1c xxxS|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xxx / | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NV || NV

hs: g, aa: D, da: D
because the consumed that food
Phoen 411. ofer eces word || forðon hy eðles wyn ofer ēċes word. || For·þon hīe ēðles wynn
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 3B1c xxxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: xx/Sxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: AgN || NgN

hs: V, xa: VwVw, aa: Q
against the word of the Eternal one. Because of that,
Phoen 412. geomormode || ofgiefan sceoldon ġōmor-mōde || of·ġiefan sċoldon
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 2C1a x~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 x ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AC || IV

hs: g, law: sc, aa: 1, acp: 2A1
sad at heart, they have had to give up
Phoen 413. ðurh nædran nið || ða heo nearwe biswac þurh nǣdran nīþ, || þā hēo nearwe be·swāc
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|S || 3B*1c xxSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || 0 xx / | xx /
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Sxxs

Syntax: NgN || aV

hs: n, law: s, aa: D, da: D
the joy of their homeland, because of the snake’s malice,
Phoen 414. yldran usse || in ærdagum ieldran ūsse || on ǣr-daĝum
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || d3a xS~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 x / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AA || NC

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
when it closely deceived our ancestors in ancient days
Phoen 415. ðurh fæcne ferð || ðæt hi feor ðonan þurh fǣcne ferhþ, || þæt hīe feorr þonan
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|S || 2C2b xx$|~x
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Ssx

Syntax: AN || aa

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
through a wicked heart, so that they far from there
Phoen 416. in ðas deaðdene || drohtað sohton on þās dēað-dene || drohtaþ sōhton,
Bliss Scansion: d3b xxS~x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || NV

hs: d, las: s, aa: D, da: D
sought an abode, a more sorrowful dwelling-place
Phoen 417. sorgfulran gesetu || him wearð selle lif sorhfulran ġe·setu. || Him wearþ selle līf
Bliss Scansion: N/A Sxx|x~+ || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: E / \ xx | ~+ || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || x/Sxs

Syntax: AN || AN

hs: s, las: s, aa: D, da: D
in this valley of death. A better life
Phoen 418. heolstre bihyded || ond se halga wong heolstre be·hȳded || and hālĝa wang
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: Nts || AN

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
was hidden in darkness, and the holy plain
Phoen 419. ðurh feondes searo || fæste bityned þurh fēondes searu || fæste be·tȳned
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|~+ || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x ~+ || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || as

hs: f, aa: 1
was securely closed through the plots
Phoen 420. wintra mengu || oððæt wuldorcyning wintra meniġu, || oþ·þæt wuldor-cyning
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || d3b xxS~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: NgN || NC

hs: w, aa: 1
of the fiend for many years,
Phoen 421. ðurh his hidercyme || halgum togeanes þurh his hider-cyme || hālĝum tō·ġēanes%,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xx~+~x || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C2 xx ~+ | ~ x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on B line:
Manuscript shelfmark: Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, Folio: 62, recto, Manuscript line: 1, Change by: editor. Reading emended: togeanes Original reading: to heanes Translitteratio: g/h

Syntax: NC || Aa

hs: h, aa: 1
until the king of glory, through his advent,
Phoen 422. moncynnes gefea || meðra frefrend mann-cynnes ġe·fēa, || mēðra frēfrend,
Bliss Scansion: 3E*1 Ssx|xS || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: E / \ xx | / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || AgN

hs: m, xa: mfmf, aa: Q
mankind’s joy, the comforter of the weary,
Phoen 423. ond se anga hyht || eft ontynde and ānga