Number of occurrences in corpus: 65
Genesis A 174a | rea ælmihtig || fultum tiode / | wif | aweahte || and þa wraþe sea |
Genesis A 195a | orman twa || fæder and moder / | wif | and wæpned || he þa worde c |
Genesis B 456b | de / wislice geworht || and his | wif | somed / freo fægroste || swa h |
Genesis B 527a | þas bryd forgeaf / wlitesciene | wif | || and me warnian het / þæt i |
Genesis B 547b | ne wraþmod || þær he þæt | wif | geseah / on eorþrice || euan s |
Genesis B 560a | e || gif þu þeah minum wilt / | wif | willende || wordum hyran / þu |
Genesis B 707a | ehate getruwode / þe him þæt | wif | || wordum sægde / heo dyde hit |
Genesis B 770b | on / his word onwended || þæt | wif | gnornode / hof hreowigmod || h |
Genesis A 911b | ohte onstealdest || þe þæt | wif | feoþ / hataþ under heofnum || |
Genesis A 1130a | yldrum || eþelstol heold / and | wif | begeat || wintra hæfde / fif a |
Genesis A 1187a | a seo sæl gewearþ / þæt his | wif | sunu || on woruld brohte / se e |
Genesis A 1250b | wergum folce || and him þær | wif | curon / ofer metodes est || mon |
Genesis A 1334b | aran þry || and eower feower | wif | / ond þu seofone genim || on |
Genesis A 1358b | ras on wægþæl || and heora | wif | somed / and eall þæt to fæsl |
Genesis A 1432b | angode / wægliþende || swilce | wif | heora / hwonne hie of nearwe || |
Genesis A 1546a | yrfes hyrde / and heora feower | wif | # || / nemde wæron || percoba |
Genesis A 1721a | t him abraham || idese brohte / | wif | to hame || þær he wic ahte / |
Genesis A 1776a | gebeddan || and his suhtrian / | wif | on willan || wintra hæfde / fi |
Genesis A 1856b | æt he lædan heht || leoflic | wif | to / his selfes sele || sinces |
Genesis A 1867a | egipto || and his bryd ageaf / | wif | to gewealde || heht him wine |
Genesis A 1879a | dge eorþwelan || oþre siþe / | wif | on willan || and heora woruld |
Genesis A 2087a | l mid æhtum || idesa hwurfon / | wif | on willan || wide gesawon / fre |
Genesis A 2132b | elinga bearn / on weste wic || | wif | and cnihtas / earme wydewan || |
Genesis A 2233b | woruld lætan || þurh þæt | wif | cuman / þa se eadega wer || id |
Genesis A 2244a | || swiþe winnan / þa ic þæt | wif | gefrægn || wordum cyþan / hir |
Genesis A 2345a | u || wiste gearwe / þæt þæt | wif | huru || wintra hæfde / efne hu |
Genesis A 2382a | s || willan fremman / þa þæt | wif | ahloh || wereda drihtnes / nall |
Genesis A 2420b | an under weallum || and heora | wif | somed / duguþum wlance || drih |
Genesis A 2631a | æs ellþeodig || oþre siþe / | wif | abrahames || from were læded |
Genesis A 2649a | seceþ || me sægde ær / þæt | wif | hire || wordum selfa / unfricge |
Genesis A 2656a | / agif abrahame || idese sine / | wif | to gewealde || gif þu on wor |
Genesis A 2685a | woldest laþlice / þurh þæt | wif | on me || wrohte alecgean / orm |
Genesis A 2699b | hte / wina uncuþra || and þis | wif | mid me / freonda feasceaft || i |
Genesis A 2718b | ruldgestreonum || and him his | wif | ageaf / sealde him to bote || |
Genesis A 2746a | he gedælde || him deore twa / | wif | and wæpned || he þæs weorc |
Genesis A 2774b | wintra hundteontig || þa him | wif | sunu / on þanc gebær || he þ |
Genesis A 2778b | wyrd gewearþ || þæt þæt | wif | geseah / for abrahame || ismael |
Exodus 577b | heredon / weras wuldres sang || | wif | on oþrum / folcsweota mæst || |
Christ and Satan 471b | m ærest || and þæt æþele | wif | / þa hie begeton || on godes w |
Andreas 1666a | ende || geohþo mænaþ / weras | wif | samod || hira wop becom / murne |
Elene 223a | re suna || ac wæs sona gearu / | wif | on willsiþ || swa hire weoru |
Elene 286b | to lare || ongan þa leoflic | wif | / weras ebrea || wordum negan / i |
Elene 69a | o || syþþan æfre / þara þe | wif | oþþe wer || on woruld cenda |
The Fortunes of Men 2a | godes meahtum / ðætte wer ond | wif | || in woruld cennað / bearn mi |
Maxims I 24a | m || tu beoð gemæccan / sceal | wif | ond wer || in woruld cennan / b |
Maxims I 64a | yre bordan geriseð / widgongel | wif | word gespringeð || oft hy mo |
Maxims I 84b | in eorle / wig geweaxan || ond | wif | geðeon / leof mid hyre leodum |
Maxims I 100a | nde || ðæs his lufu bædeð / | wif | sceal wið wer wære gehealda |
Guthlac B 846a | ndes || willan læsten / ac his | wif | genom || wyrmes larum / blede f |
Riddles 25 11a | motes || seo ðe mec nearwað / | wif | wundenlocc || wæt bið ðæt |
Riddles 30a 6a | r hondum, / þæt mec weras ond | wif | || wlonce cyssað. / þonne ic |
Riddles 5 5a | his feonde || forstrangne oft / | wif | hine wrið || he him wel here |
Riddles 50 6a | feonde. || / Forstrangne oft / | wif | hine wrið; || he him wel her |
The Judgment Day I 60a | eð upheofon / ðonne weras ond | wif | || woruld alætað / eorðan yr |
The Descent into Hell 4a | ærne biðeaht / woldan werigu | wif | || wope bimænan / æðelinges |
Riddles 30b and 60 6a | er hondum / ðær mec weras ond | wif | || wlonce gecyssað / ðonne ic |
The Phoenix 394a | se ælmihtiga / worhte wer ond | wif | || ðurh his wundra sped / ond |
Juliana 549b | nig ne mette / in woruldrice || | wif | ðe gelic / ðristran geðohtes |
Beowulf 615a | man on healle / ond ða freolic | wif | || ful gesealde / ærest eastde |
Beowulf 1158a | a || hie on sælade / drihtlice | wif | || to denum feredon / læddon t |
Beowulf 2120b | deað fornam / wighete wedra || | wif | unhyre / hyre bearn gewræc || |
Judith 148a | ond ða lungre het / gleawhydig | wif | || gumena sumne / of ðære gin |
Judith 163a | engeates || folc onette / weras | wif | somod || wornum ond heapum / ð |
The Paris Psalter 108:9 2a | rn || ealle steopcild / and his | wif | wyrþe || wydewe hreowlic / / # |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 6a | tum scylde / ðær ða mihtigan | wif | || hyra mægen beræddon / and |