A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: wolcnum

Number of occurrences in corpus: 50

Genesis A 916a enden standeþ / weorold under wolcnum. || Nū þū wāst and canst, /
Genesis A 1058a tre timbran; / þæt wæs under wolcnum || weall-fæstenna / ǣrest eal
Genesis A 1231a maniġes brēac / wintra under wolcnum, || weorodes ealdor, / and% [V]
Genesis A 1392b lēac. / Siþþan wīde rād || wolcnum under / ofer holmes hrinġ || h
Genesis A 1438a flōd þā ġīet / wǣre under wolcnum. || Lēt þā ymb worn daĝa /
Genesis A 1538b er ofer wīd-land. || Ġē on wolcnum þæs / oft and% ġe·lōme ||
Genesis A 1702a ennar stōd. / Wēox þā under wolcnum || and wrīðode / mǣġ-burh S
Genesis A 1950a his lof seċġaþ / wīde under wolcnum || wera cnēo-risse, / fold-wan
Exodus 80a æġ-sċeades% hleo / wand ofer wolcnum; || hæfde wītiġ God / sunnan
Exodus 350b n forþ-weĝas || folc aefter wolcnum, / cynn aefter cynne. || Cūðe
Christ and Satan 607a hǣlend cymeþ, / wealdend mid wolcnum || in þās weorold færeþ. /
Andreas 93a ininges stefn / wrǣtliċ under wolcnum, || word-hlēoðres swēġ / mǣ
Andreas 837a ċeadu sweðrodon, / wann under wolcnum. || Þā cōm wederes blǣst, /
Andreas 1046b ēad. / Weorod on will-sīð || wolcnum be·þeahte, / þe læs him sċ
Dream of the Rood 53a estru hæfdon / be·wriġen mid wolcnum || wealdendes hrǣw, / sċīrne
Dream of the Rood 55a eadu forþ ēode, / wann under wolcnum. || wēop eall ġe·sċeaft, / c
Elene 833a es frætwe / ġe·wītaþ under wolcnum || winde ġe·līcost, / þonne
Elene 835a d ā·stīĝeþ, / wǣðeþ be wolcnum, || wēdende færeþ / and eft s
Christ A 226a uman ǣrest / ġe·worden under wolcnum, || þæt wītiġ god, / līfes
Christ B 527b / Þā wæs wuldres weard || wolcnum be·fangen%, / hēah-engla cyni
Christ B 588b d ġe·friðode || folc under wolcnum, / mǣre metodes sunu, || þæt
Guthlac B 1280a swearc norð-rodor / wann under wolcnum, || weorold miste ofer·teah, /
The Phoenix 27a æðela feld / wrīdaþ under wolcnum, || wynnum ġe·blōwen. / Is þ
The Phoenix 247a ġnes sċūr / ā·wierde under wolcnum; || ðǣr hīe wraðe mētaþ,
Juliana 283a e stefn on·cwæþ / wlitiġ of wolcnum, || word hleoðrode: / ‘For·f
Beowulf 8a rōfre ġe·bād, / wēox under wolcnum, || weorþ-myndum þāh, / oþ·
Beowulf 651a sċrīðan cōmon, / wann under wolcnum. || Weorod eall arās. / Ġegrē
Beowulf 714a n sele þǣm hēan / Wōd under wolcnum || tō þæs þe hē wīn-re
Beowulf 1119a ūð-rinc ā·stāh. / Wand tō wolcnum || wæl-fȳra mǣst, / hlynede
Beowulf 1374a || up ā·stīĝeþ / wann tō wolcnum, || þonne wind styreþ, / lāþ
Beowulf 1631a Laĝu drūsode, / wæter under wolcnum, || wæl-drēore fāh. / Fērdon
Beowulf 1770a || hund missera / wēold under wolcnum || and hīe wīġe be·lēac /
The Paris Psalter 146:8 1b e heofon þeċeþ || hādrum wolcnum / and reġn þonan || recene se
The Paris Psalter 147:5 2b ċe / swā þū wulle flīes || wolcnum bringe, / and þone% tō·weorp
The Paris Psalter 148:4 2b ā wæter swelċe || þe ofer wolcnum sint / on heofon-hāme, || her
The Paris Psalter 56:13 1b sōþfæstnes || swelċe wiþ wolcnum. / / # / A·hafen þū eart ofer h
The Paris Psalter 88:5 1a % ġe·nēahhe. / / # / Nis under wolcnum, || weoroda drihten, / ǣniġ an
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 76a rēac lange ǣr / wlenċa under wolcnum; || hē þȳ wiers meahte / þol
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 6b west, / hū wīd-ġiell sint || wolcnum ymb·ūtan / heofones hwealfe.
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 14b fruman ǣrest, || folc under wolcnum / efen-æðele ġe·sċōp ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 57a le tō·gædere / weorold under wolcnum. || Hwæt, þū, wuldres god, /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 123b æteres and eorðan || and on wolcnum ēac, / and efene swā same ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 13a Troia% ġe·winn / wearþ under wolcnum. || For wīġes heard / Crēca d
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 43a nne hē fǣringa / wierþ under wolcnum || wlites be·rēafod, / be·þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 55b e ne wundriaþ || hū hit on wolcnum oft / þearle þunraþ, || þr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 12a me flēoĝende / windaþ% under wolcnum. || Biþ þēah wuhta ġe·hwe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 9a sūðan and westan / wind under wolcnum. || Þonne weaxeþ hræðe / fel
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 26a e% strang dreċeþ / wind under wolcnum || weorold-earfoþa, / oþþe h
Solomon and Saturn 96a Wendeþ hē hine þonne under wolcnum, || wīġ-steall sēċeþ, / heo
The Battle of Finnsburh 8a neþ þēs mōna / waðol under wolcnum. || Nū ā·rīsaþ wēa-dǣda