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The Paris Psalter: Psalm 146
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The Paris Psalter: Psalm 146

PPs146:1 1. heriaþ drihten || he is heah and good Herġaþ drihten, || is hēah and gōd;
PPs146:1 2. singaþ him sealmas || swiþe geneahhe singaþ him sealmas || swīðe ġe·nēahhe
PPs146:1 3. and hine wlitegum || wordum herigeaþ and hine wlitiĝum || wordum herġaþ.
PPs146:2 1. eft hierusalem || georne drihten Eft Hierusālem || ġeorne drihten
PPs146:2 2. timbreþ tidum || and to somnaþ timbreþ tīdum || and samnaþ
PPs146:2 3. þa þe ut gewitan || of israhelum þā þe ūt ġe·witon || of Israhelum.
PPs146:3 1. se hæleþ eac || heortan geþræste hæleþ ēac || heortan ġe·þrǣste
PPs146:3 2. and heora unrotnesse || ealle gewriþeþ and hira unrotnesse || ealle ġe·wrīðeþ.
PPs146:4 1. he recene mæg || riman steorran recene mæġ || rīman steorran
PPs146:4 2. and þa neodlice || be naman sona and þā nīedlīċe || be naman sōna
PPs146:4 3. full cuþlice || cigean ealle full cūðlīċe || ċīeġan ealle.
PPs146:5 1. micel is ure || mihtig drihten Miċel% is ūre || mehtiġ drihten,
PPs146:5 2. and his mægen is micel || and mihtum strang and his mæġen is miċel || and meahtum strang;
PPs146:5 3. ne his snytru mæg || secgean ænig ne his snytru mæġ || seċġan ǣniġ,
PPs146:5 4. on þyssum ealdre || æfre ariman on þissum ealdre || ǣfre ā·rīman.
PPs146:6 1. milde mode || and manþwære Milde mōde || and mann-þwǣre%
PPs146:6 2. he onfehþ fægere || and fyrenfulle hē% on·fēhð fæġere || and firenfulle
PPs146:6 3. wiþ eorþan niþer || ealle gehnegeþ wiþ eorðan niðer || ealle ġe·hnæġeþ.
PPs146:7 1. onginnaþ ge drihtne || geare andettan On·ġinnaþ ġē drihtne || ġeare andettan,
PPs146:7 2. singaþ gode urum || gleawe be hearpan singaþ gode ūrum || glēawe be hearpan.
PPs146:8 1. se þe heofen þeceþ || hadrum wolcnum þe heofon þeċeþ || hādrum wolcnum
PPs146:8 2. and regn þanon || recene sendeþ and reġn þonan || recene sendeþ
PPs146:8 3. þe þeos eorþe fram || æfter groweþ þe þēos eorðe fram || aefter grōweþ.
PPs146:9 1. he of beorgum ut || blæde lædeþ of beorĝum ūt || blǣde lǣdeþ,
PPs146:9 2. hig to helpe || hæleþa bearnum hīeġ% helpe || hæleþa bearnum.
PPs146:10 1. se þe mete syleþ || manegum neatum þe mete sileþ || maniĝum nēatum,
PPs146:10 2. hrefnes briddum || þonne heo hropende hræfnes briddum, || þonne hēo hrōpende
PPs146:10 3. him cigeaþ to || cuþes æses him ċīeġaþ tō, || cūðes ǣses.
PPs146:11 1. nafast þu to manna || mægene willan Nafast% þū manna || mæġene willan,
PPs146:11 2. ne þe on þinum selegescotum || swiþe licaþ þē on þīnum sele-ġe·sċotum || swīðe līcaþ,
PPs146:11 3. þeah þe weras wyrcean || wræst on eorþan þēah þe weras wyrċan || wrǣst on eorða
PPs146:12 1. ac wel licaþ || wuldres drihtne Ac wēl līcaþ || wuldres drihtne,
PPs146:12 2. þa þe hine him ondrædaþ || dædum and wordum þā þe hine him on·drǣdaþ || dǣdum and wordum,
PPs146:12 3. and on his milde mod || mægene gewenaþ and on his milde mōd || mæġene ġe·wēnaþ.