Number of occurrences in corpus: 1819
Genesis A 30a | ġd, || and þæs engles mōd / | þe | þone unrǣd on·gann || ǣre |
Genesis A 35b | d / and þǣm weorode wrāþ || | þe | hē ǣr wurðode / wlite and wu |
Genesis A 77a | || þearl aefter-lēan / þæs | þe | hēo on·gunnon || wiþ Gode |
Genesis A 82b | ǣron þā ġe·same, || þā | þe | sweġel būaþ%, / wuldres ēð |
Genesis A 102a | || on wrāðra ġield, / þāra | þe | for·healdene || of hleo send |
Genesis A 139b | þīestre ġe·nip, || þǣm | þe | sē þēoden self / sċōp niht |
Genesis A 152b | / wæter of wæterum, || þǣm | þe | wuniaþ ġīet / under fæstenn |
Genesis A 203b | seald, / and libbende, || þā | þe | land tredaþ, / feorh-ēacnu cy |
Genesis A 204b | , / feorh-ēacnu cynn, || þā | þe | flōd weċċeþ / ġond hron-r |
Genesis A 227b | arn, / þā sēlestan, || þæs | þe | us seċġaþ bēċ. / Þonne s |
Genesis B 258a | rihtne þancian / þæs lēanes | þe | hē him on þǣm lēohte ġe |
Genesis B 260b | ehstan heofones wealdend%, || | þe | siteþ on þǣm hālĝan stō |
Genesis B 298a | Swā dēþ manna ġe·hwelċ / | þe | wiþ his wealdend || winnan o |
Genesis B 303b | eardes helle-wītes, || þæs | þe | hē wann wiþ heofones wealde |
Genesis B 321b | / heofon-rīċes hīehþe, || | þe | ǣr Godes hyldu ġe·lǣston. |
Genesis B 322b | re fīend on þǣm fȳre, || | þe | ǣr swa fela hæfdon / ġe·win |
Genesis B 338b | c sē ofer·mōda cyning, || | þe | ǣr wæs engla sċīenost, / hw |
Genesis B 348a | de, || sorĝiende spræc, / sē | þe | helle forþ || healdan sċold |
Genesis B 357b | swīðe / þam ōðrum hām% || | þe | we ǣr cūðon, / hēan on heof |
Genesis B 358b | n, / hēan on heofon-rīċe, || | þe | mē min hearra on·lāh, / þē |
Genesis B 365b | ǣst, / þæt Ādam sċeall, || | þe | wæs of eorðan ġe·worht, / m |
Genesis B 401b | æs lēohtes furður || þæs | þe | hē him% þenċeþ lange nēo |
Genesis B 423a | mōton him þone welan āĝan / | þe | we on heofon-rīċe || habban |
Genesis B 435a | him þæt rīċe losaþ. / Sē | þe | þæt ġe·lǣsteþ, || him b |
Genesis B 490b | orne, / dierne dēofles boda || | þe | wiþ drihten wann. / Wearp hine |
Genesis B 503b | u sċīenran. || Cwæþ þæt | þe | ǣnġes sċēates% ðearf / ne |
Genesis B 530b | helle / healdan sċolde || sē | þe | bi his heortan wiht / lāðes |
Genesis B 532b | re / þurh dierne ġe·þanc || | þe | þū dryhtnes eart / boda of he |
Genesis B 539b | ne bist / ǣngum his engla || | þe | iċ ǣr ġe·seah, / ne% þū m |
Genesis B 541a | þ·īewdest || ǣniġ tācen / | þe | hē mē þurh trēowe || tō |
Genesis B 544b | ō þǣm æl-mihtĝan Gode || | þe | mē mid his earmum worhte, / h |
Genesis B 598b | or·lǣdd be þam lyġenum || | þe | for þǣm lārum cōm. / Hēo |
Genesis B 601b | n / þurh þæs lāðan lǣn || | þe | hīe mid lyġenum be·swāc, / |
Genesis B 602b | wāc, / dearnunga be·drōh, || | þe | hire for his dǣdum cōm, / þ |
Genesis B 607b | ne / swicode ymb þā sāwle || | þe | hire ǣr þā sīene on·lāh |
Genesis B 612b | rf, / Ēue sēo gōde, || þæt | þe | is un-ġe·līċ / wlite and w |
Genesis B 614b | stes mīne. || Nū sċīeneþ | þe | lēoht fore / glædliċ on·ġ |
Genesis B 627b | īenost, / wīfa wlitiĝost || | þe | on weorold cōme, / for·þon h |
Genesis B 635a | . || Biþ þǣm menn full wā / | þe | hine ne warnaþ || þonne hē |
Genesis B 644b | e wæstm ān / lǣtan wolden || | þe | þæt lāðe% trēow / on his b |
Genesis B 646b | / þæt wæs dēaðes bēam || | þe | him drihten for·bēad. / For· |
Genesis B 652a | e fram Gode || brungen hæfde / | þe | hē hire swā wǣrlīċe || w |
Genesis B 663b | tan willaþ. || Hwæt sċeall | þe | swā lāðliċ strīþ / wiþ |
Genesis B 689a | || wæs sē fēond full nēah / | þe | on þā frēcnan fyrd || ġe |
Genesis B 707a | ǣm ġe·hāte ġe·trūwode / | þe | him þæt wīf || wordum sæ |
Genesis B 713b | es / worhte mid þǣm wordum || | þe | hēo þǣm were swelċe / tāce |
Genesis B 797b | ǣr þū þǣm ne hīerde || | þe | unc þisne hearm ġe·rǣd, / |
Genesis B 825b | Ādam, / wordum þīnum; || hit | þe | þēah wiers ne mæġ / on þī |
Genesis B 844a | hīe þā habban ne mōston / | þe | him ǣr for·ġeaf || æl-meh |
Genesis A 871a | | ne dearr nū forþ gān / for | þe | andweardne. || Iċ eom eall e |
Genesis A 881b | ġde% / of þǣm wudu-bēame || | þe | iċ þē wordum for·bēad? |
Genesis A 885a | fǣmne, || frēa-drihten min, / | þe | iċ þē on tēonan ġe·þā |
Genesis A 908b | faran fēðelēas, || þenden | þe | feorh% wunaþ / gāst on innan. |
Genesis A 911b | ċe / wrōhte on·stealdest, || | þe | þæt wīf fêoþ, / hātaþ un |
Genesis A 937b | rde grīpeþ / ādl unlīðe || | þe | þū on æple ǣr / selfa for· |
Genesis A 954b | fæder æt frymþe, || þēah | þe | hīe% him fram swīce, / ac hē |
Genesis A 964a | || þonne sē frum-stōl wæs / | þe | hīe aefter dǣde of || ā·d |
Genesis A 999a | u fǣmne || þurh forman gylt / | þe | wiþ metod ǣfre || menn ġe |
Genesis A 1017b | um þīnum; || for·þon hēo | þe | hroðra of·tīhþ, / glǣmes g |
Genesis A 1040a | eor || fāh ġe·wītan. / Ġif | þe% | manna hwelċ || mundum sīnum |
Genesis A 1059b | stenna / ǣrest ealra || þāra | þe | æðelingas, / sweord-berende, |
Genesis A 1114a | or || on lēofes stǣl, / þæs | þe | Cāin of·slōh, || and mē |
Genesis A 1212b | fēran% / on þǣm ġearwum || | þe | his gāst on·fēng / ǣr hine |
Genesis A 1239b | nn / bearna strīenan, || þæs | þe | bēċ cweðaþ. / Sēm wæs hā |
Genesis A 1281b | līċa ġe·hwelċ || þāra | þe | līfes gāst / fæðmum þeahte |
Genesis A 1284a | weardan% || tīde ā·cwellan / | þe | þā nēalǣhte || niþþa be |
Genesis A 1298a | hwelċ || cucra wuhta, / þāra | þe | lyft and flōd || lǣdaþ and |
Genesis A 1302b | um sċyldfullum. || On·ġinn | þe | sċip wyrċan, / mere-hūs miċ |
Genesis A 1325b | n; / simle biþ þȳ heardra || | þe | hit hrēoh wæter, / swearte s |
Genesis A 1330b | ġ nimest / and fēora fæsl || | þe | þū ferĝan sċealt / ġond d |
Genesis A 1337a | || ġe·teled rīmes, / þāra | þe | tō mete || mannum lifie, / and |
Genesis A 1341a | || weorodum ġe·lǣde, / þǣm | þe | mid sċolon || mere-flōd nes |
Genesis A 1377a | || Strang wæs and rēðe / sē | þe | wæterum wēold; || wrēah an |
Genesis A 1409b | ches / and ealle þā wōcre || | þe | hē wiþ wætere be·lēac, / l |
Genesis A 1423b | m-ǣrna mǣst, / earc Nōes, || | þe | Armēnia / hātene sindon. || |
Genesis A 1439a | ēt þā ymb worn daĝa / þæs | þe | hēah hliðu || horde on·fē |
Genesis A 1469a | ġe·feah blīðe-mōd / þæs | þe | hēo ġe·sittan% || swīðe |
Genesis A 1490b | þū / and ealle þā wōcre || | þe | iċ wǣġ-þrēa inn / līðe% |
Genesis A 1500a | dæl || ǣhtum sīnum, / þǣm | þe | him tō duĝuþum || drihten |
Genesis A 1522b | / gāstes duĝuþum || þāra% | þe | mid gāres orde / ōðrum ealdo |
Genesis A 1526b | tō brōðor banan, || þæs | þe | blōd-gyte, / wæl-fiell weres |
Genesis A 1531a | e || metodes and engla / þāra | þe | healdan wile || hālġe þēa |
Genesis A 1668a | e || tō rodor-tunglum. / Þæs | þe | hīe ġe·sōhton || Sennera |
Genesis A 1681a | , || and þæt bēacen samod, / | þe | tō rodorum up || rǣran on· |
Genesis A 1723b | wæs% / Sarra hāten, || þæs | þe | ūs seċġaþ bēċ. / Hīe þ |
Genesis A 1751a | , || and þæt land ġe·sēc / | þe | iċ þē æl-grēne || īewan |
Genesis A 1758b | elle, / wilna% wæstme || þǣm | þe | wurðiaþ. / Þurh þe eorð-b |
Genesis A 1759a | || þǣm þe wurðiaþ. / Þurh | þe | eorð-būende || ealle on·f |
Genesis A 1787b | þ: / ‘Þis is sēo eorðe || | þe | iċ æl-grēne / tūdre þīnum |
Genesis A 1828b | in sīe / beorht ġe·bedda, || | þe | wile beorna sum / him ġe·āgn |
Genesis A 1883a | wēoh-bedd setton / nēah þǣm | þe | Abraham || ǣror rǣrde / his w |
Genesis A 1940a | || mann-wīsan flēah, / þēah | þe | hē on þǣm lande || līfian |
Genesis A 1944a | cost, || lāra ġe·myndiġ, / | þe | hē ne cūðe || hwæt þā c |
Genesis A 1956b | and ācol, / man for metode, || | þe | him aefter ā / þurh ġe·mynd |
Genesis A 1994b | e / eorle orleġ-ċēap, || sē | þe | ǣr ne wæs / nīðes ġe·nyht |
Genesis A 2016a | e || here-wulfa sīþ, / þāra | þe | lǣdon Lōth || and lēoda Go |
Genesis A 2043a | c || þēoden-holdra%, / þāra | þe | hē wiste || þæt meahte wē |
Genesis A 2046a | āt || and þā eorlas þrīe / | þe | him ǣr trēowe sealdon || mi |
Genesis A 2077b | on, / on swaðe sǣton, || þā | þe | Sōdoma / and Gōmorra || golde |
Genesis A 2095a | wīġ-sīþ ā·tēah, / þāra | þe | wiþ swa miċelum || mæġene |
Genesis A 2108b | īme / for þæs ēaĝum || þe | þe | æsċa tīr / æt gūðe for· |
Genesis A 2110a | f. || Þæt is God selfa, / sē | þe | hettendra || herġa þrymmas / |
Genesis A 2116a | || ac hīe God flīemde, / sē | þe | æt feohtan || mid frum-gāru |
Genesis A 2127a | mē mennen || mīnra lēoda, / | þe | þū ā·hredest || herġes c |
Genesis A 2135a | sīðas, || nemþe fēa āne, / | þe | mē mid% sċoldon% || mearce% |
Genesis A 2140b | ldend, / for þǣm hālĝan, || | þe | heofona is / and% þisse eorða |
Genesis A 2143b | mīnum, || nis weorold-feoh, / | þe | iċ mē āĝan wille, / sċēat |
Genesis A 2150b | ōst heonan / hūðe lǣdan, || | þe | iċ þē æt hilde ġe·slōh |
Genesis A 2155a | || æt ǣsċ-þræce, / fuhton | þe | aefter frōfre. || Ġe·wit |
Genesis A 2157b | ġeþ, / lēoda idesa. || Þū | þe | lāðra ne þearft / hæleþa h |
Genesis A 2163b | ðian / mid þȳ here-tēame || | þe | him sē hālĝa for·ġeaf, / E |
Genesis A 2168b | ċela þīna. || Ne lǣt þū | þe | þīn mōd ā·sealcan, / wǣrf |
Genesis A 2199a | || þurh ġe·byrd cumen, / sē | þe | aefter biþ || ierfes hīerde |
Genesis A 2201b | . / Iċ eom sē wealdend || sē | þe | for wintra fela / of Caldea || |
Genesis A 2203b | fēowera% sumne, || ġe·hēt | þe | folc-stede / wīde tō ġe·wea |
Genesis A 2266b | e / yfel and andlēan, || þæs | þe | ǣr dyde / tō Sarran, || ac h |
Genesis A 2310b | forþ / sōðe ġe·lǣste, || | þe | iċ þē sealde ġō / frōfre |
Genesis A 2321b | esan / wǣpned-cynnes, || þæs | þe | on weorold cymþ, / ymb seofon |
Genesis A 2329b | e Īsaac hātan. || Ne ðearf | þe | þæs eaforan sċamian, / ac i |
Genesis A 2349b | ce, / þēoden, þīnum, || and | þe | þanc weġe, / heard-rǣdne hy |
Genesis A 2355a | ċe drihten, || and·swarode: / | “Þe | sċeall wintrum frōd || on w |
Genesis A 2364b | num, / ġungum bearne, || þǣm | þe | ġīen nis / on weorold cumen, |
Genesis A 2373b | eġan% / hēah ġe·hwelcne, || | þe | his hīna wæs / wǣpned-cynnes |
Genesis A 2396b | sīðe / wīċ ġe·sēċe, || | þe | bēoþ word-ġe·hāt% / min ġ |
Genesis A 2437b | Hafa ārna þanc, || þāra | þe | þū unc būde. / Wit be þisse |
Genesis A 2462b | Þā ā·rās hræðe, || sē | þe | oft rǣd on·ġeat, / Lōth on |
Genesis A 2479a | | and riht miċel, / þæt þū | þe | ā·ferġe || of þisse folc- |
Genesis A 2502b | niġne / ēac þissum idesum || | þe | we hēr inn wlītaþ, / ā·lǣ |
Genesis A 2503b | þisse lēod-byriġ, || þā | þe | lēofe sīen, / ofstum miċelum |
Genesis A 2575a | | Þæt is wundra sum, / þāra | þe | ġe·worhte || wuldres ealdor |
Genesis A 2645b | hēah be·hēowan%, || þone% | þe | hēr leofaþ / rihtum þēawum, |
Genesis A 2703a | ne% || ealdre be·hēowe, / sē | þe | him þās idese eft || āĝan |
Genesis A 2719b | ealde him tō bōte, || þæs | þe | hē his brȳd ġe·nam, / gange |
Genesis A 2724b | os / on þissum lande || ðǣr | þe | lēofost sīe, / ēðel-stōwe, |
Genesis A 2725b | ofost sīe, / ēðel-stōwe, || | þe | iċ āĝan sċeall. / Wes ūs f |
Genesis A 2743b | bimēlehe / for ðǣre synne || | þe | hē wiþ Sarrai / and wiþ Abra |
Genesis A 2770b | dor-torht ymb wucan, || þæs | þe | hine on weorold / tō mann-cynn |
Genesis A 2807b | l is and ġe·sīene || þæt | þe | sōþ metod / on ġe·siþþe i |
Genesis A 2809a | e is, || sweġles ealdor, / sē | þe | siĝor seleþ || snytru% meah |
Genesis A 2821a | || fremena tō lēane, / þāra | þe | iċ tō duĝuþum þē || ġe |
Genesis A 2824b | d mē mid hyldu, || þæt iċ | þe | hnēaw ne wæs / landes and lis |
Genesis A 2828b | hten, / sċierian wille, || sē | þe | ġe·sċeapu healdeþ, / þæt |
Genesis A 2844b | e, / lāc ġe·neahhe, || þǣm | þe | līf for·ġeaf, / ġe·sǣliġ |
Genesis A 2855b | hrinġ þæs hēan landes, || | þe | iċ þē heonan ġe·tǣċe, / |
Genesis A 2886b | unu / tō þæs ġe·mearces || | þe | him metod tǣhte, / wadan ofer |
Genesis A 2900b | n landes / on ðǣre stōwe% || | þe | him sē stranga tō, / wǣrfæs |
Genesis A 2935b | / and ealra þāra sǣlþa% || | þe | hē him sīþ and ǣr, / ġiefe |
Exodus 7b | seċġan. || Ġe·hīere sē | þe | wille! / Þone on wēstenne || |
Exodus 51a | iġe, || Ēġypta folc, / þæs | þe | hīe wīde-ferhþ || wiernan |
Exodus 54b | wæs ġe·fȳsed, || fram sē | þe | lǣde, / mōdiġ maĝu-rǣswa%, |
Exodus 138b | d / lāðne lāst-weard, || sē | þe | him lange ǣr / ēðel-lēasum |
Exodus 141a | || Wǣre ne ġīemdon, / þēah | þe | sē ieldra cyning || ǣr ġe. |
Exodus 189a | || wiĝan ǣġhwelcne / þāra | þe | hē on þǣm friste || findan |
Exodus 209a | || niht-langne frist, / þēah | þe | him on healfa ġe·hwǣm || h |
Exodus 235a | tæl || rǣswan herġes, / þā | þe | for ġuĝuþe || ġīet ne mi |
Exodus 259b | ġē þȳ forhtran, || þēah | þe | Faraon brōhte / sweord-wīġen |
Exodus 360a | ancum || ealde reċċaþ / þā | þe | mǣġ-burĝe || mǣst ġe·fr |
Exodus 365a | tan || drenċe-flōda% / þāra | þe | ġe·wurde || on weorold-rī |
Exodus 376a | es || beornas feredon, / þāra | þe | under heofonum || hæleþ bry |
Exodus 395b | / mǣst and mǣrost, || þāra | þe | manna bearn, / fīra aefter fol |
Exodus 423b | olde, / fæste trēowe, || sēo | þe | friðu sċeall / in līf-daĝum |
Exodus 476b | me, / fāh fēðe-gāst, || sē | þe | fēondum ġe·nēop. / Wæs sē |
Exodus 514b | lh, / spell-bodan ēac%. || Sē | þe | spēd āhte, / ā·ġeat ġielp |
Exodus 571b | h of fēonda dōme, || þēah | þe | hīe hit frecne ġe·nēðdon |
Daniel 16b | on, / herġes helmum, || þāra | þe | him hold ne wæs, / oþþæt h |
Daniel 34b | en, / unhold þēodum% || þǣm | þe | ǣhte ġeaf. / Wīsode% him æt |
Daniel 35b | ode% him æt frymþe, || þā | þe | on fruman ǣr þon / wǣron man |
Daniel 64a | || ā·brocen hæfdon, / þāra | þe | þǣm folce || tō friðe st |
Daniel 82b | ost wǣre / bōca be·bodes, || | þe | ðǣr brungen wæs. / Wolde þ |
Daniel 85a | seċġan meahte, / nealles þȳ | þe | hē þæt mōste || oþþe ġ |
Daniel 87a | ra ġiefena || Gode þancode / | þe | him ðǣr tō duĝuþe || dri |
Daniel 142a | inge || mīne ne cunnon, / þā | þe | mē for weorode || wīsdōm b |
Daniel 153a | -fruma || earmre lāfe / ðǣre | þe | þām hǣðnan || hīeran sċ |
Daniel 162b | cyning / ord and ende || þæs | þe | him īewed wæs. / Þā hæfde |
Daniel 171a | gann || wēoh% on felda / þǣm | þe | dēor-mōde || Dīran hēton, |
Daniel 176a | | gumum ā·rǣrde, / for þǣm | þe | glēaw ne wæs, || gum-rīċe |
Daniel 192a | e || ġe·bedu rǣrde, / þēah | þe | ðǣr on herġe || bīeman su |
Daniel 199b | ēan cyning, / gasta hierde, || | þe | him ġiefe sealde. / Oft hīe t |
Daniel 204b | tō þǣm gyldnan ġielde, || | þe | hē him tō Gode ġe·tēode. |
Daniel 208a | || ne þisne wēoh weorðian, / | þe | þū þē tō wuldre% || wund |
Daniel 216b | ea, / guman tō þǣm golde, || | þe | hē him tō Gode tēode. / Nold |
Daniel 223a | ne || friðu wilnodon, / þēah | þe | him sē bitera dēaþ || ġe |
Daniel 225b | nihta fēorum || for·þǣm | þe | hīe his cræftas on·sōcon. |
Daniel 232b | ēoce ġe·fremede; || þēah | þe | hīe swā grame nydde / in fæ |
Daniel 260b | odon, / under þæs fæðme || | þe | ġe·flīemed wearþ / frecne f |
Daniel 263b | swēġ tō sorĝe || þonā | þe | sunnan sċīma, / ne sē bryne |
Daniel 264b | sē bryne bēot mæċġum || | þe% | in þǣm bēote wǣron, / ac þ |
Daniel 265b | r fȳr sċēode || tō þǣm | þe% | þā sċylde worhton, / hwearf% |
Daniel 267b | riġra wlite minsode, || þā | þe | þȳ weorce ġe·fǣĝon. / Ġe |
Daniel 278a | en. || Þæt wæs wuldres God / | þe | hīe ġe·nerede || wiþ þǣ |
Daniel 307b | ēow-nīed þoliaþ. || Þæs | þe | þanc sīe, / weoroda wuldor-cy |
Daniel 310b | drihten, / for þǣm miltsum || | þe | þeċ menn hlīĝaþ, / and for |
Daniel 311b | þ, / and for þǣm trēowum || | þe | þū, tīrum fæst, / nīða ne |
Daniel 329a | || ġe·friġen habbaþ, / þā | þe | under heofonum || hǣðne lib |
Daniel 365a | , || and hlūtor wæter, / þā | þe | ofer% rodorum || on rihtne ġ |
Daniel 368b | odor-beorhtan tunglu, || þā | þe | ryne healdaþ, / sunna and mōn |
Daniel 387b | olas, / lyft-lācende, || þā | þe | laĝu-strēamas, / wætersċipe |
Daniel 416a | lēoĝeþ’. / Þā cwæþ sē | þe | wæs || cininges rǣswa, / wīs |
Daniel 434b | n þā bende% for·burnene || | þe | him on bānum lāĝon, / lāþ- |
Daniel 443b | þǣm wundre ġe·weorðod || | þe | þā ġe·wyrhtu āhton. / Hyss |
Daniel 447b | wǣre meahta wealdend || sē | þe | hīe of þǣm mierċe ġe·ne |
Daniel 452b | him þā his lēoda lāfe || | þe | ðǣr ġe·lǣde wǣron / on% |
Daniel 475b | ne, / lācende līeġ, || þǣm | þe | his lof bǣron; / for·þǣm h |
Daniel 477b | n, / dēma% æl-mehtiġ, || sē | þe | him dōm for·ġeaf, / spōwend |
Daniel 478b | af, / spōwende spēd, || þǣm | þe | his spell beraþ. / For·þon w |
Daniel 480b | er maniġ / hālĝum gāstum || | þe | his hield curon. / Cūþ is þ |
Daniel 494a | wā hē maniĝum dēþ / þāra | þe | þurh ofer-hyġd || up ā·st |
Daniel 525b | d, / gryre fram þǣm gāste || | þe | þider God sende. / Hēt þā t |
Daniel 540b | wīsa, / ealne þone eġesan || | þe | him īewed wæs. / Bæd hine ā |
Daniel 544b | ordum / hwæt sē bēam bude || | þe | hē blīcan ġe·seah, / and hi |
Daniel 565b | endum / weard and wīsa. || Nis | þe | wiðer-breca, / mann on moldan, |
Daniel 606a | , || for ðǣre sundor-ġiefe / | þe | him God sealde, || gumena rī |
Daniel 609a | le || and min sēo mǣre burh / | þe | iċ ġe·worhte || tō weorð |
Daniel 617a | þ || in Godes wīte, / þāra | þe | eft libbende || lēode be·ġ |
Daniel 627b | / wōdan ġe·wittes, || ðǣr | þe | hē ǣr wīde bær / here-wōsa |
Daniel 649b | num lēodum, / wīde wāðe || | þe | hē mid wild-dēorum ā·tēa |
Daniel 679a | || Þā wæs ende-dæġ / þæs | þe | Caldeas || cyning-dōm āhton |
Daniel 685a | dor-menn || in unrihtum, / þā | þe | þȳ rīċe || rǣdan sċoldo |
Daniel 692b | , / mǣst and mǣrost || þāra | þe | menn bûn, / Babilon burga, || |
Daniel 697a | ā || or-leġra nīþ, / þēah | þe | fēonda folc || fēran cōme / |
Daniel 755b | ȳ hraðor hrēmde, || þēah | þe | here brōhte / Israela ġe·str |
Christ and Satan 21b | n, / engla ord-fruman, || þæt | þe | eft forwarð%. / Þūhte him% o |
Christ and Satan 37a | | ‘Hwǣr cōm engla þrymm, / | þe% | we on heofonum || habban sċo |
Christ and Satan 74b | æf, / for þǣm an-mēdlan% || | þe | hīe ǣr druĝon. / Eft reordod |
Christ and Satan 88a | e, || and þēos% earme hēap / | þe | iċ hebbe tō helle || hām |
Christ and Satan 113a | a nēosan, || and ēower mā, / | þe | þēs ofer-hyġdes || ord on |
Christ and Satan 122b | n / uppe mid englum%, || þēs% | þe | iċ ǣr-ġe·cwæþ / þæt iċ |
Christ and Satan 146b | þþan, / būtan þǣm ānum || | þe | hē āĝan% nille; / þā iċ m |
Christ and Satan 150a | ndon || un-ġe·līċe / þonne | þe | we ġō in heofonum || hæfdo |
Christ and Satan 182a | ēas || ēċan% drēamas% / sē | þe | heofon-cyninge || hīeran ne |
Christ and Satan 186a | d, || ġō-dǣdum fāh, / þæs | þe | iċ ġe·þōhte ā·drīfan |
Christ and Satan 209b | an. / Þonne be·hōfaþ || sē | þe | hēr wunaþ / weorolde wynnum | |
Christ and Satan 243b | elfa wæs / eallum and-fenġ || | þe | ðǣr up be·cōm, / and hine o |
Christ and Satan 260a | aldeþ. || Hē is ana cyning, / | þe | ūs ierre ġe·wearþ, || ē |
Christ and Satan 265b | / Ne mōt hē þǣm sāwlum || | þe | ðǣr sēċaþ up, / ēadġe of |
Christ and Satan 282b | n mæġ ġe·hyċġan, || sē | þe | his heorte dēah, / þæt hē h |
Christ and Satan 303b | þon sē biþ ēadiġ || sē | þe | ǣfre wile / mann ofer·hyċġa |
Christ and Satan 322b | , / þonne wæs hira ealdor, || | þe | ðǣr ǣrest cōm / forþ on f |
Christ and Satan 337b | on mihte ġe·hīeran, || sē | þe | æt helle wæs / twelf mīlum n |
Christ and Satan 355b | onne bēoþ þā ēadĝan || | þe | of eorðan cumaþ, / bringaþ t |
Christ and Satan 363a | || Blǣd biþ ǣġhwǣm / þǣm | þe | hǣlende || hīeran% þenċe |
Christ and Satan 364b | enċeþ, / and wēl is þǣm || | þe | þæt wyrċan% mōt. / Wæs þ |
Christ and Satan 382b | . / Þonne wæs þǣm atolan || | þe | we ǣr nemdon. / Þā wǣron mi |
Christ and Satan 411b | lǣrde unc sē atola, || sē | þe | ǣfre nū / bierneþ on bendum, |
Christ and Satan 420a | || þearle on·ǣled. / Nū iċ | þe | hālsie, || heofon-rīċes we |
Christ and Satan 421b | es weard, / for þon hīrede || | þe | þū hider% lǣddest, / engla |
Christ and Satan 503a | m% mīnnan% hām / lange þæs | þe | iċ of hæftum || hām ġe·l |
Christ and Satan 514a | ynnes || ǣr on morĝen / þæs | þe% | drihten God || of dēaðe ā |
Christ and Satan 551a | || dǣdum and weorcum, / þæs | þe | hē ūs of hæftum || hām ġ |
Christ and Satan 556b | ht / torht on·tȳned, || þǣm | þe | tela þenċeþ. / Þā% wæs on |
Christ and Satan 574a | e. || Þā wæs Iudas of, / sē | þe | ǣr on tībre || torhtne ġe |
Christ and Satan 619b | þ þā for·worhtan, || þā | þe | firnodon; / bēoþ bifiende || |
Christ and Satan 639b | fǣhþe and firene%, || ðǣr | þe | hīe frēo-drihten%, / ēċne a |
Christ and Satan 641a | || oft for·ġēaton, / þone% | þe% | hīe him tō hyhte || habban |
Christ and Satan 648b | , / wynnum be·wunden, || þǣm | þe | in wuldres lēoht / gangan mōt |
Christ and Satan 652b | s || and ēadġe sāwla, / þā | þe | heonan fēraþ. / Þǣr martira |
Christ and Satan 663b | / Þæt is sē drihten, || sē | þe | dēaþ for ūs / ġe·þrōwode |
Christ and Satan 667b | e·wearþ þone wierġan, || | þe | ǣr ā·worpen wæs / of heofon |
Christ and Satan 13b | te-sċræf, / Satanus self; || | þe | is sūsl witod / ġearu% tō· |
Christ and Satan 26a | earta eðm. / Wāst þū þonne | þe | ġeornor || þæt þū wiþ G |
Andreas 28a | e || mete-þearfendum, / þāra | þe | þæt êa-land || ūtan sōht |
Andreas 53a | heofon-rīċes weard, / þēah | þe | hē attres drinc || atolne on |
Andreas 97a | ad || beorhtan stefne: / ‘Iċ | þe, | Matheus, || mīne selle sibbe |
Andreas 101b | um, / and ealle þā meniġu || | þe | þē% mid wuniaþ / on nearu-n |
Andreas 108a | Nis sēo þrāh miċel / þæt | þe | wǣr-loĝan || wīte-bendum, / |
Andreas 110a | ræft, || swenċan motan. / Iċ | þe | Andreas || ǣdre on·sende / t |
Andreas 130a | || hwæðer cwice lifdon / þā | þe | on carc-ærne || clammum fæs |
Andreas 161b | ā wæs ġe·myndiġ, || sē | þe | middan-ġeard / ġe·staðelode |
Andreas 164b | e, / be·locen liðu-bendum, || | þe | oft% his lufan ā·drēah / for |
Andreas 217b | an / on gramra grīpe, || ðǣr | þe | gūþ-ġewinn / þurh hǣðenra |
Andreas 254b | e þā ġe·ġrētte, || sē | þe | on grēote stōd, / fūs on far |
Andreas 261b | , / swā þæt ne wiste, || sē | þe | þæs wordes bād, / hwæt sē |
Andreas 263a | wæs || mæðel-hīeġendra, / | þe | hē ðǣr on waroþe || wiþ |
Andreas 275b | l / on ðǣre mǣġþe. || Biþ | þe | meord wiþ god, / þæt þū ū |
Andreas 282a | re || cwealm þrōwiaþ, / þā | þe | feorran þider || feorh ġe· |
Andreas 294b | fene tō þām lande || ðǣr | þe | lust myneþ / tō ġe·sēċann |
Andreas 303b | locenra bēaĝa, || þæt iċ | þe | mæġe lust ā·hwettan, / will |
Andreas 307a | þingode: / ‘Hū ġe·wearþ | þe | þæs, || wine lēofesta, / þ |
Andreas 314a | Is sē drohtaþ strang / þām | þe | laĝu-lāde || lange || cunna |
Andreas 317b | Ne ġe·dafenaþ þē, || nū | þe | drihten ġeaf / welan and wiste |
Andreas 344b | ġē sindon þeġnas || þæs | þe | þrymm ā·hōf / ofer middan- |
Andreas 368a | fer flōdes wielm, / þæt hīe | þe | ēaþ mihton || ofer ȳða ġ |
Andreas 379a | e || land be·ġēate, / þāra | þe | mid Andreas || on ēaĝor-str |
Andreas 472b | e, / mā-cræftiġran, || þæt | þe | mē þynceþ, / rōwend rōfran |
Andreas 485b | þū mē ġe·tǣhte, || nū | þe | tīr cyning / and meaht for·ġ |
Andreas 519a | h him līfes ġe·weald, / sē | þe | brimu bindeþ, || brūne ȳð |
Andreas 521b | eall / racian mid rihte, || sē | þe | rodor ā·hōf / and ġe·fæst |
Andreas 529a | || þrymm-sittendes, / forþon | þe | sōna || sǣ-holm on·cnēow, |
Andreas 534b | an hīe on·ġēaton || þæt | þe | god hæfde / wǣre be·wunden%, |
Andreas 535b | fde / wǣre be·wunden%, || sē | þe | wuldres blǣd / ġe·staðolode |
Andreas 564a | | þæt hē god wǣre, / þēah | þe | hē wundra fela || weorodum |
Andreas 566b | wan þæt cyne-bearn, || sē | þe | ā·cenned wearþ / tō hlēow |
Andreas 579a | ofum || hyġe blissode, / þā | þe | lim-sēoce || lange || wǣron |
Andreas 600a | nglum, || eard weardian, / þā | þe | aefter dēaðe || drihten sē |
Andreas 633a | þingode: / ‘Ne% friġne iċ | þe | for tǣle || ne þurh tēon-c |
Andreas 638b | ferhþ ā·frēfred, || þām | þe | feorr oþþe nēah / on mōde |
Andreas 648a | brēost innanweard), / nū iċ | þe | selfum || seċġan wille / ōr |
Andreas 718b | el-cynna / þæs brēmestan || | þe% | mid þām burĝ-warum / on ðǣ |
Andreas 747b | / godes ēċe bearn, || þone% | þe | grund and sund, / heofon and eo |
Andreas 799b | , / hwǣr sē wealdend wǣre || | þe | þæt weorc staðolode. / Ne do |
Andreas 815b | -ġīet / miċel mǣre spell || | þe | sē maĝa fremede, / rodera rǣ |
Andreas 828b | ·cōm / tō ðǣre ċeastre || | þe | him cyning engla / þā þā ā |
Andreas 886a | . || þām biþ hæleþa wēl / | þe | þāra blissa || brūcan mōt |
Andreas 890a | witod, || wīte ġe·openad, / | þe% | þāra ġe·fēana% sċeall | |
Andreas 909b | or-spēd ġe·seald, || þām | þe | sēċeþ tō him.’ / Þā him |
Andreas 915b | , / ferhþ-ġe·fēonde. || Iċ | þe | friðe healde, / þæt þe ne m |
Andreas 916a | Iċ þe friðe healde, / þæt | þe | ne mōton || man-ġe·nīðla |
Andreas 922a | || sāwla nerġend, / þæt iċ | þe | swā gōdne || on·ġietan ne |
Andreas 932b | ǣġa ġe·winn. || Wāst nū | þe | ġearwor / þæt iċ ēaðe mæ |
Andreas 945b | e, / and eall þæt manncynn || | þe | him mid wunie, / ell-þēodiġr |
Andreas 951b | ðan / on gramra grīpe. || Is | þe | gūþ witod, / heardum heoru-sw |
Andreas 957a | þæt sār ā·ber; / ne læt | þe | ā·hweorfan || hǣðenra þr |
Andreas 974a | n þisse mǣran byriġ / þāra | þe | þū ġe·hweorfest || tō he |
Andreas 980b | / fīra ġe·hwelcum, || þām | þe | hīe findan cann. / Þā wæs |
Andreas 1012a | anes, || gode þancode / þæs | þe | hīe ansunde || ǣfre mōston |
Andreas 1040b | orodes tō ēacan, / ānes wana | þe | fīftiġ / forhte ġe·freoðod |
Andreas 1047a | sīð || wolcnum be·þeahte, / | þe | læs him sċield-hatan || sċ |
Andreas 1059b | æd-mōd gangan, || tō þæs | þe | hē gramra ġe·mōt, / fāra f |
Andreas 1130b | n, / friðe æt þām folce, || | þe | him fēores wolde, / ealdres ġ |
Andreas 1151b | nc, / dryhtna drihtne, || þæs | þe | hē dōm ġiefeþ / gumena ġe |
Andreas 1152b | umena ġe·hwelcum, || þāra | þe | ġēoce tō him / sēċeþ mid |
Andreas 1154b | u / frēod% unhwīlen, || þām | þe | hīe findan cann. / Þā wæs w |
Andreas 1164a | reca ōðerne: / ‘Ne hele sē | þe | hæbbe || holde lāre, / on sef |
Andreas 1186b | bieldest tō beadwe. || Wāst | þe | bǣles cwealm, / hātne on hell |
Andreas 1190b | , / īeċest þīne iermþu. || | þe | sē eall-mihtĝa / hēanne ġe |
Andreas 1192a | % heolstor be·sċēaf, / ðǣr | þe | cyninga cyning || clamme be· |
Andreas 1193a | ing || clamme be·leġde, / and | þe | siþþan ā || Satan% nemdon, |
Andreas 1194a | an ā || Satan% nemdon, / þā | þe | dryhtnes ā || dēman cūðon |
Andreas 1211a | || Nis sēo stund latu / þæt | þe | wæl-rēowe || wītum be·le |
Andreas 1266b | ol for þȳ eġesan, || þæs | þe | hē ǣr on·gann, / þæt hē |
Andreas 1318a | ld? || Hwæt is wuldor þīn, / | þe | þū ofer-hyġdum || up ā·r |
Andreas 1320a | % ġe·hnǣġdest? / Hafast nū | þe | ānum || eall ġe·teohhad / la |
Andreas 1355b | wīġes wōman, || weald, hū | þe | sǣle / æt þām ġeġn-sleġe |
Andreas 1370a | eĝan || ġearwe sindon, / þā | þe | ǣninga || ellen-weorcum / unfy |
Andreas 1373a | ofer middan-ġeard, / þæt hē | þe | ā·līese || of liðu-bendum |
Andreas 1377b | god, / niþþa nerġend, || sē | þe | on nīedum% ġeō / ġe·fæstn |
Andreas 1386b | Þā wearþ on flēame || sē | þe | þā fǣhþu ġō / wiþ god ġ |
Andreas 1432b | , / nis þē tō frecne. || Iċ | þe | friðe healde, / mīnre mund-by |
Andreas 1440a | wǣġed sīe || worda ǣniġ / | þe | iċ þurh mīnne mūþ || mæ |
Andreas 1445a | drep || ġe·dōn motan, / þā | þe | heardra mǣst || hearma ġe· |
Andreas 1479b | oð-ġieddunga, || lof þæs | þe | worhte, / wordum wēmde, || wyr |
Andreas 1486b | n cunne / eall þā earfoþu || | þe | hē mid elne ā·drēah, / grim |
Andreas 1517b | ū meaht ġe·cnawan || þæt | þe | cyning engla / ġe·frætwode | |
Andreas 1563b | hit miċele sēlre, || þæs | þe | iċ sōð talie, / þæt we hin |
Andreas 1602b | Nū is ġe·sīene || þæt | þe | sōþ metod, / cyning eall-wiht |
Andreas 1609b | þ ġē tō forhte, || þēah | þe | fiell curen / synniġra cynn. | |
Andreas 1615b | fremman / gumena ġuĝuþe, || | þe | on ġeofene ǣr / þurh flōdes |
The Fates of the Apostles 88b | iċ þonne bidde || beorn sē | þe | lufie / þisses ġieddes be·ga |
The Fates of the Apostles 97a | n || fore-þances glēaw, / sē | þe | hine lysteþ || lēoð-ġiedd |
The Fates of the Apostles 107b | s ġe·myndiġ, || mann% sē% | þe% | lufie / þisses galdres be·gan |
The Fates of the Apostles 115a | || gæstes brūce. / Ac utu we | þe | ġeornor || tō gode cleopiġ |
Soul and Body I 4b | , / ā·syndreþ þā sibbe || | þe | ǣr samod wǣron, / līċ and s |
Soul and Body I 11b | e findan / þone līċ-haman || | þe | hīe ǣr lange wæġ, / þrīe |
Soul and Body I 27a | is is þus lang hider. / Hwæt, | þe | lā enġel || ufan of rodorum |
Soul and Body I 39a | ē ende tō gōd%. / Wǣre þū | þe | wiste wlanc || and wīnes sǣ |
Soul and Body I 56b | de / þurh þæs selfes hand || | þe | iċ ǣr on·sended wæs. / Ne m |
Soul and Body I 57a | r on·sended wæs. / Ne maĝon% | þe | nū heonan ā·dōn || hyrsta |
Soul and Body I 60b | wela%, / ne nan þāra gōda || | þe | þū ġō āhtest, / ac hēr s |
Soul and Body I 70b | dôþ, / sēċan þā hāmas || | þe | þū mē hēr sċrīfe, / and |
Soul and Body I 75a | e sint þīne ǣhta ā·wihte / | þe | þū hēr on moldan || mannum |
Soul and Body I 116b | t. / Gīfer hātte sē wyrm, || | þe | þā ġēaglas bēoþ / nǣdle |
Soul and Body I 153b | mīnum hyġe hearde, || þæs | þe | iċ þē on þissum hīenþum |
Homiletic Fragment I 12a | id þām lyġe-wyrhtum, / þām | þe | full smēðe || sprǣċe habb |
Homiletic Fragment I 25a | e || þā lēasan menn, / þā | þe | mid tungan || trēowa ġe·h |
Homiletic Fragment I 41b | seþ, / weorold wynsume, || sē | þe | wīs ne biþ, / snottor, searu- |
Dream of the Rood 86b | ǣg·hwelcne ānra, || þāra | þe | him biþ eġesa tō mē. / ġe |
Dream of the Rood 98a | æt hit is wuldres bēam, / sē | þe | æl–mehtiġ god || on þrō |
Dream of the Rood 111b | orht wesan / for þām worde || | þe | sē wealdend cwiþ. / friġneþ |
Dream of the Rood 113a | e || hwǣr sē mann sīe, / sē | þe | for dryhtnes naman || dēaðe |
Dream of the Rood 118a | e ǣniġ || ān–forht wesan / | þe | him ǣr on brēostum bereþ | |
Dream of the Rood 121a | e || ǣg·hwelċ sāwol, / sēo | þe | mid wealdende || wunian þen |
Dream of the Rood 137a | || hwonne mē dryhtnes rōd, / | þe | iċ hēr on eorðan || ǣr s |
Dream of the Rood 145a | sīe mē drihten frēond, / sē | þe | hēr on eorðan || ǣr þrōw |
Dream of the Rood 149b | ǣdum and mid blisse || þām | þe | ðǣr bryne þolodon. / sē sun |
Dream of the Rood 154b | eallum þām hālgum || þām | þe | on heofonum ǣr / wunodon on wu |
Elene 4b | wintra for weorolde, || þæs | þe | wealdend god / ā·cenned wear |
Elene 68a | e || niht-langne frist, / þæs | þe | hīe% fēonda ġe·fær || fy |
Elene 82a | e on·drǣd þū þē, / þēah | þe | ell-þēodġe || eġesan hwō |
Elene 97a | Cyning wæs þȳ blīðra / and | þe | sorĝ-lēasra, || seċġa eal |
Elene 154b | / snūde tō seonoþe, || þā | þe | snytru cræft / þurh fyrn-ġe |
Elene 160a | iġ || ieldra oþþe ġiengra / | þe | him tō sōðe || seċġan me |
Elene 163a | ‘Þē þis his bēacen wæs / | þe | mē swā lēoht oþ·īewde | |
Elene 183b | h þā īlcan ġe·sċeaft || | þe | him ġe·īewed wearþ / selfum |
Elene 280a | %, || on ġe·mot cuman, / þā | þe | dēoplicost || dryhtnes ġe· |
Elene 283b | um / mæġen unlȳtel, || þā | þe | Moyses ǣ / reċċan cūðon. | |
Elene 295a | , || þā ġē wiergdon þone / | þe | ēow of wierhþe || þurh his |
Elene 298b | ēowdon / on þæs andwlitan || | þe | ēow ēaĝena lēoht, / fram bl |
Elene 303b | one / dēman on·gunnon, || sē | þe | of dēaðe self / weorold ā·w |
Elene 315a | te, || wordes cræftġe, / þā | þe | ēowre ǣ || æðelum cræft |
Elene 319b | forþ / tācna ġe·hwelċes || | þe | iċ him tō sēċe.’ / Ēodon |
Elene 327b | ndon ferhþ-glēawra, || þā | þe | fyrn-ġe·mynd / mid Iūdēum | |
Elene 358a | t. || and þā werĝan nēat, / | þe | man daĝa ġe·hwǣm || drīf |
Elene 360b | um / fēoĝaþ frīend hiera || | þe | him fōdor ġiefaþ%, / and mē |
Elene 373b | þ / and findaþ ġīen || þā | þe | fyrn-ġe·writu / þurh snytru |
Elene 380b | ·lesen lēod-māĝa, || þā | þe | leornung-cræft / þurh mōd-ġ |
Elene 402a | | Wē þæt ǣ·bylgþ% nyton / | þe | we ġe·fremedon || on þisse |
Elene 407b | , / sundor ā·sēċaþ || þā | þe | snytru mid ēow, / mæġen and |
Elene 410b | e·cȳðan, / untraĝlīċe, || | þe | iċ him tō sēċe.’ / Ēodon |
Elene 415a | cum, || hwæt sēo synn wǣre / | þe | hīe on þām folce || ġe·f |
Elene 416b | æfdon / wiþ þām cāsere, || | þe | him sēo cwēn wīte. / Þā ð |
Elene 15a | orolda || willum ġe·fylled, / | þe% | þone ā·hangnan cyning || h |
Elene 30b | fre iċ þā ġe·þeahte || | þe | þēos þēod on·gann / sēċa |
Elene 70a | ow || siþþan ǣfre, / þāra | þe | wīf oþþe wer || on weorold |
Elene 84a | | ielda cynnes. / For·þon iċ | þe | lǣre || þurh liðu-rūne, / h |
Elene 88b | ne þū ġe·earnast || þæt | þe | biþ ēċe% līf, / sēlest si |
Elene 139b | aþ / mid fǣcne ġe·fice, || | þe | mē fore standaþ, / þæt ēow |
Elene 144b | ē þā word ġe·sēðan || | þe | ġē hwīle nū on unryht / wri |
Elene 150b | hine sundor-wīsne: || ‘Hē | þe | mæġ sōð ġe·cȳðan, / on |
Elene 164a | re rōde || riht ġe·tǣhte / | þe | ǣr on leġere wæs || lange |
Elene 168b | wā līf swā dēaþ, || swā | þe | lēofre biþ / tō ġe·ċēosa |
Elene 173b | mæġ þǣm ġe·weorðan || | þe | on wēstenne / mēðe and metel |
Elene 187b | es, / hāliġ under hrūsan, || | þe | ġē hwīle nū / þurh morðre |
Elene 199b | ītenra / frōdra and gōdra || | þe | ūs% fore wǣron, / glēawra gu |
Elene 279b | ċġende% / on þā dūne up || | þe | drihten ǣr / ā·hangen wæs%, |
Elene 287b | : / ‘Dryhten hǣlend, || þū | þe | āhst dōma ġe·weald, / and |
Elene 295a | æðelestan || enġel-cynne, / | þe | ġond lyft faraþ || lēohte |
Elene 305b | naþ. / Þāra sint% [IIII] || | þe | on flyhte ā / þā þeġnunge |
Elene 316b | , / siĝor-cynn on sweġele, || | þe | man seraphin / be naman hāteþ |
Elene 335b | d engla, / þæt rīcsie || sē | þe | on rōde wæs, / and þurh Mari |
Elene 379a | sīe || mīnra gylta, / þāra | þe | iċ ġe·fremede || nealles f |
Elene 458a | ā him ā sċyle, / wunder þā | þe | worhte || weoroda drihten / tō |
Elene 464b | Hwæt is þis, lā, manna, || | þe | mīnne eft / þurh fyrn-ġe·fl |
Elene 474b | de, / nīða nearulicra, || sē | þe | on Nazareþ / ā·fēded wæs. |
Elene 503b | morðres mān-frēa, || þæt | þe% | sē mihtĝa cyning / on neowoln |
Elene 506b | grund / dōmes lēasne, || sē | þe | dēadra fela / worde ā·weahte |
Elene 507b | orde ā·weahte. || Wite þū | þe | ġearwor / þæt þū unsnytrum |
Elene 518a | Sefa wæs þȳ glædra / þæs | þe | hēo ġe·hīerde || þone he |
Elene 527b | es, / ġe þæs ġe·lēafan || | þe | hēo swā lēohte on·cnēow, |
Elene 532a | l || maniĝum on andan / þāra | þe | dryhtnes ǣ || diernan woldon |
Elene 536b | lest siġe-bēacna% || þāra | þe | sīþ oþþe ǣr / hāliġ unde |
Elene 556b | -spelle, / hliehhende hyġe, || | þe | him here-rǣswan / ofer ēast-w |
Elene 575a | æs, || mǣrost bēama / þāra | þe | ġe·frugnen || fold-būende / |
Elene 581a | ċan || þā sēlestan, / þā | þe | wrætlicost || wyrċan cūðo |
Elene 605b | / Þā wæs ġe·fulwod || sē | þe | ǣr fela tīda / lēoht ġearu |
Elene 626b | nēahhe for þām næġlum || | þe | þæs nerġendes / fēt þurh· |
Elene 641b | iċ þæt þū funde || þā | þe | on foldan ġīen / dēope be·d |
Elene 652a | || Bide wiĝena þrymm / þæt | þe | ġe·cȳðe, || cyning æl-me |
Elene 687b | Þā wæs ġe·blissod || sē | þe | tō bōte ġe·hwearf / þurh b |
Elene 699b | orðode, / blissum hrēmiġ, || | þe | hire brungen wæs / gnyrna tō |
Elene 701b | de, / siĝora drihtne, || þæs | þe | hēo sōþ ġe·cnēow / andwea |
Elene 723b | ne / recene tō rūne, || þone | þe | rǣd-ġe·þeaht / þurh glēaw |
Elene 745b | æt ġe·feohte friþ, || sē | þe | foran% lǣdeþ / briġdels on b |
Elene 772b | erdon, / crīstnum þēawum, || | þe | him Cyriacus / bude, bōca glē |
Elene 787a | æs, || mǣrost bēama / þāra | þe | of eorðan || up ā·wēoxe, / |
Elene 794b | dæl sċīred / mid Marian, || | þe | on ġe·mynd nime / ðǣre dēo |
Elene 840b | īteþ, / and ēac swā same || | þe | hire inn wurdon / ā·tȳdrede, |
Elene 850a | olc ānra ġe·hwelċ, / þāra | þe | ġe·wurdon || on wīdan fēo |
Elene 879b | d / milde and blīðe, || þæs | þe | hīe māna ġe·hwelċ / for·s |
Christ A 2b | / Þū eart sē weall-stān || | þe | þā wyrhtan ġō / wiþ·wurpo |
Christ A 19a | || and þū riht cyning, / sē | þe | locan healdeþ, || līf on·t |
Christ A 23b | aþ, / and m[…]giaþ || þone | þe | mann ġe·sċōp / þæt hē ne |
Christ A 25b | an || / ċēarfulra þinġ, || | þe | we on carc-ærne / sittaþ sor |
Christ A 30b | dō ūsiċ þæs wierðe, || | þe | hē tō wuldre for·lǣt, / þ |
Christ A 33b | ·þon seċġan mæġ, || sē | þe | sōþ spriceþ, / þæt hē ā |
Christ A 36b | ung, / mæġþ mānes lēas, || | þe | hē him tō mēder ġe·ċēa |
Christ A 45a | ngsume || þurh līfes fruman / | þe | ǣr under hoðman || be·hole |
Christ A 47a | | þā sē wealdend cōm, / sē | þe | reorda ġe·hwæs || rȳne ġ |
Christ A 48a | | rȳne ġe·miċelaþ / þāra | þe | ġe·neahhe || naman sċieppe |
Christ A 73a | er ealne foldan sċēat / þæs | þe | ǣfre sund-būend || seċġan |
Christ A 89b | Hwæt is þēos wundrung || | þe | ġē wāfiaþ, / and ġōmrende |
Christ A 115b | æt þū on·līehte || þā | þe | lange ǣr, / þrosme be·þeaht |
Christ A 121a | rd godes || weorodum brungen, / | þe | on frymþe wæs || fæder æl |
Christ A 129a | simle be ġe·wyrhtum, / þæs | þe | hē hine selfne ūs || sendan |
Christ A 155a | mre || hider […]es; / ne lǣt | þe | be·hindan, || þonne þū he |
Christ A 221a | , || tō þæs swīðe glēaw / | þe | þæt ā·seċġan mæġe || |
Christ A 224b | . / Þæt wæs þāra þinga || | þe | hēr þēoda cynn / ġe·frugne |
Christ A 232a | fēa, || libbendra ġe·hwǣm / | þe | on cnēo-rissum || cende weor |
Christ A 239b | rde. / Þū eart sēo snytru || | þe | þās sīdan ġe·sċeaft / mid |
Christ A 242a | || ne þæs hyġe-cræftiġ, / | þe | þīn fram-cynn mæġe || fī |
Christ A 251b | , / and þā gyldnan ġeatu, || | þe | on ġār-daĝum / full lange ǣ |
Christ A 277a | || cwēn ofer eorðan / þāra | þe% | ġe·wurde || tō wīdan fēo |
Christ A 292b | enn, / brȳd bēaĝa hroden, || | þe | þā beorhtan lāc / tō heofon |
Christ A 335b | ta. / Iowa ūs nū þā āre || | þe | sē enġel þē, / godes spell- |
Christ A 353a | elan || mæġen-þrymmes nan / | þe | on rodorum up || rīċe be·w |
Christ A 413a | || Þū ġe·blētsod lēofa, / | þe | on dryhtnes naman || duĝuþu |
Christ A 431b | ċ rǣd / manna ġe·hwelcum || | þe | ġe·mynd hafaþ, / þæt hē s |
Christ B 466b | der, / þæs ymb fēowertiġ || | þe | hē of foldan ǣr / fram dēað |
Christ B 496a | ðǣr hīe tō sǣĝon, / þā | þe | lēofes þā ġīen || lāst |
Christ B 501a | tan, || hyġe murnende, / þæs | þe | hīe swā lēofne || lenġ ne |
Christ B 505a | uman, || lēohte ġe·fǣĝon / | þe | of þæs hǣlendes || heafela |
Christ B 521b | t sēleste / and æðeleste, || | þe | ġe· hēr on stariaþ / and on |
Christ B 526a | || dǣda ġe·hwelċe / þāra | þe | ġe·fremedon || folc under r |
Christ B 559b | afod / ealles þæs gafoles || | þe | hīe ġār-daĝum / on þæt or |
Christ B 570b | īm, / þisne īlcan þrēat || | þe | ġē hēr inn stariaþ. / Wile |
Christ B 580b | lǣdan / on drēama drēam, || | þe | hē on dēoflum ġe·nam / þur |
Christ B 602a | anc || duĝuþa ġe·hwelcre / | þe | ūs sīþ and ǣr || simle ġ |
Christ B 613b | um, / and hūru ðǣre hǣlu || | þe | hē ūs tō hyhte for·ġeaf, |
Christ B 615b | ċierde / æt his% up-stiġe || | þe | we ǣr druĝon, / and ġe·þin |
Christ B 619b | arf / sāwlum tō sibbe, || sē | þe | ǣr sungen wæs% / þurh ierne |
Christ B 640b | dierne and dēaĝol, || þām | þe | deorc ġe·witt / hæfdon on hr |
Christ B 643a | torhtan || tācen on·cnāwan / | þe | him be·foran fremede || frē |
Christ B 655a | ĝoles || flyht% ġe·cnāwan / | þe | þæs up-stīġes || and·sæ |
Christ B 792a | eft cymeþ || engla þēoden, / | þe | iċ ne hēold tela || þæt m |
Christ B 794b | ·sêon synn-wræce, || þæt | þe | iċ sōþ talie, / ðǣr maniġ |
Christ B 799a | || sprecan rēðe word / þām | þe | him ǣr on weorolde || wāce |
Christ B 828a | Beorht cyning lēanaþ / þæs | þe | hīe on eorðan || earĝum d |
Christ B 837a | sīene || ēċes dēman, / þā | þe | hira weorcum || wāce trūwia |
Christ B 854b | e strēam / ȳða ofer-mǣta || | þe | we hēr inn lācaþ / ġond þ |
Christ C 871b | cne, / þēof þristlīċe, || | þe | on þīestre fareþ, / on swear |
Christ C 893a | iþ fōre-tācna mǣst / þāra | þe | ǣr oþþe sīþ || ǣfre ġe |
Christ C 916b | e, / mæġen-cininges, || þām | þe | him on mōde ǣr / wordum and w |
Christ C 921b | wītes tō wearnunga || þām | þe | hafaþ wīsne ġe·þōht, / þ |
Christ C 935b | ded / on blōdes hīew, || sēo | þe | beorhte sċān / ofer ǣr-weoro |
Christ C 937b | earnum; / mōna þæt selfe, || | þe | ǣr mann-cynne / nihtes līehte |
Christ C 1033a | . || Hafaþ eall on him / þæs | þe | hē on foldan || on fyrn-daĝ |
Christ C 1057b | nċan / gæstes þearfe, || sē | þe | gode mynteþ / bringan beorhtne |
Christ C 1067b | sāwla ġe·hwelċe || þāra | þe | sīþ oþþe ǣr / on līċ-ham |
Christ C 1075b | e% bringen / of þām ēðle || | þe | hīe inn lifdon. / Þonne bēo |
Christ C 1076b | / Þonne bēoþ bealde || þā | þe | beorhtne wlite / metode bringa |
Christ C 1079b | ēan weorca. || Wēl is þām | þe | mōton% / on þā grimman tīd |
Christ C 1091b | þēodum tō þrēa, || þām | þe | þanc gode / wōm-wyrċende || |
Christ C 1097b | dæġe, / mid þȳ weorðe, || | þe | nā wōm dyde / his līċ-hama |
Christ C 1154a | sōðe, || þȳ selfan dæġe / | þe | on þrōwode, || þēod-wunde |
Christ C 1157a | bbende || up ā·stōdon / þā | þe | hēo ǣr fæste || be·fen h |
Christ C 1158b | fde, / dēade be·byrġde%, || | þe | dryhtnes be·bod / hēoldon on |
Christ C 1180a | || dēade ġe·sċeafte. / Þā | þe | æðelost sind || eorðan ġe |
Christ C 1199b | n cwēn. / Hwæs wēneþ sē || | þe | mid ġe·witte nille / ġe·mun |
Christ C 1201b | re, / and eall þā earfoþu || | þe | hē fore ieldum ā·drēah, / f |
Christ C 1202a | ieldum ā·drēah, / for·þon | þe | hē wolde || þæt we wuldres |
Christ C 1205b | mes þæs miċelan, || þām | þe | dryhtnes sċeall, / dēaþ-fire |
Christ C 1235b | þrīe tācen samod, || þæt | þe | hīe hira þēodnes wēl / word |
Christ C 1256b | anciaþ / blǣdes and blissa || | þe | hīe bū ġe·sēoþ, / þæt h |
Christ C 1260b | sċeall ġe·wrixled || þām | þe | ǣr wēl hēoldon / þurh mōd- |
Christ C 1294a | ra || ēad tō sorĝum, / þæs | þe | hīe swā fæġere ġe·fēan |
Christ C 1306b | le, || hwæðer him man sōþ | þe | lyġe / saĝaþ on hine selfne, |
Christ C 1322b | ǣlan, / þone lȳtlan first || | þe | hēr līfes sīe, / þæt hē m |
Christ C 1332a | ġe þinga, / hwæðer him yfel | þe | gōd || under wunie, / þæt h |
Christ C 1355a | and hræġl nacedum; / and þā | þe | on sāre || sēoce lāĝon, / e |
Christ C 1363b | e·līċe / wordum mæðlan || | þe | him biþ on þā wynstran han |
Christ C 1381a | ndġiet sealde%. / Of lāme iċ | þe | liðu% ġe·sette, || ġeaf i |
Christ C 1383b | ē ġe·līċne. || Ġeaf iċ | þe | ēac meahta spēd, / welan ofer |
Christ C 1386a | æs þanc ne wisses. / Þā iċ | þe | swā sċīenne || ġe·sċeap |
Christ C 1398b | eorcum for·lure || þæt iċ | þe | tō fremum sealde. / Þā iċ |
Christ C 1454b | sēoþ nū þā feorh-dolh || | þe | ġe· ġe·fremedun ǣr / on m |
Christ C 1466b | , / nīðre ġe·hȳded, || sē | þe | nǣngum sċōd, / on byrġenne, |
Christ C 1475b | ām biteran / dēaðe mīnum || | þe | iċ ā·drēah fore þē, / ac |
Christ C 1476b | n līf, || þæs þe iċ ġō | þe | min / þurh weorold-wīte || we |
Christ C 1478b | ; / þæs līfes iċ maniġe || | þe | þū mid leahtrum hafast / of· |
Christ C 1484b | ē þū þone līċ-haman || | þe | iċ ā·līesde mē / fēondum |
Christ C 1490a | mid mec || þīnra synna rōd / | þe | iċ unwillum || on bēom ġe |
Christ C 1491b | %, / þonne sēo ōðer wæs || | þe | iċ ǣr ġe·stāh, / willum m |
Christ C 1501b | ā·rēten / of þām ǣhtum || | þe | iċ ēow on eorðan ġeaf, / ea |
Christ C 1552a | m, || for·loren hæbbe, / sē | þe | nū ne ġīemeþ || hwæðer |
Christ C 1553a | hwæðer his gǣst sīe / earm | þe | ēadiġ, || ðǣr hē ēċe s |
Christ C 1573b | ċedōm / findan mōte, || sē | þe | nū his fēore nille / hǣlu st |
Christ C 1578b | on sċeall ōnettan%, || sē | þe | āĝan wile / līf æt metode, |
Christ C 1590a | || tō siĝor-lēanum / þām | þe | him on gǣstum || ġeorne hī |
Christ C 1615b | u eġesliċ. || Earm biþ sē | þe | wile / firenum ġe·wyrċan, || |
Christ C 1633a | fā, || forþ þrōwian, / þā | þe | hēr for·hoĝdun% || heofon- |
Christ C 1637b | gode / līðes līfes, || þæs | þe | ā·līefed biþ / hāliġra ġ |
Christ C 1639b | īċe. / Þæt is sē ēðel || | þe | nā ġe·endod weorðeþ, / ac |
Vainglory 10a | || ēaðe ġe·þenċan, / sē | þe | hine ne% lǣteþ || on þās |
Vainglory 38b | / brecan þone burĝ-weall, || | þe | him be·bēad metod / þæt hē |
Vainglory 46b | st / wunian on wīcum, || wīte | þe | be þissum / fēawum forþ-spel |
Vainglory 52a | þæt ġiedd ā·wræc: / Sē% | þe | hine selfne || on þā slīð |
Vainglory 68a | ōðrum || un-ġe·līċe / sē | þe | hēr on eorðan || ēað-mōd |
Vainglory 71a | and his fēond lufaþ, / þēah | þe | hē him ā·bylĝnesse || oft |
Vainglory 75a | biþ þām ōðrum swā, / sē | þe | on ofer-mēdum || earĝum dǣ |
Vainglory 77b | mid wuldor-cyning.’ || Wite | þe | be þissum, / ġif þū ēað-m |
Widsith 2a | , || word-hord on·lēac, / sē | þe | manna% mǣst || mǣġþa% ofe |
Widsith 13a | ōðrum || ēðle rǣdan, / sē | þe | his þēoden-stōl || ġe·þ |
Widsith 17a | d hē mǣst ġe·þeah / þāra | þe | iċ ofer foldan || ġe·fræ |
Widsith 77a | Finnum || and mid Casere, / sē | þe | wīn-burga || ġe·weald āht |
Widsith 95b | / lēofum tō lēane, || þæs | þe | hē mē land for·ġeaf, / mīn |
Widsith 107b | ance, / wordum sprecan, || þā | þe | wēl cūðon, / þæt hīe nǣf |
Widsith 126a | ða || þā sǣmestan, / þēah | þe | iċ hīe ā·nīehst || nemna |
Widsith 133a | lēofast || land-būendum / sē | þe | him god sileþ || gumena rī |
Widsith 140a | e, || ġeofum unhnēawne, / sē | þe | fore duĝuþe wile || dōm ā |
The Fortunes of Men 63a | ll || mǣġ-burĝe inn, / þæs | þe | ǣniġ fīra mæġe || forþ% |
The Fortunes of Men 83b | sċralletan || sċeacol%, sē | þe | hlēapeþ, / næġl neomeġende |
The Fortunes of Men 98a | nc || ǣġhwā seċġe, / þæs | þe | hē fore his miltsum || mannu |
Maxims I 2b | dēopost cunne. || Nelle iċ | þe | min dierne ġe·seċġan, / ġi |
Maxims I 5b | fæder ūserne, || for·þon | þe | hē ūs æt frymþe ġe·tēo |
Maxims I 30b | t / hwǣr sē cwealm cymeþ, || | þe | heonan of cȳþþe ġe·wīte |
Maxims I 35a | weorold tēode. / Dol biþ sē | þe | his drihten nāt, || tō þæ |
Maxims I 37a | mid rihte. / Ēadiġ biþ sē | þe | on his ēðle ġe·þiehþ, | |
Maxims I 59a | an-wealdes ġeorn; / lāþ sē | þe | landes manaþ, || lēof sē |
Maxims I 59b | e landes manaþ, || lēof sē | þe | māre bēodeþ. / Þrym sċeall |
Maxims I 70b | we lēoĝan nellaþ, || þām | þe | ūs þās lisse ġe·tēode. / |
Maxims I 111a | ēðe weorðe. / Sēoc sē biþ | þe | tō seldan ieteþ; || þēah |
Maxims I 115b | lan, / hinder under hrūsan, || | þe | hit for·helan þenċeþ; / ne |
Maxims I 164a | . || / Fela sċōp metod þæs | þe | fyrn ġe·wearþ, || hēt si |
Maxims I 169b | / Langaþ þonne þȳ læs || | þe | him cann lēoða worn, / oþþe |
Maxims I 171b | him his glēowes ġiefe, || | þe | him God sealde. / Earm biþ sē |
Maxims I 172a | him God sealde. / Earm biþ sē | þe | sċeall ana libban, || / winel |
The Order of the World 6a | liċe || cwic-hrērende, / þā | þe | dōĝra% ġe·hwǣm || þurh |
The Order of the World 17b | ·þon sċyle āscian, || sē | þe% | on elne leofaþ, / dēop-hyġdi |
The Order of the World 32b | rum / āwa tō ealdre, || þæs | þe | ūs sē ēċa cyning / on gǣst |
The Order of the World 43b | n eall swā teofenode, || sē | þe | tela cūðe, / ǣġhwelċ wiþ |
The Order of the World 51b | word / on þām frum-stōle || | þe | him frēa sette, / hlūtor heof |
The Order of the World 59a | mena || þām ġe·dēfestan, / | þe | ūs þis līf ġe·sċōp || |
The Order of the World 66b | ōt / ǣġhwelċ on eorðan, || | þe | him ēaĝna ġe·sihþ / siĝor |
The Order of the World 82b | ·þon swā teofenode, || sē | þe | tela cūðe, / dæġ wiþ nihte |
The Order of the World 95b | . / Nis him wihte wan, || þām | þe | wuldres cyning / ġe·sēoþ |
The Riming Poem 80b | ġe·þenċeþ, || hē hine | þe | oftor swenċeþ, / bierġeþ hi |
The Panther 2b | iddan-ġeard / unrīmu cynn, || | þe | we æðelu ne maĝon / rihte ā |
The Panther 13b | her / be naman hāten, || þæt | þe | niþþa bearn%, / wīsfæste we |
The Panther 18b | þ / þurh yfela ġe·hwelċ || | þe | hē ġe·æfnan mæġ. / Þæt |
The Panther 34b | an, / his fyrn-ġe·flitan, || | þe | iċ ǣr fore sæġde%. / Simle |
The Panther 62b | f dēaĝle ā·rās, || þæs | þe | hē dēaþ fore ūs / þrīe-ni |
The Panther 71b | dan-ġeard / god ungnīeðe% || | þe | ūs tō ġiefe dǣleþ / and t |
The Whale 43b | eþ, / wlancum and hēanum, || | þe | his willan hēr / firenum fremm |
The Whale 48a | | swā sē miċela hwæl, / sē | þe | be·senċeþ || sǣ-līðende |
The Whale 63a | biþ gumena ġe·hwǣm, / sē | þe | oftost his || unwǣrlīċe / on |
The Whale 69a | e || helle on·tȳneþ, / þām | þe | lēaslīċe || līċes wynne / |
The Whale 73b | , / æt þām ed-wielme || þā | þe | him inn clifiaþ, / gyltum ġe |
The Whale 80a | ā ðǣr inn cumaþ, / þon mā | þe | þā fiscas || faroþ-lācend |
The Partridge 4a | / || fǣġer, || / þæt word | þe | ġe·cwæþ || wuldres ealdor |
Soul and Body II 4b | sundraþ þā sibbe, || þā | þe | ǣr samod wǣron, / līċ and s |
Soul and Body II 11b | e findan / þone līċ-haman || | þe | hēo ǣr lange wæġ, / þrīe |
Soul and Body II 24a | | hū þis is lang hider, / and | þe | þurh enġel || ufan of rodor |
Soul and Body II 30a | || helle wītum. / Eardode% iċ | þe | on innan. || Nā iċ þē of |
Soul and Body II 36a | sē ende tō gōd. / Wǣre þū | þe | wiste wlanc || and wīnes sǣ |
Soul and Body II 40a | || hēr on līfe, / þenden iċ | þe | on weorolde || wunian sċolde |
Soul and Body II 53b | de / þurh þæs selfes hand || | þe | iċ ǣr on·sended wæs. / Ne m |
Soul and Body II 61a | ne drēamas wiht. / Sċeal iċ | þe | nihtes sē·þeah || nīede |
Soul and Body II 65b | dōþ, / sēċan þā hāmas || | þe | þū mē ǣr sċrīfe, / and þ |
Soul and Body II 71a | || mannum ēawdest. / For·þon | þe | wǣre selle || swīðe miċel |
Soul and Body II 72a | lle || swīðe miċele / þonne | þe | wǣran ealle || eorðan spēd |
Soul and Body II 84b | / wunde on·wriĝene, || þā | þe | on weorolde ǣr / firenfulle me |
Guthlac A 8a | þeċ lǣdan sċeall. / Weĝas | þe | sindon wēðe || and wuldres |
Guthlac A 14b | / drȳman mid drihten, || þā | þe | his dōmas hēr / efnaþ on eor |
Guthlac A 18b | æt sind þā ġe·timbru || | þe | nā% tȳdriaþ, / ne þām fore |
Guthlac A 19b | þ, / ne þām fore iermþum || | þe | ðǣr inn wuniaþ / līf ā·sp |
Guthlac A 23b | cuman aefter cwealme, || þā | þe | hēr Crīstes ǣ / lǣraþ and |
Guthlac A 31b | ādas under heofonum, || þā | þe | on hāliġra / rīm ā·rīsaþ |
Guthlac A 49b | n bringe / ofer þā nīðas || | þe | we nū drēoĝaþ, / ær·þon |
Guthlac A 55b | ēawaþ / hwǣr þā eardien || | þe | his ǣ healden; / ġe·sihþ h |
Guthlac A 66a | rwaþ || hāliġra mōd, / þā | þe | him tō heofonum || hyġe sta |
Guthlac A 68b | deþ / ealra ðǣre meniġu || | þe | ġond middan-ġeard / drihtne |
Guthlac A 72b | þæt ġe·ġiernaþ || þā | þe | him godes eġesa / hlēonaþ of |
Guthlac A 79b | a, / lufiaþ mid lācum || þā | þe | lǣs āgon, / dæġhwǣm drihtn |
Guthlac A 85b | / lāðne ġe·lǣdeþ, || sē | þe | him līfes of·ann, / īeweþ h |
Guthlac A 92b | ā lēan ā·leġeþ || þām | þe | his lufan ā·drēoĝeþ. / Ma |
Guthlac A 99b | þþan hine on·liehte || sē | þe | līfes weġ / gǣstum ġearwaþ |
Guthlac A 104a | u || ealne ġe·sealde, / þone | þe | hē on ġuĝuþe || be·gān |
Guthlac A 110b | essa fela. || Frist wæs swā | þe | ana / on godes dōme, || hwonne |
Guthlac A 124b | n / ġeorne ġieldeþ, || þām | þe | his ġiefe willaþ / þiċġan |
Guthlac A 130a | ā dōþ wræc-mæċġas / þā | þe | ne be·murnaþ || mannes fēo |
Guthlac A 131a | urnaþ || mannes fēore / þæs | þe | him tō handa || hūðe ġe· |
Guthlac A 155a | iġra || manna tīdum, / þāra | þe | nū ġīena || þurh gǣstlic |
Guthlac A 161a | þurh reorde ā·bēad, / þām | þe | þrōwera || þēawas lufodon |
Guthlac A 173b | / fǣle friðu-weard, || þām | þe | fēara sum / mearc-land ġe·s |
Guthlac A 238a | meniġu || māran cōme, / þā | þe | for his līfe || lȳt sorĝod |
Guthlac A 240b | ryhtnes meahtum. || ‘Þēah | þe | ġē mē dēaþ ġe·hāten, / |
Guthlac A 241b | m nīðum ġe·nerġan || sē | þe | ēowrum nīedum wealdeþ. / Ān |
Guthlac A 256b | -mōde, / fram þissum earde || | þe | ġē hēr inn standaþ, / flēo |
Guthlac A 268a | || þræce mōdiġra, / þāra | þe | on ġe·limpe || līfe weoldo |
Guthlac A 272b | on ūs% / ġe·ġān wille, || | þe% | eart% godes ierming. / Be hwon |
Guthlac A 282b | aþ / māran mæġene, || þæt | þe | mann ne ðearf / heandum hrīna |
Guthlac A 298b | gǣsta. / Sindon wǣr-loĝan || | þe | þā wīċ būĝaþ. / Þēah |
Guthlac A 311b | aldeþ / ofer manna cynn || sē | þe | mæġena ġe·hwæs / weorcum w |
Guthlac A 327a | . || Ne wæs sē frist miċel / | þe | hīe Gūð·lāce || for·ġi |
Guthlac A 341a | | ne hē tīd for·sæt / þæs | þe | hē for his drihtne || drēo |
Guthlac A 346b | t beran / oft on andan || þām | þe | eahtan wile / sāwla ġe·hwelc |
Guthlac A 351a | nipu || nēosan cōmon, / þā | þe | onhǣle || eardas weredon, / hw |
Guthlac A 361b | ru, þæs be·hōfaþ, || sē | þe | him hāliġ gǣst / wīsaþ on |
Guthlac A 373b | l, / swā þēos eorðe eall || | þe | iċ hēr inn stande. / Þēah |
Guthlac A 377a | e·witt ġe·lǣsteþ. / Þēah | þe | ġē hine sārum for·sæcen, |
Guthlac A 379a | n iċ ġe·bīdan wille / þæs | þe | mē min drihten dēmeþ. || N |
Guthlac A 385a | | þonne hit menn dūġe% / sē | þe | on þrōwingum || þēodnes w |
Guthlac A 409b | / on līċ-haman, || lifde sē | þe | ana / þæt hīe him mid heandu |
Guthlac A 417a | m || manna ġe·bǣru, / þāra | þe | hira līfes || þurh lust br |
Guthlac A 423a | ræðe || ġe·brocen hæfdon / | þe | him ā·līefed wæs || lȳtl |
Guthlac A 426a | ne him wiht ġe·sċōd / þæs | þe | hīe him tō tēonan || þurh |
Guthlac A 441b | n-cynnes / ēadiġ wǣre || sē | þe | his ānum hēr / fēore ġe·fr |
Guthlac A 458b | elde, / for þām mierċelse || | þe | þeċ mannes hand / fram þīnr |
Guthlac A 466b | owre dǣda dierne, || þēah | þe | ġē hīe on dīegle ġe·fre |
Guthlac A 467b | t ġe·lǣddon, || of·tuĝon | þe | landes wynna, / woldon þū þe |
Guthlac A 468a | þe landes wynna, / woldon þū | þe | selfa ġe·sāwe || þæt wē |
Guthlac A 481a | ēdum || āre sēċan, / þēah | þe | ēow ā·līefde || lȳtle hw |
Guthlac A 501a | d æt-wist || ieldran hādes, / | þe | ġe·mete maniġe || ġond mi |
Guthlac A 512a | | sē ūsiċ semon mæġ, / sē | þe | līfa ġe·hwæs || lengu wea |
Guthlac A 516b | dæl ā·drēoĝan, || þēah | þe | drihten his / wītum weolde%. | |
Guthlac A 528b | e lof / ealra þāra bȳsena || | þe | ūs bēċ fore / þurh his wund |
Guthlac A 539b | fela / tō seċġenne, || þæs | þe | hē selfa ā·drēah / under n |
Guthlac A 542b | wle wēl / þæs% mund-boran || | þe | þæt mōd% ġe·hēold, / þæ |
Guthlac A 588b | lēan for·ġieldan, || ðǣr | þe | lāðast biþ / on þām grymme |
Guthlac A 606b | cian / ealra þāra ġiefena || | þe | god ġe·sċōp / englum ǣrest |
Guthlac A 622a | | sprǣċe ġe·lǣded, / þām | þe | on his weorcum || willan ræf |
Guthlac A 661b | þ, / for þām ofer-hyġdum || | þe | ēow on mōd ā·stāh / þurh |
Guthlac A 700a | la || ne lāðes wiht, / þæs | þe | ġē him tō dare || ġe·dō |
Guthlac A 709b | / Eom iċ þāra twelfa sum || | þe | hē ġe·trīeweste / under man |
Guthlac A 716b | d wunaþ / on ðǣre sōcne, || | þe | iċ þā sibbe wiþ hine / heal |
Guthlac A 747b | re; / hæfde sē heorde, || sē | þe | of heofonum cōm, / fēondas ā |
Guthlac A 750a | rden || on wera līfe, / þāra | þe | ieldran || ūsse ġe·munde, / |
Guthlac A 778b | t, / þancode þēodne || þæs | þe | hē on þrōwungum / bīdan mō |
Guthlac A 792b | īĝan / rodera rīċe, || þā | þe | ræfnaþ hēr / wordum and weor |
Guthlac B 859a | na, || þurh dēaðes cwealm, / | þe | hīe unsnytrum || ǣr ġe·fr |
Guthlac B 872b | e / ofer fold-būend, || þēah | þe | fela wǣre / gǣst-hāliġra, | |
Guthlac B 886a | ġe-ġomre || hefiġra wīta, / | þe | hine unsōfte, || ādle ġe· |
Guthlac B 891a | hǣlu. || Nǣniġ hæleþa is / | þe | ā·reċċan mæġe || oþþe |
Guthlac B 892b | wīte / ealra þāra wundra || | þe | hē on weorolde hēr / þurh dr |
Guthlac B 927a | || þurh þā æðelan meaht, / | þe | hine sēosliġe || sōhton on |
Guthlac B 948b | ofer þæt / wunian lēton, || | þe | him on weorcum hēr / on his da |
Guthlac B 973b | ēotan, / efene þæs īlcan || | þe | ūsse ieldran fyrn / frecne on |
Guthlac B 1017a | ē on wēne ġe·þuht, / þæt | þe | untrymnes || ādle gangum / on |
Guthlac B 1053b | ġe hrēow-ċeariġ, || þæs | þe | his hālford ġe·seah / ellor- |
Guthlac B 1132b | , / mōd and mæġen-cræft, || | þe | him metod engla, / gǣsta ġēo |
Guthlac B 1142b | ġ / ieldum andweard, || þæs | þe | him inn ġe·sanc, / hāt, heor |
Guthlac B 1206b | e·īeþe, eorla wynn. || Nis | þe | ende feorr, / þæs þe iċ on |
Guthlac B 1207a | || Nis þe ende feorr, / þæs | þe | iċ on ġealdrum || on·ġiet |
Guthlac B 1228b | t, / fūsne friġnest, || þæs | þe | iċ furðum ǣr / ǣfre on eald |
Guthlac B 1248b | mann wite / on līfe% hēr, || | þe | mē ā·līefed nis / tō ġe· |
Guthlac B 1284b | e ofer burh-salu. || Bād sē | þe | sċolde / ēadiġ on elne || en |
Guthlac B 1337b | e, / mēðne mōd-sefan, || sē | þe | his mann-drihten, / līfe be·l |
Guthlac B 1348b | Ellen biþ sēlost || þām | þe | oftost sċeall / drēoĝan drih |
Guthlac B 1351b | rd-stafum%. || Þæt wāt sē | þe | sċeall / ā·swǣman sariġ-fe |
Guthlac B 1355a | n. || Þām biþ gamenes wana / | þe | þā earfoþa || oftost drēo |
Guthlac B 1360a | ta || be sǣm twēonum / þāra | þe | we on Engle || ǣfre ġe·fru |
Riddles 12 14a | e. || Saĝa hwæt iċ hātte, / | þe | iċ libbende || land reafie / a |
Riddles 13 10a | æġl biþ ġe·nīewod / þām | þe | ǣr forþ-cumene || frætwe l |
Riddles 15 29b | m / lāþ-ġe·winnum, || þām | þe | iċ lange flēah. |
Riddles 2 11b | / losian ǣr mec lǣte || sē | þe | min lāttēow biþ / on sīða |
Riddles 2 15b | ðaþ, / ȳða ġe·þwǣre, || | þe | mec ǣr wruĝon. |
Riddles 20 4b | % / wir ymb þone wæl-ġimm || | þe | mē wealdend ġeaf, / sē mē w |
Riddles 20 21b | ·miċeledu / eaforan mīnum || | þe | iċ aefter wōc, / nemþe iċ h |
Riddles 20 23b | mōte / fram þām healdende || | þe | mē hringas ġeaf. / Mē biþ f |
Riddles 25 10b | / mīnes ġe·mōtes, || sēo% | þe | mec nearwaþ, / wīf wunden-loc |
Riddles 26 5a | swīðe be·lēas / herum þām | þe | iċ hæfde. || Heard mec siþ |
Riddles 27 9b | na þæt on·findeþ, || sē | þe | mec fēhð on·ġēan, / and wi |
Riddles 27 16a | . || Friġe hwæt iċ hātte, / | þe | on eorðan swā || esnas bind |
Riddles 28 9a | | clenġeþ, lenġeþ, / þāra | þe | ǣr libbende || lange hwīle / |
Riddles 3 16b | mōt / of þæs ġe·wealde || | þe | mē wǣĝas tǣcneþ. / Hwīlum |
Riddles 3 34b | ieldum ġe·īewed, || þāra | þe | iċ hīeran sċeall / strang on |
Riddles 3 58a | þæt ġe·dīeĝaþ, / þāra | þe | ġe·rǣceþ || ryne-ġiestes |
Riddles 31 15a | ēo ðǣr wiht þiġeþ / þæs | þe | him æt blisse || beornas hab |
Riddles 32 12b | l ġēara ġe·hwǣm || þæs | þe | guman brūcaþ, / rīċe and h |
Riddles 34 6b | a hēo þā findeþ, || þā | þe | fæst ne biþ; / lǣteþ hēo |
Riddles 35 10a | ǣfan || wyrda cræftum, / þā | þe | ġeolu gōd-webb || ġeatwum |
Riddles 38 5b | otan. / Mann maðelode, || sē | þe | mē ġe·sæġde: / ‘Sēo wih |
Riddles 39 15a | armost || ealra wihta, / þāra | þe | aefter ġe·cyndum || cenned |
Riddles 39 26a | || Sōþ is ǣġhwelċ / þāra | þe | ymb þās wiht || wordum bēc |
Riddles 40 27a | m wrǣstre þonne hēo. / Þeah | þe | līlie sīe || lēof mann-cyn |
Riddles 40 49b | u fulla / oþþe þis waroþ || | þe | hēr ā·worpen liġeþ. / Iċ |
Riddles 40 61a | ðre || þonne wer-mōd sīe, / | þe% | hēr on hyrstum || haswe stan |
Riddles 40 77a | e || þonne þēs lȳtla wyrm / | þe | hēr on flōde% gæþ || fōt |
Riddles 40 78b | e. / Flinte iċ eom heardre% || | þe | þis fȳr% drīfeþ / of þissu |
Riddles 40 89a | | ealra ġe·sċeafta, / þāra | þe | worhte || wealdend ūser, / sē |
Riddles 40 93a | þonne sē miċela hwæl, / sē | þe | gārseċġes || grund be·hea |
Riddles 40 96b | / þonne sē hand-wyrm, || sē | þe | hæleþa bearn, / seċġas sear |
Riddles 40 106b | sted swin, / bearh bellende, || | þe% | on bōc-wuda, / wan wrōtende | |
Riddles 41 4b | an, / þæs dēorestan || þæs | þe | dryhta bearn / ofer foldan sċ |
Riddles 42 7a | fas || rincum seċġan, / þām | þe | bēċ witan, || bēġa æt·s |
Riddles 42 13a | fte || þā clamme on·lēac / | þe | þā rǣdellan || wiþ ryne-m |
Riddles 43 5b | līċe / esne þeġnaþ, || sē | þe | āĝan sċeall / on þām sīþ |
Riddles 43 14b | or and sweostor. || Mann, sē | þe | wille, / cȳðe cyne-wordum || |
Riddles 43 16b | a hātte, / eþþa sē esne, || | þe | iċ hēr ymb spriċe. |
Riddles 47 6b | wæs / wihte þȳ glēawra, || | þe | hē þām wordum swealh. |
Riddles 49 9b | ū ġīen / nemnan ne wille, || | þe | him tō nytte swā / and tō du |
Riddles 50 10a | um. || Lēanaþ grymme / þām% | þe | hine wlancne || weorðan lǣt |
Riddles 59 5a | erġende || gǣste sīnum / sē | þe | wende wriðan; || word aefter |
Riddles 59 15b | odera ċeastre. || Rǣde, sē | þe | wille, / hū þæs wrætlican | |
Riddles 8 9a | e. || Saĝa hwæt iċ hātte, / | þe% | swā sċīreniġe || sċēawe |
The Wife's Lament 41b | nē ealles þæs langoþes || | þe | mec on þissum līfe be·ġea |
The Wife's Lament 52b | cran wīċ. || Wā biþ þām | þe | sċeall / of langoþe || lēofe |
The Judgment Day I 3b | e·hwelcum. || Oft mæġ sē | þe | wile / on his selfes sefan || s |
The Judgment Day I 25b | , / sārliċ sīþfæt || þām | þe | sibbe full oft / tō·mǣldeþ |
The Judgment Day I 28a | ende || ēċe standeþ / þām | þe | ðǣr for his synnum || on·s |
The Judgment Day I 33b | eþ / clǣnum heortum, || þām | þe | þisne cwide willaþ / on·drǣ |
The Judgment Day I 42a | ēanes friċġan / ealles þæs | þe | we on eorðan || ǣr ġe·wor |
The Judgment Day I 78a | ȳt þæt ġe·þenċeþ, / sē | þe | him wīnes glæd || wilna br |
The Judgment Day I 83a | rde, || wuldres ealdor, / þām | þe | his synna nū || sāre ġe· |
The Judgment Day I 87b | īðe / gōdum dǣdum, || þæs | þe | hē swā ġōmor wearþ, / sār |
The Judgment Day I 89b | issa lārna tō læt, || sē | þe | him wile libban mid gode, / br |
The Judgment Day I 90b | gode, / brūcan þæs boldes || | þe | ūs beorht fæder / ġearwaþ t |
The Judgment Day I 92b | or. / Þæt is siġe-drihten || | þe | þone sele frætweþ, / timbre |
The Judgment Day I 97a | , || drihtne hīereþ, / þāra | þe | wile heofona || hīehþu ġe |
The Judgment Day I 98b | þæt ġe·gangeþ, || þēah | þe | hit sīe grēote be·þeaht, / |
Resignation 4a | r eall, || min wunder-cyning, / | þe% | ðǣr inn sindon, || ēċe dr |
Resignation 13a | || metodes willan, / þæt iċ | þe | ġe·þēo || þinga ġe·hwe |
Resignation 16b | sċade sċieþþan, || þēah | þe | iċ sċieppendum / wuldor-cynin |
Resignation 27b | for þīnre miltse, || þēah | þe | iċ mā fremede / grimmra gylta |
Resignation 34b | s, / līf ā·līefe, || þēah | þe | lætlīcor / bēte bealu-dǣde |
Resignation 41a | rone rǣd. / Nū iċ fundie tō | þe, | || fæder mann-cynnes, / of þi |
Resignation 48b | æt frēan frōfre, || þēah | þe | iċ ǣr on fierste / lȳt earno |
Resignation 51b | for þīnre miltse. || þēah | þe | iċ māna fela / aefter dōĝru |
Resignation 55a | anc || ġe·fēon mōton / þȳ | þe | hīe him selfum || sellan þu |
Resignation 67b | e / ārna on þisse eorðan. || | Þe | sīe ealles þanc / meorda% and |
Resignation 73b | dian / self tō þām sīðe || | þe | iċ ā·settan sċeall, / gǣst |
Resignation 77b | wīteþ / sume þāra synna || | þe | iċ mē self ne ann / on·ġiet |
Resignation 102b | / ne hūru þæs frēondes, || | þe | mē ġe·fylste / tō þām sī |
The Descent into Hell 8a | ; || hæleþ wǣron mōdġe, / | þe | hīe æt þām beorĝe || bl |
The Descent into Hell 54a | duru || hǣdre sċīnan, / þā | þe | lange ǣr || be·locen wǣron |
The Descent into Hell 59a | will-cuman || wordum grēte: / | þe | þæs þanc sīe, || þēoden |
The Descent into Hell 94b | | / [] || nū ūs% man mōdġe | þe | / ā·ġeaf fram ūsse ġuĝuþ |
The Descent into Hell 101a | lle ġe·wunodest. / Ne mōston | þe% | ġeond·fēran || fold-būend |
The Descent into Hell 102b | ende / ealle libbende, || þā | þe | lof singaþ. / Ēalā Iordane | |
The Descent into Hell 107a | es || wynnum brūcan. / Nū iċ | þe% | hālsie, || hǣlend ūser, / d |
The Descent into Hell 113b | dend, / ac for þām miltsum || | þe | þū mann-cynne / oft æt-īewd |
The Descent into Hell 118a | st ealra cyninga. / Swelċe iċ | þe% | hālsie, || hǣlend ūser, / fo |
The Descent into Hell 124b | rġaþ and lof[] / []lum || þe | þe% | ymb standaþ, / þā þū þe l |
The Descent into Hell 125a | þe% ymb standaþ, / þā þū | þe | lete sittan [] hand, || / þā |
Alms-Giving 1b | ing / / Wēl biþ þām eorle || | þe | him on innan hafaþ, / rēðe-h |
The Lord's Prayer I 1b | Prayer I / / []g fæder, || þū | þe | on heofonum eardast, / ġe·weo |
Azarias 42b | þā frum-sprǣċe, || þēah | þe | ūser fēa libben, / wlitiĝa |
Azarias 87b | wēl-dǣdum. || Wīs biþ sē | þe | cann / on·ġietan þone ġēoc |
Azarias 88b | ·ġietan þone ġēocend, || | þe | ūs eall gōd sileþ / þe we h |
Azarias 89a | , || þe ūs eall gōd sileþ / | þe | we habbaþ || þenden we hēr |
Azarias 101a | lufien%, || lux et% tenebre, / | þe | þās wer-þēoda || weardum |
Azarias 114b | e, / libbaþ be þām lissum || | þe | ūs sē lēofa cyning, / ēċe |
Azarias 141a | || fela-mihtiġne, / ealle þā | þe | on·hrēraþ || hrēo wǣġas |
Azarias 144a | || and heofon-fuĝolas%, / þā | þe | lācende || ġond lyft faraþ |
Azarias 148a | , || Israhela cynn. / Blētsien | þe | þīne sācerdas%, || sōþf |
Azarias 159b | ldend / enġel tō āre, || sē | þe | ūs bearh / fȳr and fēondas | |
Riddles 60 11b | , / on sefan searuliċ || þām | þe | swelċ ne cann, / hū mec seaxe |
The Husband's Message 16a | wit-locan || word-bēotunga, / | þe | ġit on ǣr-daĝum || oft ġe |
The Husband's Message 31b | āra on ġe·myndum, || þæs | þe | hē mē sæġde, / þonne inc |
The Husband's Message 39b | | [] / []ra hæleþa, || þēah | þe | hēr min wine[] / nīede ġe·b |
The Husband's Message 53a | m libbendum || lǣstan wolde, / | þe | ġit on ǣr-daĝum || oft ġe |
Riddles 65 6b | te; / sindon þāra maniġe || | þe | mec bītaþ. |
Riddles 67 15b | | and seolfre. || Seċġe sē | þe | cunne, / wīsfæstra hwelċ, || |
Riddles 70 1b | 0 / / Wiht is wrǣtliċ || þām | þe | hire% wīsan ne cann. / Singeþ |
Riddles 70 5a | His ġe·sċeapu drēoĝeþ% / | þe | swā wrætlīċe || be weġe |
Riddles 71 6b | lum / for mīnum grīpe || sē | þe | gold wiġeþ, / þonne iċ īe |
Riddles 72 4b | || / []te ġeaf || [] / []pe || | þe | unc ġe·mǣne [] / [] sweostor |
Riddles 73 4b | rdon, / of ðǣre ġe·cynde || | þe | iċ ǣr cwic be·hēold, / on· |
Riddles 73 28b | of þām wīcum. || Wiġa sē | þe | mīne / wīsan cunne, || saĝa |
Riddles 81 7b | ĝe, / ðǣr mec weġeþ || sē | þe | wudu hrēreþ, / and mec stande |
Riddles 84 16a | / []onne hīe ā·weorp[] || / | []þe | ǣniġ þāra [] || / []fter n |
Riddles 84 31a | grund-bedd trideþ, || / þæs | þe | under lyfte || ā·loden wurd |
Riddles 84 34a | orold-bearna mæġen%, / þēah | þe | ferhþum glēaw || / mann mōd |
Riddles 84 51a | || dēaðe ne feleþ, / þēah | þe | [] || / []du hrēren, || hrif |
Riddles 88 11a | e. / Eard wæs þȳ weorðra || | þe | wit inn stōdon, || / hyrstum |
Riddles 88 31b | m spore findeþ || spēd sē | þe | sē[] / [] || sāwle rǣdes. |
Riddles 91 10b | ile / lāfe þiċġan || þāra | þe | hē of līfe hēt / wæl-cræft |
Riddles 93 29a | raþ || hȳðende fēond, / sē | þe | ǣr wīde bær || wulfes ġe |
The Phoenix 31b | onne ǣniġ þāra beorĝa || | þe | hēr beorhte mid ūs / hēa hli |
The Phoenix 138b | , / ne ǣniġ þāra drēama || | þe | drihten ġe·sċōp / gumum tō |
The Phoenix 196b | e·hwone, / wyrta wynsumra, || | þe | wuldor-cyning, / fæder frymþa |
The Phoenix 252b | an / þurh cornes ġe·cynd, || | þe | ǣr clǣne biþ / sǣd on·sāw |
The Phoenix 316a | , || swā sume fuĝolas, / þā | þe | late þurh lyft || lācaþ fi |
The Phoenix 319b | Ēċe is sē æðeling || sē | þe | him þæt ēad ġe·fēþ. / þ |
The Phoenix 357a | s ġe·cynde biþ, / wīfhādes | þe | weres; || þæt ne wāt ǣni |
The Phoenix 369b | rĝaþ, / sāre swylt-cwale, || | þe | him simle wāt / aefter līeġ- |
The Phoenix 410b | siþþan / gryne on·guldon, || | þe | hīe þæt ġiefl þǣĝon / of |
The Phoenix 424b | s þon ġe·līcost, || þæs | þe | ūs leorneras / wordum% seċġa |
The Phoenix 443b | on hwæðere maniġe, || þā | þe | metode wēl% / ġe·hīerdum un |
The Phoenix 476a | || weorca tō lēane, / þæs | þe | hīe ġe·hēoldon || hālġe |
The Phoenix 516b | res ġimm. || Wēl biþ þām | þe | mōt / on þā ġōmran tīd || |
The Phoenix 536b | / ǣnliċ and ed-ġung, || sē | þe | his āĝnum hēr / willum ġe· |
The Phoenix 568b | or·birsteþ on brēostum, || | þe | iċ on breĝu engla / forþ·we |
The Phoenix 656b | aþ, / hlēoðor hāliġra, || | þe | him tō heofonum biþ, / tō þ |
Juliana 13b | / dǣdum ġe·dwolene, || þā | þe | dryhtnes ǣ / fēodon þurh fir |
Juliana 37a | all þæt māðum-ġe·steald / | þe | on þæs æðelinges || ǣhtu |
Juliana 42b | ste wiþ·hoĝode, || þēah | þe | feoh-ġe·strēon / under hord- |
Juliana 46a | || on wera meniġu: / ‘Iċ% | þe | mæġ ġe·seċġan || þæt |
Juliana 75b | dne% god, / ofer þā ōðre || | þe | we ǣr cūðon, / welum weorði |
Juliana 84b | sind sōþ / manna lēofost, || | þe | þū mē saĝast, / þæt iċ h |
Juliana 86b | ld ġiefe, / þēoden mǣra, || | þe | tō ġe·wealde%. / Dēm þū h |
Juliana 87b | ū hīe tō dēaðe, || ġif | þe | ġe·dafen þynċe, / swā tō |
Juliana 111b | de, / lufie mid lācum || þone | þe | lēoht ġe·sċōp, / heofon an |
Juliana 122b | gest / and þā for·lǣtest || | þe | ūs lēofran sind, / þe þissu |
Juliana 123a | est || þe ūs lēofran sind, / | þe | þissum folce || tō freme st |
Juliana 136b | te-brōĝan, / hilde-wōman, || | þe | þū hǣstlīċe / mān-fremmen |
Juliana 145a | e || and þā word on·ċierr / | þe | þū unsnytrum || ǣr ġe·sp |
Juliana 171b | yldu% tō hālĝum, || bēoþ | þe | ā·hielded fram / wrāðe ġe |
Juliana 173b | īta unrīm, / grimra gyrna, || | þe | þē ġe·ġearwod sind, / ġif |
Juliana 195b | sōþ godu / lufian wolde. || | Þe | þā lēan sċulon / wiðer-hy |
Juliana 205b | wrecan, / torne tēon-cwide, || | þe | þū tælnessum / wiþ þā sē |
Juliana 207b | / and þā mildostan || þāra | þe | menn wīten, / þe þēs lēods |
Juliana 208a | an || þāra þe menn wīten, / | þe | þēs lēodsċipe mid him || |
Juliana 215b | nn-lāce / of gramra grīpe, || | þe | þū tō godum teohhast. / Þā |
Juliana 219b | niġ / sōðe sibbe, || þēah | þe | sēċe tō him / frēond-rǣden |
Juliana 249b | r-cyninge, / drihtne ūssum? || | þe | þēs dēma hafaþ / þā wierr |
Juliana 258b | ġn þā framlīċe, || sēo | þe | forht ne wæs, / Crīste ġe·c |
Juliana 265b | hod / tō gring-wræce. || Hēt | þe | god bēodan, / bearn wealdendes |
Juliana 266b | n, / bearn wealdendes, || þæt | þe | burĝe þā.’ / Þā wæs sē |
Juliana 268b | pelle / eġesan ġe·āclod, || | þe | hire sē āĝ-lǣċa, / wuldres |
Juliana 274a | rh þæt æðele ġe·sċēap / | þe | þū, fæder engla, || æt fr |
Juliana 277b | bodaþ / frecne fǣr-spell, || | þe | mē fore standeþ. / Swā iċ |
Juliana 281b | eġn sīe, / lyft-lācende, || | þe | mec lǣreþ fram þē / on stea |
Juliana 313b | ·fremede, / sweartra synna, || | þe | iċ ā·seċġan% ne mæġ, / r |
Juliana 354a | ðe || oþ ende forþ / þāra | þe | iċ ġe·fremede, || nealles |
Juliana 358b | ġe·þanċġe, || þæt iċ | þe | meahte / būtan earfoþum || ā |
Juliana 377b | tō / lāðne ġe·lde || þām | þe | iċ līfes of·ann, / lēohtes |
Juliana 396a | ol-haĝan, || cempan sǣnran, / | þe | iċ on·bryrdan mæġe || beo |
Juliana 415b | nne þæs līċ-haman, || sē | þe | on leġre sċeall / weorðan on |
Juliana 422b | e, / hoĝodes wiþ hālĝum. || | Þe | wearþ helle sēaþ / niðer ġ |
Juliana 427b | es / and þȳ unbealdra, || þe | þe | oft wiþ·stōd / þurh wuldor- |
Juliana 447b | rodor-cininges ġiefe, || sē | þe | on rōde trēo / ġe·þrōwo |
Juliana 467b | m, / wamm-dǣda on·wrēon, || | þe% | iċ wīde-ferhþ / sweartra ġe |
Juliana 496b | dæġ, / eall þā earfoþu || | þe | iċ ǣr and sīþ / ġefremede |
Juliana 508a | as || ġond wer-þēode, / þā | þe | ġe·wurdon% || wīdan fēore |
Juliana 515b | a ān / ne wītĝena. || Þēah | þe | him weoroda god / on·wriġe, w |
Juliana 522b | ðdest, / fæste for·fenge, || | þe | mē fæder sealde, / fēond man |
Juliana 524b | n of þīestrum, || þæt iċ | þe | sċolde / synne swētan. || Þ |
Juliana 599a | || and his godu tǣlde, / þæs | þe | hīe ne meahton% || mæġene |
Juliana 646b | ng / ēċe tō ealdre, || þām | þe | āĝan sċeall. / For·þon iċ |
Juliana 710b | all ġe·man, / synna wunde, || | þe | iċ sīþ oþþe ǣr / ġe·wor |
Juliana 719b | ġe·hwone / gumena cynnes, || | þe | þis ġiedd wræce, / þæt hē |
The Wanderer 2b | þ, / metodes miltse, || þēah | þe | hē mōd-ċeariġ / ġond laĝu |
The Wanderer 10a | īðan. || Nis nū cwicra nan / | þe | iċ him mōd-sefan || mīnne |
The Wanderer 27a | nēah || findan meahte / þone | þe | on medu-healle || min% mīne |
The Wanderer 29b | ēman mid wynnum. || Wāt sē | þe | cunnaþ, / hū slīðen biþ || |
The Wanderer 31a | | sorh tō ġe·fēran, / þām | þe | him lȳt hafaþ || lēofra ġ |
The Wanderer 37a | e·drēas. / For·þon wāt sē | þe | sċeall || his wine-dryhtnes / |
The Wanderer 56a | Cearu biþ ġe·nīewod / þām | þe | sendan sċeall || swīðe ġe |
The Wanderer 112a | undor æt rūne. / Til biþ sē | þe | his trēowe ġe·healdeþ, || |
The Wanderer 114b | ·fremman. || Wēl biþ þām | þe | him āre sēċeþ, / frōfre t |
The Gifts of Men 15a | sīe || ealra þinga, / þāra | þe | hē ġe·worhte || on weorold |
The Gifts of Men 27b | ; / ac hē ġe·dǣleþ, || sē | þe | āh dōmes ġe·weald, / missen |
Precepts 19b | sīe wammes ġe·wita. || Hē | þe | mid wīte ġieldeþ, / swelċe |
Precepts 24b | ore, / ǣngum eahta, || ac þū | þe | ānne ġe·nim / tō ġe·sprec |
Precepts 38a | sċ-mōd || oft sīðian, / sē | þe | ġe·wīteþ || on wīfes luf |
Precepts 47b | mōde / on sefan þīnum || and | þe | ā þæt selle ġe·ċēos. / |
Precepts 48a | þæt selle ġe·ċēos. / Ā | þe | biþ ġe·dǣled; || ġif þe |
Precepts 48b | þe biþ ġe·dǣled; || ġif | þe | dēah hyġe, / wunaþ wīsdōm |
Precepts 50b | eare / andġiet yfles, || heald | þe | elne wiþ, / feorma þū simle |
Precepts 63a | m, || weoroda sċieppend / hafa | þe | tō hyhte, || hāliġra ġe· |
Precepts 74a | u% || and frēan dōmas, / þā | þe | hēr on mǣġþe ġe·hwǣre |
Precepts 78b | lǣran: / ‘Snytra brūceþ || | þe | fore sāwle lufan / warnaþ him |
Precepts 91a | || ne tō twēo-sprǣċe, / ne | þe | on mōde lǣt || menn tō fra |
The Seafarer 13a | d. || Þæt sē mann ne wāt / | þe | him on foldan || fæġrost li |
The Seafarer 27b | im ġe·līefeþ lȳt, || sē | þe | āh līfes wynn / ġe·biden on |
The Seafarer 47b | / ac ā hafaþ langunge || sē | þe | on laĝu fundaþ / Bearwas blō |
The Seafarer 51b | ne / sefan tō sīðe, || þām | þe | swā þenċeþ / on flōd-weĝa |
The Seafarer 57a | || hwæt þā sume drēoĝaþ / | þe | þā wræc-lāstas || wīdost |
The Seafarer 97a | nē mid hyġe þenċan / þēah | þe | græf wille || golde strēġa |
The Seafarer 100b | le, / ne mæġ ðǣre sāwle || | þe | biþ synna full / gold tō ġē |
The Seafarer 106a | || and up-rodor. / Dol biþ sē | þe | him his drihten ne on·drǣde |
The Seafarer 107a | unþinġed. / Ēadiġ biþ sē | þe | ēað-mōd lēofaþ; || cyme |
The Seafarer 113a | wiþ lāðne || bealu, / þēah | þe | hē hine wille fȳres || full |
Beowulf 15a | e; || firen-þearfe on·ġeat / | þe | hīe ǣr druĝon || ealdor-l |
Beowulf 45a | strēonum, || þon þā dydon / | þe | hine æt frum-sċeafte || for |
Beowulf 79a | || sċōp him Heort naman / sē | þe | his wordes ġe·weald || wīd |
Beowulf 87b | þrāĝe ġe·þolode, || sē | þe | on þīestrum bād, / þæt hē |
Beowulf 90b | sang sċopes. || Sæġde sē | þe | cūðe / frum-sċeaft fīra || |
Beowulf 98b | / cynna ġe·hwelcum || þāra | þe | cwice hwierfaþ. / Swā þā dr |
Beowulf 103b | en, / mǣre mearc-stapa, || sē | þe | mōras hēold, / fenn and fæst |
Beowulf 108b | wræc / ēċe drihten, || þæs | þe | hē Ābel slōh; / ne ġe·feah |
Beowulf 138b | ǣm. / Þā wæs ēað-fynde || | þe | him elles hwǣr / ġerūmlicor |
Beowulf 183b | s wealdend. || Wā biþ þǣm | þe | sċeall / þurh slīðne nīþ |
Beowulf 186b | e·wendan; || wēl biþ þǣm | þe | mōt / aefter dēað-dæġe || |
Beowulf 192b | swīþ, / lāþ and langsum, || | þe | on þā lēode be·cōm, / nīe |
Beowulf 206b | / cempan ġe·corone || þāra | þe | hē cēnoste / findan meahte; | |
Beowulf 228a | du), || gode þancodon / þæs | þe | him ȳþ-lāde || ēaðe wurd |
Beowulf 230a | eah || weard Sċieldinga, / sē | þe | holm-clifu || healdan sċolde |
Beowulf 238b | æbbendra, / byrnum weorode, || | þe | þus brantne ċēol / ofer laĝ |
Beowulf 242a | sǣta, || ēag-wearde hēold, / | þe | on land Dena || lāðra nǣni |
Beowulf 289b | tan, / worda and weorca, || sē | þe | wēl þenċeþ. / Iċ þæt ġe |
Beowulf 355a | ndsware || ǣdre ġe·cȳðan / | þe | mē sē gōda || ā·ġiefan |
Beowulf 378a | þæt || sǣ-līðende, / þā | þe | ġief-sċēatas || Ġēata fe |
Beowulf 441b | sċeall / dryhtnes dōme || sē | þe | hine dēaþ nimeþ. / Wēn iċ |
Beowulf 488b | ȳ lǣs, / dīerre duĝuþe, || | þe | þā dēaþ for·nam. / Site n |
Beowulf 495a | Þeġn nytte be·hēold, / sē | þe | on handa bær || hroden ealu- |
Beowulf 500a | lode, || Eċġ·lāfes bearn, / | þe | æt fōtum sæt || frēan Sċ |
Beowulf 503a | miċel æf·þonca, / for·þon | þe | hē ne ūðe || þæt ǣniġ |
Beowulf 506b | art þū sē Bēowulf, || sē | þe | wiþ Brecan wunne, / on sīdne |
Beowulf 517b | t / seofon niht swuncon; || hē | þe | æt sunde ofer·flāt, / hæfde |
Beowulf 590a | þīn wit dūĝe. / Seċġe iċ | þe | tō sōðe, || sunu Eċġ·l |
Beowulf 603b | e·bēodan. || Gæþ eft sē | þe | mōt / tō medu mōdiġ, || si |
Beowulf 626b | ode / wīsfæst wordum || þæs | þe | hire sē willa ġe·lamp / þæ |
Beowulf 682b | , / rand ġe·hēawe, || þēah | þe | hē rōf sīe / nīþ-ġe·weor |
Beowulf 714b | d under wolcnum || tō þæs | þe | hē wīn-reċed, / gold-sele gu |
Beowulf 785a | || ānra ġe·hwelcum / þāra | þe | of wealle || wōp ġe·hīerd |
Beowulf 789a | on. || Hēold hine fæste / sē | þe | manna wæs || mæġene stren |
Beowulf 809b | . / Þā þæt on·funde || sē | þe | fela ǣror / mōdes myrðe || m |
Beowulf 821b | an wynnlēas wīċ; || wisse | þe | ġeornor / þæt his ealdres w |
Beowulf 825b | fde þā ġe·fǣlsod || sē | þe | ǣr feorran cōm, / snotor and |
Beowulf 831b | e·bētte, / inwitt-sorĝe, || | þe | hīe ǣr druĝon / and for þr |
Beowulf 843a | hte || seċġa ǣngum / þāra | þe | tīr-lēases || trode sċēaw |
Beowulf 869a | || ġiedda ġe·myndiġ, / sē | þe | eall-fela || eald-ġe·seġen |
Beowulf 878a | inn, || wīde sīðas, / þāra | þe | gumena bearn || ġearwe ne wi |
Beowulf 909a | || snotor ċeorl maniġ, / sē | þe | him bealwa tō || bōte ġe· |
Beowulf 937a | | witena ġe·hwelcum% / þāra | þe | ne wēndon || þæt hīe wīd |
Beowulf 941a | es meaht || dǣd ġe·fremede / | þe | we ealle || ǣr ne meahton / sn |
Beowulf 950b | ġra% gād / weorolde wilna, || | þe | iċ ġe·weald hæbbe. / Full o |
Beowulf 953b | sǣmran æt sæċċe. || Þū | þe | self hafast / dǣdum ġe·freme |
Beowulf 993b | āra wæs, / wera and wīfa, || | þe | þæt wīn-reċed, / ġiest-sel |
Beowulf 996b | eċġa ġe·hwelcum || þāra | þe | on swelċ staraþ. / Wæs þæt |
Beowulf 1000b | ġe·næs, / ealles an-sund, || | þe | sē āĝlǣċa, / firen-dǣdum |
Beowulf 1003b | be·flēonne, || fremme sē | þe | wille, / ac ġe·sēċan% sċea |
Beowulf 1049a | hīe nǣfre man liehþ, / sē | þe | seċġan wile || sōþ aefter |
Beowulf 1051a | elcum || eorla drihten / þāra | þe | mid Bēow·ulfe || brim-lāde |
Beowulf 1054b | / golde for·gieldan, || þone | þe | Grendel ǣr / māne ā·cwealde |
Beowulf 1061b | an / lēofes and lāðes || sē | þe | lange hēr / on þissum winn-da |
Beowulf 1123b | h, / gasta ġīfrost, || þāra | þe | ðǣr gūþ for·nam / bēġa f |
Beowulf 1130a | e. || Eard ġe·munde, / þēah | þe | hē ne% meahte || on mere dr |
Beowulf 1135a | | swā nū ġīet dēþ, / þā | þe | syn-gāles || sǣle be·witia |
Beowulf 1167b | hæfde mōd miċel, || þēah | þe | hē his māĝum nǣre / ārfæs |
Beowulf 1175b | Mē man sæġde || þæt þū | þe | for sunu wolde / here-rinċ% ha |
Beowulf 1196a | || heals-bēaĝa mǣst / þāra | þe | iċ on foldan || ġe·fræġe |
Beowulf 1221b | fst þū ġe·fēred || þæt | þe | feorr and nēah / ealne wīde-f |
Beowulf 1260a | f, || iermþe ġe·munde, / sē | þe | wæter-eġesan || wunian sċo |
Beowulf 1271b | renġe, / ġin-fæste ġiefe || | þe | him god sealde, / and him tō a |
Beowulf 1298b | , / rīċe rand-wiĝa, || þone | þe | hēo on ræste ā·brēat, / bl |
Beowulf 1334a | %. || Hēo þā fǣhþe wræc / | þe | þū ġiestran niht || Grende |
Beowulf 1341a | | fǣhþe ġe·stǣled / (þæs | þe | þynċan mæġ || þeġne man |
Beowulf 1342a | æġ || þeġne maniĝum, / sē | þe | aefter sinċ-ġiefan || on se |
Beowulf 1344a | || nū sēo hand liġeþ, / sē | þe | ēow wēlhwelcra || wilna doh |
Beowulf 1350a | || Þāra ōðer wæs, / þæs | þe | hīe ġe·wisslicost || ġe· |
Beowulf 1368a | æt þone grund wite; / þēah | þe | hǣð-stapa || hundum ġe·sw |
Beowulf 1387b | eorolde līfes; || wyrċe sē | þe | mōte / dōmes ǣr dēaðe; || |
Beowulf 1407a | tan || sāwol·lēasne / þāra | þe | mid Hrōð·gāre || hām eah |
Beowulf 1445a | u-fāh, || sund cunnian, / sēo | þe | bān-cofan || beorĝan cūðe |
Beowulf 1449a | helm || hafolan weorode, / sē | þe | mere-grundas || menġan sċol |
Beowulf 1461b | swāc / manna ǣngum || þāra | þe | hit mid mundum be·wand, / sē |
Beowulf 1462a | hit mid mundum be·wand, / sē | þe | gryre-sīðas || ġegān dors |
Beowulf 1482b | swelċe þū þā māðmas || | þe | þū mē sealdest, / Hrōð·g |
Beowulf 1497b | / Sōna þæt on·funde || sē | þe | flōda be·gang / heoru-ġīfre |
Beowulf 1578a | an || gūþ-rǣsa fela / þāra | þe | hē ġe·worhte || tō West-D |
Beowulf 1585b | d, / rēðe cempa, || tō þæs | þe | hē on rste ġe·seah / gūð-w |
Beowulf 1592a | won || snotere ċeorlas, / þā | þe | mid Hrōð·gāre || on holm |
Beowulf 1618b | t. / Sōna wæs on sunde || sē | þe | ǣr æt sæċċe ġe·bād / w |
Beowulf 1625b | , / mæġen-byrðenne || þāra | þe | hē him mid hæfde. / Ēodon hi |
Beowulf 1628a | þēodnes ġe·fǣĝon, / þæs | þe | hīe hine ġe·sundne || ġe |
Beowulf 1652a | Eċġ·þēowes: / ‘Hwæt. we | þe | þās sǣ-lāc, || sunu Healf |
Beowulf 1654b | rōhton / tīres tō tācne, || | þe | þū hēr tō lōcast. / Iċ þ |
Beowulf 1671a | hit ġe·dēfe wæs. / Iċ hit | þe | þonne ġe·hāte, || þæt |
Beowulf 1686a | an || be sǣm twēonum / þāra | þe | on Sċeden-īeġe || sċēata |
Beowulf 1700b | t, lā, mæġ seċġan || sē | þe | sōþ and riht / fremeþ on fol |
Beowulf 1706b | en mid mōdes snytrum. || Iċ | þe | sċeall mīne ġe·lǣstan / fr |
Beowulf 1716a | || mann-drēamum fram. / Þēah | þe | hine mehtiġ god || mæġenes |
Beowulf 1744a | n, || bana swīðe nēah, / sē | þe | of flān-boĝan || firenum s |
Beowulf 1751b | and for·ġīemeþ, || þæs | þe | him ǣr god sealde, / wuldres w |
Beowulf 1756a | þ; || fēhð ōðer tō, / sē | þe | unmurnlīċe || māðmas dǣl |
Beowulf 1758a | esan ne ġīemeþ. / Be·beorh | þe | þone bealu-nīþ, || Bēow· |
Beowulf 1759b | f lēofa, / secg betesta || and | þe | þæt sēlre ġe·cēos, / ēċ |
Beowulf 1779b | anc, / ēċan drihtne, || þæs | þe | iċ on ealdre ġe·bād / þæt |
Beowulf 1829a | ettende || hwīlum dydon, / iċ | þe | þūsenda || þeġna bringe, / |
Beowulf 1831b | t, / Ġēata drihten, || þēah | þe | hē ġung sīe, / folces hierde |
Beowulf 1833b | m% and weorcum%, || þæt iċ | þe | wēl herġe / and þē tō ġē |
Beowulf 1835b | e, / mæġenes fultum, || ðǣr | þe | biþ manna ðearf. / Ġif him |
Beowulf 1839b | / sēlran ġe·sōhte || þǣm | þe | him selfa dēah.’ / Hrōð·g |
Beowulf 1846b | þæt ġe·gangeþ, || þæt | þe | gār nimeþ, / hild heoru-grymm |
Beowulf 1850a | ū þīn feorh hafast, / þæt | þe | Sǣ-Ġēatas || sēlran næbb |
Beowulf 1858b | cu restan, / inwitt-nīðas, || | þe | hīe ǣr druĝon, / wesan, þen |
Beowulf 1883b | bād / āĝend-frēan%, || sē | þe | on ancre rād. / Þā wæs on g |
Beowulf 1887b | nam / mæġenes wynnum, || sē | þe | oft maniĝum sċōd. / Cōm þ |
Beowulf 1915a | lme || hȳð-weard ġeara / sē | þe | ǣr lange tīd || lēofra man |
Beowulf 1927b | wīs, wēl-þungen, || þēah | þe | wintra lȳt / under burh-locan |
Beowulf 1941b | / idese tō efnanne, || þēah | þe | hīo ǣnlicu sīe, / þætte fr |
Beowulf 1967b | lne ġe·ēodon, || tō þæs | þe | eorla hlēow, / banan Angₑn· |
Beowulf 1998a | þanc seċġe / þæs þe iċ | þe | ġe·sundne || ġe·sêon mō |
Beowulf 2008a | rðan || ūht-hlem þone, / sē | þe | lenġest leofaþ || lāðan c |
Beowulf 2041b | onne cwiþ æt bēore || sē | þe | bēah ġe·siehþ, / eald ǣsċ |
Beowulf 2042b | hþ, / eald ǣsċ-wiĝa, || sē | þe | eall ġe·man%, / gār-cwealm g |
Beowulf 2056a | d þone māðum bireþ, / þone | þe | þū mid rihte || rǣdan sċo |
Beowulf 2130a | re || hrēowa tornost / þāra | þe | lēod-fruman || lange be·ġ |
Beowulf 2135b | t. / Iċ þā þæs wielmes, || | þe | is wīde cūþ, / grimne% gryre |
Beowulf 2173b | wundᵤr-māðᵤm, || þone | þe | him Wealh·þēow ġeaf, / þē |
Beowulf 2182b | fte / ġinn-fæstan ġiefe, || | þe | him god sealde, / hēold hilde- |
Beowulf 2212a | ihtum || draca rīcsian%, / sē | þe | on hēanum% hofe || hord be· |
Beowulf 2215b | ng / nīða% nāthwelċ, || sē | þe% | nēah% ġe·fēng / hǣðnum ho |
Beowulf 2218a | | Hē þæt siþþan, / þēah% | þe% | hē% slǣpende || be·siered% |
Beowulf 2222b | bræc% / selfes willum, || sē | þe | him sāre ġe·sċōd, / ac for |
Beowulf 2251b | cne / lēoda mīnra, || þāra% | þe | þis līf% of·ġeaf, / ġesāw |
Beowulf 2257a | n; || feormiend swefaþ, / þā | þe | beadu-grīman || bīewan sċo |
Beowulf 2272a | sċaða || opene standan, / sē | þe | biernende || beorĝas sēċe |
Beowulf 2292b | wēan and wræc-sīþ, || sē | þe | wealdendes / hyldu ġe·healde |
Beowulf 2295a | || wolde guman findan, / þone | þe | him on sweofote || sāre ġe |
Beowulf 2344a | || and sē wyrm samod, / þēah | þe | hord-welan || hēolde lange. / |
Beowulf 2364b | þorfton% / fēðe-wīġes, || | þe | him foran on·ġēan / linde b |
Beowulf 2383a | lestan || sǣ-cyninga / þāra | þe | on Swēo-rīċe || sinċ bryt |
Beowulf 2400a | rca, || oþ þone ǣnne dæġ / | þe | hē wiþ þǣm wyrme || ġe· |
Beowulf 2410a | ofer willan ġēong / tō þæs | þe | hē eorþ-sele || ǣnne wisse |
Beowulf 2468b | ē þā mid ðǣre sorĝe, || | þe | him swā sār be·lamp, / gum-d |
Beowulf 2481a | hit ġe·frǣġe wæs, / þēah | þe | ōðer his || ealdre ġe·boh |
Beowulf 2490b | ah. / Iċ him þā māðmas, || | þe | hē mē sealde, / ġeald æt g |
Beowulf 2542b | ·sēah þā be wealle || sē | þe | worna fela, / gum-cystum gōd, |
Beowulf 2595b | ode, / fȳre be·fangen, || sē | þe | ǣr folce wēold. / Nealles him |
Beowulf 2601b | æġ / wiht on·wendan || þǣm | þe | wēl þenċeþ. / Wīġ·lāf w |
Beowulf 2606b | / Ġe·munde þā þā āre || | þe | hē him ǣr for·ġeaf, / wīċ |
Beowulf 2619a | e þā fǣhþe spræc, / þēah | þe | hē his brōðor bearn || ā |
Beowulf 2635b | m hlāforde / on bēor-sele, || | þe | ūs þās bēaĝas ġeaf, / þ |
Beowulf 2642b | / hwate helm-berend, || þēah | þe | hālford ūs / þis ellen-weorc |
Beowulf 2665b | þæt þū ne ā·lǣte || be | þe | libbendum / dōm ġe·drēosan. |
Beowulf 2668b | ġene / feorh ealĝian; || iċ | þe | full-lǣste.’ / Æfter þǣm |
Beowulf 2685a | æs sēo hand tō strang, / sē | þe | mēċa ġe·hwone, || mīne |
Beowulf 2712a | . || Þā sēo wund on·gann, / | þe | him sē eorð-draca || ǣr ġ |
Beowulf 2735a | ·sittendra || ǣniġ þāra, / | þe | mec gūð-winum || grētan do |
Beowulf 2766b | / ofer·hīĝian, || hȳde sē | þe | wille. / Swelċe hē seomian ġ |
Beowulf 2796b | m seċġe, / ēċum drihtne, || | þe | iċ hēr on starie, / þæs þe |
Beowulf 2797a | þe iċ hēr on starie, / þæs | þe | iċ mōste || mīnum lēodum / |
Beowulf 2807b | n / Bēow·ulfes beorh, || þā | þe | brentingas / ofer flōda ġe·n |
Beowulf 2838a | || mīne ġe·frǣġe, / þēah | þe | hē dǣda ġe·hwæs || dyrst |
Beowulf 2861b | ru / īeð-be·ġīete || þǣm | þe | ǣr his elne for·lēas. / Wī |
Beowulf 2864b | t, lā, mæġ seċġan || sē | þe | wille sōþ sprecan / þæt sē |
Beowulf 2866b | mas ġeaf, / ēorod-ġeatwa, || | þe | ġē ðǣr on standaþ, / þonn |
Beowulf 2898b | īĝode / nīewra spella || sē | þe | næss ġe·rād, / ac hē sōð |
Beowulf 2976b | hine ġe·wierpte, || þēah | þe | him wund hrīne. / Lēt sē hea |
Beowulf 2982b | repen. / Þā wǣron maniġe || | þe | his mǣġ wriðon, / recene ā |
Beowulf 3000b | pe, / wæl-nīþ wera, || þæs | þe | iċ wēn% hafo, / þe ūs sēċ |
Beowulf 3001a | || þæs þe iċ wēn% hafo, / | þe | ūs sēċaþ tō || Swēona l |
Beowulf 3003b | erne / ealdor-lēasne, || þone | þe | ǣr ġe·hēold / wiþ hettendu |
Beowulf 3009b | en / and þone ġe·bringen, || | þe | ūs bēaĝas ġeaf, / on ād-f |
Beowulf 3034b | ne / hlim-bedd healdan || þone | þe | him hringas ġeaf / ǣrran mǣl |
Beowulf 3055b | sōþ-cyning, || sealde þǣm | þe | hē wolde / hē is manna ġe·h |
Beowulf 3059a | æt sē sīþ ne þāh / þǣm | þe | unrihte || inne ġe·hȳdde / w |
Beowulf 3086a | s þæt ġiefeþe tō swīþ / | þe | þone þēodcyning% || þider |
Beowulf 3116a | || wiĝena strenġel, / þone | þe | oft ġe·bād || īsern-sċū |
Beowulf 3125b | da bær / ǣled-lēoman, || sē | þe | on orde ġēong. / Næs þā on |
Judith 13a | s þȳ feorþan dōĝre / þæs | þe | Iudith hine, || glēaw on ġe |
Judith 50b | ena bealdor, / on ǣghwelcne || | þe | ðǣr inne cōm / hæleþa bear |
Judith 71b | miċelum, / weras wīn-sade, || | þe | þone wǣr-loĝan, / lāðne l |
Judith 96b | ġe·hwelcne / hēr-būendra || | þe | hine him tō helpe sēċeþ / m |
Judith 124b | d ūðe, / sweġeles ealdor, || | þe | hire siĝores on·lāh. / Þā |
Judith 127b | blōdiġ / on þǣm fǣtelse || | þe | hire fore-genġa, / blāc-hlēo |
Judith 158b | ġiefeþe / þāra lǣþþa || | þe | ġē lange druĝon.’ / Þā w |
Judith 181a | %, / Holofernus || unlibbendes, / | þe | ūs manna mǣst || morðra ġ |
Judith 214b | hte, / hwealfum lindum, || þā | þe | hwīle ǣr / ell-þēodiġra || |
Judith 235b | ne rīċne%, / cwicra manna || | þe | hīe ofer·cuman meahton. / Sw |
Judith 238b | ·þæt on·ġēaton || þā | þe | grame wǣron, / þæs here-folc |
Judith 252a | e || hilde% bodian, / ær·þon | þe | him sē eġesa || on ufan sǣ |
Judith 258a | for. || Næs þēah eorla nan / | þe | þone wīġend || ā·weċċa |
Judith 284a | wæþ || tō þǣm wīġendum / | þe | ðǣr unrōte || ūte wǣron: |
Judith 287b | þum nēah ġe·þrungen, || | þe | we sċulon nīede% losian, / sa |
Judith 296b | tō frōfre. || Fluĝon þā | þe | lifdon, / lāðra lind-weorod%. |
Judith 322a | Hīe on swæðe reston, / þā | þe | him tō līfe || lāðost wǣ |
Judith 342b | de / wuldor weoroda drihtne, || | þe | hire weorð-mynde ġeaf, / mǣr |
Judith 344b | on sweġeles wuldre, || þæs | þe | hēo āhte sōðne ġe·lēaf |
Judith 346a | ende ne twēode / þæs lēanes | þe | hēo lange ġiernde. || Þæs |
Judith 347b | / wuldor tō wīdan ealdre, || | þe | ġe·sċōp wind and lyfte, / r |
The Paris Psalter 100:4 3a | ra andġiet || ǣniġ habban, / | þe | tælnessa || tēonan ġe·nē |
The Paris Psalter 100:7 2a | þ on middle || mīnes huses, / | þe | oferhygd || up ā·hebbe% / oþ |
The Paris Psalter 100:8 2a | slēa || mānes wyrhtan / ealle | þe | unryht || elne worhton / and fi |
The Paris Psalter 101:3 3b | d / mīne mearh-cofan, || þæs | þe | mē þynceþ, / swelċe hīe on |
The Paris Psalter 101:5 4a | m || niht-hræfne ġe·līċ, / | þe | on sċræfe eardaþ || and i |
The Paris Psalter 101:12 3a | s || ealle hæfdon, / for·þon | þe% | þū stīðlīċe || stānum |
The Paris Psalter 101:18 2a | rde || hēah-gnornunge / þāra | þe | ġe·bundene% || bitere wǣro |
The Paris Psalter 101:18 4a | e || bearn ā·līesde / þāra | þe | of·sleġene || slīðe wǣro |
The Paris Psalter 101:21 3b | n / fæste standeþ%: || ‘Iċ | þe | fēawe daĝas / mīnra mǣtra | |
The Paris Psalter 101:24 2b | e bēoþ winter þīn || wiht | þe | sǣmran. / / # / Bearn þīnra s |
The Paris Psalter 102:2 3b | fre weorðan / ealra gōda, || | þe | hē þē ǣr dyde. / / # / Hē þ |
The Paris Psalter 102:5 1a | | fæġere mid gōde. / / # / Hē | þe | ġe·siġefæste || sōðre m |
The Paris Psalter 102:5 2a | efæste || sōðre miltse / and | þe | mild-heorte || mōde ġe·try |
The Paris Psalter 102:6 2b | e, / drihten, dōmas || eallum% | þe | dēope hēr / and full treaflī |
The Paris Psalter 102:9 2b | re habban, / ne on ēċnesse || | þe | āwa belĝan. / / # / Na þū be |
The Paris Psalter 102:16 3b | e·dēfost || ofer ealle þā | þe% | on·drǣdaþ him. / / # / Swā hi |
The Paris Psalter 102:17 2b | / ofer þāra bearna bearn || | þe | his% be·bodu healdaþ%, / and |
The Paris Psalter 102:20 2b | n / and his þeġna þrēat, || | þe | þæt þenċe nū, / þæt hīe |
The Paris Psalter 103:2 1a | || ofer manna bearn. / / # / Þū | þe | wierðlīċe || wlite-andette |
The Paris Psalter 103:9 2b | ·stīĝaþ / on þone stede || | þe | þū ġe·staðolodest him%, / |
The Paris Psalter 104:6 1b | Hwæt, hē Abrahames cynn, || | þe | his esne wæs, / ġe·weorðode |
The Paris Psalter 104:8 4b | ǣre cnēo-risse || cwic sē | þe | lifde. / / # / Þæt hē mid āþ |
The Paris Psalter 104:30 4a | on moldan || man ġe·rīman, / | þe | ðǣr on foldan || frǣton w |
The Paris Psalter 104:31 2a | ōh || ǣġhwelċ% frum-bearn / | þe | on Eġyptum wæs || āhwǣr |
The Paris Psalter 104:37 2b | , / hāliġ heofones weard, || | þe | hē hleoðrode / tō Abrahame, |
The Paris Psalter 105:3 1b | e bēoþ ǣġhwǣr%, || þā | þe | ā wyllaþ / sōðe dōmas || s |
The Paris Psalter 105:7 2b | cnēowon / ealle þā wunder || | þe | þū on Eġyptum / worhtest wr |
The Paris Psalter 105:18 1b | / Godes hīe for·ġēaton, || | þe | hīe of gramra ǣr / fēonda fo |
The Paris Psalter 105:18 3a | folmum || frecne ġe·nerede, / | þe | on Eġyptum || æðele wunder |
The Paris Psalter 105:35 3a | sāwon || ealle æt·gædere, / | þe | ēhtend him || ǣr ġe·stōd |
The Paris Psalter 106:3 5a | astre weġ || cūðne mittan, / | þe | hīe eardunge || inn ġe·nam |
The Paris Psalter 106:9 1a | tō fēore siþþan. / / # / Þā | þe | hēr on þīestrum || þraĝe |
The Paris Psalter 106:22 1a | m || wīde seċġan. / / # / Þā | þe | sǣ sēċaþ, || mid sċipe l |
The Paris Psalter 106:28 4b | , / blīðe weorðaþ, || þā | þe | brimu wēðaþ. / / # / And hē h |
The Paris Psalter 106:33 3b | n-dǣdum / þāra eardendra, || | þe | hire inn lifdon. / / # / Wēsten |
The Paris Psalter 106:38 2b | encte / fram ðǣre costunge || | þe | him be·cōm aefter, / sāres a |
The Paris Psalter 106:38 3b | aefter, / sāres and yfeles, || | þe | hīe siþþan be·ġeat. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 106:42 2a | s wīsra nū || wēl snotora, / | þe | þās mid ġe·hyġde || heal |
The Paris Psalter 107:6 3a | ·hīere, || hǣlend drihten, / | þe | on hālĝum spreceþ || hēr |
The Paris Psalter 107:10 1b | , þū eart sē selfa god, || | þe | ūs synniġe ġō / ā·drīfe |
The Paris Psalter 108:1 2b | od, / ġe·swīĝian, || þēah | þe | mē synfulra / inwitfulra mūð |
The Paris Psalter 108:14 1b | od. / / # / Eall þæt unryht || | þe | his ealdras ǣr / mānes ġe·f |
The Paris Psalter 108:18 5a | ġelīċ || and wynn-ele, / sē | þe | bānes byrst || bēteþ and h |
The Paris Psalter 108:19 1b | se hē hræġle ġe·līċ || | þe | hēr hræðe ealdaþ, / and ġy |
The Paris Psalter 108:19 2b | e ealdaþ, / and ġyrdelse, || | þe% | hine man ġe·lome ġyrt. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 108:20 1b | . / / # / Þis is weorc þāra || | þe | oft wrāðe mē / trāĝe tǣld |
The Paris Psalter 108:20 3a | ; || tȳne hine drihten / þǣm | þe | sār sprece || sāwle mīnre. |
The Paris Psalter 108:25 4a | þū ġe·blētsod; / and þā | þe | mē mid unryhte || ǣnġe sty |
The Paris Psalter 108:27 2a | n āre || ealle ġe·ġierede / | þe | mē tælnesse || tēonan æt- |
The Paris Psalter 109:7 2a | wīde ġond eorðan. / / # / Þā | þe | on weġe weorðaþ, || wæter |
The Paris Psalter 110:3 3b | n / sileþ eallum mete || þǣm | þe | his eġe habbaþ. / / # / And hē |
The Paris Psalter 110:4 2b | myndiġ / his ġe·witnesse, || | þe | hē wēl swelċe / meahtum miċ |
The Paris Psalter 110:7 4a | dġiet gōd || eallum swelċe / | þe | hine wyllaþ wēl || wyrċan |
The Paris Psalter 111:1 1b | / Ēadiġ biþ sē wer || sē | þe | him eġe dryhtnes / on ferhþ-c |
The Paris Psalter 111:4 2a | || lēofum ā·cȳðed, / þǣm | þe | on þīestrum || þrāĝe lif |
The Paris Psalter 111:6 2a | e·mynde || ǣġhwelċ þāra / | þe | his sōðe and riht || simle |
The Paris Psalter 111:8 1a | || ǣġhwǣr ġeorne. / / # / Sē | þe | his ǣhta || ealle tō·stre |
The Paris Psalter 112:6 1a | n || on fǣġer līf. / / # / Sē | þe | eard seteþ || unwǣstm-bærr |
The Paris Psalter 113:16 1b | clipiaþ hīe care, || þēah | þe | hīe ċēolan habban, / ne him |
The Paris Psalter 113:17 2b | e·līċe / and ǣġhwelcum, || | þe | him inn trīewaþ. / / # / Israhe |
The Paris Psalter 113:20 1a | fæste æt þearfe. / / # / Þā | þe | ā weġen || eġesan dryhtnes |
The Paris Psalter 113:21 6a | t || blīðe mōde / ealle þā | þe | on þē || eġesan hæfdon, / m |
The Paris Psalter 113:23 2a | ġeare ġe·blētsode, / þǣm | þe | heofon worhte, || hrūsan swe |
The Paris Psalter 113:24 2a | ēade herġaþ, / ne ealle þā | þe | heonan || helle sēċaþ. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 115:3 2b | ne / for eallum þǣm gōdum || | þe | hē mē ǣror dyde? / / # / Iċ h |
The Paris Psalter 115:7 2a | e || bendas grymme, / þæt iċ | þe | lāces lof || lustum seċġe. |
The Paris Psalter 115:8 3a | e·tȳnum || tīdum ġielde, / | þe | ymb dryhtnes hūs || dēore s |
The Paris Psalter 117:2 2a | a cwǣðen || ealle nū-þā, / | þe | hē is sē gōda god || and |
The Paris Psalter 117:4 2a | n ealle þæt || unforcūðe, / | þe | him inn standeþ || eġesa dr |
The Paris Psalter 117:18 1b | e. / / # / Sē clǣnsode, || sē | þe | him clǣne wæs; / drihten æl- |
The Paris Psalter 117:21 1b | lu. / / # / Þone selfan stān || | þe | hine swīðe ǣr / wyrhtan ā· |
The Paris Psalter 117:22 1b | iċ. / / # / Þis is sē dæġ || | þe | hine drihten ūs / wīsfæst ġ |
The Paris Psalter 117:24 1a | de. / / # / Ġe·blētsod is, sē | þe | cōm || ofer bearna ġe·hwel |
The Paris Psalter 118:1 1b | dġe bēoþ on weġe, || þā | þe | unwemme / on hira dryhtnes ǣ | |
The Paris Psalter 118:2 1b | adġe bēoþ swelċe, || þā | þe | ā wyllaþ / his ġe·witnesse |
The Paris Psalter 118:7 3a | || holde ġe·þance / on þon | þe | iċ ġe·leornode || and ġe |
The Paris Psalter 118:9 2a | ga || on gōdne weġ / rihtran% | þe% | rǣdran || rǣd ġe·mittan, / |
The Paris Psalter 118:11 3a | spēd ġe·healde, / þȳ læs | þe | iċ ġe·fremme || firene ǣn |
The Paris Psalter 118:42 2b | / # / And iċ andwyrde || þǣm | þe | mē edwīt-stafas / wordum wrā |
The Paris Psalter 118:62 4a | | and hræðe gange / ðǣr iċ | þe | andette || eall æt·gædere, |
The Paris Psalter 118:63 2b | e. / / # / Iċ eom dæl-nimend || | þe | him on·drǣdaþ þē, / and þ |
The Paris Psalter 118:74 2a | || beorhte leornian. / / # / Þā | þe | on fēore forhtiaþ, || þā |
The Paris Psalter 118:78 3a | dĝan || ealle ġe·sċende, / | þe | mē unrihte || āhwǣr grēta |
The Paris Psalter 118:79 2b | e·hweorfen tō mē, || þā | þe | hyldu tō þē / eġesan āhton |
The Paris Psalter 118:80 1a | esan āhton || and ealle þā / | þe | þīne ġe·witnesse || wīse |
The Paris Psalter 118:85 1a | īnum esne || ealra daĝena, / | þe | þū mīne ēhtend for mē || |
The Paris Psalter 118:89 1b | e·healde / mūðes þīnes, || | þe | þū menn lǣrdest. / / # / On ē |
The Paris Psalter 118:92 3a | mē þīn ǣ || ān ne hulpe, / | þe | iċ on mōde || mīnum hæfde |
The Paris Psalter 118:99 2b | ǣste. / / # / Ofer ealle þā || | þe | mē ǣr lǣrdon, / iċ þæs h |
The Paris Psalter 118:115 2b | / # / Ġe·wītaþ fram mē, || | þe | ā·wierĝede sint, / þenden i |
The Paris Psalter 118:116 3a | | fǣle drihten, / aefter þǣm | þe | þū selfa || sæġdest and c |
The Paris Psalter 118:118 2b | þū for·hoĝodest, || þā | þe | unryhtes / wǣron wyrhtan; || w |
The Paris Psalter 118:133 1a | || swā þū maniĝum dydest, / | þe | naman þīnne || nīede lufod |
The Paris Psalter 118:136 4b | ; / swā þǣm īlcum biþ, || | þe | ǣr nellaþ / þīnre ǣ be·bo |
The Paris Psalter 118:157 2b | / # / Iċ maniġe ġe·seah, || | þe | min ēhton; / nolde iċ cwic ǣ |
The Paris Psalter 118:158 2b | aniġe ġe·seah || menn þā | þe | noldon / hira friðu-wǣre || f |
The Paris Psalter 118:158 4b | n, / and iċ þand wiþ þon || | þe | hīe tela noldon / þīnre spr |
The Paris Psalter 118:162 4b | swā sē biþ blīðe, || sē | þe | beorna rēaf / maniġe mēteþ, |
The Paris Psalter 118:164 2a | || elne lufian. / / # / Swā iċ | þe | seofon sīðum || simle wolde |
The Paris Psalter 118:165 2b | / # / Þǣm biþ sibb miċel || | þe | him þenċeþ, / þæt hīe nam |
The Paris Psalter 119:2 2b | drihten, / of þǣm welerum || | þe | wamm cweðen, / and fram ðǣre |
The Paris Psalter 119:2 3b | en, / and fram ðǣre tungan || | þe | teosu wille. / / # / Hwæt biþ |
The Paris Psalter 119:5 5a | ngum; || nis min cȳþ ðǣr, / | þe% | mīne sāwle || swīðe be· |
The Paris Psalter 119:6 1a | ðe be·ēode. / / # / Mid þǣm | þe | hīe sibbe || swīðost fēod |
The Paris Psalter 120:2 2a | c || fǣġer æt drihtne, / sē | þe | heofon worhte, || hrūsan swe |
The Paris Psalter 120:3 2b | / ne hyċġe tō slǣpe || sē | þe | healdeþ þē. / / # / Efne sē o |
The Paris Psalter 120:4 2b | þ / ne swefeþ swīðe, || sē | þe | sċeall healdan nū / Israela f |
The Paris Psalter 121:4 4a | witnesse || wǣron Israelas, / | þe | his naman || nīede sċoldon% |
The Paris Psalter 121:6 2a | alde || beorhtere sibbe, / þā | þe | on Hierusālem || gōde sindo |
The Paris Psalter 121:6 3b | and ġe·niht% āgon, || þā | þe | nīede þē / on hira lufum || |
The Paris Psalter 122:1 2a | n hof, || ēċe drihten, / þū | þe | heofon-hāmas || healdest and |
The Paris Psalter 123:5 1b | ryhten sīe ġe·blētsod, || | þe | þæt ne dyde ǣfre, / þæt ū |
The Paris Psalter 123:5 3a | e || hæft-nīed sealde / þǣm | þe | ūs mid tōðum || tō·tēon |
The Paris Psalter 123:7 5a | | fæstne and strangne, / þæs | þe | heofon worhte, || hrūsan swe |
The Paris Psalter 124:1 1a | s Psalter: Psalm 124 / / # / Þā | þe | on drihten hira || dǣdum ġe |
The Paris Psalter 124:1 4a | ealdre || ǣniġ on·hrēran / | þe | eardfæst biþ || on Hierusā |
The Paris Psalter 124:4 4b | þū, drihten, wēl || þǣm | þe | ġe·dēfe hēr / hira heortan |
The Paris Psalter 124:5 1a | healdaþ% mid gōde. / / # / Þā | þe | ġearwe bēoþ || tō gramum |
The Paris Psalter 124:5 3a | þ || ēċe drihten / mid þǣm | þe | unryht || ǣġhwǣr wyrċaþ; |
The Paris Psalter 126:1 3a | del ġielp || ōðre winnaþ% / | þe | þæs hūses || hrōf staðol |
The Paris Psalter 126:3 4a | || and hræðe sittaþ, / þā | þe | sāres hlāf || swīðe ǣton |
The Paris Psalter 126:6 1b | æt biþ ēadiġ wer, || sē | þe | ā þenċeþ, / þæt hē his l |
The Paris Psalter 127:1 1b | / # / Ēadġe% sindon% ealle || | þe | him ēċne god / drihten on·dr |
The Paris Psalter 127:5 2b | ǣġhwelċ / mann on moldan || | þe | him metodes eġe / on his dǣdu |
The Paris Psalter 127:6 1a | dum || drihten forhtaþ. / / # / | Þe% | of Sion-beorĝe || swelċe dr |
The Paris Psalter 128:4 2a | e || hēr ġe·līcost / þǣm | þe | on hūses þæce || hēah ā |
The Paris Psalter 128:5 2a | ylleþ || folme ǣfre, / þēah | þe | hē hit māwe || miċele elne |
The Paris Psalter 128:5 4a | || sċēat ā·fyllan, / þēah | þe | hē samnie || swīðe ġeorne |
The Paris Psalter 129:7 3a | īeseþ || lustum ealle, / þā | þe | hiht on hine || habbaþ fæst |
The Paris Psalter 131:3 1a | god þone mǣran. / / # / Þēah | þe | iċ on mīnes hūses || hield |
The Paris Psalter 131:12 2a | rðlicne || wæstm ġe·sette / | þe | of his innoþe || āĝenum c |
The Paris Psalter 131:12 5b | a / and þā% ġe·witnesse, || | þe% | iċ hīe wēl lǣre. / / # / Þon |
The Paris Psalter 131:15 1b | e. / / # / Þis is min ræst, || | þe | iċ recene nū / on weorolda we |
The Paris Psalter 131:18 4b | num / Crīste ġe·corenum, || | þe | iċ hine cūðne wāt. / / # / I |
The Paris Psalter 133:4 3a | ĝe || simle æt þearfe, / sē | þe | heofon worhte, || hrūsan swe |
The Paris Psalter 134:2 1a | as || swīðe ealle. / / # / Ġē | þe | on godes hūse || glēawe sta |
The Paris Psalter 134:6 1a | orð-būendra. / / # / Ealle þā | þe | wolde, || worhte drihten / on h |
The Paris Psalter 134:8 1a | eġne || recene wyrċeþ. / / # / | Þe | forþ lǣdeþ || fæġere win |
The Paris Psalter 134:11 2b | yninga, / and Og cyning, || sē | þe | ǣror wæs / on Basane || brēm |
The Paris Psalter 134:15 2b | þēoda / gold and seolfor, || | þe | hēr ġēotaþ menn, / and mid |
The Paris Psalter 134:17 2b | oldes ġe·hīeran, || þēah | þe | him hlēoðrie, / and nose habb |
The Paris Psalter 134:20 1b | e. / / # / Sint anlīċe þǣm || | þe | hīe ǣr worhton, / and ealle |
The Paris Psalter 134:20 2a | e ǣr worhton, / and ealle þā | þe | on hīe || ǣfre ġe·trīewa |
The Paris Psalter 134:22 1a | en || blīðe mōde. / / # / Þā | þe | him on·drǣden || dryhtnes e |
The Paris Psalter 134:22 4b | blētsod / of Sion snēome, || | þe | sōþfæst ǣr / on Hierusālem |
The Paris Psalter 135:2 1b | / # / Ēac iċ andette || þǣm | þe | ēċe is / ealra godena god, || |
The Paris Psalter 135:3 1b | / Andette iċ swelċe || þǣm | þe | ealra is / dryhtna drihten || d |
The Paris Psalter 135:19 2b | gas, / weras wræclice, || þā | þe | weorold hēoldon. / / # / Þǣr S |
The Paris Psalter 135:20 2a | || swylt drēoriġ for·nam, / | þe | Amorrea || an-weald hæfde. / / |
The Paris Psalter 135:21 1b | æfde. / / # / And Og swelċe, || | þe | ǣror wæs / swīðe brēme cyn |
The Paris Psalter 135:23 2a | d% þæt ierfe || on Israele, / | þe | his esnas || āĝene wǣron. / |
The Paris Psalter 135:25 2a | de || fēondum of handa, / þā | þe | wrāðe || wǣron ealle. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 135:27 2a | ealle || þǣm ēċan gode, / | þe | on heofonum is || hēah eardi |
The Paris Psalter 136:4 2a | aþ ūs ymnum || ealdra sanga / | þe | ġē on Sione || sungon ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 136:4 2b | s drihtne / on ðǣre foldan || | þe | ūs fremde is? / / # / Ġif iċ |
The Paris Psalter 136:7 2a | drihten, || maniġra bearna, / | þe | on Edōm sint || eall libbend |
The Paris Psalter 136:8 1b | ēadiġ biþ hwæðere || sē | þe | eft ġieldeþ / þā þū him o |
The Paris Psalter: Psalm 136 1a | ealdest. / / # / Ēadiġ biþ sē | þe | nimeþ || and ēac seteþ% / hi |
The Paris Psalter 137:1 6a | ngla || ealra ġe·sihþe / iċ | þe | singe || swīðe ġe·nēahhe |
The Paris Psalter 137:5 2a | eorðan cyningas%, / for·þon | þe | hīe ġe·hīerdon || hlūde |
The Paris Psalter 137:7 1a | | hēr on eorðan. / / # / Þēah | þe | iċ on middle || mānes gange |
The Paris Psalter 137:7 4a | weredest || wrāðum fēondum / | þe | mē woldan ierre || on ā·c |
The Paris Psalter 138:15 4a | ār-wierðe || ealle swīðe, / | þe | þīne frīend wǣron || fæs |
The Paris Psalter 138:17 2a | as, || ġē be·būĝaþ mē, / | þe | þæt on ġe·þōhtum || þe |
The Paris Psalter 138:18 1a | can mōton.’ / / # / Ealle þā | þe | fēodon || þurh fācen god, / |
The Paris Psalter 139:1 3b | hten, / and fram þǣm were, || | þe | wamm fremme. / / # / Þā ealne d |
The Paris Psalter 139:4 3b | ċe, / and fram þǣm mannum || | þe | mān fremmen, / ā·līes þū |
The Paris Psalter 139:12 2b | gode dēþ / drihten dōmas, || | þe | on daĝum þissum / wǣdlum weo |
The Paris Psalter 140:3 2a | s || handa mīnra, / þonne iċ | þe | ǣfen-lāc || ēstum seċġe. |
The Paris Psalter 140:11 1b | ald mē wiþ þāre grīne || | þe | mē grame setton, / þæt mē n |
The Paris Psalter 140:11 3a | wīce || synn-wyrċende, / þā | þe | unryhtes || ǣġhwǣr þenċa |
The Paris Psalter 141:4 1b | / On þissum grēnan weġe, || | þe | iċ gange inn, / mē ofer-hyġd |
The Paris Psalter 141:5 2a | flēam ġe·dydon, / næs þā | þe | mīne sāwle || seċan wolde, |
The Paris Psalter 142:2 3a | ne biþ || sōþfæst ǣniġ / | þe | on þisse foldan || feorh-lī |
The Paris Psalter 142:7 5a | || wese iċ earmum ġe·liċ / | þe | on sweartne grund || siþþan |
The Paris Psalter 142:12 6a | ēose || lāðra ġe·hwelcne / | þe | mīne sāwle || synne æt·f |
The Paris Psalter 143:1 2a | tsod, || min sē dīera god, / | þe | mīne handa || tō hilde teah |
The Paris Psalter 143:4 2a | ē manna, || mehtiġ drihten, / | þe | þū him cūðlīċe || cȳð |
The Paris Psalter 143:10 3b | ēawne singe / on psalterio, || | þe | him swinsaþ oft / mid tīen st |
The Paris Psalter 143:10 5a | e·toĝen hearpe%, / on ðǣre | þe | iċ þē singe || swīðe ġe |
The Paris Psalter 143:19 2a | æt folc, || ōðre hātaþ, / | þe | him swā on foldan || fæġer |
The Paris Psalter 143:19 3b | ; / ēadiġ biþ þæt folc || | þe | æl-mehtiġ wile / drihten% god |
The Paris Psalter 144:2 1b | syndriġe daĝas || simle iċ | þe | blētsie, / and naman þīnne | |
The Paris Psalter 144:15 1b | A·hefeþ hāliġ god || þā | þe | hrēosaþ ǣr, / and hē ealle |
The Paris Psalter 144:19 2a | is drihten || niþþum eallum / | þe | hine mid sōðe hyġe || sē |
The Paris Psalter 144:20 2a | ·healdeþ || hāliġ drihten / | þe | lufan wiþ hine || lustum hea |
The Paris Psalter 145:3 2b | n·wendeþ / on þā eorðan || | þe | hīe of cōmon; / of þǣm self |
The Paris Psalter 145:3 4b | / ealle þā ġe·þōhtas || | þe | hīe þōhton ǣr. / / # / þonne |
The Paris Psalter 145:4 1b | r. / / # / þonne biþ ēadiġ || | þe | him ǣror wæs / Iacobes god || |
The Paris Psalter 145:5 1a | god || hæfde fæste. / / # / Sē | þe | heofon worhte, || hrūsan swe |
The Paris Psalter 145:5 3a | æt·gædere, / and ealle þā | þe | him inn || āhwǣr sindon. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 145:6 3b | se dōmas / dēþ ġe·dēfe || | þe | hēr deorce ǣr / tēonan% mani |
The Paris Psalter 145:6 5b | odon; / sileþ mete% swelċe || | þe | hēr murcne ǣr / hungor heaðu |
The Paris Psalter 145:7 2b | drihten / þāra manna bearn || | þe | ǣr man ġe·bræc, / swelċe |
The Paris Psalter 146:2 3a | īdum || and tō samnaþ / þā | þe | ūt ġe·witon || of Israhelu |
The Paris Psalter 146:8 1a | | glēawe be hearpan. / / # / Sē | þe | heofon þeċeþ || hādrum wo |
The Paris Psalter 146:8 3a | eġn þonan || recene sendeþ / | þe | þēos eorðe fram || aefter |
The Paris Psalter 146:10 1a | || hæleþa bearnum. / / # / Sē | þe | mete sileþ || maniĝum nēat |
The Paris Psalter 146:11 3a | um || swīðe līcaþ, / þēah | þe | weras wyrċan || wrǣst on eo |
The Paris Psalter 146:12 2a | caþ || wuldres drihtne, / þā | þe | hine him on·drǣdaþ || dǣd |
The Paris Psalter 147:2 4a | ētsode || bearna ǣġhwelċ% / | þe | on innan þē || āhwǣr wǣr |
The Paris Psalter 147:3 3a | -landum || āhtest sibbe, / and | þe | ġe·sadode || mid þȳ sēle |
The Paris Psalter 148:4 2b | e, / and þā wæter swelċe || | þe | ofer wolcnum sint / on heofon-h |
The Paris Psalter 148:8 3a | and ȳste, || ealra gāstas% / | þe | his word willaþ || wyrċan |
The Paris Psalter 148:9 2a | eru, || miċele bēamas, / þā | þe | mǣst and wæstm || mannum br |
The Paris Psalter 148:11 2a | ningas% ēac || ealle swelċe / | þe | folcum hēr || fore wīsien / a |
The Paris Psalter 148:11 4a | || āhwǣr sindon, / and ealle | þe | þās eorðan || āhwǣr dēm |
The Paris Psalter 51:6 2b | fēore / on ðǣre weorolde || | þe | þū ġe·worhtest hēr; / for |
The Paris Psalter 51:6 4a | da, || glēaw on ġe·sihþe, / | þe | þīnne held curon, || þāra |
The Paris Psalter 52:2 1b | / Næs þā gōd-dōend || sē | þe | gōd wiste, / ne ān furðum || |
The Paris Psalter 52:4 3a | || þā wæs sōð% nan% mann / | þe | god wolde || ġeorne wierċan |
The Paris Psalter 52:5 2a | ne maĝon || andġiet habban / | þe | unryhtes || elne wierċaþ / an |
The Paris Psalter 52:6 3b | bēoþ þā ġe·hierwede% || | þe | for·hyċġaþ god. / / # / Hwel |
The Paris Psalter 54:7 3b | lange, / bīde þæs beornes || | þe | mē bēte% eft / mōdes% min-d |
The Paris Psalter 54:11 1a | || blīðe mōde. / / # / Þēah | þe | þā ealle || þe mē ā fēo |
The Paris Psalter 54:11 1b | / / # / Þēah þe þā ealle || | þe | mē ā fēodon, / wordum wierġ |
The Paris Psalter 54:12 1b | me. / / # / Þū eart sē mann || | þe | mē wǣre / on ān-mēde || and |
The Paris Psalter 54:18 2a | and hīe ġe·hīeneþ ēac, / | þe | ǣr weorolde wæs || and nū |
The Paris Psalter 55:3 1b | / # / For·þon maniġe sind || | þe | tō mē feohtaþ; / wēne iċ m |
The Paris Psalter 55:6 1b | nde. / / # / On eardiaþ, || þā | þe | swā þenċaþ / þæt hēo ġe |
The Paris Psalter 56:3 1b | ode / and tō wealdend-gode, || | þe | mē wēl dyde. / / # / Hē þā o |
The Paris Psalter 56:3 3a | f heofonum || hider on·sende / | þe | mē ā·līesde, || lāðum w |
The Paris Psalter 56:4 1b | ferede, / sealde on ed·wīt || | þe | mē ǣr trǣdon. / / # / Sende me |
The Paris Psalter 56:6 2a | nġemet sċearpe. / / # / A·hefe | þe | ofer heofonas, || hāliġ dri |
The Paris Psalter 57:10 3a | wæstm || wīses and gōdes, / | þe | his sōþfæst weorc || simle |
The Paris Psalter 58:1 2b | es nīðes / fēonda mīnra, || | þe | mē feohtaþ tō; / ā·līes m |
The Paris Psalter 58:1 3b | ā·līes mē fram lāðum || | þe | mē lungre on / rīsan willaþ, |
The Paris Psalter 58:2 2a | ram nīðe || naht-fremmendra / | þe | hēr unryhtes || ealle wyrċa |
The Paris Psalter 58:5 5a | de || milde weorðest / eallum | þe | unryht || elne wyrċaþ. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 58:10 2b | gōd / for mīnum fēondum, || | þe | mē fela sindon; / ne dō hīe |
The Paris Psalter 59:9 1b | eart þū sē selfa% god, || | þe | ūs swā drīfe? / Ne gā þū |
The Paris Psalter 60:4 4a | st || ānra ġe·hwelcum, / sē | þe | naman þīnne || þurh nīed |
The Paris Psalter 60:5 3a | ynnum īeced, / oþ þone dæġ | þe | hē% || on dryhtnes sċeall / o |
The Paris Psalter 60:6 1b | / / # / Hwelċ sēċeþ þæt || | þe | sōþfæst biþ? / Swā iċ nam |
The Paris Psalter 61:11 1a | || rǣda þenċan. / / # / Þēah | þe | ēow welan tō || wearnum% fl |
The Paris Psalter 62:3 3a | wēne iċ swīðe, / þæt iċ | þe | on hālĝum || hēr æt-īewe |
The Paris Psalter 62:4 2b | ere / þonne þis lǣne līf || | þe | we līfiaþ inn; / weleras þe |
The Paris Psalter 62:4 3a | þe we līfiaþ inn; / weleras | þe | mīne || wynnum herġaþ. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 62:5 1a | wynnum herġaþ. / / # / Swā iċ | þe | on mīnum līfe || lustum bl |
The Paris Psalter 63:2 2b | es / and fram ðǣre meniġu || | þe | mān woldon / and unrihte || ǣ |
The Paris Psalter 63:8 1b | # / Ealle sind ġe·drēfde || | þe | hīe inn sêoþ; / sċeall him |
The Paris Psalter 64:1 2a | naþ, || drihten ūser, / þæt | þe | man on Sion || swīðe herġe |
The Paris Psalter 64:2 2a | bedd, || hāliġ drihten, / for | þe | sċeall ǣlċ flǣsċ || for |
The Paris Psalter 64:4 1b | Hē weorðeþ ēadiġ, || sē | þe | hine ēċe god / cystum ġe·ċ |
The Paris Psalter 64:6 2a | god, || þū eart hiht ealra / | þe | on þisse eorðan || ūtan si |
The Paris Psalter 64:8 2a | drǣdaþ || þīnne eġesan, / | þe | eard nimaþ || ūtan landes; / |
The Paris Psalter 65:13 3a | sedon ġe·nēahhe, / þæt iċ | þe | on tīfrum || tela for·gulde |
The Paris Psalter 65:13 4b | ulde / ealle þā ġe·hāt, || | þe | iċ ǣfre hēr / mid mīnum wel |
The Paris Psalter 65:18 1b | ryhten sīe ġe·blētsod, || | þe | hē ne dyde ǣfre / nemþe hē |
The Paris Psalter 66:4 3a | sien || bealde þēoda, / þæs | þe | þū hīe on rihtum || rǣdum |
The Paris Psalter 67:1 3b | flēoþ his ansīene, || þā | þe | hine fēodon ǣr. / / # / Rece% h |
The Paris Psalter 67:4 4a | þæs || sēftne and rihtne, / | þe | hē selfa ā·stāh || ofer s |
The Paris Psalter 67:5 3a | n || ealle ġe·drēfde, / þā | þe | widewum sīen || wrāðe æt |
The Paris Psalter 67:6 2a | stōwe || dēma hāliġ, / sē | þe | eardian dēþ || ānes mōdes |
The Paris Psalter 67:7 1a | e || healdeþ blisse. / / # / Sē | þe | on his mæġenes || meahte ġ |
The Paris Psalter 67:12 2b | eþ him mōdes mæġen || sē | þe | is mehtiġ cyning / and wlites |
The Paris Psalter 67:21 4a | þ || feaxes sċādan / þāra% | þe | hēr on sċyldum || swǣrum |
The Paris Psalter 67:24 3a | ealdor-menn || ēac of Iudan, / | þe | lāttēow wæs || forþ þār |
The Paris Psalter 67:25 3b | is on Hierusālem, || þider | þe | ġiefa lǣdaþ / of feorr-weĝu |
The Paris Psalter 67:26 3a | ē || ǣfre ā·tȳnde, / þā | þe | seolfres bēoþ || sinċe || |
The Paris Psalter 68:4 3a | n heafde nū || hǣra feaxes, / | þe | mē earwunga || ealle fēoġe |
The Paris Psalter 68:5 1b | oġe / Ofer mē sindon || þā | þe | mē ehton, / fæstum folmum || |
The Paris Psalter 68:5 4b | ·ġeaf / unrihtlīċe || þā | þe | iċ ne rēafode ǣr. / / # / Þū |
The Paris Psalter 68:7 6b | habban / sċame sċandlīċe || | þe | þīnes sīðes hēr / full bea |
The Paris Psalter 68:8 4a | unāre || āhwǣr findan, / þe | þe | Israela god || āhwǣr sēċa |
The Paris Psalter 68:13 4b | sprǣcon mē wrāðe, || þā | þe | wīn druncon. / / # / Iċ þonne |
The Paris Psalter 68:15 1b | / # / A·līes mē of lāme, || | þe | læs iċ weorðe lange fæst, |
The Paris Psalter 68:16 2a | f dēope || deorces wæteres, / | þe | læs mē be·senċen || sealt |
The Paris Psalter 68:20 1a | nre ansīene || ealle sindon / | þe | fēondas mē || fǣcne wurdon |
The Paris Psalter 68:27 1a | e ealra || ēhtan on·gunnon, / | þe | þū him earfoþu || ǣniġ |
The Paris Psalter 68:28 3b | ·sete him þā unryht tō || | þe | hīe ġe·earnodon, / and mid u |
The Paris Psalter 68:33 2b | nne æðele ċealf, || þēah | þe | him up aĝa / horn on heafde || |
The Paris Psalter 69:2 2a | | and sċame drēoĝaþ, / þā | þe | mīne fīend || fǣcne wǣron |
The Paris Psalter 69:3 2b | raþ; / ealle hira sċamien, || | þe | mē yfel hoĝodon. / / # / And hi |
The Paris Psalter 69:4 2a | fstu ēac || ealle sċamien, / | þe | mē word cwǣdon: || ‘Weġ |
The Paris Psalter 69:5 2a | wynne || wierðe blisse, / þā | þe | sēċen || simle drihten, / and |
The Paris Psalter 70:3 4a | ā·fere || firen-wyrċendra, / | þe | þīne ǣ || efnan nellaþ; / s |
The Paris Psalter 70:12 3b | iþ þǣmsċand and sċamu || | þe | mē sierwedon yfel. / / # / Iċ m |
The Paris Psalter 70:17 3b | risse, / eallum þǣmteohhe, || | þe | nū tō-weard is. / / # / Þīnes |
The Paris Psalter 70:19 6b | līesdest / þisse eorðan, || | þe | we on būaþ. / / # / Þǣr þū |
The Paris Psalter 70:20 4a | ċ tela meahte; / for·þon iċ | þe | andette, || ēċe drihten, / an |
The Paris Psalter 70:21 2a | || wynnum lofiaþ, / þonne iċ | þe | sinġe, || siĝora wealdend, / |
The Paris Psalter 70:22 3a | eorc; || sċende wǣron ealle / | þe | mē yfel tō || ǣr ġe·sōh |
The Paris Psalter 71:6 3a | ēr || and swā fǣġer dropa / | þe | on þās eorðan || uppan dr |
The Paris Psalter 71:12 3b | sittan, / and þone wǣdlan, || | þe | on weorolde næfþ / āhwǣr el |
The Paris Psalter 71:19 3a | d || simle ġe·blētsod, / sē | þe | wunder miċel || wyrċeþ ana |
The Paris Psalter 72:11 2a | þ || mīnum sōna, / ‘þēah | þe | iċ on mē% incan || ǣnne% n |
The Paris Psalter 72:15 3b | me for·wurdon / for unrihte || | þe | hīe ǣr dydon, / swā fram sl |
The Paris Psalter 72:22 1b | þon þā for·weorðaþ, || | þe | hira wynne tō þē / habban no |
The Paris Psalter 73:16 2b | rna, / þāra ġe·sċeafta% || | þe | þū ġe·sċēope þē; / fīe |
The Paris Psalter 73:17 2a | ldiġra || sāwla dēorum / þe | þe | andettaþ || earme þearfan; / |
The Paris Psalter 73:18 4a | þ || daĝas on eorðan / þǣm | þe | unryhtes || ǣġhwǣr% wyrċa |
The Paris Psalter 73:19 2a | | ǣfre ġe·ċierred, / þēah | þe | wǣdla || and þearfa hē wil |
The Paris Psalter 73:20 3a | || ēac wes ġe·myndiġ, / hū | þe | unwīse || ed·wīta fela / þu |
The Paris Psalter 73:21 2b | manna / sōðra stefna, || þā | þe | sēċaþ þē; / fiell þā ofe |
The Paris Psalter 73:21 3b | þā ofer·hyġdġan, || þā | þe | fēoĝaþ þē, / and eft tō |
The Paris Psalter 74:7 3b | ylled is; || þæs on·fēhð | þe | hē ann. / / # / Þonne hē of þ |
The Paris Psalter 75:4 3b | um; / ealle sint ierre, || þā | þe | unwīse% / hira heortan hyġe | |
The Paris Psalter 75:4 6b | ne ðǣr wiht fundan, || þā | þe | welan sōhton, / þæs þe hīe |
The Paris Psalter 75:4 7a | þā þe welan sōhton, / þæs | þe | hīe on heandum || hæfdan go |
The Paris Psalter 75:5 3a | god, || ġeorne slǣpon, / þā | þe | on horsum || hwīlum wǣron; / |
The Paris Psalter 75:6 5a | on eorðan dō || ealle hāle / | þe | hē mild-heorte || meteþ and |
The Paris Psalter 75:7 1a | þ and findeþ. / / # / For·þon | þe | mannes ġe·þōht || mæġen |
The Paris Psalter 75:7 3a | || lustum þenċe, / þæt iċ | þe | simble-dæġ% || sette and ġ |
The Paris Psalter 75:8 3a | gōdan || gode ġeorne; / ealle | þe | on ymb·hwyrfte || āhwǣr si |
The Paris Psalter 75:9 2a | sċeall || ǣġhwelċ habban, / | þe | wera gāstum || wealdeþ and |
The Paris Psalter 76:9 3b | ra god? / Þū eart ana god, || | þe | ǣghwelċ meaht / wunder ġe·w |
The Paris Psalter 76:10 4a | od, || wæter sċēawedon / and | þe | ġe·sāwon || sealte ȳða; / |
The Paris Psalter 77:13 2b | æfdon, / and þāra wundra, || | þe | hē worhte ǣr, / þāra hira i |
The Paris Psalter 77:21 1a | wīdum and sīdum. / / # / Þēah | þe | hē of stāne || strēamas l |
The Paris Psalter 77:24 1a | | on Israhelas. / / # / For·þon | þe | hīe ne woldon || wordum dryh |
The Paris Psalter 77:63 3b | unġe be·grētte, || þēah | þe | hīe grame swulton. / / # / Wǣro |
The Paris Psalter 78:4 3a | edwīt-stæf || ymbsittendum, / | þe | ūs āhwǣr nēah || nū-þā |
The Paris Psalter 78:6 2b | ċe / and on cnēow-māĝas || | þe | ne cunnan þē, / ne naman þī |
The Paris Psalter 78:8 2b | a wealdend, / ealdra unrihta || | þe | we oft fremedon, / ac we hræð |
The Paris Psalter 78:14 1a | ē || gnornendra care / þāra | þe | on feterum || fæste wǣran. / |
The Paris Psalter 78:14 3b | e·gang þā dēaða bearn || | þe | hīe dēmaþ nū. / / # / Ġield |
The Paris Psalter 79:11 1b | am. / / # / Ealle þā telĝan || | þe | him of hlīdaþ, / þū æt sǣ |
The Paris Psalter 79:14 6b | þe, / and ofer mannes sunu, || | þe | þū his meahte ǣr / under þ |
The Paris Psalter 80:9 2a | ġe·hīerst, / ne biþ god on | þe | || nīewe ġe·meted, / ne þū |
The Paris Psalter 80:10 1b | st. / / # / Iċ eom þīn god, || | þe% | ġāra þē / of Æġypta || eo |
The Paris Psalter 83:4 1b | # / Ēadġe weorðaþ, || þā | þe | eardiaþ / on þīnum hūsum, | |
The Paris Psalter 83:5 1b | æt biþ ēadiġ wer, || sē | þe | him ōðerne / fultum ne sēċe |
The Paris Psalter 83:5 6b | saþ% / on þǣmselfan stede || | þe | þū him settest hēr. / / # / Br |
The Paris Psalter 83:6 1b | Brōhte him blētsunge || sē | þe | him beorhte ǣ / sōðe sette; |
The Paris Psalter 83:12 2a | fre || gode be·dǣlan, / þā | þe | heortan ġe·hyġd || healda |
The Paris Psalter 83:12 3b | æt biþ ēadiġ mann, || sē | þe | him ēċan godes / tō mund-byr |
The Paris Psalter 84:7 4b | t, / and swīðost tō þǣm || | þe | hine sēċaþ. / / # / Hwæðere% |
The Paris Psalter 84:8 2a | || for·swīðe nēah / þām% | þe | eġesan his || elne healdaþ, |
The Paris Psalter 85:7 3a | ·līċ, || ēċe drihten, / ne | þe | weorc maĝon || wyrċan anlī |
The Paris Psalter 85:8 2a | est || wera cnēo-rissa, / þā | þe | weorðiaþ, || wuldres ealdor |
The Paris Psalter 85:9 2a | miċela || mihtĝa drihten, / | þe | wunder meaht || wyrċan ana. / |
The Paris Psalter 86:5 3b | es wǣron, / eallum swelċe, || | þe | hire inn wǣron / / # / Swā ūre |
The Paris Psalter 87:4 4a | ·līċ || mǣre ġe·worden, / | þe | mid dēadum% biþ || be·tweo |
The Paris Psalter 87:11 4a | æstnes || sīe on þǣmlande / | þe | ofer-ġietness || inn eardie. |
The Paris Psalter 88:6 4a | | ofer eall manna bearn, / þā | þe | on ymb·hwyrfte || āhwǣr |
The Paris Psalter 88:13 3a | n; || þæt biþ ēadiġ folc / | þe | can naman þīnne || nīede h |
The Paris Psalter 88:14 2a | ēohte || leofaþ and gangaþ / | þe | him ansīen þīn || ǣr on· |
The Paris Psalter 88:21 2a | | ealle iċ ā·ċeorfe, / þā | þe | him fēondas || fǣcne sindon |
The Paris Psalter 88:32 7a | mōna || meahte on heofonum, / | þe | iċ ēċe ġe·wita || ǣhwǣ |
The Paris Psalter 88:43 2b | en, / miċel mild-heortness, || | þe | þū mann-cynne / and Dauide || |
The Paris Psalter 89:9 1a | litan þīnes. / / # / For·þǣm | þe | ūre daĝas || ealle ġe·tī |
The Paris Psalter 89:10 5a | s || gnorn-sċendende, / þēah | þe | hira hundred sēo || samod æ |
The Paris Psalter 89:11 3a | ġ || ielda ġe·biden, / ealle | þe | ðǣr ofer bēoþ || ǣfre ġ |
The Paris Psalter 89:13 4a | aht? || Nis þæt mann ǣniġ / | þe | þā ā·rīman || rihte cunn |
The Paris Psalter 89:17 3a | htest, / and for þǣm ġēarum | þe | we inn% ġe·sāwon || yfela |
The Paris Psalter 90:1 3a | stan || heofon-rīċes weard, / | þe | mē æt wunaþ || āwa tō f |
The Paris Psalter 90:5 2a | ielde wiþ fēondum, / ne þū | þe | niht-eġesan || nīede on·dr |
The Paris Psalter 90:6 2a | ġe || flān on lyfte, / þæt | þe | þurh·gangan || gāras on þ |
The Paris Psalter 90:10 1a | fæstne settest. / / # / Ne mæġ | þe | ǣniġ yfel || eġle weorðan |
The Paris Psalter 90:12 2a | on folmum || feredon swelċe, / | þe | læs þū fræcne% on stān | |
The Paris Psalter 91:3 2a | | ġe·toĝen hæfde, / hū iċ | þe | on psalterio || singan meahte |
The Paris Psalter 91:3 3a | terio || singan meahte / oþþe | þe | mid hearpan || hlyste cwēman |
The Paris Psalter 91:6 3b | le ðǣr æt-īewaþ, || þā | þe | unryhtes / on weorold-līfe || |
The Paris Psalter 91:8 4a | wrecene || wīde ealle, / þā | þe | unryhtes || ǣror worhton. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 91:13 2a | don maniġe || manna swelċe, / | þe | him ieldu ġe·bidon || ǣr t |
The Paris Psalter 93:8 1b | þæt and on·ġēotaþ% || | þe | on folce nū / unwīseste || ea |
The Paris Psalter 93:9 1a | pe þæt on·cnāwan. / / # / Sē | þe | ǣrest ealdum || ēaran worht |
The Paris Psalter 93:9 5a | e || ġe·sċēawian? / And sē | þe | eġe healdeþ || eallum þēo |
The Paris Psalter 93:9 7a | sīe || ðǣr for āwiht, / sē | þe | menn lāreþ || miċelne wīs |
The Paris Psalter 93:11 1b | / Þæt biþ ēadiġ mann, || | þe | þū hine, ēċe god, / on þī |
The Paris Psalter 93:14 3a | ierĝdum || winne and stande, / | þe | unryhtes || ealle wyrċaþ? / / |
The Paris Psalter 93:17 2a | ǣre meniġu || mīnra sāra / | þe | mē ǣr on ferhþe || fæste |
The Paris Psalter 93:18 1a | mīne. / / # / Ne æt·fyliġeþ | þe | āhwǣr || fācen ne unryht; / |
The Paris Psalter 93:20 2b | -mehtiġ / ealle þā unryht || | þe | hīe ġe·earnedon, / and on hi |
The Paris Psalter 94:6 3b | htnes, / and him wēpan fore || | þe | ūs worhte ǣr. / / # / For·þon |
The Paris Psalter 95:12 2a | æġere blisse / and ealle þā | þe | on him || eard weardiaþ; / wǣ |
The Paris Psalter 98:1 3b | itteþ ofer cherubīn, || sē | þe | sōna mæġ / ana eorð-ware || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 58a | þāra āra || and eald-rihta / | þe | his eldran mid him || āhton |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 34b | bān, / þæs gold-smiðes, || | þe | wæs ġō mǣrost? / For·þȳ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 37b | būendra / sē cræft losian || | þe | him Crīst on·lǣnþ. / Ne mæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 39b | an / his cræftes be·niman, || | þe | man on·ċierran mæġ / sunnan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 45b | mana wita, / and sē aroda, || | þe | we ymb sprecaþ, / hira here-to |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 66a | o oþþe þynċe? / For·þǣm | þe | nāne for·lēt, || þēah hi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 4b | are% sǣ / and ealra þāra || | þe | ðǣr inn wuniaþ, / unġesæwe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 6a | || and ēac swā same / þāra | þe | we ēaĝum || inn lōciaþ, / e |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 9a | ċaþ || ealle ġe·sċeafte / | þe | þæs ambihtes || ā·wiht cu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 20b | e, / of þǣm rȳne on·wend || | þe | him rodera weard / ende-byrdes |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 29a | wille on·lǣten. / Hē hafaþ | þe | brīdle || būtū || be·fang |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 38a | an rȳne || eft ġe·ċierran / | þe | æt frymþe || fæder ġe·t |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 56b | æt ġe·wrixle ġe·sett || | þe | nū wunian sċeall, / wyrta gr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 76b | ǣtan / efene þāra brīdla || | þe | hē ġe·bǣte mid / his āĝen |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 79a | eardnes || wihte ġe·hwelcre / | þe | we mid þǣm brīdle || bēcn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 1a | es of Boethius: Metre 12 / / Sē | þe | wille wyrċan || wæstm-bǣre |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 4a | fyrsas swā same, / wēod þā | þe | willaþ || wēlhwǣr derian / c |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 20b | betere / and þȳ% wynsumre, || | þe | hē wīta mā, / heardra hīen |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 12b | ded / wiþ þæs ġe·cyndes || | þe | him% cyning engla, / fæder æt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 32b | þan / hæleþa ġe·hwelcne || | þe | hēo ġe·hentan mæġ. / Nele |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 38b | r·sewene / hira lārēowas, || | þe | hīe lange ǣr / tȳdon and tem |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 43b | bēodan / þone īlcan mete || | þe | hē hīe ǣror mid / tame ġe· |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 51b | / Swā biþ eallum trēowum || | þe | him on æðele biþ / þæt hit |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 69a | orðan || ǣnĝu ġe·sċeaft / | þe | ne wilnie || þæt hēo wolde |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 70b | olde cuman / tō þām earde || | þe | hēo of be·cōm; / þæt is or |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 74a | orðan || ǣnĝu ġe·sċeaft / | þe | ne hwearfie, || swā swā hw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 2a | eorold-ġītsere / on his mōde | þe | bet, || þēah hē miċel ā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 1a | es of Boethius: Metre 16 / / Sē | þe | wille anweald āgan, || þonn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 6b | a fela / þāra ymb·hoĝena || | þe | him unnytt sīe, / lǣte sume h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 24b | ǣdum / wiþ þā unþēawas || | þe | we ymb sprecaþ? |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 21b | þā right-æðelo || þe iċ | þe | reċċe ymb, / nealles on þǣm |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 23b | ra? / Ac nū ǣġhwelċ mann || | þe | mid ealle biþ / his unþēawum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 27b | lfe, / and ēac þone fæder || | þe | hine æt fruman ġe·sċōp. / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 1b | dysiġ, || hyġeþ ymbe sē | þe | wile, / and frecenliċ || fira |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 42b | nġesǣliġran, || þonne iċ | þe | seċġan mæġe. / Hīe wilnia |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 13b | ōfre / for hira untrēowum, || | þe | iċ him ǣfre betst / trūwian |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 14a | raþ || ġē eft cumaþ. / Þū | þe | unstilla || āĝna ġe·sċea |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 20a | sċeaft || efenlica þīn, / ne | þe | ǣniġ nīed-ðearf || næs |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 21b | ġīet / ealra þāra weorca || | þe | þū ġe·worht hafast; / ac mi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 25a | and wuhta ġe·hwæt, / þēah | þe | nǣneĝu || nīed-ðearf wǣr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 27b | es gōdes, || þencþ ymb sē | þe | wile, / for·þon hit is eall |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 37a | andan ġe·numene, / for·þǣm | þe | nan þinġ nis || þīn ġe· |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 42a | þē% || ǣnĝu ġe·sċeaft / | þe | āuht oþþe nāuht || āuðe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 117b | cþ mē þæt wunder || wihte | þe | lǣsse / þæt þēos eorðe m |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 131b | r·dō / būtan þæs lēafe || | þe | ūs þis līf tēode, / þæt i |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 136b | mest, / būtan þǣm rodore, || | þe | þās rūman ġe·sċeaft / ǣ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 142b | r. / Ǣġhwelċ ġe·sċeaft || | þe | we ymb sprecaþ / hafaþ his ā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 165b | ider / sīĝan þē swīðor || | þe | hēo simle dyde. / Hwæt, hīe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 169b | dan þisse, / þǣm anlicost || | þe | on ǣġe biþ, / ġeoleca on mi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 180b | tlan ne biþ / ānum fingre || | þe | hire on eallum biþ / þǣm lī |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 195a | lla ofer·þungen, / for·þǣm | þe | hīe habbaþ, || þæs þe h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 195b | m þe hīe habbaþ, || þæs | þe | hīe nabbaþ, / þone ǣnne cr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 196b | abbaþ, / þone ǣnne cræft || | þe | we ǣr nemdon. / Sēo ġe·sċ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 245b | s / fram þǣm æl-mihtĝan, || | þe | hīe ǣror ġō / ġe·samnode, |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 262a | res mōdes, / þæt we hīe on | þe | selfum || siþþan mōten / ā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 264b | ·drīf / þone þiccan mist || | þe | þræĝe nū / wiþ þā ēaĝa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 273a | sōfte ġe·dēst / þæt hīe | þe | selfne || ġe·sēon mōten. / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 280a | ōw || þese weġ tō liġþ, / | þe | ealle tō || ā fundiaþ / menn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 3b | ndie tō / þǣm ēċum gode || | þe | we ymb sprecaþ, / and tō þǣ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 4b | nd tō þǣm ġe·sǣlþum || | þe | we seċġaþ ymb. / Sē þe þo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 5a | || þe we seċġaþ ymb. / Sē | þe | þonne nū sīe || nearwe ġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 13b | . / Þæt is sēo ān hȳþ || | þe | ǣfre biþ / aefter þǣm ȳðu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 28b | r·þǣm ǣġhwelċ þinġ || | þe | on þȳs andweardan / līfe lī |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 32a | orliċ || wlite and beorhtnes / | þe | wuhta ġe·hwæs || wlite ġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 1a | es of Boethius: Metre 22 / / Sē | þe | aefter rihte || mid ġe·rē |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 64b | man, / and mid þǣm bisĝum || | þe | on brēostum styreþ / mann on |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 9b | an be·spellum, || þæt þū | þe | bet mæġe / ā·rēdian tō ro |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 12b | ac faran / ofer þǣm fȳre || | þe | fela ġēara / for lange || be |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 17a | || ōðrum tunglum. / Meahtest | þe | full recen || on þǣm rodore |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 29a | || Ġif þū on riht færest, / | þe | þone hīehstan heofon || be |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 35a | is wīs cyning, / þæt is sē | þe | wealdeþ || ġond wer-þēoda |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 55a | an || fæste standan.’ / Ġif | þe | þonne ǣfre || eft ġe·wier |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 60a | fer·mōdan || ōðre rīċan / | þe | þis wērġe folc || wierst t |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 63b | þinġes, / emne þā īlcan || | þe | þis earme folc / sume hwīle n |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 15b | sē hālford ne sċrifþ, || | þe | þǣm here wealdeþ, / frēonde |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 20b | mōde / for þǣm an-wealde || | þe | him ānra ġe·hwelċ / his tī |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 25b | nunga / and þæs an-wealdes || | þe | hē ǣr% hæfde, / þonne meaht |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 27b | līċ / sumum þāra gumena || | þe | him ġeornost nū / mid þeġnu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 33b | nunga / and þæs an-wealdes || | þe | we ymbe sprecaþ, / ġif him ǣ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 60b | uht gōdes / for þǣm yfele || | þe | iċ þē ǣr sæġde. / Nis þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 62b | laþ hīe / þǣm unþēawum || | þe | iċ þē ǣr nemde, / ānra ġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 66a | a hlāforda || hæfte-dōme%, / | þe | hē hine eallunga ǣr || unde |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 3b | līċe / efene þisse īlcan || | þe | wit ymb sprecaþ. / Hit ġe·s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 58b | csode / on þǣm īeġ-lande || | þe | Aulixes, / cyning Þracia, || c |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 61b | sōna / ealre ðǣre maniġe || | þe | hire mid wunode / æðelinges s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 83a | æt || seofian sċoldon. / Þā | þe | lēon wǣron || on·gunnon l |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 89b | æs, / būtan þām cyninge, || | þe | sēo cwēn lufode. / Nolde þā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 97b | bunden / for þǣm earfoþum || | þe | him inn sǣton. / Hwæt, þā d |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 98b | / Hwæt, þā dyseĝan menn || | þe | þissum drȳ-cræftum / lange% |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 6b | / Hwȳ ġe· þæs dēaðes || | þe | ēow drihten ġe·sċōp / ġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 2a | s on eorðan || nū unlǣrdra / | þe | ne wundrie || wolcna færelde |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 19b | e wāfie, / būtan þā āne || | þe | hit ǣr wisson, / þætte mani |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 22b | / lǣsse ġe·liðaþ, || þā | þe | lācaþ ymb / eaxe ende || oþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 34b | nder mere-strēamas, || þæs | þe | mannum þyncþ? / Swā ēac sum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 36b | ō, / ac sē wēna nis || wihte | þe | sōðra. / Ne biþ hēo on ǣfe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 38a | on ǣr-morĝen / mere-strēame | þe | nēar || þe on midne dæġ, / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 38b | en / mere-strēame þe nēar || | þe | on midne dæġ, / and þēah ma |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 82b | undriaþ / maniġes þinġes || | þe | mannum nū / wæfþu% and wunde |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 11b | furðum þā ġe·sċeafta || | þe | hēo ġe·sċīnan mæġ / ende |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 1b | eaht on·ġietan, || ġif his | þe | ġe·man list, / þætte mislī |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 14a | e mǣran || morĝen-steorran, / | þe | we ōðre naman || ǣfen-steo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 44b | dum / habbaþ on hospe || þā | þe | him sindon / rihtes wīsran, || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 53b | / Ēalā, min drihten, || þū | þe | ealle ofer·sihst / weorolde ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 3a | um || ōðrum steorran / þāra | þe | aefter burgum || beorhtost% s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 11a | e; || hrēoh biþ þonne / sēo | þe | ǣr gladu || an-sīene wæs. / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 30b | alles tō or-mōd, || ne þū | þe | ǣfre ne lǣt / wlenċa ġe·w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 31b | lǣt / wlenċa ġe·wǣċan, || | þe | læs þū weorðe for him / mid |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 36a | ewe || ǣnġes gōdes, / þonne | þe | for weorolde || wiðer-wearda |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 29a | || unġemet ġe·menn. / Ac sē | þe | þā ēċan || āĝan wille / s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 44b | , / hopaþ tō þǣm ēċum || | þe | ðǣr aefter cumaþ, / hine þo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 53a | d || wrāðe blāweþ, / þēah | þe | hine ealneġ || sē ymb-hoĝa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 11a | ræġla || hūru ne ġīemdon / | þe | nū dryht-guman || dīerost l |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 17b | st / þā ġe·cynd be·gān || | þe | him Crīst ġe·sċōp, / and h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 22a | pe. || Næs þā sċealca nan / | þe | mete oþþe drinc || menġan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 34b | ā ġīeta / beornes blōde || | þe | hine bill rude, / ne furðum wu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 46b | rnþ. / Efene sēo ġītsung || | þe | nǣnne grund hafaþ / swearte s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 48b | s anlice / efene þām munte || | þe | nū manna bearn / Etne hātaþ. |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 27a | ðelestan || eorl-ġe·byrdum / | þe | hē on þǣm folce || ġe·fr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 57b | na, / ealra þāra hæleþa || | þe | on his tīdum / ġond þās lǣ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 63b | t godes / ġif sē wēl nele || | þe | his ġe·weald hafaþ. |
Metrical Psalm 91:13 2a | don maniġe || manna swelċe / | þe | him ieldu ġe·bidan || ǣr t |
Metrical Psalm 91:13 3a | an || ǣr tō ġe·nihte / and | þe | mid ġe·þylde || þenden s |
Metrical Psalm 91:3 3a | rio || singan meahte / oþþe% | þe | mid hearpan || hlyste cwēman |
Metrical Psalm 91:6 3b | ðǣr æt·īewaþ || þā | þe | unryhtes / on weorold-līfe || |
Metrical Psalm 93:14 3a | ierĝdum || winne and stande / | þe | unryhtes || ealle wyrċaþ. |
Metrical Psalm 93:17 2a | ǣre meniġu || mīnre sāre / | þe | mē ǣr on ferhþe || fæste |
Metrical Psalm 93:20 2b | mehtiġ / ealla þā unryht || | þe | hīe ġe·earnodon / and on hi |
Metrical Psalm 93:9 5a | e || ġe·scēawian / and sē | þe | ege healdaþ || eallum þēod |
Metrical Psalm 93:9 7a | sīe || þā for āwiht / sē | þe | menn lǣreþ || miċelne wīs |
Metrical Psalm 94:6 3b | htnes / and him wēpan fore || | þe | ūs worhte ǣr. |
Metrical Psalm 94:7 3a | c || and his fæġere scēap / | þe | hē% on his edisce || ǣr ā |
The Battle of Brunanburh 26a | an || hæleþa nānum / þāra% | þe% | mid An·lāfe || ofer ǣra ġ |
The Battle of Brunanburh 68b | um / sweordes eċġum, || þæs | þe | ūs seċġaþ bēċ, / ealde u |
The Coronation of Edgar 14b | winter-ġe·tæles, || þæs | þe | ġe·writu seċġaþ, / seofon |
The Death of Edgar 6b | n þisse ēðel-turf, || þā | þe | ǣr wǣron / on rīm-cræfte || |
The Death of Edgar 20a | t wæs gnornung miċel / þǣm | þe | on brēostum wæġ || byrnend |
The Death of Alfred 2a | inn and wolde tō his mēder, | þe | on Win- || / ċeastre sæt, ac |
The Death of Alfred 4a | eorl, ne ēac ōðre || / menn | þe | miċel meahton wealdan, for· |
The Death of Alfred 15a | ission || blīðe mid Crīste / | þe | wǣron būtan sċylde || swā |
The Death of Edward 34a | || wihte ne ā·gǣlde / þæs | þe | ðearf wæs || þæs þēod-c |
Durham 10a | ēac || bearnum ġe·cȳðed / | þe | ārfæsta || ēadiġ Cudberch |
Durham 16a | era Beda || and Boisil abbot, / | þe | clǣne Cudberte || on ġuĝu |
Durham 20b | drum ġe·weorðaþ, || þæs | þe | writ seġeþ, / mid þone dryhn |
The Rune Poem 9b | rēðe / manna ġe·hwelcun || | þe | him mid resteð. / //O// ōs bi |
The Rune Poem 14b | te, and swīþ-hwæt || þǣm | þe | sitteþ on ufan / mēare mæġe |
The Rune Poem 21b | e·hwǣm / ār and æt-wist || | þe | biþ ōðra lēas. / //W// wēn |
The Rune Poem 22b | as. / //W// wēn ne brūceþ || | þe | cann wēana lȳt, / sāres and |
The Rune Poem 44a | ēneþ || beorna ġe·hwelcne / | þe | him ǣniġne || an-fenġ ġe |
Solomon and Saturn 6a | a || Pater Noster. / Selle% iċ | þe | ealle, || sunu Dauides, / þēo |
Solomon and Saturn 47b | dum / tō be·gangenne || þǣm | þe | his gāst wile / meltan wiþ mo |
Solomon and Saturn 77a | weorð-mynta ġeard. / And sē | þe | wile ġeornlīċe || þone Go |
Solomon and Saturn 158b | dan / wǣpnes eċġe, || þēah | þe | him sē wlite cwēme, / ac siml |
Solomon and Saturn 170b | wæðre wæs on sǣlum || sē | þe | of sīðe cōm / feorran ġe·f |
Solomon and Saturn 174b | wīsdōm; || wiers dēþ sē | þe | liehþ / oþþe þæs sōðes o |
Solomon and Saturn 176a | Saloman wæs brēmra, / þēah | þe | Saturnus% || sumra hæfde, / ba |
Solomon and Saturn 15b | on / wīde on·wæcned, || þā | þe | nū weallende / þurh attres or |
Solomon and Saturn 19a | ā hiltas’. / ‘Dol biþ sē | þe | gæþ || on dēop wæter, / sē |
Solomon and Saturn 20a | gæþ || on dēop wæter, / sē | þe | sund nafaþ || ne ġe·seġle |
Solomon and Saturn 24b | Ac hwæt is sē dumba, || sē | þe | on sumre dene resteþ? / Swīð |
Solomon and Saturn 28a | elċ || engles snytru, / þāra | þe | wile ānra hwelċ || uppe bri |
Solomon and Saturn 33b | ahhe / witodne willan || þǣm | þe | wiht hyġeþ. / Ġe·strangaþ |
Solomon and Saturn 37a | līfes’. / ‘Beald biþ sē | þe | on·bierġeþ || bōca cræft |
Solomon and Saturn 38a | || bōca cræftes; / simle biþ | þe | wīsra || þe hira ġe·weald |
Solomon and Saturn 38b | tes; / simle biþ þe wīsra || | þe | hira ġe·weald hafaþ’. / |
Solomon and Saturn 40b | hwǣm, / hǣlu hȳðe, || þǣm | þe | hīe lufaþ’. / ‘Ān wīse |
Solomon and Saturn 52b | n Filistina, || wēnaþ þæs | þe | nāht is, / þæt hine him sċy |
Solomon and Saturn 76b | Ac hwæt is þæt wunder || | þe | ġond þās weorold færeþ |
Solomon and Saturn 111b | þonne ġe·feallaþ || þā | þe | firena ǣr / lange lǣstaþ, || |
Solomon and Saturn 121b | sum mōdĝum mannum, || þǣm | þe | hēr nū mid māne lenġest / l |
Solomon and Saturn 132b | arr þonne drihtne dēman, || | þe | ūs of dūste ġe·worhte, / ne |
Solomon and Saturn 145b | lǣde biþ and or-mōd || sē | þe | ā wile / ġōmrian on ġīehþ |
Solomon and Saturn 152b | n·lūtan and on·līðian || | þe | hafaþ lǣsse mæġn%.’ / ‘ |
Solomon and Saturn 214a | | eorl tō ġe·sihþe, / þǣm | þe | ġe·dǣlan cann || dryhtnes |
Solomon and Saturn 223a | būtan twēon strengra%, / wyrd | þe | warnung, || þonne hīe winna |
Solomon and Saturn 272b | iġ / eorðan cynnes, || þāra | þe | man āĝe, / þe dēaþ ā·bǣ |
Solomon and Saturn 273a | nes, || þāra þe man āĝe, / | þe | dēaþ ā·bǣde, || ǣr sē |
Solomon and Saturn 280b | n metodes þrymm, || mid þȳ | þe | hit dæġ biþ. / Þonne hine y |
Solomon and Saturn 296b | t, / and þæs willan wyrcþ || | þe | hine on wōh spaneþ. / Ġe·w |
The Menologium 28a | || mīne ġe·frǣġe, / þæs | þe | lencten on tūn || ġe·liden |
The Menologium 49a | ht || fæder on·sende, / þæs | þe | efen-nihte || eorlas healdaþ |
The Menologium 65b | / on heofonas up, || for·þon | þe% | hwearfaþ ā / wīsra ġe·wyrd |
The Menologium 72a | e || niht and% fīfum%, / þæs | þe | Easter-mōnaþ || tō ūs cym |
The Menologium 98b | īðne on brēostum, || þæs | þe | hē on Brytene hēr / ēað-mō |
The Menologium 158b | aþ / ymb fēower niht, || sē | þe | fæġere ġō / mid wætere ofe |
The Menologium 179b | t, / fīf nihtum ufor || þæs | þe | folcum biþ, / eorlum ġe·īew |
The Menologium 200b | ldaþ / sancta simble || þāra | þe | sīþ oþþe ǣr / worhtan on w |
The Menologium 213b | stne wer, / on brime hāran, || | þe | ġō beorna fela% / Clementes o |
The Menologium 229b | an maĝon / hāliġra tīda% || | þe | man healdan sċeall, / swā be |
Maxims II 2b | anc enta ġe·weorc, || þā | þe | on þisse eorðan sindon, / wr |
Maxims II 9b | / ġēares% wæstmas, || þā | þe | him% God sendeþ. / Sōþ biþ |
Maxims II 12b | , / fyrn-ġēarum frōd, || sē | þe | ǣr fela ġe·bīdeþ. / Weax% |
Maxims II 59b | an, / and ealle þā gāstas || | þe | for Gode hweorfaþ / aefter dē |
Maxims II 64b | ymeþ / hider under hrōfas, || | þe | þæt hēr for sōþ / mannum s |
The Judgment Day II 53a | dwǣsċan. / Hū ne ġe·sċōp | þe | sē sċaða || sċearplīċe |
The Judgment Day II 54a | aða || sċearplīċe bȳsne / | þe | mid Crīste wæs || cwielmed |
The Judgment Day II 66b | ū swā lange , || þæt þū | þe | lāce ne cȳþst%, / oþþe hw |
The Judgment Day II 80a | rne synne? / Hwȳ ne bidst þū | þe | || beðunga and plāster, / lī |
The Judgment Day II 93a | || hū miċel is þæt wīte / | þe | þāra earmra biþ || for ǣr |
The Judgment Day II 131a | mes cnōsl || eorð-būendra% / | þe | on foldan wearþ || fēded% |
The Judgment Day II 133a | || tō manlican, / oþþe þā | þe | wǣron || oþþe woldon bēon |
The Judgment Day II 178a | e·wēpan? / Wā þe nū, þū | þe% | þēowast% || þissere% weoro |
The Judgment Day II 180a | d leofast || on gālnesse / and | þe | mid stīðum ā·stīerest || |
The Judgment Day II 190a | % stōwa || fȳres on grunde, / | þe | wæs on grimmum || sūsle on |
The Judgment Day II 204b | ihte, / būtan þāra cwelra || | þe | cwielmaþ þā earman. / Ne bi |
The Judgment Day II 249a | || wihta% ġe·sǣlĝost, / sē | þe | mid ġe·syntum || swelċe cw |
The Judgment Day II 292a | angen, || beorhtost% weoroda, / | þe | ealle lǣt || ǣnlicu Godes d |
The Judgment Day II 293a | licu Godes drūt, / sēo frōwe | þe | ūs || frēan ā·cende, / meto |
The Judgment Day II 302b | wille seċġan || sōþ þǣm | þe | friġneþ, / wiþ þǣm þū m |
The Gloria I 28a | daþ and friðiaþ / ealle þā | þe | cunnon || Crīstene þēawas, |
The Lord's Prayer III 2b | dde, / hāliġ drihten, || þū | þe | on heofonum eart. / Þæt sīe |
The Lord's Prayer III 24a | || leahtras on eorðan / þǣm | þe | wiþ ūs || oft ā·gyltaþ, / |
The Lord's Prayer III 35a | , || seċġaþ ġeorne, / þæs | þe | þū% ūs milde || meahtum ā |
The Creed 2a | htiġ fæder || up on rodore, / | þe | þā sċīran ġe·sċeaft || |
The Creed 39a | nolde || nānne for·lǣtan / | þe | him forþ ofer þæt || fylĝ |
The Creed 45b | nemned, / ac is ān God, || sē | þe | ealle hafaþ / þā þrīe nama |
The Creed 50a | fe || þæt sīen lēofe Gode / | þe | þurh ānne ġe·þanc || eal |
The Kentish Hymn 12a | elan || mæġena ġe·rēna, / | þe | þū, gōd drihten, || gāste |
The Kentish Hymn 23a | ht || and þæt hālġe lamb, / | þe | þū% mān-sċylde || middan- |
Psalm 50 21a | fēores sċyldiġ, / for þǣm | þe | hē Uriam hēt || ealdre be· |
Psalm 50 24b | tō wīfe / for ġītsunga, || | þe | hē Godes ierre / þurh his sel |
Psalm 50 40a | || gyltas ġe·clǣnsa, / þā | þe | iċ on ealdre || ǣfre ġe·f |
Psalm 50 65a | m || selfa ġe·ċierre, / þā | þe% | mīne ældran || ǣr ġe·wor |
Psalm 50 82a | n, || bilewit dōminus%, / þā | þe | on hænðum ǣr || hwīle wǣ |
Psalm 50 125a | ta, || drihtne tō willan. / Ac | þe | miċele mā, || mehtiġ driht |
Psalm 50 142a | hfullan || sāwle wunde, / þā | þe | iċ on ælde || wēl% on ġu |
Psalm 50 153a | ēde || inn-ġe·þance, / þā | þe | hē on ferhþe || ġe·fremed |
The Gloria II 1a | # The Gloria II / / Wuldor sīe | þe | and weorðmynd, || weoroda dr |
A Prayer 7a | meaht || ealra lǣċa / þāra | þe | ġe·wurde || sīde oþþe w |
A Prayer 11b | earminge. / Sē biþ earming || | þe | on eorðan hēr / dæġes and n |
A Prayer 16b | ce. / Sē biþ ēadiġ, || sē | þe | on eorðan hēr / dæġes and n |
A Prayer 45b | end. / Þū eart sē æðela || | þe | on ǣr-daĝum / ealra fǣmnena |
A Prayer 49a | āre || ielda bearnum, / þǣm | þe | ġe·līefaþ || on libbendne |
A Prayer 56a | esse || heofona cininges. / Iċ | þe | andette, || æl-mehtiġ God, / |
Thureth 2a | -bōc; || healde hine drihten / | þe | mē fæġere þus || frætwum |
Thureth 4b | ofe and tō weorðe, || þǣm | þe | lēoht ġe·sċōp. / Ġe·mynd |
Thureth 6a | || meahta ġe·hwelcre / þæs | þe | hē on foldan || ġe·fremman |
Thureth 8a | cie || þēoda wealdend / þæs | þe | hē on ġe·mynde || mādma m |
Thureth 11a | % lēan || ealle findan / þæs | þe | hē on foldan || fremmaþ tō |
Aldhelm 10b | , / āne on ēðle || ēac þon | þe | sē is / yfel on ġe·sǣd. || |
The Seasons for Fasting 17b | wierpan%. / Fela is mæġena || | þe | sēo mǣre þēod / on þǣm he |
The Seasons for Fasting 30a | tierċ, || lēofum tō tācne / | þe | for weorolde% wæs || wamma b |
The Seasons for Fasting 49b | engtenes, / on þǣm mōnþe || | þe | man Martius / ġond Rom-wara || |
The Seasons for Fasting 57b | odum / mid ġe·līcum lofe, || | þe | ġe·lesen hafaþ / on ðǣre% |
The Seasons for Fasting 58b | en hafaþ / on ðǣre% wucan || | þe | aefter cumeþ% / þǣm sunnan-d |
The Seasons for Fasting 59b | umeþ% / þǣm sunnan-dæġe || | þe | ġond sīdne wang / Pente-coste |
The Seasons for Fasting 61b | , / on þǣm mōnþe, || þæs | þe | mē þynceþ, / þe man Iunius |
The Seasons for Fasting 62a | e, || þæs þe mē þynceþ, / | þe | man Iunius || ġēarum nemde. |
The Seasons for Fasting 67b | htum sange / on ðǣre wucan || | þe | ǣror biþ / emnihtes dæġe || |
The Seasons for Fasting 70a | nþe, || mīne ġe·frǣġe, / | þe | man September || ġe·nemneþ |
The Seasons for Fasting 72b | lǣstan% / on ðǣre% wucan || | þe | biþ ǣror full / dryhtnes ġe |
The Seasons for Fasting 85a | unhǣl || ān ġe·þrēatie, / | þe | mōt, ǣt, oþþe wǣt || ǣr |
The Seasons for Fasting 86a | wǣt || ǣror þingan, / þæs | þe | ūs bōca dōm || þēodliċ |
The Seasons for Fasting 87a | m || þēodliċ dēmeþ. / Ġif | þe | þonne seċġan || sūðan cu |
The Seasons for Fasting 90a | ðan || ǣniġ healdan, / þæs | þe | Moyses ġō% || mǣlde tō l |
The Seasons for Fasting 92b | þæt selfe% heald || þæt | þe | sūðan cōm / fram Romana || r |
The Seasons for Fasting 118a | || dryhtnes ġe·rȳnu, / þā | þe | lēoran% sċolon || lēoda ġ |
The Seasons for Fasting 137a | teald || eorð-būendum% / þā | þe | dryhtnes word || dǣdum lǣra |
The Seasons for Fasting 179b | es / þæt manna ġe·hwelċ || | þe | for moldan wunaþ / ǣr þǣm |
The Seasons for Fasting 183b | es oþþe fyrna, || þe lǣs | þe | hē fāh wese%. / Sċolon sāce |
The Seasons for Fasting 203a | s mann, || firena ne% ġīeme / | þe | ġe·hālĝod% mann || hēr |
The Seasons for Fasting 205b | m fremman% / ryht-hyċġende || | þe | hē tō rǣde% tǣċþ, / drinc |
The Seasons for Fasting 212a | ēste% || ǣlcne for·lǣdaþ / | þe | him fylĝan wille || folces m |
The Seasons for Fasting 220b | nn / ymb morgen-tīd, || þæs% | þe | mē% þingeþ% / þæt hund and |
The Leiden Riddle 10a | ǣfon || wyrda cræftum, / þā | þe | ġeolu% gōd-webb || ġēatum |
The Leiden Riddle 14a | e || eġesan brōĝum, / þēah | þe | n[…]n sīe || nīedlīċe o |
Latin-English Proverbs 6b | ġhwæt for·ealdaþ || þæs | þe | ēċe ne biþ. |
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 16a | hīe his sume þorfton, / þā | þe | Læden-sprǣċe || lǣste cū |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 1b | is is nū sē wætersċipe || | þe | ūs weoroda God / tō frōfre |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 5b | libbende / wæteru flēowen, || | þe | wēl on hine / ġe·lifden unde |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 10b | iþþan hine ġierdon || þā | þe | Gode hīerdon / þurh hālĝa b |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 25b | Fylle nū his fǣtels, || sē | þe | fæstne hider / cylle brōhte, |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 1b | Gregory's Dialogues / / || []e | þe | mē rǣdan þance, / hē on mē |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 6b | nn, / bl[]s on burgum, || þǣm | þe | bearn Godes / selfes hira ēaĝ |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 8b | sē mann be·ġietan, || sē | þe | his mōd-ġe·þanc / æl-tǣwe |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 16a | ēalā ġe·sċ[]ta. / Bīdeþ | þe% | sē bisċop, || sē þe þās |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 16b | deþ þe% sē bisċop, || sē | þe | þās bōc be·ġeat / þe þū |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 17a | sē þe þās bōc be·ġeat / | þe | þū on þīnum heandum nū | |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 19a | ssum hālĝum || helpe bidde, / | þe | hēo[] ġe·mynd hēr inn || |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 21b | / for·ġieu[] þā gyltas || | þe | hē ġō% worhte%, / and ēac r |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 22b | d ēac resðe mid him, || sē | þe | ah ealles rīċes ġe·we[], / |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 23b | ac swā his bēah-ġiefan, || | þe | him þās bȳsene for·ġeaf, |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 26a | glum, || ealra cyninga / þāra | þe | hē sīþ oþþe ǣr fore || |
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 2b | nn, / breĝu, rīċes weard, || | þe | þās bōc rǣde / and þā bre |
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 5a | one writre || wynsum cræfte / | þe | þās bōc ā·wrāt || bām |
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 8b | nd him þæs ġe·unne || sē | þe | ah ealles ġe·weald, / rodera |
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 3b | / Bethlem hātte sēo burh || | þe | Crīst inn ġe·boren wæs, / s |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 4b | / wiþ þone miċela eġesa || | þe | biþ ǣġhwǣm lāþ, / and wi |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 5b | / and wiþ eall þæt lāþ || | þe | on tō land fære. / Siġe-ġea |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 18a | || mōdor Crīstes, / and ēac | þe | ġe·brōðru, || Petrus and |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 42a | eofona% rīċes%, / þā hwīle | þe | iċ on þis līfe || wunian m |
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 5a | ermiġ, || enne brōðor. / Hē | þe | sċeall leġġe || leaf et he |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 6b | htmeht wiþ þǣm% lāðan || | þe | ġond land færþ. / And þū, |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 9a | penu%, || innan mihtĝu; / ofer | þe% | crætu% curran, || ofer þe% |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 9b | þe% crætu% curran, || ofer | þe% | cwēne rēodan, / ofer þe% br |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 10a | fer þe% cwēne rēodan, / ofer | þe% | brȳde brȳdedon, || ofer þe |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 10b | e% brȳde brȳdedon, || ofer | þe% | fearras fnærdon. / Eallum þū |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 13b | n-flyġe / and þǣm lāðan || | þe | ġond land fereþ. / Stune hæt |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 20b | mæġ wiþ þǣm% lāðan || | þe | ġond land fereþ. / Fleoh þū |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 27b | ierede. / þis is sēo wyrt || | þe | wergulu hātte; / þās on·sen |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 1a | uiġe and sēo rēade netele, | þe | þurh || / ærn inwyxð, and w |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 5a | fer land rīdan. / Sċield þū | þe | nū%, þū þisne nīþ || ġ |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 25a | iċ wille þīn helpan. / Þis | þe | tō bōte esa ġe·sċotes, | |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 25b | te esa ġe·sċotes, || þis | þe | tō bōte ielfa ġe·sċotes, |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 26a | ōte ielfa ġe·sċotes, / þis | þe | tō bōte hæġtessan ġe·s |
Metrical Charm 5: For Loss of Cattle 1a | # For Loss of Cattle / / Þonne | þe | man ǣrest seċġe þæt þī |
Metrical Charm 5: For Loss of Cattle 3b | æðleem hātte sēo buruh || | þe | Crīst on ā·cenned wæs, / s |
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 9b | o: || / Up iċ gange, || ofer | þe | stæppe / mid cwican ċilde, || |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 1a | þæs þe iċ āĝe, þe mā | þe | || / meahte Herod ūrne drihte |
The Battle of Finnsburh 9a | || Nū ā·rīsaþ wēa-dǣda / | þe | þisne folces nīþ || fremma |
Waldere B 2b | ran || / būton þǣm ānum || | þe | iċ ēac hafa / on stān-fæte |
Waldere B 8a | (ġō-lēan ġe·nam), / þæs | þe | hine of nearwum || Niþhādes |
Waldere B 25b | ah mæġ siġe sellan || sē | þe | simle biþ / recen and rǣdfæs |
Waldere B 27a | || rih[]ā ġe·hwelċes. / Se | þe | him tō þǣm hālĝan || hel |
The Battle of Maldon 14a | e gōd ġe·þanc / þā hwīle | þe | hē mid heandum || healdan me |
The Battle of Maldon 36b | f þū þæt ġe·rǣdest, || | þe | hēr rīcost eart, / þæt þū |
The Battle of Maldon 48b | sweord, / þā here-ġeatwe || | þe | ēow æt hilde ne dēah. / Brī |
The Battle of Maldon 52a | ūþ || eorl mid his weorode, / | þe | wile ealĝian || ēðel þisn |
The Battle of Maldon 77a | || þæt wæs Ċēolan sunu, / | þe | þone forman mann || mid his |
The Battle of Maldon 78a | | mid his francan of·sċēat / | þe | ðǣr bealdlīcost || on þā |
The Battle of Maldon 83a | fīend weredon, / þā hwīle | þe | hīe wǣpna || wealdan mōsto |
The Battle of Maldon 129a | hwelċ || hoĝode tō wīġe / | þe | on Denum wolde || dōm ġe·f |
The Battle of Maldon 139b | re stang / wlancne wīċing, || | þe | him þā wunde for·ġeaf. / Fr |
The Battle of Maldon 148b | þanc / þæs dæġ-weorces || | þe | him drihten for·ġeaf. / Forl |
The Battle of Maldon 158a | || þæt sē on eorðan læġ / | þe | his þēoden ǣr || þearle |
The Battle of Maldon 174b | aldend, / ealra þāra wynna || | þe | iċ on weorolde ġe·bād. / N |
The Battle of Maldon 182b | s / and bēġen þā beornas || | þe | him biġ stōdon, / Ælf·nōþ |
The Battle of Maldon 185b | e buĝon þā fram beaduwe || | þe | ðǣr bēon noldon. / Þǣr wea |
The Battle of Maldon 188a | || and þone gōdan for·lēt / | þe | him maniġne oft || mearh ġe |
The Battle of Maldon 189b | / hē ġe·hlēop þone eoh || | þe | āhte his hālford, / on þām |
The Battle of Maldon 190b | ford, / on þām ġe·rǣdum || | þe | hit riht ne wæs, / and his br |
The Battle of Maldon 197a | earnunga || ealle ġe·munden / | þe | hē him tō duĝuþe || ġe· |
The Battle of Maldon 201a | ġlīċe% || maneĝa sprǣcon / | þe | eft æt þearfe% || þolian n |
The Battle of Maldon 212b | / ‘Ġe·munan% þā mǣla || | þe | we oft æt medu sprǣcon, / þo |
The Battle of Maldon 235b | an tō wīġe, || þā hwīle | þe | hē wǣpen mæġe / habban and |
The Battle of Maldon 258b | Ne mæġ nā wandian || sē | þe | wrecan þenċeþ / frēan on fo |
The Battle of Maldon 272a | ealde sume wunde, / þā hwīle | þe | hē wǣpna || wealdan mōste. |
The Battle of Maldon 316a | ote. || Ā mæġ gnornian / sē | þe | nū fram þȳs wiġ-pleĝan | |