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The Paris Psalter: Psalm 79
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The Paris Psalter: Psalm 79

PPs79:1 1. þu þe israela || æþelum cynne Þū þē Israela || æðelum cynne
PPs79:1 2. reccest and rædest || þu nu recene beheald reċċest and rǣdest, || þū recene be·heald,
PPs79:1 3. þu þe ioseph swa sceap || gramum wiþlæddest þū þē Ioseph swā sċēap || gramum wiþ·lǣdest.
PPs79:2 1. þu þe sylfa nu || sittest ofer cherubin Þū þē selfa || sittest ofer cherubīn,
PPs79:2 2. æteow fore effraim || eac mannasse æt-īew fore Effraim || ēac Mannasse
PPs79:2 3. and beniamin || nu we biddaþ þe and Beniamin, || we biddaþ þē.
PPs79:3 1. awece þine mihte || and mid wuldre cum A·wece þīne meahte || and mid wuldre cum,
PPs79:3 2. and us hale do || her on eorþan and ūs hāle || hēr on eorðan.
PPs79:4 1. gehweorf us mægena god || and us mildne æteow Ġe·hweorf ūs, mæġena god || and ūs mildne æt-īew
PPs79:4 2. þinne andwlitan || ealle we beoþ hale þīnne andwlitan; || ealle we bēoþ hāle.
PPs79:5 1. eala þu mægena god || mære drihten Eala þū, mæġena god, || mǣre drihten,
PPs79:5 2. hu lange yrsast þu || on þines esnes gebed lange || iersast þū || on þīnes esnes ġe·bedd?
PPs79:5 3. tyhst us and fedest || teara hlafe Tyhst% ūs and fēdest || tēara hlāfe,
PPs79:5 4. and us drincan gifest || deorcum tearum and ūs drincan ġiefest || deorcum tēarum
PPs79:5 5. manna gehwylcum || on gemet rihtes manna ġe·hwelcum || on ġe·met rihtes.
PPs79:6 1. þu us asettest || on sarcwide Þū ūs ā·settest || on sār-cwide
PPs79:6 2. urum neahmannum || nu we cunnion ūrum nēah-mannum; || we cunnien,
PPs79:6 3. hu us mid fraceþum || fynd bysmriaþ ūs mid fracoþum || fīend bysmriaþ.
PPs79:7 1. gehweorf us mægena god || and us mildne æteow Ġe·hweorf ūs, mæġena god || and ūs mildne æt-īew
PPs79:7 2. þinne andwlitan || ealle we beoþ hale þīnne andwlitan; || ealle we bēoþ hāle.
PPs79:8 1. þu of ægyptum || ut alæddest Þū of Æġyptum || ūt ā·lǣdest
PPs79:8 2. wræstne wingeard || wurpe þeode wrǣstne wīn-ġeard, || wurpe þēode
PPs79:8 3. and þone ylcan þær || eft asettest and þone īlcan ðǣr || eft% ā·settest.
PPs79:9 1. þu him weg beforan || worhtest rihtne Þū him weġ be·foran || worhtest rihtne,
PPs79:9 2. and his wyrtruman || wræstne settest and his wyrt-truman || wrǣstne settest,
PPs79:9 3. þanon eorþe wearþ || eall gefylled þanan eorðe wearþ || eall ġe·fylled.
PPs79:10 1. his se brada scua || beorgas þeahte His brāda sċua || beorġas þeahte,
PPs79:10 2. and his tanas astigun || godes cedderbeam and his tanas ā·stiĝon || godes ċēder-bēam.
PPs79:11 1. ealle þa telgan || þe him of hlidaþ Ealle þā telĝan || þe him of hlīdaþ,
PPs79:11 2. þu æt sæstreamas || sealte gebræddest þū æt sǣ-strēamas || sealte ġe·brǣdest,
PPs79:11 3. and hi to flodas || forþ aweaxaþ and hīe% tō% flōdas || forþ ā·weaxaþ.
PPs79:12 1. forhwan þu towurpe || weallfæsten his For·hwon þū tō·wurpe || weall-fæsten his?
PPs79:12 2. wealdeþ his winbyrig || eall þæt on wege færþ Wealdeþ his wīn-byriġ || eall þæt on weġe færþ.
PPs79:13 1. hine utan of wuda || eoferas wrotaþ Hine ūtan of wuda || eoferas wrōtaþ,
PPs79:13 2. and wilde deor || westaþ and frettaþ and wilde dēor || wēstaþ and frettaþ.
PPs79:14 1. gehweorf nu mægena god || milde and spedig Ġe·hweorf nū, mæġena god, || milde and spēdiġ
PPs79:14 2. þine ansyne || ufan of heofenum þīne ansīene || ufan of heofonum;
PPs79:14 3. gewite and beseoh || wingeard þisne ġe·wīte and be·seoh || wīn-ġeard þisne,
PPs79:14 4. þæt he mid rihte || ræde gange þæt mid rihte || rǣde gange,
PPs79:14 5. þæne þin seo swiþre || sette æt frymþe þone þīn sēo swīðre || sette æt frymþe,
PPs79:14 6. and ofer mannes sunu || þe þu his mihte ær and ofer mannes sunu, || þe þū his meahte ǣr
PPs79:14 7. under þe getrymedest || tires wealdend under þē ġe·trymedest, || tīres wealdend.
PPs79:15 1. fyr onbærneþ || folm þurhdelfeþ Fȳr on·bærneþ, || folm þurh·delfeþ;
PPs79:15 2. fram ansyne || egsan þines fram ansīene || eġesan þīnes
PPs79:15 3. ealle þa on ealdre || yfele forweorþaþ ealle þā on ealdre || yfele for·weorðaþ.
PPs79:16 1. si þin seo swiþre hand || ofer soþne wer Sīe þīn sēo swīðre hand || ofer sōðne wer
PPs79:16 2. and ofer mannes sunu || þu his mihta þe and ofer mannes sunu; || þū his meahta þē
PPs79:16 3. geagnadest || ealle getrymedest ġeagnodest, || ealle ġe·trymedest,
PPs79:16 4. weoruda drihten || ne gewitaþ we fram þe weoroda drihten; || ne ġe·wītaþ we fram þē.
PPs79:17 1. ac þu us wel cwica || wealdend mihtig Ac þū ūs wēl cwica, || wealdend mehtiġ;
PPs79:17 2. we naman þinne || neode cigeaþ we naman þīnne || nīede ċīeġaþ.
PPs79:18 1. gehweorf us mægena # Ġe·hweorf ūs, mæġena.