Number of occurrences in corpus: 509
Genesis A 57b | ond, friðu || and ġe·fēan | ealle, | / torhte tīre, || and his torn |
Genesis A 219a | ·dǣlde% || dryhtnes meahtum / | ealle | of ānum, || þā hē þās e |
Genesis B 308b | eofonum on helle, || and hēo | ealle | for·sċōp / drihten tō dēof |
Genesis B 432b | arm-sċearu. || Hyċġaþ his | ealle, | / hū ġē hīe be·swīcen. || |
Genesis B 565b | ht swā wīde || ofer weorold | ealle | / ġe·sēon siþþan, || and s |
Genesis B 583a | les Godes enġel. / Ac iċ cann | ealle | swā ġeare || engla ġe·byr |
Genesis B 674b | īde ġe·sēon || on weorold | ealle | / ofer þās sīdan ġe·sċeaf |
Genesis B 759b | e ymb heortan ġe·rūme, || | ealle | sint uncre hearmas ġe·wrece |
Genesis B 804b | ra ǣr / wǣron or-sorġe || on | ealle | tīd. / Hū sċulon wit nū lib |
Genesis A 1386b | rh / of flǣsċ-haman. || Flōd | ealle | wrēah, / hrēoh under heofonum |
Genesis A 1409a | ealdend || sunu Lāmeches / and | ealle | þā wōcre || þe hē wiþ w |
Genesis A 1490a | hofe || hīewan lǣd þū / and | ealle | þā wōcre || þe iċ wǣġ- |
Genesis A 1648a | oda, || þā nū æðelingas, / | ealle | eorð-būend, || Ebrei hāta |
Genesis A 1759b | . / Þurh þe eorð-būende || | ealle | on·fôþ, / folc-bearn friðu |
Genesis A 1929b | Sōdoma byrġ; / ǣhte sīne || | ealle% | lǣdde%, / bēaĝas fram Bethle |
Genesis A 2151a | ċ þē æt hilde ġe·slōh, / | ealle | būton dǣle || þissa dryht- |
Genesis A 2329a | | þone sċulon burh-sittende / | ealle | Īsaac hātan. || Ne ðearf |
Genesis A 2464a | lungre ūt, / spræc þā ofer | ealle | || æðelinga ġe·dryht / sunu |
Genesis A 2618b | Mōabītare / eorð-būende || | ealle | hātaþ, / wīd-mǣre cynn, || |
Exodus 84b | on meahton, / eorð-būende || | ealle | cræfte, / hū ā·fæstnod wæ |
Exodus 190b | ihte. / Wǣron inn-ġe·menn || | ealle | æt-gædere, / cyningas on cor |
Exodus 249b | , / bēama beorhtost; || bidon% | ealle | þā ġīen / hwonne sīð-boda |
Exodus 437b | unnon, / ieldu ofer eorðan, || | ealle | cræfte / tō ġe·seċġenne | |
Exodus 440b | orðe / þæt hē ana mæġe || | ealle | ġe·rīman / stānas on eorða |
Exodus 573a | n hīe ðǣr weallas standan, / | ealle | him brimu blōdġe þūhton, |
Daniel 73b | d dyde / Israela bearn || ofer% | ealle | lufen, / wǣpna lāfe || tō we |
Daniel 136b | ron ġē swā ēacne || ofer | ealle | menn / mōd-ġe·þances || sw |
Daniel 219b | don ġeorne / þæt ǣ Godes || | ealle | ġe·lǣste, / and ne ā·wāco |
Daniel 271a | fon || in þǣm hātan ofene, / | ealle | æfēste þrīe; || him ēac |
Daniel 367b | ! / And þeċ, æl-mehtiġ, || | ealle | ġe·sċeafte, / rodor-beorhtan |
Daniel 527b | ĝan fēran%, || fræġn ofer | ealle | / swīþ-mōd cyning || hwæt |
Daniel 604b | rþ þā ān-hyġdiġ || ofer | ealle | menn, / swīþ-mōd in sefan, | |
Daniel 614b | t, / ana on ofer-hyġd || ofer | ealle | menn. / Swā wōd% wera || on |
Christ and Satan 61b | þīn an-sīen! || Habbaþ we | ealle | swā / for þīnum lēasungum | |
Christ and Satan 92a | hæftum || hām ġe·fērde% / | ealle% | of earde. || Nis hēr ēadġe |
Christ and Satan 126b | ordum sæġde / his earfoþu || | ealle | æt-samne, / fāh in firenum, | |
Christ and Satan 143b | des / habbaþ ēadġe% bearn || | ealle | ymb·fangen / selfa mid sange. |
Christ and Satan 149a | de || in þone biteran grund. / | Ealle | we sindon || un-ġe·līċe / |
Christ and Satan 153b | s, / ðǣr we ymb hine ūtan || | ealle | hōfon, / limu ymb lēofne, || |
Christ and Satan 196b | an fēond / for ofer-hyġdum || | ealle | for·wurdon. / Nimen% ūs tō w |
Christ and Satan 253b | ielp / þæt we ǣr druĝon || | ealle | hwīle’. / Þā ġe·wearþ |
Christ and Satan 383b | n. / Þā wǣron mid eġesan || | ealle | ā·fyrhte, / wīde ġond wind- |
Christ and Satan 432b | / eġesliċ þūhte, || wǣron | ealle | þæs / fæġen in firenum || |
Christ and Satan 525a | freġn || ġungran æt-samne / | ealle | tō Galileam; || hæfdon gās |
Christ and Satan 530a | || Tō þæs ġungran þider / | ealle | urnon, || ðǣr sē ēċa wæ |
Christ and Satan 615b | ng æl-wihta, || clipaþ ofer | ealle: | / ‘Ġē sind will-cuman! || G |
Christ and Satan 625b | rdende / ēċe drihten, || ofer | ealle | ġe·cwæþ%: / ‘A·stīĝað |
Christ and Satan 655b | yning in ċeastre || Cweðaþ | ealle | þus: / ‘Þū eart hæleþa |
Andreas 101a | of þissum liðu-bendum, / and | ealle | þā meniġu || þe þē% mid |
Andreas 327a | ealra ġe·sċeafta, / swā hē | ealle | be·fēhþ || ānes cræfte, / |
Andreas 332a | trīenan: / ‘Faraþ nū ġond | ealle | || eorðan sċēatas% / efene s |
Andreas 676b | t, ġē sindon earme || ofer | ealle | menn. / Wadaþ wīd-lāstas, || |
Andreas 762b | t sīde sæl, || (swīĝodon | ealle), | / þā þā ieldestan || eft on |
Andreas 895b | an swā miċeles || ofer menn | ealle, | / and þæt word ġe·cwæþ || |
Andreas 994b | andan, / seofone æt·samne. || | Ealle | swylt for·nam, / druron dōml |
Andreas 1499b | ǣdum, / fore þæs ansīene || | ealle | ġe·sċeafte / forhte ġe·weo |
Andreas 1565a | ·līesan || of liðu-bendum, / | ealle | ān-mōde, || (ofost is sēle |
Andreas 1601b | uron. / Hīe% þā ān-mōde || | ealle | cwǣdon: / ‘Nū is ġe·sīen |
Andreas 1623b | ǣswan%. / Hēt þā ansunde || | ealle | ā·rīsan, / ġunge of grēote |
The Fates of the Apostles 30b | anncynnes. / Hē on Effessia || | ealle | þrāĝe / lēode lǣrde, || þ |
The Fates of the Apostles 84b | strēon, / īdle ǣht-welan, || | ealle% | for·hoĝodon. / Þus þā æð |
The Fates of the Apostles 122a | , / ēċe and ed-ġung, || ofer | ealle | ġe·sċeaft. || Finit. |
Soul and Body I 51b | anna cynn / sē ān-cenneda% || | ealle | ġe·samnaþ. / Ne eart þū þ |
Soul and Body I 77a | e miċele / þonne þē wǣron | ealle | || eorðan spēda, / (būtan þ |
Soul and Body I 140b | lǣdan, / þæt wit englas || | ealle | ġe·sāwon, / heofona wuldor, |
Dream of the Rood 9b | ēoldon ðǣr enġel dryhtnes | ealle, | / fæġere þurh forðġesċæf |
Dream of the Rood 37b | e·seah / eorðan sċēatas. || | ealle | iċ meahte / fēondas ġe·fiel |
Dream of the Rood 74a | þā ūs man fiellan on·gann / | ealle | tō eorðan. || þæt wæs e |
Dream of the Rood 93b | lfe, / æl–mehtiġ god || for | ealle | menn / ġeweorðode || ofer eal |
Dream of the Rood 128b | an mōte / ana oftor || þonne | ealle | menn, / wēl weorðian. || mē |
Elene 293a | | and dǣd-hwate. / Hwæt, ġē | ealle% | snytru || unwīslīċe, / wrā |
Elene 385b | ġe·nǣġan, || (wlāt ofer | ealle): | / ‘Oft ġē dyslice || dǣd |
Elene 290b | / sǣs sīdne fæðm, || samod | ealle | ġe·sċeaft, / and þū ā·m |
Elene 679a | iġ, || sæġdon wuldor gode / | ealle | ān-mōde, || þēah hīe ǣr |
Christ A 208b | st / ġe·eardode. || Nū þū | ealle | for·lǣt / sāre sorh-ċeare. |
Christ A 240b | mid þȳ wealdende || worhtes | ealle. | / For·þon nis ǣniġ þæs ho |
Christ A 278b | ēore, / hū þeċ mid rihte || | ealle | reord-berend / hātaþ and seċ |
Christ A 291b | ne cōm / ǣniġ ōðer || ofer | ealle | menn, / brȳd bēaĝa hroden, | |
Christ A 340b | n we motan% / ān-mōdlīċe || | ealle | hyhtan, / nū we on þæt bearn |
Christ A 359b | Crīst, / þurh ēað-mēdu || | ealle | biddaþ / þæt þū ġe·hīer |
Christ A 382b | -berende, / earme eorð-ware || | ealle | mæġene / herġan healīċe, | |
Christ A 422b | ft / þonne hit eorð-būend || | ealle | cūðan / þurh ġe·rȳne, || |
Christ B 540b | eorn% brēost-sefa. || Bidon% | ealle | ðǣr / þeġnas þrymfulle || |
Christ B 544b | gend, / ær·þon up stiġe || | ealle | wealdend / on heofona ġe·hiel |
Christ B 683b | þ%. / Nyle hē ǣngum ānum || | ealle | ġe·sellan / gæstes snytru, | |
Christ B 719a | dre, || weorold ā·līeseþ, / | ealle | eorð-būend, || þurh þone |
Christ C 885b | , / ēastan and westan, || ofer | ealle% | ġe·sċeaft. / Weċċaþ of d |
Christ C 975b | d-mǣre blǣst || weorold mid | ealle, | / hāt, heoru-ġīfre. || Hrēo |
Christ C 1056a | rd, || heortan ġe·þōhtas, / | ealle | æt-īeweþ. || Ǣr sċeall |
Christ C 1101b | onne sēo rēade || rōd ofer | ealle | / sweġle sċīeneþ || on ðǣ |
Christ C 1278a | a here || and hæleþa bearn, / | ealle | eorð-būend || and atol dēo |
Christ C 1318a | elne || ǣghwelċ wille / þurh | ealle | list || līfes tilian, / fēore |
Christ C 1377b | ānum sprece || and hwæðere | ealle | mæneþ, / firen-synniġ folc, |
Christ C 1382a | bbende gǣst, / arode þē ofer | ealle | ġe·sċeafte, || ġe·dyde i |
Christ C 1515a | þolian.’ / Þonne ðǣr ofer | ealle | || eġeslicne cwide / self siĝ |
Widsith 88b | iċ wæs mid Eormanrīċe || | ealle | þrāĝe, / ðǣr mē Gotena cy |
The Order of the World 9b | ām þurh wīsdōm || weorold | ealle | cann / be·habban on hreðre, | |
The Order of the World 56b | ĝend / on his ānes fæðm || | ealle | ġe·sċeafta. / Swā him wīde |
The Panther 17a | an dracan ānum, / þām hē on | ealle | tīd || and-wrāþ leofaþ / þ |
The Panther 65b | and wynsum || ġond weorold | ealle. | / Siþþan tō þām swicce || |
Soul and Body II 48b | manna cynn / sē ān-cenda% || | ealle | ġe·ġædraþ. / Ne eart þū |
Soul and Body II 72a | ðe miċele / þonne þe wǣran | ealle | || eorðan spēde, / (būtan þ |
Guthlac A 50b | ēoĝaþ, / ær·þon endien || | ealle | ġe·sċeafte / þā hē ġe·s |
Guthlac A 119b | . / Ōðer him þās eorðan || | ealle | sæġde / lǣne under lyfte || |
Guthlac A 200b | / Swā him iersode, || sē for | ealle | spræc / fēonda meniġu. || No |
Guthlac A 253b | oþ% / þæt mē enġel tō || | ealle | ġe·lǣdeþ / spōwende spēd |
Guthlac A 299a | ċ būĝaþ. / Þēah ġē þā | ealle | || ūt ā·banne%, / and ēow |
Guthlac A 548a | þearle, || þeġnas grymme, / | ealle | hīe þām fēore || fiell ġ |
Guthlac A 760b | caþ. / Swā sē æl-mihtĝa || | ealle | ġe·sċeafte / lufaþ under ly |
Guthlac B 1171b | oht lange ofer þis. || Lǣst | ealle | wēl / wǣre and winesċipe, || |
Guthlac B 1184b | mē wearnode / hire ansīene || | ealle | þraĝe / on weorold-līfe, || |
Deor 16b | hīe sēo sorh-lufu || slǣp | ealle | be·nam. / Þæs ofer·ēode, | |
Riddles 40 53b | ingras þrīe / ūtan ēaðe || | ealle | ymb·clyppan. / Heardra iċ e |
Riddles 55 10b | ealwa holen; || frēan sindon | ealle | / nytt æt·gædere, || naman h |
The Judgment Day I 67b | te / ċearian clamme. || Crīst | ealle | wāt / gōde dǣde; || nā þæ |
The Judgment Day I 101b | ġe·bannen, / Adames bearn || | ealle | tō sprǣċe; / bēoþ þonne |
The Descent into Hell 69a | um || biċġan wille. / Swā we | ealle | tō þē || ān ġe·līefaþ |
The Descent into Hell 89b | ah; / wǣron ūre eald-fīnd || | ealle | on wynnum / þonne hīe ġe·h |
The Descent into Hell 102a | eond·fēran || fold-būende / | ealle | libbende, || þā þe lof sin |
The Descent into Hell 123a | īnre mē[]ian nama, || / þā | ealle | hell-wara || herġaþ and lof |
The Descent into Hell 134b | oda drihten, / blīðe mōde || | ealle | burĝ-waran, / swelċe ġit Ioh |
Alms-Giving 8b | an, / swā hē mid ælmessan || | ealle | tō·sċūfeþ / synna wunde, | |
Azarias 70a | ētsian% || bearn on weorolde / | ealle | ġe·sċeafte || ēċne driht |
Azarias 113b | ġ god. / Wesaþ and weaxaþ || | ealle | wer-þēode, / libbaþ be þām |
Azarias 132a | ra fela. / Blētsien þeċ þā | ealle, | || ēċe drihten, / þurh þīn |
Azarias 134a | uldorfæst% cyning, / and þeċ | ealle | ǣ-sprynġe, || ēċe drihten |
Azarias 141a | fuĝolas, || fela-mihtiġne, / | ealle | þā þe on·hrēraþ || hrē |
Riddles 66 3b | onne sunne. || Sǣs mē sind | ealle | / flōdas on fæðmum || and þ |
Riddles 84 9b | forþ-ġe·sċeaft; || fæder | ealle | be·wāt / ōr and ende, || swe |
Riddles 93 23b | t mīne, / ac iċ āĝlǣċa || | ealle | þolie, / þæt []e bord biton. |
The Phoenix 77b | adene, / ofett ed-nīewe, || on | ealle | tīd / on þām græs-wange || |
The Phoenix 495b | mid rihte. / Þonne ǣriste || | ealle | ġe·fremmaþ / menn on moldan, |
The Phoenix 576b | na lāfe, / ascan and yslan, || | ealle | ġe·samnaþ / aefter līeġ-br |
Juliana 183b | eahtum sind / ā būtan ende || | ealle | ġe·sċeafta.’ / Þā for þ |
Juliana 562a | t hē siĝora ġe·hwæs / ofer | ealle | ġe·sċeaft || ana weolde%, / |
Juliana 675b | wīle / on swan-rāde. || Swylt | ealle | for·nam / seċġa hlōðe || a |
The Gifts of Men 23b | ræftas, / under ānes meaht || | ealle | for·lǣte, / þȳ læs hē for |
The Gifts of Men 99b | en, / þæt hīe ǣfre ānum || | ealle | weorðen / ġe·ġearwode, || |
The Gifts of Men 102b | , / ġif hē hafaþ ana || ofer | ealle | menn / wlite and wīsdōm || an |
The Seafarer 50a | ġaþ%, || weorold ōnetteþ; / | ealle | þā ġe·maniaþ || mōdes f |
The Seafarer 81a | . || Daĝas sind ġe·witene, / | ealle | anmēdlan || eorðan rīċes; |
The Seafarer 124a | ealdor, / ēċe drihten, || on | ealle | tīd. || Amen. |
Beowulf 111b | ynne fram. / Þonan untydras || | ealle | on·wōcon, / etonas and ielfe |
Beowulf 649b | / oþþe nīpende || niht ofer | ealle, | / sċadu-helma ġe·sċeapu || |
Beowulf 699b | nd hira / þurh ānes cræft || | ealle | ofer·cōmon, / selfes meahtum. |
Beowulf 705a | n-reċed || healdan sċoldon, / | ealle | būtan ānum. || Þæt wæs i |
Beowulf 830b | ǣsted, / swelċe ancȳþþe || | ealle | ġe·bētte, / inwitt-sorĝe, | |
Beowulf 941a | t || dǣd ġe·fremede / þe we | ealle | || ǣr ne meahton / snytrum be |
Beowulf 1080b | old / weorolde wynne. || Wīġ | ealle | for·nam / Finnes þeġnas || n |
Beowulf 1122b | lāþ-bite līċes. || Līeġ | ealle | for·swealh, / gasta ġīfrost, |
Beowulf 1699b | u Healf·denes || (swīĝodon | ealle): | / ‘Þæt, lā, mæġ seċġan |
Beowulf 1717b | m, / eafoþum stīepte, || ofer | ealle | menn / forþ ġe·fremede, || h |
Beowulf 1796b | wīsode, / sē for andrisnum || | ealle | be·witode / þeġnes þearfe, |
Beowulf 2236b | ·hȳdde, / dīere māðmas. || | Ealle | hīe dēaþ for·nam / ǣrrum m |
Beowulf 2667b | f, / æðeling ān-hyġdiġ, || | ealle | mæġene / feorh ealĝian; || i |
Beowulf 2814b | es cynnes, / Wǣġ-mundinga. || | Ealle | wyrd for·swēop% / mīne māĝ |
Beowulf 2899b | sōðlīċe || sæġde ofer | ealle: | / ‘Nū is will-ġiefa || Wedr |
Judith 10a | þǣm hēt sē gumena bealdor / | ealle | þā ieldestan þeġnas; || h |
Judith 16b | ance tō wīn-ġe·drince, || | ealle | his wēa-ġe·sīðas, / bealde |
Judith 31a | n, / ofer·drencte his duĝuþe | ealle, | || swelċe hīe wǣron dēað |
Judith 237b | en-tīd / ēhton ell-þēoda || | ealle | þrāĝe, / oþ·þæt on·ġē |
Judith 253b | te, / mæġen Ebrea. || Mynton | ealle | / þæt sē beorna breĝu || an |
Judith 269b | d-ferhþe. || Hīe þā samod | ealle | / on·gunnon cohhetan, || ċier |
The Paris Psalter 100:3 2a | fore ēaĝum || yfele wīsan; / | ealle | iċ fēode || fācnes wyrċen |
The Paris Psalter 100:8 2a | e of·slēa || mānes wyrhtan / | ealle | þe unryht || elne worhton / an |
The Paris Psalter 100:8 4a | fela || ġe·fremed habbaþ; / | ealle | iċ þā of dryhtnes || drīf |
The Paris Psalter 101:12 2b | sċealcas / ambiht-mæċġas || | ealle | hæfdon, / for·þon þe% þū |
The Paris Psalter 101:13 2a | edlīċe || on naman þīnum / | ealle | eorð-būend || eġesan habba |
The Paris Psalter 101:25 2b | nāmon, / and ðǣr eardodon || | ealle | þraĝe, / and hira selfra cynn |
The Paris Psalter 102:3 2b | de eallum / and þīne ādle || | ealle | ġe·hǣlde. / / # / Hē ā·līe |
The Paris Psalter 102:13 4a | ðe weorðeþ, / for·þon hē | ealle | can || ūre þearfe. / / # / Ġe |
The Paris Psalter 102:16 3b | rost and ġe·dēfost || ofer | ealle | þā þe% on·drǣdaþ him. / / |
The Paris Psalter 102:19 1a | ċum || eallum wealdeþ%. / / # / | Ealle | his englas || ēċne drihten / |
The Paris Psalter 103:11 1b | / # / Of þǣm eorðan dēor || | ealle | drincaþ, / bīdaþ assan || ē |
The Paris Psalter 103:12 2b | stmum, / ufan eorð-wæstme || | ealle | grōwaþ, / swelċe of wæstmum |
The Paris Psalter 103:16 2b | um trēo-wæstme; || tȳdraþ | ealle | / þā on Libanes || lǣdaþ% o |
The Paris Psalter 103:19 2a | || on þearle niht, / on ðǣre | ealle | wild-dēor || wīde tō·irna |
The Paris Psalter 103:23 2a | ne weorc, || mehtiġ drihten, / | ealle | þā þū mid snytru || selfa |
The Paris Psalter 103:25 4a | is bismere || brāde healdan; / | ealle | tō þē, || ēċe drihten, / |
The Paris Psalter 103:26 3a | hālĝan || hand on·tȳnan, / | ealle | hīe ġe·fyllan || fæġere |
The Paris Psalter 103:28 3b | ċieppest / eorðan ansīene || | ealle | swelċe. / / # / Wuldor sīe wīd |
The Paris Psalter 103:30 1b | . / / # / Hē on þās eorðan || | ealle | locaþ, / dēþ hīe for his e |
The Paris Psalter 103:30 2b | dēþ hīe for his eġesan || | ealle | bifian; / ġif hē mid his meah |
The Paris Psalter 103:33 2b | ā on þisse eorðan sint, || | ealle | snēome, / þæt hēo ne wunian |
The Paris Psalter 104:1 3b | aþ / his wunder-weorc || ofer | ealle | wer-þēode. / / # / Singaþ him |
The Paris Psalter 104:18 1b | / Þæt hē his ealdor-menn || | ealle | lǣrde, / swā hē his selfes m |
The Paris Psalter 104:18 3b | hæfde, / and þā ieldestan || | ealle | lǣrde, / þæt hēo wīsdōmes |
The Paris Psalter 104:26 1b | / / # / Sende on hira eorðan || | ealle | swelċe / toscan tēonlice, || |
The Paris Psalter 105:3 3a | ðe dōmas || selfe efnan, / on | ealle | tīd || ǣġhwæs healdan / hir |
The Paris Psalter 105:6 2b | ǣr, / and we unsōþfæste || | ealle | wǣron / and unryhtes || ǣġhw |
The Paris Psalter 105:7 2a | re || fæste ne on·cnēowon / | ealle | þā wunder || þe þū on E |
The Paris Psalter 105:11 3b | don, / and þæs eft hræðe || | ealle | for·ġēaton, / weorca wræcli |
The Paris Psalter 105:23 2b | ira ġe·mētinge || mæġene | ealle, | / and ðǣr hēalicne || on hry |
The Paris Psalter 105:27 4b | rna fela, / þā unsċyldġe || | ealle | wǣron, / siþþan hīe ġe·cu |
The Paris Psalter 105:35 2b | ðǣr hīe inn ġe·sāwon || | ealle | æt·gædere, / þe ēhtend him |
The Paris Psalter 106:7 2a | ortnesse || mihtĝan dryhtnes / | ealle | andettaþ || and ēac seċġa |
The Paris Psalter 106:11 2b | on ġe·winnum / and untrume || | ealle | wǣron, / næfdon þā on folda |
The Paris Psalter 106:14 2a | ort mōd || mihtĝan dryhtnes / | ealle | andetten% || and ēac cweðen |
The Paris Psalter 106:16 1b | . / / # / Hē hīe of unrihtum || | ealle | swelċe / þǣmwrāðan weġe | |
The Paris Psalter 106:26 4a | hwelċ || ġe·dwǣs spyrie; / | ealle | hira snytru bēoþ || yfele f |
The Paris Psalter 106:30 1b | līesde. / / # / Hīe andetton || | ealle | drihtne, / hū hē milde wearþ |
The Paris Psalter 106:39 2b | e% lāre; / hira ealdor-menn || | ealle | wǣron / sāre be·swicene, || |
The Paris Psalter 107:5 3b | swelċe / ofer þās eorðan || | ealle | mǣre, / and þīne þā ġe·c |
The Paris Psalter 107:8 3b | āĝas swelċe; / iċ Idumea || | ealle | cenne / and min ġe·sċōs þi |
The Paris Psalter 108:2 4a | nlicu || and ā·fuhta-on mē / | ealle | earwunga || unġemete swīðe |
The Paris Psalter 108:9 1b | Weorðen his āĝene bearn || | ealle | steop-ċild / and his wīf wier |
The Paris Psalter 108:11 1a | ūse || hlēowes wilnian. / / # / | Ealle | his ǣhta || unholde fīend / r |
The Paris Psalter 108:13 1a | stande tō helpe. / / # / Gangan | ealle | his bearn || on ēċe for·wy |
The Paris Psalter 108:27 1b | / # / Sīen þā būtan āre || | ealle | ġe·ġierede / þe mē tælnes |
The Paris Psalter 108:28 2a | num mūðe || meahta dryhtnes / | ealle | andette || and ēac swelċe / h |
The Paris Psalter 110:1 2a | , || ēċe drihten, / mid hyġe | ealle | || heortan mīnre / for ġe·sa |
The Paris Psalter 110:5 3b | wille; / wǣron his be·bodu || | ealle | trīewfæste, / on ealra weorol |
The Paris Psalter 111:7 4a | tan || fēonda ǣniġ, / ac hē | ealle | for·sihþ || ǣġhwǣr ġeor |
The Paris Psalter 111:8 1b | rne. / / # / Sē þe his ǣhta || | ealle | tō·streġdeþ / and þearfend |
The Paris Psalter 112:4 1a | dum herġan. / / # / Hē is ofer | ealle | || inn-ġe·þēode / sē hēah |
The Paris Psalter 113:1 2b | eles cynn / and of Æġyptum || | ealle | fōron / Iacobes hūs || of gra |
The Paris Psalter 113:1 4b | m folce, / þā ell-reordġe || | ealle | wǣron. / / # / Þā wæs ġe·wo |
The Paris Psalter 113:21 6a | blētsodest || blīðe mōde / | ealle | þā þe on þē || eġesan h |
The Paris Psalter 113:22 2a | || mehtiġ drihten / ofer ēow | ealle | || and ofer āĝene bearn. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 113:24 2a | ihten, || dēade herġaþ, / ne | ealle | þā þe heonan || helle sē |
The Paris Psalter 115:2 3a | um ġe·þancum, / þæt wǣron | ealle | menn || unġemete lēase. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 116:1 1a | Paris Psalter: Psalm 116 / / # / | Ealle | þēode || ēċne drihten / mid |
The Paris Psalter 117:2 1b | / # / Þæt Israela cwǣðen || | ealle | nū-þā, / þe hē is sē gōd |
The Paris Psalter 117:4 1a | re tō weorolde. / / # / Cweðen | ealle | þæt || unforcūðe, / þe him |
The Paris Psalter 117:10 1a | āhwǣr tō trēowianne. / / # / | Ealle | mē ymb·sealdon || sīde þ |
The Paris Psalter 118:2 3a | wīse smēaĝan, / and hine mid | ealle | || innan-cundum% / heortan% hor |
The Paris Psalter 118:4 2a | īne be·bodu || bealde hēte / | ealle | eorð-būend || elne healdan. |
The Paris Psalter 118:6 2a | re ġe·sċynded, / ġif iċ on | ealle | þīne be·bodu || elne locie |
The Paris Psalter 118:20 3a | st word || ġe·sund mōte / on | ealle | tīd || elne healdan. / / # / Þ |
The Paris Psalter 118:21 1b | an. / / # / Þū ofer-hyġdġe || | ealle | þrēadest, / þā þū ā·wie |
The Paris Psalter 118:23 1b | an. / / # / Ac nū ealdor-menn || | ealle | æt·gædere / sǣton on seldum |
The Paris Psalter 118:39 1b | e / and þā on eġe þīnum || | ealle | healed. / / # / Þū mē sċealt |
The Paris Psalter 118:51 3b | oþ·þæt hīe on eorðan || | ealle | for·weorðaþ; / iċ þīnre |
The Paris Psalter 118:56 2b | . / / # / Þās mē andweardum || | ealle | ġe·wurdon, / for·þon iċ þ |
The Paris Psalter 118:78 2b | / Bēon þā ofer-hyġdĝan || | ealle | ġe·sċende, / þe mē unrihte |
The Paris Psalter 118:79 3b | ō þē / eġesan āhton || and | ealle | þā / þe þīne ġe·witnesse |
The Paris Psalter 118:83 4b | ċ ofer-ġietel, || þæt iċ | ealle | nū / þīne sōþfæste weorc |
The Paris Psalter 118:85 1b | þū mīne ēhtend for mē || | ealle | ġe·dēme. / / # / Mē mān-wyrh |
The Paris Psalter 118:86 2a | ċe drihten / / # / Wǣron þīne | ealle | ġe·bann || æðele and sō |
The Paris Psalter 118:91 2b | . / / # / Þū þās eorðan || | ealle | worhtest, / swā hēo nū tō w |
The Paris Psalter 118:98 3b | fēondas on foldan || fǣcne% | ealle; | / for·þon iċ beorhtlīċe || |
The Paris Psalter 118:99 2a | ne be·bodu lǣste. / / # / Ofer | ealle | þā || þe mē ǣr lǣrdon, / |
The Paris Psalter 118:104 3b | , / þæt iċ unrihte weĝas || | ealle | of·ēode, / for·þon þū mē |
The Paris Psalter 118:118 2a | stnysse || simle þenċe. / / # / | Ealle | þū for·hoĝodest, || þā |
The Paris Psalter 118:119 1b | arwe, / þæt hēo on unryht || | ealle | þōhton. / / # / Iċ ofer-hylmen |
The Paris Psalter 118:119 2b | hton. / / # / Iċ ofer-hylmend || | ealle | ġe·tealde, / þā on eorðan |
The Paris Psalter 118:129 1b | de, / and iċ unrihte weĝas || | ealle | fēoġe. / / # / Wundorliċ is þ |
The Paris Psalter 118:141 1b | simle þā / þīn esne hēr || | ealle | lufode. / / # / Iċ wæs on ġuĝ |
The Paris Psalter 118:145 2a | siþþan lifie. / / # / Iċ mid | ealle | on·gann || inn-ġe·hyġde / h |
The Paris Psalter 118:150 3b | and þā synfullan; || sindon | ealle | hīe / fram ǣ þīnre || unnē |
The Paris Psalter 118:152 1a | ah, || wuldres drihten; / sint | ealle | þīne weĝas || wīse and c |
The Paris Psalter 118:161 1a | ēċnesse || āwa tō fēore / | ealle | þīne dōmas sint || dǣdum |
The Paris Psalter 118:168 4a | || wordum trymede; / for·þon | ealle | mīne weĝas || wīse sindon / |
The Paris Psalter 119:6 4b | ǣrde, / þonne mē earwunga || | ealle | on·fuhton. |
The Paris Psalter 123:1 2b | rihten, / cweðaþ Israhelas || | ealle | nū-þā, / nemþe ūs eardie i |
The Paris Psalter 124:5 4b | sīe Israhelum || simle ofer | ealle. | |
The Paris Psalter 125:1 4b | aþ / ā·frēfrede || fæġere | ealle. | / / # / Sona bēoþ ġe·fylde || |
The Paris Psalter 126:3 1b | ·hwon ġē mid īdelnesse || | ealle | ā·rīsaþ, / ær·þon lēoht |
The Paris Psalter 127:1 1a | salm 127 / / # / Ēadġe% sindon% | ealle | || þe him ēċne god / drihten |
The Paris Psalter 127:6 4a | sālem || gōda ġe·hwelċes / | ealle | lange daĝas || līfes þīne |
The Paris Psalter 129:7 2b | nd hē ā·līeseþ || lustum | ealle, | / þā þe hiht on hine || habb |
The Paris Psalter 129:8 1b | fæste. / / # / Hē Israhelas || | ealle | ā·līeseþ / of unrihte || ǣ |
The Paris Psalter 131:1 2a | drihten, || mǣrne Dauid / and | ealle | his mann-þwǣrnesse || miċe |
The Paris Psalter 133:1 2a | tsien nū || blīðe drihten / | ealle | his āĝene || ambiht-sċealc |
The Paris Psalter 134:1 2b | hine his sċealcas || swīðe | ealle. | / / # / Ġē þe on godes hūse | |
The Paris Psalter 134:5 3a | ·þon him dōm standeþ / ofer | ealle | godu || eorð-būendra. / / # / E |
The Paris Psalter 134:6 1a | e godu || eorð-būendra. / / # / | Ealle | þā þe wolde, || worhte dri |
The Paris Psalter 134:20 2a | || þe hīe ǣr worhton, / and | ealle | þā þe on hīe || ǣfre ġe |
The Paris Psalter 134:21 4b | blīðe blētsien; || beornas | ealle, | / þā on līfes hūs || lēof |
The Paris Psalter 134:22 2b | / blētsien drihten || beornas | ealle; | / sē drihten is || dīere ġe |
The Paris Psalter 135:11 1b | rn. / / # / And% hē Israhelas || | ealle | oþ·lǣde / of Æġyptum || ea |
The Paris Psalter 135:11 2b | le oþ·lǣde / of Æġyptum || | ealle | ġe·sunde. / / # / On mihtiġre |
The Paris Psalter 135:14 1b | ǣlde. / / # / Lǣde Israhelas || | ealle | þurh midne. / / # / Þǣr Pharao |
The Paris Psalter 135:25 2b | a, / þā þe wrāðe || wǣron | ealle. | / / # / Hē ēac ā·fēdeþ || f |
The Paris Psalter 135:27 1a | ǣġhwelċ. / / # / Andettaþ nū | ealle | || þǣm ēċan gode, / þe on |
The Paris Psalter 137:1 3a | heortan ealre; / for·þon þū | ealle | mīne word || ēarum ġe·hī |
The Paris Psalter 137:3 4a | nīede ġe·dydest, / ofer ūs | ealle | || ǣġhwǣr miċelne. / / # / Sw |
The Paris Psalter 137:5 1a | þīnes mæġenes spēd. / / # / | Ealle | þē andettan || eorðan cyni |
The Paris Psalter 138:2 4a | s || ġearwe ā·treddest / and | ealle | mīne weĝas || wēl fore·s |
The Paris Psalter 138:11 3b | drihten; / canst mīne ǣdre || | ealle | ġearwe, / on·fenge mē fæġe |
The Paris Psalter 138:14 2b | es wæs / unfrom on ferhþe; || | ealle | þæt forþ heonan / on þīnum |
The Paris Psalter 138:15 3b | bban; / mē sind ār-wierðe || | ealle | swīðe, / þe þīne frīend w |
The Paris Psalter 138:17 3b | ‘Wuton þurh īdel searu || | ealle | tilian / þæt we hira burh || |
The Paris Psalter 138:18 1a | tō·brecan mōton.’ / / # / | Ealle | þā þe fēodon || þurh fā |
The Paris Psalter 141:2 3b | ēote, / and mīne earfoþu || | ealle | full ġeorne / fore him selfum |
The Paris Psalter 141:7 2a | ðum; || hīe mē lungre sint / | ealle | ofer mē || unġemete strange |
The Paris Psalter 142:3 2a | ne sāwle || swīðe fēondas / | ealle | ēhton || unġemete strange, / |
The Paris Psalter 142:5 3b | lumpan, / metĝode on mōde || | ealle% | þīne mǣran weorc / and ymbe |
The Paris Psalter 144:10 1b | # / Andetten þē, drihten, || | ealle | þīne weorc / and þē þīne |
The Paris Psalter 144:15 2a | ā þe hrēosaþ ǣr, / and hē | ealle | ā·reċeþ || earme ġe·bro |
The Paris Psalter 144:20 1a | e·dēþ || hāle sōna. / / # / | Ealle | ġe·healdeþ || hāliġ drih |
The Paris Psalter 144:20 4b | / ġond wīd-weĝas || wearnum | ealle. | / / # / Sċeal lof dryhtnes || on |
The Paris Psalter 145:3 4a | e || siþþan for·weorðaþ / | ealle | þā ġe·þōhtas || þe hī |
The Paris Psalter 145:5 3a | ǣ || samod æt·gædere, / and | ealle | þā þe him inn || āhwǣr s |
The Paris Psalter 145:8 1b | e. / / # / þā ell-þēodĝan || | ealle | drihten / lustum healdeþ || an |
The Paris Psalter 146:3 2b | rǣste / and hira unrotnesse || | ealle | ġe·wrīðeþ. / / # / Hē recen |
The Paris Psalter 146:4 3b | full cūðlīċe || ċīeġan | ealle. | / / # / Miċel% is ūre || mehti |
The Paris Psalter 146:6 3b | nfulle / wiþ eorðan niðer || | ealle | ġe·hnæġeþ. / / # / On·ġinn |
The Paris Psalter 148:2 1a | hēanessum. / / # / Herġaþ hine | ealle | || engla þrēatas, / lofie hin |
The Paris Psalter 148:7 2a | e || drihten of eorðan, / and | ealle | neowelnessa || herġan naman |
The Paris Psalter 148:10 2b | fole nǣdran cynn || be naman | ealle, | / and fuĝola cynn || fiðerum |
The Paris Psalter 148:11 1b | . / / # / Eorþ-cyningas% ēac || | ealle | swelċe / þe folcum hēr || fo |
The Paris Psalter 148:11 4a | r-menn || āhwǣr sindon, / and | ealle | þe þās eorðan || āhwǣr |
The Paris Psalter 148:12 2b | fǣmnan, / ealde and ġunge || | ealle | æt·samne%; / herġan naman dr |
The Paris Psalter 148:13 1b | ·þon his ānes nama || ofer | ealle | is / ā·hafen hēalīċe || h |
The Paris Psalter 52:4 1a | wolde || ġeorne sēċan. / / # / | Ealle | hēo on āne || īdelnesse / si |
The Paris Psalter 52:5 1a | alra wǣre. / / # / Ac ġē þæs | ealle | ne maĝon || andġiet habban / |
The Paris Psalter 52:8 2b | lædum sǣlum / and Israelas || | ealle | blīðe. |
The Paris Psalter 53:7 3a | of earfoþum || eallum simle, / | ealle | mīne fīend || ēaĝum ofer |
The Paris Psalter 54:9 3b | nwitt / and unsōþfæstness || | ealle | wealde. / / # / Nǣfre on his weo |
The Paris Psalter 54:11 1a | e mōde. / / # / Þēah þe þā | ealle | || þe mē ā fēodon, / wordum |
The Paris Psalter 54:22 3b | n hreðere; / þū ārlēase || | ealle | ġe·lǣdest / on sōðe% for· |
The Paris Psalter 55:5 4b | / on% yfel hira ġe·þeaht || | ealle | on·wende. / / # / On eardiaþ, | |
The Paris Psalter 56:7 1b | d sīde / ofer þās eorðan || | ealle | mǣre. / / # / Fōtum hēo mīnum |
The Paris Psalter 56:13 3a | , || hāliġ drihten; / is ofer | ealle | || eorðan swelċe% / þīnes w |
The Paris Psalter 57:8 3b | þæt hēo bēoþ on ierre || | ealle | for·swelġene. / / # / Sōþfæs |
The Paris Psalter 57:9 2b | gann, / hū þā ārlēasan || | ealle | for·weorðaþ, / and his handa |
The Paris Psalter 57:10 4b | te;’ / hīe on eorðan god || | ealle | ġe·dēmeþ. |
The Paris Psalter 58:2 2b | emmendra / þe hēr unryhtes || | ealle | wyrċaþ, / and mē wiþ blōd- |
The Paris Psalter 58:8 3b | re; / nafast þū for āwiht || | ealle | þēoda. / / # / Iċ mīne streng |
The Paris Psalter 58:12 3b | ǣron hīe on ofer·hyġde || | ealle | ġe·sċende, / þā hīe on ly |
The Paris Psalter 59:2 1b | rðan% þū on·hrērdest, || | ealle | ġe·drēfdest; / hǣl hire wun |
The Paris Psalter 59:7 5b | þþan ġe·dō / Allophilas || | ealle | ġe·wielde.’ / / # / Hwelċ ġ |
The Paris Psalter 61:3 2a | mid māne || menn on·gunnon, / | ealle | ġē þā tō dēadan || dǣd |
The Paris Psalter 61:4 1b | / # / Swā ġē· mīne āre || | ealle | þōhton / wrāðe tō·weorpan |
The Paris Psalter 62:9 1b | # / For·þon hīe on īdel || | ealle | siþþan / sōhton synlīċe || |
The Paris Psalter 62:10 3a | ban || and hine herġaþ ēac / | ealle | þā þē on hine || āðas s |
The Paris Psalter 62:10 4b | n sint ġe·mierde || mūðas | ealle | / þā unryht sprecaþ || āhw |
The Paris Psalter 63:8 1a | ū || tēonan on sittaþ. / / # / | Ealle | sind ġe·drēfde || þe hīe |
The Paris Psalter 64:5 1a | wum || eardaþ siþþan. / / # / | Ealle | we þīn hūs || ēċum gōdu |
The Paris Psalter 64:9 2a | enes gang || wiþ ǣfen-tīd / | ealle | þā dēman || drihten healde |
The Paris Psalter 65:1 1a | e Paris Psalter: Psalm 65 / / # / | Ealle | eorð-būend || ēċne drihte |
The Paris Psalter 65:6 3a | āwa tō fēore, / and hē ofer | ealle | þēode || ēaĝum wlīteþ; / |
The Paris Psalter 65:7 2a | sien þēoda || blīðe mōde / | ealle | eorð-būend || ēċne drihte |
The Paris Psalter 65:13 4a | on tīfrum || tela for·gulde / | ealle | þā ġe·hāt, || þe iċ ǣ |
The Paris Psalter 66:3 2b | le god, / and þē andetten || | ealle | þēoda. / / # / Hæbbe þæs ġe |
The Paris Psalter 66:4 4b | dēmest / and eorð-būende || | ealle | healdest. / / # / Folc þē andet |
The Paris Psalter 66:5 2b | drihten / and þē andetten || | ealle | þēoda. / / # / Ġē him eorðe |
The Paris Psalter 67:5 2b | / and on his ansīene wesan || | ealle | ġe·drēfde, / þā þe widewu |
The Paris Psalter 67:7 3b | / and þā tō ierre bēoþ || | ealle | ġe·cīeġde / and eardiaþ || |
The Paris Psalter 68:4 3b | a feaxes, / þe mē earwunga || | ealle | fēoġe / Ofer mē sindon || þ |
The Paris Psalter 68:13 2b | / Mē wiðer-wearde || wǣron | ealle, | / þā him sǣton% || sundor on |
The Paris Psalter 68:20 4b | ; || / for þīnre ansīene || | ealle | sindon / þe fēondas mē || f |
The Paris Psalter 69:3 2a | g || hweorfaþ and ċierraþ; / | ealle | hira sċamien, || þe mē yfe |
The Paris Psalter 69:4 1b | . / / # / And hira æfstu ēac || | ealle | sċamien, / þe mē word cwǣdo |
The Paris Psalter 70:3 5b | n nellaþ; / sindon unryhtes || | ealle | wyrċende. / / # / For·þon þū |
The Paris Psalter 70:22 2b | æst weorc; || sċende wǣron | ealle | / þe mē yfel tō || ǣr ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 71:9 1b | ine% Siġel-waras || sēċaþ | ealle | / and his fēondas || foldan li |
The Paris Psalter 71:10 5a | / of Arabia, || ēac of Saba; / | ealle | him lēoda || lācum cwēmaþ |
The Paris Psalter 71:11 2b | ningas / þā on eorð-weġe || | ealle | sindon; / ealle þēoda hine || |
The Paris Psalter 71:11 3a | eorð-weġe || ealle sindon; / | ealle | þēoda hine || weorðiaþ ġ |
The Paris Psalter 71:18 2a | n cynn || eall ġe·blētsod; / | ealle | hine þēoda || þrīste her |
The Paris Psalter 72:1 4a | an sindon || losode nū-þā / | ealle | on foldan || fōta gangas. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 72:17 2b | clǣne, / wǣron mīne ǣdra || | ealle | tō·līesde, / and iċ tō nā |
The Paris Psalter 73:5 3b | orne / þæt hīe mid adesan || | ealle | tō·wurpan. / / # / Þā hīe þ |
The Paris Psalter 73:7 1b | on heortan: || ‘Wuton cuman | ealle | / and ūre māĝas mid ūs; || |
The Paris Psalter 73:7 4b | e dryhtnes / on eorð-weġe || | ealle | tō·wurpan. / / # / Ne we sweoto |
The Paris Psalter 73:14 3b | lūde strēamas / on Æthane || | ealle | ā·drīgdest%. / / # / Þū dæ |
The Paris Psalter 73:15 3a | settest || sunnan and mōnan; / | ealle | þū ġe·worhtest || eorðan |
The Paris Psalter 73:21 4b | aþ þē, / and eft tō þē || | ealle | stīĝaþ. |
The Paris Psalter 74:1 2b | rihten, / and þē andettaþ || | ealle | þēoda / and naman þīnne || |
The Paris Psalter 74:8 3a | ·bryċe; / for·þǣm% sċulon | ealle | || drincan synfulle, / þā on |
The Paris Psalter 75:4 3a | m hider || æðelum beorĝum; / | ealle | sint ierre, || þā þe unwī |
The Paris Psalter 75:6 4b | , / þæt hē on eorðan dō || | ealle | hāle / þe hē mild-heorte || |
The Paris Psalter 75:8 3a | þǣmgōdan || gode ġeorne; / | ealle | þe on ymb·hwyrfte || āhwǣ |
The Paris Psalter 76:5 2b | e, / hæfde mē ēċe ġēar || | ealle | on mōde. / / # / Iċ þā mid he |
The Paris Psalter 76:14 2b | mihtġe handa / and Aarones || | ealle | ġe·sunde. |
The Paris Psalter 77:3 1a | um || wǣron æt frymþe. / / # / | Ealle% | þā we on·cnēowon, || cū |
The Paris Psalter 77:16 3a | wā hit drihten hēt, / and him | ealle | niht || ōðer bēacen / fȳres |
The Paris Psalter 77:48 2b | e hæġlum, / and hira ǣhta || | ealle | fȳre. / / # / Hē ǣ·byliġðe% |
The Paris Psalter 77:53 3a | fyrhtu || fēondes eġesa, / ac | ealle | þā || ȳða for·nāmon. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 79:4 2b | t-īew / þīnne andwlitan; || | ealle | we bēoþ hāle. / / # / Eala þ |
The Paris Psalter 79:7 2b | t-īew / þīnne andwlitan; || | ealle | we bēoþ hāle. / / # / Þū of |
The Paris Psalter 79:11 1a | n || godes ċēder-bēam. / / # / | Ealle | þā telĝan || þe him of hl |
The Paris Psalter 79:15 3a | m ansīene || eġesan þīnes / | ealle | þā on ealdre || yfele for· |
The Paris Psalter 79:16 3b | s meahta þē / ġeagnodest, || | ealle | ġe·trymedest, / weoroda driht |
The Paris Psalter 80:13 6b | īnra handa / hira ēhtendas || | ealle | for·nam. / / # / Him fīend gode |
The Paris Psalter 81:5 3a | īestrum || þrāĝe ēodon; / | ealle | ā·bifodon || eorðan staðo |
The Paris Psalter 81:6 2a | : || ‘Ġē sind uppe godu, / | ealle | up-hēa || and æðele bearn. |
The Paris Psalter 82:3 3b | ice hoĝodon, / and eahtunga || | ealle | hæfdon, / hū hīe þīne hāl |
The Paris Psalter 82:4 1b | ūðlīċe: || ‘Wuton cuman | ealle | / and hīe tō·wyrpan || ġond |
The Paris Psalter 82:5 1b | þon hīe ān ġe·þeaht || | ealle | ymb-sǣton, / and ġe·witnesse |
The Paris Psalter 82:7 2a | d mid þǣm || swelċe Assur; / | ealle | on weĝum || ǣġhwǣr sindon |
The Paris Psalter 82:8 3a | and Sisare, || swelċe Iabin; / | ealle | þā nāmon || Ændor wille / a |
The Paris Psalter 82:9 4a | ra ealdrum || eallum swelċe; / | ealle | þā on ān || ǣr ġe·cwǣd |
The Paris Psalter 82:13 1a | īnne || nīede sēċaþ. / / # / | Ealle | bēoþ ġe·ōrette, || ēac |
The Paris Psalter 82:14 1b | þ. / / # / Þū ana eart || ofer | ealle | hēah / eorð-būende, || ēċe |
The Paris Psalter 85:8 1a | aĝon || wyrċan anlīċ. / / # / | Ealle | þū ġe·worhtest || wera cn |
The Paris Psalter 86:1 3b | n / ofer Iacobes wīċ || gōde | ealle. | / / # / Wǣron wuldorlīċe% wiþ |
The Paris Psalter 87:7 2b | d þū mē ofer-hyġde inn || | ealle | ġe·lǣdest. / / # / Feorr þū |
The Paris Psalter 87:10 3b | an / and hīe andettan þē || | ealle | siþþan. / / # / Ne on þēostru |
The Paris Psalter 88:9 3b | / þīnes earmes spēd || wiþ | ealle | fīend. / / # / Heofonas þū wea |
The Paris Psalter 88:17 1a | hālĝa. / / # / Þonne þū ofer | ealle | || undearnunga / þīne bearn s |
The Paris Psalter 88:21 1b | þan. / / # / Of his ansīene || | ealle | iċ ā·ċeorfe, / þā þe him |
The Paris Psalter 88:21 3b | sindon, / and his ēhtendas || | ealle | ġe·flīeme. / / # / Hine sōþf |
The Paris Psalter 88:33 4b | ·witnesse% / esnes þīnes; || | ealle | ġe·wēmdest / his hāliġness |
The Paris Psalter 88:34 1a | nesse || hēr on eorðan. / / # / | Ealle | þū his weallas || wīde tō |
The Paris Psalter 89:7 1b | ·þon we on þīnum ierre || | ealle | for·wurdon, / wǣron on þīnu |
The Paris Psalter 89:9 1b | For·þǣm þe ūre daĝas || | ealle | ġe·tīerodon, / and we on þ |
The Paris Psalter 89:11 3a | ahtatiġ || ielda ġe·biden, / | ealle | þe ðǣr ofer bēoþ || ǣfr |
The Paris Psalter 89:12 1b | rnes be·cōm || miċel ofer | ealle | / and we on þǣm ġe·fēan || |
The Paris Psalter 89:16 3a | þæs we on mōde nū / habbaþ | ealle | daĝas || æðele blisse. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 89:17 2b | mþū ūs tō ēad-mēdum || | ealle | ġe·brōhtest, / and for þǣm |
The Paris Psalter 89:19 2b | s godan godes || ġeorne ofer | ealle; | / ġe·rece ūre hand-ġe·weor |
The Paris Psalter 90:16 2b | welċe / ġe·wuldrie || ġond% | ealle | wer-þēoda, / and him līf-da |
The Paris Psalter 91:6 3a | p synniġra || hyġe anlīċ; / | ealle | ðǣr æt-īewaþ, || þā þ |
The Paris Psalter 91:8 2b | e, drihten, / on eorð-weġe || | ealle | for·weorðaþ%, / and weorða |
The Paris Psalter 91:8 3b | orðaþ tō·wrecene || wīde | ealle, | / þā þe unryhtes || ǣror wo |
The Paris Psalter 93:10 1a | || miċelne wīsdōm? / / # / God | ealle | cann || guman ġe·þancas / eo |
The Paris Psalter 93:11 4b | rest / and him yfele daĝas || | ealle | ġe·beorĝest, / oþ·þæt bi |
The Paris Psalter 93:14 3b | e and stande, / þe unryhtes || | ealle | wyrċaþ? / / # / Nemþe mē drih |
The Paris Psalter 93:20 2a | ġieldeþ || god æl-mehtiġ / | ealle | þā unryht || þe hīe ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 95:4 3a | || hē is eġesliċ god / ofer | ealle | godu || eorð-būendra. / / # / S |
The Paris Psalter 95:5 1a | || eorð-būendra. / / # / Sindon | ealle | hǣðnu godu || hilde-dēoful |
The Paris Psalter 95:7 3b | þæt of hira ēðle dōn || | ealle | þēode, / þæt hīe naman dry |
The Paris Psalter 95:9 5b | iþþan / eorðan ymb-hwyrft || | ealle | ġe·sette. / / # / Hē ferhtliċ |
The Paris Psalter 95:10 2b | m dēmeþ / and on his ierre || | ealle | þēode. / / # / Heofonas% blissi |
The Paris Psalter 95:12 2a | s ēac || fæġere blisse / and | ealle | þā þe on him || eard weard |
The Paris Psalter 95:12 6b | e, / þæt hē þās eorðan || | ealle | dēmde. / / # / Þonne% hē ymb-h |
The Paris Psalter 98:1 4b | sōna mæġ / ana eorð-ware || | ealle | on·styrian. / / # / Dryhten is o |
The Paris Psalter 98:9 3b | urde, / and hira æf-þuncan || | ealle | ġe·wrǣce. / / # / Hebbaþ ūrn |
The Paris Psalter 99:2 1b | e. / / # / Gangaþ on ansīene || | ealle | blīðe; / witaþ wīslīċe || |
The Paris Psalter 99:3 2b | p, / þā hē on his edisċe || | ealle | ā·fēde; / gāþ nū on his d |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 12b | ēotend þōhton / ītalīa || | ealle% | ġe·gangan, / lind-wīġende. |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 33b | lluht-þēawum. || Fæġnodon | ealle | / Rōm-wara bearn || and him re |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 60b | sprǣċe, / sume openlīċe || | ealle | for·ġietene, / þæt hīe sē |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 8b | ehtiġ, / þǣm ō-leċċaþ || | ealle | ġe·sċeafte / þe þæs ambih |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 22b | te. / Hæfþ sē eall-wealda || | ealle | ġe·sċeafta / ġe·bæt mid h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 24a | | hafaþ būtū || ġe·dōn, / | ealle | ġe·manode || and ēac ġe· |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 32b | es weard / mid his an-wealde || | ealle | ġe·sċeafta, / þæt hira ǣg |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 64b | ā swā ǣlċ ġe·sċeaft || | ealle | mæġene / ġond þās wīdan w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 66a | old || wriĝaþ and hīĝaþ, / | ealle | mæġene || eft simle on·lȳ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 1b | re 17 / / Hwæt%, eorð-waran || | ealle | hæfden, / fold-būende, || fru |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 3b | ċne; / hīe of ānum twǣm || | ealle | cōmon, / were and wīfe, || on |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 5b | , / and hīe ēac nū ġīet || | ealle | ġe·līċe / on weorold cumaþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 7b | n wunder, || for·þǣm witan | ealle | / þæt ān god is || ealra ġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 23b | ū ǣġhwelċ mann || þe mid | ealle | biþ / his unþēawum || under- |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 3a | wōh-hæmetes, / þæt hē mid | ealle | ġe·dræfþ || ānra ġe·hw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 3b | þæt þā earman menn || mid | ealle | ġe·dweleþ, / of þǣm rihtan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 13a | ġe·līcost þyncþ / þætte | ealle | witen || eorð-būende / þanco |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 20b | wundorliċ, || þæt we witan | ealle, | / þæt man sēċan sċeall || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 19a | ra || ne nan mǣrra / ne ġond | ealle | þā ġe·sċeaft || efenlica |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 56b | swā þēah / mid āne naman || | ealle | tō·gædere / weorold under wo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 184b | es, / for·þǣm ūð-witan || | ealle | seġġaþ / þætte ān ġe·cy |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 229a | rnunga || ānra ġe·hwelcre. / | Ealle | hīe sċīnaþ || þurh þā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 231a | fonum, || nā hwæðre þēah / | ealle | efen-beorhte. || Hwæt, we of |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 233a | um || þætte heofon-steorran / | ealle | efen-beorhte || ǣfre ne sċ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 280a | || þese weġ tō liġþ, / þe | ealle | tō || ā fundiaþ / menn of mo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 12a | || swā hē swīðost mæġe, / | ealle | tō þǣm ānum || his inn-ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 11a | || wlītan siþþan / ufan ofer | ealle. | || Meahtes ēac faran / ofer þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 12b | ele / ǣlċ ōðrum || and hīe | ealle | him / þonan mid þȳ þrymme | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 64b | n%, / and hē ēac swā same || | ealle | mæġne / efne swā swīðe || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 86b | wurdon, / ealde ġē ġunge, || | ealle | for·hwierfde / tō sumum dī |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 32b | lufian, / and his unþēawas || | ealle | hatian / and of·snīðan, || s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 14b | e wīse menn / Ursa nemnaþ; || | ealle | steorran / sīĝaþ aefter sunn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 30a | nne niht cymeþ, / hātaþ hine | ealle | || ǣfen-steorra. / Sē biþ ð |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 45b | sċeafta, / ac sē ēċa god || | ealle | ġe·metĝaþ / sīda ġe·sċe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 87b | sċolden, / ǣġhwelċ hira || | ealle | tō nāuhte / weorðan sċoldon |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 89b | ena, / þēah þā āne lufe || | ealle | ġe·sċeafta / heofones and eo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 53b | lā, min drihten, || þū þe | ealle | ofer·sihst / weorolde ġe·sċ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 5a | hræðe bēoþ ā·þīestrod / | ealle | ofer eorðan || ōðre steorr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 1a | Boethius: Metre 9 / / Hwæt, we | ealle | witon || hwelċe ār-lēaste / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 24b | ierre / þæt sē ilca hēt || | ealle | ā·cwellan / þā rīċostan | |
Metrical Psalm 90:16 2b | welċe / ġe·wuldrie || ġond | ealle | weorðode / and him līf-dæġ |
Metrical Psalm 91:6 3a | p sinninġra || hyġe anliċ / | ealle | ðǣr æt·īewaþ || þā |
Metrical Psalm 91:8 2b | e drihten / on eorð-wæġe || | ealle | for·weorðaþ / and weorðaþ |
Metrical Psalm 91:8 3b | eorðaþ t·owrecene || wīde | ealle | / þā þā unryhtes || ǣror |
Metrical Psalm 93:14 3b | e and stande / þe unryhtes || | ealle | wyrċaþ. |
The Death of Edward 31b | um, / æðelum eorle, || sē on | ealle | tīd / hīerde holdlīċe || he |
Solomon and Saturn 6a | Pater Noster. / Selle% iċ þe | ealle, | || sunu Dauides, / þēoden Isr |
Solomon and Saturn 21b | re liðeran / īrenum aplum; || | ealle | bēoþ ā·weaxen / of ed-wīte |
Solomon and Saturn 42b | on hafað sē cantic || ofer | ealle | Crīstes bēċ / wīd-mǣrost w |
Solomon and Saturn 65b | riceþ / and þā or-þancas || | ealle | tō·slīteþ. / Hungor hē ā |
Solomon and Saturn 138b | hwǣm nǣron eorð-welan% || | ealle | ġe·dǣled% / lēodum ġe·lī |
Solomon and Saturn 147a | For·hwon ne mōton we þonne | ealle | || mid an-mēdlan / ġeġnum ga |
Maxims II 59a | all || siþþan hweorfan, / and | ealle | þā gāstas || þe for Gode |
The Judgment Day II 26b | : / ‘Nū iċ ēow, ǣdran, || | ealle | bidde / þæt ġē wiel-springa |
The Judgment Day II 32b | ðan / and ġe·earnode sār || | ealle | iċ ġe·ċīeġe. / Iċ bidde |
The Judgment Day II 163b | yningas, / earm and ēadiġ, || | ealle | bēoþ ā·fǣred; / ðǣr hæf |
The Judgment Day II 165b | or·þon hīe habbaþ eġe || | ealle | æt·samne. / Þæt rēðe flō |
The Judgment Day II 172a | san, || dēman ġe·hende, / ac | ealle | þurh·eornþ || ōĝa æt·s |
The Judgment Day II 233b | ·fēan, || ġe·wītaþ% mid | ealle; | / þonne druncenness || ġe·dw |
The Judgment Day II 251b | d samod blīðe || on weorold | ealle | / his þēodne ġe·þēon || a |
The Judgment Day II 274b | þenaþ, / ðǣr ā andweard || | ealle | weorðaþ / and fēhð and ġe |
The Judgment Day II 292a | n, || beorhtost% weoroda, / þe | ealle | lǣt || ǣnlicu Godes drūt, / |
The Gloria I 2a | of || wīde ġe·openod / ġond | ealle | þēoda, || þanc and willa, / |
The Gloria I 11b | ne ġe·cynd, || cyning ofer | ealle, | / beald ġe·blētsod, || bōca |
The Gloria I 19b | an, / eardas and up-lyft || and | ealle | þinġ. / Þū settest on folda |
The Gloria I 22b | ġe·wrohtest, ēċe God, || | ealle | ġe·sċeafta / on siex daĝum |
The Gloria I 28a | ġ || healdaþ and friðiaþ / | ealle | þā þe cunnon || Crīstene |
The Gloria I 34a | s hēo || cȳðaþ wīde / ofer | ealle | weorold; || ēċe standeþ / Go |
The Gloria I 36a | || grōweþ swā þū hēte. / | Ealle | þē herġaþ || hālġe drē |
The Gloria I 51b | æt sōðlīċe || seċġaþ | ealle: | / þurh clǣne ġe·cynd || þ |
The Creed 45b | ed, / ac is ān God, || sē þe | ealle | hafaþ / þā þrīe naman || |
The Kentish Hymn 17a | unu || and sōþ hǣlend / ofer | ealle | ġe·sċæft || engla% and ma |
The Kentish Hymn 24b | s / for þīnre ārfæstness || | ealle | tō·wurpe, / fēond ġe·flīe |
A Prayer 26a | fst and wealdest || / ana ofer | ealle | || eorðan and heofonas / siddr |
A Prayer 28a | ū eart sōþ metod, / ana ofer | ealle | || eorð-būende, / swelċe on |
Thureth 10b | d hē sċeall ēċe% lēan || | ealle | findan / þæs þe hē on folda |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 26a | || sōþfæstra engla. / Biddu | ealle | || blīðu mōde / þæt mē b |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 61a | || nēan% be·healdaþ; / motan | ealle | wēoda nū || wyrtum ā·spri |
The Battle of Maldon 63b | hīe on þām êa-stæðe || | ealle | stōden. / Ne meahte ðǣr for |
The Battle of Maldon 196b | if hīe þā ġe·earnunga || | ealle | ġe·munden / þe hē him tō d |
The Battle of Maldon 203b | ldor, / Æðel·rēdes eorl; || | ealle | ġe·sāwon / heorð-ġe·nēat |
The Battle of Maldon 207a | ton ġeorne; / hīe woldon þā | ealle | || ōðer twēġa, / līf for· |
The Battle of Maldon 231b | æt þū, Ælfwine, hafast || | ealle | ġe·manode / þeġnas tō þea |
The Battle of Maldon 238b | hafaþ, / earh Oddan bearn, || | ealle | be·swicene. / Wēnde þæs for |
The Battle of Maldon 304b | ðan. / Ōswold and Ēadwold || | ealle | hwīle, / bēġen þā ġe·br |
The Battle of Maldon 320b | hīe Æðel·gāres bearn || | ealle | bielde, / God·rīċ tō gūðe |