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The Battle of Maldon
Old English
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The Battle of Maldon

|| brocen wurde

Mald 1. het þa hyssa hwæne || hors forlætan brocen wurde.
Bliss Scansion: ||
Sievers Scansion: || N/A ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: n/a || n/a

Syntax: null || sV

hs: b, aa: X
Mald 2. feor afysan || and forþ gangan Hēt þā hyssa hwone || hors for·lǣtan,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|~+ || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x ~+ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || NI

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
Mald 3. hicgan to handum || and to hige godum feorr ā·fȳsan || and forþ gangan,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a $|xSx || 2C1a xS|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 x / | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: aI || aI

hs: f, law: g, lab: g, aa: D, da: D
Mald 4. þa þæt offan mæg || ærest onfunde hyċġan heandum || and tō% hyġe gōdum.
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: IP || NA

hs: h, law: g, lab: g, aa: D, da: D
Mald 5. þæt se eorl nolde || yrhþo geþolian Þā% þæt Offan mǣġ || ǣrest on·funde,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || aV

hs: V, ca: V, aa: 1
Mald 6. he let him þa of handon || leofne fleogan þæt eorl nolde || ierhþe ġe·þolian,
Bliss Scansion: 2C1b xxS|Sx || 1A*1a Sx|x~+x
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A / xx | ~+ x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NV || NI

hs: V, ca: V, aa: 1
Mald 7. hafoc wiþ þæs holtes || and to þære hilde stop lēt him þā of heandum || lēofne flēoĝan
Bliss Scansion: N/A xxxxx / x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: VP || AI

hs: l, aa: 1
Mald 8. be þam man mihte oncnawan || þæt se cniht nolde hafoc wiþ þæs holtes || and ðǣre hilde stōp;
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b ~+|xxSx || 3B1d xxxxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ xx | / x || 0 xxxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NP || PV

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
Mald 9. wacian æt þam wige || þa he to wæpnum feng be þǣm mann meahte on·cnāwan || þæt cniht nolde
Bliss Scansion: a1f xxxxxxSx || 2C1b xxS|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxxx / x || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || x/Ssx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: MS Cotton Tiberius B i, Folio: 115, r, Manuscript line: 7, Change by: scribe, editor. Reading emended: geres Original reading: ge^a^res
Error or emendation on B line:
Manuscript shelfmark: MS Cotton Tiberius B i, Folio: 115, r, Manuscript line: 8, Change by: scribe, editor. Reading emended: him Original reading: hi^o^m

Syntax: VI || NV

hs: c, ac: cn, aa: 2
Mald 10. eac him wolde eadric || his ealdre gelæstan wācian æt þām% wīġe%, || þā wǣpnum fēng.
Bliss Scansion: N/A Sxx|xxSx || 3B1c xxxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxxx | / x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sxx/Sx || x/Sxs

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: MS Cotton Tiberius B i, Folio: 115, r, Manuscript line: 8, Change by: editor. Reading emended: switolost Original reading: swicolost Translitteratio: c/t

Syntax: IP || PV

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 11. frean to gefeohte || ongan þa forþ beran Ēac him wolde Ēad·rīċ || his ealdre ġe·lǣstan,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 1A*1a xSx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 x / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ss || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aN || NV

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
Mald 12. gar to guþe || he hæfde god geþanc frēan ġe·feohte, || on·gann þā forþ beran
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b S|xxSx || 2C2c xxxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xxx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NP || aI

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
Mald 13. þa hwile þe he mid handum || healdan mihte gār gūðe. || hæfde gōd ġe·þanc
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 2B1a xxxS|xS
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: MS Cotton Tiberius B i, Folio: 115, r, Manuscript line: 10, Change by: editor. Reading emended: Weax Original reading: wea

Syntax: NP || AN

hs: g, aa: D, da: D
Mald 14. bord and bradswurd || beot he gelæste þā hwīle þe mid heandum || healdan meahte
Bliss Scansion: a1f xxxxxxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NP || IV

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
Mald 15. þa he ætforan his frean || feohtan sceolde bord and brād-sweord; || bēot ġe·læste
Bliss Scansion: 1A2a S|xSs || 1A1b S|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: A2b / x | / \ || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NcN || NV

hs: b, aa: D, da: D
Mald 16. þa þær byrhtnoþ ongan || beornas trymian þā æt-foran his frēan || feohtan sċolde.
Bliss Scansion: 2B1c xxx~+|xS || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xxx ~+ | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aN || IV

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
Mald 17. rad and rædde || rincum tæhte Þā ðǣr Byrht·nōþ on·gann || beornas trymian,
Bliss Scansion: 3B*1c xxSx|xS || 2A1a Sx|~+x
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx / | xx / || N/A / x | ~+ x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NV || NI

hs: b, law: t, aa: 1
Mald 18. hu hi sceoldon standan || and þone stede healdan rād and rǣdde, || rincum tǣhte
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: VcV || NV

hs: r, law: t, aa: D, da: D
Mald 19. and bæd þæt hyra randas || rihte heoldon hīe sċoldon standan || and þone stede healdan,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || d2c xxx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 xxx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || x/Ssx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: MS Cotton Tiberius B i, Folio: 115, r, Manuscript line: 14, Change by: editor. Reading emended: earm Original reading: earn Translitteratio: m/n

Syntax: VI || NI

hs: st, law: h, aa: 2
Mald 20. fæste mid folman || and ne forhtedon na and bæd þæt hira randas% || rihte hēolden
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || aV

hs: r, law: h, aa: Q
Mald 21. þa he hæfde þæt folc || fægere getrymmed fæste mid folmum || and ne forhteden nā.
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 3B1b xxSxx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | xx /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxxs

Syntax: aP || Va

hs: f, ca: f, aa: D, da: D
Mald 22. he lihte þa mid leodon || þær him leofost wæs Þā hæfde þæt folc || fæġre ġe·trymmed,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xxxxxS || 1A*1a ~+x|xSx
Sievers Scansion: N/A xxxxx / || N/A ~+ xx | / x
Russom Scansion: ? || Sx/Sx

Syntax: VN || aV

hs: f, ca: f, aa: 2
Mald 23. þær he his heorþwerod || holdost wiste līehte þā mid lēodum || ðǣr him lēofost wæs,
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 3B1b xxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: VP || AV

hs: l, law: w, aa: D
Mald 24. þa stod on stæþe || stiþlice clypode ðǣr his heorð-weorod || holdost wisse.
Bliss Scansion: d3c xxxS~x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xxx / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: MS Cotton Tiberius B i, Folio: 115, r, Manuscript line: 17, Change by: editor. Reading emended: mencgan Original reading: mecgan

Syntax: NC || AV

hs: h, law: w, xa: hwhw, aa: Q
Mald 25. wicinga ar || wordum mælde Þā stōd on stæðe, || stīðlīċe clipode
Bliss Scansion: N/A xS|x~+ || N/A Sxx|~+x
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x ~+ || N/A / xx | ~+ x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sxx/Sx

Syntax: VP || aV

hs: st, aa: D, da: D
Mald 26. se on beot abead || brimliþendra wīċinga ār, || wordum mǣlde,
Bliss Scansion: 3 E1 Sxx|S || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sx/Sx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: MS Cotton Tiberius B i, Folio: 115, r, Manuscript line: 19, Change by: scribe. Reading maintained: isern Original reading: isern Translitteratio: n/r
Error or emendation on B line:
Manuscript shelfmark: MS Cotton Tiberius B i, Folio: 115, r, Manuscript line: 19, Change by: scribe. Reading maintained: hlæwe Original reading: hlæwe

Syntax: NgN || NV

hs: w, aa: 1
Mald 27. ærænde to þam eorle || þær he on ofre stod on bēot ā·bēad || brim-līðendra
Bliss Scansion: 2B1b xxS|xS || 1D1 S|Sxx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || D1 / | / \ x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || S/Ssx

Syntax: PV || AC

hs: b, aa: D, da: D, bcp: 1D1
Mald 28. me sendon to þe || sæmen snelle ǣrende þām eorle, || ðǣr on ōfre stōd:
Bliss Scansion: N/A Sxx|xxSx || 3B1c xxxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | / x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sxx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NP || PV

hs: V, las: s, law: st, aa: D, da: D
Mald 29. heton þe secgan || þæt þu most sendan raþe ‘Mē sendon þē || sǣ-menn snelle,
Bliss Scansion: 2B1a xSx|xS || 2A1a Ss|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || N/A / \ | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || Ss/Sx

Syntax: VP || AgA

hs: s, ca: s, las: s, law: sn, aa: Q
Mald 30. beagas wiþ gebeorge || and eow betere is hēton þē seċġan || þæt þū mōst sendan hræðe
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || 3B1c xxxSx|~+
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || 0 xxx / | x ~+
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: iI || Ia

hs: s, ca: s, las: s, aa: 2
Mald 31. þæt ge þisne garræs || mid gafole forgyldon bēaĝas wiþ ġe·beorĝe; || and ēow betere is
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sx|xxSx || 3B1b xx~+x|$
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | / x || 0 xx ~+ | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NP || AV

hs: b, aa: D, da: D
Mald 32. þon we swa hearde || hilde dælon þæt ġe þisne gār-ræs || mid gafole for·ġielden,
Bliss Scansion: a2d xxxxSs || N/A x~+x|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / \ || 0 x ~+ xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ss || Sx/Sx

Syntax: iN || PV

hs: g, aa: D
Mald 33. we willaþ wiþ þam golde || griþ fæstnian þonne we swā hearde || hilde% dǣlen.
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aA || NV

hs: h, aa: 2
Mald 34. gyf þu þat gerædest || þe her ricost eart Ne þurfe we ūs spillan, || ġif ġē spēdaþ þām;
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 3B*1c xxSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || 0 xx / | xx /
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || x/Sxxs

Syntax: iI || VP

Mald 35. þæt þu þine leoda || lysan wille we willaþ wiþ þām golde || griþ fæstnian.
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 1D1 $|Sxx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || N/A / | / ~ x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || S/Sxx

Syntax: VP || NI

hs: g, aa: 2
Mald 36. syllan sæmannum || on hyra sylfra dom Ġif þū þæt ġe·rǣdest, || þe hēr rīcost eart,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: dV || AV

hs: r, aa: 2
Mald 37. feoh wiþ freode || and niman friþ æt us þæt þū þīne lēode || līesan wille,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || IV

hs: l, aa: 2
Mald 38. we willaþ mid þam sceattum || us to scype gangan sellan sǣ-mannum || on hira selfra dōm
Bliss Scansion: 1D*3 Sx|Ssx || 3B1c xxxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: D*1 / x | / \ x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || x/Sxs

Syntax: IN || AgN

hs: s, aa: D, da: D
Mald 39. on flot feran || and eow friþes healdan feoh wiþ frēode || and niman friþ æt ūs,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a $|xSx || 2B1c xxx$|xS
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NP || NP

hs: f, ac: fr, aa: D, da: D
Mald 40. byrhtnoþ maþelode || bord hafenode we willaþ mid þām sċeatum ūs || sċipe gangan,
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || x/Ssx

Error or emendation on A line:
Manuscript shelfmark: MS Cotton Tiberius B i, Folio: 115, v, Manuscript line: 2, Change by: scribe. Reading maintained: scriðan Original reading: scr^i^ðan

Syntax: VP || PI

hs: sc, aa: 2
Mald 41. wand wacne æsc || wordum mælde on flot feran || and ēow friðes healdan.’
Bliss Scansion: 2C1a x$|Sx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C1 x / | / x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || x/Ssx

Syntax: PI || NI

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
Mald 42. yrre and anræd || ageaf him andsware Byrht·nōþ maðelode, || bord hafenode,
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|~+xx || 1D1 S|~+xx
Sievers Scansion: D*2 / x | ~+ ~ x || N/A / | ~+ ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sxx || S/Sxx

Syntax: NV || NV

hs: b, aa: 1
Mald 43. gehyrst þu sælida || hwæt þis folc segeþ wand wācne æsċ, || wordum mǣlde,
Bliss Scansion: 1D4 S|Sxs || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D4 / | / x \ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || NV

hs: w, aa: 1, da: D
Mald 44. hi willaþ eow to gafole || garas syllan ierre and ān-rǣd || ā·ġeaf him and·sware:
Bliss Scansion: 1A*2 Sx|xSs || d3c xxxS~x
Sievers Scansion: A2b / xx | / \ || 0 xxx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || x/Ssx

Syntax: NcN || NC

hs: V*, aa: D, da: D
Mald 45. ættrynne ord || and ealde swurd ‘Ġe·hīerst þū, sǣ-lida, || hwæt þis folc sæġeþ?
Bliss Scansion: d3c xxxS~x || 2C2b xxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: C3 xxx / | ~ x || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: ? || ?

Syntax: NC || NV

hs: h, law: s, xa: hshs, aa: 1
Mald 46. þa heregeatu || þe eow æt hilde ne deah Hīe willaþ ēow gafole || gāras sellan,
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxx~+x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx ~+ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: iP || NI

hs: g, law: s, aa: 2
Mald 47. brimmanna boda || abeod eft ongean ǣtrenne ord || and ealde sweord,
Bliss Scansion: 3 E1 Sxx|S || 3B1a xSx|S
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | / || 0 x / | x /
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || x/Sxs

Syntax: AN || AN

hs: V, law: s, aa: D, da: D
Mald 48. sege þinum leodum || miccle laþre spell þā here-ġeatwe || þe ēow æt hilde ne dēah.
Bliss Scansion: d3a x~+~x || 3B*1c xxxSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: N/A x ~+ | ~ x || 0 xxx / | xx /
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || x/Sxxs

Syntax: NC || PV

hs: h, aa: 1
Mald 49. þæt her stynt unforcuþ || eorl mid his werode Brīm-manna boda, || ā·bēod eft onġēan,
Bliss Scansion: 300 Ssx|~+ || 2B2a xS|xxS
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | ~+ || 0 x / | / x \
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || x/Sxxs

Syntax: NgN || Va

hs: b, aa: D, da: D
Mald 50. þe wile gealgean || eþel þysne sæġe þīnum lēodum || miċele lāðre spell,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || xx/Sxs

Syntax: AN || AN

hs: l, aa: 2
Mald 51. æþelredes eard || ealdres mines þæt hēr stent unforcūþ || eorl mid his weorode,
Bliss Scansion: d1c xxxSxx || 1A1b S|xx~+x
Sievers Scansion: B1 xxx / | x / || N/A / xx | ~+ x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AC || NP

hs: V, ca: V, aa: 1
Mald 52. folc and foldan || feallan sceolon þe wile ealĝian || ēðel þisne,
Bliss Scansion: d1d xxxxSxx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xxxx / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: VI || Nt

hs: V, ca: V, aa: 2
Mald 53. hæþene æt hilde || to heanlic me þinceþ Æðel·rēdes eard, || ealdres mīnes,
Bliss Scansion: 30 ~+xx|S || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: E ~+ \ x | / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || NA

hs: V, ca: V, aa: D, da: D
Mald 54. þæt ge mid urum sceattum || to scype gangon folc and foldan. || Feallan sċulon
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 2A1b Sx|~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || N/A / x | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NcN || IV

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
Mald 55. unbefohtene || nu ge þus feor hider hǣðne æt hilde. || hēanlīċ þynceþ
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sxx|xSx || 1A*1a xSx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | / x || 0 x / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AP || AV

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
Mald 56. on urne eard || in becomon þæt ġe mid ūrum sċeatum || sċipe gangen
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 2C1a x~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || 0 x ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AN || PV

hs: sc, aa: 2
Mald 57. ne sceole ge swa softe || sinc gegangan unbefohtne, || ġē þus feorr hider
Bliss Scansion: d1b xxSxx || 2C2c xxx$|~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xxx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: xxSxx || x/Ssx

Syntax: sU || aa

hs: f, aa: 2, acp: CP
Mald 58. us sceal ord and ecg || ær geseman on ūrne eard || inn be·cōmon.
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|S || 1A1a $|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || pV

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
Mald 59. grim guþplega || ær we gofol syllon Ne sċule ġē swā sōfte || sinċ ġe·ġangan;
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aa || NI

hs: s, lab: s, aa: D
Mald 60. het þa bord beran || beornas gangan ūs sċeall ord and eċġ || ǣr ġe·sēman,
Bliss Scansion: 2B1b xxS|xS || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NcN || aI

hs: V, law: s, lab: s, aa: D, da: D
Mald 61. þæt hi on þam easteþe || ealle stodon grimm gūþ-pleĝa, || ǣr we% gafol sellen.’
Bliss Scansion: N/A $|S~x || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D2 / | / ~ x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Ssx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AN || NV

hs: g, law: s, lab: g, aa: D, da: D
Mald 62. ne mihte þær for wætere || werod to þam oþrum Hēt þā bord beran, || beornas gangan,
Bliss Scansion: 2C2b xxS|~x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NI || NI

hs: b, lab: g, aa: D, da: D
Mald 63. þær com flowende || flod æfter ebban þæt hīe on þām êa-stæðe || ealle stōden.
Bliss Scansion: d3d xxxxS~x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xxxx / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || AV

hs: V, xa: VstVst, aa: Q
Mald 64. lucon lagustreamas || to lang hit him þuhte Ne meahte ðǣr for wætere || weorod þām ōðrum;
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxx~+x || 1A1b ~+|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx ~+ x || N/A ~+ xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NP || NP

hs: w, law: V, aa: 2
Mald 65. hwænne hi togædere || garas beron ðǣr cōm flōwende || flōd aefter ebban,
Bliss Scansion: d1b xxSxx || 1A1b S|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sxx/Sx

Syntax: VA || NP

hs: f, ac: fl, law: V, aa: 2
Mald 66. hi þær pantan stream || mid prasse bestodon lucon laĝu-strēamas. || lang hit him þūhte,
Bliss Scansion: 1D2 ~+|~+sx || 1A1b xS|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: D1 ~+ | ~+ \ x || 0 x / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || AV

hs: l, aa: 1, da: D
Mald 67. eastseaxena ord || and se æschere hwonne hīe togædere || gāras bǣren.
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxx~+x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx ~+ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: ia || NV

hs: g, law: b, aa: 2
Mald 68. ne mihte hyra ænig || oþrum derian Hīe ðǣr Pantan strēam || mid prasse be·stōdon,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 1A*1a xSx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || 0 x / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || PV

hs: p, law: b, xa: pstpst, aa: Q
Mald 69. buton hwa þurh flanes flyht || fyl gename East-Seaxna ord || and æsċ-here.
Bliss Scansion: 300 Ssxx|S || d1b xxSxx
Sievers Scansion: E / \ xx | / || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || x/Ssx

Syntax: NgN || NC

hs: V, ca: V, aa: D, da: D
Mald 70. se flod ut gewat || þa flotan stodon gearowe Ne meahte hira ǣniġ || ōðrum derian,
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 2A1a Sx|~+x
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || N/A / x | ~+ x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AgA || AI

hs: V, ca: V, aa: 2
Mald 71. wicinga fela || wiges georne būton hwā þurh flānes flyht || fiell ġe·nāme.
Bliss Scansion: 3B1d xxxxSx|S || 1A1a $|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xxxx / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || NV

hs: f, ac: fl, aca: fl, acc: fl, ca: fl, aa: D, da: D
Mald 72. het þa hæleþa hleo || healdan þa bricge flōd ūt ġe·wāt; || þā flotan stōdon ġearwe,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xS|Sxs || N/A x~+|xx~+x
Sievers Scansion: D4 x / | / x \ || 0 x ~+ xx | ~+
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || Sxx/Sx

Syntax: NV || NA

hs: f, ac: fl, ca: fl, aa: 1
Mald 73. wigan wigheardne || se wæs haten wulfstan wīċinga fela, || wīġes ġeorne.
Bliss Scansion: 30 Sxx|~+ || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | ~+ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Ngf || NgA

hs: w, aa: 1
Mald 74. cafne mid his cynne || þæt wæs ceolan sunu Hēt þā hæleþa hleo || healdan þā bryċġe
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xx~+x|S || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx ~+ | x / || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || IN

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
Mald 75. þe þone forman man || mid his francan ofsceat wiĝan wīġ-heardne, || wæs hāten Wulf·stān,
Bliss Scansion: 1D2 ~+|Ssx || 3B1b xxSx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D1 ~+ | / \ x || 0 xx / x | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Ssx || xx/Ss

Syntax: NA || sN

hs: w*, aa: Q, da: D
Mald 76. þe þær baldlicost || on þa bricge stop cāfne mid his cynne, || þæt wæs Ċēolan sunu,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sx|xxSx || 3B1b xxSx|~+
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | / x || 0 xx / | x ~+
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: AP || NgN

hs: c, aa: D, da: D
Mald 77. þær stodon mid wulfstane || wigan unforhte þe þone forman mann || mid his francan of·sċēat
Bliss Scansion: 3B1c xxxSx|$ || 3B*1c xxSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: B1 xxx / | x / || 0 xx / | xx /
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Sxxs

Syntax: AN || PV

hs: f, law: sc, aa: 1
Mald 78. ælfere and maccus || modige twegen þe ðǣr bealdlīcost || on þā bryċġe stōp.
Bliss Scansion: d1b xxSxx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || x/Sxs

Syntax: aA || PV

hs: b, law: st, aa: 1
Mald 79. þa noldon æt þam forda || fleam gewyrcan Þǣr stōdon mid Wulf·stāne || wiĝan unforhte,
Bliss Scansion: d1d xxxxSxx || 1D1 ~+|Sxx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xxxx / | / x || N/A ~+ | / \ x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || S/Ssx

Syntax: NC || NA

hs: w, aa: 2
Mald 80. ac hi fæstlice || wiþ þa fynd weredon Ælf·here and Maccus, || mōdġe twēġen,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sxx|xSx || 2A1a Sxx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: ?allit || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NcN || AA

hs: m, aa: 2
Mald 81. þa hwile þe hi wæpna || wealdan moston þā noldon æt þām forda || flēam ġe·wyrċan,
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: VP || NI

hs: f, ca: f, law: w, aa: 2
Mald 82. þa hi þæt ongeaton || and georne gesawon ac hīe fæstlīċe || wiþ þā fīend weredon,
Bliss Scansion: d1b xxSxx || N/A xxS|~+x
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || 0 xx / | ~+ x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || x/Ssx

Syntax: ia || PV

hs: f, ca: f, las: w, law: w, aa: 2
Mald 83. þæt hi þær bricgweardas || bitere fundon þā hwīle þe hīe wǣpna || wealdan mōston.
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NN || IV

hs: w, las: w, aa: 2
Mald 84. ongunnon lytegian þa || laþe gystas Þā hīe þæt on·ġēaton || and ġeorne ġe·sāwon
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 1A*1a xSx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 xx / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: dV || aV

hs: g, aa: 2
Mald 85. bædon þæt hi upgang || agan moston þæt hīe ðǣr bryċġ-weardas || bitre fundon,
Bliss Scansion: d2c xxxSsx || 2A1a ~+x|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xxx / | / x || N/A ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || AV

hs: b, aa: 1
Mald 86. ofer þone ford faran || feþan lædan on·gunnon lȳtigian þā || lāðe ġiestas,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xxx~+xx|S || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B2 xxx ~+ | xx / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Ia || AN

hs: l, aa: 1
Mald 87. þa se eorl ongan || for his ofermode bǣdon þæt hīe up-gang% || āgan mosten,
Bliss Scansion: a2d xxxxSs || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / \ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ss || Sx/Sx

Syntax: iN || IV

hs: V, aa: 2
Mald 88. alyfan landes to fela || laþere þeode ofer þone ford faran, || fēðan lǣdan.
Bliss Scansion: 2C2a xxxxS|~x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xxxx / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: PI || NI

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
Mald 89. ongan ceallian þa || ofer cald wæter Þā eorl on·gann || for his ofer-mōde
Bliss Scansion: 2B1b xxS|xS || d2b xx~+sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Ssx

Syntax: NV || NC

hs: V, aa: 1
Mald 90. byrhtelmes bearn || beornas gehlyston ā·līefan landes fela || lāðre þēode.
Bliss Scansion: N/A xSx|Sxx~+ || 2A1a Sxx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D*4 x / x | / xx ~+ || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sxxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: VNf || AN

hs: l, aa: D, da: D
Mald 91. nu eow is gerymed || gaþ ricene to us On·gann ċeallian þā || ofer ċeald wæter
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSxx|S || 2C2b xxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx / | xx / || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || xx/Ssx

Syntax: Ia || AN

hs: c, aa: 1
Mald 92. guman to guþe || god ana wat Byrht·helmes bearn || (beornas ġe·hlyston):
Bliss Scansion: 3 E1 Sxx|S || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | / || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || NV

hs: b, aa: D, da: D
Mald 93. hwa þære wælstowe || wealdan mote ‘Nū ēow is ġe·rȳmed, || gāþ recene ūs,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 3B*1a x~+x|xS
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 x ~+ | xx /
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || x/Sxxs

Syntax: is || aP

hs: r, aa: 2
Mald 94. wodon þa wælwulfas || for wætere ne murnon guman gūðe; || god ana wāt
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a ~+|xSx || 1D4 $|Sxs
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ x | / x || N/A / | / x \
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Ssx/S

Syntax: NP || ANV

hs: g, las: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 95. wicinga werod || west ofer pantan hwā ðǣre wæl-stōwe || wealdan mōte.’
Bliss Scansion: d2c xxxSsx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xxx / | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || IV

hs: w, ca: w, las: w, law: m, aa: 1
Mald 96. ofer scir wæter || scyldas wegon Wōdon þā wæl-wulfas || (for wætere ne murnon),
Bliss Scansion: d2c xxxSsx || N/A x~+x|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xxx / | / x || 0 x ~+ xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || PV

hs: w, ca: w, law: m, aa: D, da: D
Mald 97. lidmen to lande || linde bæron wīċinga weorod, || west% ofer Pantan,
Bliss Scansion: 30 Sxx|~+ || 1A1b S|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | ~+ || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sxx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || aP

hs: w, ca: w, lab: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 98. þær ongean gramum || gearowe stodon ofer sċīr wæter || sċieldas wǣĝon,
Bliss Scansion: 2C2b xxS|~x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || NV

hs: sc, lab: w, xa: scwscw, aa: Q
Mald 99. byrhtnoþ mid beornum || he mid bordum het lid-menn lande || linda bǣron.
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Ss/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NP || NV

hs: l, aa: D, da: D
Mald 100. wyrcan þone wihagan || and þæt werod healdan Þǣr onġēan gramum || ġearwe stōdon
Bliss Scansion: 2C2b xxS|~x || 2A1a ~+x|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aA || aV

hs: g, aa: D, da: D
Mald 101. fæste wiþ feondum || þa wæs feohte neh Byrht·nōþ mid beornum; || mid bordum hēt
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Ss/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NP || PV

hs: b, law: h, aa: D, da: D
Mald 102. tir æt getohte || wæs seo tid cumen wyrċan þone wīġ-haĝan || and þæt weorod healdan
Bliss Scansion: N/A Sx|xxS~+ || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A2b / xxx | / ~+ || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || x/Ssx

Syntax: IN || NI

hs: w, law: h, xa: wwhwh, aa: D, da: D
Mald 103. þæt þær fæge men || feallan sceoldon fæste wiþ fēondum. || Þā wæs feohte% nēah,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a SxxSx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: aP || NA

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
Mald 104. þær wearþ hream ahafen || hremmas wundon tīr æt ġe·tohte. || Wæs sēo tīd cumen
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b S|xxSx || 2C2b xxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NP || Ns

hs: t, aa: D, da: D
Mald 105. earn æses georn || wæs on eorþan cyrm þæt ðǣr fǣġe menn || feallan sċoldon.
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|$ || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || IV

hs: f, aa: 1
Mald 106. hi leton þa of folman || feolhearde speru Þǣr wearþ hrēam ā·hafen, || hræfnas wundon,
Bliss Scansion: 2B1b xxS|x~+ || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x ~+ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Ns || NV

hs: h, ac: hr, aa: D, da: D
Mald 107. gegrundene || garas fleogan earn ǣses ġeorn; || wæs on eorðan ċierm.
Bliss Scansion: 1D4 S|Sxs || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: D4 / | / x \ || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: NA || PN

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
Mald 108. bogan wæron bysige || bord ord onfeng Hīe lēton þā of folmum || fēol-hearde speru,
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 300 Ssx|~+
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || N/A / \ x | ~+
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Ssx/S

Syntax: aP || AN

hs: f, lab: f, aa: 2
Mald 109. biter wæs se beaduræs || beornas feollon ġe·ġrundene || gāras flēoĝan;
Bliss Scansion: d1a xSxx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 x / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: sU || NI

hs: g, law: f, lab: f, aa: 1, acp: CP
Mald 110. on gehwæþere hand || hyssas lagon boĝan wǣron bisiġe, || bord ord on·fēng.
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b ~+|xx~+x || 1D4 S|Sxs
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ xx | ~+ x || N/A / | / x \
Russom Scansion: Sxx/Sx || S/Sxs

Syntax: NvA || NNV

hs: b, ca: b, law: f, aa: D, da: D
Mald 111. wund wearþ wulfmær || wælræste geceas Biter wæs beadu-rǣs, || beornas fēollon
Bliss Scansion: N/A ~+|xx~+s || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A2b ~+ xx | ~+ \ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AvN || NV

hs: b, ca: b, law: f, aa: D, da: D
Mald 112. byrhtnoþes mæg || he mid billum wearþ on ġe·hwæðre hand, || hyssas lāĝon.
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xx~+x|S || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx ~+ | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || NV

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
Mald 113. his swuster sunu || swiþe forheawen Wund wearþ% Wulf·mǣr, || wæl-ræste ġe·cēas,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 3E*1 Ssx|xS
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || N/A / \ xx | /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || Ssx/S

Syntax: AvN || NV

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 114. þær wearþ wicingum || wiþerlean agyfen Byrht·nōðes mǣġ; || mid billum wearþ,
Bliss Scansion: 3 E1 Sxx|S || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | / || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || x/Sxs

Syntax: NgN || PV

hs: b, aa: 1
Mald 115. gehyrde ic þæt eadweard || anne sloge his sweostor sunu, || swīðe for·hēawen.
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|~+ || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x ~+ || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || as

hs: s, ac: sw, aa: D, da: D
Mald 116. swiþe mid his swurde || swenges ne wyrnde Þǣr wearþ% wīċingum || wiðer·lēan ā·ġiefen.
Bliss Scansion: d1b xxSxx || 2E2a ~+s|x~+
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A ~+ \ x | ~+
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Ssx/S

Syntax: VN || Ns

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 117. þæt him æt fotum feoll || fæge cempa Ġe·hīerde þæt Ēad·weard || ānne slōĝe
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / \ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ss || Sx/Sx

Syntax: iA || AV

hs: V, las: s, aa: D, da: D
Mald 118. þæs him his þeoden || þanc gesæde swīðe mid his swurde, || swenġes ne wiernde,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sx|xxSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aP || NV

hs: s, ac: sw, aca: sw, acb: sw, las: s, aa: D, da: D
Mald 119. þam burþene || þa he byre hæfde þæt him æt fōtum fēoll || fǣġe cempa;
Bliss Scansion: 3B1c xxxSx|S || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xxx / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: PV || AN

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
Mald 120. swa stemnetton || stiþhicgende þæs him his þēoden || þanc ġe·sæġde,
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: dN || NV

hs: þ, aa: D, da: D
Mald 121. hysas æt hilde || hogodon georne þām būr-þeġne, || þā byre hæfde.
Bliss Scansion: d1a xSxx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 x / | ~ x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NC || NV

hs: b, aa: 1
Mald 122. hwa þær mid orde || ærost mihte Swā stefnetton || stīþ-hiċġende
Bliss Scansion: d1a xSxx || 1D1 S|Sxx
Sievers Scansion: C1 x / | / x || D1 / | / \ x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || S/Ssx

Syntax: aV || AC

hs: st, las: h, aa: D, bcp: 1D1
Mald 123. on fægean men || feorh gewinnan hyssas æt hilde, || hoĝodon ġeorne
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a ~+|xSx || 2A1a ~+x|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ x | / x || N/A ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NP || Va

hs: h, las: h, aa: D, da: D
Mald 124. wigan mid wæpnum || wæl feol on eorþan hwā ðǣr mid orde || ǣrost meahte
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aP || aV

hs: V, aa: 2
Mald 125. stodon stædefæste || stihte hi byrhtnoþ on fǣġan menn || feorh ġe·winnan,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|$ || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || NI

hs: f, las: w, aa: 1
Mald 126. bæd þæt hyssa gehwylc || hogode to wige wiĝan mid wǣpnum; || wæl fēoll on eorðan.
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a ~+|xSx || 1A1b $|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ x | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: IP || NP

hs: w, las: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 127. þe on denon wolde || dom gefeohtan Stōdon stede-fæste; || stihte hīe Byrhtnōþ,
Bliss Scansion: 1D*2 Sx|~+sx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: D*1 / x | ~+ \ x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || Sx/Ss

Syntax: AC || VN

hs: st, aa: 1, da: D
Mald 128. wod þa wiges heard || wæpen up ahof bæd þæt hyssa ġe·hwelċ || hoĝode wīġe
Bliss Scansion: 3B*1c xxSx|xS || 1A*1a ~+x|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx / | xx / || N/A ~+ xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgA || VP

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
Mald 129. bord to gebeorge || and wiþ þæs beornes stop þe on Denum wolde || dōm ġe·feohtan.
Bliss Scansion: 2C1b xx~+|Sx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C2 xx ~+ | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: PV || NI

hs: d, aa: 1
Mald 130. eode swa anræd || eorl to þam ceorle Wōd þā wīġes heard, || wǣpen up ā·hōf,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 1D4 S|Sxs
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / | / x \
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || S/Sxs

Syntax: NgA || NV

hs: w, xa: whwh, aa: Q, da: D
Mald 131. ægþer hyra oþrum || yfeles hogode bord ġe·beorĝe || and wiþ þæs beornes stōp.
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b S|xxSx || 3B1c xxxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NP || PV

hs: b, aa: D, da: D
Mald 132. sende þa se særinc || suþerne gar Ēode swā ān-rǣd || eorl þām ċeorle,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*2 Sx|xSs || 1A1b S|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: A2b / xx | / \ || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || Sx/Sx

Syntax: VA || NP

hs: V, ca: V, aa: D, da: D
Mald 133. þæt gewundod wearþ || wigena hlaford ǣġþer hira ōðrum || yfeles hoĝode.
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sx|xxSx || 2A1a ~+x|~+x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | / x || N/A ~+ x | ~+ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AA || NV

hs: V, ca: V, aa: D, da: D
Mald 134. he sceaf þa mid þam scylde || þæt se sceaft tobærst Sende þā sǣ-rinċ || sūðerne gār,
Bliss Scansion: a2d xxxxSs || 3 E1 Sxx|S
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / \ || N/A / \ x | /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || Ssx/S

Syntax: VN || AN

hs: s, aa: D, da: D
Mald 135. and þæt spere sprengde || þæt hit sprang ongean þæt ġe·wundod wearþ || wiĝena hālford;
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 2A1a ~+x|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: sV || NgN

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 136. gegremod wearþ se guþrinc || he mid gare stang sċēaf þā mid þām sċielde, || þæt sċeaft tō·bærst,
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 2B1b xxS|xS
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: VP || NV

hs: sc, aa: D, da: D
Mald 137. wlancne wicing || þe him þa wunde forgeaf and þæt spere sprengde, || þæt hit sprang on·ġēan.
Bliss Scansion: 2C1b xx~+|Sx || 2B1b xxS|xS
Sievers Scansion: C2 xx ~+ | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NV || Va

hs: sp, ac: spr, acc: spr, las: g, lab: sc, aa: D, da: D
Mald 138. frod wæs se fyrdrinc || he let his francan wadan Ġe·ġremed wearþ guð-rinċ; || mid gāre stang
Bliss Scansion: N/A x~+|xxSs || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A2b x ~+ xx | / \ || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || x/Sxs

Syntax: svN || PV

hs: g, lab: stg, aa: D, da: D
Mald 139. þurh þæs hysses hals || hand wisode wlancne wīċing, || þe him þā wunde for·ġeaf.
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 3B*1c xxxSx|x$
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xxx / | xx /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxxs

Syntax: AN || NV

hs: w, lab: g, aa: D, da: D
Mald 140. þæt he on þam færsceaþan || feorh geræhte Frōd wæs fyrd-rinċ; || lēt his francan wadan
Bliss Scansion: 1A2b S|xxSs || 3B1c xxxSx|~+
Sievers Scansion: A2b / xx | / \ || 0 xxx / | x ~+
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || x/Sxs

Syntax: AvN || NI

hs: f, ac: fr, acc: fr, law: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 141. þa he oþerne || ofstlice sceat þurh þæs hysses heals, || hand wīsode
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 1D1 S|Sxx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / | / ~ x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || S/Sxx

Syntax: NgN || NV

hs: h, law: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 142. þæt seo byrne tobærst || he wæs on breostum wund þæt on þām fǣr-sċaðan || feorh ġe·rǣhte.
Bliss Scansion: d3d xxxxS~x || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xxxx / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || NV

hs: f, aa: 1
Mald 143. þurh þa hringlocan || him æt heortan stod Þā ōðerne || ofostlīċe sċēat,
Bliss Scansion: d1b xxSxx || 3 E1 Sxx|S
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A / \ x | /
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Ssx/S

Syntax: iA || aV

hs: V, aa: 2
Mald 144. ætterne ord || se eorl wæs þe bliþra þæt sēo byrne tō·bærst; || wæs on brēostum wund
Bliss Scansion: 3B*1c xxSx|xS || 3B1c xxxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx / | xx / || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: NV || PA

hs: b, aa: D, da: D
Mald 145. hloh þa modi man || sæde metode þanc þurh þā hrinġ-locan, || him æt heortan stōd
Bliss Scansion: d3b xxS~x || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NC || PV

hs: h, aa: 1
Mald 146. þæs dægweorces || þe him drihten forgeaf ǣtterne ord. || eorl wæs þȳ blīðra,
Bliss Scansion: 3 E1 Sxx|S || 1A1b xS|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | / || 0 x / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || NvA

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
Mald 147. forlet þa drenga sum || daroþ of handa hlōh þā, mōdiġ mann, || sæġde metode þanc
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|$ || 3B1b xx~+x|S
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || 0 xx ~+ | x /
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || xx/Sxs

Syntax: AN || NtN

hs: m, aa: D, da: D
Mald 148. fleogan of folman || þæt se to forþ gewat þæs dæġ-weorces || þe him drihten for·ġeaf.
Bliss Scansion: d2a xSsx || 3B*1b xxSx|x$
Sievers Scansion: C1 x / | / x || 0 xx / | xx /
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || x/Sxxs

Syntax: NC || NV

hs: d, ca: d, aa: 1
Mald 149. þurh þone æþelan || æþelredes þegen Forlēt þā drenga sum || daroþ of handa,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1c xxxSx|$ || 1A1a ~+|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xxx / | x / || N/A ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgA || NP

hs: d, ca: d, aa: 1
Mald 150. him be healfe stod || hyse unweaxen flēoĝan of folman, || þæt forþ ġe·wāt
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2B1a xxxS|xS
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: IP || aV

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
Mald 151. cniht on gecampe || se full caflice þurh þone æðelan || Æðel·rēdes þeġen.
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxx~+x || N/A ~+xx|~+
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx ~+ x || N/A ~+ \ x | /
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Ssx/S

Syntax: dA || NgN

hs: V, aa: Q
Mald 152. bræd of þam beorne || blodigne gar Him be healfe stōd || hyse unweaxen,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 1A1a ~+|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || S/Ssx

Syntax: PV || Ns

hs: h, aa: 1
Mald 153. wulfstanes bearn || wulfmær se geonga cniht on ġe·campe, || full cāflīċe
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b S|xxSx || d1b xxSxx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NP || aa

hs: c*, aa: Q, da: D
Mald 154. forlet forheardne || faran eft ongean bræġd of þām beorne || blōdiġne gār,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b S|xxSx || 3 E1 Sxx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || N/A / \ x | /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Ssx/S

Syntax: VP || AN

hs: b, law: g, aa: D, da: D
Mald 155. ord in gewod || þæt se on eorþan læg Wulf·stānes bearn, || Wulf·mǣr ġunga,
Bliss Scansion: 3 E1 Sxx|S || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | / || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Ss/Sx

Syntax: NgN || NA

hs: w, law: g, aa: 1
Mald 156. þe his þeoden ær || þearle geræhte forlēt for·heardne || faran eft on·ġēan;
Bliss Scansion: d2b xxSsx || 1D5 ~+|Sxs
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A ~+ | / x \
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || S/Sxs

Syntax: VA || Ia

hs: f, law: g, aa: D
Mald 157. eode þa gesyrwed || secg to þam eorle ord inn ġe·wōd, || þæt on eorðan læġ
Bliss Scansion: 1D4 S|Sxs || 3B1c xxxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: D4 / | / x \ || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: NaV || PV

hs: V, aa: 1, da: D
Mald 158. he wolde þæs beornes || beagas gefecgan þe his þēoden ǣr || þearle ġe·rǣhte.
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Na || aV

hs: þ, aa: 1
Mald 159. reaf and hringas || and gerenod swurd Ēode þā ġe·sierwed || secg þām eorle;
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 1A1b S|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: as || NP

hs: s, aa: 2
Mald 160. þa byrhtnoþ bræd || bill of sceþe wolde þæs beornes || bēaĝas ġe·feċġan,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: VN || NI

hs: b, aa: 2
Mald 161. brad and bruneccg || and on þa byrnan sloh rēaf and hringas || and ġe·reġnod sweord.
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NcN || sN

hs: r, law: s, aa: 1, da: D
Mald 162. to raþe hine gelette || lidmanna sum Þā Byrht·nōþ bræġd || bill of sċēaðe,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|S || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NV || NP

hs: b, ca: b, law: sc, aa: D, da: D
Mald 163. þa he þæs eorles || earm amyrde brād and brūn-eċġ || and on þā byrnan slōh.
Bliss Scansion: 1A2a S|xSs || 3B1c xxxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A2b / x | / \ || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || x/Sxs

Syntax: AcA || PV

hs: b, ac: br, aca: br, acc: br, ca: b, law: s, aa: D, da: D
Mald 164. feoll þa to foldan || fealohilte swurd raþe hine ġe·lette || lid-manna sum,
Bliss Scansion: a1f xxxxxxSx || 300 Ssx|$
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || N/A / \ x | /
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Ssx/S

Syntax: aV || NgA

hs: l, law: s, aa: 2
Mald 165. ne mihte he gehealdan || heardne mece þā þæs eorles || earm ā·mierde.
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: iN || NV

hs: V, aa: 2
Mald 166. wæpnes wealdan || þa gyt þæt word gecwæþ Fēoll þā foldan || fealu-hilte sweord;
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || 3 E2 ~+sx|S
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || N/A ~+ \ x | /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Ssx/S

Syntax: VP || AN

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
Mald 167. har hilderinc || hyssas bylde ne meahte ġe·healdan || heardne mēċe,
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: iI || AN

hs: h, aa: D
Mald 168. bæd gangan forþ || gode geferan wǣpnes wealdan. || Þā ġīet þæt word ġe·cwæþ
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 2B1c xxxS|x$
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NI || NV

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 169. ne mihte þa on fotum leng || fæste gestandan hār hilde-rinċ, || hyssas bielde,
Bliss Scansion: 1D4 S|Sxs || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D4 / | / x \ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || NV

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
Mald 170. he to heofenum wlat # bæd gangan forþ || gōde ġe·fēran;
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|S || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Ia || AN

hs: g, xa: gfgf, aa: Q
Mald 171. geþancie þe || þeoda waldend ne meahte þā on fōtum lenġ || fæste ġe·standan%.
Bliss Scansion: 3B1e xxxxxSx|S || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xxxx / | x / || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Pa || aI

hs: f, aa: 1
Mald 172. ealra þæra wynna || þe ic on worulde gebad heofonum wlāt:
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xx~+x|S ||
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx ~+ | x / ||
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs ||

Syntax: PV || null

hs: #, aa: X
Mald 173. nu ic ah milde metod || mæste þearfe ‘Ġe·þancie% þē, || þēoda wealdend,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSxx|S || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B2 x / | xx / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Vi || NgN

hs: þ, las: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 174. þæt þu minum gaste || godes geunne ealra þāra wynna || þe on weorolde ġe·bād.
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 3B*1c xxx~+x|xS
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 xxx ~+ | x /
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || x/Sxxs

Syntax: AN || PV

hs: w, aa: 2
Mald 175. þæt min sawul to þe || siþian mote āh, milde metod, || mǣste þearfe
Bliss Scansion: 3B1c xxxSx|~+ || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xxx / | x ~+ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || AN

hs: m, aa: D, da: D
Mald 176. on þin geweald || þeoden engla þæt þū mīnum gāste || gōdes ġe·unne,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || NV

hs: g, aa: 2
Mald 177. mid friþe ferian || ic eom frymdi to þe þæt min sāwol þē || sīðian mōte
Bliss Scansion: 3B*1c xxSx|xS || 2A1a Sxx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx / | xx / || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || Sxx/Sx

Syntax: NP || IV

hs: s, aa: 1
Mald 178. þæt hi helsceaþan || hynan ne moton on þīn ġe·weald, || þēoden engla,
Bliss Scansion: 2B1a xS|xS || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || NNg

hs: þ, aa: 1
Mald 179. þa hine heowon || hæþene scealcas mid friðe ferian. || eom frymdiġ þē
Bliss Scansion: 2C1a x~+|~+x || 3B*1c xxSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: C2 x ~+ | ~+ x || 0 xx / | xx /
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || x/Sxxs

Syntax: PI || AP

hs: f, ac: fr, aca: fr, acc: fr, aa: D, da: D
Mald 180. and begen þa beornas || þe him big stodon þæt hīe hell-sċaðan || hīenan ne mōton.’
Bliss Scansion: d3b xxS~x || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || IV

hs: h, aa: 1
Mald 181. ælfnoþ and wulmær || begen lagon Þā hine hēowon || hǣðne sċealcas
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || 2A1a Sxx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: iV || AN

hs: h, law: sc, aa: D, da: D
Mald 182. þa onemn hyra frean || feorh gesealdon and bēġen þā beornas || þe him biġ stōdon,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a xSx|xSx || 2C1b xxS|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 x / xx | / x || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AN || pV

hs: b, law: st, aa: D, da: D
Mald 183. hi bugon þa fram beaduwe || þe þær beon noldon Ælf·nōþ and Wulf·mǣr || bēġen lāĝon,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: ? || ?

Syntax: NcN || AV

hs: X, aa: Z
Mald 184. þær wearþ oddan bearn || ærest on fleame þā on·efen hira frēan || feorh ġe·sealdon.
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aN || NV

hs: f, aa: 2
Mald 185. godric fram guþe || and þone godan forlet Hīe buĝon þā fram beaduwe || þe ðǣr bēon noldon.
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxx~+x || 2C1b xxS|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx ~+ x || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: VP || IV

hs: b, aa: D, da: D
Mald 186. þe him mænigne oft || mear gesealde Þǣr wearþ% Oddan bearn || ǣrest on flēame,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || aP

hs: V, law: f, aa: 1
Mald 187. he gehleop þone eoh || þe ahte his hlaford Godrīċ fram gūðe || and þone gōdan for·lēt
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 3B*1c xxxSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | xx /
Russom Scansion: Ss/Sx || x/Sxxs

Syntax: NP || AV

hs: g, law: f, aa: D, da: D
Mald 188. on þam gerædum || þe hit riht ne wæs þe him maniġne oft || mearh ġe·sealde;
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xx~+x|S || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx ~+ | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Aa || NV

hs: m, aa: 1
Mald 189. and his broþru mid him || begen ærndon ġe·hlēop þone eoh || þe āhte his hālford,
Bliss Scansion: 2B2b xxS|xx$ || 1A*1a xSx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx / | xx / || 0 x / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: VN || VN

hs: V, aa: Q
Mald 190. godwine and godwig || guþe ne gymdon on þām ġe·rǣdum || þe hit riht ne wæs,
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || 2B1b xxS|x$
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: dN || AV

hs: r, aa: 2
Mald 191. ac wendon fram þam wige || and þone wudu sohton and his brōðru mid him || bēġen ærndon%,
Bliss Scansion: 3B*1b xxSx|x$ || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx / | xx / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NP || AV

hs: b, aa: 1
Mald 192. flugon on þæt fæsten || and hyra feore burgon God·wine and God·wīġ, || gūðe ne ġīemdon,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sxx|xSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Ss/Ss || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NcN || NV

hs: g*, aa: Q, da: D
Mald 193. and manna ma || þonne hit ænig mæþ wære ac wendon fram þām wīġe || and þone wudu sōhton,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xSx|xxSx || d2c xxx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 xxxxx / x || 0 xxx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: VP || NV

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 194. gyf hi þa geearnunga || ealle gemundon fluĝon on þæt fæsten || and hira fēore burgon,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b ~+|xxSx || d2c xxx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ xx | / x || 0 xxx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: VP || NV

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
Mald 195. þe he him to duguþe || gedon hæfde and manna || þonne hit ǣniġ mǣþ wǣre,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1a xSx|S || N/A xxxxxS|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 x / | x / || 0 xxxxx / | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || x/Ssx

Syntax: NgN || ANV

hs: m*, lab: m*, aa: Q, da: D
Mald 196. swa him offa on dæg || ær asæde ġif hīe þā ġe·earnunga || ealle ġe·munden
Bliss Scansion: d1d xxxxSxx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xxxx / | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: iN || AV

hs: V, lab: m, aa: 2
Mald 197. on þam meþelstede || þa he gemot hæfde þe him duĝuþe || ġe·dōn hæfde.
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxx~+x || 2C1a xS|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx ~+ x || 0 x / | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: iP || IV

hs: d, aa: Q
Mald 198. þæt þær modiglice || manega spræcon Swā him Offa on dæġ || ǣr ā·sæġde
Bliss Scansion: 3B*1b xxSx|x$ || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx / | xx / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NP || aV

hs: V, aa: 1
Mald 199. þe eft æt þearfe || þolian noldon on þām mæðel-stede, || þā ġe·mōt hæfde,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xx~|~x || 2C1c xxxS|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xx / | ~ x || 0 xxx / | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NC || NV

hs: m, ca: m, aa: 1
Mald 200. þa wearþ afeallen || þæs folces ealdor þæt ðǣr mōdiġlīċe% || maneĝa sprǣcon
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|Sx || 2A1a ~+x|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aa || AV

hs: m, ca: m, aa: 2
Mald 201. æþelredes eorl || ealle gesawon þe eft æt þearfe% || þolian nolden.
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || 2A1a ~+x|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || N/A ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aP || IV

hs: þ, aa: 2
Mald 202. heorþgeneatas || þæt hyra heorra læg Þā wearþ ā·feallen || þæs folces ealdor,
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || a1a(2A1a) xSx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || 0 x / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: avs || NgN

hs: f, las: V, aa: 2
Mald 203. þa þær wendon forþ || wlance þegenas Æðel·rēdes eorl; || ealle ġe·sāwon
Bliss Scansion: 30 ~+xx|S || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: E ~+ \ x | / || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || AV

hs: V, las: V, aa: D, da: D
Mald 204. unearge men || efston georne heorð-ġe·nēatas || þæt hira hearra læġ.
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 3B1c xxxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NC || NV

hs: h, aa: 1, acp: 1A1
Mald 205. hi woldon þa ealle || oþer twega Þā ðǣr wendon forþ || wlance þeġnas,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 2A1a Sx|~+x
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / x | ~+ x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Va || AN

hs: w, aa: 1
Mald 206. lif forlætan || oþþe leofne gewrecan unearge menn || efston ġeorne;
Bliss Scansion: 30 Sxx|$ || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || Va

hs: V, ca: V, aa: 1
Mald 207. swa hi bylde forþ || bearn ælfrices hīe woldon þā ealle || ōðer twēġa,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aA || AAg

hs: V, ca: V, aa: 2
Mald 208. wiga wintrum geong || wordum mælde līf for·lǣtan% || oþþe lēofne ġe·wrecan.
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 3B*1b xxSx|x~+
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | xx ~+
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Sxxs

Syntax: NI || AI

hs: l, aa: D, da: D
Mald 209. ælfwine þa cwæþ || he on ellen spræc Swā hīe bielde forþ || bearn Ælf·rīċes,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 1D1 S|Sxx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || D1 / | / \ x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || S/Ssx

Syntax: Va || NNg

hs: b, aa: 1
Mald 210. gemunan þa mæla || þe we oft æt meodo spræcon wiĝa wintrum ġung, || wordum mǣlde,
Bliss Scansion: 1D5 ~+|Sxs || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D4 ~+ | / x \ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NA || NV

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 211. þonne we on bence || beot ahofon Ælf·wine þā cwæþ, || on ellen spræc:
Bliss Scansion: 2E2a Ss|x$ || 3B1b xxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: E / ~+ x | / || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || x/Sxs

Syntax: NV || PV

hs: V, law: sp, aa: 1
Mald 212. hæleþ on healle || ymbe heard gewinn ‘Ġe·munan% þā mǣla || þe we oft æt medu sprǣcon,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 2C1d xxxx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 xxxx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: VN || PV

hs: m, law: sp, aa: D, da: D
Mald 213. nu mæg cunnian || hwa cene sy þonne we on benċe || bēot ā·hōfon,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: iP || NV

hs: b, las: h, aa: 2
Mald 214. ic wylle mine æþelo || eallum gecyþan hæleþ on healle, || ymbe heard ġe·winn;
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a ~+|xSx || 2B1b xxS|xS
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Sxs

Syntax: NP || AV

hs: h, las: h, aa: D, da: D
Mald 215. þæt ic wæs on myrcon || miccles cynnes mæġ cunnian || hwā cēne sīe.
Bliss Scansion: d1b xxSxx || 3B1a xSx|S
Sievers Scansion: C3 x / | ~ x || 0 x / | x /
Russom Scansion: x/Sxx || x/Sxs

Syntax: VI || AV

hs: c, lab: c, aa: 2
Mald 216. wæs min ealda fæder || ealhelm haten wille mīne æðelu || eallum ġe·cȳþan,
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxx~+x || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx ~+ x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || AI

hs: V, law: c, lab: c, aa: 2
Mald 217. wis ealdorman || woruldgesælig þæt wæs on Mierċum || miċeles cynnes;
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: iP || AN

hs: m, law: c, aa: 2
Mald 218. ne sceolon me on þære þeode || þegenas ætwitan wæs min ealda fæder || Ealhhelm hāten,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|~+ || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x ~+ || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Ss/Sx

Syntax: AN || Ns

hs: V, aa: 1
Mald 219. þæt ic of þisse fyrde || feran wille wīs ealdor-mann, || weorold-ġe·sǣliġ.
Bliss Scansion: 1D4 S|Sxs || 1A1a ~+|xSx
Sievers Scansion: D4 / | / x \ || N/A ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || AC

hs: w, lab: w, aa: 1, bcp: 1A1
Mald 220. eard gesecan || nu min ealdor ligeþ Ne sċulon on ðǣre þēode || þeġnas æt·wītan
Bliss Scansion: N/A xxxxxxxSx || 1A*1a ~+x|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxxxx / x || N/A ~+ xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: dN || NI

hs: þ, law: w, lab: w, aa: D
Mald 221. forheawen æt hilde || me is þæt hearma mæst þæt of þisse fyrde || fēran wille,
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: iP || IV

hs: f, law: w, aa: 2
Mald 222. he wæs ægþer min mæg || and min hlaford eard ġe·sēċan, || min ealdor liġeþ
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|~+
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x ~+
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NI || NV

hs: V, aa: 1
Mald 223. þa he forþ eode || fæhþe gemunde for·hēawen æt hilde. || is þæt hearma mǣst;
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a xSx|xSx || 3B1c xxxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 x / xx | / x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: sP || NgA

hs: h, lab: h, aa: D, da: D
Mald 224. þæt he mid orde || anne geræhte wæs ǣgðer% min mǣġ || and min hālford.’
Bliss Scansion: N/A xxxxS|S || 2C1a xS|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / \ || 0 x / | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ss || x/Ssx

Syntax: AN || AN

hs: m, lab: hl, aa: 2, da: D
Mald 225. flotan on þam folce || þæt se on foldan læg Þā forþ ēode, || fǣhþe ġe·munde,
Bliss Scansion: 2C1b xxS|Sx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aV || NV

hs: f, aa: 1
Mald 226. forwegen mid his wæpne || ongan þa winas manian þæt mid orde || ānne ġe·rǣhte
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: iP || AV

hs: V, aa: 2
Mald 227. frynd and geferan || þæt hi forþ eodon flotan on þām folce, || þæt on foldan læġ
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b ~+|xxSx || 3B1c xxxSx|$
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ xx | / x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NP || PV

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
Mald 228. offa gemælde || æscholt asceoc forweġen mid his wǣpne. || On·gann þā winas manian,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b x~+|xxSx || N/A xxx~+|~+x
Sievers Scansion: A1 x ~+ xx | / x || 0 xxx ~+ | ~+ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: sP || NI

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 229. hwæt þu ælfwine hafast || ealle gemanode frīend and ġe·fēran, || þæt hīe forþ ēoden.
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b S|xxSx || 2C1b xxS|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NcN || aV

hs: f, las: V, aa: D, da: D
Mald 230. þegenas to þearfe || nu ure þeoden liþ Offa ġe·mǣlde, || ǣsċ-holt ā·sċōc:
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2E2a Ss|xS
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || N/A / \ x | /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Ssx/S

Syntax: NV || NV

hs: V, ca: V, las: V, aa: 1
Mald 231. eorl on eorþan || us is eallum þearf ‘Hwæt þū, Ælfwine, hafast || ealle ġe·manode
Bliss Scansion: N/A xxSxx|~+ || 1A*1a Sx|x~+x
Sievers Scansion: B2 x / | xx ~+ || N/A / xx | ~+ x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NV || As

hs: V, ca: V, aa: 1
Mald 232. þæt ure æghwylc || oþerne bylde þeġnas þearfe, || ūre þēoden liġeþ,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a ~+x|xSx || 3B1c xxxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ xx | / x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NP || NV

hs: þ, aa: D, da: D
Mald 233. wigan to wige || þa hwile þe he wæpen mæge eorl on eorðan. || Ūs is eallum ðearf
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NP || AN

hs: V, ca: V, aa: D, da: D
Mald 234. habban and healdan || heardne mece þæt ūre ǣg·hwelċ || ōðerne bielde
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || 2A1a Sxx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ss || Sxx/Sx

Syntax: AgA || AV

hs: V, ca: V, aa: D, da: D
Mald 235. gar and godswurd || us godric hæfþ wiĝan wīġe, || þā hwīle þe wǣpen mæġe
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a ~+|xSx || 2C2e xxxxxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ x | / x || 0 xxxxx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NP || NNV

hs: w*, law: m, aa: Q, da: D
Mald 236. earh oddan bearn || ealle beswicene habban and healdan, || heardne mēċe,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: IcI || AN

hs: h, law: m, lab: h, aa: D, da: D
Mald 237. wende þæs formoni man || þa he on meare rad gār and gōd-sweord. || Ūs Godrīċ hafaþ,
Bliss Scansion: 1A2a S|xSs || 3B1a xSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A2b / x | / \ || 0 x / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || x/Sxs

Syntax: NcN || NV

hs: g, lab: h, aa: D, da: D
Mald 238. on wlancan þam wicge || þæt wære hit ure hlaford earh Oddan bearn, || ealle be·swicene.
Bliss Scansion: 1D4 S|Sxs || 1A*1a Sx|x~+x
Sievers Scansion: D4 / | / x \ || N/A / xx | ~+ x
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || As

hs: V, aa: D, da: D
Mald 239. forþan wearþ her on felda || folc totwæmed Wēnde þæs for·maniġ mann || þā on mēare rād,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xxxx~+|$ || 3B1c xxxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx ~+ \ || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: xx/Ss || x/Sxs

Syntax: AN || PV

hs: m, aa: D, da: D
Mald 240. scyldburh tobrocen || abreoþe his angin on wlancan þām wiċġe, || þæt wǣre hit ūre hālford;
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a xSx|xSx || N/A xSx|xxxSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 x / xx | / x || 0 x / xxxx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || VN

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 241. þæt he her swa manigne || man aflymde forþon wearþ hēr on felda || folc totwǣmed,
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: avP || Ns

hs: f, aa: D
Mald 242. leofsunu gemælde || and his linde ahof sċield-burh tobrocen. || A·brēoðe his anġinn,
Bliss Scansion: 2E2a Ss|x~+ || N/A xSx|xSs
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | ~+ || 0 x / xx | / \
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Ns || VN

hs: b, ac: br, aca: br, acc: br, aa: 2
Mald 243. bord to gebeorge || he þam beorne oncwæþ þæt hēr swā maniġne || mann ā·flīemde.’
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxx~+x || 1A1a $|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx ~+ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aA || NV

hs: m, aa: 2
Mald 244. ic þæt gehate || þæt ic heonon nelle Leof·sunu ġe·mǣlde || and his linde ā·hōf,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sxx|xSx || 3B*1c xxSx|xS
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | / x || 0 xx / | xx /
Russom Scansion: Ss/Sx || x/Sxxs

Syntax: NV || NV

hs: l, aa: 1
Mald 245. fleon fotes trym || ac wille furþor gan bord ġe·beorĝe; || þām beorne on·cwæþ:
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b S|xxSx || 3B*1b xxSx|x$
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | xx /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxxs

Syntax: NP || NV

hs: b, aa: D, da: D
Mald 246. wrecan on gewinne || minne winedrihten ‘Iċ þæt ġe·hāte, || þæt heonan nille
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxxSx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx / x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: iV || iV

hs: h, aa: 1
Mald 247. ne þurfon me embe sturmere || stedefæste hælæþ flēon fōtes trym, || ac wille furður gān,
Bliss Scansion: 1D4 S|Sxs || 3B1c xxxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: D4 / | / x \ || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: IN || aI

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
Mald 248. wordum ætwitan || nu min wine gecranc wrecan on ġe·winne || mīnne wine-drihten.
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b ~+|xxSx || d2b xx~+sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ xx | / x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: IP || NC

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 249. þæt ic hlafordleas || ham siþie Ne þurfon embe Stūr-mere || stede-fæste hǣleþ
Bliss Scansion: N/A xxxxxxSxx || 300 ~+sx|~+
Sievers Scansion: C2 xxxxxx / | ~ x || N/A ~+ \ x | ~+
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Ssx/S

Syntax: iP || AN

hs: st, aa: 2
Mald 250. wende fram wige || ac me sceal wæpen niman wordum æt-wītan, || min wine ġe·crang,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2B1b xx~+|xS
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx ~+ | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NI || NV

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 251. ord and iren || he ful yrre wod þæt hlāfordlēas || hām sīðie,
Bliss Scansion: d1b xxSxx || 1D1 S|Sxx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / | / ~ x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || S/Sxx

Syntax: AC || aV

hs: h, aa: 1
Mald 252. feaht fæstlice || fleam he forhogode wende fram wīġe, || ac sċeall wǣpen niman,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2C2c xxxS|~x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xxx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: VP || NI

hs: w, lab: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 253. dunnere þa cwæþ || daroþ acwehte ord and iren.’ || full ierre wōd,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NcN || AV

hs: V, lab: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 254. unorne ceorl || ofer eall clypode feaht fæstlīċe, || flēam for·hoĝode.
Bliss Scansion: 1D1 S|Sxx || 1A1b S|xx~+x
Sievers Scansion: D1 / | / \ x || N/A / xx | ~+ x
Russom Scansion: S/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Va || NV

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
Mald 255. bæd þæt beorna gehwylc || byrhtnoþ wræce Dunnere þā cwæþ, || daroþ ā·cweahte,
Bliss Scansion: 3E*1 Sxx|x$ || 1A1a ~+|xSx
Sievers Scansion: E / ~+ x | / || N/A ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NV || NV

hs: d, law: c, xa: dcdc, aa: Q
Mald 256. ne mæg na wandian || se þe wrecan þenceþ unorne ċeorl, || ofer eall clipode,
Bliss Scansion: 300 Ssx|S || N/A xxS|~+x
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | / || 0 xx / | ~+ x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || xx/Ssx

Syntax: AN || PV

hs: V, law: c, xa: VcVc, aa: Q
Mald 257. frean on folce || ne for feore murnan bæd þæt beorna ġe·hwelċ || Byrht·nōþ wrǣce%:
Bliss Scansion: 3B*1c xxSx|xS || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx / | xx / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Sxxs || Ss/Sx

Syntax: NgA || NV

hs: b, las: w, aa: 1
Mald 258. þa hi forþ eodon || feores hi ne rohton ‘Ne mæġ wandian || þe wrecan þenċeþ
Bliss Scansion: d1c xxxSxx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xxx / | ~ x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxx || x/Ssx

Syntax: aI || IV

hs: w, las: w, aa: 2
Mald 259. ongunnon þa hiredmen || heardlice feohtan frēan on folce, || for fēore murnan.’
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NP || PI

hs: f, ca: f, aa: D, da: D
Mald 260. grame garberend || and god bædon Þā hīe forþ ēodon, || fēores hīe ne rōhton;
Bliss Scansion: 2C1b xxS|Sx || 1A1b ~+|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A ~+ xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aV || NV

hs: f, ca: f, lab: f, aa: 1
Mald 261. þæt hi moston gewrecan || hyra winedrihten on·gunnon þā hīred-menn || heardlīċe feohtan,
Bliss Scansion: d4d xxxxSxs || 2A1a Sxx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xxxx / | x / || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sxx/Sx

Syntax: NC || aI

hs: h, lab: f, aa: 1
Mald 262. and on hyra feondum || fyl gewyrcan grame gār-berend || and god bǣdon
Bliss Scansion: 1D1 ~+|S~x || 2C1a x$|Sx
Sievers Scansion: D2 ~+ | / ~ x || 0 x / | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Ssx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AN || NV

hs: f, xa: ggbgb, aa: D, da: D
Mald 263. him se gysel ongan || geornlice fylstan þæt hīe mosten ġe·wrecan || hira wine-drihten
Bliss Scansion: e1e xxxxx~+ || d2b xx~+sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx ~ x || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: iI || AN

hs: w*, lab: w*, aa: Q
Mald 264. he wæs on norþhymbron || heardes cynnes and on hira fēondum || fiell ġe·wyrċan.
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 1A1a $|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || NI

hs: f, lab: wf, aa: 2
Mald 265. ecglafes bearn || him wæs æscferþ nama Him ġīsel on·gann || ġeornlīċe fylstan;
Bliss Scansion: 3B*1c xxSx|xS || 2A1a Sxx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx / | xx / || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || Sxx/Sx

Syntax: NV || aI

hs: g, lab: f, aa: D, da: D
Mald 266. he ne wandode na || æt þam wigplegan wæs on Norð·hymbrum || heardes cynnes,
Bliss Scansion: d1c xxxSxx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: ivP || AN

hs: h, aa: 1
Mald 267. ac he fysde forþ || flan genehe Eċġ·lāfes bearn, || him wæs Æsċ·ferþ nama.
Bliss Scansion: 3 E1 Sxx|S || 3B1b xxSx|~+
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | / || 0 xx / | x ~+
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || x/Sxs

Syntax: NgN || NN

hs: V, aa: 1
Mald 268. hwilon he on bord sceat || hwilon beorn tæsde ne wandode || æt þām wīġ-pleĝan,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSxx|S || d3b xxS~x
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx / | xx / || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || x/Ssx

Syntax: Va || NC

hs: w, aa: 1
Mald 269. æfre embe stunde || he sealde sume wunde ac fȳsde forþ || flān ġe·neahhe;
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Va || Na

hs: f, aa: D, da: D
Mald 270. þa hwile þe he wæpna || wealdan moste hwīlum on bord sċēat, || hwīlum beorn tǣsde,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xxxxS|S || 2C1b xxS|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / \ || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ss || xx/Ssx

Syntax: PV || NV

hs: b, aa: 1
Mald 271. þa gyt on orde stod || eadweard se langa ǣfre embe stunde || sealde sume wunde,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || a1e xxxxxSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 xxxxx / x
Russom Scansion: ? || ?

Syntax: aP || AN

hs: X, las: w, aa: Z
Mald 272. gearo and geornful || gylpwordum spræc þā hwīle þe wǣpna || wealdan mōste.
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NN || IV

hs: w, las: w, aa: 2
Mald 273. þæt he nolde fleogan || fotmæl landes Þā ġīet on orde stōd || Ēad·weard langa,
Bliss Scansion: 3B1c xxxSx|S || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xxx / | x / || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Ss/Sx

Syntax: PV || NA

hs: V, aa: 1
Mald 274. ofer bæc bugan || þa his betera leg ġearu and ġeornfull, || ġielp-wordum spræc
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a ~+|xSx || 300 Ssx|$
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ x | / x || N/A / \ x | /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || Ssx/S

Syntax: AcA || NV

hs: g, aa: D, da: D
Mald 275. he bræc þone bordweall || and wiþ þa beornas feaht þæt nolde flēoĝan || fōt-mǣl landes,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 2A1a Ss|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / \ | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Ss/Sx

Syntax: VI || NNg

hs: f, law: l, aa: 2
Mald 276. oþþæt he his sincgyfan || on þam sæmannum ofer bæc būĝan, || þā his betera leġ.
Bliss Scansion: 2C1b xx$|Sx || 3B1b xx~+x|$
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || 0 xx ~+ | x /
Russom Scansion: xx/Ssx || x/Sxs

Syntax: PI || AV

hs: b, ca: b, law: l, aa: D, da: D
Mald 277. wurþlice wrec || ær he on wæle læge bræc þone bord-weall || and wiþ þā beornas feaht,
Bliss Scansion: N/A x$|xxSs || 3B1c xxxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / \ || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sxx/Ss || x/Sxs

Syntax: VN || PV

hs: b, ca: b, aa: D, da: D
Mald 278. swa dyde æþeric || æþele gefera oþ·þæt his sinċ-ġiefan || on þām sǣ-mannum
Bliss Scansion: d3d xxxxS~x || d2b xxSsx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xxxx / | ~ x || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NC || NC

hs: s, aa: 1
Mald 279. fus and forþgeorn || feaht eornoste weorðlīċe wrec, || ǣr on wæle lǣġe%.
Bliss Scansion: 30 Sxx|$ || d2c xxx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | / || 0 xxx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || x/Ssx

Syntax: aV || PV

hs: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 280. sibyrhtes broþor || and swiþe mænig oþer Swā dyde Æðelrīċ, || æðele ġe·fēra,
Bliss Scansion: a1c xxx~+x || 1A*1a ~+x|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxx ~+ x || N/A ~+ xx | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ss || Sx/Sx

Syntax: VN || AN

hs: V, las: f, aa: 2
Mald 281. clufon cellod bord || cene hi weredon fūs and forþ-ġeorn, || feaht eornoste.
Bliss Scansion: 1A2a S|xSs || 1D1 S|Sxx
Sievers Scansion: A2b / x | / \ || D1 / | / \ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || S/Ssx

Syntax: AcA || Va

hs: f, las: f, law: V, aa: D, da: D
Mald 282. bærst bordes lærig || and seo byrne sang Siġebyrhtes brōðor || and swīðe maniġ ōðer
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sxx|Sx || N/A xSx|~x|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 x / | ~ x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sxx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || AA

hs: X, law: V, aa: Z
Mald 283. gryreleoþa sum || þa æt guþe sloh clufon cellod bord, || cēne hīe weredon;
Bliss Scansion: 1D5 ~+|Sxs || 1A*1a Sx|x~+x
Sievers Scansion: D4 ~+ | / x \ || N/A / xx | ~+ x
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || AV

hs: c, aa: 1, da: D
Mald 284. offa þone sælidan || þæt he on eorþan feoll bærst bordes læriġ || and sēo byrne sang
Bliss Scansion: N/A S|Sx~+ || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: D4 / | / x ~+ || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: S/Sxs || x/Sxs

Syntax: NgN || NV

hs: b, law: s, aa: 1, da: D
Mald 285. and þær gaddes mæg || grund gesohte gryre-lēoða sum. || Þā æt gūðe slōh
Bliss Scansion: 300 ~+sx|$ || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: E ~+ \ x | / || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || x/Sxs

Syntax: NgA || PV

hs: g, law: s, xa: gsgs, aa: Q
Mald 286. raþe wearþ æt hilde || offa forheawen Offa þone sǣ-lidan, || þæt on eorðan fēoll,
Bliss Scansion: N/A Sx|xxS~+ || 3B1c xxxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: A2b / xxx | / ~+ || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ssx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NN || PV

hs: V, aa: 1
Mald 287. he hæfde þeah geforþod || þæt he his frean gehet and ðǣr Gaddes mǣġ || grund ġe·sōhte.
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|S || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || NV

hs: g, aa: 1
Mald 288. swa he beotode ær || wiþ his beahgifan Hræðe wearþ æt hilde || Offa for·hēawen;
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || ?

Syntax: aP || Ns

hs: h*, law: h, aa: Q
Mald 289. þæt hi sceoldon begen || on burh ridan hæfde þēah ġe·forþod || þæt his frēan ġe·hēt,
Bliss Scansion: a1e xxxxxSx || 2B1a xxxS|xS
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxxx / x || 0 xxx / | x /
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: as || NV

hs: f, law: h, aa: 2
Mald 290. hale to hame || oþþe on here crincgan swā bēotode ǣr || wiþ his beah-ġiefan
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSxx|S || d3b xxS~x
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx / | xx / || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || x/Ssx

Syntax: Va || NC

hs: b, ca: b, aa: 1
Mald 291. on wælstowe || wundum sweltan þæt hīe sċoldon bēġen || on burh rīdan,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 2C1a xS|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 x / | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: VA || PI

hs: b, ca: b, aa: 2
Mald 292. he læg þegenlice || þeodne gehende hāle hāme, || oþþe on here cringan%,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || d2c xxx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xxx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: AP || PI

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
Mald 293. þa wearþ borda gebræc || brimmen wodon on wæl-stōwe || wundum sweltan;
Bliss Scansion: d2a xSsx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C1 x / | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || NI

hs: w, aa: 1
Mald 294. guþe gegremode || gar oft þurhwod læġ þeġnlīċe || þēodne ġe·hende.
Bliss Scansion: d1b xx~+xx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: C2 x ~+ | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Va || Na

hs: þ, aa: 2
Mald 295. fæges feorhhus || forþ þa eode wistan Þā wearþ borda ġe·bræc. || Brīm-menn wōdon,
Bliss Scansion: 3B*1b xxSx|x$ || 2A1a Ss|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx / | xx / || N/A / \ | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || Ss/Sx

Syntax: NgN || NV

hs: b, ac: br, aca: br, acc: br, law: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 296. þurstanes sunu || wiþ þas secgas feaht gūðe ġe·ġremede; || gār oft þurh·wōd
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|x~+x || 1D4 S|Sxs
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | ~+ x || N/A / | / x \
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || S/Sxs

Syntax: Nts || NV

hs: g, law: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 297. he wæs on geþrange || hyra þreora bana fǣġes feorh-hūs. || Forþ% þā% ēode Wī·stān,
Bliss Scansion: 2A2 Sx|Ss || 1A1c S|xxxSx
Sievers Scansion: A2b / x | / \ || N/A / xxx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Ss || Sx/Ss

Syntax: AgN || aN

hs: f, law: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 298. ær him wigelines bearn || on þam wæle læge Þur·stānes sunu%, || wiþ þās seċġas feaht;
Bliss Scansion: 30 Sxx|~+ || 3B1b xxSx|S
Sievers Scansion: E / \ x | ~+ || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Ssx/S || x/Sxs

Syntax: NgN || PV

hs: s, aa: 2
Mald 299. þær wæs stiþ gemot || stodon fæste wæs on ġe·þrange% || hira þrēora bana,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 3B1b xxSx|~+
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 xx / | x ~+
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || xx/Sxs

Syntax: ivP || AgN

hs: þ, ac: þr, aa: 2
Mald 300. wigan on gewinne || wigend cruncon ǣr him Wīġ·helmes bearn || on þām wæle lǣġe.
Bliss Scansion: N/A xx~+xx|S || 2C1b xx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx ~+ | xx / || 0 xx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || x/Ssx

Syntax: NgN || PV

hs: w, aa: 1
Mald 301. wundum werige || wæl feol on eorþan Þǣr wæs stīþ ġe·mōt; || stōdon fæste
Bliss Scansion: 2B1b xxS|xS || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || Va

hs: st, aa: 1
Mald 302. oswold and eadwold || ealle hwile wiĝan on ġe·winne, || wīġend crungon,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b ~+|xxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ xx | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NP || NV

hs: w, ca: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 303. begen þa gebroþru || beornas trymedon wundum wērġe. || Wæl fēoll on eorðan.
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|Sx || 1A1b $|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: Nts || NP

hs: w, ca: w, las: V, aa: D, da: D
Mald 304. hyra winemagas || wordon bædon Ōswold and Ēadwold || ealle hwīle,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: Ss/Ss || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NcN || AN

hs: V, las: V, aa: D, da: D
Mald 305. þæt hi þær æt þearfe || þolian sceoldon bēġen þā ġe·brōðru, || beornas trymedon,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1b Sx|xxSx || 2A1a Sx|~+x
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xxx | / x || N/A / x | ~+ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || NV

hs: b, aa: D, da: D
Mald 306. unwaclice || wæpna neotan hira wine-maĝas || wordum bǣdon
Bliss Scansion: d2b xx~+sx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C2 xx ~+ | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || VV

hs: w, aa: 1
Mald 307. byrhtwold maþelode || bord hafenode þæt hīe ðǣr æt þearfe || þolian sċolden,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 2A1a ~+x|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A ~+ x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aP || IV

hs: þ, aa: D, da: D
Mald 308. se wæs eald geneat || æsc acwehte unwāclīċe || wǣpna nēotan.
Bliss Scansion: d1a xSxx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C1 x / | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: S/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aU || NI

hs: w, aa: 2, acp: 1D1
Mald 309. he ful baldlice || beornas lærde Byrht·wold maðelode || bord hafenode
Bliss Scansion: 2A1a Sx|~+xx || 1D1 S|~+xx
Sievers Scansion: D*2 / x | ~+ ~ x || N/A / | ~+ ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sxx || S/Sxx

Syntax: NV || NV

hs: b, aa: 1
Mald 310. hige sceal þe heardra || heorte þe cenre (sē wæs eald ġe·nēat), || æsċ ā·cweahte;
Bliss Scansion: 2B1b xxS|xS || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || NV

hs: V, aa: 1
Mald 311. mod sceal þe mare || þe ure mægen lytlaþ full bealdlīċe || beornas lǣrde:
Bliss Scansion: d1b xxSxx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: aa || NV

hs: b, aa: 2
Mald 312. her liþ ure ealdor || eall forheawen ‘Hyġe sċeall þȳ heardra, || heorte þȳ cēnre,
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b ~+|xxSx || 1A*1a Sx|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A1 ~+ xx | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NA || NA

hs: h, aa: D, da: D
Mald 313. god on greote || a mæg gnornian mōd sċeall þȳ māre, || þȳ ūre mæġen lȳtlaþ.
Bliss Scansion: 1A1b S|xxSx || d2c xxx~+|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xxx ~+ | / x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NA || NV

hs: m, aa: D, da: D
Mald 314. se þe nu fram þis wigplegan || wendan þenceþ Hēr liġeþ ūre ealdor || eall for·hēawen,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 1A1a S|xSx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || as

hs: V, aa: D
Mald 315. ic eom frod feores || fram ic ne wille gōd on grēote. || Ā mæġ gnornian
Bliss Scansion: 1A1a S|xSx || d1b xxSxx
Sievers Scansion: A1 / x | / x || 0 xx / | ~ x
Russom Scansion: Sx/Sx || x/Sxx

Syntax: AP || aI

hs: g*, aa: Q, da: D
Mald 316. ac ic me be healfe || minum hlaforde þe fram þȳs wiġ-pleĝan || wendan þenċeþ.
Bliss Scansion: d3e xxxxxS~x || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: C3 xxxxx / | ~ x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NC || IV

hs: w, lab: w, aa: 1
Mald 317. be swa leofan men || licgan þence eom frōd fēores; || fram ne wille,
Bliss Scansion: 2C1b xxS|Sx || 1A1b $|xxSx
Sievers Scansion: C1 xx / | / x || N/A / xx | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Ssx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: ANg || pV

hs: f, ac: fr, acc: fr, lab: w, aa: D, da: D
Mald 318. swa hi æþelgares bearn || ealle bylde ac be healfe || mīnum hlāforde,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || d1b xxSxx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || xx/Ssx

Syntax: iP || AN

hs: m, xa: mhmh, aa: Q
Mald 319. godric to guþe || oft he gar forlet be swā lēofan menn, || liċġan þenċe.’
Bliss Scansion: 3B1b xxSx|$ || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B1 xx / | x / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: AN || IV

hs: l, aa: 1
Mald 320. wælspere windan || on þa wicingas Swā hīe Æðel·gāres bearn || ealle bielde,
Bliss Scansion: N/A xx~+xx|S || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: B2 xx ~+ | xx / || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: x/Sxxs || Sx/Sx

Syntax: NgN || AV

hs: V, xa: VbVb, aa: Q
Mald 321. swa he on þam folce || fyrmest eode God·rīċ gūðe. || Oft gār for·lēt,
Bliss Scansion: 1A*1a Sx|xSx || 2B1b xxS|xS
Sievers Scansion: A1 / xx | / x || 0 xx / | x /
Russom Scansion: Ss/Sx || x/Sxs

Syntax: NP || NV

hs: g, aa: D, da: D
Mald 322. heow and hynde || oþþæt he on hilde gecranc wæl-spere windan || on þā wīċingas,
Bliss Scansion: 2A3a S~+|Sx || d1b xxSxx
Sievers Scansion: A2a / ~+ | / x || 0 xx / | / x
Russom Scansion: Ss/Sx || x/Ssx

Syntax: NI || dN

hs: w*, aa: Q, da: D
Mald 323. næs þæt na se godric || þe þa guþe forbeah swā on þām folce || fyrmest ēode,
Bliss Scansion: a1d xxxxSx || 2A1a Sx|Sx
Sievers Scansion: A3 xxxx / x || N/A / x | / x
Russom Scansion: xx/Sx || Sx/Sx

Syntax: iP || AV

hs: f, aa: 2