Number of occurrences in corpus: 778
Genesis A 29b | / æfst and ofer-hyġd, || and | þæs | engles mōd / þe þone unrǣd |
Genesis A 46b | wiþ God ġe·samnod; || him | þæs | grimm lēan be·cōm. / Cwǣdon |
Genesis A 77a | eahte, || þearl aefter-lēan / | þæs | þe hēo on·gunnon || wiþ G |
Genesis A 227b | oda bearn, / þā sēlestan, || | þæs | þe us seċġaþ bēċ. / Þonn |
Genesis B 235a | nemnaþ. / ‘ac nēotaþ inċ | þæs | ōðres ealles, || for·lǣta |
Genesis B 258a | sċolde his drihtne þancian / | þæs | lēanes þe hē him on þǣm |
Genesis B 296a | þā dǣd on·ġieldan, / worc | þæs | ġe·winnes ġe·dǣlan, || a |
Genesis B 303b | ċan / heardes helle-wītes, || | þæs | þe hē wann wiþ heofones we |
Genesis B 349a | || healdan sċolde, / ġīeman% | þæs | grundes. || Wæs ǣr Godes en |
Genesis B 356a | Hē þā worde cwæþ: / ‘Is | þæs% | ænga% styde% || un-ġe·lī |
Genesis B 392b | don, || hē hæfþ ūs þēah | þæs | lēohtes be·sċierede, / be·w |
Genesis B 393b | wīta mǣste. || Ne maĝon we | þæs | wrace ġe·fremman, / ġe·lēa |
Genesis B 394b | wihte || þæt hē ūs hafaþ | þæs | lēohtes be·sċierede. / He h |
Genesis B 397b | mid hlūtrum sāwlum. || Wē | þæs | sċulon hyċġan ġeorne, / þ |
Genesis B 401a | n. / Ne ġe·līefe iċ mē nū | þæs | lēohtes furður || þæs þe |
Genesis B 401b | nū þæs lēohtes furður || | þæs | þe hē him% þenċeþ lange |
Genesis B 402a | im% þenċeþ lange nēotan%, / | þæs | ēades mid his engla cræfte. |
Genesis B 436b | ġearu / aefter tō ealdre, || | þæs | we hēr inne maĝon / on þissu |
Genesis B 470b | an, / wesan on weorolde, || sē | þæs | wæstmes on·bāt, / swā him a |
Genesis B 483b | ā hwā swā ġe·bierĝde || | þæs | on þǣm bēame ġe·wēox. / S |
Genesis B 493a | ofles cræft, / ġe·nam ðǣr | þæs | ofetes || and wende hine eft |
Genesis B 571b | æfst / bȳsne on brēostum, || | þæs | þū ġe·bod Godes / lāre lǣ |
Genesis B 584b | e·hlidu; || wæs sēo hwīl | þæs | lang / þæt iċ ġeornlīċe | |
Genesis B 599a | þǣm lārum cōm. / Hēo þā | þæs | ofetes æt, || æl-wealdan br |
Genesis B 601a | e hēo wīde ġe·sēon / þurh | þæs | lāðan lǣn || þe hīe mid |
Genesis B 619b | ra, || þonne ġiefe iċ him | þæs | lēohtes ġe·nōh / þæs iċ |
Genesis B 620a | him þæs lēohtes ġe·nōh / | þæs | iċ þē swā Godes || ġe· |
Genesis B 622b | ne sīe / tō ā·lǣtenne; || | þæs | fela hē mē lāðes spræc |
Genesis B 631a | | þæt hīe lāþ Gode / þurh | þæs | wrāðan ġe·þanc || weorð |
Genesis B 632a | || weorðan sċolden%, / þurh | þæs | dēofles searu || dōm for·l |
Genesis B 677b | an and innan, || siþþan iċ | þæs | ofetes on·bāt. / Nū hæbbe i |
Genesis B 680b | e, / brōht fram his bȳsne, || | þæs | mē þēs boda sæġde / wǣrum |
Genesis B 710b | lĝan sċolde / manna cynne, || | þæs | hēo on mōd ġe·nam / þæt h |
Genesis B 711a | o on mōd ġe·nam / þæt hēo | þæs | lāðan bodan || lārum hīer |
Genesis B 803b | urst / bitere on brēostum, || | þæs | wit bēġra ǣr / wǣron or-sor |
Genesis B 832b | d faran, || nǣre hē firenum | þæs | dēop, / mere-strēam þæs mi |
Genesis B 833a | num þæs dēop, / mere-strēam | þæs | miċel, || þæt his o min m |
Genesis A 885b | onan ġe·þāh. || Nū iċ% | þæs | tācen weġe / sweotol on mē s |
Genesis A 887a | iċ sorĝa þȳ mā’. / Þā | þæs | Ēuan fræġn || æl-mehtiġ |
Genesis A 986a | les. || Cwealm-drēore swealh / | þæs | middan-ġeard, || mannes swā |
Genesis A 1013b | ipaþ and ċīeġeþ. || Þū | þæs | cwealmes sċealt / wīte winnan |
Genesis A 1065a | ses. || Siþþan wōcon, / þā | þæs | cynnes || cnēow-rīm īehton |
Genesis A 1114a | s ealdor || on lēofes stǣl, / | þæs | þe Cāin of·slōh, || and m |
Genesis A 1116b | ċēaf / þēoden ūser. || Him | þæs | þanc sīe’. / Ādam hæfde, |
Genesis A 1239b | on·gann / bearna strīenan, || | þæs | þe bēċ cweðaþ. / Sēm wæs |
Genesis A 1288a | dēfe. || Dryhten wiste / þæt | þæs | æðelinges || ellen dohte / br |
Genesis A 1319b | e wīte. || Hīe ne% rōhton | þæs. | / Ġe·seah þā ymb wintra wor |
Genesis A 1328a | | nerġend ūser: / ‘Iċ þē | þæs | mīne, || manna lēofost, / wǣ |
Genesis A 1439a | . || Lēt þā ymb worn daĝa / | þæs | þe hēah hliðu || horde on |
Genesis A 1469a | re; || ġe·feah blīðe-mōd / | þæs | þe hēo ġe·sittan% || swī |
Genesis A 1526b | e, / and tō brōðor banan, || | þæs | þe blōd-gyte, / wæl-fiell we |
Genesis A 1535b | d tūdre. || Iċ ēow trēowa | þæs | / mīne selle, || þæt iċ on |
Genesis A 1538b | wīd-land. || Ġē on wolcnum | þæs | / oft and% ġe·lōme || andġi |
Genesis A 1569a | hreðere || hēafod-swīma / on | þæs | hālĝan hofe || heortan clyp |
Genesis A 1613a | e·sibbum, || sunu Iāfeþes; / | þæs | tēames wæs || tūdor ġe·f |
Genesis A 1663a | ng ān-mōd, || ōðerne bæd / | þæs | hīe him tō mǣrþe, || ǣr |
Genesis A 1668a | rǣrde || tō rodor-tunglum. / | Þæs | þe hīe ġe·sōhton || Senn |
Genesis A 1682b | unnon / Ādames eaforan, || and | þæs | unrǣdes / stīþ-ferhþ cyning |
Genesis A 1719a | || dryht-folca% bearn%. / Þā | þæs | mǣles wæs || mearc ā·gang |
Genesis A 1723b | fǣmne wæs% / Sarra hāten, || | þæs | þe ūs seċġaþ bēċ. / Hīe |
Genesis A 1808b | ġde / his līf-frēan, || him | þæs | lēan ā·ġeaf / nealles hnēa |
Genesis A 1848a | ūðe. || Wordum sprǣcon / ymb | þæs | wīfes wlite || wlance maniġ |
Genesis A 1861b | h and ierre / for wīf-myne; || | þæs | wrāðe on·ġeald / hearde mid |
Genesis A 2031a | him þræc-rōfe / þā rincas | þæs | || rǣd ā·hyċġan, / þæt h |
Genesis A 2108a | weorðod || on wera rīme / for | þæs | ēaĝum || þe þe æsċa tī |
Genesis A 2121b | / þurh hand ā·ġeaf, || and | þæs | here-tēames / ealles tēoðan |
Genesis A 2144b | lle, / sċēat ne sċilling, || | þæs | iċ on sċēotendum, / þēoden |
Genesis A 2221a | um || wordum mǣðlan: / ‘Mē | þæs | for·wiernde || wealdend heof |
Genesis A 2254b | e wealdan, / Abraham lēofa. || | Þæs | sīe æl-mehtiġ, / dryhtna% dr |
Genesis A 2266b | e wolde / yfel and andlēan, || | þæs | þe ǣr dyde / tō Sarran, || a |
Genesis A 2311b | de ġō / frōfre tō wedde, || | þæs | þīn ferhþ be·mearn. / Þū |
Genesis A 2316b | nd / þīnum fram-cynne. || Iċ | þæs | folces bēo / hierde and healde |
Genesis A 2321b | isċ wesan / wǣpned-cynnes, || | þæs | þe on weorold cymþ, / ymb seo |
Genesis A 2329b | saac hātan. || Ne ðearf þe | þæs | eaforan sċamian, / ac iċ þǣ |
Genesis A 2341b | num, / mōd-ġe·þance. || Hē | þæs | mǣl-dæġes / self ne wēnde | |
Genesis A 2362b | bīde, / tānum tūdre. || Þū | þæs | tīða bēo. / Hwæðere iċ Ī |
Genesis A 2379b | on weorold-rīċe; || hē him | þæs | worhte tō, / siþþan hē on f |
Genesis A 2545a | tō wīte, || weallende fȳr, / | þæs | hīe on ǣr-daĝum || drihten |
Genesis A 2546b | īendon / lange þraĝe. || Him | þæs | lēan for·ġeald / gasta weald |
Genesis A 2565a | , || under bæc be·seah / wiþ | þæs | wæl-fielles. || Ūs ġe·wri |
Genesis A 2570a | hīe strang be·ġeat / wīte, | þæs | hēo wordum || wuldres þeġn |
Genesis A 2581a | n || wæl-grimne rīeċ. / Hīe | þæs | wlenċu on·wōd || and wīn- |
Genesis A 2590a | . || Lōth ġe·nerede, / mǣġ | þæs | ōðres, || þā sēo meniġu |
Genesis A 2675b | þēoden: / ‘Maĝu Ebrea, || | þæs | þū mē wille / wordum seċġa |
Genesis A 2693a | for fēondsċipe / ne for wihte | þæs | || iċ þē wēan ūðe. / Ac i |
Genesis A 2700b | frēonda fēa-sċeaft. || Iċ | þæs | fǣres ā / on wēnum sæt || h |
Genesis A 2719b | eaf. / Sealde him tō bōte, || | þæs | þe hē his brȳd ġe·nam, / g |
Genesis A 2746b | wā, / wīf and wǣpned. || Hē | þæs | weorc ġe·hlēat, / frecne wī |
Genesis A 2770b | d, / wuldor-torht ymb wucan, || | þæs | þe hine on weorold / tō mann- |
Genesis A 2775b | nu / on þanc ġe·bær. || Hā | þæs | þraĝe bād, / siþþan him ǣ |
Genesis A 2812a | or·þon þē ġīena spēow, / | þæs | þū wiþ frēond oþþe fēo |
Genesis A 2846a | līċ || sweġele under. / Þā | þæs | rinċes || sē rīċa on·gan |
Genesis A 2848a | an, || cunnode ġeorne / hwelċ | þæs | æðelinges || ellen wǣre, / s |
Genesis A 2855a | est || stēape dūne, / hrinġ | þæs | hēan landes, || þe iċ þē |
Genesis A 2886a | ng || and his āĝen sunu / tō | þæs | ġe·mearces || þe him metod |
Genesis A 2888b | der fȳr and sweord. || Þā | þæs | friċġan on·gann / wer wintru |
Genesis A 2918a | || þū mēdum sċealt / þurh | þæs | hālĝan hand, || heofon-cini |
Exodus 49a | þā sēo meniġu fōr. / Swā | þæs | fæsten drēah || fela missē |
Exodus 51a | d-wēriġe, || Ēġypta folc, / | þæs | þe hīe wīde-ferhþ || wier |
Exodus 144a | miċeles ġe·þāh. / Ealles | þæs | for·ġēaton || siþþan gra |
Exodus 315a | inum. || Swā him mehtiġ God / | þæs | dæġ-weorces || dēop lēan |
Exodus 439a | sōðum wordum, / nemþe hwelċ | þæs | snotor || in sefan weorðe / þ |
Exodus 507a | ġesfull. || Ēġyptum wearþ / | þæs | dæġ-weorces || dēop lēan |
Exodus 508a | an ġe·sċōd, / for·þǣm | þæs | herġes || hām eft ne cōm / e |
Daniel 41b | weallum ġe·weorðod. || Tō | þæs | wītĝan fōron, / Caldea cynn, |
Daniel 76a | e þā || sīnra þeġna / worn | þæs | weorodes || west% tō·fēran |
Daniel 144b | ōm wīte / sōðan swefnes, || | þæs | min sefa myndgaþ. / Ne meahte |
Daniel 162b | þ-mod cyning / ord and ende || | þæs | þe him īewed wæs. / Þā hæ |
Daniel 186b | ǣrest, / unrǣd efnde, || (him | þæs | aefter be·cōm / yfel ende-lē |
Daniel 188b | de. / Þǣr þrīe wǣron || on | þæs | þēodnes byrġ, / eorlas Israe |
Daniel 201a | ealde ġe·cwǣdon / þæt hīe | þæs | wēoġes || wihte ne rōhton, |
Daniel 240a | || ġe·wemman āwiht% / wielm | þæs | wǣfran līeġes, || þā hī |
Daniel 260a | ōde || God weorðodon, / under | þæs | fæðme || þe ġe·flīemed |
Daniel 295b | , / līeġe be·leġde. || Wē | þæs | libbende / worhton on weorolde, |
Daniel 304b | ā ūsiċ% be·wrǣcon || tō | þæs | wierrestan / eorþ-cyninga || |
Daniel 307b | nra / þēow-nīed þoliaþ. || | Þæs | þe þanc sīe, / weoroda wuldo |
Daniel 450a | re his ealdre sċyldiġ, / sē | þæs | on·sōce || þætte sōþ w |
Daniel 466a | || ac him friþ dryhtnes / wiþ | þæs | eġesan gryre || ealdor ġe· |
Daniel 507a | as ēac || hira feorh-nere / on | þæs | bēames || blēdum nāme. / Þ |
Daniel 515b | wesan, / wunian wyrt-truman% || | þæs | wudu-bēames / eorðan fæstne, |
Daniel 524b | , / eorðliċ æðeling, || him | þæs | eġesa stōd, / gryre fram þǣ |
Daniel 593a | ealdre ġe·sċēode’. / Nā | þæs | fela Daniel || tō his drihtn |
Daniel 595a | || þurh snytru cræft, / þæt | þæs | ā sē rīċa || reċċan wol |
Daniel 597b | h, / hēah fram heortan; || hē | þæs | hearde on·ġeald. / On·gann |
Daniel 679a | ġle. || Þā wæs ende-dæġ / | þæs | þe Caldeas || cyning-dōm ā |
Christ and Satan 100a | wītes ā·fylled; / naĝan% we | þæs | heolstres || þæt we ūs ġe |
Christ and Satan 102b | %, / wyrmas ġe·wunode. || Is | þæs | wītes clamm / fæste% ġe·bun |
Christ and Satan 172a | orhtestan || bīeman% stefne! / | Þæs | iċ wolde of selde || sunu me |
Christ and Satan 173b | ·drīfan, || and āĝan mē | þæs | drēames ġe·weald, / wuldres |
Christ and Satan 186a | dǣled, || ġō-dǣdum fāh, / | þæs | þe iċ ġe·þōhte ā·drī |
Christ and Satan 229b | n earde. || Sċolon nū ǣfre | þæs | / drēoĝan dōmlēase ġe·win |
Christ and Satan 245a | an || ǣr ġe·līefde%. / Þā | þæs | of·þūhte || þæt sē þē |
Christ and Satan 274b | nian, / sēoc% and sorhfull, || | þæs | iċ selfa wēold, / þonne iċ |
Christ and Satan 329b | englum. || Wǣron þā ealles | þæs | / gōda lēase%, || ac% nemþe |
Christ and Satan 349a | otor || ne swā cræftiġ, / ne | þæs | swā glēaw, || nemþe God se |
Christ and Satan 397a | lǣdan, || and we siþþan ā / | þæs | ierre-weorces || hīenþu ġe |
Christ and Satan 414a | fon tō ġe·wealde. / Þā wit | þæs | ā·wǣrgdan || wordum ġe·l |
Christ and Satan 416b | trēo / beorhte blǣda; || unc | þæs | bitere for·ġeald / þā wit i |
Christ and Satan 432b | liċ þūhte, || wǣron ealle | þæs | / fæġen in firenum || þæt f |
Christ and Satan 484a | fdon for·þon hātne grund, / | þæs | ġit ofer·ġīemdon || hǣle |
Christ and Satan 488a | || þæt min hand-ġe·weorc% / | þæs% | carc-ærnes || clamm þrōwod |
Christ and Satan 499a | || hrefnan meahten. / Þā wæs | þæs | mæles || mearc ā·ĝangan / |
Christ and Satan 502a | iċ þrōwode. / Ġe·munde iċ | þæs | meniġu || on% þǣm% mīnnan |
Christ and Satan 503a | n% þǣm% mīnnan% hām / lange | þæs | þe iċ of hæftum || hām ġ |
Christ and Satan 514a | mann-cynnes || ǣr on morĝen / | þæs | þe% drihten God || of dēað |
Christ and Satan 515a | of dēaðe ā·rās. / Næs nan | þæs | strangliċ || stān% ġe·fæ |
Christ and Satan 529b | hten, / God in Galileam. || Tō | þæs | ġungran þider / ealle urnon, |
Christ and Satan 551a | þanc || dǣdum and weorcum, / | þæs | þe hē ūs of hæftum || hā |
Christ and Satan 569b | st || ġe·cwæþ% þæt hē | þæs | / ymb tīene% niht || twelf apo |
Christ and Satan 576a | him sēo dǣd ne ġe·þāh, / | þæs | hē be·bōhte || bearn weald |
Christ and Satan 22a | id heandum ā·met. / Grip wiþ | þæs | grundes; || gang þonne swā / |
Andreas 29a | || ūtan sōhte. / Swelċ wæs | þæs | folces || friðulēas tācen, |
Andreas 145b | -locan / bīdan beadu-rōfne || | þæs% | him beorht cyning, / engla ord- |
Andreas 155b | grǣdġe gūþ-rincas, || hū | þæs | gāstes sīþ / aefter swylt-cw |
Andreas 204a | eas, || þæt þū ā woldest / | þæs | sīþ-fætes || sǣne weorða |
Andreas 211a | uldres āĝend. / Ne meaht þū | þæs | sīþ-fætes || sǣne weorða |
Andreas 215a | þū on tīd ġearu; / ne mæġ | þæs | ǣrendes || ielding weorðan. |
Andreas 261b | ā þæt ne wiste, || sē þe | þæs | wordes bād, / hwæt sē manna |
Andreas 307a | ngode: / ‘Hū ġe·wearþ þe | þæs, | || wine lēofesta, / þæt þū |
Andreas 344b | Ġif ġē sindon þeġnas || | þæs | þe þrymm ā·hōf / ofer midd |
Andreas 480b | eahte, / be·ġietan gōdne. || | Þæs | þū ġiefe hlīetest, / hāli |
Andreas 649b | lle / ōr and ende, || swā iċ | þæs | æðelinges / word and wīsdōm |
Andreas 687b | ttende, / fæder and mōdor, || | þæs | we ġe·fræġen habbaþ / þur |
Andreas 718a | an·līcness || enġel-cynna / | þæs | brēmestan || þe% mid þām |
Andreas 810a | be || sweġeles drēamas, / and | þæs | tō wīdan fēore || willum n |
Andreas 1012a | ·ġēanes, || gode þancode / | þæs | þe hīe ansunde || ǣfre mō |
Andreas 1056b | eorðodon, / wyrda wealdend, || | þæs | wuldres ne biþ / ǣfre mid iel |
Andreas 1059b | tre / glæd-mōd gangan, || tō | þæs | þe hē gramra ġe·mōt, / fā |
Andreas 1070b | , / hǣðne hild-frecan, || tō | þæs | þā hæftas ǣr / under hlin-s |
Andreas 1117b | niġ, / gūþ-frec guma, || ymb | þæs | ġungan feorh / brēostum on·b |
Andreas 1121a | | beorne maniĝum, / þæt hīe | þæs | cnihtes cwealm || corðre ġe |
Andreas 1123b | ō līfne. || Hīe lungre tō | þæs, | / hǣðne hearĝ-weardas, || he |
Andreas 1151b | es þanc, / dryhtna drihtne, || | þæs | þe hē dōm ġiefeþ / gumena |
Andreas 1238b | tel / hǣðnes herġes. || Wæs | þæs | hālĝan līċ / sār-bennum so |
Andreas 1247a | en. || Sār eft ġe·wōd / ymb | þæs | beornes brēost, || oþ·þæ |
Andreas 1266b | n, / ācol for þȳ eġesan, || | þæs | þe hē ǣr on·gann, / þæt h |
Andreas 1279a | Þā cōm wōpes hrinġ / þurh | þæs | beornes brēost, || blāt ūt |
Andreas 1365b | ȳ weorce. || Þē sint wītu | þæs | grimm / witod be ġe·wyrhtum. |
Andreas 1372a | feorh æt-þringan. / Hwelċ is | þæs | mehtiġ || ofer middan-ġeard |
Andreas 1453a | fēore || wuldor on heofonum, / | þæs | þū mē on sāre, || siġe-d |
Andreas 1479b | re, / lēoð-ġieddunga, || lof | þæs | þe worhte, / wordum wēmde, || |
Andreas 1499a | tān, || metodes rǣdum, / fore | þæs | ansīene || ealle ġe·sċeaf |
Andreas 1530a | uþ wearþ ā·fyrhted / þurh | þæs | flōdes fær. || Fǣġe swult |
Andreas 1563b | þ, / is hit miċele sēlre, || | þæs | þe iċ sōð talie, / þæt we |
Andreas 1592a | ȳðe || āne be·sencte, / ac | þæs | weorodes ēac || þā wierres |
The Fates of the Apostles 99a | ǣr on ende standeþ, / eorlas | þæs | on eorðan brūcaþ%. || Ne m |
The Fates of the Apostles 107a | s || werum on·cȳðiġ. / Sīe | þæs | ġe·myndiġ, || mann% sē% |
The Fates of the Apostles 117a | orhtan ġe·sċeaft, / þæt we | þæs | boldes || brūcan motan, / hām |
Soul and Body I 1a | # Soul and Body I / / Hūru, | þæs | be·hōfaþ || hæleþa ǣġh |
Soul and Body I 56a | of þē || ut sīðode / þurh | þæs | selfes hand || þe iċ ǣr on |
Soul and Body I 97a | n? / Þonne ne biþ nan nā tō | þæs | lȳtel liþ || on lime ā·we |
Soul and Body I 147b | an / on þǣm mǣran dæġe, || | þæs | þū mē ġēafe, / nē þē hr |
Soul and Body I 153b | a, / on mīnum hyġe hearde, || | þæs | þe iċ þē on þissum hīen |
Homiletic Fragment I 7a | || hord unclǣne. / Biþ þonne | þæs | wammes ġe·wita || weoroda d |
Dream of the Rood 49a | de be·stīemed, / be·goten of | þæs | guman sīdan, || siþþan hē |
Elene 4b | rces, / wintra for weorolde, || | þæs | þe wealdend god / ā·cenned w |
Elene 39a | hþe, || stæðe wīcodon / ymb | þæs | wæteres wielm. || Weorodes b |
Elene 60a | Rōm-wara || rīċes ende / ymb | þæs | wæteres stæþ || weorod sam |
Elene 68a | h-wiste || niht-langne frist, / | þæs | þe hīe% fēonda ġe·fær | |
Elene 86a | | Hē wæs sōna ġearu / þurh | þæs | hālĝan hǣs, || hreðer-loc |
Elene 157a | ncum || hæleþa rǣdas. / Þā | þæs | friċġan on·gann || folces |
Elene 171b | -cininges / tācen wǣre || and | þæs | twēo nǣre. / Þā þæt ġe· |
Elene 210b | ·hēngon, herġa fruman. || | Þæs | hīe on hīenþum sċulon / tō |
Elene 220a | inges rōd. || Elene ne wolde / | þæs | sīþ-fates || sǣne weorðan |
Elene 221a | -fates || sǣne weorðan, / ne | þæs | will-ġiefan || word ġe·hie |
Elene 298a | | Ġē mid hōre spēowdon / on | þæs | andwlitan || þe ēow ēaĝen |
Elene 340b | agle, / meahtum mǣre, || swā | þæs | mōdor ne biþ / wæstmum ġe· |
Elene 368b | oldon, / lāre lǣstan. || Ēow | þæs | lungre ā·þrēat, / and ġē |
Elene 428a | | ferhþ staðolien, / þæt we | þæs | morðres || meldan ne weorðe |
Elene 34a | īnum. || Iċ him ġeorne oft / | þæs | unryhtes || andsæc fremede, / |
Elene 78a | da || bōte ġe·fremmaþ / and | þæs | unryhtes || eft ġe·swīcaþ |
Elene 94a | ġē ġeare cunnon / hwæt ēow | þæs | on sefan || sēlest þynċe / t |
Elene 130b | ġan, / torn-ġe·nīðlan, || | þæs | hēo him tō sōhte, / ac hēo |
Elene 137a | sōðe || seċġan wille, / and | þæs | on līfe || lyġe ne wierðe |
Elene 170a | | Cȳþ recene nū / hwæt þū | þæs | tō þinġe || þafian wille. |
Elene 218a | || gnorn-sorĝe wæġ: / ‘Wē | þæs | here-weorces, || hlæf-dīġe |
Elene 246a | Iċ þā stōwe ne cann, / ne | þæs | wanges wihtne || þā wīsan |
Elene 266a | tō þon strang, / þrēa-nīed | þæs | þearl || and þēs þroht t |
Elene 266b | earl || and þēs þroht tō | þæs | heard / dōĝor-rīmum. || Iċ |
Elene 313b | god, / weoroda wealdend. || Is | þæs | wuldres full / heofon and eorð |
Elene 321b | ixleþ / grāpum gryrefæst. || | Þæs | þū, god drihten, / wealdest w |
Elene 329b | um wiþ·sōc / ealdordōme. || | Þæs | hē on iermþum sċeall, / ealr |
Elene 373a | tendum% || þanc būtan ende, / | þæs | þū mē swā mēðum || and |
Elene 384b | n / ġe·weorðod on wuldre, || | þæs | hē wǣre wiþ þeċ, / Stephan |
Elene 518a | ġ. || Sefa wæs þȳ glædra / | þæs | þe hēo ġe·hīerde || þon |
Elene 520b | an, / and þā wundrode || ymb% | þæs | weres snytru, / hū hē swā ġ |
Elene 524b | þancode, / wuldor-cyninge, || | þæs | hire sē willa ġe·lamp / þur |
Elene 526b | ġe æt ðǣre ġe·sihþe || | þæs | siġe-bēames, / ġe þæs ġe |
Elene 527a | e || þæs siġe-bēames, / ġe | þæs | ġe·lēafan || þe hēo swā |
Elene 528b | ow, / wuldorfæste ġiefe || on | þæs | weres brēostum. / Þā wæs ġ |
Elene 599b | gāst / wīċ ġe·wunode || on | þæs | weres brēostum, / bielde tō b |
Elene 626b | hhe for þām næġlum || þe | þæs | nerġendes / fēt þurh·wōdon |
Elene 656b | ostum on·bryrded, || bisċop | þæs | folces. / Glæd-mōd ēode || g |
Elene 685b | en, wyrda be·gang. || Wuldor | þæs | āĝe / on hēannesse || heofon |
Elene 701b | þancode, / siĝora drihtne, || | þæs | þe hēo sōþ ġe·cnēow / an |
Elene 721b | uþum tō hrōðor, || hwæt | þæs | wǣre dryhtnes willa. / Hēt þ |
Elene 726a | e friġnan on·gann / hwæt him | þæs | on sefan || sēlest þūhte / t |
Elene 731b | rūne, / cwēn sēleste% || and | þæs | cininges be·bod / ġeorne be· |
Elene 753b | þæt ġe·wierðeþ || þæt | þæs | cininges sċeall / mearh under |
Elene 771a | e || on hira līfes tīd, / and | þæs | lāttēowes || lārum hīerdo |
Elene 812b | d, / liðu-cræft on·lēac. || | Þæs | iċ lustum brēac, / willum on |
Elene 813b | c, / willum on weorolde. || Iċ | þæs | wuldres trēowes / oft, nealles |
Elene 845b | n / dǣda ġe·hwelcra || þurh | þæs | dēman mūþ, / and worda swā |
Elene 861b | ierġede wamm-sċaðan, || on | þæs | wielmes grund, / lēase lēod-h |
Elene 876b | cre, / dēopra firena, || þurh | þæs | dōmes fȳr. / Mōton þonne si |
Elene 879b | a weard / milde and blīðe, || | þæs | þe hīe māna ġe·hwelċ / fo |
Christ A 30a | re be·winde, / ġe·dō ūsiċ | þæs | wierðe, || þe hē tō wuldr |
Christ A 73a | || ofer ealne foldan sċēat / | þæs | þe ǣfre sund-būend || seċ |
Christ A 127b | e·þwǣre on þēode. || Wē | þæs | þanc maĝon / seċġan siġe-d |
Christ A 129a | tne || simle be ġe·wyrhtum, / | þæs | þe hē hine selfne ūs || se |
Christ A 146b | ·sēċan. || Nū hīe sōfte | þæs | / bidon on bendum || hwonne bea |
Christ A 182a | ed.’ || Iċ tō fela hæbbe / | þæs | byrdsċipes || bealwa on·fan |
Christ A 220b | e, / secg searo-þancol, || tō | þæs | swīðe glēaw / þe þæt ā· |
Christ A 241a | s ealle. / For·þon nis ǣniġ | þæs | horsċ, || ne þæs hyġe-cr |
Christ A 241b | is ǣniġ þæs horsċ, || ne | þæs | hyġe-cræftiġ, / þe þīn fr |
Christ A 281a | de, || þæt þū brȳd sīe / | þæs | sēlestan || swēġles brytta |
Christ A 314a | esse || o inn-hebban%, / oþþe | þæs | ċeaster-hlides || clūstor o |
Christ A 337a | -boda, || Gabriel brōht / Huru | þæs | biddaþ || burĝ-sittende / þ |
Christ A 352a | et || enġel ġe·worden, / ne | þæs | miċelan || mæġen-þrymmes |
Christ B 458b | laðode, lēof weorod. || Hȳ | þæs | lārēowes / on þām wil-dæġ |
Christ B 466a | ċe bearn, || āĝnum fæder, / | þæs | ymb fēowertiġ || þe hē of |
Christ B 472b | sċeafta. || Hē him fæġere | þæs | / lēofum ġe·sīðum || lēan |
Christ B 495a | | Cyning ūre ġe·wāt / þurh | þæs | temples hrōf || ðǣr hīe t |
Christ B 501a | t heortan, || hyġe murnende, / | þæs | þe hīe swā lēofne || len |
Christ B 505a | | lēohte ġe·fǣĝon / þe of | þæs | hǣlendes || heafelan līexte |
Christ B 530b | od, / bliss on burgum, || þurh | þæs | beornes cyme. / Ġe·sæt siġe |
Christ B 553a | , || beorhte ġe·weorode, / on | þæs | þēodnes burh || þeġnas c |
Christ B 559a | a || helle be·rēafod / ealles | þæs | gafoles || þe hīe ġār-da |
Christ B 598b | uniaþ on weorolde. || Wuldor | þæs | āĝe / þrīnesse þrymm, || |
Christ B 600a | | þanc būtan ende. / þæt is | þæs | wyrðe || þætte wer-þēode |
Christ B 611b | nne, / īeċaþ eorð-welan. || | Þæs | we ealles sċulon / seċġan þ |
Christ B 639a | n || gæstes strengþu%. / Wæs | þæs | fuĝoles flyht || fēondum on |
Christ B 654a | na þrymm.’ / Ne meahtan þā | þæs | fuĝoles || flyht% ġe·cnāw |
Christ B 655a | es || flyht% ġe·cnāwan / þe | þæs | up-stīġes || and·sæc frem |
Christ B 757b | / synn-wunde for·sēon || and | þæs | sēlran% ġe·fēon. / Habbaþ |
Christ B 793b | n / on bōcum be·bēad. || Iċ | þæs | brōĝan sċeall / ġe·sêon s |
Christ B 823b | ealdend / æt ǣrestan || þurh | þæs | engles word. / Biþ nū eornost |
Christ B 828a | ne. || Beorht cyning lēanaþ / | þæs | þe hīe on eorðan || earĝu |
Christ B 829b | ǣdum / lifdon leahtrum fā. || | Þæs | hīe lange sċulon / fergð-wē |
Christ C 1033a | wesan. || Hafaþ eall on him / | þæs | þe hē on foldan || on fyrn- |
Christ C 1093a | yrċende || wīta ne cūðon, / | þæs | hē on þone hālĝan bēam | |
Christ C 1099b | d þȳ ūsiċ ā·līesde. || | Þæs | hē eft-lēan wile / þurh eorn |
Christ C 1138b | læġ / on twǣm styċċum. || | Þæs | temples seġl, / wunder-blēom |
Christ C 1139b | lēom ġe·worht || tō wlite | þæs | hūses, / self slāt on tū, || |
Christ C 1205a | n þām grimman dæġe / dōmes | þæs | miċelan, || þām þe dryhtn |
Christ C 1212b | blǣd / ēċne āĝan. || Hīe | þæs | ēðles þanc / hira wealdende |
Christ C 1294a | ōðerra || ēad tō sorĝum, / | þæs | þe hīe swā fæġere ġe·f |
Christ C 1343a | faran || engla drēames, / and | þæs | tō wīdan fēore || willum n |
Christ C 1349a | s, || ġe·sēon mosten. / Ġē | þæs | earnodon || þā ġe· earme |
Christ C 1360b | trymedon / forþ on frōfre. || | Þæs | ġē fæġere sċulon / lēan m |
Christ C 1372a | būendum, || on þām dæġe, / | þæs | æl-mihtĝan, || þonne hē i |
Christ C 1385b | þū þolian sċolde. || Þū | þæs | þanc ne wisses. / Þā iċ þe |
Christ C 1472a | old ġe·ċīepte? / Wurde þū | þæs | ġe·witlēas || þæt þū w |
Christ C 1476b | or·ġield mē þīn līf, || | þæs | þe iċ ġō þe min / þurh we |
Christ C 1478a | -wīte || weorþ ġe·sealde; / | þæs | līfes iċ maniġe || þe þ |
Christ C 1497a | ēadiġ on mīnum. / Þā þū | þæs | ealles || ǣniġne þanc / þī |
Christ C 1513b | hīenþum heofon-cyninge. || | Þæs | ġē sċulon hearde ā·drēo |
Christ C 1566b | / tēarum ġēotaþ, || þonne | þæs | tīd ne biþ, / synne cwīðaþ |
Christ C 1568b | ōþ / gǣstum helpe, || þonne | þæs | ġīean nele / weoroda wealdend |
Christ C 1637b | m mid gode / līðes līfes, || | þæs | þe ā·līefed biþ / hāliġr |
Vainglory 31b | nċe / eall unforcūþ. || Biþ | þæs | ōðer swice, / þonne hē þæ |
Vainglory 32a | æs ōðer swice, / þonne hē | þæs | fācnes || fintan sċēawaþ. |
Widsith 95b | cōm, / lēofum tō lēane, || | þæs | þe hē mē land for·ġeaf, / |
The Fortunes of Men 63a | edu-full || mǣġ-burĝe inn, / | þæs | þe ǣniġ fīra mæġe || fo |
The Fortunes of Men 98a | es þanc || ǣġhwā seċġe, / | þæs | þe hē fore his miltsum || m |
Maxims I 33a | fela || fīra cynnes, / ne sīe | þæs | maĝu-timbres || ġe·met ofe |
Maxims I 35b | þe his drihten nāt, || tō | þæs | oft cymeþ dēaþ unþinġed. |
Maxims I 42b | wāt, || ne wēneþ þæt him | þæs | ed-hwierft cyme. / Wealdend him |
Maxims I 69b | m golde on·fēhð, || guma | þæs | on hēah-setle ġe·nēah; / l |
Maxims I 99b | īewe, / liġþ him on lande || | þæs | his lufu bǣdeþ. / Wif sċeall |
Maxims I 104a | h lēofes wēnan, / ġe·bīdan | þæs | hē ġe·bǣdan ne mæġ. || |
Maxims I 123a | ytru on brēostum, / ðǣr biþ | þæs | mannes || mōd-ġe·þancas. / |
Maxims I 163a | -mōd and un-ġe·trēow, || / | þæs | ne ġīemeþ God. || / Fela s |
Maxims I 164a | þ God. || / Fela sċōp metod | þæs | þe fyrn ġe·wearþ, || hēt |
Maxims I 204a | | Helm sċeall cēnum, / and ā | þæs | hēanan hyġe || hord unġinn |
The Order of the World 21a | nċan forþ teala; / ne sċeall | þæs | ā·þrēotan || þeġn mōdi |
The Order of the World 32b | ne mǣrum / āwa tō ealdre, || | þæs | þe ūs sē ēċa cyning / on g |
The Order of the World 76b | l. / For·þon nǣniġ fīra || | þæs | frōd leofaþ / þæt his mæġ |
The Order of the World 80a | tera ġe·þinġ, / oþþe hwā | þæs% | lēohtes || land-būende / brū |
The Panther 4a | ·reċċan || ne rīm witan; / | þæs | wīde sind || ġond weorold% |
The Panther 25b | exte / dryhta bearnum, || swā | þæs | dēores hīew, / blǣc briġda |
The Panther 43b | , / wōða wynsumost% || þurh | þæs | wildres mūþ. / Æfter ðǣre |
The Panther 62b | ġe / of dēaĝle ā·rās, || | þæs | þe hē dēaþ fore ūs / þrī |
The Whale 8a | ·flotan, || Fastitocalon. / Is | þæs | hīew ġe·līċ || hrēofum |
The Whale 81a | fiscas || faroþ-lācende / of | þæs | hwæles fenge || hweorfan mō |
Soul and Body II 1a | # Soul and Body II / / Huru, | þæs | be·hōfaþ || hæleþa ǣġh |
Soul and Body II 53a | of þē || ūt sīðode / þurh | þæs | selfes hand || þe iċ ǣr on |
Soul and Body II 90a | n? / Þonne ne biþ nǣniġ tō | þæs | lȳtel liþ || on lime ġe·w |
Guthlac A 26a | uldres ræste, / hwider sċeall | þæs | mannes || mōd ā·stīĝan, / |
Guthlac A 32b | ġra / rīm ā·rīsaþ. || Wē | þæs | riht maĝon / æt ǣġhwelcum | |
Guthlac A 60a | bēoþ ġe·corene. / Sume him | þæs | hādes || hlisan willaþ / weġ |
Guthlac A 69b | ard / drihtne þēowiaþ || and | þæs | dēoran hām / wilniaþ be ġe |
Guthlac A 75b | urh be·bodu brūcaþ || and | þæs | beteran forþ / wȳsċaþ and w |
Guthlac A 83b | / hāmas on heolstrum. || Hīe | þæs | heofon-cundan / boldes bīdaþ. |
Guthlac A 107a | || sē þæt hlūtre mōd / on | þæs | gæstes god || ġeorne trymed |
Guthlac A 131a | be·murnaþ || mannes fēore / | þæs | þe him tō handa || hūðe |
Guthlac A 134a | || on twā healfa / oþ·þæt | þæs | ġe·winnes || weoroda drihte |
Guthlac A 135a | winnes || weoroda drihten / on | þæs | engles dōm || ende ġe·reah |
Guthlac A 182b | aniġe / godes þrōwera; || we | þæs | Gūð·lāces% / dēor-wierðne |
Guthlac A 203b | n wiþ þām eġesan || þæt | þæs | eald-fēondes / sċyldiġra sċ |
Guthlac A 252b | ind / lāre ġe·lange. || Meċ | þæs | lȳt twēoþ% / þæt mē enġe |
Guthlac A 341a | ode, || ne hē tīd for·sæt / | þæs | þe hē for his drihtne || dr |
Guthlac A 352a | eardas weredon, / hwæðere him | þæs | wanges || wynn sweðrode; / wol |
Guthlac A 359b | aþ ġe·lettan, || ac hē on | þæs | lārēowes / wǣre ġe·wunode. |
Guthlac A 361a | ft worde be·cwæþ: / ‘Huru, | þæs | be·hōfaþ, || sē þe him h |
Guthlac A 364a | him līfes ræste%, / þæt hē | þæs | lāttēowes || lārum hīere, |
Guthlac A 379a | r·þon iċ ġe·bīdan wille / | þæs | þe mē min drihten dēmeþ. |
Guthlac A 379b | n drihten dēmeþ. || Nis mē | þæs | dēaðes sorh. / Þēah min bā |
Guthlac A 408a | god wolde / þæt sēo sāwol | þæs | || sār þrōwode / on līċ-ha |
Guthlac A 420a | biþ ġuĝuþe þēaw, / ðǣr | þæs | ealdres || eġesa ne stīere |
Guthlac A 422a | as || ġe·fēon þorfton, / ac | þæs | blǣdes hræðe || ġe·broce |
Guthlac A 426a | n; || ne him wiht ġe·sċōd / | þæs | þe hīe him tō tēonan || |
Guthlac A 465b | a ġē fore mannum miðaþ || | þæs | þē on mōde ġe·hyċġaþ; |
Guthlac A 469a | þ on·stǣldon. / Ealles þū | þæs | wīte ā·wunne; || for·þon |
Guthlac A 510b | on ġe·stalum standaþ; || | þæs | cymeþ stēor of heofonum. / M |
Guthlac A 538b | þeah / on godes willan; || is | þæs | ġīen fela / tō seċġenne, | |
Guthlac A 539b | īen fela / tō seċġenne, || | þæs | þe hē selfa ā·drēah / unde |
Guthlac A 542a | ah, || ā ðǣre sāwle wēl / | þæs% | mund-boran || þe þæt mōd% |
Guthlac A 636b | wīdan ealdre; || nǣfre ġē | þæs | wierpe ġe·bīdaþ. / And iċ |
Guthlac A 700a | es lǣla || ne lāðes wiht, / | þæs | þe ġē him tō dare || ġe |
Guthlac A 725b | on / hæftas hīersume, || þā | þæs | hālĝan word / lȳt ofer·leor |
Guthlac A 754b | ra / tīda tīman. || For·þon | þæs | twēoĝan ne ðearf / ǣniġ of |
Guthlac A 778b | sċeaft, / þancode þēodne || | þæs | þe hē on þrōwungum / bīdan |
Guthlac B 867a | | siþþan ǣfre / godes willan | þæs | ġeorn, || ne ġynn-wīsed%, / |
Guthlac B 973a | me, || dōmes hlēotan, / efene | þæs | īlcan || þe ūsse ieldran f |
Guthlac B 985b | sċencte / biter bǣde-weġ. || | Þæs | þā byre siþþan / grymme on |
Guthlac B 1034b | þ, / unlæt lāces. || Ne biþ | þæs | lengra swice / sāwol-ġe·dāl |
Guthlac B 1050b | s / forþ-sīðes fūs. || Hē | þæs | fǣr-spelles / fore his mann-dr |
Guthlac B 1053b | rc, / hyġe hrēow-ċeariġ, || | þæs | þe his hālford ġe·seah / el |
Guthlac B 1054b | e·seah / ellor-fūsne. || Hē | þæs | an-bǣru / habban ne meahte, || |
Guthlac B 1067b | n, / dryhtnes mīnes, || ne iċ | þæs | dēaðes hafu / on þās sēocn |
Guthlac B 1130b | rdode, / dryhta bearna, || wæs | þæs | dēopliċ eall / word and wīsd |
Guthlac B 1131b | eall / word and wīsdōm || and | þæs | weres stihtung, / mōd and mæ |
Guthlac B 1135b | e·witene / daĝas on rīme, || | þæs | sē dryhtnes þeġn% / on elne |
Guthlac B 1142b | þa dæġ / ieldum andweard, || | þæs | þe him inn ġe·sanc, / hāt, |
Guthlac B 1198b | am for·þryċċed, || þurh | þæs | þēodnes word, / ambiht-þeġn |
Guthlac B 1207a | wynn. || Nis þe ende feorr, / | þæs | þe iċ on ġealdrum || on· |
Guthlac B 1216b | eġn æt ġe·þeahte. || Iċ | þæs | þēodnes word, / āres uncūð |
Guthlac B 1228b | ǣġest, / fūsne friġnest, || | þæs | þe iċ furðum ǣr / ǣfre on |
Guthlac B 1276b | ne, / huneġ-flōwende, || swā | þæs | hālĝan wæs / andlangne dæġ |
Guthlac B 1339b | n / wiste, wine lēofne. || Him | þæs | wōpes hrinġ / torne ġe·mano |
Deor 7a | inu-benda || on sēlran mann. / | Þæs | ofer·ēode, || þisses swā |
Deor 13a | an, || hū ymb þæt sċolde. / | Þæs | ofer·ēode, || þisses swā |
Deor 17a | -lufu || slǣp ealle be·nam. / | Þæs | ofer·ēode, || þisses swā |
Deor 20a | || þæt wæs maniĝum cūþ. / | Þæs | ofer·ēode, || þisses swā |
Deor 26a | | wȳsċte ġe·nēahhe / þæt | þæs | cyne-rīċes || ofer·cumen w |
Deor 27a | rīċes || ofer·cumen wǣre. / | Þæs | ofer·ēode, || þisses swā |
Deor 42a | orla hleo || ǣr ġe·sealde. / | Þæs | ofer·ēode, || þisses swā |
Riddles 1 1a | Riddles 1 / / Hwelċ is hæleþa | þæs | horsċ || and þæs hyġe-cr |
Riddles 1 1b | hæleþa þæs horsċ || and | þæs | hyġe-cræftiġ / þæt þæt m |
Riddles 11 5b | um stȳre / nyttre fore. || Iċ | þæs | nāwiht wāt / þæt hēo swā |
Riddles 11 8b | wīsan ġe·hwǣm. || Wā him | þæs | þēawes, / siþþan hēah brin |
Riddles 16 4a | ðel fremde. / Iċ bēom strang | þæs | ġe·winnes, || ġif iċ stil |
Riddles 16 5a | iċ stille weorðe; / ġif mē | þæs | tō·sǣleþ, || hīe bēoþ |
Riddles 20 28b | mōt / hǣmed habban, || ac mē | þæs | hiht-pleĝan / ġīen wierneþ, |
Riddles 20 35b | d gæleþ. || Iċ ne ġīeme | þæs | campes |
Riddles 23 10a | ǣr ġe·ap. / Ne tō·ĝangeþ | þæs | || gumena hwelcum, / ǣnġum ē |
Riddles 3 16a | t iċ on·būĝan ne mōt / of | þæs | ġe·wealde || þe mē wǣĝa |
Riddles 3 59a | || ryne-ġiestes wǣpen. / Iċ | þæs | or-leġes || ōr anstelle, / þ |
Riddles 31 15a | | Ne hēo ðǣr wiht þiġeþ / | þæs | þe him æt blisse || beornas |
Riddles 32 12b | / gafol ġēara ġe·hwǣm || | þæs | þe guman brūcaþ, / rīċe an |
Riddles 33 10a | in mōdor || mæġþa% cynnes / | þæs | dēorestan, || þæt is dohto |
Riddles 40 72a | fenyce || fōre hreðre; / is% | þæs | gōres sunu || gange hrǣdra, |
Riddles 41 3a | is mōdor || maniġra cynna, / | þæs | sēlestan, || þæs sweartest |
Riddles 41 3b | ra cynna, / þæs sēlestan, || | þæs | sweartestan, / þæs dēorestan |
Riddles 41 4a | lestan, || þæs sweartestan, / | þæs | dēorestan || þæs þe dryht |
Riddles 41 4b | artestan, / þæs dēorestan || | þæs | þe dryhta bearn / ofer foldan |
Riddles 41 7b | libban, / nemþe we brūcen || | þæs | þā bearn dōþ. / Þæt is t |
Riddles 42 4b | / wlanc under wǣdum, || ġif | þæs | weorces spēow%, / fǣmne fyllu |
Riddles 42 11b | æġelas swā same. || Hwelċ | þæs% | hord-gates / cǣġan cræfte || |
Riddles 47 5a | ru, || þrymfæstne cwide / and | þæs | strangan staðol. || Stæl-ġ |
Riddles 54 10a | trang ǣr þon hēo%, / wēriġ | þæs | weorces. || Hire weaxan on·g |
Riddles 55 5b | fres dæl / and rōde tācn, || | þæs | ūs tō rodorum up / hlædre r |
Riddles 55 7b | wara / burh ā·brǣċe. || Iċ | þæs | bēames mæġ / ēaðe for eorl |
Riddles 59 9b | n ēaĝna ġe·sihð, || ġif | þæs | æðelan / goldes tācen || on |
Riddles 59 11b | dryhtnes% dolh, || dōn swā | þæs | bēaġes / benne cwǣdon. || Ne |
Riddles 59 16a | || Rǣde, sē þe wille, / hū | þæs | wrætlican || wunda cwǣden / h |
Riddles 6 8b | inn / feorran swīðe; || hīe | þæs | fēlaþ þēah, / swelċe þæs |
Riddles 6 9a | þæs fēlaþ þēah, / swelċe | þæs | ōðres, || þonne iċ eft hi |
The Wife's Lament 11a | ēa-þearfe. / On·gunnon þæt | þæs | mannes || māĝas hyċġan / þ |
The Wife's Lament 41a | īnre ġe·restan, / nē ealles | þæs | langoþes || þe mec on þiss |
The Judgment Day I 21a | be·locen standeþ, / siþþan | þæs | gæstes gryre || ā·ġiefen |
The Judgment Day I 30a | ġ drēoĝeþ. / Hwā is þonne | þæs | ferhþ-glēaw%, || oþþe þ |
The Judgment Day I 30b | æs ferhþ-glēaw%, || oþþe | þæs | fela cunne, / þæt ǣfre mæġ |
The Judgment Day I 42a | e || lēanes friċġan / ealles | þæs | þe we on eorðan || ǣr ġe |
The Judgment Day I 68b | alle wāt / gōde dǣde; || nā | þæs | ġielpan ðearf / synfull sāwo |
The Judgment Day I 71b | eþ on bismer. || Ne cann hē | þæs | brōĝan dæl, / yfles andġiet |
The Judgment Day I 87b | onan-sīðe / gōdum dǣdum, || | þæs | þe hē swā ġōmor wearþ, / |
The Judgment Day I 90a | wile libban mid gode, / brūcan | þæs | boldes || þe ūs beorht fæd |
The Judgment Day I 109a | hæleþa% dǣde. / Nǣfre mann | þæs | hlūde || horn ā·þīeteþ / |
Resignation 69a | þāra þū mē sealdest. / Nā | þæs | earnunga || ǣnġe wǣron mid |
Resignation 70a | mid; / hwæðere iċ mē ealles | þæs | || ellen wille / habban and hli |
Resignation 89b | of mīnum ēðle. || Ne mæġ | þæs | ān-hoĝa, / lēod-wynna lēas, |
Resignation 102a | nāh iċ fela goldes / ne hūru | þæs | frēondes, || þe mē ġe·fy |
The Descent into Hell 15b | ðǣre ēaster-niht. || Huru | þæs | ōðer þinġ / wiston þā wī |
The Descent into Hell 59a | l-cuman || wordum grēte: / þe | þæs | þanc sīe, || þēoden ūser |
The Descent into Hell 64a | wīde fāh, / ne biþ hē nā | þæs | nearwe || under niðloc[] / [] |
The Descent into Hell 65a | nearwe || under niðloc[] / [] | þæs | bitere ġe·bunden || under b |
The Descent into Hell 80b | htest on Bethlem. || Bidon we | þæs | lange, / setan% on sorĝum, || |
The Descent into Hell 86b | / brōhtest on Bethlem. || Wē | þæs | bifiende / under helle dorum% | |
The Descent into Hell 137b | þisne middan-ġeard. || Sīe | þæs | simle metode þanc. |
Azarias 16b | , / līeġe be·leġde. || Wē | þæs | libbende / worhton on weorolde, |
Azarias 58a | bryne || beorĝan sċolde / for | þæs | engles eġe || ǣ-fæstum þr |
Azarias 109b | sīe / god and ġenġe. || Þū | þæs | ġeornlīċe / wyrċest, wuldor |
The Husband's Message 31b | pan% / māra on ġe·myndum, || | þæs | þe hē mē sæġde, / þonne i |
The Ruin 9b | er-þēoda ġe·witan. || Oft | þæs | wāh ġe·bād / ræġ-har and |
The Ruin 30a | þās hofu drēorĝiaþ, / and | þæs | teafor-ġēapa || tiġelum s |
Riddles 61 7a | dne, || on nearu feġde. / Ġif | þæs | andfengan || ellen dohte, / mec |
Riddles 64 6b | / / //Ā// and //SP// || selfes | þæs | folces. |
Riddles 84 31a | st || grund-bedd trideþ, || / | þæs | þe under lyfte || ā·loden |
Riddles 91 9a | æc || breġde nebbe, / hīerde | þæs | hordes, || þonne min hālfor |
The Phoenix 65b | eċċaþ / wæter wynsumu || of | þæs | wuda middle; / þā mōnþa ġe |
The Phoenix 107b | aðaþ on þām burnan || ǣr | þæs | bēacnes cyme, / sweġel-candel |
The Phoenix 122a | ā sē haswa fuĝol / beorht of | þæs | bearwes || bēame ġe·wīte |
The Phoenix 131b | , / heofon and eorðan. || Biþ | þæs | hlēoðres swēġ / eallum sang |
The Phoenix 174b | menn / Fenix on foldan, || of | þæs | fuĝoles naman. / Hafaþ þām |
The Phoenix 309b | frætwum ġe·fēġed || ofer | þæs | fuĝoles bæc. / Sindon þā s |
The Phoenix 313b | āwan, / wynnum ġe·weaxen, || | þæs | ġe·writu seċġaþ. / Nis hē |
The Phoenix 360b | er fyrn-ġe·sċēap, || ymb | þæs | fuĝoles ġe·byrd. / Þǣr sē |
The Phoenix 409b | erre, / bitere bealu-sorĝe. || | Þæs | þā byre siþþan / gryne on· |
The Phoenix 424b | nde. / Is þon ġe·līcost, || | þæs | þe ūs leorneras / wordum% se |
The Phoenix 472b | cempan, / mǣrþa tilĝaþ; || | þæs | him meorde wile / ēċe æl-meh |
The Phoenix 476a | byriġ || weorca tō lēane, / | þæs | þe hīe ġe·hēoldon || hā |
The Phoenix 546a | þurh bryne fȳres. / Ne wēne | þæs | ǣniġ || ielda cynnes / þæt |
The Phoenix 561b | ċolu / lēofne lofiaþ. || Iċ | þæs | līfes ne mæġ / ǣfre tō eal |
The Phoenix 567b | on wuldor ā·weċeþ. || Mē | þæs | wēn nǣfre / for·birsteþ on |
Juliana 37a | t māðum-ġe·steald / þe on | þæs | æðelinges || ǣhtum wunode. |
Juliana 41b | ede, / brȳd tō bolde. || Hēo | þæs | beornes lufan / fæste wiþ·ho |
Juliana 55a | tō ġe·singan. / Nǣfre þū | þæs | swīðliċ || sār ġe·ġear |
Juliana 103a | ō frēonde god. / For·þon is | þæs | wierþe, || þæt þū þæs |
Juliana 103b | þæs wierþe, || þæt þū | þæs | weres friġe, / ēċe ēad-lufa |
Juliana 108a | e·staðolad): / ‘Nǣfre iċ | þæs | þēodnes || þafian wille / m |
Juliana 177a | || þīnum bēotum, / ne wīta | þæs | fela || wrāðra ġe·ġearwa |
Juliana 182b | end, / metod mann-cynnes, || on | þæs | meahtum sind / ā būtan ende | |
Juliana 256b | fore duĝuþe. || Þȳ þū | þæs | dēman sċealt, / ēad-hrēði |
Juliana 372a | || lārum hīereþ%. / Iċ hine | þæs | swīðe || synnum on·ǣle / þ |
Juliana 401b | iþ-steall ġe·worht. || Iċ | þæs | wealles ġeat / on·tȳne þurh |
Juliana 414b | e mā / ġeornor ġīeme || ymb | þæs | gæstes for·wyrd / þonne þæ |
Juliana 415a | æs gæstes for·wyrd / þonne | þæs | līċ-haman, || sē þe on le |
Juliana 446b | on iċ þeċ hālsie || þurh | þæs | hyhstan meaht, / rodor-cininges |
Juliana 513a | | hrīnan dorste, / næs ǣniġ | þæs | mōdiġ || mann ofer eorðan / |
Juliana 583b | bolĝen / leahtra lēase || on | þæs | lēades wielm / sċūfan būtan |
Juliana 588a | ǣr on rīme for·barn / þurh | þæs | fȳres fnǣst || fīf and hun |
Juliana 599a | -mōd || and his godu tǣlde, / | þæs | þe hīe ne meahton% || mæġ |
Juliana 608a | ĝan || hiht ġe·nīewod / and | þæs | mæġdnes mōd || miċelum ġ |
Juliana 643a | , || heofon-engla god. / Hē is | þæs | wierðe, || þæt hine wer-þ |
Juliana 717b | cyning / ġe·þingie. || Meċ | þæs | ðearf manaþ, / miċel mōdes |
The Gifts of Men 8a | dæl on·fōn. / Ne biþ ǣniġ | þæs | || earfoþ-sǣliġ / mann on mo |
The Gifts of Men 9b | sǣliġ / mann on moldan, || ne | þæs | med-spēdiġ, / lȳtel-hyġdiġ |
The Gifts of Men 10b | diġ, / lȳtel-hyġdiġ, || ne | þæs | læt-hyġdiġ, / þæt hine sē |
The Gifts of Men 17b | d dēmeþ / þæt ǣniġ eft || | þæs | earm ġe·weorðe. / Nǣniġ ef |
The Gifts of Men 18a | arm ġe·weorðe. / Nǣniġ eft | þæs | swīðe || þurh snytru-cræf |
The Gifts of Men 98a | eorðan || ǣniġ manna / mōde | þæs | cræftiġ, || ne þæs mæġe |
The Gifts of Men 98b | / mōde þæs cræftiġ, || ne | þæs | mæġen-ēacen, / þæt hīe ǣ |
The Gifts of Men 111b | / drihten his duĝuþe. || Ā | þæs% | dōm āĝe, / lēohtbǣre% lof, |
The Seafarer 39a | ard ġe·sēċe / For·þon nis | þæs | mōd-wlanc || mann ofer eorð |
The Seafarer 40a | fer eorðan, / nē his ġiefena | þæs | gōd, || nē on ġuĝuþe tō |
The Seafarer 40b | gōd, || nē on ġuĝuþe tō | þæs | hwæt, / nē on his dǣdum tō |
The Seafarer 41a | hwæt, / nē on his dǣdum tō | þæs | dēor, || nē him his drihten |
The Seafarer 41b | r, || nē him his drihten tō | þæs | hold, / þæt hē ā his sǣ-f |
The Seafarer 122b | ryhtnes, / hiht on heofonum. || | Þæs | sīe þām hālĝan þanc, / þ |
Beowulf 7b | % / fēa-sċeaft funden, || hē | þæs | frōfre ġe·bād, / wēox unde |
Beowulf 16b | -lēase% / lange hwīle. || Him | þæs | līf-frēa, / wuldres wealdend, |
Beowulf 108b | ġe·wræc / ēċe drihten, || | þæs | þe hē Ābel slōh; / ne ġe· |
Beowulf 114b | on / lange þrāĝe; || hē him | þæs | lēan for·ġeald. / Ġe·wāt |
Beowulf 132a | -sorĝe drēah, / siþþan hīe | þæs | lāðan || lāst sċēawodon, |
Beowulf 228a | e·wǣdu), || gode þancodon / | þæs | þe him ȳþ-lāde || ēaðe |
Beowulf 272a | eall ðǣr dierne sum / wesan, | þæs | iċ wene. || Þū wāst (ġif |
Beowulf 277b | enþu and hrǣw-fiell. || Iċ | þæs | Hrōð·gār mæġ / þurh rūm |
Beowulf 326b | / randas reġn-hearde, || wiþ | þæs | reċedes weall, / buĝon þā t |
Beowulf 350b | īġ and wīsdōm): || ‘Iċ | þæs | wine Deniġa, / frēan Sċieldi |
Beowulf 383b | on·sende, / tō West-Denum, || | þæs | iċ wēn hæbbe, / wiþ Grendle |
Beowulf 586b | e / faĝum sweordum || (nā iċ | þæs | fela% ġielpe), / þēah þū |
Beowulf 588b | an wurde, / hēafod-māĝum; || | þæs | þū on helle% sċealt / wierh |
Beowulf 626b | þancode / wīsfæst wordum || | þæs | þe hire sē willa ġe·lamp / |
Beowulf 714b | an / Wōd under wolcnum || tō | þæs | þe hē wīn-reċed, / gold-sel |
Beowulf 773b | / fǣġer fold-bold; || ac hē | þæs | fæste wæs / innan and ūtan | |
Beowulf 778a | || ðǣr þā graman wunnon. / | Þæs | ne wēndon ǣr || witan Sċie |
Beowulf 900b | ra hleo, / ellen-dǣdum || (hē | þæs | ǣr on·þāh), / siþþan Here |
Beowulf 968b | ġe·twǣman, || nā iċ him | þæs | ġeorne æt-fealh, / feorh-ġe |
Beowulf 989b | olde / īren ǣr-gōd, || þæt | þæs | āĝlǣċan / blōdġe beadu-fo |
Beowulf 1030a | e || ōðrum ġe·sellan. / Ymb | þæs | helmes hrōf || hēafod-beor |
Beowulf 1057a | god || wyrd for·stōde / and | þæs | mannes mōd. || Metod eallum |
Beowulf 1105a | hwelċ || frēcnan% sprǣċe / | þæs | morðₒr-hetes || myndġiend |
Beowulf 1145a | la sēlest, || on bearm dyde, / | þæs | wǣron mid Ēotnum || eċġe |
Beowulf 1220b | wes / lāra līðe; || iċ þē | þæs | lēan ġe·man. / Hæfst þū |
Beowulf 1341a | afaþ || fǣhþe ġe·stǣled / | (þæs | þe þynċan mæġ || þeġne |
Beowulf 1350a | stas. || Þāra ōðer wæs, / | þæs | þe hīe ġe·wisslicost || |
Beowulf 1366b | sêon, / fȳr on flōde. || Nā | þæs | frōd leofaþ / gumena bearna, |
Beowulf 1398b | ancode, / mihtiĝan drihtne, || | þæs | sē man ġe·spræc. / Þā wæ |
Beowulf 1467b | c / wīne druncen, || þā hē | þæs | wǣpnes on·lāh / sēlran sweo |
Beowulf 1508b | wā hē ne meahte, || nā hē | þæs% | mōdiġ wæs, / wǣpna ġe·wea |
Beowulf 1509b | e·wealdan, || ac hine wundra | þæs | fela / swencte% on sunde, || s |
Beowulf 1584b | e, / lāðlicu lāc. || Hē him | þæs | lēan for·ġeald, / rēðe cem |
Beowulf 1585b | ġeald, / rēðe cempa, || tō | þæs | þe hē on rste ġe·seah / gū |
Beowulf 1596a | ·ġeador sprǣcon / þæt hīe | þæs | æðelinges || eft ne wēndon |
Beowulf 1598b | ōme / mǣrne þēoden; || þā | þæs | maniġe ġe·wearþ / þæt hin |
Beowulf 1616b | mǣl; || wæs þæt blōd tō | þæs | hāt, / ǣtren ellor-gāst || s |
Beowulf 1628a | p, || þēodnes ġe·fǣĝon, / | þæs | þe hīe hine ġe·sundne || |
Beowulf 1692b | þēod / ēċan drihtne; || him | þæs | ende-lēan / þurh wæteres wie |
Beowulf 1721a | ēamlēas ġe·bād / þæt hē | þæs | ġe·winnes || weorc þrōwod |
Beowulf 1751b | ieteþ and for·ġīemeþ, || | þæs | þe him ǣr god sealde, / wuldr |
Beowulf 1774a | ·sacan ne tealde. / Hwæt, mē | þæs | on ēðle || edwenden cōm, / g |
Beowulf 1778b | wæġ / mōd-ċeare miċele. || | Þæs | sīe metode þanc, / ēċan dri |
Beowulf 1779b | ode þanc, / ēċan drihtne, || | þæs | þe iċ on ealdre ġe·bād / |
Beowulf 1809b | ofliċ īren; || sæġde him | þæs | lēanes þanc, / cwæþ, hē þ |
Beowulf 1967b | on, / elne ġe·ēodon, || tō | þæs | þe eorla hlēow, / banan Ang |
Beowulf 1992b | test, / mǣrum þēodne? || Iċ | þæs | mōd-ċeare / sorĝ-wielmum sē |
Beowulf 1998a | el. || Gode-iċ þanc seċġe / | þæs | þe iċ þe ġe·sundne || ġ |
Beowulf 2026a | glǣdum suna Frōdan; / hafaþ% | þæs | ġe·worden || wine Sċieldin |
Beowulf 2032a | ēah sēo brȳd duĝe. / Mæġ | þæs | þonne of·þynċan || þēod |
Beowulf 2135a | mē mēde ġe·hēt. / Iċ þā | þæs | wielmes, || þe is wīde cū |
Beowulf 2239b | weard wine-ġōmor, || wēnde | þæs | īlcan, / þæt hē lȳtel fæc |
Beowulf 2316a | -floĝa || lǣfan wolde. / Wæs | þæs | wyrmes wīġ || wīde ġe·s |
Beowulf 2335b | / glēdum for·grunden; || him | þæs | gūþ-cyning, / Wedera þēoden |
Beowulf 2348a | % sæċċe on·drēd, / ne him | þæs | wyrmes wīġ || for wiht dyde |
Beowulf 2391a | | Þæt wæs gōd cyning. / Sē | þæs | lēod-hryres || lēan ġe·mu |
Beowulf 2405b | māðᵤm-fæt mǣre || þurh | þæs | meldan hand. / Sē wæs on þǣ |
Beowulf 2407a | || þrīe-teogoþa secg, / sē | þæs | orleġes || ōr on·stealde, / |
Beowulf 2410a | | Hē ofer willan ġēong / tō | þæs | þe hē eorþ-sele || ǣnne w |
Beowulf 2697a | e·cynde wæs. / Ne hēdde hē | þæs | hafolan, || ac sēo hand ġe |
Beowulf 2739b | fela / āða on unryht. || Iċ | þæs | ealles mæġ / feorh-bennum sē |
Beowulf 2759b | nġe, / wunder on wealle || and | þæs | wyrmes denn, / ealdes ūht-flo |
Beowulf 2771b | tte% ġond·wlītan. || Næs | þæs | wyrmes ðǣr / ansīen ǣniġ, |
Beowulf 2797a | e, || þe iċ hēr on starie, / | þæs | þe iċ mōste || mīnum lēo |
Beowulf 2835a | c hē eorðan ġe·fēoll / for | þæs | hild-fruman || hand-ġe·weor |
Beowulf 2857a | re || feorh ġe·healdan, / ne | þæs | wealdendes || wiht on·ċierr |
Beowulf 3000b | ndsċipe, / wæl-nīþ wera, || | þæs | þe iċ wēn% hafo, / þe ūs s |
Beowulf 3109a | || ðǣr hē lange sċeall / on | þæs | wealdendes || wǣre ġe·þol |
Judith 4a | o āhte mǣste þearfe, / hylde | þæs | hīehstan dēman, || þæt h |
Judith 4b | ēman, || þæt hē hīe wiþ | þæs | hīehstan brōĝan / ġe·frið |
Judith 5b | de, frymþa wealdend. || Hire | þæs | fæder on rodorum / torht-mōd |
Judith 13a | t wæs þȳ feorþan dōĝre / | þæs | þe Iudith hine, || glēaw on |
Judith 20b | fe rand-wīġende, || þēah | þæs | sē rīċa ne wēnde, / eġesfu |
Judith 47b | / fleoĝ-nett fǣġer || ymbe% | þæs | folc-toĝan / bedd ā·hangen, |
Judith 60b | rymmes hierde, || ac hē him | þæs | þinġes ġe·stīerde, / driht |
Judith 102a | || lāðne mannan, / swā hēo | þæs | unlǣdan || ēaðost meahte / w |
Judith 126a | ġeþ || snūde ġe·brōhte / | þæs | here-wǣðan || hēafod swā |
Judith 151a | ċe || inn for·lǣton% / þurh | þæs | wealles ġeat || and þæt wo |
Judith 162a | || Here wæs on lustum. / Wiþ | þæs | fæsten-ġeates || folc ōnet |
Judith 173a | e þiġnenne || þancol-mōde / | þæs | here-wǣðan || hēafod on·w |
Judith 178b | æleþ, / lēoda rǣswan, || on | þæs | lāðestan / hǣðnes heaðu-ri |
Judith 205b | sċieldas, / hlūde hlummon. || | Þæs | sē hlanca ġe·feah / wulf on |
Judith 234a | ġende, || nānne ne sparodon / | þæs | here-folces, || hēanne ne r |
Judith 239a | ton || þā þe grame wǣron, / | þæs | here-folces || hēafod-wearda |
Judith 248a | slǣpe tō·breġdan / and wiþ | þæs | bealufullan || būr-ġe·teld |
Judith 293a | folc, || oþ sē mǣsta dæl / | þæs | herġes læġ || hilde ġe·s |
Judith 341b | n ġearu-þancolre. || Ealles | þæs | Iudith sæġde / wuldor weoroda |
Judith 344b | lēan on sweġeles wuldre, || | þæs | þe hēo āhte sōðne ġe·l |
Judith 346a | ru æt þǣm ende ne twēode / | þæs | lēanes þe hēo lange ġiern |
Judith 346b | s þe hēo lange ġiernde. || | Þæs | sīe þǣm lēofan drihtne / wu |
The Paris Psalter 101:3 3b | de sind / mīne mearh-cofan, || | þæs | þe mē þynceþ, / swelċe hī |
The Paris Psalter 101:12 1a | ah-sǣl cumen. / / # / For·þon | þæs | þancunga || þīne% sċealca |
The Paris Psalter 102:17 3a | his% be·bodu healdaþ%, / and | þæs | ġe·mynde || miċele habbaþ |
The Paris Psalter 104:8 1a | || ǣġhwelcne dæl. / / # / Hē | þæs | on weorolde || wearþ ġe·my |
The Paris Psalter 105:11 3a | angum || lustum cwēmdon, / and | þæs | eft hræðe || ealle for·ġ |
The Paris Psalter 105:24 1a | hryre ġe·fremedon. / / # / Hīe | þæs | fēond-ǣtes || Finees ā·we |
The Paris Psalter 105:24 3a | fēond-ġield ġe·bræc; / hē | þæs | hǣl ġe·hlēat || and helpe |
The Paris Psalter 106:10 3a | | and his ġe·þeaht swelċe / | þæs% | hīehstan him || hæfdon on b |
The Paris Psalter 113:25 2b | hten / bealde blētsiaþ, || ne | þæs | blinnaþ nū / of þissan forþ |
The Paris Psalter 118:5 1a | end || elne healdan. / / # / Iċ | þæs | lā wȳsċe, || þæt weĝas |
The Paris Psalter 118:93 2a | for·wurde. / / # / Ne mæġ iċ | þæs | ǣfre for·ġietan || on ēċ |
The Paris Psalter 118:99 3a | || þe mē ǣr lǣrdon, / iċ | þæs | hæfde andġiet || ǣġhwǣr |
The Paris Psalter 118:113 1a | | simle worhte; / for·þon iċ | þæs | ēċe || ed-lēan hæbbe / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 123:4 5b | wol ūser, / wæteres wēnan || | þæs | wēl ġe·dīeġan. / / # / Dryht |
The Paris Psalter 123:7 5a | tume || fæstne and strangne, / | þæs | þe heofon worhte, || hrūsan |
The Paris Psalter 126:1 3a | ġielp || ōðre winnaþ% / þe | þæs | hūses || hrōf staðoliaþ. / |
The Paris Psalter 131:10 4a | an || ūt on·ċierre / þīnes | þæs | hālĝan || hēr on eorðan. / |
The Paris Psalter 131:11 1a | lĝan || hēr on eorðan. / / # / | Þæs | dēopne āþ || drihten ā·s |
The Paris Psalter 133:2 3a | num || Crīstes hūses / ūres | þæs | hālĝan godes || held be·ga |
The Paris Psalter 134:2 3a | for-tūnum || Crīstes hūses / | þæs | gōdan godes || ġearwe sindo |
The Paris Psalter 144:16 4a | est || mǣla ġe·hwelċe / and | þæs | tīdlīċe || tīd ġe·mearc |
The Paris Psalter 149:6 2a | || godes oft ġe·mynd; / hēo | þæs | wīslīċe || wynnum brūcaþ |
The Paris Psalter 52:5 1a | m || ealra wǣre. / / # / Ac ġē | þæs | ealle ne maĝon || andġiet h |
The Paris Psalter 54:7 3a | stenne || wunode lange, / bīde | þæs | beornes || þe mē bēte% eft |
The Paris Psalter 57:2 2b | worhton wrāðe; || for·þon | þæs | wīte eft / on ēowre handa || |
The Paris Psalter 58:4 1b | f iċ on unryht bearn, || iċ | þæs | eft ġe·swāc; / on mīnne ġe |
The Paris Psalter 61:12 2a | || ofer middan-ġeard / and him | þæs | tō weorolde || wuldor stande |
The Paris Psalter 66:2 1a | milde and blīðe. / / # / And we | þæs | on eorðan || andġiet habba |
The Paris Psalter 66:4 1a | || ealle þēoda. / / # / Hæbbe | þæs | ġe·fēan || folca ǣġhwel |
The Paris Psalter 66:4 3a | d blissien || bealde þēoda, / | þæs | þe þū hīe on rihtum || r |
The Paris Psalter 67:4 3a | ede herġaþ; / dōþ sīþfæt | þæs | || sēftne and rihtne, / þe h |
The Paris Psalter 68:22 2a | ac ā·ræfnde; / næfde eorla | þæs | || ǣniġ% sorĝe; / frēfrend |
The Paris Psalter 72:13 1a | || ǣr fōre·tēode. / / # / Iċ | þæs | wēnde, || þæt iċ mid wīs |
The Paris Psalter 73:13 1a | d || dēope wætere. / / # / Þū | þæs | miċelan dracan || meahtum fo |
The Paris Psalter 74:4 3b | ltan, þæt hīe || ne gulpan | þæs. | / / # / Ne ā·hebbaþ ġē tō h |
The Paris Psalter 74:7 3b | a / fæġere ġe·fylled is; || | þæs | on·fēhð þe hē ann. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 75:4 7a | n, || þā þe welan sōhton, / | þæs | þe hīe on heandum || hæfda |
The Paris Psalter 77:11 3a | an strǣle || bitere sendan, / | þæs | hīe on wīġes dæġe || wen |
The Paris Psalter 77:20 5a | || be gode sprǣcon: / ‘Ac we | þæs | ne% wēnaþ, || þæt ūs wī |
The Paris Psalter 77:35 2a | e lufodon || lēase muðe, / ne | þæs | on heortan || hoĝodon āwiht |
The Paris Psalter 83:1 2b | a drihten; || ā iċ on mōde | þæs | / willum hæfde, || þet iċ hi |
The Paris Psalter 83:10 1a | | þūsend mǣla. / / # / Iċ mē | þæs | wyrċe || and wēl ċēose, / |
The Paris Psalter 87:4 1a | ded ġe·nēahhe. / / # / Wēnaþ | þæs | sume, || þæt iċ on wrāðn |
The Paris Psalter 89:13 1a | forhte ġe·wurdon. / / # / Hwā | þæs | sōþ mē% cann || seċġan |
The Paris Psalter 89:16 2b | e / þīnre mild-heortnesse; || | þæs | we on mōde nū / habbaþ ealle |
The Paris Psalter 89:19 2a | r || blīðan dryhtnes, / ūres | þæs | godan godes || ġeorne ofer e |
The Paris Psalter 90:1 2a | eardaþ æt || æðele fultum / | þæs | hīehstan || heofon-rīċes w |
The Paris Psalter 90:8 1a | þ ǣniġ. / / # / Hwæðere þū | þæs | ēaĝan || eall sċēawodest, |
The Paris Psalter 91:5 1b | ope. / / # / Wan-hyġdiġ% wer || | þæs | wiht ne cann, / ne þæs andġi |
The Paris Psalter 91:5 2a | wer || þæs wiht ne cann, / ne | þæs | andġiet hafaþ || ǣniġ dys |
The Paris Psalter 93:16 1a | || sōhte helle. / / # / Ġif iċ | þæs | sæġde, || þæt min selfes |
The Paris Psalter 96:1 3a | e nū || ēac on blisse, / and | þæs | fæġerne || ġe·fēan habba |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 14a | ielpes sċamian, / þonne hine | þæs | hlisan || heardost lysteþ, / a |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 29b | , / duĝuþum dīere, || dēaþ | þæs | ne sċrīfeþ, / þonne him rū |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 33a | ċes þinġes. / Hwǣr sint nū | þæs | wīsan || Wēlandes bān, / þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 34a | æs wīsan || Wēlandes bān, / | þæs | gold-smiðes, || þe wæs ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 35a | mǣrost? / For·þȳ iċ cwæþ | þæs | wīsan || Wēlandes bān, / for |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 42a | | rinca ǣniġ. / Hwā wāt nū | þæs | wīsan || Wēlandes bān, / on |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 9a | þ || ealle ġe·sċeafte / þe | þæs | ambihtes || ā·wiht cunnon, / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 10b | n, / ġe ēac swā same || þā | þæs | āuht nyton / þæt hīe þæs |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 11a | þæs āuht nyton / þæt hīe | þæs | þēodnes || þēowas sindon. |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 82a | ·lǣtaþ || lufan and sibbe, / | þæs | ġe·fērsċipes || frēond-r |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 12a | , || swīðe on·hielded / wiþ | þæs | ġe·cyndes || þe him% cynin |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 26a | || ac iċ teohhie / þæt hīo | þæs | nīewan taman || nāuht ne ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 45b | mne swā myrġe || þæt hīe | þæs | metes ne recþ, / þyncþ% him |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 17a | ānra hwā || ealles wealde / | þæs | īeġ-landes || and ēac þon |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 125a | | uppe ofer rodore. / Þonne is | þæs | fȳres || frum-stōl on riht, |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 131a | e || eallunga for·dō / būtan | þæs | lēafe || þe ūs þis līf t |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 195b | r·þǣm þe hīe habbaþ, || | þæs | þe hīe nabbaþ, / þone ǣnne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 223a | fre be·nēoðan, / þonne hēo | þæs | lǣnan || lufaþ and wundraþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 25a | trost sċīeneþ. / For·þǣm | þæs | līċ-haman || leahtras and h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 29a | se, || þēah nū rinca hwǣm / | þæs | līċ-haman || leahtras and h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 40a | ng wunaþ || gāst on līċe. / | Þæs | sǣdes corn || biþ simle ā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 50a | ġ man || þætte ealles swā / | þæs | ġe·rādsċipes || swā be· |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 23a | ne wolde || him ā·windan of / | þæs | cyne-ġe·relan || clāða ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 25a | ēon || þāra þeġnunga / and | þæs | an-wealdes || þe hē ǣr% h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 33a | d wǣda || and þeġnunga / and | þæs | an-wealdes || þe we ymbe spr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 51a | toō-hopa || swīðe lēoĝan / | þæs | ġe·winnes wræce; || wilna |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 47a | wæs || on rihte boren. / Wæs | þæs | Iobes fæder || god ēac swā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 108a | ht sweotole on·ġietan / þæt | þæs | līċ-haman || listas and cr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 6a | ġe·weald nafaþ? / Hwȳ ġe· | þæs | dēaðes || þe ēow drihten |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 34b | raþ / under mere-strēamas, || | þæs | þe mannum þyncþ? / Swā ēac |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 59b | wiþ wǣġe. || Hwā wundraþ | þæs | / oþþe ōðres eft, || hwȳ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 18b | fæst%, / up-ende nēah || eaxe | þæs | rodores. / Þonne is ān st |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 39a | | þæt þā wlitiĝan tungol / | þæs | þēowdōmes || ā·þroten w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 55a | hȳde || hālġes meahtum. / Be | þæs | cininges ġe·bode || cymeþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 7a | earf ēac hæleþa nan / wēnan | þæs | weorces, || þæt hē wīsdō |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 17a | drēosendne welan, / and þēah | þæs | þearfan ne biþ || þurst ā |
Metrical Psalm 91:5 2a | er || þēs wiht ne ceæn / ne | þæs | andġiet hæfæd || ǣniġ dy |
Metrical Psalm 94:4 3a | lc || ǣfre æþ þearfe / hē | þæs | hēah-beorĝes || healdeþ sw |
The Battle of Brunanburh 51b | tes, / wǣpen-ġe·wrixles, || | þæs | hīe on wæl-felda / wiþ Ēad |
The Battle of Brunanburh 68b | þissum / sweordes eċġum, || | þæs | þe ūs seċġaþ bēċ, / eald |
The Coronation of Edgar 14b | % / wæs winter-ġe·tæles, || | þæs | þe ġe·writu seċġaþ, / seo |
The Death of Edward 34a | ǣdum, || wihte ne ā·gǣlde / | þæs | þe ðearf wæs || þæs þē |
The Death of Edward 34b | lde / þæs þe ðearf wæs || | þæs | þēod-cininges. |
Durham 11a | æsta || ēadiġ Cudberch / and | þæs | clǣne || cininges hēafod, / |
Durham 20b | e wundrum ġe·weorðaþ, || | þæs | þe writ seġeþ, / mid þone d |
Solomon and Saturn 10a | iċ sīe ġe·bryrded% / þurh | þæs | cantices cwide || Crīstes l |
Solomon and Saturn 26a | ġe·strēona, / ġif hē ǣfre | þæs | orĝanes || āwiht cūðe. / Fr |
Solomon and Saturn 37a | e·bede || blōd on·hǣtan, / | þæs | dēofles drēor%, || þæt hi |
Solomon and Saturn 50b | af / wuldorlicne wlite. || Meċ | þæs | on weorolde full oft / fyr-witt |
Solomon and Saturn 62b | || nǣfre hīe sē fēond tō | þæs | niðer / feterum ġe·fæstnaþ |
Solomon and Saturn 99a | hangiende || helle wīsċeþ, / | þæs | ænġestan || ēðel-rīċes. |
Solomon and Saturn 123a | rh-fære, || ǣled lǣtaþ / on | þæs | fēondes feax || flāna stre |
Solomon and Saturn 125b | ċe / grymme on·ġieldað, || | þæs | hīe oft ġielp brecaþ. / Þon |
Solomon and Saturn 142b | ġe·swencan, || nǣfre hīe | þæs | seldlīċe / blēoum breġdaþ. |
Solomon and Saturn 175a | s dēþ sē þe liehþ / oþþe | þæs | sōðes on·sæceþ. || Salom |
Solomon and Saturn 2a | þæt wǣron Caldeas / gūðe | þæs | ġielpne || and þæs gold-wl |
Solomon and Saturn 2b | / gūðe þæs ġielpne || and | þæs | gold-wlance, / mǣrþa þæs m |
Solomon and Saturn 3a | nd þæs gold-wlance, / mǣrþa | þæs | mōdġe, || ðǣr tō þǣm m |
Solomon and Saturn 52b | / witan Filistina, || wēnaþ | þæs | þe nāht is, / þæt hine him |
Solomon and Saturn 54b | æman / wǣpna eċġum; || hīe | þæs | wǣre cunnon, / healdaþ% hine |
Solomon and Saturn 118b | ll-land, || ne wile hēo āwa | þæs | / sīðes ġe·swīcan, || siþ |
Solomon and Saturn 171a | rfoþu || orleġ-stunde. / Hēo | þæs | eaforan sċeall || oft and ġ |
Solomon and Saturn 195a | m hīersum; / full oft hit ēac | þæs | dēofles || duĝuþ ġe·hnǣ |
Solomon and Saturn 246b | rīċe / ēadġes engles || and | þæs | ofer-mōdan; / Ōðer his driht |
Solomon and Saturn 252a | þēoden% / ġe·drēfed þurh | þæs | dēofles ġe·hyġdu; || for |
Solomon and Saturn 296a | um || dæġ-langne frist, / and | þæs | willan wyrcþ || þe hine on |
The Menologium 11a | rius || ġe·rūm hēton. / And | þæs | ymbe fīf niht || þætte ful |
The Menologium 19b | as, / ealde ǣ-glēawe. || And | þæs | ymbe āne niht / þæt we Maria |
The Menologium 23a | || brōhte tō temple. / Þonne | þæs | ymb fīf niht || þæt ā·fe |
The Menologium 28a | mǣre, || mīne ġe·frǣġe, / | þæs | þe lencten on tūn || ġe·l |
The Menologium 37b | alīċ. || Þonne sē hālĝa | þæs | / ymb [XI] niht || æðele sċy |
The Menologium 41a | e Benedictus / ymbe niĝon niht | þæs | || nerġend sōhte, / heard and |
The Menologium 49a | wer niht || fæder on·sende, / | þæs | þe efen-nihte || eorlas heal |
The Menologium 72a | -tīene || niht and% fīfum%, / | þæs | þe Easter-mōnaþ || tō ūs |
The Menologium 76a | burh ræðe / ymbe% siex% niht% | þæs%, | || smicere on ġearwum, / wudum |
The Menologium 83a | nas || for metodes lufan. / And | þæs | ymbe twā niht || þætte tǣ |
The Menologium 95b | e brēmaþ, / æl-mihtiġne. || | Þæs | ymb eahta and niĝon / dōĝra% |
The Menologium 98b | us, / blīðne on brēostum, || | þæs | þe hē on Brytene hēr / ēað |
The Menologium 131a | nne ǣdre cymþ / ymb twā niht | þæs | || tīdlīċe ūs / Iulius mōn |
The Menologium 136b | rēow, / Zebedes eafora. || And | þæs | simle sċrīþþ / ymb seofon n |
The Menologium 137a | le sċrīþþ / ymb seofon niht | þæs | || sumere ġe·beorhtod / Wēod |
The Menologium 140b | / hlāf-mæssan dæġ. || Swā | þæs | hærfest cymþ / ymbe ōðer sw |
The Menologium 144a | rþ ġe·wāt / ymb þrīe niht | þæs | || þēodne ġe·trīewe / þur |
The Menologium 148a | || weorca tō lēane. / Swelċe | þæs | ymb fīf niht || fæġerost m |
The Menologium 154a | e ealling biþ / ymb tīen niht | þæs | || tīd ġe·weorðod / Barthol |
The Menologium 163a | were || wurde ā·cenned. / And | þæs | ymbe þrīe niht || ġond þ |
The Menologium 174a | ealling cymþ / ymb þrīe niht | þæs | || þēodum wīde / efen-nihtes |
The Menologium 179b | ġu wāt, / fīf nihtum ufor || | þæs | þe folcum biþ, / eorlum ġe· |
The Menologium 181a | wed || efen-nihtes dæġ. / And | þæs | ymbe twā niht || þæt sē t |
The Menologium 187a | ċe wiĝena tīd / ymb twentiġ | þæs | || twēġra healdaþ / and seof |
The Menologium 193b | on, / ēadiġne up-weġ. || And | þæs | ofostum bringþ / ymbe fēower |
The Menologium 207b | as grēne, / foldan frætwe. || | Þæs | ymb fēower niht / þætte Mart |
The Menologium 215a | || clipiaþ tō þearfe. / And | þæs | ymbe seofon niht, || siġe-dr |
The Judgment Day II 14a | tra || and þā langan% tīd, / | þæs | dimman cyme || dēaðes on eo |
The Judgment Day II 180b | um ā·stīerest || stiċelum | þæs | gǣlsan. / Hwȳ ne forhtast þ |
The Judgment Day II 195a | || un-ġe·metum wēpaþ / for | þæs | ofenes bryne || (eall hē is |
The Judgment Day II 255a | nimþ% || nǣfre þīestrum% / | þæs | heofonlican || lēohtes sċī |
The Judgment Day II 297b | u, / ġe·blētsodost ealra, || | þæs | brēman fæder, / be·tweox fæ |
The Gloria I 29b | , / hālġe% heort-lufan || and | þæs | hīehstan ġe·bod; / on dryhtn |
The Lord's Prayer III 35a | rihten, || seċġaþ ġeorne, / | þæs | þe þū% ūs milde || meahtu |
The Creed 33a | ā uplicne || ēðel sēċan. / | Þæs | þȳ þriddan dæġe || þēo |
Psalm 50 149a | iġ God || mannum tō frōfre / | þæs | cynedōmes, || Crīst nerġen |
A Prayer 15a | aþ and sċēawaþ, / būte hē | þæs | yfeles || ǣr ġe·swīce. / S |
A Prayer 18b | is willan wyrcþ; || wēl him | þæs | ġe·weorces, / þonne hē þā |
Thureth 6a | is hē || meahta ġe·hwelcre / | þæs | þe hē on foldan || ġe·fre |
Thureth 8a | ·þancie || þēoda wealdend / | þæs | þe hē on ġe·mynde || mād |
Thureth 11a | ēċe% lēan || ealle findan / | þæs | þe hē on foldan || fremmaþ |
The Seasons for Fasting 13a | ole || weorc% on·gunnon, / him | þæs | of heofonum || hearm tō lēa |
The Seasons for Fasting 52b | ihte% / rūna ġe·rǣdan || on | þæs | rīċan hofe, / heofona hēah-c |
The Seasons for Fasting 61b | nemnaþ, / on þǣm mōnþe, || | þæs | þe mē þynceþ, / þe man Iun |
The Seasons for Fasting 86a | oþþe wǣt || ǣror þingan, / | þæs | þe ūs bōca dōm || þēodl |
The Seasons for Fasting 90a | on eorðan || ǣniġ healdan, / | þæs | þe Moyses ġō% || mǣlde t |
The Seasons for Fasting 91a | mǣlde tō lēodum, / nā þū | þæs | and-fenġ || ǣfre ġe·wier |
The Seasons for Fasting 142a | e || hēr for līfe, / þæt we | þæs | muntes mæġen || mǣrþa ġe |
The Seasons for Fasting 165b | n þǣm līċ-haman%; || næs | þæs | leahtra nan, / ac on hinder ġe |
The Seasons for Fasting 171a | | wamma lēasne, / ne mæġ hē | þæs | inne || ā-hwæt sċotian / ġi |
The Seasons for Fasting 197b | fþ / bitere on·bolĝen || and | þæs | bōte ne dēþ, / ac þā ā-by |
The Seasons for Fasting 220b | ele wynn / ymb morgen-tīd, || | þæs% | þe mē% þingeþ% / þæt hund |
Latin-English Proverbs 6b | nt. / Ǣġhwæt for·ealdaþ || | þæs | þe ēċe ne biþ. |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 7a | || Is hit lȳtel twēo / þæt | þæs | wætersċipes || wēl-sprynge |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 13b | isċop, / þēow and þearfa || | þæs | þ[] ealne þrymm ā·ōf, / an |
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 8a | is ealdre tō willan, / and him | þæs | ġe·unne || sē þe ah ealle |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 38a | ġe·mete wiþ, / þæt iċ on | þæs% | æl-mihtĝan% friþ% || wunia |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 6a | swīðre ēare, þonne bufan% | þæs | mannes || / moldan. And gā þ |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 1a | tōlen ne for·holen nānuht, | þæs | þe iċ āĝe, þe mā þe || |
Waldere B 8a | wan || (ġō-lēan ġe·nam), / | þæs | þe hine of nearwum || Niþh |
The Battle of Maldon 8a | lēofne flēoĝan / hafoc wiþ | þæs | holtes || and tō ðǣre hild |
The Battle of Maldon 120a | ōtum fēoll || fǣġe cempa; / | þæs | him his þēoden || þanc ġe |
The Battle of Maldon 131b | tō ġe·beorĝe || and wiþ | þæs | beornes stōp. / Ēode swā ān |
The Battle of Maldon 141a | lēt his francan wadan / þurh | þæs | hysses heals, || hand wīsode |
The Battle of Maldon 148a | mann, || sæġde metode þanc / | þæs | dæġ-weorces || þe him drih |
The Battle of Maldon 160a | cg tō þām eorle; / hē wolde | þæs | beornes || bēaĝas ġe·feċ |
The Battle of Maldon 165a | te || lid-manna sum, / þā hē | þæs | eorles || earm ā·mierde. / F |
The Battle of Maldon 202b | n. / Þā wearþ ā·feallen || | þæs | folces ealdor, / Æðel·rēdes |
The Battle of Maldon 239a | || ealle be·swicene. / Wēnde | þæs | for·maniġ mann || þā hē |