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Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf
Old English
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Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf

MCharm3 1. her com in gangan || in spiderwiht Wiþ dweorh man sċeall niman [VII] lȳtle of·lǣtan, swelċe
MCharm3 2. hæfde him his haman on handa || cwæð ðæt ðu his hæncgest wære man mid ofrað, and writan% þās naman on ǣlcre of­·lǣtan:
MCharm3 3. legde ðe his teage an sweoran || ongunnan him of ðæm lande liðan Maximianus, Malchus, Iohannes, Martimianus, Dioni-
MCharm3 4. sona swa hy of ðæm lande coman || ða ongunnan him ða liðu colian sius, Constantinus, Serafion. þonne eft þæt ġealdor, þæt
MCharm3 5. ða com in gangan || dweores sweostar hēr aefter cweþ, man sċeall singan, ǣrest on þæt wynstre
MCharm3 6. ða geændade heo || and aðas swor ēare, þonne on þæt swīðre ēare, þonne bufan% þæs mannes
MCharm3 7. ðæt næfre ðis ðæm adlegan || derian ne moste moldan. And þonne ān mædenman and ho hit on
MCharm3 8. ne ðæm ðe ðis galdor || begytan mihte his swēoran, and man swā þrīe daĝas; him biþ sona sēl.
MCharm3 9. oððe ðe ðis galdor || ongalan cuðe Hēr cōm on gangan, || on spiderwiht%,
MCharm3 10. [Amenx Fiað] hæfde him his haman on handa, || cwæþ þæt þū his henġest% wǣre,