Number of occurrences in corpus: 291
Genesis A 41b | e, / gasta weardas, || þā hē | hit | ġeare wiste, / sīn-nihte be· |
Genesis B 259a | ge wealdan. / Ac hē ā·wende% | hit | him tō wiersan þinġe, || o |
Genesis B 292a | his ġungra wurðan.’ / Þā | hit | sē æl-wealda || eall ġe·h |
Genesis B 318a | | habban sċoldon. / Worhte man | hit | him tō wīte, || hira weorol |
Genesis B 363a | ofon-rīċe be·numen; / hafaþ | hit | ġe·mearcod || mid mann-cynn |
Genesis B 400b | ǣr willan sīnes, || ġif we | hit | mæġen wihte ā·þenċan. / N |
Genesis B 403b | ·wǣcen. || Uton oþ·wendan | hit | nū manna bearnum, / þæt heof |
Genesis B 404a | , / þæt heofon-rīċe, nū we | hit | habban ne mōton, || ġe·dō |
Genesis B 427b | e / āĝan tō ealdre. || Ġif | hit | ēower ǣniġ mæġe / ġe·wen |
Genesis B 596a | Þæt is miċel wunder / þæt | hit | ēċe God || ǣfre wolde / þē |
Genesis B 605b | l and mehtiġ, || þēah hēo | hit | þurh mannes ġe·þeaht / ne s |
Genesis B 611b | self ġe·sēon, || swā iċ | hit | þē seċġan ne ðearf, / Ēue |
Genesis B 662a | e·spræce%, / hē for·ġifþ | hit | þēah, || ġif wit him ġung |
Genesis B 672a | swelċ ġe·wit ġiefan, / ġif | hit | ġeġnunga || God ne on·send |
Genesis B 679a | hearra sē gōda; / ġiefe iċ | hit | þē ġeorne. || Iċ ġe·lī |
Genesis B 679b | rne. || Iċ ġe·līefe þæt | hit | fram Gode cōme, / brōht fram |
Genesis B 681b | oda sæġde / wǣrum wordum. || | Hit | nis wihte ġe·līċ / elles on |
Genesis B 683a | wā þēs ār sæġeþ, / þæt | hit | ġeġnunga || fram Gode cōme |
Genesis B 708a | || wordum sæġde. / Hēo dyde | hit | þēah þurh holdne hyġe, || |
Genesis B 718b | elle and hinn-sīþ, || þeah | hit | nǣre hāten swā, / ac hit ofe |
Genesis B 719a | eah hit nǣre hāten swā, / ac | hit | ofetes naman || āĝan sċold |
Genesis B 720a | etes naman || āĝan sċolde. / | Hit | wæs þēah dēaðes swefn || |
Genesis B 723b | ǣdon, / ofett unfǣle. || Swā | hit | him on innan cōm, / hrān æt |
Genesis B 756a | a wit hēr morðres þoliaþ, / | hit | is nū Ādame || eall for·go |
Genesis B 824a | ·droren wurde. / ‘Þū meaht | hit | mē wītan, || wine min Ādam |
Genesis B 825b | min Ādam, / wordum þīnum; || | hit | þe þēah wiers ne mæġ / on |
Genesis B 826b | num% hyġe hrēowan || þonne | hit | mē æt heortan dēþ’. / Hir |
Genesis A 901b | e, / and þā rēafode, || swā | hit | riht ne wæs, / bēam on bearwe |
Genesis A 1325b | imle biþ þȳ heardra || þe | hit | hrēoh wæter, / swearte sǣ-st |
Genesis A 2506a | mid þissum wǣr-loĝan. / Unc | hit | wealdend hēt || for wera syn |
Exodus 571b | nda dōme, || þēah þe hīe | hit | frecne ġe·nēðdon, / weras u |
Daniel 147b | ċan / ne ā·hyċġan, || þā | hit | for·hæfed ġe·wearþ / þæt |
Daniel 347a | || wedere ġe·līcost / þonne | hit | on sumeres tīd || sended weo |
Daniel 428b | Caldea, / ūt of ofene. || Nis | hit | āwihtes gōd / þæt hīe sīe |
Daniel 529b | þȳ hē wende || þæt hīe | hit | wiston, / ac hē cunnode || hū |
Christ and Satan 22b | ūhte him% on mōde || þæt | hit | meahte swā, / þæt hīe wǣro |
Christ and Satan 124b | ytta, / wihta% wealdend. || Ac% | hit | mē% wierse ġe·lamp!%’ / Sw |
Christ and Satan 394a | ēara nū || atol þrōwian. / | Hit | is sē selfa || sunu wealdend |
Christ and Satan 532b | / þancoden þēodne || þæt% | hit% | þus ġe·lamp / þæt hīe sċ |
Christ and Satan 568b | atas / þūsend-mǣlum. || Þā | hit | þus ġe·lamp, / þā ġīet n |
Andreas 149a | || būtan þrymm nihtum, / swā | hit | wæl-wulfas || ā·writen hæ |
Andreas 210a | | mid þām burĝ-warum, / ġif | hit | worde be·cwiþ || wuldres ā |
Andreas 695b | arf, / yfel endelēas, || ðǣr | hit | ǣr ā·rās. / Þā sē þēod |
Andreas 765a | sōþ ne on·cnēowon), / þæt | hit | drȳ-cræftum || ġe·dōn w |
Andreas 1231a | torn-ġe·nīðlan, / swā hīe | hit | frēcnost || findan meahton. / |
Andreas 1323b | fer middan-ġeard, || þenden | hit | meahte swā. / Þone Herodes || |
Andreas 1393b | -rōfes / mōd ġe·mieltan. || | Hit | ne meahte swā. / þā wæs nī |
Andreas 1514a | swīþ. || Moyse sealde, / swā | hit | sōþfæste || siþþan hēol |
Andreas 1563a | Þæt is hēr% swā cūþ, / is | hit | miċele sēlre, || þæs þe |
Soul and Body I 36a | t mē þūhte full oft / þæt | hit | wǣre% [XXX] || þūsend wint |
Soul and Body I 105b | fed. || Liġeþ% dūst ðǣr | hit | wæs, / ne mæġ him andsware | |
Dream of the Rood 19b | mra ǣr–ġe·winn, || þæt | hit | ǣrest on·gann / swǣtan on þ |
Dream of the Rood 22b | wǣdum and blēom; || hwīlum | hit | wæs mid wǣtan be·stīemed, |
Dream of the Rood 26b | æt iċ ġe·hīerde || þæt | hit | hleoðrode. / ongann þā word |
Dream of the Rood 97b | num, / onwrēoh wordum || þæt | hit | is wuldres bēam, / sē þe æl |
Elene 170b | þām here-mæġene || þæt | hit | heofon-cininges / tācen wǣre |
Elene 271b | te, / seċġa þrēate. || Swā | hit | siþþan ġe·lamp / ymb lȳtel |
Elene 350a | dre || ansīen mīne.’ / Swā | hit | eft be ēow || Essaias, / wīt |
Elene 264b | ēo / lustum cȳðe, || nū iċ | hit | lenġ ne mæġ / helan for hung |
Elene 350b | þē, weoroda wynn%, || ġif | hit | sīe willa þīn, / þurh þæt |
Elene 443b | e hūs, / dēop-hyċġende. || | Hit | wæs dēad swā ǣr, / līċ le |
Elene 540a | || wyrda lāðost, / ðǣr hīe | hit | for weorolde || wendan meahto |
Elene 716b | gen / eall aefter orde, || swā | hit | eft ġe·lamp / þinga ġe·hwe |
Christ A 63b | / nimeþ eard on þē, || swā | hit | ǣr ġe·fyrn / wītĝan wīsf |
Christ A 132b | mned wǣre / Emmanuhel, || swā | hit | enġel ġe·cwæþ / ǣrest on |
Christ A 233b | þā sōna ġe·lamp, || þā | hit | swā sċolde, / lēoma lēohtod |
Christ A 422a | þæt wæs mā cræft / þonne | hit | eorð-būend || ealle cūðan |
Christ B 701b | tes / beorhte blīceþ. || Swā | hit | on bōcum cwiþ, / siþþan of |
Christ C 902a | e || sċīnan lēohtor / þonne | hit | menn mæġen || mōdum ā·hy |
Christ C 989a | Þǣr biþ wundra mā / þonne | hit | ǣniġ on mōde || mæġe ā |
Christ C 1106a | im betst be·cōm, / ðǣr hīe | hit | tō gōde || on·ġietan wold |
Christ C 1137b | an% eall for·bærst || þæt | hit | on eorðan læġ / on twǣm sty |
Christ C 1140b | self slāt on tū, || swelċe | hit | seaxes eċġ / sċearp þurh·w |
Christ C 1309b | e, / yfel unclǣne, || ġif hē | hit | ānum ġe·seġð, / and nǣni |
Christ C 1311b | ġe / wamm unbēted%, || ðǣr | hit | þā weorod ġe·sēoþ. / Ēal |
Christ C 1494a | m helle ā·tēah, / ðǣr þū | hit | wolde selfa || siþþan ġe· |
Vainglory 63b | / rīċne be·rīefan, || swā | hit | riht ne wæs, / and þonne ġe |
Widsith 44b | an / Engle and Swǣfe, || swā | hit | Offa ġe·slōh / Hrōðwulf an |
The Fortunes of Men 76b | ileþ / land tō lēane. || Hē | hit | on lust þiġeþ. / Sum sċeall |
Maxims I 42a | n his mōde, / onġe þonne hē | hit | ana wāt, || ne wēneþ þæt |
Maxims I 112b | þȳ wedere wesan, || þēah | hit | sīe wearm on sumora, / ofer·c |
Maxims I 115b | / hinder under hrūsan, || þe | hit | for·helan þenċeþ; / ne biþ |
Maxims I 116b | ġe·dēfe dēaþ, || þonne | hit | ġe·dierned weorðeþ. / Hēan |
Maxims I 151b | orðor-cwealm mæċġa, || ac | hit | ā māre wille. / Wrǣd sċeall |
Soul and Body II 99b | ēfed. || Liġeþ dūst ðǣr | hit | wæs, / ne mæġ him andsware | |
Guthlac A 42b | dōm / eall ā·nemdon, || swā | hit | nū gangeþ. / Ealdaþ eorðan |
Guthlac A 384b | tl / medumre ne māra || þonne | hit | menn dūġe% / sē þe on þrō |
Guthlac A 469b | ā·wunne; || for·þon þū | hit | on·wendan ne meahtes.’ / Þ |
Guthlac A 576b | wēnnesse, / metodes cempan. || | Hit | ne meahte swā. / Cwǣdon ċēa |
Guthlac B 1124a | æs sōðra ġe·þūht / þæt | hit | ufancundes || engles wǣre / of |
Guthlac B 1195b | e / on þeostor-cofan, || ðǣr | hit | þraĝe sċeall / on sand-hofe |
Guthlac B 1200b | an feorh-ġe·dāl, || þæt | hit | feorr ne wæs, / ende-dōĝor. |
Guthlac B 1321b | nlicra / and wynsumra || þonne | hit | on weorolde mæġe / stefn ā· |
Wulf and Eadwacer 10a | tum || wēnum doĝode; / þonne | hit | wæs rēniġ weder || and iċ |
Riddles 29 6b | , / searwum ā·settan, || ġif | hit | swā meahte. / Þā cōm wundor |
Riddles 37 4a | el hæfde / ġe·fēred þæt% | hit | felde, || flēah þurh his ē |
Riddles 39 4b | þ / māran% miċele, || þonne | hit | menn witen. / Hēo wile ġe·s |
Riddles 40 47a | re || frætwum goldes, / þēah | hit | man ā·werġe || wīrum ūta |
The Wife's Lament 24b | t on·hworfen, / is nū || swā | hit | nā wǣre / frēondsċipe uncer |
The Judgment Day I 22a | | ā·ġiefen weorðeþ. / Ufan | hit | is enġe || and hit is innan |
The Judgment Day I 22b | eþ. / Ufan hit is enġe || and | hit | is innan hāt; / nis þæt betl |
The Judgment Day I 72b | dæl, / yfles andġiet, || ǣr | hit | hine inn fealleþ. / Hē þæt |
The Judgment Day I 98b | t ġe·gangeþ, || þēah þe | hit | sīe grēote be·þeaht, / lī |
The Judgment Day I 99b | ht, / līċ mid lāme, || þæt | hit | sċeall līfe on·fōn, / fēor |
The Judgment Day I 116a | ġ || wyrd under heofonum, / ac | hit | þus ġe·limpan sċeall || l |
Pharaoh 4a | || fylĝan ongunn[] / Nāt iċ | hit | be wihte, || būtan iċ wēne |
Azarias 34b | aĝum / īeċan wolde, || þæt | hit | aefter him / on cyne-rīċe || |
Riddles 60 16b | bēodan bealdlīċe, || swā | hit | beorna mā / uncre word-cwidas |
The Phoenix 84b | / frōd fyrn-ġe·weorc || sē | hit | on frymþe ġe·sċōp. / Þone |
The Phoenix 531a | st || be·seteþ ūtan, / þæt | hit | fǣringa || fȳre byrneþ, / fo |
Juliana 570a | eorc tō þolianne, / ðǣr hē | hit | for weorolde || wendan meahte |
Juliana 649b | s / ġe·fæstnie, || þȳ læs | hit | fǣr-blǣdum / windas tō·weor |
Juliana 691a | | tō mold-græfe, / þæt hīe | hit | ġe·brōhton || burgum on in |
Precepts 26b | ende. || Sīe ymb rīċe swā | hit | mæġe.’ / Feorðan sīðe || |
The Seafarer 102a | for godes eġesan, / þonne hē | hit | ǣr hȳdeþ || þenden hē h |
Beowulf 77b | p, / ǣdre mid ieldum, || þæt | hit | wearþ eall-ġearu, / heall-ær |
Beowulf 83b | / lāðan līeġes; || ne wæs | hit | lenġe þā ġīen / þæt sē |
Beowulf 116b | e·cōm, / hēan hūses, || hū | hit | Hrinġ-Dene / aefter bēor-þe |
Beowulf 134b | g, / lāþ and langsum. || Næs | hit | lengra frist, / ac ymb āne nih |
Beowulf 272b | iċ wene. || Þū wāst (ġif | hit | is / swā we sōðlīċe || se |
Beowulf 561b | node / dēoran swurde, || swā | hit | ġe·dēfe wæs. / Næs hīe ð |
Beowulf 779a | r || witan Sċieldinga / þæt | hit | ā mid ġe·mete || manna ǣn |
Beowulf 891b | ōd / wrǣtlicne wyrm, || þæt | hit | on wealle æt-stōd, / dryhtli |
Beowulf 1106a | s || myndġiend wǣre, / þonne | hit | sweordes eċġ || sēðan sċ |
Beowulf 1234b | / ġō-sċeaft grymme, || swā | hit | ā·gangen wearþ / eorla mani |
Beowulf 1239b | ydon. / Benċ-þelu beredon; || | hit | ġeond·brǣded wearþ / beddum |
Beowulf 1392a | ĝan || gang sċēawian. / Iċ | hit | þē ġe·hāte, || nā hē o |
Beowulf 1460b | rded heaðu-swāte; || nǣfre | hit | æt hilde ne swāc / manna ǣng |
Beowulf 1461b | c / manna ǣngum || þāra þe | hit | mid mundum be·wand, / sē þe |
Beowulf 1464a | næs þæt forma sīþ / þæt | hit | ellen-weorc || efnan sċolde. |
Beowulf 1532b | unden / ierre ōretta, || þæt | hit | on eorðan læġ, / stīþ and |
Beowulf 1555b | drihten, / rodera rǣdend, || | hit | on riht ġe·sċēd / īeðelī |
Beowulf 1560a | æt wæs% wǣpna cyst, / būtan | hit | wæs māre || þonne ǣniġ m |
Beowulf 1608a | Þæt wæs wundra sum, / þæt | hit | eall ġe·mealt || īse ġel |
Beowulf 1670b | ēaþ-cwealm Deniġa, || swā | hit | ġe·dēfe wæs. / Iċ hit þe |
Beowulf 1671a | swā hit ġe·dēfe wæs. / Iċ | hit | þe þonne ġe·hāte, || þ |
Beowulf 1679b | efen, / enta ǣr-ġe·weorc; || | hit | on ǣht ġe·hwearf / aefter d |
Beowulf 1705b | da ġe·hwelċe. || Eall þū | hit | ġe·þyldum healdest, / mæġe |
Beowulf 1753a | aldend, || weorð-mynda dæl. / | Hit | on ende-stæf || eft ġe·lim |
Beowulf 1939a | | mēċe ġe·þinġed, / þæt | hit | sċāden-mǣl || sċīran mō |
Beowulf 2091b | dōn wolde / maniġra sumne || | hit | ne meahte swā, / siþþan iċ |
Beowulf 2158a | st ġe·sæġde. / Cwæþ þæt | hit | hæfde || Heoru·ĝar cyning, |
Beowulf 2248b | ston%, / eorla ǣhte. || Hwæt, | hit | ǣr on þē / gōde be·ġēato |
Beowulf 2310b | iċ / lēodum on lande, || swā | hit | lungre wearþ / on hira sinċ- |
Beowulf 2480b | , / fǣhþe and firene, || swā | hit | ġe·frǣġe wæs, / þēah þe |
Beowulf 2585b | c, / nacod æt nīðe, || swā | hit | nā sċolde, / īren ǣr-god. | |
Beowulf 2649b | elpan hild-fruman, || þenden | hit | sīe, / glēd-eġesa grimm. || |
Beowulf 2679b | u slōh / hilde-bille, || þæt | hit | on hafolan stōd / nīðe ġe· |
Beowulf 2806a | an || on Hranes-næsse, / þæt | hit | sǣ-līðend || siþþan hāt |
Beowulf 3069a | āl || weorðan sċolde. / Swā | hit | oþ dōmes dæġ || dēope be |
Beowulf 3161b | e / wealle be·worhton, || swā | hit | weorðlicost / fore-snotere men |
Beowulf 3167b | an, / gold on grēote, || ðǣr | hit | nū-ġīen leofaþ / ieldum sw |
Beowulf 3168b | þ / ieldum swā unnytt || swā | hit% | ǣror% wæs. / Þā ymbe hlǣw |
Beowulf 3174b | rc / duĝuþum dēmdon, || swā | hit | ġe·dēfe% biþ / þæt man hi |
Judith 130a | en, || þider inn lǣdde, / and | hit | þā swā heolfriġ || hire o |
Judith 174a | n || hēafod on·wrīðan / and | hit | tō bīecþe || blōdiġ æt- |
The Paris Psalter 101:4 2a | mþe hræðe weornaþ, / þonne | hit | biþ ā·māwen || mannes fol |
The Paris Psalter 101:9 2b | hīeġe ġe·līċ, || swā | hit | hræðe weornaþ. / / # / Þū on |
The Paris Psalter 105:22 2b | , / ǣton dēadra lāc, || swā | hit | ġe·dēfe ne wæs. / / # / And h |
The Paris Psalter 115:8 4a | hūs || dēore sindon, / ðǣr | hit | ēaĝum folc || eall sċēawi |
The Paris Psalter 117:13 3b | ē drihten on·fēng, || swā | hit | ġe·dēfe wæs. / / # / Mē wæs |
The Paris Psalter 118:85 3b | ġdon sōðlīċe; || nā iċ | hit | swā on·cnēow, / swā hit þ |
The Paris Psalter 118:86 1a | iċ hit swā on·cnēow, / swā | hit | þīn ǣ hafaþ, || ēċe dri |
The Paris Psalter 118:103 4a | ĝen word, || ēċe drihten; / | hit | is hāl-wende, || huneġe mi |
The Paris Psalter 118:163 1b | af / maniġe mēteþ, || ðǣr | hit | mannum losaþ / / # / And iċ unr |
The Paris Psalter 123:3 4b | e / sōna ġe·sūpan, || ġif | hit | swā wolde. / / # / Oft ūre sāw |
The Paris Psalter 128:4 4a | wīsnod || wrāðe sōna, / ǣr | hit | ā·fohten || foldan losie. / / |
The Paris Psalter 128:5 2a | | folme ǣfre, / þēah þe hē | hit | māwe || miċele elne; / ne mid |
The Paris Psalter 138:20 1b | . / / # / Costa min, god, || swā | hit | cynn wese, / and mīnre heortan |
The Paris Psalter 140:2 3a | | swā rīeċels biþ, / þonne | hit | ġīfre || glēda bærnaþ. / / |
The Paris Psalter 143:4 3b | / oþþe mannes sunu, || þæt | hit | ġe·met wǣre, / þæt þū hi |
The Paris Psalter 54:19 7a | || ġe·sēon ǣfre, / forþon | hit | wæs his heortan || ġe·hyġ |
The Paris Psalter 57:6 2a | wætere ġe·līcost, / þonne | hit | iernende || eorðe for·swel |
The Paris Psalter 57:7 1b | # / Swā weax melteþ, || ġif | hit | biþ wearmum nēah / fȳre ġe |
The Paris Psalter 60:6 4b | e / of dæġe on dæġ, || swā | hit | ġe·dēfe wese. |
The Paris Psalter 65:9 3a | man seolfor dēþ, / þonne man | hit | ā·sēoðeþ || swīðe mid |
The Paris Psalter 72:6 2a | m || fǣcne unryht, / swā swā | hit | of ġe·lynde || lungre cōme |
The Paris Psalter 77:16 2b | el / daĝa ǣġhwelċe, || swā | hit | drihten hēt, / and him ealle n |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 1a | Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 / / | Hit | wæs ġāra ġō || þætte G |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 57b | ðe / wǣron on weorolde. || Ac | hit | is wierse nū, / þæt ġond þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 66b | e nāne for·lēt, || þēah | hit | lang þynċe, / dēaþ aefter |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 16b | lange swā hē wolde || þæt | hit | wesan sċolde. / Swā hit ēac |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 17a | þæt hit wesan sċolde. / Swā | hit | ēac tō weorolde || sċeall |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 40a | we || eft ġe·weorðan. / Swā | hit | nū fāĝaþ, || frēan eald- |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 48a | e || fæste ġe·healdan. / Nis | hit | nā þæt ān || þæt swā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 50b | ere / simble ġe·fēran, || ac | hit | is sēllicre / þæt hira ǣni |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 54b | e durre / ġe·metgian, || ǣr | hit | tō miċel weorðe. / Hæfþ s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 101b | orold-ġe·sċeafta. || Wǣre | hit, | lā, þonne / murĝe mid mannum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 102b | ne / murĝe mid mannum, || ġif | hit | meahte swā. |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 22a | || dōĝra ġe·hwelċe, / ġif | hit | ǣfre ġe·sǣlþ || þæt h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 52a | þe him on æðele biþ / þæt | hit | on holte || hīehst ġe·weax |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 67b | ·cyndes || cymþ tō, þonne | hit | mæġ. / Nis nū ofer eorðan | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 7b | Iċ wāt swā þēah || þæt | hit | witena nan / þider ne sēċeþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 8b | ne sēċeþ, || for·þǣm | hit | ðǣr ne wexþ, / ne on wīn-ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 39b | um / hira dysiġ tǣlan || swā | hit | mē dōn lysteþ, / ne iċ þē |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 11b | / tīdum tō·tǣldes, || swā | hit | ġe·tǣsost wæs, / ende-byrde |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 22b | ac mid þīnum willan || þū | hit | worhtes eall, / and mid an-weal |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 28a | ymb sē þe wile, / for·þon | hit | is eall ān || ǣlċes þinġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 29b | þū and þæt þīn gōd. || | Hit | is þīn āĝen, / for·þǣm h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 30a | t is þīn āĝen, / for·þǣm | hit | his ūtan || ne cōm āuht t |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 33a | ōd, || eall mid þē selfum. / | Hit | is unġeliċ || ūrum ġe·cy |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 92a | ste ġe·settest, / for·þǣm | hit | unstille || ǣġhwider wolde / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 94a | | wāc and hnesċe. / Ne meahte | hit | on him selfum, || sōþ iċ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 95b | t, / ǣfre ġe·standan, || ac | hit | sēo eorðe hielt / and swelġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 115b | lāte for·bærnan, || þēah | hit | wiþ bā twa sīe / fæste ġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 128a | d þisne sīdan grund; / þēah | hit | wiþ ealla sīe || eft ġe·m |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 130a | þēah wealdan ne mōt / þæt | hit | ǣnġe || eallunga for·dō / b |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 154b | fene tō þon fæste || þæt | hit | fēolan ne mæġ / eft æt his |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 157a | is || eardfæst wunaþ. / Sōna | hit | for·lǣteþ || þās lǣnan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 158b | d ċiele ofer·cumen, || ġif | hit | on cȳþþe ġe·witt, / and þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 189a | sċendliċ cræft, / for·þǣm | hit | nǣniġ hafaþ || nēat būta |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 13b | ·sċeġe his mōde% || þæt | hit | mæġ findan / eall on him inna |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 14b | an / eall on him innan || þæt | hit | oftost nū / ymb·ūtan hit || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 15a | æt hit oftost nū / ymb·ūtan | hit | || ealneġ sēċeþ, / gōda ǣ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 35a | || manna ġe·hwelċes, / þæt | hit | swā beorhte ne mōt || blīc |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 36a | || blīcan and sċīnan / swā | hit | wolde, || ġif hit ġe·weald |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 36b | īnan / swā hit wolde, || ġif | hit | ġe·weald āhte; / þēah biþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 42b | an mid / gōdre lāre, || ġif | hit | grōwan sċeall. / Hū mæġ ǣ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 53a | hē frugnen biþ. / For·þǣm | hit | is riht spell || þæt ūs re |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 4a | lcan || þe wit ymb sprecaþ. / | Hit | ġe·sǣlde ġō || on sume t |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 92b | edon / dīera drohtaþ, || swā | hit | ġe·dēfe ne wæs. / Næfdon h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 119b | one līċ-haman || lit þider | hit | wile. |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 19b | fie, / būtan þā āne || þe | hit | ǣr wisson, / þætte maniġ tu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 55b | æt hīe ne wundriaþ || hū | hit | on wolcnum oft / þearle þunra |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 67a | , || ac þæt dysġe folc / æs | hit | seldnor ġe·sihþ || swīðo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 68a | || swīðor wundraþ, / þēah | hit | wīsra ġe·hwǣm || wunder |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 73b | weorold-menn wēnaþ || þæt | hit | wēas cōme, / nīewan ġe·sǣ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 80a | || þæt miċele dysiġ / þæt | hit | ofer·wriġen mid || wunode l |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 52b | efiġ hrūsan dæl, || þēah | hit | hwīlan% ǣr / eorðe sēo ċea |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 70a | lde, || wēl forþ·brenġeþ / | hit | þonne hē wile, || heofona w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 3a | þæt sweorcende mōd, / þonne | hit | þā strangan || stormas bēa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 4b | / weorold-bisgunga, || þonne | hit | winnende / his āĝen lēoht || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 9b | nū / mōde ġe·lumpen, || nū | hit | māre ne wāt / for gōde godes |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 11b | / beorhtan lēohtes, || þonne | hit | ġe·byrian mæġ / þæt swā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 44a | ran || mistes dwoleman, / þæt | hit | sēo ēċe ne mōt || innan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 22b | a ǣngum / hūses hierde, || ac | hit | hrēosan wile, / sīĝan sand a |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 35a | ō·glīdan ne ðearf, / þēah | hit | weċġe wind || weorold-earfo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 7b | mum / ġe·nōh þūhte. || Nis | hit | nū þā swelċ. / Nǣron þā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 39a | g·hwæm lāþ. / Ēalā, ðǣr | hit | wurde || oþþe wolde god / þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 42b | s / swelċe under sunnan. || Ac | hit | is sǣmre nū, / þæt þēos |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 45a | þæt hē māran ne recþ, / ac | hit | on witte || weallende biernþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 52a | || hāteþ wīde, / for·þǣm | hit | simle biþ || sīn-biernende, |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 53a | īn-biernende, / and ymb·ūtan | hit | || ōðra stōwa / blāte for· |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 23a | ru || an-weald cȳðan. / Ēac | hit | ġe·sǣlde || æt sumum ċie |
The Death of Alfred 3a | on Win- || / ċeastre sæt, ac | hit | him ne ġe·þafode Godwine e |
The Death of Alfred 4a | el meahton wealdan, for·þon | hit | hleoðrode þā || / swīðe t |
The Death of Alfred 5a | ðe tōweard Haraldes, þēah | hit | unryht wǣre. || / Ac Godwine |
The Rune Poem 2b | manna ġe·hwelċ || miċelum | hit | dǣlan / ġif hē wile for drih |
The Rune Poem 25b | þ hwītost corna; || hwierft | hit | of heofones lyfte, / wealcaþ h |
The Rune Poem 26a | t of heofones lyfte, / wealcaþ | hit | windes sċūras%, || weorðe |
The Rune Poem 26b | indes sċūras%, || weorðeþ | hit | tō wætere siþþan. / //N// n |
Solomon and Saturn 79a | | winneþ oft hider? / Ne mæġ | hit | steorra ne stān || ne sē st |
Solomon and Saturn 194b | His līfes fæðme. || Simle | hit | biþ his lāreowum hīersum; / |
Solomon and Saturn 195a | lāreowum hīersum; / full oft | hit | ēac þæs dēofles || duĝu |
Solomon and Saturn 202b | / tō þyċġanne, || ġif hē | hit | ġe·þenċan cann, / þonne hi |
Solomon and Saturn 205b | stes, / Crīstes ġe·cyndu; || | hit | þæt ġe·cȳðeþ full oft. |
Solomon and Saturn 206a | ġe·cȳðeþ full oft. / Ġif | hit | unwitan || ǣnġe hwīle / heal |
Solomon and Saturn 207b | e / healdaþ būtan hæftum, || | hit | þurh hrōf wædeþ, / briceþ |
Solomon and Saturn 212b | eft tō his ēðle, || þanon | hit | ǣror cōm. / Hit biþ eallinga |
Solomon and Saturn 213a | le, || þanon hit ǣror cōm. / | Hit | biþ eallinga || eorl tō ġe |
Solomon and Saturn 280b | todes þrymm, || mid þȳ þe | hit | dæġ biþ. / Þonne hine ymbe |
The Menologium 17b | / būtan twǣm nihtum, || swā | hit | ġe·tealdon ġō, / Februarius |
The Menologium 52b | ennan, cyninga betst, || swā | hit | ġe·cȳðed wearþ / ġond mid |
The Menologium 165b | d, / fēreþ tō folce, || swā | hit | fore-ġlēawe, / ealde ūþ-wit |
The Judgment Day II 40a | ræfe || hēanra gylta, / þæt | hit | ne sīe dæġ-cūþ, || þæt |
The Judgment Day II 217a | a || synna ġe·worhte, / þæt | hit | on cweart-ærn || cwielmed wu |
A Prayer 40a | || wealdend engla, / ġif þū | hit | selfa wāst, || siĝores eald |
The Seasons for Fasting 106a | n-tīd || lēoda nemnaþ, / and | hit | ǣrest on·gann || eorl sē g |
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 3b | ōhte / īeġ-būendum, || swā | hit | ǣr fore / ā·dihtode || dryht |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 6b | e·lifden under lyfte. || Is | hit | lȳtel twēo / þæt þæs wæt |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 21b | flōweþ aefter feldum || oþ | hit | tō fenne wierþ. / Ac hladaþ |
Metrical Charm 1: For Unfruitful Land 3a | Ġe·nim þonne on niht, ǣr | hit | || / daĝie, fēower turf on f |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 7a | onne ān mædenman tō and ho | hit | on || / his swēoran, and dō |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 12b | s. / Ūt, lȳtel spere, || ġif | hit | hēr inne sīe. / Sæt smiþ, | |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 19b | l, / hæġtessan ġe·weorc, || | hit | sċeall ġe·myltan. / Ġif þ |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 23a | e þīn līf ā·tǣsed; / ġif | hit | wǣre esa ġe·sċot || oþþ |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 23b | ǣre esa ġe·sċot || oþþe | hit | wǣre ielfa ġe·sċot / oþþe |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 24a | wǣre ielfa ġe·sċot / oþþe | hit | wǣre hæġtessan ġe·sċot, |
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 3b | iċ under fōt, || funde iċ | hit. | / Hwæt, eorðe mæġ || wiþ e |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 10b | e næbbe landes, || þæt hē | hit | oþ·lǣde, / nē foldan, || þ |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 11b | ·lǣde, / nē foldan, || þæt | hit | oþ·ferġe, / nē hūsa, || þ |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 12b | ġe, / nē hūsa, || þæt hē% | hit% | oþ·healde%. / Ġif hit% hwā |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 13a | hē% hit% oþ·healde%. / Ġif | hit% | hwā ġe·dō, || ne ġe·dī |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 13b | ġe·dō, || ne ġe·dīeġe | hit | him nǣfre. / Binnan þrymm nih |
The Battle of Finnsburh 21a | urum || hyrsta ne bǣre%, / nū | hit | nīða heard || ā·niman wol |
Waldere B 4a | e ġe·hȳded. / Iċ wāt þæt | hit% | þōhte || Þēodrīċ Widian |
The Battle of Maldon 66b | laĝu-strēamas. || Tō lang | hit | him þūhte, / hwonne hīe tog |
The Battle of Maldon 137b | æt spere sprengde, || þæt | hit | sprang on·ġēan. / Ġe·ġrem |
The Battle of Maldon 190b | , / on þām ġe·rǣdum || þe | hit | riht ne wæs, / and his brōðr |
The Battle of Maldon 195b | rgon, / and manna mā || þonne | hit | ǣniġ mǣþ wǣre, / ġif hīe |
The Battle of Maldon 240b | þām wiċġe, || þæt wǣre | hit | ūre hālford; / forþon wearþ |