The Paris Psalter: Psalm 77
PPs77:1 1. | geheald þu min folc || mine fæste æ Ġe·heald þū, min folc, || mīne fæste ǣ; |
PPs77:1 2. | ahyldaþ eowre earan || þæt ge holdlice ā·hieldaþ ēowre ēaran, || þæt ġē holdlīċe |
PPs77:1 3. | mines muþes word || mihte gehyran mīnes mūðes word || meahte ġe·hīeran. |
PPs77:2 1. | ic on anlicnessum || ærest ontyne Iċ on anlīcnessum || ǣrest on·tȳne |
PPs77:2 2. | mines sylfes muþ || secggean onginne mīnes selfes mūþ, || seċġan on·ġinne, |
PPs77:2 3. | þa on worldricum || wæron æt frymþe þā on weorold-rīċum || wǣron æt frymþe. |
PPs77:3 1. | ealle þa we oncneowan || cuþ ongeaton Ealle% þā we on·cnēowon, || cūþ on·ġēaton, |
PPs77:3 2. | and ure fæderas us || æror sægdon and ūre fæderas ūs || ǣror sæġdon. |
PPs77:4 1. | noldan hi þa swiþe || heora synna dyrnan Noldon hīe þā swīðe || hira% synna diernan, |
PPs77:4 2. | ac ylda gehwylc || oþrum cyþde ac ielda ġe·hwelċ || ōðrum cȳðde. |
PPs77:5 1. | sægdon lof symble || leofum drihtne Sæġdon lof simle || lēofum drihtne |
PPs77:5 2. | and his þa myclan miht || mænigu wundur and his þā miċelan meaht, || maniĝu wunder, |
PPs77:5 3. | þa he geworhte || wera cneorissum þā hē ġe·worhte || wera cnēo-rissum. |
PPs77:6 1. | he aweahte || gewitnesse Hē ā·weahte || ġe·witnesse |
PPs77:6 2. | on iacobe || goode and strange on Iacobe || gōde and strange, |
PPs77:6 3. | and israhelum || æ gesette and Israhelum || ǣ ġe·sette. |
PPs77:7 1. | þa he fæste bebead || fæderum ussum Þā hē fæste be·bēad || fæderum ūssum, |
PPs77:7 2. | þæt hi heora bearnum || budun and sægdun þæt hīe hira bearnum || buden and sæġden, |
PPs77:7 3. | and cinn oþrum || cyþden and mærden and cynn ōðrum || cȳðden and mǣrden. |
PPs77:8 1. | gif bearn wære || geboren þam fæder Ġif% bearn wǣre || ġe·boren þǣm fæder, |
PPs77:8 2. | him sceolde se yldra || eall gesæcgan him sċolde sē ieldra || eall ġe·seċġan. |
PPs77:9 1. | þæt hi gleawne hiht || to gode hæfdan Þæt hīe glēawne hiht || tō gode hæfdon, |
PPs77:9 2. | and his weorþlicu || weorc gemundon and his weorð·licu || weorc ġe·mundon, |
PPs77:9 3. | and godes bebodu || georne heoldan and godes be·bodu || ġeorne hēoldon. |
PPs77:10 1. | ne wesen hi on facne || fæderum gelice Ne wesen hīe on facne || fæderum ġe·līċe; |
PPs77:10 2. | þæt wæs earfoþcynn || yrre and reþe þæt wæs earfoð-cynn || ierre and rēðe; |
PPs77:10 3. | næfdon heora heortan || hige gestaþelod næfdon hira heortan || hyġe ġe·staðelod; |
PPs77:10 4. | nis to wenanne || þætte wolde god nis tō wēnanne, || þætte wolde god |
PPs77:10 5. | hiora gasta mid him || gyman awiht hira gasta mid him || ġīeman āwiht. |
PPs77:11 1. | effremes bearn || ærest ongunnan Effremes bearn || ǣrest on·gunnon |
PPs77:11 2. | of bogan stræle || bitere sendan of boĝan strǣle || bitere sendan, |
PPs77:11 3. | þæs hi on wiges dæge || wendon æfter þæs hīe on wīġes dæġe || wendon aefter. |
PPs77:12 1. | ne heoldan hi || halgan drihtnes Ne hēoldon hīe || hālĝan dryhtnes |
PPs77:12 2. | gewitnesse || ne his weorca æ ġe·witnesse, || ne his weorca ǣ |
PPs77:12 3. | awiht wislice || woldan begangan āwiht wīslīċe || woldon be·gangan. |
PPs77:13 1. | ealra goddæda || hi forgiten hæfdon Ealra god-dǣda || hīe for·ġieten hæfdon, |
PPs77:13 2. | and þara wundra || þe he worhte ær and þāra wundra, || þe hē worhte ǣr, |
PPs77:13 3. | þara heora yldran || on locadan þāra hira ieldran || inn locodon. |
PPs77:14 1. | he on ægypta || agenum lande Hē on Æġypta || āĝenum lande |
PPs77:14 2. | him worhte fore || wundur mære him worhte fore || wundur mǣre |
PPs77:14 3. | and on campotanea || eac mid soþe and on Campotanea || ēac mid sōðe. |
PPs77:15 1. | he sæ toslat || sealte yþa Hē sǣ tō·slāt, || sealte ȳða |
PPs77:15 2. | gefæstnade || and hi foran þurh ġe·fæstnode || and hīe fōron þurh. |
PPs77:16 1. | him wisode || wolcen unlytel Him wīsode || wolcen unlȳtel |
PPs77:16 2. | daga æghwylce || swa hit drihten het daĝa ǣġhwelċe, || swā hit drihten hēt, |
PPs77:16 3. | and him ealle niht || oþer beacen and him ealle niht || ōðer bēacen |
PPs77:16 4. | fyres leoma || folcnede heold fȳres lēoma || folc-nīede hēold. |
PPs77:17 1. | he on westene || wide ædran Hē on wēstenne || wīde ǣdran |
PPs77:17 2. | him of stane let || strange burnan him of stāne lēt, || strange burnan. |
PPs77:18 1. | of þam wæter cwoman || weorude to helpe Of þǣmwæter cōmon || weorode tō helpe, |
PPs77:18 2. | swyþe wynlice || wætera þryþe swīðe wynnlīċe || wætera þrȳðe. |
PPs77:19 1. | þa hi hira firene || furþur ehtan Þā hīe hira firene || furður ēhton, |
PPs77:19 2. | and hine on yrre || eft gebrohtan and hine on ierre || eft ġe·brōhton, |
PPs77:19 3. | heora heafodweard || holdne on lande hira hēafod-weard || holdne on lande. |
PPs77:20 1. | hi þa on heortan || hogedon to niþe Hīe þā on heortan || hoĝodon tō nīðe, |
PPs77:20 2. | and geornlice || godes costadan and ġeornlīċe || godes costodon, |
PPs77:20 3. | bædan hiora feorum || foddur geafe bǣdon hira fēorum || fōdor ġēafe, |
PPs77:20 4. | and gramlice || be gode spræcan and gramlīċe || be gode sprǣcon: |
PPs77:20 5. | ac we þæs ne wenaþ || þæt us witig god ‘Ac we þæs ne% wēnaþ, || þæt ūs wītiġ god |
PPs77:20 6. | mæge bringan to || beod gegearwod mæġe bringan tō || bēod ġe·ġierwed |
PPs77:20 7. | on þisum westene || widum and sidum on þissum wēstenne || wīdum and sīdum. |
PPs77:21 1. | þeah þe he of stane || streamas lete Þēah þe hē of stāne || strēamas lǣte |
PPs77:21 2. | wæter on willan || wynnum flowan wæter on wiellan || wynnum flōwan. |
PPs77:22 1. | ne we hwæþere wenaþ || þæt he wihte mæge Ne we hwæðere wēnaþ, || þæt hē wihte mæġe |
PPs77:22 2. | mid hlafe þis folc || her afedan mid hlāfe þis folc || hēr ā·fēdan.’ |
PPs77:23 1. | syþþan þæt gehyrde || halig drihten Si//an þæt ġe·hīerde || hāliġ drihten, |
PPs77:23 2. | he ylde þa gyt || and eft gespræc hē ielde þā ġīet || and eft ġe·spræc; |
PPs77:23 3. | wæs gegleded fyr || on iacobe wæs ġe·ġlēded fȳr || on Iacobe |
PPs77:23 4. | and his yrre barn || on israhelas and his ierre barn || on Israhelas. |
PPs77:24 1. | forþon þe hi ne woldon || wordum drihtnes For·þon þe hīe ne woldon || wordum dryhtnes |
PPs77:24 2. | lustum gelyfan || lare forhogedon lustum ġe·līefan, || lāre for·hoĝodon. |
PPs77:25 1. | het he þa widan duru || wolcen ontynan Hēt hē þā wīdan duru || wolcen on·tȳnan |
PPs77:25 2. | hea of heofenum || and hider rignan hēa of heofonum || and hider riġnan |
PPs77:25 3. | manna to mose || manna cynne manna% tō mōse || manna cynne, |
PPs77:25 4. | sealde him heofenes hlaf || hider on foldan sealde him heofones hlāf || hider on foldan, |
PPs77:25 5. | and engla hlaf || æton mancynn and engla hlāf || ǣton mann-cynn, |
PPs77:25 6. | and hwætenne || hæfdon to genihte and hwǣtenne || hæfdon tō ġe·nihte. |
PPs77:26 1. | and awehte þa || windas of heofenum And ā·weahte þā || windas of heofonum, |
PPs77:26 2. | auster ærest || and þa affricum Auster ǣrest || and þā Affrīcum. |
PPs77:27 1. | him þa eac feoll ufan || flæsc to genihte Him þā ēac fēoll ufan || flǣsċ tō ġe·nihte; |
PPs77:27 2. | swa sand sæs || oþþe þiss swearte dust swā sand sǣs || oþþe þis swearte dūst |
PPs77:27 3. | coman gefiþrade || fugelas swylce cōmon ġe·fiðrode% || fuĝolas swelċe. |
PPs77:28 1. | and on middan þa wic || manige feollan And on middan þā wīċ || maniġe fēollan |
PPs77:28 2. | and ymb hiora selegescotu || swiþe geneahhe and ymb hira sele-ġe·sċotu || swīðe ġe·nēahhe. |
PPs77:29 1. | swiþe ætan || and sade wurdan Swiðe ǣton || and sade wurdan, |
PPs77:29 2. | and hiora lusta || lifdan hwile and hira lusta || lifdon hwīle; |
PPs77:29 3. | næron hi bescyrede || sceattes willan nēaron hīe be·sċierede || sċēattes willan. |
PPs77:30 1. | þa gyt hi on muþe || heora mete hæfdon Þā ġīet hīe on mūðe || hira mete hæfdon, |
PPs77:30 2. | þa him on becwom || yrre drihtnes þā him on be·cōm || ierre dryhtnes |
PPs77:30 3. | and heora mænige || mane swultan and hira maniġe || māne swulton, |
PPs77:30 4. | æþele israhela || eac forwurdan æðele Israhela || ēac for·wurdon. |
PPs77:31 1. | in eallum hi þissum || ihtan synne In% eallum hīe þissum || ēhton synne, |
PPs77:31 2. | and noldan his wundrum || wel gelyfan and noldon his wundrum || wēl ġe·līefan. |
PPs77:32 1. | hi heora dagena tid || dædun idle Hīe hira daĝena tīd || dǣdun% īdle |
PPs77:32 2. | and heora geara gancg || eac unnytte and hira ġēara gang || ēac unnytte. |
PPs77:33 1. | þonne he hi sare sloh || þonne hi sohton hine Þonne hē% hīe sāre slōh, || þonne hīe sōhton hine, |
PPs77:33 2. | and ær leohte to him || lustum cwoman and ǣr lēohte tō him || lustum cōmon. |
PPs77:34 1. | syþþan hi ongeaton || þæt wæs god heora Siþþan hīe on·ġēaton, || þæt wæs god hira |
PPs77:34 2. | fæle fultum || freond æt þearfe fǣle fultum, || frēond æt þearfe; |
PPs77:34 3. | wæs hea god || heora alysend wæs hēa god || hira ā·līesend. |
PPs77:35 1. | hi hine lufedan || lease muþe Hīe hine lufodon || lēase muðe, |
PPs77:35 2. | ne þæs on heortan || hogedan awiht ne þæs on heortan || hoĝodon āwiht. |
PPs77:36 1. | næs him on hreþre || heorte clæne Næs him on hreðere || heorte clǣne, |
PPs77:36 2. | ne hi on gewitnesse || wisne hæfdon ne hīe on ġe·witnesse || wīsne hæfdon, |
PPs77:36 3. | on hiora fyrhþe || fæstne geleafan on hira fyrhþe || fæstne ġe·lēafan. |
PPs77:37 1. | he þonne is mildheort || and manþwære Hē þonne is mild-heort || and mann-þwǣre |
PPs77:37 2. | hiora fyrendædum || nolde hi to flymum gedon hira firen-dǣdum, || nolde hīe tō flīemum ġe·dōn. |
PPs77:38 1. | he þa manige fram him || mangewyrhtan Hē þā maniġe fram him || mān-ġe·wyrhtan |
PPs77:38 2. | yrre awende || eall ne wolde ierre ā·wende, || eall ne wolde |
PPs77:38 3. | þurh hatne hyge || hæleþum cyþan þurh hātne hyġe || hæleþum cȳðan. |
PPs77:39 1. | and he gemunde || þæt hi wæran moldan and flæsc And hē ġe·munde || þæt hīe wǣran moldan and flǣsċ |
PPs77:39 2. | gast gangende || næs se geancyr eft gāst gangende, || næs sē ġēan-ċierr% eft. |
PPs77:40 1. | hi hine on westenne || wordum and dædum Hīe hine on wēstenne || wordum and dǣdum |
PPs77:40 2. | on yrre mod || eft gebrohtan on ierre mōd || eft ġe·brōhton, |
PPs77:40 3. | aweahtan hine on eorþan || oft butan wætere ā·weahton hine on eorðan || oft būtan wætere. |
PPs77:41 1. | oft hi grimlice || godes costodan Oft hīe grimmlīċe || godes costodon |
PPs77:41 2. | and israhela god || eac abulgan and Israhela god || ēac ā·bulĝan. |
PPs77:42 1. | na gemynd hæfdan || hu his seo mycle hand Nā ġe·mynd hæfdon, || hū his sēo miċele hand |
PPs77:42 2. | on gewindæge || werede and ferede on ġe·winn-dæġe || weorode and ferede. |
PPs77:43 1. | he ægypti || egesan geþywde Hē Æġypti || eġesan ġe·þȳwde |
PPs77:43 2. | mid feala tacna || and forebeacna mid fela tācna || and fore-bēacna |
PPs77:43 3. | in campotaneos || þæt wæs cuþ werum on Campotaneos; || þæt wæs cūþ werum. |
PPs77:44 1. | þær he wæterstreamas || wende to blode Þǣr hē wæter-strēamas || wende tō blōde; |
PPs77:44 2. | ne meahte wæter drincan || wihta ænig ne meahte wæter% drincan || wihta ǣniġ. |
PPs77:45 1. | sette him heard wite || hundes fleogan Sette him heard wīte, || hundes flēoĝan, |
PPs77:45 2. | and hi ætan eac || yfle tostan and hīe ǣton ēac || yfele toscan; |
PPs77:45 3. | hæfdan hi eallunga || ut aworpen hæfdon hīe eallinga || ūt ā·worpen. |
PPs77:46 1. | sealde erucan || yfelan wyrme Sealde erucan, || yfelan wyrme, |
PPs77:46 2. | let hiora wyrta || wæstme forslitan lēt hira wyrta || wæstme for·slītan, |
PPs77:46 3. | and hiora gram gewinn || hæfdan gærshoppan and hira gram ġe·winn || hæfdon gærs-hoppan. |
PPs77:47 1. | heora wingeardas || wraþe hægle Hira wīn-ġeardas || wrāðe hæġle |
PPs77:47 2. | nede fornamon || nænig moste nīede for·nāmon; || nǣniġ mōste |
PPs77:47 3. | heora hrorra hrim || æpla gedigean hira hrōrra hrīm || æppla ġe·dīeġan. |
PPs77:48 1. | sealde heora neat eac || swylce hæglum Sealde hira nēat ēac || swelċe hæġlum, |
PPs77:48 2. | and heora æhta || ealle fyre and hira ǣhta || ealle fȳre. |
PPs77:49 1. | he æbyligþe on hi || bitter and yrre Hē ǣ·byliġðe% on hīe || biter and ierre, |
PPs77:49 2. | sarlic sende || oþ sawlhord sārliċ sende || oþ sāwol-hord |
PPs77:49 3. | and þæt wiþ yfele || englas sende and þæt wiþ yfele || englas sende. |
PPs77:50 1. | he him weg worhte || wraþan yrres Hē him weġ worhte || wrāðan ierres, |
PPs77:50 2. | ne he heora sawlum deaþ || swiþe ne sparude ne hē hira sāwlum dēaþ || swīðe ne sparode |
PPs77:50 3. | and heora neat || niþcwealm forswealh and hira nēat || nīþ-cwealm for:swealh. |
PPs77:51 1. | he þa on þam folce || frumbearna gehwylc Hē þā on þǣm folce || frum-bearna ġe·hwelċ |
PPs77:51 2. | on ægiptum || eall acwealde on Æġiptum || eall ā·cwealde |
PPs77:51 3. | and frumwæstme || folce chames and frum-wæstme || folce Chāmes. |
PPs77:52 1. | þa he his folc genam || swa fæle sceap Þā hē his folc ġe·nam || swā fǣle sċēap, |
PPs77:52 2. | lædde geliccast || leofe eowde lǣde ġe·līcost || lēofe īewde |
PPs77:52 3. | þurh westenas || wegas uncuþe þurh wēstennas || weĝas un·cūðe. |
PPs77:53 1. | and he hi on hihte || holdre lædde And hē hīe on hyhte || holdre lǣde; |
PPs77:53 2. | næs him on fyrhtu || feondes egsa næs him on fyrhtu || fēondes eġesa, |
PPs77:53 3. | ac ealle þa || yþa fornamon ac ealle þā || ȳða for·nāmon. |
PPs77:54 1. | he hi þa gelædde || on leofre byrig Hē hīe þā ġe·lǣde || on lēofre byriġ |
PPs77:54 2. | and haligre || þa his hand begeat and hāliġre, || þā his hand be·ġeat. |
PPs77:55 1. | and he manige for him || mære þeode And hē maniġe for him || mǣre þēode |
PPs77:55 2. | awearp of wicum || sealde him weste land ā·wearp of wīcum, || sealde him wēste land, |
PPs77:55 3. | þæt hi mid tane || getugan rihte þæt hīe mid tāne || ġe·tuĝon rihte. |
PPs77:56 1. | þa israelas || æhte gesætan Þā Israelas || ǣhte ġe·sǣton |
PPs77:56 2. | hrores folces || þa hi heanne god hrōres folces, || þā hīe hēanne god |
PPs77:56 3. | gebysmredan || noldon his bebodu ġe·bismerodon, || noldon his be·bodu |
PPs77:56 4. | fæste healdan # fæste healdan. |
PPs77:57 1. | hi awendan aweg || nalæs wel dydan Hīe ā·wendon ā·weġ, || nealles wēl dydon, |
PPs77:57 2. | swa heora fæderas || beforan heoldan swā hira fæderas || be·foran hēoldon, |
PPs77:57 3. | and on wiþermede || wendan and cyrdan and on wiðer-mede || wendon and ċierdon. |
PPs77:58 1. | swa hi his yrre || oft aweahtan Swā% hīe% his% ierre% || oft% ā·weahton, |
PPs77:58 2. | þonne hi oferhydig || up ahofan þonne hīe ofer-hydiġ || up ā·hōfon, |
PPs77:58 3. | and him wohgodu || worhtan and grofun and him wōh-godu || worhton and grōfon. |
PPs77:59 1. | þa þæt gehyrde || halig drihten Þā þæt ġe·hīerde || hāliġ drihten, |
PPs77:59 2. | he hi forhogode || and hraþe syþþan hē hīe for·hoĝode || and hræðe siþþan |
PPs77:59 3. | israhela cynn || egsan geþyde Israhela cynn || eġesan ġe·þȳwde%. |
PPs77:60 1. | and he þa swa gelome wiþsoc || snytruhuse And hē þā swā ġe·lōme wiþ·sōc || snytru-hūse, |
PPs77:60 2. | wæs his agen hus || þær he eard genam wæs his āĝen hūs, || ðǣr hē eard ġe·nam |
PPs77:60 3. | ær mid mannum || mihtig hæfde ǣr mid mannum, || mehtiġ hæfde. |
PPs77:61 1. | he hi þa on hæftnyd || hean gesealde Hē hīe þā on hæft-nīed || hēan ġe·sealde |
PPs77:61 2. | and heora fæger folc || on feondes hand and hira fǣġer folc || on fēondes hand. |
PPs77:62 1. | sealde þa his swæs folc || sweorde under ecge Sealde þā his swǣs folc || swurde under eċġe, |
PPs77:62 2. | and his yrfe eac || eall forhogode and his ierfe ēac || eall for·hoĝode. |
PPs77:63 1. | heora geoguþe eac || grimme lige Hira ġuĝuþe ēac || grymme līeġe |
PPs77:63 2. | fyr fæþmade || fæmnan ne wæran fȳr fæðmode; || fǣmnan ne wǣron |
PPs77:63 3. | geonge begrette || þeah þe hi grame swultan ġunġe be·grētte, || þēah þe hīe grame swulton. |
PPs77:64 1. | wæran sacerdas heora || sweordum abrotene Wǣron sācerdas hira || sweordum ā·brotene; |
PPs77:64 2. | ne þæt heora widwan || wepan mostan ne þæt hira widewan || wēpan mōstan. |
PPs77:65 1. | þa wearþ aweaht || wealdend drihten Þā wearþ ā·weaht || wealdend drihten, |
PPs77:65 2. | swa he slæpende || softe reste swā hē slǣpende || sōfte ræste |
PPs77:65 3. | oþþe swa weorþ man || wine druncen oþþe swā weorþ mann || wīne druncen. |
PPs77:66 1. | he þa his feondas sloh || and him ætfæste eac Hē þā his fēondas slōh || and him æt·fæste ēac |
PPs77:66 2. | ece edwit || awa to feore ēċe ed·wīt || āwa tō fēore. |
PPs77:67 1. | and he georne wiþsoc || iosepes huse And hē ġeorne wiþ·sōc || Iosepes hūse, |
PPs77:67 2. | ne þon ær geceas || effremes cynn ne þon ǣr ġe·ċēas || Effremes cynn, |
PPs77:67 3. | ac he geceas iudan him || geswæs frumcynn ac hē ġe·ċēas Iudan him || ġe·swǣs frum-cynn |
PPs77:67 4. | on sione byrig || þær him wæs symble leof on Sione byriġ, || ðǣr him wæs simle lēof. |
PPs77:68 1. | he þa anhornan || ealra gelicast Hē þā ān-hornan% || ealra ġe·līcost |
PPs77:68 2. | his halige hus || her on eorþan his hālġe hūs || hēr on eorðan |
PPs77:68 3. | getimbrade || het þæt teala syþþan ġe·timbrode; || hēt þæt tela siþþan |
PPs77:68 4. | on worldrice || wunian ece on weorlod-rīċe || wunian ēċe. |
PPs77:69 1. | and him þa dauid geceas || deorne esne And him þā Dauid ġe·ċēas, || dīerne esne, |
PPs77:69 2. | and genam hine æt eowde || ute be sceapum and ġe·nam hine æt īewde || ūte be sċēapum, |
PPs77:69 3. | fostur feormade || he him onfencg hraþe fōstor feormode; || hē him on·fenġ hræðe. |
PPs77:70 1. | he þonne fedeþ || folc iacobes Hē þonne fēdeþ || folc Iacobes |
PPs77:70 2. | and israhela || yrfelafe and Israhela || ierfe-lāfe. |
PPs77:71 1. | and he hi þonne butan facne || fedeþ syþþan And hē hīe þonne būtan facne || fēdeþ siþþan, |
PPs77:71 2. | and his folmum syþþan || hi forþ lædeþ and his folmum siþþan || hīe% forþ% lǣdeþ. |