A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: wunder

Number of occurrences in corpus: 72

Genesis B 595b ·mearcod. || Þæt is miċel wunder / þæt hit ēċe God || ǣfre
Exodus 108b h / ǣfna ġe·hwǣm, || ōðer wunder, / seldliċ aefter sunne% || set
Exodus 552b tille bād / witodes willan, || wunder on·ġēaton, / mōdġes mūð-
Daniel 269a hē his sefan on·trēowde, / wunder on wīte ā·gangen; || him
Daniel 459b sōðum wordum, / siþþan hē wunder on·ġeat, / Babilone weard, ||
Daniel 470b ēad / wyrd ġe·wordene || and wunder Godes, / þætte on þǣm cniht
Daniel 473a nū || hālġe meahte, / wīse wunder Godes! || Wē ġe·sāwon / þ
Daniel 479b For·þon wīteĝað || þurh wunder maniġ / hālĝum gāstum || þ
Daniel 536b īsne word-cwide. || Oft% hē wunder maniġ, / metodes meahta, || fo
Daniel 551b Þæt is, weorodes weard, || wunder unlȳtel, / þæt þū ġe·sā
Daniel 603b / weorode ġe·worhte || þurh wunder miċel, / wearþ þā ān-hyġd
Daniel 652b ah. / Wyrd wæs ġe·worden, || wunder ġe·cȳðed, / swefn ġe·sē
Daniel 730b m. / Weorode cōmon || on þæt wunder sêon. / Sōhton þā swīðe |
Daniel 759b siþþan him wuldres weard || wunder ġe·cȳðde, / þæt hē wǣre
Andreas 604b e, / hwæðer wealdend þīn || wunder on eorðan, / þā hē ġe·fre
Andreas 620a ran fremede || folces rǣswum / wunder aefter wundre || on wera ġe
Andreas 712b n. / Swelċe hē wrætlīċe || wunder ā·græfene%, / an·līcnesse
Andreas 730a ēode || bēacen æt·īewan, / wunder ġe·weorðan || on wera ġe
Andreas 736a ·hylman || hǣlendes be·bod / wunder fore weorodum, || ac of weall
Elene 388a blinne. || Sint on bōcum his / wunder þā hē worhte || on ġe·wr
Elene 428a cȳðde || cyning æl-mehtiġ / wunder for weorodum || be þām wuld
Elene 458a mynde, || swā him ā sċyle, / wunder þā þe worhte || weoroda dr
Elene 673b ·sāwon / hira will-ġiefan || wunder cȳðan, / þā ðǣr of heolst
Elene 815a e inn-ġe·mynd / ǣr iċ þæt wunder || on·wriġen hæfde / ymb þo
Christ C 1015a eġesan. / For·þon nis ǣniġ wunder || hū him weorold-manna / sēo
Guthlac A 156a ū ġīena || þurh gǣstlicu / wunder hine% weorðiaþ || and his w
Riddles 47 2b tlicu wyrd, || þā iċ þæt wunder ġe·fræġn, / þæt sē wyrm
Resignation 3a ċōpe heofon and eorðan / and wunder eall, || min wunder-cyning, /
Beowulf 931a ndle; || ā mæġ god wyrċan / wunder aefter wundre, || wuldres hī
Beowulf 2759a enian || grunde ġe·tēnġe, / wunder on wealle || and þæs wyrmes
Beowulf 3103a || searu-ġimma% ġe·þræc, / wunder under wealle; || iċ ēow wī
The Paris Psalter 104:2 2a and sallettaþ / seċġaþ his wunder eall || wīde mǣru. / / # / Her
The Paris Psalter 104:5 1b on mōde, || hū hē maniġ wunder / worhte wræclīċe, || wunder
The Paris Psalter 104:5 2b wunder / worhte wræclīċe, || wunder unlȳtel, / and his mūðes ēa
The Paris Psalter 105:7 2a te ne on·cnēowon / ealle þā wunder || þe þū on Eġyptum / worht
The Paris Psalter 105:7 3b ptum / worhtest wræclīċe, || wunder unlȳtel; / nēaron hīe ġe·m
The Paris Psalter 105:18 3b e, / þe on Eġyptum || æðele wunder% / and on Chananea || cȳmu worh
The Paris Psalter 105:18 5a ea || cȳmu worhte / and recene wunder || on þǣmrēadan sǣ. / / # /
The Paris Psalter 106:7 3a || and ēac seċġaþ / miċel wunder his || manna bearnum. / / # / For
The Paris Psalter 106:14 3a n% || and ēac cweðen / miċel wunder his% || ofer manna bearn. / / #
The Paris Psalter 106:20 3a || manna cynne; / miċel is his wunder || ofer manna bearn. / / # / Hīe
The Paris Psalter 106:30 3a | manna cynne; / mǣre sind his wunder || ofer manna bearn. / / # / For
The Paris Psalter 118:18 3a þīnre ǣ || eall sċēawian / wunder wræclicu, || þā þū worht
The Paris Psalter 125:3 3a mehtiġ drihten, / þā hē him wunder mid || worhte seldliċ; / ġe·
The Paris Psalter 125:3 5a | mehtiġ drihten, / þæt þū wunder mid ūs || wyrċe mǣre, / and
The Paris Psalter 130:2 2a æġene || miċelum gange / nē wunder ofer mē || wuniaþ ǣniġ. / /
The Paris Psalter 135:4 1a miċel tō weorolde. / / # / Hē wunder dyde || wierðliċ ana. / / # / S
The Paris Psalter 144:5 4a weredum seċġaþ / eall þīn wunder || wīde mǣre. / / # / And hīe
The Paris Psalter 70:16 4a eom gamol wintrum. / / # / Ā iċ wunder þīn || wierðliċ sæġde, /
The Paris Psalter 70:18 3a , god, || hēah ġe·worhtest / wunder wræclicu; || nis þē, wuldr
The Paris Psalter 71:19 3a simle ġe·blētsod, / sē þe wunder miċel || wyrċeþ ana; / sīe
The Paris Psalter 74:2 1a ede ċīeġen. / / # / Iċ þīn wunder eall || wræcliċ sæċġe, / s
The Paris Psalter 76:9 4a a god, || þe ǣghwelċ meaht / wunder ġe·wyrċan || on weorold-l
The Paris Psalter 77:5 2b ā miċelan meaht, || maniĝu wunder, / þā hē ġe·worhte || wera
The Paris Psalter 78:10 1a myndiġ, / þæt hē æt fruman wunder || fǣġer ġe·worhte.’ / <T
The Paris Psalter 85:9 2a ċela || mihtĝa drihten, / þe wunder meaht || wyrċan ana. / / # / Ġe
The Paris Psalter 87:10 1a be and ­þenie. / / # / Ne hūru wunder || wyrċaþ dēade, / oþþe h
The Paris Psalter 87:11 2b e·hyġdum / ǣniġ wīslicu || wunder on·cnāwan, / oþþe þīn sō
The Paris Psalter 88:4 2a taþ, || hāliġ drihten, / hū wunder þīn || wræcliċ standeþ, /
The Paris Psalter 95:3 3b allum folcum || his fæġere% wunder. / / # / Hē is sē miċela god; |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 7a nce and hēane. / Nis þæt nan wunder, || for·þǣm witan ealle / þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 80a middum wunaþ; / nis þæt nan wunder || þæt hēo sīe wearm and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 117a ·weorc. / Ne þyncþ mē þæt wunder || wihte þe lǣsse / þæt þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 61a ē ǣr sæġde. / Nis þæt nan wunder, || for·­þǣm hīe willaþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 64b wætere. || Ne þyncþ þæt wunder miċel / manna ǣngum || þæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 68b ēah hit wīsra ġe·hwǣm || wunder þynċe / on his mōd-sefan ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 83a | þe mannum nū / wæfþu% and wunder || wēlhwǣr þynceþ.
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 17a hē ana stent. / Nis þæt nan wunder; || hē is wundrum fæst%, / up-
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 77a -ġe·sċeafta. / Nis þæt nan wunder; || hē is weoroda god, / cyning
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 93a der wealdeþ%. / Nis þæt nan wunder, || for·þǣm wuhta nan / ǣfre
Solomon and Saturn 76a rtis’. / ‘Ac hwæt is þæt wunder || þe ġond ­þās weorold
A Prayer 39a rt, || mehtiġ drihten. / Ac is wunder miċel, || wealdend engla, / ġ